both as pieces of work for product design - callum henn

PRODUCT PRODUCT ANALYSIS ANALYSIS By Callum Henn Universal Serial Bus or better known as a USB is a flash drive used for storing multimedia, documentation and many other types of digital media. How much a USB drive can hold is dependant on its capacity, storage space can range between 256mb (256,000 bytes) and 1TB (1000,000,000 bytes). USB’s can now be used with many different devices, such as PC’s, Mac’s Games consoles, TV’s and many more. This means a USB can be beneficial to anyone's life when sharing media on the go, the work place or even at home. My USB will be based along the comic book superhero Spider-Man, I plan to use lightweight non-hazardous materials so that it is not a threat to young people who have purchased the product and look to make the product appealing, simple and fun to use all based around the original and new generations of spider-man.

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AS product design work of callum henn


Page 1: Both AS pieces of work for product design - Callum Henn


By Callum Henn

Universal Serial Bus or better known as a USB is a flash drive used for storing multimedia, documentation and many other types of digital media. How much a USB drive can hold is dependant on its capacity, storage space can range between 256mb (256,000 bytes) and 1TB (1000,000,000 bytes). USB’s can now be used with many different devices, such as PC’s, Mac’s Games consoles, TV’s and many more. This means a USB can be beneficial to anyone's life when sharing media on the go, the work place or even at home.

My USB will be based along the comic book superhero Spider-Man, I plan to use lightweight non-hazardous materials so that it is not a threat to young people who have purchased the product and look to make the product appealing, simple and fun to use all based around the original and new generations of spider-man.

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Digital Memory USB stick’s are a new and exciting piece of technology that has enabled designers and manufacturers to explore new ideas for products that are innovative, compact and relatively cheap.

Needs of the client are that product needs to have information based on the original and new generations of spider-man. The packaging to be small, yet protective as the USB its self is a one-off as its unique. Make sure that the product is robust and stylish.

My target market is gaming fans of the sci-fi genre. Fans of the comic book, TV series and movie franchise its self and audiences between the ages of 7 and 50. This I feel is a large enough market for product to be a success product, I also feel that its not just a one off product that will be a 5 minute wonder and that it will be able to be sold for a fairly long time. As The Amazing Spider-man has been around for such a long time and been so successful for so long.

I will look for inspiration from original comic book pages for the packaging its self, commonly found logos and specific spider-man content which will be seen through out all the generations for bigger fans of the comic book super hero. This makes the product specific to my target market, As far as the packaging is concerned I will look for inspiration from previous covers of comic books, film covers and think about taking samples to use for my packaging.

Manufacturing issues that must considered are the cost. The cost should be relatively low as the packaging will be made from printed on laminated card.

Is my product likely to be sustainable? My product will be sustainable because of spider-man has been around for so long in so many different formats (comic books, TV series, films) the ages of fans are also very big meaning that there will be many potential customers.

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PACKAGING ANALYSISPACKAGING ANALYSISI came to the conclusion that the packaging for the product ‘Mega Jumps’ has been designed cleverly in terms of how appealing it is to the target market. Which is quite clearly stated on the packaging for children over the age of 5+, using colourful yet clear packaging it is ideal for catching the eye of children. As far as how robust the packaging material is again, it is ideal for children as it is strong enough to with stand the force of angry toddlers. The overall product protection is good, but a ‘try me’ hole could be potentially damaging to the product if something that shouldn’t were to get in there. But on the whole a well protected product. The materials it is made from are, high density polyethylene and laminated cardboard. This means it will be relatively cheap to produce. The negative sides of this product is that it has a choking hazard which means this is going to be fairly dangerous to any children under the age of 3. The other is that the product packaging is near enough completely un recyclable with the amount of plastic used.

The iPod box I found was a very well designed simple yet appealing from of packaging made from simple laminated card. Product protection is fairly basic, protects the actual product, but the packaging it self is dented very easily meaning the packaging can be produced on a massive scale very cheaply. The transport of the product overall would be very easy probably loaded in boxes or crates. No chance of choking hazard other than the cellophane wrap which is the primary coat of protection for the rest of the box, this can be easily removed.

The paintbrush casing is simple but effective, simple design and colour scheme but provides protection to the product. But the packaging its self isn't very robust, easily torn, dented, etc.. Made from printed-on cardboard its cheap to produce. Zero chance of any danger for young children, no toxic chemicals on the packaging no choking hazards.

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Theme researchTheme research There is plenty of merchandise based on the spider-man theme as it has been such a success with

previous generations including our own so designing my product and packaging is going to be fairly difficult, I’m lucky in the sense that there is only one product which is similar to mine but the whole design and concept of it is completely different. I’m going to have to use images to find inspiration for my packaging and use plenty of bright, original and related theme colours to grab my target markets eye. By doing this then my product is going to be a success which is a positive because I’ve set out for it not be a minute wonder and more of a long term thing as it is suitable for age, fans new and old.

As you can see from one of the images below there are similar products to mine. The reason why I have still chosen to make something similar is because mine will be unique and be made with quality and care. Also mine is a collectors item bringing it above the wish lists of other people who want a similar sort of product.

