bollettino di informazione sui programmi di … mission dell’eit è di crescere e...

BOLLETTINO DI INFORMAZIONE SUI PROGRAMMI DI FINANZIAMENTO COMUNITARI E NAZIONALI aprile 2009 Divisione Ricerca Sezione Ricerca Nazionale e Internazionale [email protected]

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aprile 2009

Divisione Ricerca Sezione Ricerca Nazionale e Internazionale

[email protected]

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NOTE Allo scopo di agevolare i docenti nella lettura e comprensione dei bandi raccolti nel Bollettino, si forniscono di seguito alcune precisazioni: Il termine PUBBLICAZIONE si riferisce al numero e alla data di pubblicazione del bando sulla GU UE (Gazzetta Ufficiale della Unione Europea). Tale informazione viene richiesta dalla Commissione Europea qualora si proceda alla presentazione di un progetto di ricerca nell’ambito dei programmi comunitari. L’IDENTIFICATIVO DELL’INVITO è il codice distintivo dell’invito a presentare proposte di ricerca che connota il bando pubblicato nella GUCE (Gazzetta Ufficiale della Commissione Europea) e nel sito Internet ufficiale della Commissione Europea, Servizio alla Ricerca Tale informazione viene richiesta dalla Commissione Europea qualora si proceda alla presentazione di un progetto di ricerca nell’ambito dei programmi comunitari. Sotto l’etichetta DOCUMENTAZIONE viene riportato un link diretto alla pagina web del sito dedicato al programma, dove è possibile accedere al bando completo, così come pubblicato nella GUCE, e alla modulistica necessaria per presentare la proposta di ricerca.

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Parte 1

Bandi Programmi Comunitari I.2 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION

Call for proposals for Eurocores Themes 2009 SCADENZA: 29-05-2009



EUROCORES Themes are "bottom-up" proposals for the creation of new collaborative research programmes dealing with broad and complex topics which are best addressed through multinational cooperation. Through its annual call for theme proposals, ESF solicits new ideas from the scientific community with a view to creating large-scale European Collaborative Research (EUROCORES) programmes in and across all scientific domains. EUROCORES programmes: • Can span all fields of science within the remit of the ESF’s Standing Committees: Humanities (including cognitive sciences); Physical and Engineering sciences (including mathematics, computing,chemistry, materials science and information technology); Medical Sciences; Social Sciences; Life,Earth and Environmental Sciences.



Università, Centri di ricerca: Teams of proposers must include scientists eligible for funding from ESF member organisations in at least four different countries. For ESF membership please visit:



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Energy efficiency and rational use of resources (SAVE)

• Proposals related to energy-efficient buildings • Proposals related to energy efficient products

New and renewable energy sources (ALTENER) • Proposals related to electricity from renewable energy sources

(RES-e) • Analyse, benchmark, develop, promote and implement

innovative policies and regulatory frameworks, including support schemes and grid connection requirements

• Projects addressing non-technological barriers to the growth of offshore power generation from wind, and marine sources

• Strategic actions aiming to analyse, monitor, streamline and ease application procedures

• Give more prominence to RES-e topics in vocational training curricula; institutionalise (for example by means of agreements with universities, associations of installers, industries, and chambers of commerce) and promote certification schemes for installers, and for operation and maintenance teams.

• Proposals related to renewable energy heating/cooling (RES-H/C) aim at supporting the implementation of the RES Directive at national, regional and local levels, with a particular emphasis on large-scale RE systems for district heating and/or cooling

Energy in transport (STEER) • Proposals related to alternative fuels and clean and energy-efficient

vehicles (including electric vehicles) • Proposals related to energy-efficient transport

Integrated initiatives • Proposals related to European networking for local action • Proposals related to sustainable energy communities • Proposals related to bio-business following two major objectives: i)

integrated bioenergy planning; ii) strengthening sustainable supply chains for solid bioenergy resources

• Proposals related to energy services

BENEFICIARI: Imprese, Enti di ricerca, Università, Enti pubblici RISORSE DISPONIBILI E FINANZIAMENTO: 65 milioni di euro

DOCUMENTAZIONE: Referenti: Mr. Paolo Coda ENEA – CRE Casaccia Phone: +39.06.3048.4128 Fax: +39.06.3048.3663 Mr. Marcello Capra Ministry of Economic Development Phone: +39.06.4705.3550, Fax: +39.06.4705.3803

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EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (EIT) – Call for proposals for the establishment of Knowledge and Innovation Communities

SCADENZA: 27-08-2009 The EIT electronic registration system will open in May 2009

FACOLTA’: Scienze ed Economia


Temi di cui si occuperanno le Knowledge and Innovation Communities selezionate e che costituiscono priorità:

• cambiamento climatico • risparmio energetico • nuove frontiere delle ICT

Cosa sono le KIC:

A KIC is a collaborative partnership, a legally and financially structured and managed entity of internationally distributed but thematically convergent parties. The KIC will establish an innovation chain - from education to economic impact - drawing on, but moving beyond the experience and capabilities of individual parties. A KIC will deliver measurable societal, economic and entrepreneurial learning and business impact. Specific activities of a KIC are to:

• address long-term challenges in the themes and identify and tackle new opportunities for innovation in Europe;

• transfer higher education, research and innovation activities to the business context and commercial and societal applications (stimulating innovation in large firms as well as creating spin-offs and start-ups and supporting SMEs);

• attract, keep and work with partner organizations and top-class talent from around the world;

• develop entrepreneurial people and bring them to business; • maximize the share of financial contribution from the private sector; • address leading innovation-driven research essential to the KIC

objectives ; • set up new schemes of innovation-focused education through EIT-

branded master, doctorate and post doctorate education.


