body language by backstreet boys


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Ma’am Bushra Hashmi

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A Thought

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Introduction• Body language is an important – and often decisive – factor in riskcommunication.• Body language is an element in communication that we should be very much aware of because it gives clues to the character, emotions, and reactions of an individual.• Our state of mind is expressed in our body language. • Knowledge of the body language of the other person and the ability to interpret it make a person aware of his or her own body language. This awareness, in turn, leads to greater self-control and more effective communication processes.• If you are aware of what you do with your body, your self-understanding becomes deeper and more meaningful. Once you manage to control your body language, you will be able to cross many defensive barriers and establish better relationships.• Body language is an important component of communication and it is to our advantage to develop skills in this area in order to be better risk communicators.

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 Is a kind of nonverbal communication, where thoughts, intentions, or feelings are expressed by physical behaviors

Such as facial expressions Body posture Gestures Eye movement Touch and the use of space

Body Language

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Genetic & Cultural Roots

It is difficult to determine exactly how a communication system is inherited or learned.

We are born with elements of a body language. We can make another human being aware of basic sensations of hate, fear, pleasure, or sadness, without ever having learned how to do so

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There are certain expressions and standards that vary according to the culture, which are learned during the years of early childhood

social roles and demographic characteristics, and they differ from one culture to another.

They vary according to


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Much of the way people communicate is nonverbal. Body language specificallyfocuses on physical, not tone, or pitch. It includes the following characteristics.  

Proximity: The distance between people Positioning: Position of a body Facial expression: The eyes are particularly noticed. Touching: This includes objects, people, and themselves. Breathing: The rate of respiration is telling

More Than Words

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It is honest

Create self Awareness

Understand feeling

Enhance listening & Communication Skills

Power Of Body Language

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Action Speak Louder then words The actions that we take are stronger

than our words What Actions Can Say:

Deception Confidence Nerves Boredom Emotions Attraction Being open Being closed off

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Body language Kinesics Proxemics Haptics

Kinesics It is the interpretation of body motion communication such as facial expressions and gestures — that is, nonverbal behavior related to movement of any part of the body or the body as a whole.

Researchers Ekman and Friesen established five basic purposes that these kind of movement

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EmblemsIllustratorsAffect DisplaysRegulatorsAdaptors


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Emblems are nonverbal signals that can generally be translated directly into words

A good example is the "A-OK" symbol made with the thumb and forefinger


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People use illustrators to indicate the size of an object or to draw a picture in the air or to emphasize a key word in what they are saying.

These might include pointing to an object in the room or pounding on the table.Illustrators

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Affect displays are nonverbal displays of the body or face that carry an emotional meaning or display affective states. Our gait (bouncing, suggesting happiness for instance, or slouched and shuffling, suggesting depression),

Affect Displays

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Regulators are nonverbal messages that accompany speech to control or regulate what the speaker is saying.

These might including Nodding of the head to indicate

you are listening or understanding something.


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They can be thought of a behaviors that are done to meet a personal need as one adapts to the specific communication situation.

They include behaviors like twisting your hair

Tapping your penScratching, tugging on your ear Pushing your glasses up your nose

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Facial Expression Body Postures Gestures Handshakes

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Our faces are the most expressive part of our body. Face is the index of mind.The eyes. the lips and the muscles express many feelings

Facial Expression

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Emotions can also be detected through body postures

For example, a person feeling angry would portray dominance over the other, and his/her posture displays approach tendencies. Comparing this to a person feeling fearful: he/she would feel weak


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Gestures are movements made with body parts

(e.g. hands, arms, fingers, head, legs)

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Handshakes Handshakes are regular greeting

rituals and are commonly done on meeting, greeting, offering congratulations or after the completion of an agreement. They usually indicate the level of confidence and emotion level in people. 

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Eye contact or OculesicsOculesics, a subcategory of

body language is the study of eye movement eye behavior, gazeeye-related Nonverbal communication. As a

social or behavioral science, oculesics is a form of nonverbal communication focusing on deriving meaning from eye behavior

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Haptics, a subcategory of Body Language, is the study of touching and how it is used in communication. 

As such handshakes holding handsback slapping high fivesbrushing up

against someone or pats all have meaning.

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Research has also shown that people can accurately decode distinct emotions by merely watching others communicate via touch.

Functional/professional which expresses task-orientation.Social/polite which expresses ritual interaction.Friendship/warmth which expresses idiosyncratic relationship.Love/intimacy which expresses emotional attachment.

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The non-verbal aspects of the spoken words.It includes:-- Voice-Tone,volume and pitch- Speed-Rapid speech indicates excitement

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Proxemics is the study of measurable distances between people as they interact with one another.

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Intimate distance for embracing, touching or whispering Close phase – less than 6 inches (15 cm) Far phase – 6 to 18 inches (15 to 46 cm) Personal distance for interactions among good friends or family

members Close phase – 1.5 to 2.5 feet (46 to 76 cm) Far phase – 2.5 to 4 feet (76 to 122 cm) Social distance for interactions among acquaintances Close phase – 4 to 7 feet (1.2 to 2.1 m) Far phase – 7 to 12 feet (2.1 to 3.7 m) Public Distance used for public speaking Close phase – 12 to 25 feet (3.7 to 7.6 m) Far phase – 25 feet (7.6 m) or more.

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Time Language or ChronemicsIt is the study of

time in non-verbal communication. The way that one percieves and values time,structures time and reacts to time frame communication

Time perceptions include punctuality,willingness,to wait and interactions

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It is the study of the influence of smell.


Physical Context

Physical context is the place where the communication takes place such as at home,at park or in a classroom

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ApplicationsThe use of body

language can be seen in a wide variety of fields. Body language has seen application in areas like:-

Second language Acquisition

Enhancing Teaching Detecting DeceitPoker

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1. To boost your confidence, assume a power pose

2. To increase participation, look like you’re listening

3. To encourage collaboration, remove barriers

4. To connect instantly with someone, shake hands

5. To stimulate good feelings, smile

6. To show agreement, mirror expressions and postures

Tips to Improve

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7. To improve your speech, use your hands

8. To learn the truth, watch people’s feetlegs

9. To sound authoritative, keep your voice down

10. To improve your memory, uncross your arms and

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