bogota columbia collaboration

Bogota Columbia Collaboration Project Katelyn J Alex R Abby L Madeline M Freeman APES 3A 27 November 2013

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  • 1.Katelyn J Alex R Abby L Madeline M Freeman APES 3A 27 November 2013

2. Country: Republic of Columbia Capital: Bogota Population: 45,644,203. (2009 est.) Population Growth Rate: 1.4% Ethnic Groups: Mesitzo 58%, White 20%, Mulatto 14%, Black 4%, Mixed Black- Amerindian 3%, Amerindain 1% Major Industries: textiles, food processing, oil, clothing and footwear, beverages, chemicals cement; gold, coal, emeralds. Agricultural Products: coffee, cut flowers, bananas, rise, tobacco, maize sugarcane, cocoa beans, oilseed, vegetables; forest products; shrimp. 3. Overpopulation in Bogota Columbia has effected air pollution , water supply, deforestation of Bogota, and has further effected all environmental aspects of this bio diverse area. 4. What is it? The variety of the Earths species, the genes they contain, the ecosystems in which they live, and the ecosystem processes that sustains all life. Why is it important? A vital renewable resource. It supplies us with food, wood, fibers, energy, and medicines. Prevents one thing from completely taking over an ecosystem. RESULT: Sustainability. Why is it important to you? - Bogota is the second most bio diverse area in the world. - Plays a role in preserving the quality of the air and water further maintain the fertility of soil. - Disposes waste and helps control pest population. 5. Discuss agricultures effect on ecosystems and biomes in and around Bogota. 6. Forests Pramos (grasslands of high altitude) - Area from where most of your water comes from. Andean Highlands -Further supplies water to the ecosystems.**** These natural areas are being moved from their natural states to shift and adapt to AGRICULTURAL needs so earnings can be made. ****** 7. Agriculture will enable Bogota to have access to an important access resource for food. Will additionally promote environmental conservation. Will increase public involvement and social interaction. The excess biodiversity should make the attainability for goods easy, however there are ways to go about it like stated in the video. 8. Agriculture has provided Bogota with multiple exports such as coffee, bananas, palm oil, and cattle. Land reform programs are working towards implementation, showing efforts are being made. MAIN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS: 1. Soil erosion. -Loss of vegetation and heavy rainfall. Overuse of pesticides. 2. Deforestation. -Commercial exploitation of the countrys forests. 9. In laymens terms, an invasive species as a plant that can harm both the natural resource in an ecosystem and can even go further as to harm the human population. Resources as well as native species can be harmed and even completely overtaken. Invasive species mainly can have a negative effect on the surrounding environment. Ecosystems and resources can be completely depleted. 10. COMMON NAME: EUCALYPTUS (EUCALIPTO) GENUS NAME: Eucalyptus globulus 11. -This invasive species is a diverse genus of flowering trees and shrubs. -Many species are known as Gum Trees because they exclude copious sap from any break in the bark. -Some Eucalyptus species have attracted attention from horticulturists, global development researchers, and environmentalists because : 1. They are fast-growing sources of wood. 2.They produce oil that can be used for cleaning and as a natural insecticide. 3. They have an ability to be used to drain swamps and thereby reduce the risk of malaria. 12. Outside of their natural ranges, eucalyptus plants are both lauded for their beneficial economic impact on poor populations and criticized for being INVASIVE WATER SUCKERS leading to controversy over their total impact.(good vs bad ratio) Why this may be effecting your school: - While it may be providing you with a great natural resource it is a possibility that this water sucker is depriving your native species of water and possibly your school is being deprived of possible water available. 13. COMMON NAME: PINE (PINO) Genus Name: Pinus patula 14. What this particular tree is doing: This invasive species is posing a threat to the local bird species in your area. The Sierra Navada de Santa Marta has been subject to mass habitat loss and deforestation due to extensive colonization. (Having pine in this area is posing a threat to your bird species causing a negative effect to your biodiversity.) The pine leaves, if eaten in a large amount can be potentially hazardous to both people and bird communities that are feeding off the pine trees. 15. COMMON NAME: ACACIA Genus Name: Acacia melanoxylon/Acacia decurrens 16. Major Facts 1. Native to- Australia. 2. Fire resistant. (Most notable characteristic). 3. Wildly used as a street tree, but is now being replaced with other trees. 4. PRIMARY REASON FOR DAMAGE: Causing damage to pavement, and plumbing by the roots of the tree. 5. Plus: Can be used as a barrier or blockade for fire due to its fire resistant characteristics. 