BENEFICIARI: Il requisito minimo per realizzare una KIC è la partecipazione di 3 enti di almeno 2 Paesi membri diversi. La durata di una KIC e dai 4 ai 7 anni

RISORSE DISPONIBILI E FINANZIAMENTO: circa 100 milioni di euro, verranno finanziate circa 3 KICs


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Principali macro-attività del Bando 2009 Eco-Innovation : • Materials re cycling • Buildings • Food and drink sector • Greening Business/Smart purchasing

CIP Eco-Innovation will support : Projects concerning with the first application or market replication of eco-innovative techniques, products, processes or practices, which have already been technically demonstrated, but due to remaining risks need incentives to penetrate significantly the market.

BENEFICIARI: Imprese, Enti di ricerca, Università, Enti pubblici RISORSE DISPONIBILI E FINANZIAMENTO: 30 milioni di euro

DOCUMENTAZIONE: ecoinnovation

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Parte 2

Bandi VII Programma Quadro

Il VII Programma Quadro di RST è il principale strumento con cui l’Unione europea finanzia la ricerca in Europa. Il programma, adottato il 18 dicembre 2006, copre il periodo 2007 - 2013 ed è articolato in quattro programmi specifici che corrispondono ad altrettanti obiettivi fondamentali della politica europea di ricerca.

Risultano aperti dei bandi per questo programma, che sono già stati pubblicati nei bollettini precedenti; per una consultazione più rapida vai alla sezione “Elenco bandi ancora aperti”.

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SCADENZA: 27-07-2009 IDENTIFICATIVO: la call sarà aperta il 24 aprile ’09

AREA TEMATICA: TUTTI I PANEL RICOMPRESI NEL PROGRAMMA PEOPLE : Chemistry, Social and Human Sciences, Economic Sciences, Information Science and Engineering, Environment and Geosciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics


OGGETTO: Progetti di mobilità per scambio di ricercatori tra Università ed Imprese in ambito europeo ed internazionale


65 mil di euro


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Parte 3

Bandi Programmi Regionali e Nazionali



DESTINATARI: Docenti e Ricercatori


Il premio, istituito nel 2001, grazie al supporto dei Ministeri degli Affari Esteri e della Cultura di Grecia, dell'Istruzione e della Cultura della Repubblica Cipriota, del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità e del Vicino Oriente dell'Università Ca' Foscari e della Fondazione di Venezia (tramite l'Associazione Italia-Grecia di Venezia), è riservato a studiosi di età massima 40 anni. I lavori da sottoporre alla Commissione scientifica devono essere attinenti aiseguenti campi di ricerca: lingua, letteratura e storia bizantina e post-bizantina; filologia bizantina e umanistica; documenti d'archivio relativi alla storia greca medievale e moderna; produzione letteraria in greco volgare; letteratura e cultura cretese durante il dominio veneziano; rapporti storici, storico-letterari e culturali fra Oriente greco ed Occidente in età medievale e moderna; dotti greci della diaspora; Venezia e i Greci. I lavori devono essere originali, individuali e non pubblicati alla data di scadenza del bando (30.6.2009). I contributi (in italiano, greco, inglese, francese), fino ad un'estensione massima di 50 cartelle (carattere 12, spazio 3, 30 righe),

SOVVENZIONE: Premio: 2.500 euro

DOCUMENTAZIONE: Premio Panagiotakis, c/o Prof. Caterina Carpinato Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità e del Vicino Oriente, Palazzo Marcorà Malcanton, Dorsoduro 3484d, 30123, Venezia;

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[email protected]. [email protected]

Parte 4

Approfondimento del Mese



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EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (EIT) L’Istituto Europeo per l’Innovazione e la Tecnologia è stato costituito per essere una delle guide prinici per lo sviluppo e la competitività europei. Suo compito sarà di di stimolare le attività di innovazione che abbiano un impatto positivo sull’economia e sulla società. Mission La Mission dell’EIT è di crescere e capitalizzare la capacità di innovazione e le competenze dei vari “attori” appartenenti al mondo delle Università, Centri di Ricerca, Business e Impresa dell’Unione Europea, attraverso la creazione di Comunità della Conoscenza e dell’Innovazione transnazionali (KICs). Si tratta di un investimento ambizioso per la Comunità Europea: l’EIT avrà a disposizione una dotazione finanziaria da parte della Commissione europea di 308,7 milioni di euro per il periodo 2008-2013. L’EIT è strutturato secondo due livelli: 1) un comitato direttivo (Governing Board), composto da 18 esperti provenienti dal mondo della scienza e dell'imprenditoria che dovranno decidere della strategia e del budget di EIT, valutare e selezionare le comunità di conoscenza. 2) comunità di conoscenza (Knowledge Innovation Communities - KICs) basate su partenariati transnazionali di eccellenza tra università, istituti di ricerca e imprese, che rappresenteranno poli integrati di competenze e di risorse in settori particolarmente strategici per l’Unione Europea: - cambiamento climatico - risparmio energetico - nuove frontiere delle ICT Tra le caratteristiche importanti di una KIC, vi sarà certamente quella di essere costituita da un numero limitato di "nodi" di eccellenza, che aggreghino un certo numero di attori appartenenti al mondo della ricerca, della formazione, dell’industria e delle PMI. Il requisito minimo per realizzare una KIC è la partecipazione di 3 enti di almeno 2 Paesi membri diversi. L’obiettivo è di selezionare, in base a criteri di competitività ed eccellenza, le prime KICs entro gennaio 2010 rendendole operative per un periodo variabile tra i 7 e i 15 anni. Per ulteriori informazioni: EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION (ESF)

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European Science Foundation (ESF) è un’associazione di 80 organizzazioni che si occupano principalmente di Ricerca in 30 diversi paesi Europei. L’ESF è nato nel 1974, coordinando e promuovendo da allora molteplici iniziative scientifiche pan-europee. L’obiettivo primario di ESF è di promuovere a livello europeo l’eccellenza scientifica. L’ESF promuove la cooperazione e la collaborazione in ambito scientifico a livello europeo coordinando le organizzazioni partner e la Comunità Scientifica Europea. ATTIVITA’ Scopo delle attività è dare ai ricercatori l’opportunità di superare le barriere nazionali e collaborare a livello europeo per il miglioramento della qualità della ricerca scientifica, sia in una prospettiva a lungo termine che a breve termine. ESF riassume le sue attività in questi tre pilastri: Science Strategy Lo scopo è di fornire un alto livello e alta qualità alle previsioni scientifiche, infrastrutture di Ricerca, e alle polizie per la scienza:

• Forward Looks • Member Organisation FORA • Exploratory Workshops

Science Synergy Gli strumenti di quest’attività mirano a riunire gli scienziati eccellenti di tutte le discipline, a qualsiasi stadio della loro carriera, con l’obiettivo di estendere le frontiere della Ricerca.