The likely consumer of my product is anyone between the ages of 7 and 50. Reasons being as young children love comic book superheroes. And the 50 year olds I people who grew up with it when Spider-man first started to become big. This is who I have identified as my target market. Other possible consumers would be collectors, like I stated earlier this is a collectors item that is one-of-a-kind. There for I think these people would be the most likely people to buy the product. But there will be others too. I think that my product will sell well in the build up to Christmas time.

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CLIENTCLIENT Billy Stevens – Relate colour scheme to series overall, original concepts, keep originalities,

user friendly, keep easy to use. Ergonomically good. “I think it your product is commercially viable because, Spiderman has been around for so long so it has had time to build a huge fan base. As far as profit’s concerned you should be okay. The shape is relatively simple so transportation will be easy and I think you have a good market out there for your product.”

Ollie Daughtery – Keep my device user friendly and lightweight, keep the colour scheme of the super I’m focusing on. Need to give a nice feel to it i.e. smooth round the edges. Packaging needs to be relevant to original and newer generations. Make sure its suitable for anyone between the ages of 7 and 50 as that’s is the target market. “I don’t think that your USB stick is commercially viable, Callum, because it there is a lot of Spider-man merchandise out there and I think it is probably very common to see things such as Spider-man USB sticks.”

James Freeman – Keep it easy to hold and carry around, so keep it easily portable. Make sure its big enough to not loose but not small enough that its not lost easily. Make sure its colourful, keep it unique. Make sure its compatible with the target audience. “Your USB stick I think is very commercially viable, reason being is because you have in mind exactly who your target market are and have kept it very simple. Also it being a collectors item means fans will probably want to get there hands on one as its something special.”

Lewis Tribe – Make colours are relevant i.e. red and black. Simple and effective so it does the job. keep it a minimal size but make sure its not to heavy and not to small that its easily lost or misplaced. “I think the product is commercially viable because it’s unique and has a interesting design that will catch the eye of customers.”

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USB full length – 46mmUSB full width – 13.5mm

Head width – 12mmHead length – 19mm

USB circuit board length – 28mmUSB circuit board width – 13mm

USB port width -15mm

USB port length - 7mm

It is important I know these measurements of the USB stick and the port of the USB stick, so I am able to design the size of my product around it. My design size needs to be quite specific as it must not be to big nor it be to small. Looking at these USB measurements I am to estimate how big my design must be at a minimum for USB its self to fit in well.

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RESEARCH ANALYSISRESEARCH ANALYSISPackaging analysis I came up with a few ideas that are suitable for my product. I think I should make the packaging out

of high quality card much similar to iPod box. Use relevant images to make my packaging not look to cheap but original and classy. This may be hard to do with such material but it makes it plain and simple and has a nice finish to the box. It also makes life easier to print on with the ideas I have come up with. An example I have come up with is a comic strip style box. On the inside of the packaging it will have a foam bed for USB to rest on which will be cut to fit well.

Component research From the component research I've spotted that I need to make sure the slots for the USB to fit in

need to be cut perfectly so its not loose. But fits comfortably in the designated slot. It also means that I must get the design of the product to the right size. This is important as I don’t want the USB head to be small compared to the design its self as I don’t want the design to block other computer ports i.e. HDMI port, headphone and microphone jack. This is why I need to measure the USB drive and stick so my casing is the ideal size. Also I must think about will people buy it with the capacity that the USB has?

Client interview Judging by what potential customers have said I feel that I need to keep design original and

packaging relevant and unique. So I will keep this information in mind and take it in to consideration when designing my USB stick and packaging. I must also make sure that the product is commercially viable. 75% of those that were interviewed believe that my product sis commercially viable. This leaves me with the question how can I make the other 25% of interviewees believe it can be commercially viable. This may give a strong indication as to how well my product will sell. There for I must develop my ideas further.

Theme research Looking at my theme research I need to make sure that the design is simple and unique. Keep the

colours relevant to Spiderman i.e. Reds, blues etc.. I must also think about what kind of style my design for the USB and packaging is going to be like. i.e. will it be the retro, comic book or movie style spider-man. If I am for example to go with say the movie style spider-man how much impact will it have on how well the product sells? (If any impact at all). So I need to choose a theme style that suits and looks better on my product and one that will be more aesthetically appealing to my target market.

