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Board of Trustees Meeting April 19, 2018

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Page 1: Board of Trustees · 5.1 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 2018 (Frank Mackaman) ... representing

Board of

Trustees Meeting

April 19, 2018

Page 2: Board of Trustees · 5.1 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 2018 (Frank Mackaman) ... representing


Agenda ............................................................................................. 3 Executive Summary .......................................................................... 5 Minutes ............................................................................................. 6 Personnel Recommendations ........................................................... 17 Purchase Report ............................................................................... 20 Treasurer’s Report ............................................................................ 23 Bill Summary and Conference & Meeting Expenses ........................ 50 Informational Items ........................................................................... 58 Action Items ...................................................................................... 72 Board Budget .................................................................................... 74

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1.0 Convening the Meeting 1.1 Call to Order 1.2 Pledge of Allegiance 1.3 Roll Call 1.4 Recognition: Isaac Jones, Re-elected as Student Trustee Livestock Judging Team Women’s Basketball Team 1.5 Hearing of Citizens

Visiting groups or individuals wishing to be heard concerning matters which lie within the scope of the Board’s duties and responsibilities shall submit a written request to the Board Secretary indicating the topic or topics to be discussed prior to the public Board of Trustees meeting. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes.

1.6 Statement of Conflict of Interest

2.0 Consent Agenda Any one Trustee may remove an item from consent consideration by requesting the Chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon individually immediately following passage of the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2.1 Minutes of the Open Session of the Special Meeting on March 15, 2018, and

Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting on March 15, 2018 2.2 Personnel Recommendations 2.3 Purchase Recommendations 2.4 Approval of the Monthly Bills for March 1-31, 2018, including Conference and Meeting Expenses

3.0 Board of Trustees Chair Report 3.1Announcements (Diane Lamb, Chair) 3.2 ICCTA/ACCT Report (Diane Lamb, Chair) 3.3 Legislative Committee Report (Michael Everett) 3.4 Student Trustee Report (Isaac Jones)

4.0 President’s Report 4.1 Student Success Report—Strategic Planning Retreat (Dr. Laura Friesenborg)

5.0 Treasurer’s Report (Frank Mackaman) 5.1 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 2018 (Frank Mackaman) . . . . Roll Call

Illinois Central College Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Thursday, April 19, 2018, 3:00 p.m. Hickory 131 – Peoria Campus


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2 Illinois Central College Board of Trustees Meeting Notice and Agenda April 19, 2018

6.0 Informational Items

6.1 Article I, Section 6. Student Board Member Policy Revision (first reading) (Dr. Tracy Morris)

6.2 Institutional Operational Plan 3rd Quarter Update (David Cook)

7.0 Action Items 7.1 Sabbatical Request (Kelly Daniels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call

8.0 Unfinished Business

9.0 New Business

10.0 Closed Session To discuss litigation when an action against, affecting, on behalf of the particular body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent (Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act; to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees (Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act); and to discuss collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees (Section 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act) . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call

11.0 Reorganization 11.1 Resolution 2018-01: Term of Office for Chair and Vice Chair (Frank Mackaman) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 11.2 Election of Board Chairperson (Frank Mackaman) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 11.3 Election of Vice Chair (Frank Mackaman) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 11.4 Appointment of Interim Secretary (Frank Mackaman) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 11.5 Appointment of Treasurer (Frank Mackaman) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 11.6 Establishment of Regular Meeting Dates and Times (Frank Mackaman) . . Roll Call 11.7 Motion to Adopt Existing Bylaws and Policies (Frank Mackaman) . . . . . . . Roll Call

12.0 Adjournment


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E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y ● ● ● April 2018 ● ● ●

4.1 Student Success Report

ICC’s 2018 Strategic Planning Retreat was held on March 26, with 82 members of faculty, staff, administration, and the Achieving the Dream coaches participating. Building on the new Strategic Plan that was created by the campus community and regional stakeholders in 2017, the first annual retreat focused on investigating student needs by reviewing ICC’s data and identifying barriers to student success. Strategies were discussed, and the Strategic Planning Teams began drafting a timeline for their work. Additionally, the retreat celebrated the accomplishments of this past year and the Strategic Planning Teams’ development as in-house experts on their areas of focus, a foundational step in working toward achievement of ICC’s Strategic Plan Goals. Dr. Laura Friesenborg will provide more information at the meeting.

6.1 Article I, Section 6. Student Board Member Policy Revision The role of the Student Trustee is a critical position for the student voice to be heard. It has been brought forward as a recommendation to amend the current section of the Board of Trustees Bylaws to limit the number of terms that a student can serve to two (2) one-year terms. The Board will be asked to approve the policy change at the May Board meeting to allow Trustees 30 days to review and consider the policy revision. 6.2 Institutional Operational Plan 3rd Quarter Update An update will be provided at the April 19 Board Meeting on the progress-to-date toward meeting the goals of the College’s FY2018 Institutional Operational Plan (IOP). As in prior IOP updates, Trustees will be apprised of the efforts underway within the plan’s seven planning priorities, which include: Build Capacity for Change, Diversity/Inclusion, Enrollment Management, Financial Management, Institutional Advancement, Student Onboarding and Transitions, and Student Success. 7.1 Sabbatical Request The Vice President of Academic Affairs recommends to the Board the approval of one candidate for sabbatical leave for the 2018-19 academic year. The Board is asked to take action to approve sabbatical leave for Professor Kim Vietti (a Biology faculty in the Math, Science, and Engineering department) for Spring 2019.


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1 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

Illinois Central College

Open Session of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees


March 15, 2018, 3:00 p.m.