• Research Networking Programme • EUROCORES • ESF Research Conferences

Science Management ESF ha ruoli di coordinamento sia in varie iniziative Comunitarie che nell’ambito di ERA-NETs. Per consultare i Bandi ed avere altre informazioni, il riferimento è il seguente : Aree di Ricerca

ESF copre tutte le aree scientifiche. Per promuovere l’eccellenza ad un livello europeo propone cinque principali panel disciplinari e 5 boards:

• Humanities (SCH) • Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (LESC) • Medical Sciences (EMRC) • Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC) • Social Sciences (SCSS)

• Marine Board • Polar Board • Space Sciences • Nuclear Physics • Radio Astronomy

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Parte 5

Opportunità e novità internazionali dalla rete Enterprise Europe Network 1

IV.1 Richieste di tecnologia 2

Title: A chemical plating process for depositing a metal film on glass and similar non-conductive surfaces. Abstract:An Irish engineer has developed a chemical plating process for depositing a metallic film on glass and similar non-conductive surfaces. Advantages over conventional methods include room-temperature operation, low cost, and smooth adherent deposits which can be adapted to suit a number of application fields. Licence agreements are sought with companies or organisations with the expertise and resources to take the technology from the laboratory prototype stage through to commercialisation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 IE 51S6 3D5I) Detailed information: ------------ Title: A NEW ECONOMICAL AND HIGH PERFORMANCE PROCESS FOR OBTAINING A WIDE RANGE OF NANOSTRUCTURED METAL CARBIDES

1. La rete Enterprise Europe Network, è nata per volontà della Direzione Generale per le Imprese della Commissione europea, al fine di fornire un servizio integrato di supporto alle piccole e medie imprese, rafforzando e migliorando i servizi offerti precedentemente dai due network che hanno assistito rispettivamente le PMI e l’innovazione (operativi da 20 anni – gli EIC – e da 10 anni – gli IRC). Nel quadro del “Programma Competitività e Innovazione” (CIP), “Enterprise Europe Network” rappresenta uno dei principali strumenti della Commissione ed anche la rete più estesa a supporto delle PMI europee, coprendo l’intero territorio europeo. La rete offre consulenza, servizi specifici e assistenza personalizzata: alle PMI sulla .legislazione europea ed internazionale, sull’approccio a nuovi mercati, all’innovazione e al trasferimento tecnologico.

La rete si appoggia a enti specializzati nell’informazione e nell’assistenza alle aziende. La struttura che coordina la rete Enterprise Europe Network per il Triveneto è l’Unione Regionale delle Camere di Commercio del Veneto- Eurosportello .

2 Le proposte di collaborazione tecnologica sono selezionate da Veneto Innovazione sulla banca dati dei punti Enterprise Europe Network; Con i suoi 500 punti in 40 paesi, la rete è la principale struttura a supporto del Trasferimento di Tecnologia a livello internazionale. Veneto Innovazione è il referente regionale della rete (, per il trasferimento tecnologico, e opera per mettere in contatto le aziende e i centri di ricerca veneti con chi cerca e chi offre nuove tecnologie in tutto il mondo. I servizi di trasferimento tecnologico sono regolati da un contratto che viene stipulato da Veneto Innovazione con le aziende Interessate

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Abstract: Researchers from Spanish universities and technological centres have developed a new high performance process for obtaining nanostructured metal carbides, applicable to the gas and oil extraction, mining and construction industries, among others. The process enables performance and degree of purity to be increased and manufacturing costs of metal carbides to be reduced. The developers are seeking partners for technical cooperation and license agreements. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3COU) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Advanced automation for aerial and terrestrial robots for critical applications Abstract: A Catalan non-profit Foundation working on advanced automation for aerial and terrestrial robots is looking for partners for technical cooperation. The Foundation works in the development of robust control for critical applications as well as sensing technology integration for precise remote operations. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 25E2 2S4K) Detailed information: ------------ Title:Cellulose Compound Element for indoor insulation Abstract: A small German company, a carpentry specialised in building, maintaining and extending timber frame houses has developed a new insulation panel with extraordinary characteristics in thermal and sound insulation. The panel is made of sustainable renewable resources. The company is looking for technical co-operation for testing, characterising and prototype development and as well as for licensees who will build-up a production and marketing. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 DE 1271 3D7W) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Clinical enzymology reference measurements Abstract: A Clinical Enzymology Reference Laboratory from the Catalonia region (Spain) has wide experience on clinical enzymology reference measurements. They are looking for in vitro diagnostic manufacturers interested to ensure a traceability of the values assigned to their calibrators and materials and thus, certify reference materials. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 25E2 3CJI) Detailed information:

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15 ------------ Title: Crystal ceramic with decorative and insulation properties Abstract: A Spanish company has developed a new material for coating application of all types of walls. This is a crystal ceramic which material grip gives it, besides colour, sound and thermal insulation properties. The company seeks partners from the construction and related sectors in order to establish a licensing agreement to develop new applications and to exploit the existing know-how. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D1 3CXH) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Decentralised seawater desalination with reverse osmosis technology Abstract: A German company specialised in water treatment with membrane technology offers decentral desalination units for sea water, brackish water and surface water. The units are characterized by simple handling, energy efficiency and a robust technique. They can be combined with solar or wind energy supply. Partners are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 DE 0855 3D9J) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Elementary analysis based on sample vaporization followed by analysis through mass spectrometry Abstract: A small Italian company has developed a system in vacuum to carry out the elementary analysis of materials. The main advantage is that the used technique is not so destructive because very small sample ( less than 100 mg.) are sufficient to have a precision of 1?. The company is searching for an industrial partner interested to further development or for a research centre to test new applications. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 IT 53V3 3CZP) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Energy saving system for space heating in new and old buildings with a single-boiler furnace Abstract: An Italian innovation and technology transfer private centre has patented and tested in the field a new control system for space heating in new and old buildings equipped with a traditional single-boiler

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heating furnace. Energy savings, comfort and friendly operation are the main key points. The proposer is looking for collaborations or agreements with companies for further testing, refinement and licensing. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 IT 56Z7 3CY7) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Expertise in integration and assembly of devices based on optics and fiber optics Abstract: A Finnish SME is specialized in integration and assembly of optical, fiber optical and precision mechanical devices and systems. The company has optical fibre and optics expertise, precision mechanical workshop, fiber drawing towers and glass moulding and vacuum evaporation equipment. Device and system manufacturers interested in optical, optomechanical and fiber optical solutions and expertise are sought for technical and commercial cooperation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 FI 30I1 3CO3) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Geographic Information System for engineering projects Abstract: Spanish company has developmed a Geographic Information System (GIS) for managing graphics and alphanumeric information necessary for the organization and analysis of many applications such as the establishment of models and the calculation of routes. The company seeks industrial partners, universities or public administrations to reach license agreements, joint further development agreements and commercial agreements with technical assistance. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 28G5 3CUK) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Innovative coating and laminating technologies for the converting sector Abstract: A German supplier of coating machinery is specialised in customer-oriented development and production of tailored machinery parts and lines for the converting industry. They offer newly developed coating and laminating technologies allowing a higher line speed, thus improving the utilisation and effectiveness of plants. In addition failures and defects are reduced and materials resources saved. Industrial partners are sought for joint development and testing of new applications (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 DE 0855 3D8B) Detailed information: ------------

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Title:Know-how in metallic bodywork and hydraulic systems developments for trucks, special vehicles and trailers Abstract: A Spanish SME is specialized in design, manufacture and assembly of bodywork for trucks, trailer, semitrailer, hydraulic equipments and dumper trucks. The company offers its broad know how and experience in designing and engineering related with metallic bodywork for special vehicles and load platforms. The company seeks research projects and partners for technical cooperation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 28G3 3CLW) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Materials Fixation Toolkit for Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMS) Abstract: A Spanish university has developed a tool which facilitates the manipulation and conservation of powder based samples for scanning electronic microscopes (SEM). By doing so the movement and steadiness of the samples are significantly improved and loss or deterioration of the samples is avoided. It is particularly useful when placing, moving or temporarily storing samples to be studied by the SEM. Collaboration is sought with a partner interested in manufacturing and commercialising the solution. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 29h4 3CVH) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Method for the micropropagation of iris boissieri and its applications Abstract: A Spanish university has developed a completely new procedure for the micropropagation of iris boissieri Henriq (specie in danger of extinction) and its different applications, that is of interest in commercial gardening and phytochemistry for its high number of flavones, phenols, sesquiterpenes and terpenoids. The university is looking for license agreement. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 24D8 3CVS) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Micronano devices for disease diagnostics and drug delivery Abstract: A Spanish Research Institute has developed micronano devices that can be functionalized with fluorescent molecules, proteins, antibodies or antitumoral drugs and introduced into cells and tissues. The devices offer a wide range of nanomedicine applications, specifically for disease diagnostics inside cells and tissues and for drug delivery. A patent license agreement and collaboration for further development are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 28G2 3CIQ) Detailed information:

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18 ------------ Title:Miocardia: Computational framework for modelling and assessing the Left Ventricular (LV) functionality Abstract: A non-profit institution from the Catalonia region (Spain) has developed new R&D lines in the Visualization and Modelling as a method to discriminate diseases through the visualisation of interactive biomedical images. They are looking for enterprises interested for their technology. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 ES 25E2 27KM) Detailed information: ------------ Title:Monitoring of solar thermal system in situ in real conditions Abstract: A Catalan construction Technology Centre based in Spain has developed a technology which allows monitoring at least for a year several parameters that characterize the functioning of the solar thermal system. Through this technology, solar thermal systems can be evaluated in real conditions and under a whole meteorological pattern under real demand. Public institutions and private companies that install it in their new or existing real states are seek in order to improve their product. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 25E2 3CPY) Detailed information: ------------ Title:Multi-mission SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data modular system for the development of customised applications Abstract: An Italian SME with specialised know-how in multi-mission SAR data applications is offering customised software modules and application development that utilise SAR data for remote sensing applications. SAR data allows for all weather, day and night ground and marine observation. The company has extensive expertise to develop algorithms for the processing of SAR data acquired in Stripmap and Spotlight acquisition modes. Open to industrial and/or research partnerships. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 IT 53U0 3CVL) Detailed information: ------------ Title: New 119Sn labelled Butyltin Standard and Analytical Methodology for the Determination of Butyltin Compounds in Environmental Samples Abstract:A Spanish company has synthesized a new isotopically labelled spike solution for the simultaneous determination of butyltin compounds. The offered analysis method allows meeting the stricter becoming EU requirements concerning Water Quality. The company is looking for business

