book of baruch

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  • 8/8/2019 Book of Baruch


    The Book of Baruch, Chapter 1

    The Book of Baruch 1:1 And these are thewords of the book, which Baruch theson of Nerias, the son of Maasias, theson of Sedecias, the son of Asadias,the son of Chelcias, wrote in Babylon,

    The Book of Baruch 1:2 In the fifth year, and inthe seventh day of the month, whattime as the Chaldeans tookJerusalem, and burnt it with fire.The Book of Baruch 1:3

    And Baruch did readthe words of this book in the hearingof Jechonias the son of Joachim kingof Juda, and in the ears of all thepeople that came to hear the book,

    The Book of Baruch 1:4 And in the hearing ofthe nobles, and of the king's sons, andin the hearing of the elders, and of all
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    the people, from the lowest unto thehighest, even of all them that dwelt at

    Babylon by the river Sud.The Book of Baruch 1:5 Whereupon they wept,fasted, and prayed before the Lord.The Book of Baruch 1:6 They made also acollection of money according to

    every man's power:The Book of Baruch 1:7 And they sent it toJerusalem unto Joachim the highpriest, the son of Chelcias, son ofSalom, and to the priests, and to allthe people which were found withhim at Jerusalem,The Book of Baruch 1:8 At the same time whenhe received the vessels of the house of

    the Lord, that were carried out of thetemple, to return them into the landof Juda, the tenth day of the monthSivan, namely, silver vessels, which
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    Sedecias the son of Josias king ofJada had made,

    The Book of Baruch 1:9 After thatNabuchodonosor king of Babylon hadcarried away Jechonias, and theprinces, and the captives, and themighty men, and the people of the

    land, from Jerusalem, and broughtthem unto Babylon.The Book of Baruch 1:10 And they said, Behold,

    we have sent you money to buy youburnt offerings, and sin offerings, andincense, and prepare ye manna, andoffer upon the altar of the Lord ourGod;The Book of Baruch 1:11 And pray for the life of

    Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon,and for the life of Balthasar his son,that their days may be upon earth asthe days of heaven:
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    The Book of Baruch 1:12 And the Lord will giveus strength, and lighten our eyes, and

    we shall live under the shadow ofNabuchodonosor king of Babylon,and under the shadow of Balthasarhis son, and we shall serve themmany days, and find favour in their

    sight.The Book of Baruch 1:13 Pray for us also untothe Lord our God, for we have sinnedagainst the Lord our God; and untothis day the fury of the Lord and his

    wrath is not turned from us.The Book of Baruch 1:14 And ye shall read this

    book which we have sent unto you, tomake confession in the house of the

    Lord, upon the feasts and solemndays.The Book of Baruch 1:15 And ye shall say, Tothe Lord our God belongeth
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    righteousness, but unto us theconfusion of faces, as it is come to

    pass this day, unto them of Juda, andto the inhabitants of Jerusalem,The Book of Baruch 1:16 And to our kings, andto our princes, and to our priests, andto our prophets, and to our fathers:The Book of Baruch 1:17 For we have sinned

    before the Lord,The Book of Baruch 1:18 And disobeyed him,and have not hearkened unto the

    voice of the Lord our God, to walk inthe commandments that he gave usopenly:The Book of Baruch 1:19 Since the day that theLord brought our forefathers out of

    the land of Egypt, unto this presentday, we have been disobedient untothe Lord our God, and we have beennegligent in not hearing his voice.
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    The Book of Baruch 1:20 Wherefore the evilscleaved unto us, and the curse, which

    the Lord appointed by Moses hisservant at the time that he broughtour fathers out of the land of Egypt,to give us a land that floweth withmilk and honey, like as it is to see this

    day.The Book of Baruch 1:21 Nevertheless we havenot hearkened unto the voice of theLord our God, according unto all the

    words of the prophets, whom he sentunto us:The Book of Baruch 1:22 But every manfollowed the imagination of his own

    wicked heart, to serve strange gods,

    and to do evil in the sight of the Lordour God.

