
University of San Carlos P. Del Rosario Street Cebu City Department of Business Administration School of Business and Economics A Book Review on: Organizational Behavior, 10 th Edition by Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of BA-12N – Human Behavior in Organization 10:30am – 12:00pm – MW – GR242 – 1 st Semester AY 2015-2016 Submitted by: CARMEL THERESE P. BORROMEO Submitted to: Page 1 of 11

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Behavior in Organization


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University of San CarlosP. Del Rosario Street

Cebu City

Department of Business Administration School of Business and Economics

A Book Review on:

Organizational Behavior, 10 th Edition by Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements ofBA-12N – Human Behavior in Organization

10:30am – 12:00pm – MW – GR242 – 1st Semester AY 2015-2016



July 8, 2015

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Name of Student: Carmel Therese P. Borromeo Date: July 8, 2015


Title of the Book: Organizational Behavior, 10th EditionName of Author/s: John R. Shermerhorn, Jr.; James G. Hunt; Richard N. OsbornPlace of Publication: 111 River Street, Hoboken. N.J., United States of AmericaName of Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright Date: 2008 Total No. Of Pages: 441 pages


Preface: This book is all about understanding human behavior in organizations. The authors of the book want to help people gain the understanding that can help them become leaders of tomorrow’s organizations. This book is for all the people and for those who want to know the fundamentals of organizational behavior

Author’s Background: Dr. John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. is the Charles G. O’Bleness Professor of Management in the College of Business at Ohio University, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in management.

Dr. James G. (Jerry) Hunt is the Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Management, Professor of Health Organization Management, Former Director, Institute for Leadership Research, and former department chair of Management, Texas Tech University.

Dr. Richard N. Osborn is the Wayne State University Distinguished Professor of Management in the School of Business Administration and formerly a Board of Governors Faculty Fellow.

Table of Contents: The Table of Contents is written briefly. It has five parts which are the main topic and eighteen chapters which are the subtopics. Each chapter is evenly arranged according to the part where it sequence.

List of Figures: Each chapter of the book provides figures and even pictures in order for me to understand and comprehend.

List of Tables: This book does not show statistical tables but all the chapters shows a table like measuring the maturity of a group found in Chapter 8, figure 8.2.

Glossary: There are 13 pages allotted for the glossary. Each of the words are found in each chapters and all of the words were clearly defined.

Index: The index of the book is group into three. The first is Organizations Index: 3 pages, second is Name Index: 3 pages, and third is Subject Index: 13 pages.

Appendix: The authors have used many documents and outlines. They were written to the Notes page where it has 13 pages.

Bibliography: The authors used a copyright of 2005 to 2006 books as their reference. It is allocated to one page

Others: This is a hardbound book and the quantity of pages is thick. It also uses a special kind of paper. It also has additional learning resources like Online Self – Assessments.

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Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups in organizations. It is an applied discipline based on scientific methods and on using a contingency approach, recognizing that management practices must fit the situation. The shifting of paradigms of organizational behavior derive from forces representing a commitment to ethical behavior, importance of human capital, emphasis on teams, influence of information technology, new workforce expectations, and changing careers. Thus, organizational behavior is a knowledge base that helps people work together to improve the performance of organizations.

The second part of the book talks about the individual behavior and performance which entails the importance of knowing and improving ourselves to be better. People are different because of our values which are broad preferences concerning courses of action or outcomes and also our personality which captures the overall profile, or combination of characteristics, that represents the unique nature of an individual as that individual interacts with others. Organizational behavior has increasingly been emphasizing emotional aspects; it is not how people think but how they feel. Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something while moods are less intense and frequently, although not always, lack a contextual emphasis. As to values, it is relatively stable and can affect work attitudes, emotions, and moods. Also, attitudes can influence moods and emotions in much the same ways as values. In addition, job satisfaction is the degree to which individuals feel positively or negatively about their jobs. Satisfaction causes performance; Performance causes satisfaction; Rewards cause both satisfaction and performance, these are the three arguments relating to individual job satisfaction and individual performance. A particular striking thing about the current American organizational behavior is the importance of perception and its cousins attribution and learning. Individuals use the perceptual process to pay attention to and to select, organize, interpret, and retrieve information from the world around them. Managing perception involves Impression management of the self and others, managing the information attention and selection stages, organizing stage, interpretation stage, storage and retrieval stage, and being sensitive to effects of the common perceptual distortions. Attribution theory involves emphasis on the interpretation stage of the perceptual process and consideration of whether individuals’ behaviors result primarily from external causes or from causes internal to the individuals. It can be managed by recognizing a typical overemphasis on internal causes of behavior and an underemphasis on external causes. Learning is an enduring change in behavior and results from experience. It can be split into reinforcement and social learning perspectives. According to chapter 5, it’s hard to achieve something if you aren’t willing to put forth the effort. Thus, an achievement requires effort. In order to have motivation and performance, a person must be fit to his assigned job. Moreover, chapter 7 quotes “It’s easy to go to work when you get paid to do what you love to do.”