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Digital Memory Specification (homework)Digital Memory Specification (homework)Cost – The cost of my product essentially should retail for I would say £14.99 reasons behind this our the quality of the product is very high, in more ways then one. The design of the USB and packaging are unique and is made all by hand. As well as the information being stored on the USB its very unique as there is no other product like it. It’s very affordable to my target market. People who would purchase it would be big fans of the comic book super hero young or old and or people who are just getting in to spider-man or those who would like a little more of the background history of spider-man. It could be sold in shops such as WHSmiths, the works, toy shops and supermarkets.Aesthetics – The looks are key to the USB stick and the packaging as its mainly intended to be a collectors item and used for the long term. There for the design of both these things need to be appealing, unique and interesting . Colour schemes I will stick to our those of the original spider-man costume (Red/blue/black) as this makes the product distinct and easily recognisable to be associated with spider-man. As for the packaging it needs to be again easily recognised as a spider-man product so I will stick to a original spider-man comic book strip layout for the packaging so again its very relevant to the spider-man theme.Function – The products primary function is to essentially to distribute information on everything spider-man. Covering everything from how spider-man was created all the way to the recent spider-man movie released back in July 2012. Once the product has been used and there is no need to be plugged in again, two things can be done to it.. It can be passed on to family, friends or it can be put away back in its box to be part of someone's collection of all things spider-man. After all, it is intended to be a collectors item.Ergonomics –The ergonomics to my USB stick isn’t terribly important. I want it to feel nice and be a good size as it’s a collectors item but for hand comfort it is not a major issue as it something that wont be carried around as a general memory stick.Quality –I will make sure the quality is kept high of my product by ensuring it is made from high quality materials and high quality paint. The reason for this is that the product its self is meant to last for a long time as it’s a limited/collectors edition. There for I’m going to have to put the product to the test to ensure that it has a long product lifespan.User – My target market has its benefits as its got quite big gaps in places. i.e. Target market age range’s between 7-50 for those who are young fans and those who have been lifetime fans of spider-man. The product will be tailored to fit all there needs and wants by covering the whole world of spider-man and keeping it easy on finding what information they want out, so what ever it maybe they want to see it’s there for them to find. This keeps the customer happy and the product remains useful at all times.Environment - The product packaging can be easily recycled as it will be made from lightweight card. The product shouldn’t have to much of an environmental effect as the user should ideally keeping it some form of storage at the end of the products life. This will be the main cause for limiting any form of pollution to the environment.Safety - Customer safety is not an issue in terms that they need not worry about harming them selves when using the product and or using the packaging. All though I would recommend that the product is only suitable for 3+ due to the minor possibility of chocking hazards (USB shell could snap and the USB its self could become exposed and easily swallowed).

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Product size

Made from Ash, hardwood. Long life span.

Created on SolidWorks

Positives•Easy to make•Simple to use•Original design•Fits nicely in the hand

Negatives•Could interfere with other computer ports•Very basic•Not very appealing

The product is 1 of 2 designs and is my least favourite but probably the most simplest to make

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Product size

Clear acyclic

Red acrylic pieces

2D design made

This is my favourite of all 2 designs that have been made.

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Flaps to hold on to box Cover whole

boxOriginal design



Positives•Fits perfectly•Original design •Safe•Easily transportable

Negatives•Not very durable

This is the design for my packaging. It fits perfectly to the box for my product. The product will be kept safe and is an aesthetically appealing design.

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This model is good because it is original and aesthetically appealing. It will be low cost to produce and is built with ergonomics in mind. It fits nicely in the hand it isn't to bulky and is lightweight. It was created using 2d design as you can see by looking at the picture in the bottom-left-hand corner. The final product if I choose to carry on with this product will be predominantly red and blue. The reason for this is because these are the primary colours of the theme and will be what my target market will want to see. The one negative I have about the product is that it comes with a small cap which can be easily lost as it is detachable and safety wise this is not good enough as it is a choking hazard and should not be used by any one under the age of 3.

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This model will be the one I choose to carry on with. The reason for this is because I think that aesthetically it is the most appealing as this one model has been paid a lot more attention with in terms of detail. But this being the case it is going to be the most expensive to produce as it will be made with two different types of material (Beech and an Acrylic finish.) It will be the most ergonomic design yet as it has curves to suit the shape of the gripped hand is light weight enough to be portable. In terms of safety it has low risk as there isn't many small choking hazards and the design is built specifically for children as well as adults. It is made with the upmost quality due to the precision and attention to detail that has been paid towards and the materials that will be going into it. With concerns to the environmental impact it isn't all that bad as it is built to last (This is why I am using a hardwood with acrylic.) I think this will also be the most successful of the models because of its aesthetics and its build quality.

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This is the model I have created and chosen to continue with. The reason why I have chosen to use this is because it gives the packaging an authentic, luxurious and classic look there for the aesthetics and the quality of the product is good and I think it will appeal to my target market. As you can see below there is a net I created using 2d design and contains all of the preferred images I collected. The box supporting it underneath is made from recycled materials (Old phone box with high quality printed on card. The whole packaging is100% recyclable and provides enough room and support for the USB it’s self with no physical damage being able to occur so there is little impact on the environment. The packaging is easily and stackable making it very convenient for transport this again allows the product to have very little impact on our environment. Accessibility of the box is simple and effective. Thus making the packaging worthy of creating. The packaging is safe as it has no choking hazards or made with any potentially dangerous substances.

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FOCUS GROUP FOCUS GROUP ANALYSISANALYSIS The feedback that I had received was useful in the sense that the audience I shared my product with was very

similar to my target market. The kind of questions I was asked were suitable for my product and has helped me develop my ideas and expand on the original thought of USB and packaging.

Feed back received –Feed back received – ‘‘Add more curve to your prototype as it’s a face you could get away with curving it to fit the palm of the human Add more curve to your prototype as it’s a face you could get away with curving it to fit the palm of the human

hand’hand’ ‘‘Make sure the Packaging doesn’t look cheap and make it original. Add some colours which are relevant to the Make sure the Packaging doesn’t look cheap and make it original. Add some colours which are relevant to the

theme. Maybe use a comic book strip as packaging?’theme. Maybe use a comic book strip as packaging?’ ‘‘You could have a one side of the face as a cap for the USB head its self’You could have a one side of the face as a cap for the USB head its self’

Advice I have taken is the first two comments because I think that it will benefit my product ergonomically because it will mean that it will fit better in the hands of people and can will be conferrable to carry and easily held with no loss of grip. I have also decided to make a change to my product concerning my packaging. I think taking on the idea of a comic book strip will make the product more aesthetically appealing and will make customers more willing to purchase it has it looks as if the product has history and class as it has taken into consideration lots of old style original spider-man comics.I have decided NOT to taken advice and make changes to my design regarding the last comment is because I think by adding a cap to my product will make the product dangerous as it will become a hazard to young children who are part of my target market and if the cap gets lost the product goes to waste as it is built to last a long time.

