bodybuilding - shoulders

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  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders

    1/28 Exercise Guides

    Arnold Dumbbell Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:Hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facin yourbody and your elbows fle!ed" #aise dumbbells by e!tendin elbows$ abduct and internally rotateshoulders to straiht arm position" %ower to oriinal position and repeat"

    Bent Over Dumbbell ear Delt aise !it" #ead On Benc"

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Tips:The bent press is one of the reat classic lifts made famous by iron leend 0ueneSandow" 't can be performed with either a barbell( dumbbell or kettlebell" 0ach implement offersits own particular 1feel1 2read punishment3" To perform the bent press( you lift the weiht with onehand over your head by slowly 1corkscrewin1 yourself underneath" 't4s e!tremely drainin andthe lifter needs to really concentrate when performin the movement" 'n the setup of the lift(position the feet rouhly 56 inches apart with the foot on the side that you4re holdin the weihtturned in slihtly and the opposite foot turned appro!imately 78 deree to the side" -s the liftbeins( the weiht is held in such a fashion that it4s directly under the hip and you basically turn

    into it and lower yourself under the bar" -s you continue to corkscrew under the bar( your off9sideknee bends forward and the opposite knee approaches the round which assists in stabiliin thebalance of the bar" With the arm completely e!tended( you simply drive off the hip and e!tendupward" Maintain eye contact with the weiht throuhout the lift"

    (able 'eated ear $ateral aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &one

    Equipment: CableMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Sit at ede of bench with feet placed beyond knees" #est torso on thihs" /rasp dumbbellcable attachments with opposite hands" #aise upper arms to sides until shoulder heiht" Maintainupper arms perpendicular to torso and a fi!ed elbow position 258; to

  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    (lean And Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: Triceps(+iceps(%ower+ack(Traps(Hamstrins(Calves(-bdominals(Shoulders(/lutes

    Equipment: +arbellMechanics Type: Compound


    Beginning Position= -ssume a shoulder9width stance( knees inside arms"= >osition feet flat on floor"= /rasp bar with a closed( pronated rip"= /rip should be slihtly wider than shoulder9width"= Squat down ne!t to bar( heels on floor"= ?ully e!tend arms"= >oint elbows out to sides"= >osition bar over the balls of the feet$ bar should be close to shins"= >osition shoulders over or slihtly ahead of the bar" 0stablish a flat back posture"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: ?irst >ull= +ein pull by e!tendin the knees"= Move hips forward and raise shoulders at the same rate"= *eep the anle of the back constant"= %ift bar straiht up"= *eep bar close to the body( heels on the f loor"= *eep elbows fully e!tended"= *eep shoulders back and above or slihtly in front of the bar"= *eep head facin straiht forward"= Maintain torso position"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: Transition 2Scoop3

    = Thrust hips forward and continue pullin until the knees are under the bar"= *eep feet flat"= Torso should be nearly vertical and erect"= *eep shoulders positioned directly over the bar"= *eep elbows fully e!tended"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: Second >ull= +rush bar aainst the middle or top of thihs"= *eep torso erect and head facin straiht or slihtly up"
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    = *eep elbows straiht"= Move bar e!plosively by e!tendin the knee( hip( and ankle @oints in a 1@umpin action"1= *eep shoulders over the bar as lon as possible( and elbows out"= *eep bar close to body"= -t ma!imum plantar fle!ion( shru the shoulders"= -t ma!imum shoulder elevation( fle! and pull with the arms= *eep elbows hih durin pull$ keep them over the wrists"= >ull bar as hih as possible"

    (atc"= #otate elbows around and under the bar"= Hypere!tend the wrists as the elbows move under the bar"= >oint elbows forward or slihtly up"= #ack the bar across the front of the shoulders"= *eep torso erect"= ?le! hips and knees to absorb the weiht of the bar"

    Over"ead Press= Without movin your feet( press the bar overhead"

    = The barbell is to be pressed evenly in a continuous movement to arms lenth overhead"= Durin the >ress( the trunk may be inclined backwards to any e!tent( but the les must remainbraced and there must be no movement of the feet"