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partners to reach commercial agreements for the commercialization of the product and/or implementation of the methodologies. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 24D4 3CKC) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Non-combustible ceramic-polymeric resin systems and coatings for fire-safe or high temperature composites, high voltage electronics and construction applications Abstract: A Finnish company developed a novel two component ceramic-polymeric resin system for fire-safe and high temperature applications. The liquid nanotechnology based resins do not ignite, produce smoke or generate heat under fire. The conversion from liquid base to the solid ceramic-polymeric stage can be done at room temperature. The company seeks industrial partners interested in further development and testing the products in different applications, as well as investors. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 FI 30I1 3D7L) Detailed information: ------------ Title: On-line safety and risk prevention platform Abstract: A Spanish technological centre has developed an on-line platform for collaborative work on occupational safety and risk prevention. It provides support on the development of occupational health and safety plans for the construction sector. It integrates and makes available information related to safety assurance in building sites for construction companies. The centre seeks partners for the development of further applications and to exploit the existing know-how. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D1 2S4V) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Procedure for obtaining phase gratings by laser ablation Abstract: A Spanish university has developed a method for manufacturing of phase gratings by using a laser with galvanometers. The gratings are designed by CAD and transferred to the substrate by modifying the refractive index of commercial glass (or other transparent substrate) by the ablation of metallic or ceramic targets in the backside of the substrate. It has a wide range of possible applications, especially in communications and new technologies. They are looking for a license agreement. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 24D8 3CU7) Detailed information:

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------------ Title: Rotary screens for classification of granular materials. Abstract: A Polish researcher invented rotary screens used for classification of granular materials, e.g. minerals or chemical raw materials, cereals and others. These machines are equipped with a conical sieve in the form of a reversed cone, that performs a rotary motion. The sieves do not vibrate so there are no dynamic problems the vibrating screens have. Licensees among industrial machine building companies ready for technical cooperation are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 PL 61AK 2S1J) Detailed information: ------------ Title: SMART METHOD FOR REDUCTION OF WEB PAGE DOWNLOAD TIME Abstract: A Spanish university has developed a new smart method which enables web page download time to be reduced, with the resulting benefit for Internet users. The web server has an access log which enables to download only the content which has been modified with respect to any previous download of the same web page. It can be achieved a reduction of between 40 - 60%, in the loading requests received by the server and the downloading time perceived by the user. License agreements are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3CNT) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Synthesis of chemicals by electrochemical technology Abstract: A Spanish University has the know-how to develop and perform the synthesis of organic products by direct or indirect electrochemical processes. This technology has two great advantages: simplifies chemical synthesis method and is environmentally friendly. This technology could be of interest for chemical and pharmaceutical industries that produce intermediates and final chemical products and need to develop new processes. Industrial partners to patent or know-how licence agreements are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3CQD) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Technology for biodiesel production from crude or waste vegetable oils Abstract: A Romanian research institute has developed a biodiesel production technology from crude or waste vegetable oils.The biodiesel can be used in Diesel-type engines, in mixture with or instead of classical Diesel fuels. Main advantages: -the valorification of waste (burned) vegetable oils; -the obtained biofuel is biodegradable and represents a renewable source of energy. The institute is looking for partners such as industrial firms for technology transfer, also offering technical consultancy.

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(TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 RO 78EG 3CQO) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Technology for biodiesel production from rapeseed oil Abstract:A Romanian research institute has developed a biodiesel production technology from rapeseed oil. The biodiesel can be used in Diesel-type engines, in mixture with or instead of classical Diesel fuel.Main advantages: - the obtained biofuel is a renewable source of energy; -it reduces the emissions of green-house effect gases; it is biodegradable.The institute is looking for partners such as industrial firms or farmers for technology transfer, also offering technical consultancy. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 RO 78EG 3CU9) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Technology for deep heat recuperation and perfect cleaning of wet combustion gases from kilns and incinery plants of organic wastes. Abstract: A small Polish company set up by an experienced inventor offers a new ecological technology which is dedicated for fine cleaning of combustion gases together with deep heat energy recuperation. The technology may be used in kilns and incinery plants of wet organic materials and other solid wastes like sediments. Partners for technical cooperation, production agreement, further research as well as licencees are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 PL 61AK 2S1I) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Testing of fire protective clothing Abstract: A Slovenian SME offers a flame mannequin system for testing fire protective clothing in compliance with standard ISO 13506:2008. The system assesses fire protective clothing characteristics in realistic ?flash fire? scenarios that are difficult to simulate with traditional bench-top tests of fabrics. Producers, distributors and buyers (such as army, fire brigades, etc.) of fire protective clothing that wish to test such clothing are sought for technical and commercial co-operations. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 SI 68CN 3D2F) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Tools and services for machine vision, pattern recognition and generic machine learning

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Abstract: A small Finnish high technology company, whose main focus is in the area of tomographic imaging, also has a considerable amount of experience in building camera-based machine vision systems, especially in industrial settings. In that context, the company is offering tools and services related to developing software for specific vision-based applications. Industrial partners for further development and companies for testing new applications are sought for technical and commercial cooperation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 FI 30I1 3D3J) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Aquatic Plant Solution Technology to Reduce Eutrophication in Rivers and Lakes Abstract: A Catalan technological centre based in Spain holds a know-how in monitoring eutrophicated systems and seeks a technological collaboration in the use of aquatic plants to reduce, nitrogen, phosphate and organic matter and pesticides in aquatic systems (riparian zones in particular). The technology sought would include advanced GIS (Global Information System) support, hydrodynamics simulation together with a global aquatic plant solution in terms of plant selection and location. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 ES 25E2 3CTP) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Automated Flow Injection Analysis system/ Lab on a Chip / Lab on a Card for integration of an ELISA based Immunosensor Abstract: An SME from the Basque Country (Spain) is looking for an entity (university, research Centre or private company) to produce an Automated Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) or Lab on a Chip (LOC) / Lab on a Card System to integrate an immunosensor for amperometric detection of mycotoxins in milk. Ideally, the device developed should be easy to use and portable. The company is looking for partners interested in research collaboration. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:08 ES 26E5 2S1Z) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Content provider with a toolkit in Human Resource Management (HRM) for an existing web platform Abstract: A consulting service company is looking for a content provider with a toolkit in Human Resource Management (HRM) for an existing web platform. The content needed should have focus on processes, templates, checklists but also on e-learning and general value-added services. The company is looking for a joint venture or a technical co-operation. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 IS 81ET 3D0H)