    The Book of Baruch, Chapter 2
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    The Book of Baruch 2:1 Therefore the Lordhath made good his word, which he

    pronounced against us, and againstour judges that judged Israel, andagainst our kings, and against ourprinces, and against the men of Israeland Juda,The Book of Baruch 2:2 To bring upon us greatplagues, such as never happenedunder the whole heaven, as it came topass in Jerusalem, according to thethings that were written in the law ofMoses;The Book of Baruch 2:3 That a man should eatthe flesh of his own son, and the fleshof his own daughter.The Book of Baruch 2:4

    Moreover he hathdelivered them to be in subjection toall the kingdoms that are round aboutus, to be as a reproach and desolation
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    among all the people round about,where the Lord hath scattered them.

    The Book of Baruch 2:5 Thus we were castdown, and not exalted, because wehave sinned against the Lord ourGod, and have not been obedientunto his voice.The Book of Baruch 2:6 To the Lord our Godappertaineth righteousness: but untous and to our fathers open shame, asappeareth this day.The Book of Baruch 2:7 For all these plaguesare come upon us, which the Lordhath pronounced against usThe Book of Baruch 2:8 Yet have we not prayed

    before the Lord, that we might turn

    every one from the imaginations ofhis wicked heart.The Book of Baruch 2:9 Wherefore the Lord

    watched over us for evil, and the Lord
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    hath brought it upon us: for the Lordis righteous in all his works which he

    hath commanded us.The Book of Baruch 2:10 Yet we have nothearkened unto his voice, to walk inthe commandments of the Lord, thathe hath set before us.The Book of Baruch 2:11 And now, O Lord Godof Israel, that hast brought thy peopleout of the land of Egypt with a mightyhand, and high arm, and with signs,and with wonders, and with greatpower, and hast gotten thyself aname, as appeareth this day:The Book of Baruch 2:12 O Lord our God, wehave sinned, we have done ungodly,

    we have dealt unrighteously in allthine ordinances.The Book of Baruch 2:13 Let thy wrath turnfrom us: for we are but a few left
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    among the heathen, where thou hastscattered us.

    The Book of Baruch 2:14 Hear our prayers, OLord, and our petitions, and deliverus for thine own sake, and give usfavour in the sight of them whichhave led us away:The Book of Baruch 2:15 That all the earth mayknow that thou art the Lord our God,

    because Israel and his posterity iscalled by thy name.The Book of Baruch 2:16 O Lord, look downfrom thine holy house, and considerus: bow down thine ear, O Lord, tohear us.The Book of Baruch 2:17 Open thine eyes, and

    behold; for the dead that are in thegraves, whose souls are taken fromtheir bodies, will give unto the Lordneither praise nor righteousness:
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    The Book of Baruch 2:18 But the soul that isgreatly vexed, which goeth stooping

    and feeble, and the eyes that fail, andthe hungry soul, will give thee praiseand righteousness, O Lord.The Book of Baruch 2:19 Therefore we do notmake our humble supplication before

    thee, O Lord our God, for therighteousness of our fathers, and ofour kings.The Book of Baruch 2:20 For thou hast sent outthy wrath and indignation upon us,as thou hast spoken by thy servantsthe prophets, saying,The Book of Baruch 2:21 Thus saith the Lord,Bow down your shoulders to serve

    the king of Babylon: so shall yeremain in the land that I gave untoyour fathers.The Book of Baruch 2:22 But if ye will not hear
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    the voice of the Lord, to serve theking of Babylon,

    The Book of Baruch 2:23 I will cause to ceaseout of the cites of Judah, and from

    without Jerusalem, the voice ofmirth, and the voice of joy, the voiceof the bridegroom, and the voice of

    the bride: and the whole land shall bedesolate of inhabitants.The Book of Baruch 2:24 But we would nothearken unto thy voice, to serve theking of Babylon: therefore hast thoumade good the words that thouspakest by thy servants the prophets,namely, that the bones of our kings,and the bones of our fathers, should

    be taken out of their place.The Book of Baruch 2:25 And, lo, they are castout to the heat of the day, and to thefrost of the night, and they died in
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    great miseries by famine, by sword,and by pestilence.