    Do%n%ard Movement P"ase= %ower bar slowly and under control to top of thihs"= ?le! hips and knees as bar lands on thihs"= Squat down toward floor"= Maintain erect torso position"= *eep bar close to shins"= >lace bar on the floor"


    = 'nhale before the first pull of the first repetition"= Hold breath until second pull"= 0!hale throuh the stickin point 2shru3 of the second pull"= 'nhale durin the downward movement phase of succeedin repetitions"

    (uban Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: Middle +ack

    Equipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: Compound

  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Tips:?rom a seated or standin position( hold dumbbells in each hand with your shouldersrotated forward" Commence lift by rotatin the shoulders back and pinchin the rear delts" %iftweiht up such that the shoulder to elbow @oint is parallel to the round and the elbow to wrist isperpendicular"

    External otation

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:This trains the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles which help keep your shoulders saferfrom in@ury" %ay down flat on one side on a flat bench" Asin a liht dumbbell start the e!ercisewith your riht arm fully aainst the riht side with the elbow fle!ed at a 78 deree anle and

    pinned aainst the left hip bone" Do not move your upper arm from this position durin thee!ercise" Slowly raise the dumbbell by rotatin the riht arm upwards while maintainin your 78deree bend in the elbow" When your lower arm is pointin straiht up( lower it down until it isalmost touchin the bench" #epeat" Do not move your torso durin the e!ercise"

    *ront (able aise
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: CableMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Works the front delts" /rasp the cable attachment that is attached to the low pulley with onehand" ?ace away from the pulley and put your arm straiht down" *eepin your body straiht andyour elbow nearly locked( raise your arm up in front of your body" Do not swinB /o up to abouteye level( then slowly return to the startin position" ?inish your reps and then switch arms"

    *ront Dumbbell aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &one

    Equipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Stand with a dumbbell in each hand( palms facin backward" ,our feet should be aboutshoulder width apart" Maintain a sliht bend in your elbows throuhout the e!ercise so that yourarms are straiht( but not quite locked" %ift the weiht in your left hand in front of you in a wide arcuntil it is slihtly hiher than shoulder heiht" With a smooth( controlled motion( lower the weihtwhile simutaneously liftin the weiht in your riht hand( so that both arms are in motion at the
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    same time" Do not cheat by swinin or leanin backwardsB Can also be done with two dumbbellsat the same time or a barbell"

    *ront +ncline Dumbbell aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:%ay down on an incline bench with the incline set anywhere between

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    Tips:Works the front of your shoulders" While standin( hold a barbell plate in both hands at the< and 7 o4clock positions" ,our palms should be facin each other" *eep your arms straiht andlocked or nearly locked durin the entire e!ercise" Start with the plate down near your waist as faras you can o( then slowly raise the plate until it is a little above shoulder level" Slowly lower theplate back to the startin position and repeat"

    *ront T%o&Dumbbell aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Same as the?ront Dumbbell #aisebut with both arms at the same time" Can also be done

    with a barbell"

    #andstand Pus"&)ps

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: Shoulders
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    Other Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: +ody)nlyMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:*ick yourself up aainst a stable wall with your arms straiht" Make sure that your body isas straiht up and down as you can" *eep facin the wall with your head( rather than lookindown" Slowly lower yourself to the round" )nce your head almost touches the round( pushyourself back up slowly until your elbows are nearly locked" #epeat" - true test of strenthB

    $ying One&Arm $ateral aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: %atsEquipment: Dumbbell

    Mechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:%ie on your side on a flat bench with a dumbbell in your uppermost hand" ,our shouldersshould be perpendicular to the bench" The lower arm should be e!tended in a comfortableposition to act as a counterbalance" ,our upper le should be straiht in line with the bench andyour lower le should stretch out to the floor to stabilie yourself" Start by e!tendin the dumbbellout in front of your body and slihtly toward the floor" Asin your shoulder muscles( raise theweiht directly above your body( then lower to the startin position" ?inish your reps and then
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    switch sides" Don4t use weihts that are too heavy or you will not be isolatin the shoulder asmuch"