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This is my final design development. As you can see I have used 2D Design to develop my final ideas. I will then proceed to use the hardwood ‘Ash’ to give the product a long life cycle as this is a hardwood it provides good strength and has a relatively long life span and as I mentioned back in the specification the product has been designed to last a long time.

Before AfterNet to be wrapped around this.

The problems I encountered were that during my the making my prototype there were problems with opening mechanism. I then hit a brick wall because I hadn’t though about how I’m going to get this to work. So I had to make multiple other prototypes which included different shapes and sizes. Some of these images can be seen in the introduction slide of my presentation. This image shown here with the vertical hinges was initially a good idea but the USB port it self would not be able to click into place properly so this then became another failed idea.

In the end I have decided I’m going to use the simple clip in mechanism. It is very basic but it’s very user friendly and is the most effective way for a USB stick to work and provides just as good protection as any other opening mechanism. This is why I have finally chosen this method.

This net is the perfect size and shape. I created this by programming the laser cutter to cut this out using 2D Design. This is just the prototype of my net, the next stage will be to print out my design on to this. Now that my net is complete I am able to wrap it around the box I have taken from home, I must cut around the paper net carefully and then I will tack it on to the box as shown below. This image is not my own as the box has now been complete. The box is the same but the source of the image is Google.

I have 4 things in total to cut out using the laser cutter. In figure 1 I will cut it out using the hardwood Ash. The total design will consist of 4 layers. The first 3 will be Ash, the USB cut out slot will be layer number 3 of the 4 layers. The first layer will be made from different colours of acrylic that slot in to place much like a puzzle., this figure 2. It will divide down the middle for easy access to the USB port head.

Figure 1

Figure 2

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WWW – I think you got the product pricing spot on. I think £14.99 is a

good price to pay possibly a little bit expensive but I definitely think that it is a fair price to pay. Although if I were to buy it I wouldn’t pay a penny extra.

I really like the design I think you chose well there. I think it would appeal to your target market really well and would sell pretty well if it were in the shops.

The main function works and that is to get the USB to store memory and there is no problem there so its good.

EBI – I’m not sure on the colour scheme because I thought you could have made the colours

the same as it was on each characters suit this is what you said you would do in the spec so I think you could of improved this.

The USB itself is slightly bent so I think you could of tried out another one before you put this into your product it doesn’t look as good as it could because of this, it doesn’t look like you the product has a lot of quality like you said it would.

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WWW – The overall design looks like it has taken some time design because the

intricate design. It think it would appeal to a wide range of people including my self so I don’t think you’d have a problem drawing customers in with the look of it. I also like the way you have contrasted the colours and the two characters faces as it includes a range of characters making it appeal to an even wider range of customers.

I think you have taken the ergonomics into consideration really well the product isn’t to heavy nor is not to bulky, its curved so trying to grip it isn’t a problem it is also really smooth with acrylic and sanded sides. It feels really good to hold, it’s also perfectly symmetrical again making it easy to hold.

EBI – You could of incorporated maybe a few more colours, although what

you have done already I think is sufficient. I think this would make the product look a little bit more legitamate towards spider-man.

The other cap to the USB is really quite loose so could be lost quite easily, maybe you could have added a magnetic strip to reduce the risk of loosing it?

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Looking at my final products I am pleased how they came out. Despite being slightly late in finishing some of the work off I think I have made a very good job of my first Product Design project. Especially it being my first time taking the subject as I did not take it at GCSE level I have been thrown in at the deep end at AS level, I think I am able to cope with the intensity of the course.

