border security force · created date: 11/24/2016 12:54:05 pm

PRIORITY FROM TO O7O:22 UNCLAS tl,-"""2g IN LIEU OF MSG FORM l I , L,q ,n tt. : HQ SPL DG (EC) & (Wc) ALL FTR HO IN BSF/ nlL rnc lNsrNS lN BSF/BSF AcADEMY rG (HO) FHO/DlG (HO) FHO ffi. [i#,8:tl+i,l6**'ry ; x3'r':'[Hff-ilf,':']':".i'i? ffi ."r-''1e;;"'*H:!2.?i,Ylii#+#islHgsii"dltl',tIff ^:*'JIFB '*.-u**=-$tr^$1:;ru,':'qflffi -"'*-*t':T" INFO ALL sHQrs/ALL BSF BNs/srcs lN .BSF/ l^'-llITSt^T:1 HiH,AffiiHteffi eoiioieLL srs BSF /Nr.D/TSU/ sic neetlcts NEW DELHI/25I95 BN 3/20'12-Pers/BSF/ ESO iO DG BSF/AII DtES FHQ Coiy of aarertisement and application on prescribed Proforma is enclosed herewith BAD (.) SVP N pA HAS I NVrr E D N oM I NA I "-l; ..ii.ryb * i'J "JR'"? Sff ' 3t"11 $rtBE NPA HAS lNvll EU -NUMTN^ ', '"ll: ..Y: .::::;l-;;; oosrs or DY SUPDT OF H,erlx or ASSTT c-oMDT FoR FILLING uP ur r\'J\Jn rv-iilcnle or ee-: isia?ffi lilsttu"-:Sii!i!li-,ffi""*.ii'li::n**'lgl;s: piv i,rernrx (REVTSED) oN DEPUTAIf.I)^BA-I" l 7.;;fi;i 'piiiii r',riLrranv iiji'irio pcirsr rs rs UNDER f) o^r-jlY:,Tj"|:^Y'',li' c, i) uolorr.rc iij-nc-i s- o R c E!r.R1Le J7?i:f.,8[i't5i'i"ii Bn*Y oi' *].i i ** "o"'' ANALocous P_o.qI 1?,t^,"":',I?ii.[i]ir,5i'iniCii rHEnsrur.[ronue ot $ II! coMMA oR ( ) rwg !l lP:'":l#;ii"i:-;oloi-oH eourvereNr wrH lHRFE '.1i.L'^'#';r#i,i,ii,?Hffi?:!i!F:,eii-6,F;i"',T,ff ":i'8J',iEJJJ'Y'- i:*$i^E:as^^il:'"$-Jmi''*B'l:u'i^',F"'aii:ii',:.i'*JE iuicjcjn rno AcrrvrrrEs, ^oR^ (l^;.Y" lL,J'"X*; rRltleRsltrusrRucToR PUSsED-',:Y ^ ^' ;" -"i-corvrr,'rn oRILL coMMA crjr',iijuCiio By rHE cPos !ll.lR*:-l:":"'/, fiii;;'rJ irvr venns ;ilFoNScoMyl=Y5;]]PJJt^'"%-:H+i""-:I'pijs'iEisl&cBACH'L.R ixpEnrence ,*_11i,T,"5::"iilEH;itGG ir FrR HoRs MAy FoRW_ARD oicnee on orl-LgYl ,lI^",ii,'i'EiLIe.E orirbens ir'r rHE RANK oF 4?-sll NOMINATIONS OF \A ---itrffi itlrrut$'-ni+l'+""1iHrnf:+:1ft Lffi $"itii tli'liH{'.$."il r.l 5 Rnrnonr) 6outor (PEns) ')- Hov, zoro btoLruYP- DC(lT Wing) Io'."i"n ,ni *t" in BSF web site please' \l

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, L,q ,n tt.: HQ SPL DG (EC) & (Wc)



ffi. [i#,8:tl+i,l6**'ry ; x3'r':'[Hff-ilf,':']':".i'i?ffi ."r-''1e;;"'*H:!2.?i,Ylii#+#islHgsii"dltl',tIff




INFO ALL sHQrs/ALL BSF BNs/srcs lN .BSF/ l^'-llITSt^T:1HiH,AffiiHteffi eoiioieLL srs BSF /Nr.D/TSU/

sic neetlcts NEW DELHI/25I95 BN


ESO iO DG BSF/AII DtES FHQCoiy of aarertisement and application on

prescribed Proforma is enclosed herewith


N pA HAS I NVrr E D N oM I NA I "-l; ..ii.ryb * i'J "JR'"? Sff ' 3t"11 $rtBENPA HAS lNvll EU -NUMTN^ ', '"ll: ..Y: .::::;l-;;; oosrs or DY SUPDT OF