    $ying ear Delt aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Works your rear delts" %ie face down on a fairly tall flat bench" Hold dumbbells( palmsfacin in( arms hanin straiht down" *eep your elbows almost locked and your arms straiht"#aise dumbbells in a semicircular motion to shoulder heiht( in line with your ears at the top ofthe lift" %ower slowly to the startin position"

    Mac"ine '"oulder ,Military- Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: MachineMechanics Type: Compound
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Tips:?ollow the directions on the shoulder press machine"

    One&Arm +ncline $ateral aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Sit sideways on a bench and lean one of your shoulders aainst it" Hold a dumbbell in youruppermost arm" *eepin the dumbbell parallel to the floor at all times( perform a lateral raise",our arm should travel straiht up until it is pointin at the ceilin" Slowly return to the startinposition and repeat for your desired number of reps" Switch sides and arms and repeat" ,ou canalso do this with a cable or on a flat bench"

    One&Arm 'ide $aterals

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Tips:Asin one arm at a time( you will be able to handle rouhly osition feet flat on floor"= /rasp bar with a closed( pronated rip"= /rip should be slihtly wider than shoulder9width"= Squat down ne!t to bar( heels on floor"= ?ully e!tend arms"= >oint elbows out to sides"= >osition bar over the balls of the feet$ bar should be close to shins"= >osition shoulders over or slihtly ahead of the bar" 0stablish a flat back posture"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: ?irst >ull= +ein pull by e!tendin the knees"

    = Move hips forward and raise shoulders at the same rate"= *eep the anle of the back constant"= %ift bar straiht up"= *eep bar close to the body( heels on the f loor"= *eep elbows fully e!tended"= *eep shoulders back and above or slihtly in front of the bar"= *eep head facin straiht forward"= Maintain torso position"
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    )p%ard Movement P"ase: Transition 2Scoop3= Thrust hips forward and continue pullin until the knees are under the bar"= *eep feet flat"= Torso should be nearly vertical and erect"= *eep shoulders positioned directly over the bar"= *eep elbows fully e!tended"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: Second >ull= +rush bar aainst the middle or top of thihs"= *eep torso erect and head facin straiht or slihtly up"= *eep elbows straiht"= Move bar e!plosively by e!tendin the knee( hip( and ankle @oints in a 1@umpin action"1= *eep shoulders over the bar as lon as possible( and elbows out"= *eep bar close to body"= -t ma!imum plantar fle!ion( shru the shoulders"= -t ma!imum shoulder elevation( fle! and pull with the arms= *eep elbows hih durin pull$ keep them over the wrists"= >ull bar as hih as possible"

    (atc"= #otate elbows around and under the bar"= Hypere!tend the wrists as the elbows move under the bar"= >oint elbows forward or slihtly up"= #ack the bar across the front of the shoulders"= *eep torso erect"= ?le! hips and knees to absorb the weiht of the bar"

    Do%n%ard Movement P"ase= %ower bar slowly and under control to top of thihs"= ?le! hips and knees as bar lands on thihs"= Squat down toward floor"= Maintain erect torso position"

    = *eep bar close to shins"= >lace bar on the floor"

    Breat"ing= 'nhale before the first pull of the first repetition"= Hold breath until second pull"= 0!hale throuh the stickin point 2shru3 of the second pull"= 'nhale durin the downward movement phase of succeedin repetitions"

    Pus" Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: +arbellMechanics Type: Compound

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    Beginning Position= Ase the floor9to9shoulder liftin technique described in the >ower Cleane!ercise to move thebar from the floor to the shoulders"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase= Slihtly fle! the hips and knees( keepin torso erect"

    = 'mmediately follow with an e!plosive push upward by e!tendin the knees"= *eep torso erect and tensed"= -t ma!imum hip and knee e!tension( shift body weiht to balls of feet and e!tend ankle @oints"= -t ma!imum plantar fle!ion( push bar from the shoulders"= >ush the bar with the arms to a fully e!tended elbow position overhead"