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Detailed information: ------------ Title: Halophile treatment of an hypersaline wastewater Abstract: A pharmaceutical company located in the Catalonia region (Spain) has wide experience in chemistry with Pharmaceutical application. Biological treatment using halophile microorganisms and therefore improving the recovery of salt would reduce further dependence on external environmental management. They are looking for a partner that should provide the know-how, equipment and technical assistance to seek for a treatment of an industrial saline wastewater. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 ES 25E2 3CJ5) Detailed information: ------------ Title: High Fault Current Limiter for use with new technology Batteries Abstract: A UK company are evaluating new battery technologies capable of producing short circuit currents well in excess of the breaking capability. In order to be able to proceed, the company needs a current limiter that would be connected in series with the battery breakers to limit the short circuit current to a value that is within the breaking capability of existing breakers. The company are looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 GB 77dz 3D91) Detailed information: ------------ Title: High frequency welding technology for medical foil bags manufacture Abstract: A medium Polish company from the foil processing industry wants to develop a new product line: foil bags for medical purposes. The high frequency (HF) welding method is supposed to be the most suitable to achieve a right effect and quality. The requested technology should be fully developed. The sought partner may be from the industry, specialising in HF jointing used for medical products. Licence agreement, joint-venture agreement, commercial agreement with technical assistance are foreseen. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:08 PL 61AK 2RYR) Detailed information: ------------ Title:High precision plastic manufacturing

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Abstract: A Spanish enterprise located in the Catalonia region has wide experience manufacturing and commercializing medical devices in the areas of respiration, audiometry, sleep and scales. For a new line of devices in the respiratory area, they are looking for a partner with high precision prototyping and injection in order to manufacturing non metallic 3D structures that will allow develop a novel device. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:08 ES 25E2 27JK) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Human Vaccines at Preclinical development Abstract: A Spanish Biotechnology Company, focused on research and development of Chimeric Virus?Like Particles as therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines in human and veterinary health, is looking for a vaccine for human health in preclinical phase with strong Industrial Property in order to collaborate in clinical phases. The Company looks for a License Agreement or Joint venture Agreement. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 ES 28G1 3CGB) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Innovative technology for production of concrete posts Abstract: A small Latvian construction company is looking for a new technology for the production of various concrete posts: mile posts, gateposts, roadside posts, etc. The company is looking for an industrial partner able to provide the equipment, installation and training. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 LV 58AD 3COK) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Integration of standardized printing protocols into the firmware of medical devices Abstract: A Spanish enterprise located in the Catalonia region has wide experience on medical devices. They are working on portable devices based on a microprocessor without operating system. They are looking for partners that can help them in the developing of a new firmware module. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:08 ES 25E2 27JL) Detailed information: ------------

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Title: Investors or partners sought for joint implementation a project for self-sufficient, power supply optimized eco-buildings Abstract: A Bulgarian company operating in the energy efficiency sector has developed projects for high energy efficiency buildings combining advanced solutions in materials, management and sustainability. The technology implemented guarantees decreased power and heat consumption, improved waste management and water rational use. The company is looking for financial resources or joint implementation of the project either through direct investments or via co-application for financing under grant schemes. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 BG 0528 3D30) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Irreversible ThermoChromatic Material (change temperature 0 ºC) Abstract: A Catalan technology centre based in Spain is interested in collaborate to develop a solution for a passive irreversible chromatic temperature sensor. They are looking for a company, institute or research organization that has developed some kind of pigments, polymers or materials with an irreversible change of colour when the temperature raises 0ºC value. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 ES 25E2 3CK7) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Knowledge and expertise in caring for the sick and elderly Abstract: An Icelandic SME in consulting and software development is developing health care systems. The company is looking for a partner with knowledge and expertise in caring for the elderly to develop further a new software product. The company is looking for a joint venture or a technical co-operation agreement. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 IS 81ET 3CO4) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Methods and equipment to re-cycle and colour borosilicate glass Abstract: A Finnish SME is an experienced integrator of fibre optical devices for various applications for various industries. Besides optical fibre and optics expertise the company has a precision mechanical workshop, fiber drawing towers and glass moulding and vacuum evaporation equipment. The company is looking for technology and equipment to recycle and colour borosilicate glass. Commercial and technical cooperation is sought. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 FI 30I1 3D9A) Detailed information:

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26 ------------ Title:Optical devices and applications utilizing optical fibres and fibre bundles Abstract: A Finnish SME is an experienced integrator of fibre optical devices for various applications for various industries.Besides optical fibre and optics expertise the company has a precision mechanical workshop, fiber drawing towers and glass moulding and vacuum evaporation equipment. The company is looking for partners having applications and equipments which can utilize optical fibers and fiber bundles in their design. Commercial and technical cooperation is sought. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 FI 30I1 3D90) Detailed information: ------------ Title:Personalised Training System Abstract: A spanish SME has designed a system to follow-up training for professional and amateur sport people at any level. This system helps to detect, avoid and correct any mistake during sport practice in order to prevent injuries and increase sport performance. They are looking for partners to implement and develop the sofware. Technical cooperation or Joint-Venture are seeked. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 ES 27F4 3CKX) Detailed information: ------------ Title: Production line for manufacturing pellets. Abstract: A Polish SME from agricultural sector is looking for a technology suitable to utilization of plant production wastes (straw, hay) in order to produce energetic pellets. Technologies currently available on the market are too costly and energy-consuming. The sought technology should be simple, not expensive and ready to use. A commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:08 PL 61AK 2S0P) Detailed information: ------------ Title:Request for Therapeutic Peptide Drug Candidates for Half Life Profile Modification Abstract: A UK company is looking for companies that have peptide drug candidates which they wish to improve the half life profile. These could include drug candidates that have failed clinical evaluation because of half life issues. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 GB 44O7 3D9E) Detailed information:

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27 ------------ Title:Software developer to develop further an existing web platform. Abstract: An Icelandic consultancy company has developed a web platform with visional navigation in toolboxes with know-how in HRM, Innovation, Constructions etc. The web platform can be installed as an intranet for organizations and also as a workplace with integration into other information systems. The company is looking for partnership in a joint venture with an IT company with good know-how in software development on websites. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 IS 81ET 3D0J) Detailed information: ------------ Title:System integrator partner with expertise in security and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Abstract: A Catalan SME is looking for an ICT system integrator partner with expertise in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and electronic identity (eID), digital signature, data encryption and secure authentication. The requested partner, after training at the company?s premises, must have the capacity of deploying the solutions, integrating them with other applications of the customer. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:08 ES 25E2 27LY) Detailed information: ------------ Title:Technology and know-how for the drying of recycled plastic electrical wiring Abstract: A Basque SME devoted to the recycling of electrical wiring, scrap units and non-hazardous waste is looking for the technology and know-how required to implement a system in the company plant that will reduce the final product humidity to 1% so it can comply with new market specifications. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 ES 26E5 3CP5) Detailed information: ------------ Title:Technology for effective and quick corn drying. Abstract: A Polish agricultural company cultivates 4,000 ha. Its technical problem lies in the lack of a possibility to dry effectively large amount of corn (about 10,000 t). Currently used kilns are not effective and consume too much energy. The sought technology should be ready for implementation. Commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:08 PL 61AK 2S0O)

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Detailed information: Title: Waste water treatment facilities. Abstract: A Latvian company is searching for fully developed waste water treatment technologies. The company is looking for manufacturers or suppliers of facilities for biological treatment of waste waters as well as examines the cooperation options for production of waste water reservoirs. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:09 LV 58AD 3CKL) Detailed information: SERVIZIO PER I RICERCATORI DEL TERRITORIO Veneto Innovazione è il riferimento regionale per i servizi di trasferimento tecnologico della rete internazionale Enterprise Europe Network, la principale struttura della Commissione Europea a supporto della competitività delle imprese ed è in grado di assistere:

- ricercatori veneti che abbiano sviluppato una tecnologia da progetti di ricerca e siano interessati a trovare potenziali partner industriali a livello internazionale per la fase di industrializzazione attraverso accordi di licenza o cooperazione tecnologica.

-ricercatori veneti che siano interessati a trovare potenziali partner a livello internazionale per la costituzione di una “spin-out company” per valorizzare dei propri risultati.

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare la Divisione Ricerca al seguente numero: 041/2348091 e 041/2348319 o inviare una mail al seguente indirizzo:[email protected]

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Eventi di Interesse per la Ricerca

Research Connection 2009 - networking our way to a research future".

Il 7 e 8 maggio la direzione generale della Ricerca della Commissione europea organizza a Praga la conferenza "Research Connection 2009 - networking our way to a research future". L'evento è rivolto a scienziati, imprenditori e ricercatori che vogliono informarsi sulla ricerca e le opportunità di finanziamento, nonché incontrare partner affidabili per nuovi progetti. Una serie di sessioni parallele sarà dedicata al 7°PQ e alla sue aree tematiche. Inoltre, i progetti finanziati dall'UE scelti saranno esposti in modo da promuovere il networking e l'integrazione delle attività di ricerca in Europa. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare:

SOLAR TECH A Verona, l’8 Maggio si terrà “SolarTech”, evento dedicato ad incontri bilaterali tra aziende, centri di ricerca ed università operanti nel settore dell'efficienza energetica e delle fonti rinnovabili. L’evento, organizzato dalla rete Enterprise Europe Network è inserito nel contesto fieristico di SOLAREXPO, prevede incontri bilaterali nei seguenti settori: - fotovoltaico - solare termico e termodinamico - tecnologie di costruzione nel settore solare - sistemi di tecnologia integrata per il settore solare - sistemi di raffreddamento solare I partecipanti potranno promuovere le proprie offerte e/o richieste di tecnologia pubblicandole nel catalogo on line dell’evento presente al seguente sito: Allo stesso tempo sarà possibile richiedere incontri con i proponenti di altri profili in catalogo. Prima dell’evento ogni partecipante riceverà l’agenda con i dettagli degli incontri in programma. La partecipazione al brokerage event “SolarTech” è gratuita.

FIERA EUROPEA DELLE CARRIERE DELLA RICERCA Il 28 maggio si terrà a Berlino la prima Fiera europea delle carriere della ricerca. La fiera, alla quale parteciperanno circa 60 espositori e 1500 ricercatori europei, è volta a facilitare i contatti tra organizzazioni di ricerca, permettere agli esibitori di presentare opportunità di carriera e reclutare candidati adatti, e permettere ai ricercatori di ottenere consigli professionali individuali. Oltre all'esposizione, il programma prevede discussioni plenarie su argomenti chiave della ricerca, dibattiti sui piani d'azione per le risorse umane aziendali, partenariati pubblico-privati e conferenze tenute da ricercatori rinomati. L'evento è organizzato dall'Associazione per l'impiego dei manager (APEC) e al Forum franco-tedesco (FFA), con il sostegno della Commissione europea e dell'università franco-tedesca (UFA). Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare:

Programma Cultura: a settembre Conferenza e Forum

Si terrà il 28 settembre prossimo a Bruxelles la seconda Conferenza annuale relativa al programma Cultura. Nel corso dell’evento saranno presentati i progetti, passati ed in corso, finanziati nell’ambito dei programmi Cultura 2000 e del Programma Cultura “2007-2013” che incoraggiano scambi di esperienze e buone pratiche tra operatori culturali. Nei giorni 29 e 30 settembre circa 600 partecipanti, rappresentanti

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della società civile e delle Istituzioni europee e nazionali sono attesi allo European Culture Forum per fare il punto sui progressi nell’attuazione dell’Agenda europea per la cultura. Elenco Bandi ancora aperti



Eurosportello di Unioncamere del Veneto, Coordinatore per il Triveneto dell’Enterprise Europe Network, realizza una sintesi, aggiornata ogni settimana, di tutti i bandi UE aperti, selezionati dalla Gazzetta ufficiale serie C e dai siti delle diverse Direzioni Generali della Commissione Europea.

