book of mormon study guide #16

Book of Mormon Study Guide #16 Ye Shall Be Called the Children of Christ “Mosiah 4: 2 “And they have viewed themselves in their own carnal state, even less than the dust of the earth” Upon first reading this verse and others in this chapter (v 5) it can seem as though man is worthless and of no value to God, a teaching that we know to be absolutely false. So what is going on here? These scriptures are proclaiming that the natural or fallen man is less than the dust of the earth because even the elements of the earth respond to God’s voice, while the natural man does not. The natural and fallen man is disobedient. He proceeds on his own sinful way, ignoring God’s goodness to him and the indebtedness that we owe him. Thus, in this context, the dust of the earth is more obedient and more righteous than is a sinful man. Mosiah 4:9 Joseph Smith taught that a correct idea of the character of God is necessary in order to exercise faith unto life and salvation. “Without the knowledge of all things, God would not be able to save any portion of his creatures,” the Prophet taught, “for it is by reason of the knowledge which he has of all things, from the beginning to the end, that enables him to give that understanding to his creatures by which they are made partakers of eternal life and if it were not for the idea existing in the minds of men that God had all knowledge it would be impossible for them to exercise faith in him. (Lectures on Faith 4:11-12.) Why must we know about our Father in Heaven in order to exercise faith in him? Even though you may not understand how God works, you know He does. Even when we do not understand what God is up to in our lives, which may happen frequently, He asks us to trust Him. He know what He is doing, even if we cannot comprehend His methods or his timing. God's knowledge and wisdom are far greater than man's. We are foolish to try to fit God into our mold--to make his plans and purposes conform to ours. Instead, we must strive to fit into his plans - and that takes faith.

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Post on 11-Jul-2016




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Printable worksheet that corresponds to the 2016 LDS Gospel Doctrine curriculum, The Book of Mormon


Page 1: Book of Mormon Study Guide #16

Book of Mormon Study Guide #16 Ye Shall Be Called the Children of Christ

“Mosiah 4: 2 “And they have viewed themselves in their own carnal state, even

less than the dust of the earth”

Upon first reading this verse and others in this chapter (v 5) it can seem as though man is worthless and of no value to God, a teaching that we know to be absolutely false. So what is going on here? These scriptures are proclaiming that the natural or

fallen man is less than the dust of the earth because even the elements of the earth respond to God’s voice, while the natural man does not. The natural and fallen man is

disobedient. He proceeds on his own sinful way, ignoring God’s goodness to him and the indebtedness that we owe him. Thus, in this context, the dust of the earth is more

obedient and more righteous than is a sinful man.

Mosiah 4:9 Joseph Smith taught that a correct idea of the character of God is necessary in order to exercise faith unto life and salvation. “Without the knowledge of all things, God would

not be able to save any portion of his creatures,” the Prophet taught, “for it is by reason of the knowledge which he has of all things, from the beginning to the end, that

enables him to give that understanding to his creatures by which they are made partakers of eternal life and if it were not for the idea existing in the minds of men that God had all knowledge it would be impossible for them to exercise faith in him.

(Lectures on Faith 4:11-12.)

Why must we know about our Father in Heaven in order to exercise faith in him?

Even though you may not understand how God works, you know He does. Even when we do not understand what God is up to in our lives, which may happen frequently, He asks us to trust Him. He know what He is doing, even if we cannot comprehend His methods

or his timing.

God's knowledge and wisdom are far greater than man's. We are foolish to try to fit God into our mold--to make his plans and purposes

conform to ours. Instead, we must strive to fit into his plans - and that takes faith.

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Mosiah 4:10 Faith leads to action “He that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven” (D&C 1:32 italics added). “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” (John 3:20-21 italics added.) Christ, our exemplar in all things, clothed himself in the simple robes of

righteousness, eschewing the fine-twined linen of those who choose to be served rather than to serve.

“ Your faith determines your action and your action determines your results.

James E Faust Believing requires action

Your achievements, however noble they may be, are not important. Your credentials, as starry as they may be, are of no concern. God is the foundation of this house.

The key question in life is not “How strong am I?” but rather “How strong is God?” Focus on His strength, not yours. Occupy yourself with the nature of God, not the size of your biceps. That’s what Moses did. Or at least that’s what God told Moses to do. Remember the conversation at the burning bush? The tone was set in the first sentence. “Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). With these fifteen words Moses is enrolled in a class on God. Immediately the roles are defined. God is holy. Approaching Him on even a quarter-inch of leather is too pompous. And as we read further, we discover that no time is spent convincing Moses what Moses can do, but much time is spent explaining to Moses what God can do. The strength of Moses is never considered. No pep talk is

given, no pats on the backs are offered. Not one word is spoken to recruit Moses. But many words are used to reveal God. The strength of Moses is not the issue; the

strength of God is. .