H,erlx or ASSTT c-oMDT FoR FILLING uP ur r\'J\Jn rv-iilcnle or ee-:

isia?ffi lilsttu"-:Sii!i!li-,ffi""*.ii'li::n**'lgl;s:piv i,rernrx (REVTSED) oN DEPUTAIf.I)^BA-I" l 7.;;fi;i 'piiiii

r',riLrranviiji'irio pcirsr rs rs UNDER f) o^r-jlY:,Tj"|:^Y'',li'

c, i) uolorr.rciij-nc-i s- o R c E!r.R1Le J7?i:f.,8[i't5i'i"ii Bn*Y oi' *].i i ** "o"''ANALocous P_o.qI 1?,t^,"":',I?ii.[i]ir,5i'iniCii rHEnsrur.[ronue ot $ II!coMMA oR ( ) rwg !l lP:'":l#;ii"i:-;oloi-oH eourvereNr wrH lHRFE

'.1i.L'^'#';r#i,i,ii,?Hffi?:!i!F:,eii-6,F;i"',T,ff ":i'8J',iEJJJ'Y'-

i:*$i^E:as^^il:'"$-Jmi''*B'l:u'i^',F"'aii:ii',:.i'*JEiuicjcjn rno AcrrvrrrEs,

^oR^ (l^;.Y" lL,J'"X*;

rRltleRsltrusrRucToR PUSsED-',:Y ^

^' ;" -"i-corvrr,'rn oRILL coMMAcrjr',iijuCiio By rHE cPos !ll.lR*:-l:":"'/, fiii;;'rJ irvr venns;ilFoNScoMyl=Y5;]]PJJt^'"%-:H+i""-:I'pijs'iEisl&cBACH'L.RixpEnrence ,*_11i,T,"5::"iilEH;itGG ir FrR HoRs MAy FoRW_ARD

oicnee on orl-LgYl ,lI^",ii,'i'EiLIe.E orirbens ir'r rHE RANK oF 4?-sllNOMINATIONS OF \A

---itrffi itlrrut$'-ni+l'+""1iHrnf:+:1ft Lffi $"itiitli'liH{'.$."il

r.l 5 Rnrnonr)6outor (PEns)

')- Hov, zorobtoLruYP-

DC(lT Wing)

Io'."i"n ,ni *t" in BSF web site please'


Page 2: Border Security Force · Created Date: 11/24/2016 12:54:05 PM


{"ot@;v.o* {Gqqr{ €q irsq gfrq {ffiEs

Bv Fax / speed Post

, SARDAR VALLABHEHAT PATET NATIONAL POLICT ACADEMY(qRil mER , tU ,iemq) lcovernmErt of tndia : Ministry of Hom€ Affairs,

kfi< - soo Osz , xyderabad - 5oO 052No. 1 501 1 /8/20'1 6-Estt.


Encl . Annexure l&

Dated l,irNovember. 2016

The Drrector / Dfector cenerat of tB, CBl, BSF, CRPF, CISF, lTBp, BPR&D. NSGSPG, NIA NCB. RpF, NCRB Assam Adtes. DCPW, SSB. NDAi "nJ

r.repa'- 'The Djrector Generat of police of all Staies / UTs.The Secretary(R). Directorale Generat (Security), Cabinet Secrelariat, New Dethl.

Sub: lnviting Nominations lor four posts o, ,,D6puty Suporintendent of police /A$istant. Commandant,, (Trg/Gen.), Generit 6entrit i"."i"" Croup _ .1,Gazetted Non-Miniateriat ill the pay Band_3 Rs.15600_39100^ ptus Grade payof

.Rs.5400qpre--revised)[L6vstl0 in the pay matrix (ReviseAl in the SVpNatiooal Police Academy, Hyderabad on depuiation basis.

SirNomrnations a.e invited tor four posts of .Deputy

Superintondenl of pohce / Assrstantcommandant" (Trg/Gen), Generar cenkar service Group-1A' dazetted-N n-lrtinisienat ,n 0re cayBand-3 Rs.1560G39100/- ptus crade pay of Rs.SaOOt-1iru_l.uu,"uOjlt-eu"i-tO in ii,u p"y.rtr*l inthis Academy, on deputation basis.