I have given the whole project my best shot despite rushing the later stages of it. The final products were a USB and packaging based on the comic book super hero , ‘spider-man’ Looking at the consumer feedback I received I think I reached the majority of my targets. An example could be that I have met the target of making sure my product is commercially viable. I can see that It is because of the majority of positive comments I received in my consumer feedback slides. I think that my product is commercially viable because of the aim of trying to meet my objectives, one of my objectives were to bear in mind ergonomics of my product, it’s easy to get carried away with focusing on the aesthetics but I made sure that the product shape and size is ideal for the average size human hand. As for the aesthetics as I stated in the specification I wanted to make the colour relate to the actual suits of the two characters. I’m not overall pleased with this because the colours aren’t quite what I wanted but I made sure that they were as close as possible to what I originally wanted. This may have an impact on the amount of products I sell but I think because it’s a limited edition piece the unique colours give it unique qualities. I have taken into consideration what my clients have said when developing my USB stick, one of the comments from Oliver Daughtery was to keep the device lightweight and user friendly. I have taken this into consideration and made it one of my top priorities. I tried to incorporate it into my USB as much as possible I think I have delivered this I think that my clients believe I have by looking at my consumer feedback. Obviously I when making the initial design I needed to make sure that the memory stick would not obstruct any laptop/PC or other media device’s ports. This would become a problem for the user and may then affect my future sales. So when thinking about the size of the product I had to strike the right balance between ideal handheld size and it fitting in to a computer etc.. I have struck this balance extremely well I think because of I tested it on several different computers and other computing hardware and the result was good. The cost of my product is fair, I think this because the product was built with quality in mind. This is why I used hardwood (Ash) as part of the layering for the USB because hardwoods tend to be very strong and have a good life span, so the product is going to last a long time there for this gives the product quality. The product also is a special edition item this why I have priced it at £14.99 I think the final product is worthy of the price tag, I am happy with the decisions I have made on this. I have chosen well when deciding the price tag as Lewis Tribe (client) said in my consumer feedback that he would not pay a penny over this but would be quite happy to pay for the product. I have no concerns over the function of the final product. It does what is supposed to do and that is to provide storage space for the user. So I have no issues here and I am happy with this. The environmental issues it has is that it does not have a long term impact on the earth, the high quality packaging it comes in is entirely 100% recyclable and the USB stick it’s self is designed to last a long time so it wont be thrown in to landfill anytime soon. This I am happy about because one of my goals was to not have a long lasting impact on the environment. My mind can be set to rest with the safety of the product, this is because the product does not contain any tiny choking hazards so my product so I am pleased it can be used by anybody, however this would have not have affected my target market in the first place because they are aged between 7-50.

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Individual things I’m happy about are the packaging because of the time it took to make, although it didn’t take that long to make I worked hard on it and made sure that the quality was as high as possible. The packaging is easy to get into, 100% recyclable and aesthetically good. I based the design on different comic front cover designs from over the years this I think gives the packaging a nice and vintage feel. I made sure included packaging labels as well e.g. barcode.

STRENGTHS – The product is unique to any other Spider-man USB stick out on the market. It has the potential to be a very profitable product due to my large target market because of the history behind the franchise. It very aesthetically appealing and can be one of a kind due to the special edition status it has this gives it the ‘want’ factor. It has a very long product life expectancy and is very affordable for a niche market product.

WEAKNESSES - Although my USB has lots of strengths it also comes with its weaknesses. These are that the product has the potential to flop because of the amount of Spider-man merchandise out there on the market it becomes just another product in a sea of red and blue spider-man merchandise. The product may be lost because of the ease the USB protective head falls out.

CONCLUSION – To conclude my presentation I am happy with how my product has turned out like I mentioned in the start of the evaluation slides. I think my product has the potential to be massive and will be a big hitter with people young, old and different ethnic and social groups. I think my product is definitely commercially viable. But I still think I could have spent a little more time on it all though I do not know what else I would like to improve other than what has previously been stated.

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Callum Henn

During this project I will design, develop and manufacture a prototype lamp inspired by a 20th Century design movement, I have chosen Art Deco. I will be given a ready made 12v unit similar to that shown below. I must make clear the purpose of the lamp and clearly state your target market. The final outcome should be designed to go on sale as part of a new collection called “Inspired by the Past” in a high end design, furniture and home ware store. The reason why I have chosen to have my lighting project in the style of Art Deco is because I really like the style it was also my favoured choice from the options. Additionally I fully understand the theme and design and what needs to be incorporated.

The people I have identified as my target market are people who are old enough to be able to respect the design. So I think it would be 35+ people with a lot of spare cash as the design does not come cheaply when designed and built with quality. So quite possibly it would be people that own a house that has no mortgage on it. This is how I would best describe my target market.

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Art Deco is a fashionable design movement that lasted for about 14 years starting from 1925, affecting building design, interior design, and industrial design, graphic arts, and film. Art Deco was originally used as decoration to make a house or home or a design slightly more attractive. This style was seen as elegant, functional, modern, with a strong use of geometric shapes and evolved the way in which we see some buildings and features today.

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CCost – The cost of the product was relatively low, costing only £11.99 RRP. I think the lamp to build would be cheap because the lamp is showing signs of ‘wear and tear’ at an early stage of the product’s life.

AAesthetics – The product its self I think is visually appealing because it is a simple design and contains the same shape through out the complete design of the lamp.

FFunction – The lamp is there to provide light. It has a touch function where by if you touch any part of the metal base the light will turn on/off.

EErgonomics – The product is very easy to use for the person operating as it requires one touch on/off. The product is also conferrable as it features flat surfaces which makes it nice to touch.

QQuality – The quality of the lamp is not very good because the canvas lampshade has begun to tear with in 1 year of use. The cabling has also split.

UUser – The product is made for no one in particular, but it is versatile as it responds to the slightest of touches with any part of the body. So the lamp is appropriate for anybody and everybody.

EEnvironment – As far as I can tell the product is not recyclable, although the canvas could be re-used for multiple purposes. For these reasons, I would not rate the product as environmentally ‘friendly’


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As you can see the lamp contains the ‘CE’ symbol featuring on the base of the product. The CE mark means that the product has met certain standards of quality and safety and are thus eligible to be sold within the European Economic area for meeting the set standards.

This symbol here is the British Standard logo. So if the product meets the British standard it will also meet the European Standard. So the lamp I have purchased is legally eligible to be operated in this country.

The Square in a square also indicates that the product is an electrical appliance.