    The Book of Baruch 2:26 And the house whichis called by thy name hast thou laid

    waste, as it is to be seen this day, forthe wickedness of the house of Israeland the house of Juda.The Book of Baruch 2:27 O Lord our God, thouhast dealt with us after all thygoodness, and according to all thatgreat mercy of thine,The Book of Baruch 2:28 As thou spakest by thyservant Moses in the day when thoudidst command him to write the law

    before the children of Israel, saying,The Book of Baruch 2:29 If ye will not hear my

    voice, surely this very great multitudeshall be turned into a small numberamong the nations, where I willscatter them.
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    The Book of Baruch 2:30 For I knew that theywould not hear me, because it is a

    stiffnecked people: but in the land oftheir captivities they shall rememberthemselves.The Book of Baruch 2:31 And shall know that Iam the Lord their God: for I will give

    them an heart, and ears to hear:The Book of Baruch 2:32 And they shall praiseme in the land of their captivity, andthink upon my name,The Book of Baruch 2:33 And return from theirstiff neck, and from their wickeddeeds: for they shall remember the

    way of their fathers, which sinnedbefore the Lord.The Book of Baruch 2:34

    And I will bring themagain into the land which I promisedwith an oath unto their fathers,Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they
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    shall be lords of it: and I will increasethem, and they shall not be

    diminished.The Book of Baruch 2:35 And I will make aneverlasting covenant with them to betheir God, and they shall be mypeople: and I will no more drive my

    people of Israel out of the land that Ihave given them.

    The Book of Baruch, Chapter 3

    The Book of Baruch 3:1 O Lord Almighty, God

    of Israel, the soul in anguish thetroubled spirit, crieth unto thee.The Book of Baruch 3:2 Hear, O Lord, and havemercy; ar thou art merciful: and havepity upon us, because we have sinned

    before thee.The Book of Baruch 3:3 For thou endurest forever, and we perish utterly.
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    The Book of Baruch 3:4 O Lord Almighty, thouGod of Israel, hear now the prayers of

    the dead Israelites, and of theirchildren, which have sinned beforethee, and not hearkened unto the

    voice of thee their God: for the whichcause these plagues cleave unto us.The Book of Baruch 3:5 Remember not theiniquities of our forefathers: butthink upon thy power and thy namenow at this time.The Book of Baruch 3:6 For thou art the Lordour God, and thee, O Lord, will wepraise.The Book of Baruch 3:7 And for this cause thouhast put thy fear in our hearts, to the

    intent that we should call upon thyname, and praise thee in ourcaptivity: for we have called to mindall the iniquity of our forefathers, that
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    sinned before thee.The Book of Baruch 3:8 Behold, we are yet this

    day in our captivity, where thou hastscattered us, for a reproach and acurse, and to be subject to payments,according to all the iniquities of ourfathers, which departed from the

    Lord our God.The Book of Baruch 3:9 Hear, Israel, thecommandments of life: give ear tounderstand wisdom.The Book of Baruch 3:10 How happeneth itIsrael, that thou art in thine enemies'land, that thou art waxen old in astrange country, that thou art defiled

    with the dead,The Book of Baruch 3:11

    That thou art countedwith them that go down into thegrave?The Book of Baruch 3:12 Thou hast forsaken the
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    fountain of wisdom.The Book of Baruch 3:13 For if thou hadst

    walked in the way of God, thoushouldest have dwelled in peace forever.The Book of Baruch 3:14 Learn where is

    wisdom, where is strength, where is

    understanding; that thou mayestknow also where is length of days,and life, where is the light of the eyes,and peace.The Book of Baruch 3:15 Who hath found outher place? or who hath come into hertreasures ?The Book of Baruch 3:16 Where are the princesof the heathen become, and such as

    ruled the beasts upon the earth;The Book of Baruch 3:17 They that had theirpastime with the fowls of the air, andthey that hoarded up silver and gold,
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    wherein men trust, and made no endof their getting?