2 The eligibility cnt€ria (educationat quetifications, experienae, etc.) are furnshed in theenclosod Annexurs-t. The candidates who appiy for the posi wi noi fe-"tiowei io wrt O.a* tte,,candidature subsequen y.

3. lt is requested that the above posts may kindly be orculated among aD-epanmentylnstitu_tions/Offrces uncter your and also hlsted on itriiweUsites. ff,e"",T,f ,-:l:-L:1S,,b.," ofitcers.atong wrh

-(a) theI bro_data h rhe prescnbed proforma (Anhorur€

^^,:L".rly :*^.1:o-, (b) Attested coptes of Annuat Confrdential Reports lor the tast frve years (from

ilrl]j,"]"^.llli] 9ll (c). deta s of maior and minor penalties ror the tast 10 years and(oJ uen[.&[e(s) or rntegrity, vigr{ance and cadre clearance, may please be forwarded to rhisAcademy lhrough proper channet at the eariiest and in any casJioi Li"itG i6 o"y" r.o, rnudate ol issue of this leIer.

4 Application receaved afler the tast dale or appltcatjon incomplete in any respect or lhose nolaccompanied by the documentMnformarion menrioned in para 3 above wilr'Noi oe consioeredThe.cadre authorities may ascertain that the parricutars sent oy itre oniceii aie-correcr as per trre:::l- I"T:d" ,Vvhrb

torvrardrng rhe nomharions tor the post of DySp/AC{T;g/Gent). it mayK,nory De e4st red thei the nomrnated offlcers shoutd nol be rn the pay icate hrgher than fhe payscale ol lhe deputation post r.e. pB-3 + Gp Rs saoor- 1pr".r"r,""Oy.

Yours faithfully,


,- rT*t[',fiiOeputy Orrector (Est.)

S.V.P- Nairar Poli:e Acad6my, Hyderabad (0a0) 2401515t to 5€ (8 Lin€s) Fax (O4O) 24015179 E 240i 7650e-mail [email protected]




Page 3: Border Security Force · Created Date: 11/24/2016 12:54:05 PM


;ebi16 of the po3t of "Oopuiy SuPerintendent of Policc / Assistant C-omm-andant' lTrg/Gen)'*-'- -' "'- '-l"it e S\ip iationat Polico Academy, Hyderabad - 500 052






Oooutv Suporintendent of Polic' /Assistant Commandant (Trg/Gon)'

General Cenlaal Service GrouP A'Gazctted'Non-Ministerial.

PB.3 Rs.l5600'391OO/' plus Grad8 Pay olRs.54OOr- (Prs.revised)

fLovet-t0 iir the pay matrlxl(Rovbed]

As admissible under the CentralGovt Rules

Amenclod from tirne io time

within lhe same statron - 506 of Basrc Pay + GP)

iro,""i to ,"r,ru, ot Rs.20oolp'm ln other

iases - 100,6 of (8asic Pay + GP) subtect to

maximum ol R9.4000/' P.m'(as per Pre-.evised PaY scale)


Name of the Posi

Classitrcation of the Post

Scale of PaY

4. OA, HRA & other allowances :

Deputation (OutY)


Mothod of Rocruitrnont

ElEibility Criteria From amongstForces / SlaleSuperintendenlregular basis;

offrcefs ol the central Armed Police

Potce holdino analogous post (O€puty

of Polic6 / Assislant Commandant) on

ORtn6oectors/Junror Engrneers(Un ormed) ln the Pay

e.Ii-, R. gioo-3as{irl with Grade Pav of Rs'4600/-

.-i.orrafenr wlth lhree years regular servrce rn thai

godi uil*, trom Central Armed Police Forcos or

Stato Police.


Frve vears experience as Tralner/lnstluctor and

;;r';;; '" pLnnrng co-ordtnating and conducting

Outdoor or lndoor trainlng aclNilies'OR

l wo vears expedence as Trarners/lnslluctor

r,"*jui;ln:" r*::: ffi :T,"'Jl'lii'""'J.'L"Mao Readtng and Freld Craft,

ORFrve vears exoellence rn the WorKs branch/Sedlon or

i,"lr!"l,,ig iln",o' Degree or DiPIoma rn crvrl /

Eleckical Engineering.