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These are my thumbnail designs produced on A3. From these 9 different designs I will choose 1 to create as my real life lighting product.This my favourite

design which I think will be the design I choose to you. The inspiration from this design was this photo taken from with in the lobby of the empire state building.

The step design is what inspired me I then took samples of the bottom rectangles and then fiddled with them to come up with this thumbnail design.

This image here is the one I think I’m going to turn into my second developed design along with the first image I wrote about (on the left) the reason for this is because it is my second favourite out of what is left. I also think its good because it follows the Art Deco step pattern.

This thumbnail design I made by taking the following picture and then dismantling it in my head and recreating it on paper. As you can see, there are similar components in this drawing as there is in the picture.

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COSTCOST - My piece of lighting is going to cost in the region of £45-£65 as the product is for a high end - My piece of lighting is going to cost in the region of £45-£65 as the product is for a high end furniture store. I think that this is a reasonable price for my lamp because it will be high quality and is furniture store. I think that this is a reasonable price for my lamp because it will be high quality and is unique so no other design will be the same as mine.unique so no other design will be the same as mine.

AESTHETICS AESTHETICS – Obviously the design theme is set on my choice of Art Deco, but I will make sure the lamp – Obviously the design theme is set on my choice of Art Deco, but I will make sure the lamp is decorative and attractive to draw in the customers. The product is probably more likely to be purchased is decorative and attractive to draw in the customers. The product is probably more likely to be purchased because of the look rather than the actual function itself because all lamps do the same thing so I need to because of the look rather than the actual function itself because all lamps do the same thing so I need to focus on this area more than others.focus on this area more than others.

FUNCTIONFUNCTION – The product’s main function is to provide light in small dark areas possibly for reading or just – The product’s main function is to provide light in small dark areas possibly for reading or just to brighten things up in a room. The function of a lamp is simple, but needs to be effective. I must think to brighten things up in a room. The function of a lamp is simple, but needs to be effective. I must think about where I am going to place the bulb and where will the light shine brightest.about where I am going to place the bulb and where will the light shine brightest.

ERGONOMICSERGONOMICS - The lamp will not be huge and is not going to be very bulky so the lamp will be - The lamp will not be huge and is not going to be very bulky so the lamp will be lightweight to carry. This is important because it may need to be moved often into different areas. Also the lightweight to carry. This is important because it may need to be moved often into different areas. Also the design is quite old fashioned so more elderly people may buy it; I will have to make the lamp easy to carry design is quite old fashioned so more elderly people may buy it; I will have to make the lamp easy to carry and lightweight so the elderly can cope with it.and lightweight so the elderly can cope with it.

QUALITYQUALITY – The quality is a very important because of the cost. The higher the cost of the product I think – The quality is a very important because of the cost. The higher the cost of the product I think the higher the quality should be. I will make the lamp with high quality hard woods and high end paints to the higher the quality should be. I will make the lamp with high quality hard woods and high end paints to make the product life last as long as possible.make the product life last as long as possible.

USERUSER – The user of my lamp I estimate to be around the age of 40-65 the reason being because as – The user of my lamp I estimate to be around the age of 40-65 the reason being because as previously stated the design is quite old fashioned and I think it is an acquired taste and you must have previously stated the design is quite old fashioned and I think it is an acquired taste and you must have other Art Deco decoration for it to suit. Also the product is quite expensive and generally the older other Art Deco decoration for it to suit. Also the product is quite expensive and generally the older someone is the more money they have so they will be able to afford my product.someone is the more money they have so they will be able to afford my product.

ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT – The lamp will use low energy bulbs to be energy efficient. I will also make the product – The lamp will use low energy bulbs to be energy efficient. I will also make the product to last a long time so that it does not get thrown a way and put into landfill. These are the two ways in to last a long time so that it does not get thrown a way and put into landfill. These are the two ways in which I think the product will have a better impact on the environment.which I think the product will have a better impact on the environment.

SAFETYSAFETY – This is a very important factor as the product is an electrical appliance. I must make the lamp – This is a very important factor as the product is an electrical appliance. I must make the lamp meet all EU and British quality regulations. I will make sure that the lamp has one single wire to reduce the meet all EU and British quality regulations. I will make sure that the lamp has one single wire to reduce the risk of accidents i.e. tripping over the wire. I will also make sure that there are no live wires hanging out to risk of accidents i.e. tripping over the wire. I will also make sure that there are no live wires hanging out to reduce the risk of electrical shock.reduce the risk of electrical shock.

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This is the first of 2 designs. As you can see it follows the same design movement as the Art Deco designs. It will be just over half a meter tall reaching just 52cm. The colour schemes will be different shades of brown on different types of hard wood for example Ash. This will make the product sturdy and should withstand impact relatively well being a desk lamp it is probably going to be knocked over easily aswell so it needs to have good strength. Other properties this design will contain is that it will have bendy thick wire that upholds the light so that the user can adjust to suit. This specific design I think will cost in the region of £56. I think that the environmental impact will not be that bad once the product has been built because of the use of hard wood which will give the product a longer life span. Recourses I will need are..•Hard woods•Mirrored plastics or acrylics•Light source•Plastic buttons or indicators

I think the cost of the product reflects what I put down in the specification because of the detail which will be put into it. The height of it is ideal for the cost and using different types of hardwood will increase the total cost of producing the product therefore I should include it in the price when selling it on. The ergonomics of this specific design reflects the specification because of it isn't to large to carry and is small enough to fit in tight spaces. The amount of time and quality that will be put into it will be a lot so I think the total estimated cost is fair.