    Do%n%ard Movement P"ase= %ower bar to shoulders"= ?le! hips and knees slihtly as bar touches shoulders"= Straihten the hips and knees before the upward movement phase beins aain"

    Breat"ing= 0!hale throuh the stickin point of the upward movement phase"= 'nhale durin the downward movement phase"

    everse *lyes

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Tips:Works the rear deltoids" Set an incline bench at the lowest possible anle" Then( with adumbbell in each hand( lie face down on the bench so that the top of the bench is supportin yourchest" 0!tend your arms in front of you so that they are perpendicular to the anle of the bench",our palms should be facin each other and your elbows should be slihtly bent" Maintainin thesliht bend in your elbows( lift the weihts by pullin your arms apart in an arcin motion" Thinkabout tryin to squeee your shoulder blades toether" Continue movin your elbows up until thedumbbells are at either side of your head" Slowly return to the startin position"

    everse *lyes !it" External otation

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TrapsEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:This works mainly the rear delts and two of the rotator cuff muscles" This helps to improvethe posture( alinment( and function of the shoulder @oint" %ie face down on an incline bench thatis set at

  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    'eated Barbell Military Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: +arbell

    Mechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:#aise a barbell to your shoulders" Sit at the end of a bench( with your feet at about shoulderwidth( flat on the floor" *eep your chest hih and your back straiht" >ress bar to arm4s lenthoverhead" Ase a slow( steady motion( without swinin" %ower slowly to startin position" Canalso be done standin or with dumbbells"

    'eated Bent Over ear Delt aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Works your rear delts" Hold two dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with your feetfirmly on the floor and fairly close toether" +end forward until your chest nearly touches yourthihs" Han dumbbells between your lower les and bench" *eep your arms straiht and your
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    elbows nearly locked" #aise dumbbells in a semicircular motion until your arms are parallel to thefloor( even with your ears" #eturn slowly to startin position" Do not swinB

    'eated Dumbbell Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:>ick up a pair of dumbbells and sit on a shoulder press bench 2with a short( straiht back3or a reular incline bench ad@usted so the back is as straiht up as possible" >ress your backfirmly aainst the back of the bench with your feet flat on the floor" Hold a dumbbell in each hand(

    @ust above shoulder level( with your elbows out and palms facin forward" >ress the dumbbells upand in until they nearlytouch above your head" Don4t let the weihts stray back and forth" >ress

    the weihts up until your arms are almost straiht 2your elbows should be @ust short of locked3"Then slowly lower the dumbbells to the startin position"

    'eated 'ide $ateral aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Tips:Works the side delts" Sit at the end of a flat bench with your feet firmly on the floor" Holddumbbells with your palms facin in and your arms straiht down at your sides" #aise dumbbellsin a semicircular motion a little above shoulder heiht" Slowly lower to the startin position usinthe same path" Do not swinB *eep your arms straiht" Can also be done standin"

    'ee&'a% Press ,Alternating 'ide Press-

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: Triceps(-bdominalsEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:- seeminly simple e!ercise that @umps up and bites back at you" The e!ercise can beperformed with virtually any form of resistance so equipment should never be a problem" Themovement starts with the weiht held at chestEshoulder level and palms facin towards you 2like

    an-rnold >ress3" -s you raise your one hand( twist it inwards while simultaneously bendin fromyour hip to your opposite side" With the weiht fully e!tended and you bent over( bein themovement to the other side" - powerful e!ercise of yesteryear that will thicken the torso9up" ?orthose who en@oy the side press this will take it to the ne!t level"

    'ide $ateral aise
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Stand upriht( with your feet about shoulder width apart and your arms to your sides" Holda dumbbell in each hand( with your palms turned toward your body" *eepin your arms straiht(lift the weihts out and up to the sides until they are slihtly hiher than shoulder level" Thenslowly lower them to your sides" 't4s important to keep your palms turned downward as you lift thedumbbells so that your shoulders( rather than your biceps( do the work" Make sure you lift thedumbbells on the way up rather than 1swinin1 them up" Don4t lean forwardB *eep the dumbbellsat your sides"