ICC East Peoria Campus, Founders Room, 211A Chair Lamb called the regular meeting to order at 3:00 p.m., and asked Frank Mackaman to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chair Lamb asked the secretary to call the roll, and Carl Cannon, Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, and Gale Thetford were present. Student Trustee Isaac Jones was absent. Recognition Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey, President, announced that Dr. Leon Perley, the second President of Illinois Central College, died on Sunday and asked the audience to join her in a moment of silence in his honor. Dr. Quirk-Bailey asked Gale Thetford to read the proclamation recognizing the 50th Anniversary Gala.

WHEREAS, the College has touched more than 450,000 lives since opening its doors to the community in 1967, and nearly one-third of graduating high school students within the district choose ICC; and WHEREAS, every year, ICC awards more than 1,800 certificates and degrees; and WHEREAS, in 1966 the citizens of Central Illinois voted to create District 514, which became Illinois Central College, a public comprehensive community college; and WHEREAS, the College opened its temporary buildings on the interim campus in the fall of 1967. Dr. Kenneth L. Edwards became the first president, and 56 full-time faculty members welcomed 2,486 students representing the ten-county district, and WHEREAS, during Phase I of the College’s development in the 1970s, ICC experienced rapid growth in enrollment and construction. Permanent facilities were built on the East Peoria Campus, enrollment increased to nearly 9,000 students, and a center opened in downtown Peoria to offer


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2 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

academic and business coursework. During Phase II of construction, the Library Administration Building and Gymnasium were built. In 1976, Dr. Leon “Bud” Perley became ICC’s second president. Later, the Performing Arts Center and Agricultural and Industrial Technologies Building were completed; and WHEREAS, in early 1980, enrollment exceeded 15,000 students, and the Peoria downtown location moved to what would later be known as the Perley Building. Dr. Thomas K. Thomas became the College’s third president in 1989; and WHEREAS, in the 1990s, ICC continued to expand course offerings to meet student and community needs. The College added the Health and Public Services building in downtown Peoria, which would be renamed the Thomas Building in 2001; and WHEREAS, the Caterpillar Service Training Building marked increased partnerships among ICC, industry, and the community. Dr. John S. Erwin became the fourth college president. In 2002, ICC offered its first classes at the North Campus (now called Peoria Campus). In 2003, the Gymnasium was renamed to honor Coach Lorene Ramsey. A Skilled Trades and Manufacturing expansion, including the Lee Morgan School of Industrial Technology, was made to the AIT Building. The Technology Center opened in 2004, and the David R. Leitch Career Center opened in 2006; and WHEREAS, in 2009, ICC Pekin welcomed its first students, and in 2011, the CougarPlex was completed. In 2016, the College welcomed its fifth president, Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey. In 2017, the Peoria Campus was remodeled, and the construction of the new Student Center was completed; and WHEREAS, today, ICC’s district covers 2,322 miles and serves 36 high schools. In any given semester, the College offers more than 1,800 classes; and WHEREAS, ICC continues to earn above state and national averages for student success and is focused on enabling increased success to all students and the community; and WHEREAS, with each degree or certificate ICC confers, the College hopes to create a small ripple of change to better the lives of the students and their families, as well as the community as a whole; and WHEREAS, the Board and administration, current and former students, faculty and staff take this time to reflect upon the last 50 years with fond regard and gratitude. We look to ICC’s future with a renewed sense of commitment to building strong partnerships with businesses and school


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3 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

districts, educating the workforce of the future, and continuing to be the SmartChoice for the citizens of Central Illinois; THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey, President of ICC, do hereby proclaim that the 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner & Auction, “Past Success Drives the Future,” on April 7, 2018, will commemorate the College’s grand Golden Anniversary in honor of the first 50 years of providing an exceptional educational experience for its students.

Dated this 15th day of March, 2018.

Sheila Quirk-Bailey, DM President

Citizen Comments—no comments. Conflict of Interest—no comments. Consent Agenda Chair Lamb asked if any Trustee wished to pull an item from the Consent Agenda, and there was no comment. Michael Everett moved to approve the consent agenda including Minutes of the Open Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting February 15, 2018, Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting on February 15, 2018, Minutes of the Open Session of the Special Meeting on February 17, 2018, Minutes of the Open Session of the Special Meeting on March 5, 2018; Personnel Recommendations; Purchase Recommendations; and Approval of the Monthly Bills for February 1-28, 2018, including Conference and Meeting Expenses. Gale Thetford seconded the motion. Minutes Minutes of the Open Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting on February 15, 2018, Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting on February 15, 2018, Minutes of the Open Session of the Special Meeting on February 17, 2018, and Minutes of the Open Session of the Special Meeting on March 5, 2018 (copies on file). Personnel New Hires

Kwadwo Anakwa—Academic Advisor – TRiO Upward Bound Fredtasia Drummond—Administrative Assistant – TRiO Upward Bound


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4 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

Interim Placements Becky Wood—Interim Vice President – Marketing and College Communications

(Part-time 16 hours per week from March 1-May 11, 2018, and then full time from that date forward until a new Vice President is in place)


Genevieve Gibbs—Technician – Agriculture and Horticulture (March 2, 2018) Cheryl Fliege—Vice President – Marketing and College Communications

(March 30, 2018) Separations

Laura McCue-Newport—Interim Coordinator – Food Services (3/1/2018) Christine Nelson—Assistant – Customer Service, Document Services

(3/1/2018) Purchase Report Bid Items

Roadway Replacement Phase 2—R.A. Cullinan & Son ($667,661.86) Data Processing Equipment, Software, and Telecommunications

Replacement Desktop Computers for Science Lab—Dell, Inc. ($99,495.81) Replacement Desktop Computers for Architectural Design Classrooms—Dell,

Inc. ($79,601.18) Mitel IP Phone System—Matrix, Inc. ($30,448.20)

Professional Services

East Peoria Campus Building Automation System Upgrade—Johnson Controls ($80,155.00)