The third part of the book talks about group dynamics and teamwork. Groups can be great resources for organizations, helping to accomplish this that is far beyond the efforts of any individual. Also groups help maintain a high – quality workforce by satisfying needs of their members. In addition, when groups achieve high levels of task performance, member satisfaction, and team viability means that they are effective. Thus, when groups are effective, they help organizations accomplish important tasks. Moreover, they offer the potential for synergy which is the creation of a whole greater that the sum of its parts. Aside from groups, a team is also a group of people who work actively together to achieve a purpose for which they are all accountable. Whatever their major purposes or tasks, all teams need members who believe in team goals and are motivated to work actively with others to accomplish them. Indeed, an essential criterion of a true team is that the members feel ‘collectively accountable’ for what they accomplish. This sense of collective accountability sets the stage for real teamwork, with team members actively working together in such a way that all their respective skills are effectively used to achieve a common purpose. In order to create a high – performing team: first, communicate high – performance standards; second, set the tone in the first team meeting and create a sense of urgency; third, make sure members have the right skills and establish clear rules for team behavior; fourth, as a leader, model expected behaviors; fifth, find ways to create early ‘successes’ and continually introduce new information; sixth, have members spend time together like teambuilding, with a collaborative way to gather and analyze data to improve teamwork; lastly, give positive feedbacks.

The fourth part of the book talks about leadership and organizational process. As individuals pursue their own goals in a firm, they must also deal with the interests of others. As discussed in chapter 10, the power gap and its associated political dynamics have at least two sides. On the one hand, power and politics represent the seamy side of organizational life. Organizations are not democracies composed of individuals with equal influence. On the other hand, power and politics are important organizational tools that managers must use to get the job done. In

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organizational behavior, power is defined as the ability to get someone to do something you want done or the ability to make things happen in the way you want them to. The essence of power is control over the behavior of others. Without a direct or indirect connection it is not possible to alter the behavior of others. While power is the force used to make things happen in an intended way, influence is what an individual has when he or she exercise power, and it is expressed by other’s behavioral response to that exercise of power. In chapter 11 and 12, leadership is being examined as a key power mechanism to make things happen. A key way of differentiating between the two is to argue that the role of management is to promote stability or to enable the organization to run smoothly, whereas the role of leadership is to promote adaptive or useful changes. Persons in managerial positions could be involved with both management and leadership activities, or they could emphasize one activity at the expense of the other. Both management and leadership are needed. Leadership is not assumed to be identical to management. Thus, leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. Moreover, chapter 12 discusses the emerging leadership perspectives which capture work that is still in the relatively early stage of development. Emerging leadership perspectives with integrative leadership is the broad scope of perspectives treated and the way they tie together; with moral leadership, it is consists of ethical leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership, and spiritual leadership; and with change leadership, it helps deal with the idea of an organization that masters the challenges of both radical and incremental change wile still creating a satisfying, healthy, and effective employee workplace. Moving to chapter 13, within an organization, managers must provide for decision making that encourages the free flow of new ideas and supports the efforts of people who want to make their ideas work as they reach for success. And just as with organizations themselves, the success of our individual careers depends on the quality of the decisions we make regarding our jobs and employment situations. We all, mangers included, need skills to work well with others who don’t always agree with us, and in situations that are often complicated and stressful. Conflict occurs when parties disagree over substantive issues or when emotional antagonisms create friction between them. So, it is important to have communication in an organization as a process of sending and receiving messages with attached meanings. Thus, when there is communication within the organization it will be easy to negotiate things. Moreover, negotiation is the process of making joint decisions when the parties involved have different preferences.