    'mit" Mac"ine Be"ind T"e ec/ Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: MachineMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:Same as the+arbell +ehind The &eck >ressbut seated at a Smith Machine"
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    'mit" Mac"ine Over"ead '"oulder Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: Machine

    Mechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:Asin a Smith Machine( perform the overhead press @ust like you would if you were usin abarbell" +arbell instructions are here" ,ou can also do this behind the neck"


    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: +iceps(%ower +ack(Traps(.uadriceps(Shoulders(/lutesEquipment: +arbellMechanics Type: Compound


    Beginning Position= -ssume a shoulder9width or slihtly wider stance( knees inside arms"= >osition feet flat on the floor( toes pointed slihtly outward"= /rasp the bar with a pronated closed or hook rip"= The correct distance between hand placements shouldbe determined by one of the followin methods:
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    5" 0lbow9to9elbow distance when arms are straiht out at sides"F" Distance from the ede of clenched fist of one hand to opposite shoulder when arm is straihtout at side"= Squat down ne!t to the bar( heels on the floor"= ?ully e!tend arms"= >oint elbows out to sides"= >osition bar over the balls of the feet$ bar should be close to shins"= >osition the shoulders over or slihtly ahead of the bar"= 0stablish a flat back posture by: : : : : := >ullin shoulder blades toward each other(: : : : : := holdin chest up and out( and: : : : : := tiltin head slihtly up"= ?ocus eyes ahead or slihtly above horiontal" *eep torso tensed"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: ?irst >ull= +ein pull by e!tendin the knees"= Move hips forward and raise shoulders at the same rate"= *eep the anle of the back constant"= %ift bar straiht up"= *eep bar close to the body( heels on the f loor"= *eep elbows fully e!tended"= *eep shoulders back and above or slihtly in front of the bar"= *eep head facin straiht forward"= Maintain torso position"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: Transition 2Scoop3= Thrust hips forward and continue pullin until the knees are under the bar"= *eep feet flat"= Torso should be nearly vertical and erect"= *eep shoulders positioned directly over the bar"= *eep elbows fully e!tended"

    )p%ard Movement P"ase: Second >ull= +rush bar aainst the middle or top of thihs"= *eep torso erect and head facin straiht or slihtly up"= *eep elbows straiht"= Move bar e!plosively by e!tendin the knee( hip( and ankle @oints in a 1@umpin action"1= *eep shoulders over the bar as lon as possible( and elbows out"= *eep bar close to body"= -t ma!imum plantar fle!ion( shru the shoulders"= -t ma!imum shoulder elevation( fle! and pull with the arms= *eep elbows hih durin pull$ keep them over the wrists"= >ull bar as hih as possible"

    (atc"= -s the bar reaches ma!imum heiht( slihtly fle! the hips then the knees"= ?le! then rotate elbows around and under the bar" -t ma!imum bar heiht( fully e!tend theelbows and hypere!tend the wrists to lock bar overhead" Contact floor with feet before the bar islocked overhead"= Catch bar by fle!in at the knees and hips to absorb weiht"= Squat down slowly and under control" *eep torso erect"= -t lowest squat position( the bar should be over the shoulders( hips over the ankles( and theelbows locked"

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    )p%ard Movement P"ase: #ecovery= )nce under control in low squat position( slowly e!tend the hips and knees to move the body toa fully erect( standin position"= *eep bar locked overhead"

    Do%n%ard Movement P"ase

    = ?ollow the downward movement phase of the 1>ower Clean"1

    Breat"ing= 'nhale before the first pull of the first repetition"= Hold breath until the second pull"= 0!hale throuh the stickin point 2shru3 of the second pull"= 'nhale while lowerin the body to the low squat position"= 0!hale throuh the stickin point of the recovery phase"= 'nhale durin the downward movement phase of succeedin repetitions"