Why is there a temptation to focus on our own strength rather than God’s?

How can you see God’s character manifest in the way he meets your needs?

What have you been trying to do in your own strength rather than in God’s?

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Mosiah 4: 19 “For behold, are we not all beggars?”

Beggars as used in 2 Corinthians means 'vulnerable'. Interesting. Vulnerable as defined in the dictionary is: in need of special care, support, or protection. Wow. That so defines me.

President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008) counseled us to look upon others with compassion: “I am confident that a time will come for each of us when, whether because of sickness or infirmity, of poverty or distress, of oppressive measures against us by man or nature, we shall wish for mercy. And if, through our lives, we have granted mercy to others, we shall

obtain it for ourselves” “Let us be more merciful. Let us get the arrogance out of our lives, the conceit, the egotism. Let us be more compassionate, gentler, filled with forbearance and patience and a greater measure of respect one for another. In so doing, our very example will cause others to be more merciful, and we shall have greater claim upon the mercy of God

who in His love will be (in Conference Report, Apr. 1990, 89 or Ensign, May 1990, 70).Mosiah 4:27

And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a

man should run faster than he has strength.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell pointed out that we have limited time and energy, so we must focus on that which is most important:

“When we run faster than we are able, we get both inefficient and tired. … “I have on my office wall a wise and useful reminder by Anne Morrow Lindbergh concerning one of the realities of life. She wrote, ‘My life cannot implement in action the demands of all the people to whom my heart responds.’ That’s good counsel for us all, not as an excuse

to forego duty, but as a sage point about pace and the need for quality in relationships” (Deposition of a Disciple 1976, 58).

Mosiah 4:30

There is no recess in the struggle to discipline and school our spirits. Ours is the struggle of a lifetime. Even to the New World Twelve, Christ said: “Ye must watch and pray always, lest

ye be tempted by the devil, and ye be led away captive by him” (3 Nephi 18:15 see also Alma 12:14 13:28).

Gordon B Hinckley, "It all points up the need to be constantly alert. It points up the importance of unrelenting self-discipline. It indicates the necessity of constantly building

our strength against temptation. It warns us against the misuse of our time, especially our idle time. Eternal vigilance is the price of eternal development. In the world in which we walk we must be careful. The temptations are tremendous. We all know about them. The little

decisions can be so crucial and so everlastingly important in their consequences.

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Brevard S. Childs has shown that various forms of the Hebrew verb zakhor (to remember) occur in the Old Testament well over two

hundred times. He shows that what the Old Testament understands by “memory” goes well beyond the mere mental recall of information, though of course that is part of its meaning. To remember often

means to be active, to consider, to keep divine commandments, or to act. The word in Hebrew thus carries a wider range of meaning than is

common with the verb remember in English. Indeed, to remember involves turning to God, or repenting, or acting in accordance with

divine injunctions. Not only man, but also God “remembers.” He remembers covenants he

has made with Noah (see Genesis 9:15-16), with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see Exodus 2:24 Leviticus 26:42), and with all of Israel (see Ezekiel

16:60 Luke 1:72). Conversely, the antonym of the verb to remember in Hebrew--to

forget does not merely describe the passing of a thought from the mind, but involves a failure to act, or a failure to do or keep something.

Hence, failing to remember God and His commandments is the equivalent of apostasy.

Interestingly, words for memory and remembrance also occur well over two hundred times in the Book of Mormon. This high density is not

noticed by casual readers, but it vividly reflects a religious sensitivity on the part of Book of Mormon prophets that is similar to that of other

Israelite prophets. Though the range of uses of remembering in the Book of Mormon is perhaps not quite as extensive as that identifiable in the Old Testament, the idiom of remembrance in both books includes warning, promises, threats, pleas, and complaints, and the same deep connection between memory and action can be found in both. To

remember is to hearken, to awaken, to see, to hear, to believe, to trust. (See Jacob 3:9-11 Mosiah 2:41 4:30 13:29-30 Alma 7:16 9:13-14 18:10 36:1-2 37:35 46:23 58:40 and compare with Numbers 15:39-40 Psalms 103:18.)