6. Will grow to 30-60 feet. 7. Not poisonous, however the gum in the twigs are known to poison the fish. 8. Is taking over grasslands and abandoned agricultural areas worldwide. Hard to eradicate. 17. COMMON NAME: BROOM (RETAMO) Genus Name: Genista monspessulana 18. Where is this invasive plant found: Native to the Mediterranean region, Azores is naturalized in Australia, New Zealand, and North America. Also naturalized in the United Kingdom, South America, and Hawaii. (One of the most common invasive species.) Found in the Columbian Basin. Harmful Effects: Invades the forest margins, coastal scrub, can shade our tree seedlings in reforested areas and can exclude NATIVE plants. Can invade mountain slopes, water courses, and open canopy forests. 19. Solution: UPROOTING. No herbicides registered for use on this species. Appearance: 1. Evergreen shrub. 2. 1-3 m tall. 3. Stems erect. 4. Slender and hairy, leaves hairy. 5. Flowers yellow. 6. Flowering time: Summer. 20. Possible Uses: - Making of furniture, building of trusses in buildings. - Bark is used to tan leather, acorns are used to fatten pigs. Common Locations: -All three Columbian Andean cordilleras and some low land inter-Andean regions. Plant Formations: -Found in moderately fertile and deep soils. Acorns provide important food for wildlife. (Parrot and Fuertess Parrot are dependent on the Oak) 21. The Oak Tree grows in the ANDEAN HIGHLANDS which Supplies water to the ecosystem. Is found in moderately fertile and deep soils. Is extremely important to its habitat. Has animals utilize acorns as a food source. 22. There are roughly 750 secies of Ficus, and it is one of the largest angiosperm genera. Figs have obligate mutualism with fig wasp. (Agaonidae) Pollinated by fig wasps, and fig wasps can only reproduce in fig flowers. Each fig depends on a certain species of wasp for pollination. PROS: - Excellent source of pollination. CONS: - May attract a great amount of wasps. 23. What is it? -An extensive flowering plant genus in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. Who established it? - Carl Linnaeus in 1737 Common names: - Rushfoil, Croton. -Generic name means Tick refers to the shape of the seeds of certain species. 24. Uses: -Croton oil has been used in traditional medicine to treat severe constipation since the seed of the plant can cause diarrhea. -Liquid bandage from the red latex from the species. Good OutcomeCan potentially provide medicinal purposes to the school and to the rest of Bogota. 25. What purpose does this plant serve? -Medicinal purposes mainly. -Could be used to make tools because of the hardness of wood. Where is this plant commonly found? - Lower Pecos Canyohlands Basic Information: -High concentrations of saponins- which destroys animal cells. Can act as a laxative or a purgative if digested. * This wood is a main export of the coastal Ecuador dry forest. 26. Why must we work to save this plant? - This plant native to your area serves medicinal purposes and is a major source of revenue for your area, without it then the area would lose much income.CONCLUSION: 1. Not harmful, bolsters society through economics and medicinal developments. 27. Genus of about 350 species of tropical plants in MELASTOMATACEAE family. What type of plant are they? -Trees or shrubs growing to the height of 0.5-25 meters tall. Where are they native to? -The rainforests of Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. Mainly found in Brazil. This species is notorious for their high potential to be invasive species. Known for their bright flowers. -Benefits : No pests or diseases associated with the plant. 28. Common Location: Andean Region, Rainforest. Why the Rainforest is Important to Columbian Homes: -Tribes use the resources offered to survive. -The biodiversity is immense. -Huge source of money and species. 29. 4. Eucalyptus- This plant is the most detrimental due to the fact that it takes away a lot of the possible water supply. 3. Acacia- This plant is 2nd most detrimental due to the fact that it mainly just effects the pavement due to the roots, and that may inflict harsh consequences with your school. 2. Pine- This plant is 3rd most detrimental due to the fact that it is potentially poisonous to humans and animals. 1. Broom- It can overtake much of the native area and the natural resources present, however this is not of much concern to the school. 30. Cambell, Collin. "Fact Sheet: Tibouchina." Gardening Australia -. N.p., 22 Sept. 2007. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. . "Encyclopedia of the Nations." Environment. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. . US Library of Congress. "Colombia - AGRICULTURE." Colombia AGRICULTURE. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. . Zouhar, Kris. "Species: Genista Monspessulana." Species: Genista Monspessulana. N.p., 2005. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. .