The manufacturing choices I am going to need to consider are: The time, I am going to put lots of time into the manufacturing process to make as higher quality product as possible. However, I am not sure how I am going to do this. I think it will take me a few attempts to get the lamp up to the standard I want. So I think I am going to need to repeat the manufacturing process 2-3 times to make it as good as possible. This will link to the accuracy of the product because I need to repeat the product as much as possible to make it as accurate to my standards as possible.

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This is my 2nd out of the 2 designs I made. This one roughly stands at 36cm tall and 33cm wide. I like this design because it shows different levels and pure geometric shapes mirroring the Art Deco theme.With this design I do not think this one reflects the specification I designed as well as the 1st design. The reason being it looks as if it could be hard to produce it in high quality due to the fact that there needs to be a lot of things that need to be joined, this will make it prone to breaking or falling apart and goes against it being built to last as referred to in the environment section. I think that it meets the aesthetics section perfectly though, it matches the theme of Art Deco it has different levels and pure geometric shapes. It is also very interesting to look at.I think if I was to produce this design it would be worth around £25 to £32. I do not think the function is suitable for the design though, the reason for this is because I think it obstructs light. It looks as if it a reading light.

I think that if this was to be manufactured in real factory I reckon that the manufacturing costs would be relatively expensive. I think this because of the materials used are going to cost quite a bit, like hardwoods are going to cost the company quite a bit to buy in large quantities.

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Light test – For this I used different colours and shades of acrylic to see what gave the best effect, colour and what was the most transparent. I came to the conclusion that I liked the white acrylic, the reason being is because I feel it will look the best on what I intend my lamp to look like. It also made the light from the LED look the most powerful and bright, but was not too overwhelming. The white acyclic was also still relatively transparent which was a key factor in why I have decided to use it. Other materials I used in the light test were other colours of acyclic.

Hardness test - The hardness test was a tricky one. I used a hammer to see how strong the materials I am using are (Acrylic, Beech hardwood) The Beech was just fine when hitting it and would also survive a drop from a relatively large height, so there were no problems there. As for the Acrylic it was fine when dropping it, but when using the hammer smash it did begin to crack in some areas and would not with stand maybe 3 or 4 more hits from the hammer.

Weight test – For this I used rough estimates on the quantities of the exact materials I am currently planning on using to make my lamp. This includes, the electrical resources I had been given (LED light, Transformer etc..) and other materials such as Beech, Acrylic etc.. The total weight came to 21.318 KG

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I have developed all of these images using ‘SolidWorks 2010.’I have developed all of these images using ‘SolidWorks 2010.’

TransformerLED light





Fan blade design


Lamp stand 2

These images have been to replicate my initial idea, components I’m going to need to use and an idea I thought of straight off the top of my head. Design 1 hasn’t incurred many changes. The most significant change would be the rounder edges of the fan blades. There was no specific reason for this change I changed it to improve the aesthetics of the design.

For design 2 I thought of this off my head. I incorporated features from design 1 and then took features that I then modified from initial design 2. (See ‘slide8’) this is the design I think I will make now as it is my favourite and its replicates the Art Deco design movement more than design 1 because design 2 incorporates the step design.

These designs show evolution I think mostly through my initial designs. This is because my initial design 1 has had minor changes put on to it and that was reducing the size of the fan blades, the other change was rounding of the ends of the fan blades.

I think the most specific evolution of design has came from initial design 2. This is because it contains features of the design but have rearranged to correspond more towards the Art Deco theme. An example of evolution from initial design 2 can be seen that the top of the lamp has essentially been swapped round so it is the lamp base, I have then used features from initial design 1 and added to it from there. The feature taken was the fan blades. I think this shows evolution on my designs.

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In terms of photos I haven’t got many that show progression due to loosing pictures, so its difficult to write a review but I still think the photos show a vague picture from initial design, testing, manufacturing and the finished product. It may be hard to see from what I have done but problems I encountered was the fan blade, the picture can be seen in top left. The problem I encountered was trying to prevent a gap from showing where the 3 separate pieces of wood have been joined. This took a lot of sanding down to make the inside surfaces even. I then applied glue to the inside of the surfaces and clamped it down to prevent any gaps and from there on I let it dry like that, this solved the problem.

As vague as my photo diary I still think it shows some form of progression. More examples could be seeing the initial drawn design then it transforming it into a Solidworks design then from the Solidworks design to a real life full size product.

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As you can see from the images below, another modification I made was the fan design. I decided to cut of the rounded shape at the top of the part because after a lot of thinking I came to the conclusion that this would improve the similarities between my product and other Art Deco products because after some searching there are a lot of pure geometric shapes in Art Deco design and it can mostly commonly be seen in the form of ‘steps’ so I decided to apply this to my product.

I made some preliminary changes before actually making my product. One of the changes I made was modifying my initial design 2. The product evolved quite dramatically. What I done was take the design and try doing different things to it in an attempt to make it look more aesthetically appealing, I couldn’t quite find what I was looking for, so I borrowed the fan design off my initial design 1 and bingo! I had what I was looking for.