… In such ways the Book of Mormon shows a clear link between the ways of remembrance or forgetfulness and the blessings or cursings

associated with the covenant people of God. Since one of the main purposes of the Book of Mormon, as stated on its title page, is to show

that God remembers the covenants he has made with his people (see also 1 Nephi 19:15-16 2 Nephi 29:1-2 3 Nephi 16:11), it is especially appropriate

that eh renewal of covenants includes a commitment to “always remember him, and keep his commandments.” as the faithful affirm their willingness to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ (Moroni

4:3). Allen H. Richardson, David E. Richardson, and Anthony E. Bentley, Voice from the Dust-500 Evidences Supporting the Book of Mormon, pp.


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Mosiah 5:2

“We know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent which has wrought a might change in us, or in our hearts, that we have n more

disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.”

Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote: “Sins are remitted not in the waters of baptism, as we say in speaking figuratively, but when we receive the Holy Ghost. It is the Holy

Spirit of God that erases carnality and brings us into a state of righteousness. We become clean when we actually receive the fellowship and companionship of the Holy

Ghost.” it is possible to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost without being born of the Spirit.

The former is an ordinance the latter is a spiritual transformation. The two can occur at the same time, but they usually don't. Let's take the people of Benjamin for example. These people were presumably already baptized. Yet, they are blessed with a spiritual transformation based upon their faithfulness and the covenant

that they made at the time of Benjamin's speech. Therefore, the spiritual rebirth did not transform them from carnal to spiritual at the time of their baptism. This event occurred later, and it is the same for many members today. They are born

again not at the time of baptism and confirmation but after they have made the decision to humble themselves before the Lord and promise to do his will.

Without the aid of the Holy Ghost, a person would have but very little power to change his mind, at once, from its habituated course, and to walk in newness of

life. . . . So great is the force of habit, that he would, without being renewed by the Holy Ghost, be easily overcome, and contaminated again with sin. Hence, it is infinitely important that the affections and desires should be, in a measure,

changed and renewed, so as to cause him to hate that which he before loved, and to love that which he before hated. To thus renew the mind of man is the work of

the Holy Ghost.” (“The Holy Spirit,” pp. 56-57.)

Mosiah 5: 7 Children of Christ

Placing Christ as the father in this transformation is interesting, because it establishes a new bond with the future Messiah rather than the present God. This is not to say that they were less worshipful of the present God, but rather that the focus of this special relationship was one that depended upon the atonement of

Christ. This is, of course, no new news to modern Christians who understand a relationship with Christ and the father simultaneously, but differently faceted. To

the people of Benjamin, however, this was a new concept, with an increasing emphasis on the future Messiah - an emphasis greater than any other people on

the face of the earth had at this particular time.

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Mosiah 5:7 Sons and daughters, take upon you the name of Christ

When we come to Christ, God not only forgives us, he also adopts us. Through a dramatic series of events, we go from condemned orphans with no hope, to adopted children with no fear. Here is how it happens.

You come before the judgment seat of God full of rebellion and mistakes. Because of his justice he cannot dismiss your sin, but because

of his love he cannot dismiss you. So, in an act which stunned the heavens, he punished himself on the cross for your sins. God’s justice and love are equally honored. And you, God’s creation, are forgiven. But the story doesn’t end with God’s forgiveness. . . . It would be enough if God just cleansed your name, but he does more. He gives you his name. And because he has given you his name and adopted you, you. Our Heavenly Father adopted you not because you earned it, but simply because He wanted to. Knowing full well the trouble you would be and the price He

would pay, He signed His name next to yours and changed your name to His and took you home. Your Abba adopted you and became your

Father. He didn’t adopt us because of what we have. He doesn't give us his name because of our wit or wallet or good attitude. Adoption is

something that we receive, not something that we earn.

Read Romans 8:12-17

How does salvation compare with a adoption?

List some advantages of being God’s child and not just His creation

In what ways has God shown himself to be a good father to you?

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Mosiah 6:6

And it came to pass that king Mosiah did walk in the ways of the Lord, and did observe his _________________________ and his ______________________

and did keep his ________________________ in all things whatsoever he commanded him.

What is the difference between a way, a judgment, a statute, and a


Walk in the ways of the Lord: practice, form, manner, actions, ideas

Observe the Judgments:

judgment= decision of a higher power. So Mosiah trusted that the Lord's decisions, did not question them, and went along with the Lord's will

Observe his statues:

Statues are written laws

Keep his commandments: commandments may come in various forms including written statutes, words

of the prophets, personal revelation

How can you:

Walk in the ways of the Lord? Observe the judgments of the Lord? Observe the statutes of the Lord? Keep the Lord’s commandants?