Data Processing Equipment, Software, and Telecommunications

Document Management System Maintenance Renewal—Hyland ($56,554.90) Bills Including Conference and Meeting Expenses Education Fund—$3,319,327.73 Operations and Maintenance Fund—$533,769.87 Operations and Maintenance Fund Restricted—$188,864.05 Auxiliary Fund—$611,025.02 Restricted Fund—$197,825.03 Audit Fund—$2,456.84 Liability, Protection, and Settlement Fund—$333,554.80 Conference and Meeting Expenses—$59,437.03


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5 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

Chair Lamb requested a roll call vote to approve the Consent Agenda, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Carl Cannon, Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, and Gale Thetford. “Nay”: None. Absent: Student Trustee Isaac Jones. The motion passed. Board of Trustees Chair Announcements Chair Lamb stated that she had no announcements. Dr. Quirk-Bailey reminded everyone about the 50th Anniversary Gala on April 7, and noted that registration is still open. ICCTA/ACCT Report Chair Lamb announced that Kelly Daniels attended the recent ICCTA meeting, and called upon Ms. Daniels for a report. Ms. Daniels attended the round table discussions on the topics of delivery systems and how to prepare for the State budget concerns. Ms. Daniels shared information on the new ICC Solar Training program with the trustees at her round table. Ms. Lamb noted that ICCTA had sent out meeting highlights and noted there is pending legislation on dual credit. Dr. Quirk-Bailey further explained that there is pending legislation which would prohibit colleges outside of Illinois boundaries to offer dual credit to Illinois students. Legislative Report Michael Everett reported that there are four significant bills pending, which are all related to tax incentives for apprenticeships. Dr. Quirk-Bailey stated that she is hopeful that at least one of the bills will advance. Senator Weaver has had numerous discussions with Dr. Quirk-Bailey working on one of the bills. The legislation would allow businesses who pay for an apprenticeship salary to receive a tax credit. Student Trustee Report Dr. Quirk-Bailey announced it is spring break, and Student Trustee Isaac Jones is absent today because he is on a mission trip in South Carolina helping to rebuild homes for disaster victims. Diane Lamb noted that his report in the newsletter included several student events.


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6 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

President’s Report Dr. Quirk-Bailey introduced Dr. Laura Friesenborg, Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, who joined the College last month. Dr. Friesenborg has an Ed.D. in Organizational Development, and an M.S. in Industrial Relations/Human Resource Management. She has an extensive background in data-driven decision making and institutional effectiveness. Dr. Friesenborg is leading the College’s strategic planning process. Dr. Quirk-Bailey also introduced Becky Wood, who will be serving as Interim Vice President of Marketing and College Communications during the time period that a search is being conducted. Dr. Cheryl Fliege, Vice President of Marketing and College Communications, retires the end of March. Ms. Wood works at Bradley University and will be part-time until the end of the semester. Dr. Quirk-Bailey called upon Dr. Friesenborg for some testimonials from the recent Achieving the Dream (AtD) conference. Dr. Friesenborg stated that it was a true pleasure to have accompanied a large group to the AtD conference. AtD is a learning community at community colleges, and it was by far the best conference she has ever attended. Attendees were able to learn from other colleges about things that work or perhaps didn’t work. Diane Lamb questioned how many attended, and Dr. Friesenborg responded that 26 people attended, and it was a mixture of faculty, staff, and administrators. Dr. Friesenborg introduced Kristen Jacobsen-Flex, Professor in Math, Science and Engineering. Ms. Jacobsen-Flex stated that it was nice to interact with attendees from the various departments at the College. She was thrilled to learn about Open Educational Resources (OER), and she is already conducting research and added that the ICC Library is providing assistance. Several of the math instructors who were also excited about OER are already implementing it in the summer. Ms. Jacobsen-Flex also said it was an eye-opening experience to learn about equity. She has always urged her students to get a good breakfast before a test, and she now realizes that not all students have money for a good breakfast. She has started laying out breakfast bars but is not calling attention to students who take one. Dr. Emily Points, Dean of Student Services, shared information on her experience at the conference. She quoted the phrase, “students aren’t ready for us; we have to be ready for them.” She noted the importance of the student voice and shared information on the SSIPP approach (strategic, sustained, integrated, proactive, and personalized). Arnitria Shaw, Program Director of TRiO, shared information that she learned from other colleges about retention. One of the schools learned that they were losing students due to challenges within the business office. ICC Student Services is now talking about conducting a loss analysis and incorporating improvements in the first-year experience.


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7 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

Treasurer’s Report Finance Liaison Frank Mackaman called upon Bruce Budde, Treasurer and Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance, for a report. Mr. Mackaman advised that he met with Mr. Budde prior to the meeting, and he feels it is important that the Board put more emphasis on the financials. Mr. Budde stated that next month he will include additional yearend projections. Mr. Budde presented a PowerPoint presentation. Operating revenue is currently lagging behind budgeted expectations except for investment returns due to higher interest rates. Tuition is lower than anticipated, as enrollment was 3.4 percent below expectations for fall semester and 7.7 percent below expectations for the spring semester. Personal property replacement taxes are less than budget as the State has allocated a portion of these funds for payment of base operating grants. The overall operating expenditures are favorable $1.8 million or 4.9 percent as compared to budget, with employee benefits being the one significant negative expenditure variance. The most significant favorable variances are in salaries, contractual services, and general materials and supplies. Fund balance is projected to increase in 2018 bringing it back to 44.2 percent. The Board of Trustees has established an operating fund balance target to be maintained between 25 and 50 percent. Frank Mackaman moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and Michael Everett seconded the motion. Chair Lamb requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Gale Thetford, and Carl Cannon. “Nay”: None. Absent: Student Trustee Isaac Jones. The motion passed. Dr. Quirk-Bailey thanked Mr. Budde and his team for the detailed presentation. Gale Thetford added that she appreciates the report, and she requested a copy of the slides. Mr. Budde responded that he will send the presentation to the Trustees electronically, and going forward he will provide a copy of the slides. Informational Item 6.1 Sabbatical Leave Process Dr. Emmanuel Awuah, Vice President of Academic Affairs, provided an overview of the sabbatical leave process. Full-time faculty members who have completed six consecutive years or eight non-consecutive years as a full-time faculty member are eligible for sabbatical leave. A selection panel then reviews the applications and makes a recommendation. One application is pending. If the application is recommended for approval, the Board will be asked to take action at the April Board meeting. Diane Lamb asked what the criteria is, and Dr. Awuah responded that the sabbatical would be for improving the quality of the academic program. Chair Lamb asked who


