
SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION LENNOX SCHOOL DISTRICT Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. A Special Meeting of the Board of Education of the Lennox School District pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code was held in the Board Room of the Lennox School Distric, 10319 Firmona Avenue, Lennox, Los Angeles County, California, on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 5:30 p.m., to discuss the items listed below. MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER – Board President Cruz called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Trustees Cruz, Ibarra, Fajardo, Navarro and Saldaña were present. Ms. Barbara Flores, Superintendent; Ms. JoAnn Isken, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services; Mr. Luis Camarena, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources; Mr. Jose Dominguez, Assistant Superintendent of Facilities, and 20 guests were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Ibarra. II. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Brian Guerrero, LTA President and LMS 7/8 Teacher Mr. Guerrero greeted the Board members present and stated that tonight his understanding is that they are all going to hear at least the preliminary kind of results of the audit or the review done by Total Solutions. The association has said for a while that everything needs to get looked at these days with the finances and things and he has said this before but he wants to say it again today on record, that he thinks it is very important for them all to consider this to be the first step in the process but not the end of the process. There are an awful number of stakeholders in this District whether itʼs teachers or administrators or parents or classified employees, so he really just encourages them all to listen to the report tonight, get some ideas from the report tonight but make sure that there is a step in this process that involves talking to all of the stakeholders, talking to teachers, talking to parents before they make any decisions, just to make sure that this is the most informed decision; there is a lot of perspectives out there and he thinks an outside perspective is great, sometimes something we have lacked in the past, but asked them to please make sure they also get some perspective from the various stakeholders here in the community before they make any final decision.

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Board Minutes 2-28-13


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Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. A Special Meeting of the Board of Education of the Lennox School District pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code was held in the Board Room of the Lennox School Distric, 10319 Firmona Avenue, Lennox, Los Angeles County, California, on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 5:30 p.m., to discuss the items listed below.

MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER – Board President Cruz called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Trustees Cruz, Ibarra, Fajardo, Navarro and Saldaña were present.

Ms. Barbara Flores, Superintendent; Ms. JoAnn Isken, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services; Mr. Luis Camarena, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources; Mr. Jose Dominguez, Assistant Superintendent of Facilities, and 20 guests were present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Ibarra. II. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS

Mr. Brian Guerrero, LTA President and LMS 7/8 Teacher Mr. Guerrero greeted the Board members present and stated that tonight his understanding is that they are all going to hear at least the preliminary kind of results of the audit or the review done by Total Solutions. The association has said for a while that everything needs to get looked at these days with the finances and things and he has said this before but he wants to say it again today on record, that he thinks it is very important for them all to consider this to be the first step in the process but not the end of the process. There are an awful number of stakeholders in this District whether itʼs teachers or administrators or parents or classified employees, so he really just encourages them all to listen to the report tonight, get some ideas from the report tonight but make sure that there is a step in this process that involves talking to all of the stakeholders, talking to teachers, talking to parents before they make any decisions, just to make sure that this is the most informed decision; there is a lot of perspectives out there and he thinks an outside perspective is great, sometimes something we have lacked in the past, but asked them to please make sure they also get some perspective from the various stakeholders here in the community before they make any final decision.

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III. CLOSED SESSION The Board adjourned to Closed Session at 5:40 p.m.


Reconvened into Open Session at 7:50 p.m.


Board President Cruz reported that in Closed Session the Board took action to ratify a final settlement agreement on behalf of OAH Case No. 2013010071. The members in favor were five; members against were zero, so the motion passed as unanimous. Board President Cruz asked if there were any Board Requests or Follow-ups. She then stated that before that, just for the record, the Board has not taken any action in Closed Session other than what was previously reported for the case on behalf of the parent and the Lennox School District.


Trustee Saldaña stated that there was something she wanted to request that she didnʼt get to request the other night and she asked if they could do a resolution for Autism Awareness Month. Dr. Flores asked her if that was for next month. Trustee Saldaña stated that it was April. Trustee Fajardo clarified if it was a resolution. Trustee Saldaña confirmed that it was a resolution for Autism Awareness Month. Dr. Flores asked her; since there were so many members in the audience, to give an idea about this. Trustee Saldaña shared that in April they are going to celebrate Autism Awareness Month and they are going to be asking teachers to submit their student artwork and they are going to hold an auction here at the last Board meeting and auction off the artwork to raise funds for their autistic students and they would be given more details as they move along. Trustee Navarro commented that they had a presentation on the District Reorganization in Closed Session, however, he stated that he would like it to be in a presentation for the public so they can be aware of what the was presented to them and when they are talking about District reorganization, consider our employees as part of it, however, based on the Minutes of October 9, 2012, they have not had a proper discussion on the Superintendentʼs contract so that is something that needs to be done a.s.a.p. before they move forward on having any further consultants having any further moving forward towards anything else. He further commented that it is very important as a Board that they do their due diligence on this and it hasnʼt happened; so far he hasnʼt seen the contract and they havenʼt had any discussion about this so based on the Minutes from October 9, 2012, page 17 under HR, that was one of the conditions that they have not met so he thinks it is very important that they

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(Board Requests and/or Follow-up, Trustee Juan Navarro, continued) go ahead and proceed with this. He continued with that he had also received some reports on how much money is being spent on consultants and attorneys, however, he requested more specific detailed information as to why they are spending that much money on many past consultants and why are they spending that much money on attorney fees because he knows that in the past, they had a cap to determine how much money they were going to be spending on attorney fees and it is something that he doesnʼt know if that past practice has been lost or what so they need to have a discussion on that and he just needs to see a fully detailed report on the reasoning why to support those attorney fees and to also support all the monies being spent on consultants.


Board President Cruz stated that at this time she needed a motion for adjournment. After the motion and second for adjournment, Board President Cruz reminded the audience that the next Board meeting was on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and to stay tuned. The presentation that was done today was just for the Board to just have some background information on what they will be presenting to the public as they have agreed upon. An audience member confirmed on the 12th. Board President Cruz stated that on the 12th, at 5:30, in this room.

Time: 8:30 p.m. On the motion of Trustee Fajardo, duly seconded by Trustee Ibarra, and by a vote of

5 - 0, the Board of Trustees approved the adjournment of this eveningʼs Board meeting.

__________________________________ Dr. Barbara Flores, Secretary __________________________________ Member, Board of Trustees Note: Any individual requiring disability-related accommodations or modifications, including auxiliary aids and services, in order to participate in the Board meeting, should contact the Superintendent or designee.