    The Book of Baruch 3:18 For they that wroughtin silver, and were so careful, and

    whose works are unsearchable,The Book of Baruch 3:19 They are vanished andgone down to the grave, and others

    are come up in their steads.The Book of Baruch 3:20 Young men have seenlight, and dwelt upon the earth: butthe way of knowledge have they notknown,The Book of Baruch 3:21 Nor understood thepaths thereof, nor laid hold of it: theirchildren were far off from that way.The Book of Baruch 3:22 It hath not been heard

    of in Chanaan, neither hath it beenseen in Theman.The Book of Baruch 3:23 The Agarenes thatseek wisdom upon earth, the
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    merchants of Meran and of Theman,the authors of fables, and searchers

    out of understanding; none of thesehave known the way of wisdom, orremember her paths.The Book of Baruch 3:24 O Israel, how great isthe house of God! and how large is

    the place of his possession!The Book of Baruch 3:25 Great, and hath noneend; high, and unmeasurable.The Book of Baruch 3:26 There were the giantsfamous from the beginning, that wereof so great stature, and so expert in

    war.The Book of Baruch 3:27 Those did not the Lordchoose, neither gave he the way of

    knowledge unto them:The Book of Baruch 3:28 But they weredestroyed, because they had no

    wisdom, and perished through their
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    own foolishness.The Book of Baruch 3:29 Who hath gone up into

    heaven, and taken her, and broughther down from the clouds?The Book of Baruch 3:30 Who hath gone overthe sea, and found her, and will bringher for pure gold?The Book of Baruch 3:31 No man knoweth her

    way, nor thinketh of her path.The Book of Baruch 3:32 But he that knowethall things knoweth her, and hathfound her out with hisunderstanding: he that prepared theearth for evermore hath filled it withfourfooted beasts:The Book of Baruch 3:33 He that sendeth forth

    light, and it goeth, calleth it again,and it obeyeth him with fear.The Book of Baruch 3:34 The stars shined intheir watches, and rejoiced: when he
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    calleth them, they say, Here we be;and so with cheerfulness they shewed

    light unto him that made them.The Book of Baruch 3:35 This is our God, andthere shall none other be accountedof in comparison of himThe Book of Baruch 3:36 He hath found out all

    the way of knowledge, and hath givenit unto Jacob his servant, and toIsrael his beloved.The Book of Baruch 3:37 Afterward did he shewhimself upon earth, and conversed

    with men.

    The Book of Baruch, Chapter 4

    The Book of Baruch 4:1 This is the book of thecommandments of God, and the lawthat endureth for ever: all they thatkeep it shall come to life; but such asleave it shall die.
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    The Book of Baruch 4:2 Turn thee, O Jacob,and take hold of it: walk in the

    presence of the light thereof, thatthou mayest be illuminated.The Book of Baruch 4:3 Give not thine honourto another, nor the things that areprofitable unto thee to a strange

    nation.The Book of Baruch 4:4 O Israel, happy are we:for things that are pleasing to God aremade known unto us.The Book of Baruch 4:5 Be of good cheer, mypeople, the memorial of Israel.The Book of Baruch 4:6 Ye were sold to thenations, not for 4:your destruction:

    but because ye moved God to wrath,

    ye were delivered unto the enemies.The Book of Baruch 4:7 For ye provoked himthat made you by sacrificing untodevils, and not to God.
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    The Book of Baruch 4:8 Ye have forgotten theeverlasting God, that brought you up;

    and ye have grieved Jerusalem, thatnursed you.The Book of Baruch 4:9 For when she saw the

    wrath of God coming upon you, shesaid, Hearken, O ye that dwell about

    Sion: God hath brought upon megreat mourning;The Book of Baruch 4:10 For I saw the captivityof my sons and daughters, which theEverlasting brought upon them.The Book of Baruch 4:11 With joy did I nourishthem; but sent them away with

    weeping and mourning.The Book of Baruch 4:12 Let no man rejoice

    over me, a widow, and forsaken ofmany, who for the sins of my childrenam left desolate; because theydeparted from the law of God.
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    The Book of Baruch 4:13 They knew not hisstatutes, nor walked in the ways of his

    commandments, nor trod in thepaths of discipline in hisrighteousness.The Book of Baruch 4:14 Let them that dwellabout Sion come, and remember ye

    the captivity of my sons anddaughters, which the Everlastinghath brought upon them.The Book of Baruch 4:15 For he hath brought anation upon them from far, ashameless nation, and of a strangelanguage, who neither reverenced oldman, nor pitied child.The Book of Baruch 4:16 These have carried

    away the dear beloved children of thewidow, and left her that was alonedesolate without daughters.The Book of Baruch 4:17 But what can I help
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    you?The Book of Baruch 4:18 For he that brought

    these plagues upon you will deliveryou from the hands of your enemies.The Book of Baruch 4:19 Go your way, O mychildren, go your way: for I am leftdesolate.The Book of Baruch 4:20 I have put off theclothing of peace, and put upon methe sackcloth of my prayer: I will cryunto the Everlasting in my days.The Book of Baruch 4:21 Be of good cheer, O mychildren, cry unto the Lord, and he

    will deliver you from the power andhand of the enemies.The Book of Baruch 4:22 For my hope is in the