    'tanding Barbell Press Be"ind ec/

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: +arbellMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:>lace a barbell on your upper back" Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart" *eephands about G 9 inches wider than shoulder width" >ress bar overhead to arm4s lenth" %owerslowly back down to your shoulders" *eep your les straiht at all times" Can also be doneseated or in front of your neck"

    'tanding Dumbbell 'traig"t&Arm *ront Delt aise Above #ead

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &oneEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: 'solation
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    Tips:Hold dumbbells in front of your thihs( palms facin in" *eep your arms straiht( elbowslocked and raise dumbbells in a semicircular motion to arm4s lenth overhead" #eturn to startinposition usin the same path" Can also be done one arm at a time or seated"

    'tanding Dumbbell )prig"t o%

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: +iceps(TrapsEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:Hold dumbbells( hanin( aainst your upper thihs" *eep dumbbells about 58 inchesapart( thumbs facin in" >ull dumbbells straiht up until nearly even with your chin" *eep yourelbows up and outB *eep weihts close to your body and slowly return to the startin position"Can also be done with a cable or barbell"

    'tanding *ront Barbell aise Over #ead

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: &one
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    Equipment: +arbellMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Works your front delts" Stand with your feet about shoulder width( with your back straihtand hips locked" Ase a shoulder width rip" Start with the bar at arm4s lenth aainst your upperthihs" #aise bar in a semicircular motion until it is directly overhead" Do now unlock elbows"

    %ower bar slowly back to startin position" Can also be done with two dumbbells or a close orwide rip"

    'tanding $o%&Pulley Deltoid aise

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TrapsEquipment: CableMechanics Type: 'solation

    Tips:Works the side delts" Stand with your left side facin a low pulley with a sinle handle" Holdwith your riht hand" Stand straiht up wth your head up" ,our riht hand should be in line withyour roin area of your left side" #aise the pulley in a semicircular motion( arm straiht( elbowlocked( until your arm is @ust above parallel to your riht shoulder" %ower to the startin positionslowly" ?inish your reps( then switch arms"
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    'tanding Military Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: +arbell

    Mechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:#aise barbell to your chest with your hands shoulder width apart" %ock your les and hips"*eep your elbows in( slihtly under your bar" >ress bar to arm4s lenth overhead" %ower to yourupper chest or chin 2dependin on what is comfortable3" Some e!perts believe lowerin the bar toyour chest is too low and strains the shoulders too much" Can also be done seated or withdumbbells"

    'tanding Palm&+n One&Arm Dumbbell Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:#aise dumbbell to shoulder heiht" Hold onto somethin with your free hand to stabilieyourself 2like an incline bench3" %ock your les and hips" *eep your elbow in and your palm in"
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    >ress dumbbell straiht up to arm4s lenth" #eturn to startin position" Can be done seated aswell"

    'tanding Palms&+n Dumbbell Press

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: TricepsEquipment: DumbbellMechanics Type: Compound

    Tips:#aise two dumbbells to shoulder heiht" %ock les and hips" *eep your elbows in and yourpalms facin in" >ress dumbbells to shoulder heiht" #eturn slowly to startin position" Can alsobe done seated( or with one dumbbell at a time"

    )prig"t Barbell o%

    Exercise DataMain Muscle Worked: ShouldersOther Muscles Worked: +iceps(TrapsEquipment: +arbellMechanics Type: Compound
  • 7/24/2019 Bodybuilding - Shoulders


    Tips:Standin upriht( rasp a barbell with your hands about shoulder width apart" %et the barhan straiht down in front of you" *eep your body and wrists straiht" >ull the bar straiht uptowards your chin( keepin it close to your body" Concentrate on either pullin with your traps orthe front of your shoulders( dependin on what you want to work most" %ower slowly to thestartin position" Don4t cheat by leanin forward or backward" Don4t swinB

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    iew and print uides for every e!erciseB /o to: http:EEwww"bodybuildin"comEfunEe!ercises"htm