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8 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

serves on the committee, and Dr. Awuah advised that there are two administrators (deans) and two faculty members selected by the Faculty Forum. Ms. Lamb asked about the compensation, and Dr. Awuah responded that they receive base pay based on 15 ECH. Action Item 7.1 Tuition Recommendation Finance Liaison Frank Mackaman directed the Trustees to the Tuition Increase Recommendation Action Item in the meeting packet. The administration is recommending adjusting the tuition rate to $150 per credit hour effective Fall 2018, and this rate would be frozen for two academic years, expiring after the Summer 2020 semester. Mr. Mackaman stated that he is profoundly embarrassed by the lack of State funding for education. Mr. Mackaman moved to approve the recommendation of increasing the in-district tuition rate from the current $143.00 per credit hour to $150.00 per credit hour. This increase will be effective Fall of 2018, and the rate will be frozen through Summer of 2020. The rate for out-of-district and out-of-country tuition will increase by the same rate of 5 percent for the same period. Michael Everett seconded the motion and stated that he appreciates Mr. Mackaman’s statement regarding State funding. The community college system was originally set up as a three-legged stool, and education should not have to accept the dwindling State support. Gale Thetford stated that she agrees with the statements regarding the lack of State support, but she is concerned with declining enrollment. She will support the tuition recommendation as presented, but she expects to see the implementation of efforts to increase enrollment. Dr. Quirk-Bailey stated that some sessions were recently held with students regarding the tuition recommendation, and she called upon Dr. Tracy Morris, Vice President of Student Services, for the feedback. Dr. Morris advised that the students generally supported the tuition recommendation and appreciate the freeze for consistency. Bruce Budde added that the students indicated they do not want to lose any services and feel they are receiving a good value. Mr. Budde added that ICC does not charge any added fees except for those that are course-based. Mr. Cannon added that there is room for enrollment growth, and he doesn’t feel the College can wait too long. He feels there needs to be short-range goals within the strategic plan. Diane Lamb stated that she appreciates the information shared by Arnitria Shaw earlier in the meeting and feels there is a need to concentrate on enrollment, and she appreciates efficiencies. However, she cannot support the tuition recommendation, but does like the aspect of freezing tuition.


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9 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session Minutes March 15, 2018

Chair Lamb requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Paula Davis, Michael Everett, Frank Mackaman, Gale Thetford, Carl Cannon, and Kelly Daniels. “Nay”: Diane Lamb. Absent: Student Trustee Isaac Jones. The motion passed. Action Item 7.2 Approval of Auditors Finance Liaison Frank Mackaman stated that the auditing firm reports to the Board of Trustees, and he along with Kelly Daniels served on the review committee in addition to administration. They reviewed all proposals that were submitted and then rated them based on criteria. All members of the committee agreed upon the recommendation. Frank Mackaman moved to support the committee’s recommendation and to appoint Clifton Larson Allen LLP to perform audit services for the fiscal year 2018. Kelly Daniels seconded the motion. Ms. Daniels stated that she served on the committee and does support the recommendation. Gale Thetford commented that the summary indicates this is based on five-year pricing, and noted that there is significant difference on pricing. Mr. Budde responded that the committee looked at all components, and Clifton Larson Allen is the lowest overall. Michael Everett added that he likes the process with Trustees serving on the committee. Diane Lamb asked if the Trustees would be receiving all the detail. Mr. Mackaman stated that he and Ms. Daniels were appointed by the Board to serve on the committee. The committee received all the detailed information which should alleviate the need for all Trustees to see the detail. Dr. Quirk-Bailey stated that this process is following the same practice as the RFP for the attorney selection. The attorney is also a resource to the Board of Trustees, and a Trustee served on that committee. Chair Lamb requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Gale Thetford, Carl Cannon, Kelly Daniels, and Paula Davis. “Nay”: None. Absent: Student Trustee Isaac Jones. The motion passed. Unfinished Business Carl Cannon asked about the contract with R.A. Cullinan & Son that was included in the Purchase Report. Mr. Budde responded that the College has enhanced the bidding language to encourage minority and female-owned businesses to participate and ultimately award bids to these companies.


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Mr. Cannon noted that the purchase report included new computers, and he asked what is done with the outgoing computers. Mr. Budde responded that depending on their life cycle, the computers may be used at other locations internally. If the computers have reached the end of their useful life for the College, they may be donated to other nonprofit or civic groups in the community. This is the same practice for furniture and other surplus items. New Business Gale Thetford commended Student Trustee Isaac Jones for helping others in need. She also commended the local community who have supported the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School in Florida during this recent tragedy. Closed Session At 4:23 p.m., Chair Lamb entertained a motion for closed session. Paula Davis moved that the Board of Trustees conduct a closed session to discuss litigation when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent (Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act); to discuss collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or other representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees (Section 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act); and to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (Section 2(c )(1) of the Open Meetings Act). Gale Thetford seconded the motion. Chair Lamb requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Gale Thetford, Carl Cannon, Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, and Michael Everett. “Nay”: None. Absent: Student Trustee Isaac Jones. The motion passed. Dr. Quirk-Bailey asked Bruce Budde and Dr. Emmanuel Awuah to remain for closed session. All other staff members and guests were excused. A break was taken from 4:23 to 4:34 p.m. (Closed Session) Adjournment At 5:40 p.m., Carl Cannon moved to adjourn the closed session, and resume open session. Frank Mackaman seconded. Chair Lamb requested a voice vote, and the motion passed.