Per usufruire del servizio HTTP://WWW.EICVENETO.IT/BANDI_GARA.ASP?TPL=UE


Eurosportello di Unioncamere del Veneto, ospita inoltre lo Sportello APRE del Veneto, sportello regionale dell’Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea, e realizza una sintesi di tutti i bandi aperti del VII Programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico.

Per usufruire del servizio HTTP://WWW.EICVENETO.IT/BANDIDETT.ASP?TPL=UE&pId=9

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Parte 6 Richieste di esperti


EAE (agenzia europea per l'ambiente) - invito a presentare candidature per esperti.

20/05/2009 Persone fisiche e giuridiche.

Invito a presentare candidature per la selezione di esperti indipendenti nell'ambito dei programmi econtentplus e safer internet plus.

30/06/2009 Persone fisiche

EFSA - esperti nazionali distaccati 19/09/2009 I candidati devono

essere cittadini di uno stato membro dell’UE

Invito agli interessati a presentare la propria candidatura per creazione di una base dati di esperti indipendenti chiamati ad assistere i servizi della Commissione nei compiti legati al programma di sostegno alla politica in materia di tecnologie dell'informazione e delle comunicazioni (TIC)

30/09/2009 Persone fisiche

Ies (istituto dell'ambiente e della sostenibilità) - invito rivolto ad esperti nel settore della strumentazione di laboratorio

06/11/2009 Persone fisiche e giuridiche.

Studi statistici, analitici e previsionali nel settore del cambiamento industriale

01/12/2009 Persone fisiche e giuridiche.

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Invito a manifestare interesse nel settore della valutazione di attività di aiuto umanitario.


Persone giuridiche (ad es. società, università,

istituti accademici o enti di ricerca) con

comprovata esperienza nel campo degli aiuti umanitari e della loro



Invito per la presentazione di elenchi di potenziali esperti destinati ad assistere i servizi della Commissione nello svolgimento di compiti legati al Settimo programma quadro di RST


Istituzioni scientifiche, professionali, industriali

e di ricerca e alle comunità accademiche o altre organizzazioni direttamente coinvolte

in attività di ricerca.


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Parte 7 Ricerca Partner Progettuali

Realizzare dei partenariati internazionali rientra nella partecipazione ai programmi per la ricerca dell’UE. Uno dei requisiti base per partecipare ad un progetto europeo è la transnazionalità del consorzio proponente.

• CORDIS (Servizio Comunitario di Informazione in materia di Ricerca e Sviluppo) ha istituito un Servizio partner e un servizio specializzato per il 7°PQ per incentivare i partenariati pubblico-privati al fine di elaborare, proporre e avviare nuovi progetti. Il servizio Partner di CORDIS è uno strumento on line gratuito appositamente progettato per aiutarvi a trovare i partner di ricerca ottimali, sia nel contesto dei progetti di Ricerca e sviluppo finanziati dall'UE, che nell'ambito di una più ampia ricerca di collaborazioni in campo tecnologico. Questo servizio offre informazioni su migliaia di richieste attive di partenariato provenienti da aziende, istituti di ricerca e università in tutt'Europa e nel resto del mondo.

Per usufruire del servizio • APRE (Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea) offre in una sezione web “Ricerca

Partner” due servizi: un elenco di idee progettuali, classificate per programma tematico, provenienti da altri paesi europei a cui gli organismi italiani possono associarsi e una scheda on-line a disposizione degli organismi italiani che cercano partner per un loro progetto di ricerca. La scheda compilata, che è una breve presentazione della vostra idea progettuale, verrà poi diffusa dall’APRE attraverso la sua rete di contatti europei (National Contact Points, Innovation relay Centres, centri di ricerca ecc.).

Per usufruire del servizio • Eurosportello di Unioncamere del Veneto (Coordinatore per il Triveneto dell’Enterprise Europe

Network) offre in una sezione web “Ricerca Partner”, riferimenti di aziende ed enti che si offrono e cercano partner per progetti europei, anche attraverso la collaborazione della propria delegazione a Bruxelles.

Per usufruire del servizio

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Acronimi CEO Centre for Earth Observation CORDIS Community Research and Development Information Service EBTI European Binding Tariff Information (database DG XXI)

ECSE European Coal and Steel Community

ERA European Research Area ESA European Space Agency ESF Fondazione Europea della Scienza ESTA Assemblea Europea della Scienza e della Tecnologia ETAN European Technology Assessment Network EURATOM EURopean ATOMmic energy community EUREKA Intergovernmental Agreement for Industrial and Market Oriented research EUROCONTROL European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation FAIR Fisheries and Agro-Industrial Research GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT-TRIPS Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System ICT Information and Communications Technologies IP Integrated Project IRDAC Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee of the European

Commission IPR Intellectual Property Rights MIDAS Net Multimedia Information Demonstration and Support Network NOE Network of excellence R&ST Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica RST Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica RTD Research and Technological Development

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SSA Specific Support Action SIR Servizio Informativo per la Ricerca SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises STREP Specific targeted research project TARIC Tarif Integre Communautaire