I decided to provide my whole product with a Danish oil finish. The reason why I decided to modify my wood using this finish is because it provides a hard and water-resistant finish. It also gives it a non gloss finish which is what I wanted so the wood kept most of its ‘original’ look and colour.

One of the plans for my design was to put a clear acrylic box around the LED and it would have just fit in around the fan blades. The reason why I didn’t do this is because in all honesty I was running out of time. So if I wanted to finish my product then I had to leave this addition out. However, I think it would have been a nice feature added on. Cons of having it on there would be it would become near on impossible to change the LED. This would become a problem for the customer if something were to happen to the product.

Overall, I think the biggest change but not modification was to use my ‘evolved’ initial design 2 over initial design 1. It would have probably been easier to take the initial design 1 route because I had convinced my self at the start to use this design and everything had been planned out for it. But something made me want to choose my 2nd design at the last minute. I think this was the biggest change because it altered all my plans that had already been made.

Another small change that had to be made was changing the fuse on the plug. This was because the first attempt of turning the lamp on had failed, there for I tried a new fuse, rewired the plug and this meant that the lamp worked properly with no problems what so ever this is still the case now.

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The materials development I have shown here is using solid works photo viewer. This helps give me an insight as to what my final product will look like if I used these materials. As you can see these materials and colours are different. My favourites are ranked from furthest, I have also received comments from class mates about the materials and colours they like on the designs and what ones they think work best. Personally on the design I have decided to manufacture (top row) my favourite material used is the Mahogany and Beech. I think this works best purely because of the colours it has and they are both hard woods so they should increase the products physical life time. On the bottom row you can see the design I have decided NOT to manufacture. Again I have received comments from class mates about what they think works well on the design just to gauge what they like on the design, again my personal favourites are ranked from left to right.

Lewis Tribe – I just like the plastic look on this, I don’t know why I think its just because the colours really stand out which separates it from the others. But I don’t think this would suit Art Deco at all.

Oliver Daughtery – I think the materials used in this picture would best suit your real thing because for me it stands out and the use of the Mahogany really gives it an ‘original’ look. I think out of the choices given this looks the most Art Deco.

Billy Stevens – I like this material best on this design because I like the contrast between the dark and light colours and I can see the pattern you have used 2 dark 1 light and so on.

Curtis Hawkins – I like this one because it has pure it has different tones of the same colour which I think gives it a really cool effect on the fan because it looks like the further it goes out the darker it gets.

James Freeman – Callum, I think this is would best be suited for your final piece because of the simplicity of it. It’s the same wood all the way through and it works wonderfully well.

Oliver Daughtery – I like this one as well and think it would work perfectly well for your design. I think the colours match the Art Deco theme perfectly and would be the best choice out of the remaining 3 to choose from.

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I think the overall appearance of the lamp is very appealing to anybody, I made a strong focus on aesthetics for this project and I am pleased with the outcome of it. I think I have represented the Art Deco theme relatively well which is obviously a key feature in the project a piece of evidence for this I think would be the step design which can be clearly seen on the lamp. As for manufacturing quality, I am a little disappointed with it. The reason being is I rushed a little bit too much, I started trying to attach things when things weren't set or ready to be put on so I lacked in quality control and quality assurance. This is a key area that I would change in the next project. This is why I am disappointed with my manufacturing quality.

Unfortunately I can carry out a ‘PAT’ test (Portable Appliance Test) because my product is completely sealed up. However you can see my lamp OFF and ON in the pictures below. This goes to show that the lamp is fully functioning and ready to use. As for the continuity of the appliance there appears to be no problems with the lamp. There is no evidence of the LED flickering or switching off for no reason there for I think its safe to say that the stability of the lamp is in good condition. I made sure that the stability of the lamp was fine by leaving it on for half an hour and thus no change from the point of turning it on. Moving the wire around whilst on didn’t seem to affect the light output in anyway either.

From the feedback I received I feel confident and good about the work I produced. Asyou can see by the smile on my face. One of the pieces of feedback I received was from Mr Jones, the school principle he said “I really like your design, I can quite clearly see instantly that your design is based on Art Deco, how long have you been working on this for?” This gave me confidence in my work and was really pleased with what he said. Other feedback I was pleased with was from Mrs Ratcliffe. She found my design really attractive and praised me on not just my lighting project but my Digital memory project as well. She had some constructive criticism of my project she suggested that I maybe used a different finish on my product maybe a form of gloss to make it stand out a bit more. The whole evening overall went better than originally planned from my point of view. Everyone's projects were really impressive and I think they enjoyed the evening. One or two things I would have done differently if I had the chance to do it again would be to put more time into my stall and make it slightly more vibrant and attempt to make it more attractive. The other thing I would do is try not leave my project to the last minute.

So really over all I think I would have just taken a little bit more care when actually manufacturing the product as for planning process and so forth I am happy with. However I could of managed my time a little bit better. But like I said the biggest thing I would have changed would have been the care taken with the lamp, this I think would have meant improved aesthetics as well although I am relatively pleased with that. One other big change I would have made was to put a clear acrylic box around the LED bulb which would stay in between the two ‘fan’ blades. This I think would have improved the aesthetics and the overall quality of the lamp, the only reason why this feature was not added was because I managed my time poorly and ran out of time before even attempting to make it.

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