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Paula Davis moved to adjourn the meeting and Kelly Daniels seconded. Chair Lamb requested a voice vote, and the motion passed. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Thursday, April 19, 2018, at 3:00 p.m., in Hickory 131 on the Peoria Campus. Paula Fraley Secretary to the Board of Trustees


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Board of Trustees Personnel Recommendations Report

Thursday, April 19, 2018

New Hires: (With Credentials):

Name Effective Date Position



April 2, 2018 Field Supervisor – Motorcycle Rider Safety Program


Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL, DACT Certificate

Illinois State University, Normal, IL, Rider Coach Certification

Work Experience:

Rider Coach, Illinois State University and University of Illinois, IL

Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Fayette Company, Peoria, IL

Quality Representative, Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America, Normal, IL

Name Effective Date Position

Joshua Ioerger April 23, 2018 Network Systems Administrator


Illinois State University, Normal, IL, Bachelors of Industrial Computer Systems

Heartland Community College, Normal, IL , Computers Support Certification

Work Experience:

IT Field Consultant, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL

IT Engineer, TEC Group, Bloomington, IL

Client Server Support Analyst, Country Financial, Bloomington, IL

Name Effective Date Position

Shelley Nordwall March 19, 2018 Coordinator – Human Resources


University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ, MBA in Human Resources

City University, Bellingham, WA , Bachelors in Business Administration

Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL, Associates in Business Administration

Work Experience:

HR Manager, HGS, Peoria, IL

Director of Human Resources, Advanced Correctional Healthcare, Peoria, IL

Name Effective Date Position

Rodney San Jose April 2, 2018 Admissions Director


Bradley University, Peoria, IL, Bachelors of Electrical Engineering Technology


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Work Experience:

Independent College Consultant, San Jose College Consulting, Peoria, IL

Head Coach and Personal Trainer, Titanium Force Cheer, East Peoria, IL

Project Manager, Meyer and Associates, Inc., Brimfield, IL

Executive Director of Admissions, Stetson University, DeLand, FL

Director of Admissions/Executive Director Enrollment Management for Admission

Operations, Bradley University, Peoria, IL


Name Effective Date Position

From To

Jake Beeney April 2, 2018 Administrative

Assistant – Facilities


Administrative Assistant –


Carita Giles March 12, 2018 Coordinator –

Customer Relations

Customer Relations Manager

Anthron Johnson March 12, 2018 Housekeeper Supply/Tool & Parts Attendant

Kejuan Jones March 12, 2018 Specialist –

Document Services


Technician – Document Services




March 28, 2018 General


Certified Maintenance Mechanic

Vanessa Swanson March 26, 2018 Assistant – Health


Administrative Assistant – Vice

President HR

Stacy Turpen March 12, 2018 Specialist II –

Student Accounting

Coordinator – Federal & Restricted


Change of Status:

Name Effective Date Position

From To

Elizabeth Godinez April 2, 2018 Program Assistant –

Sign Language


Academic Advisor/Success Coach

Aimee Seth March 26,




Administrative Assistant –

Accounting Clerk for CougarPlex


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Tia Van Hester March 20,


Coordinator –



Adjunct Faculty


Name Hire Date Position Effective Date

Paula Fraley December 16,


Administrative Assistant –


April 30, 2018

Nancy Iverson November 29,


Specialist – Accounts Payable April 30, 2018

Randy Reynolds November 27,


Skilled Maintenance April 30, 2018


Name Hire Date Position Effective Date

Katherine King February 9, 2004 Specialist – Library Acquisitions March 7, 2018

Daniel Kummer November 23,


General Housekeeper April 13, 2018


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Public Act 095-0990 - An ACT concerning education, requires schools to award all contracts for purchase of supplies, materials or work involving an expenditurein excess of $25,000 to the lowest responsible bidder, considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality and serviceability, after dueadvertisement. The ACT does allow for exceptions which can be found in CodeSection 10-20.21. Only items that require formal bidding will be included in the formal purchase report. All items that fall under an exception will be listed in the Supplemental Purchasing Information Section.

Division Bid Vendor Award Page



April 19, 2018



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Division Description Vendor Award Page

Technology APPLICATION SUPPORT AND HighStreet Services FIT-GAP ANALYSIS FOR Consulting 55,000.00$ 1




ILLINOIS CENTRAL COLLEGE Supplemental Purchasing Information

April 19, 2018


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Explanation of expenditure:


Rationale:Contracts for the services of individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the ability of the individual plays an important part are exempt from formalbidding procedures.

Award:HighStreet Consulting 55,000.00$

Budget:Educational Fund -Technology Services 55,000.00$


This expenditure is for consulting services to assist with the planned software upgrade of Oracle PeopleSoft Finance Systems from version 9.1 to 9.2. This upgrade incorporates several significant enhancements and may present a unique set of challenges that are most efficiently solved with the assistance of a consultant who has worked on previous upgrades at other colleges. The consulting services offer the College application support and a one week on-site "fit-gap" which has been planned but not yet scheduled.

It is recommended that the purchase of consulting and professional services from HighStreet Consulting be paid billable hours on an "as needed" basis, not to exceed $55,000. There is no penalty for not using the full amount.