The fifth part of the book discussed the organizational structure and design. In an organization there is an organizational or corporate culture which is the system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members. Also in an organization there should be goals and structures. There are different types of organizational goals: first, societal goals which is organizations make specific contributions to society and gain legitimacy from these contributions; second, output goals which as managers consider how they will accomplish their firm’s mission; lastly, system goals which corporations have systems goals to show the conditions managers believe will yield survival and success. In addition, every organization must have a formal structure which is known as division of labor that defines the intended configuration of positions, job duties, and line of authority among different parts of the enterprise. Furthermore, firms use a strategy and organizational design options to respond the demands of size, technology, and environment, and shape their competitive landscape to maintain dynamic capabilities. The process of positioning the organization in the competitive environment and implementing actions to compete successfully is strategy. And the most important characteristics of strategy that yields consistent sustained success are innovation and learning. As the world keeps on changing and evolving, organizations innovate so that they will not be left behind. The introduction of new improved goods or services to better meet customer needs is product innovations and process innovations which will result in the introduction of new and better work methods and operations. In other words, these innovations improved customer service or organizational productivity. Thus, a systematic adjustment of the organization’s structure and processes to alterations in the size and scope of operations, the technology selected, and the environmental setting and the process involved in making these dynamic adjustment is known as organizational design. Moreover, strategy and organizational design are interrelated and must evolve along with changes in size, technology, and the environment.

In conclusion, Organizational Behavior is the application of knowledge about how peoples, individuals, and groups act and react in an organization, in order to reach and accomplish the highest quality of performances, and dominant results. One way for an organization to become more innovative is to capitalize on its own employee’s to innovate. All organizations and groups experience the direct relationship between job satisfaction, and performance. In order to maximize the performance of those within a system, it is significant important to develop an optimal interpersonal chemistry.

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“…you must constantly develop new approaches.” This is from a quoted statement of chapter 18 of the book, Organizational Behavior, 10th Edition by John R. Shermerhorn, Jr.; James G. Hunt; and Richard N. Osborn. . This quote struck me because it deeply means something. This quote is something that I have reflected on.

As a college student, enrolled in a university, I have been one of the students who are always passive and I’m guilty for it. I thought that every quizzes, tests, and exams would always be enough for stock knowledge. But it does not work anymore when the world around me is changing and I am not adapting.

When I was still a fourth year high school student, I realized that the lessons were all repeating from elementary to fourth year high school but there were also new lessons that were added. Elementary and High School, for me, was as easy as having stock knowledge and listening to the teacher. As I have graduated from Secondary Level or High School and entered college, I was still the type of person who just relies on my understanding from what I know and my instinct. This habit of mine becomes my attitude. I don’t put effort to what I am facing and I am just fine of what I have achieved. When I took the Comprehensive Examination Level 1 in order to proceed third year in accountancy program, I was on a cramming on my studies. At the day of the examination, I was just merely answering without expecting I will pass. True enough that when the results came that I wasn’t able to be on third year as an accountancy student. So, I shifted to management accounting which has mostly the same with the accountancy program. Now, I am starting to change my self. To change how I will handle myself and my studies. I’ve learned my lessons and I am improvising myself to be better that I was before.

Our world is always changing and learning to change for the better must not stop in ourselves. We should not be stagnant of what we already know. We need to develop a new approach for innovations and it will help our lives as we live. Also we need to adapt the changes that our world has become in order to make ourselves better than we were before. We should not settle for less. Aim for the top because it’s either you will be on top or you will be on the right spot. It’s a win and win situation. Therefore, living in this world is about making innovations for survival and live in comfort.