    Everlasting, that he will save you; andjoy is come unto me from the HolyOne, because of the mercy whichshall soon come unto you from the
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    Everlasting our Saviour.The Book of Baruch 4:23 For I sent you out with

    mourning and weeping: but God willgive you to me again with joy andgladness for ever.The Book of Baruch 4:24 Like as now theneighbours of Sion have seen your

    captivity: so shall they see shortlyyour salvation from our God whichshall come upon you with great glory,and brightness of the Everlasting.The Book of Baruch 4:25 My children, sufferpatiently the wrath that is come upon

    you from God: for thine enemy hathpersecuted thee; but shortly thoushalt see his destruction, and shalt

    tread upon his neck.The Book of Baruch 4:26 My delicate ones havegone rough ways, and were takenaway as a flock caught of the enemies.
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    The Book of Baruch 4:27 Be of good comfort, O

    my children, and cry unto God: for yeshall be remembered of him that

    brought these things upon you.The Book of Baruch 4:28 For as it was yourmind to go astray from God: so, being

    returned, seek him ten times more.The Book of Baruch 4:29 For he that hath

    brought these plagues upon you shallbring you everlasting joy with yoursalvation.The Book of Baruch 4:30 Take a good heart, OJerusalem: for he that gave thee thatname will comfort thee.The Book of Baruch 4:31 Miserable are they that

    afflicted thee, and rejoiced at thy fall.The Book of Baruch 4:32 Miserable are thecities which thy children served:miserable is she that received thy
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    sons.The Book of Baruch 4:33 For as she rejoiced at

    thy ruin, and was glad of thy fall: soshall she be grieved for her owndesolation.The Book of Baruch 4:34 For I will take awaythe rejoicing of her great multitude,

    and her pride shall be turned intomourning.The Book of Baruch 4:35 For fire shall comeupon her from the Everlasting, longto endure; and she shall be inhabitedof devils for a great time.The Book of Baruch 4:36 O Jerusalem, lookabout thee toward the east, and

    behold the joy that cometh unto thee

    from God.The Book of Baruch 4:37 Lo, thy sons come,whom thou sentest away, they comegathered together from the east to the
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    west by the word of the Holy One,rejoicing in the glory of God.

    The Book of Baruch, Chapter 5

    The Book of Baruch 5:1 Put off, O Jerusalem,the garment of mourning andaffliction, and put on the comeliness

    of the glory that cometh from God forever.The Book of Baruch 5:2 Cast about thee adouble garment of the righteousness

    which cometh from God; and set a

    diadem on thine head of the glory ofthe Everlasting.The Book of Baruch 5:3 For God will shew thy

    brightness unto every country underheaven.The Book of Baruch 5:4 For thy name shall becalled of God for ever The peace ofrighteousness, and The glory of God's
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    worship.The Book of Baruch 5:5 Arise, O Jerusalem,

    and stand on high, and look abouttoward the east, and behold thychildren gathered from the west untothe east by the word of the Holy One,rejoicing in the remembrance of God.

    The Book of Baruch 5:6 For they departed fromthee on foot, and were led away oftheir enemies: but God bringeth themunto thee exalted with glory, aschildren of the kingdom.The Book of Baruch 5:7 For God hathappointed that every high hill, and

    banks of long continuance, should be

    cast down, and valleys filled up, tomake even the ground, that Israelmay go safely in the glory of God,The Book of Baruch 5:8 Moreover even the
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    woods and every sweetsmelling treeshall overshadow Israel by the

    commandment of God.The Book of Baruch 5:9 For God shall leadIsrael with joy in the light of his glory

    with the mercy and righteousnessthat cometh from him.