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Education Fund 3,328,886.45Operations and Maintenance Fd 572,238.18Oper and Maint Fund (Restrict) 87,101.49Bond and Interest Fund 3,900.00Auxiliary Fund 454,528.40Restricted Fund 308,571.07Audit Fund 2,456.86Liab,Protect and Settlement Fd 251,625.80

TOTAL FOR ALL FUNDS: 5,009,308.25$

Report ID: ICAPR003.SQR Page No. 1Run Date APR/19/2018


Business Unit: ICCOLPayment Dates - From 01.MAR.2018 to 31.MAR.2018

Description of Fund Amount

End of Report


Page 51: Board of Trustees · 5.1 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 2018 (Frank Mackaman) ... representing

Invoice Description Detail Amount Payment No. Payment Amount

ALBERTSEN, RONNIECaterpillar Service Training LONGHORN STEAK-INTERNSHIP VISIT 31.14 0000063 90,683.32

HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS-INTERNSHIP VISIT 264.56 0000063 90,683.32 SUBWAY-INTERNSHIP VISIT 36.61 0000063 90,683.32 TEXAS RDHSE-INTERNSHIP VISIT 23.00 0000063 90,683.32 MCDONALD'S-INTERNSHIP VISIT 6.55 0000063 90,683.32 BOB EVANS-INTERNSHIP VISIT 10.59 0000063 90,683.32 JIMMY JOHNS-INTERNSHIP VISIT 9.66 0000063 90,683.32 WAFFLE HOUSE-INTERNSHIP VISIT 8.36 0000063 90,683.32 HOLIDAY INN-INTERNSHIP VISIT 129.84 0000063 90,683.32


ALI, RITADiversity CONGRESS PLAZA HOTEL-TRIO SSS CHIC 1,761.12 0000063 90,683.32

AMTRAK .COM-TRIO SSS CHIC 66.20 0000063 90,683.32 AMTRAK-TRIO SSS CHIC (18.90) 0000063 90,683.32


ALLEN, JADEStudent Organizations REIM.BTH.RNTL.CLN.WTR.2/6/18 100.00 0712699 100.00


ASBURY, BRYANSpeech/Forensics Team PORTILLOS-PARKLAND COLLEGE TOURN 45.53 0000063 90,683.32

WAL-MART-IIFA STATE SPEECH TOURN 223.85 0000063 90,683.32 COSTCO-IIFA STATE SPEECH TOURN 283.61 0000063 90,683.32 MOES-IIFA STATE SPEECH TOURN 30.45 0000063 90,683.32 SUBWAY-IIFA STATE SPEECH TOURN 146.00 0000063 90,683.32 STARBUCKS-IIFA STATE SPEECH TOURN 203.40 0000063 90,683.32


ASBURY, BRYAN ESpeech/Forensics Team REIM.EXP.IIFA.SPCH.TRN.3/2-3/4 44.98 0012447 44.98


ASHWOOD, JOYCollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILGE.IPHA.8/8-8/9/17 48.15 0012399 48.15


AWUAH, EMMANUELOffice of Academic Affairs HAMPTON INN-FACULTY ADVISORY IBHE 69.00 0000063 90,683.32

THE HIGHER LEARNING CO-CONF REG 585.00 0000063 90,683.32 General Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND - DINNER (2) 68.36 0000063 90,683.32

GAYLORD OPRYLAND - DINNER (4) 146.36 0000063 90,683.32 Skills USA SKILLSUSAIL - EXAMS 690.00 0000063 90,683.32


BABCOCK, EDGeneral Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND - ATD 4.03 0000063 90,683.32 Finance SOMBRERITO REST-TRANSITION LUNCH (5) 47.58 0000063 90,683.32


BAILA, CARMENOffice of Academic Affairs REIM.CONF.REG.TRAIN.FARE.3/2 68.00 0012460 68.00


BERGMAN, JOSEPHGeneral Institutional REIM.MTG.EXP.ACHV.DRM.2/20/18 12.83 0012461 12.83

GAYLORD OPRYLAND - ATD DINNER (9) 301.66 0000063 90,683.32 GAYLORD OPRYLAND CVPS - ATD PARKING 152.00 0000063 90,683.32 GAYLORD OPRYLAND RETAI - ATD 0.52 0000063 90,683.32


PAYMENT DATES3/1/18 - 3/31/18

Name & Department


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BIRKNER, MARGORecruiting REIM.MILGE.11/7/17-1/31/18 347.48 0012448 347.48


BOUCHER, SANDRACollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILGE.IACEA.MTG.3/7,3/8 167.86 0012473 167.86


BROWN, CORINNEGeneral Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND RETAI - ATD 0.52 0000063 90,683.32


BUDDE, BRUCEVP For Administration & Finan HIGHER EDUC USER GRO - PS HEUG CONF 500.00 0000063 90,683.32

BASTA EASTPORT - TRANSITION LUNCH (4) 47.15 0000063 90,683.32 EP CHAMBER OF CO - EGGS & ISSUES 15.00 0000063 90,683.32




CENTER, THECollege & Career Readiness REG.SUTTON.ST.ADMD.MTG.4/19-20 95.00 0713036 95.00


CHARLES, SARAHSAT Prep REIM.MILGE.SAT.PREP.2/26/18 27.25 0012407 27.25


COLVILLE, CHRISTINASAT Prep REIM.MILGE.SAT.PREP.1/31-2/28 102.68 0012408 102.68


COOK, DAVIDInstitutional Research HYATT PLACE CHAMPAIGN - SEM CONF 168.37 0000063 90,683.32

THE ASSOC FOR INST RES - WEBINAR 75.00 0000063 90,683.32 General Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND RETAI - ATD (186.03) 0000063 90,683.32

TRAVELOCITY - ATD TRAVEL INS (CAR) 20.00 0000063 90,683.32 OPRY/RYMAN/OPRYLAND TKTS - ATD 19.00 0000063 90,683.32 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR - ATD 98.67 0000063 90,683.32