Preferenc€ will be glven lo offcers wlh logal

",,;i-tiJ"rion I *no"r"ogi of poltce relaled subJects


Page 4: Border Security Force · Created Date: 11/24/2016 12:54:05 PM


Th6 period of deputation including the penod oldeputation in another ex-cadre posl hold immediatelypreceding this appointment in same or some olherorganisation or department of lhe CenlralGovernmant shall ordina.ily not exceed lhree (03)ygars. The maximum age limit tor appoantment bydgpdation shall not exceed ittty six (56) years as on

the closing date of.eceipt of apdication.

,*rr!*Wakl*,Administrative Ofllce(Estt )

Deputation Period

Page 5: Border Security Force · Created Date: 11/24/2016 12:54:05 PM

irl!Anneture - ll

' cun*lcuLuu vn,qr ploronue (for th€ pott ofDysP / Ac(Tr8'lcen')

l, Name ofthe Candidate(in Blo([ I elier5r i

2 Dalc or Birth(in Christian era)

l. Date of retiremenl underCentralAtate Covernnlent Rule5.

.1. tducationrlQud,;on'

5. Whether Educaiional and other qualifications :

required for the post are satisfied' (lf afty

qualification has been treated a5 equivalent to

the one prescribed in the Rules, slate the

authority for the same)


Quallficationy'Experiencepossessed byThe ofiicer

tssential {1}Q)(3)

Desired (l )


5. Please State clearly whether in the lithtofentries made ry you above, You meel

rhe requirement oI the po5t.

7. Details of Employmenl includinS prasent post held whh pay detail! in chronolo8ical order

Enclose a separie sheet duly authenticaled by your sitnatuG, if the tpace below is


Office Post held From to Scale of pav Nalure ol

T,lnstitution and basic pay duties(lndicate Pay band,Crade pay & basic pay)


Page 6: Border Security Force · Created Date: 11/24/2016 12:54:05 PM




Nature of Presenl emploYment i e :

Ad-ho< or TemPorary or Quasi_

Permanent or Permanent.

ln case the Present emPloYment

is held on deputalion/contract batis,

olease state -

;i The date of inilial aPpornmenl

i, poioa of "ppolntment

on dpputalion/

contracl.0 Name of lhe Palent oftrcey'

or8anization lo which You belonS

Additional detail5 about present employment

Please state whedler workint under(indicate the name of Youremployeragainst the rclevant column)

,) CentralGovt.b) State Covl.c) Others

Please llate whether you are wr:rrking :

in the sam€ Depanment and are in the

feeder grade or ieeder to hedel Srade

Are vou in Revised Scale of PaYi lfyes, 8ive the &te llom which the

revision look Place and also

ildicate the Prerevised scale.

Iotal emoluments Pea month now


Additional information, if any,

which vou would like lo mention in

suppo( of your 5uitabiliry lor the posl(This amonB other thinSs nuy provrde

iolormerion wilh re*ard lo (i) addilional

academic qualifi cations {ii) proles5ional

rainin8 and (ili) work experience ove'

and above prescribed in the Vacanc-v

Circula Advetisemeno(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if lhe

space is inHrlficient)'





I5. Please state whether you ate apPlyins for


16. wheiher betonSs to SC I ST


Page 7: Border Security Force · Created Date: 11/24/2016 12:54:05 PM




Remarks(Ihe candidatet may indicate information with

reqard to (i) Research publications an4 ieports

ar; special proiects (iiJ Award ScholSrship/oilicral

Appreciation {iii) Affiliaiion with lhe proiessional

Bodiey'rnstitulionrs{rieties and (i4 anY othet

lnformation.(NOTE!€nclos€ a separate sheel if the 5pace

i5 insuficienl)

I have .arefully gone throuBh ihe vacancy circule''adverlisernent and I am well aware

that the Curiculum vltae duly iupported by do.uments submitted by me will also be

assessed by the Selection Commitlee at he lime of seledion for the post'

signature of the candidate

Date Conlad Addres(



l. Cediied rhat paniculars furnished by ShIi/'SmtjKum.

have been verified from hiyher reoord and foufid correct.


(Employer with S€al)

Certiliclte to be eiveo by Herd of tht Oflice of the ADDlicant

\o vigilanceShriAmlJKum.

pending or contemplated. His/her inieSrity i5 cenified.

is either againsl

J. No maior/minor penalty was impotcd on 5hri,5rnt./Kum.

for the last lO years as per recods in the Ministry/Departmenl.

signature of Head ot the Office wilh seal.

Note: Attested copies oI Annual Confidential Repods for the pr€ceding five years

(from 2011-12 to 2015-16) alont with lnteSrity, viBilance Certificate and

detaih o, Maior/Minor penalty for ihe lasl l0 years should be enclosed'