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The book that I borrowed from the library is Organizational Behavior, 10 th Edition by John R. Shermerhorn, Jr.; James G. Hunt; and Richard N. Osborn. When I borrowed this book at the library, I was having second thought of borrowing it because it was too heavy and thick. Then I noticed that it was not borrowed by anyone of my classmates when I looked at our Facebook group and so I borrowed it. As I scan the book, I notice that the book is really organized. The chapters were grouped by parts to where they belong. It makes it easy for me to understand by just looking at the table of contents. I also looked at the back portion where I saw an Organizational Behavior Skills Workbook which is important in knowing more of your understanding of the topics. There is also Self – Test Answer which you can correct your own answers from the exercises of each chapter of the book. The book has also a study guide of each chapter. I like the book because it has offered an online site for additional learning resources. This website offers: PowerPoint Chapter Review, an easy to use visual review of the key concepts and terms of each chapter; Web Quizzes which are quizzes of each chapter that test your understanding and help in preparation for examinations; Online Self – Assessments which is an interactive versions of Self – Assessments designed to help identify your management styles; and Business Stimulations which reinforce understanding of organizational behavior concepts through interactive role – playing and problem – solving scenarios.

According to a topic of the book, our motivation and performance of our job is effective if we as a person and our job are fit one way or another. In other words, a job to be done and a person who is best able to do it will be highly motivated and performing the job well. When I was still in grade 4, my teacher gives a project about stitches and I really don’t know how to do it so I got help from my grandma. I realized that I wasn’t fit for that work because even though I finished the project but most of it was my grandma’s work. So whenever I have a project or something to do, I will always try my best to meet up or comprehend of what I am working with. Also, the best way of working is to love your job.

Based on another topic of the book, interactions create the foundations for successful actions. When my sister and I were praying the Holy Rosary, my sister was the leader for that day and it is presumed that she has a rosary. But it came out that she was continuing even the ten beads were finished. When she said the Hail Mary 11 th

times, I assumed that maybe I was out of concentration but when she said the 12th Hail Mary, I began to madly speak up which stopped our Prayer. It all came out that she has no rosary in her hands and she didn’t tell me. She even was mad at me that I didn’t stop her from the first place she was mistaken. I realized that we were so close – minded that made us not interact each other before starting the prayer. I learned that there should be interactions before actions to have a proper communication.

I am amaze by how the authors make this book. They took lots of references from the previous edition of this book, journals, and other research books. This book is totally helpful in understanding more about organizational behavior. The authors provide example cases in each chapter to show the reader how the topic goes in the actual or real world. Also, the book gives case studies, experiential exercises, and self – assessments which will be done by the students. Actually, reading this book is a total worth because aside from knowing theories, you will also gain knowledge of how a real organization works. This book is actually a package of learning and understanding to the students.

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The list of new things I learned from the authors is the following: Keep my skills fresh. I should consider revolutionizing my portfolio of skills at least every 6

years. I should master something. Having competence in many skills is important, but excelling at

something will set you apart. I should embrace ambiguity. I fear the unknown. I like things to be predictable. Unfortunately, the

only certainty in life is that things will change. Instead of running from this truth, I should embrace the situation as a great opportunity.

I should increase my network. The term has been overused to the point of sounding like a cliché, but networking works. This doesn’t mean that having 200 connections on MySpace, LinkedIn, or Facebook makes you more effective than someone who has 50, but it does mean that getting to know people is a good thing in ways you can’t even imagine now.

I should appreciate new technology. This doesn’t mean I should get and use every new gadget that comes out on the market, but it does mean I need to keep up on what the new technologies are and how they may affect me and the business I will be in soon when I will graduate.

Here is the list of all the better understood lessons I learned from the authors:

This organization behavior book helps me to better understand what workplace would actually be good for me.

Understanding organizational behavior help me understand whether a given firm's culture would really be compatible with my attitudes and my personality.

It helps me enhance my chances of getting hired after I have identified the place where I would want to work.  

It help myself to know what attributes should I stress when interviewing because it could help me understand what people at that firm would want the person they hire to be like.

It helps me understand how people work in groups, you can mange people better and have greater confidence in your ability to influence others.

It helps me understand my own actions and behaviors in a group context. I can flesh out more clearly the reasons why I behave certain ways in crowds, at school, at the office, etc. 

I understand an enterprise's culture, protocols, chain of command and system of operation. As one involves themselves in the day-to-day happenings of an organization, they learn from individuals and groups within the organization. As they become familiar with the way the enterprise operates and how they utilize their people, they learn the best way they can help promote the goals of the organization and how they can be an effective contributor to work teams and their respective projects.

Understanding organizational behavior, specific to a certain company, will help a person 'fit in' with the company quicker because they will have a good knowledge of the entity's proclivities as applies to interaction between various people in various job roles.

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