COUNTRY INN AND SUITESStudent Organizations ADV.HTL.RMS.PBL.CONF.4/6-4/7 420.69 0712904 420.69



REIM.MILGE.3/19/18-3/20/18 94.79 0012475 94.79 161.06

DOTY, HEATHERWomen's Softball ADV.MEALS.CEDAR.RPDS.3/24/18 285.00 0012450 285.00

ADV.MEALS.MB.SC.3/10-3/15/18 2,280.00 0012384 2,280.00 ADV.MEALS.SPRNGFLD.4/5/18 228.00 0012476 456.00 ADV.MEALS.NORMAL.4/3/18 228.00 0012476 456.00 HAMPTON INN - SOFTBALL SPRING TRIP 1,545.05 0000063 90,683.32


DOUGHERTY, JEFFREYDiversity ADV.EXP.CHGO.SPR.BRK.3/14-3/15 1,512.00 0012443 1,512.00


ELMORE, RHONDAStudent Program Board CHILI S GRILL - CAB CHIPS & GUAC 17.98 0000063 90,683.32

PIZZA HUT - PIZZA FOR VALENTINES EVENT 62.94 0000063 90,683.32


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EVERETT, MIKEBoard Of Trustees REIM.AIRFARE.ACCT.SUMT.2/11-14 277.60 0712707 277.60


FANDEL, PETERStudent Organizations REIM.HOTEL.PAS.CONTEST.3/13-15 1,645.00 0012463 1,645.00


FENTEM, DAWNCollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILG.HTL.MEAL.IACEA.3/7-8 227.31 0012477 227.31


FIELDS, RICHARD RTesting REIM.MILGE.11/1/17-2/28/18 144.11 0012412 144.11


FRIESENBORG, LAURAGeneral Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND RETAI - ATD 0.39 0000063 90,683.32

KIRCHHOFFS BAKERY - ATD LUNCH (15) 171.60 0000063 90,683.32 GAYLORD OPRYLAND - DINNER (8) 216.58 0000063 90,683.32 GAYLORD OPRYLAND - DINNER (1) 26.73 0000063 90,683.32 MITCHELL DELI - ATD LUNCH (24) 416.07 0000063 90,683.32


GEORGE, ELLENCorporate And Community Ed REIM.MILGE.COMED.MTG.2/19/18 33.85 0012414 191.36

REIM.MILGE.PRKNG.FEB.2018 55.87 0012414 191.36 TAXI SVC CHICAGO - COMED MTG-SOLAR 37.13 0000063 90,683.32 UPTOWN STATION PARKING - COMED MTG 6.00 0000063 90,683.32 HOTEL MONACO CHICAGO - COMED MTG 163.18 0000063 90,683.32

Business Effectiveness REIM.MILGE.PRKNG.FEB.2018 101.64 0012414 191.36 Industrial / Technical PANERA BREAD - MRSP INSTRUCTOR MTG 83.74 0000063 90,683.32


GREBNER, GRANTAG & Livestock Team REIM.IA.BEEF.EXPO.ENTRY.3/1/18 375.00 0012415 375.00

REIM.ENTRY.NRTH.CNTRL.2/16/18 460.00 0012385 460.00 HOUSTON LIVESTOCK SHOW-LIVESTOCK JUD 160.00 0000063 90,683.32 MACHINE SHED ROCKFORD-LIVESTOCK JUD 229.73 0000063 90,683.32 COMFORT INN & SUITES-LIVESTOCK JUD 552.00 0000063 90,683.32


HANKS, ERIKCorporate And Community Ed TOWNEPLACE SUITES-MOTORCYLE SAFETY 180.80 0000063 90,683.32

CASEYS GEN STORE-MOTORCYLE SAFETY 167.83 0000063 90,683.32 Industrial / Technical DUNKIN-MOTORCYLE SAFETY 100.93 0000063 90,683.32


HARDIMON, SHELLIEDiversity ADV.MEALS.SIUE.3/16/18 245.00 0012421 245.00


HIDDEN, AMANDA LRecruiting REIM.MILGE.11/21/17-3/23/18 770.62 0012479 770.62


HOLMES, STEPHANIEEducational Foundation AFP LUNCHEON 15.00 0000063 90,683.32


HOWAR, JULIEGeneral Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND-ATD LUNCH (4) 46.98 0000063 90,683.32


HUMPHREY, TRACYCustodial Services REIM.MTG.SUPPL.3/7/18 22.48 0012452 22.48



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ILASFAAFinancial Assistance INV.20135,20142 550.00 0712909 650.00


ILLINOIS ALLIANCE OF CONCURRENT ENROLLCollege & Career Readiness REG.2018.ILACEP.SUMMIT.4/27/18 30.00 0712910 30.00

REG.WHITE.ILACEP.SMMIT.4/27/18 30.00 0713041 60.00 REG.SHULL.ILACEP.SMMIT.4/27/18 30.00 0713041 60.00


ILLINOIS PHI BETA LAMBDAStudent Organizations STATE.CONF.REG.4/6-4/7/18 990.00 0712911 990.00


JACOBSON, KRISTIN ANNAMath/Science/Engineering FLAGG RANCH RESERV-STUDENT TRAVEL 202.50 0000063 90,683.32


KAUFMAN, CATHRYNELearning Resources MORAINE VALLEY INT-INFO LIT SUMMIT MTG 45.00 0000063 90,683.32


KELLEY, BRETTMen's Baseball ADV.MEALS.FAIRFIELD.3/11/18 640.00 0012387 640.00

ADV.MEALS.GALESBURG.4/4/18 480.00 0012480 960.00 ADV.MEALS.CHAMPAIGN.3/30/18 480.00 0012480 960.00 ADV.MEALS.LINCOLN.3/24/18 480.00 0012466 480.00 ADV.MEALS.NORMAL.3/17/18 480.00 0012453 480.00


KELLY, DANIEL JBusiness Effectiveness REIM.MILGE.EXCL.LDRSHP.1/9/18 19.62 0012467 19.62


LAWLER, MARGARETAffirmative Action REIM.MILGE.FEB.2018 88.29 0012468 88.29


LEHMAN, BLAKEAG & Livestock Team REIM.ENTRY.BL.GRS.LVSTCK.2/22 100.00 0012388 100.00

LA FERIA - JUDGING TEAM 265.40 0000063 90,683.32 VALUE PLACE PLEASANT HIL-JUDGING TEAM 436.80 0000063 90,683.32


LONG, CAROLCollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILG.HTL.MEAL.IACEA.3/7-8 368.38 0012481 368.38


MATTHEWS, MARKCaterpillar Service Training REIM.MILGE.2/27-2/28/18 202.74 0012469 202.74

REIM.MILGE.TOLLS.2/26/18 190.94 0012426 190.94 393.68

MATTHEWS, R MARKCaterpillar Service Training IOWA 80 KITCHEN - INTERNSHIP VISITS 14.97 0000063 90,683.32

FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES - INTERNSHIP VISITS 121.98 * 0000063 90,683.32 136.95

MCCLAIN, BETHGeneral Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND - ATD BREAKFAST (3) 31.24 0000063 90,683.32

MCDONALD'S - ATD DINNER 10.12 0000063 90,683.32 41.36

MERCHANTS AUTOMOTIVE GROUP INCAG & Livestock Team TOLL CHARGES - JAN 2018 26.00 0712976 746.00




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GM ASEP REIM.PRKNG.CHICAGO.2/13/18 46.00 0012470 46.00 CHICAGOAUTOSHOW-AUTO SHOW TICKETS 140.00 0000063 90,683.32


MORRIS, TRACYDean Of Student Services REIM.MILGE.SEM.TRNG.2/12 100.28 0012471 129.28

HYATT PLACE CHAMPAIGN - SEM CONF 132.17 0000063 90,683.32 HYATT PLACE CHAMPAIGN-SEM CONF 132.17 0000063 90,683.32 SULLIVAN IRISH-NON-PMT PROCESS MTG (3) 48.07 0000063 90,683.32 SQ *DERESE - TAXI 36.00 0000063 90,683.32

General Institutional REIM.UBER.ATD.NSHVL.2/22/18 29.00 0012471 129.28 BUFFALO WILD WINGS-ATD DINNER (11) 206.15 0000063 90,683.32 GAYLORD OPRYLAND - ATD DINNER (20) 443.59 0000063 90,683.32 GAYLORD OPRYLAND - BREAKFAST 35.78 0000063 90,683.32 ACME FEED & SEED-ATD DINNER (10) 193.16 0000063 90,683.32


MURRAY, ANTHONYGrounds Maintenance MCDONALD'S-GROUND STAFF BKFST (SNOW) 31.67 0000063 90,683.32


MYCKE-FORD, KIMBERLY KATHRYNCollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILGE.PRKNG.IACEA..3/8/18 91.14 0012482 91.14


OSTERLOO, TERESACollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILG.HTL.MEAL.IACEA.3/7-8 225.08 0012483 225.08


OYER, MICHAELHealth Careers REIM.MILGE.PRKNG.MARCH.2018 269.27 0012484 344.27


PACOTTI-LONG, ANGELAGeneral Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND - DINNER (5) 180.92 0000063 90,683.32

GAYLORD OPRYLAND - ATD BREAKFAST (3) 42.00 0000063 90,683.32 222.92

PEORIA CHARTER COACHGeneral Institutional BUS - ATD CONFERENCE 3,457.00 0712925 13,936.00 Men's Baseball BUS - MEN'S BASEBALL - MS 7,699.00 0712925 13,936.00 Diesel Powered Equipment Tech BUS - STUDENT FIELD TRIP 2,780.00 0712925 13,936.00




QUIRK-BAILEY, SHEILAPresident's Office HUCK'S FOOD & FUEL STOP - FUEL 98.30 0000063 90,683.32

KEMP 208 INC - MTG D. ZERN (2) 129.54 * 0000063 90,683.32 JOES ORIGINAL ITALIAN - MTG B. WOOD 61.81 0000063 90,683.32 RIZZIS ITALIAN REST-MTG S. PORTSCHELLER 48.05 0000063 90,683.32 LEGAL SEA FOODS - ACCT LEGIS SUMM (3) 125.00 * 0000063 90,683.32 SQ *ALEXANDRIA UNIO - TAXI 25.06 0000063 90,683.32 SQ *UVC - ACCT LEGISLATIVE SUMMIT 9.39 0000063 90,683.32 CHILI'S ACCT LEG SUMMIT - BKFST (1) 24.15 0000063 90,683.32 TAXI SVC WASH - ACCT LEGISLATIVE SUMMIT 13.36 0000063 90,683.32 CARMINE'S- DC - ACCT LEGISLATIVE SUMMIT 124.06 * 0000063 90,683.32 MARRIOTT - ACCT LEGISLATIVE SUMMIT 1,100.97 0000063 90,683.32 CITY TAP 901 DC-ACCT LEG SUMMIT (3) 90.45 0000063 90,683.32 TUSCANY ORD 22.96 0000063 90,683.32

General Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND - ATD HOTEL 235.11 0000063 90,683.32 2,108.21

REDEKER, KARRISAWomen's Basketball ADV.MEALS.SPRGFLD.3/18-3/11/18 810.00 0012392 810.00 Co-Curricular Competitive Team ADV.MEALS.NATLS.AR.3/18-3/25 2,425.00 0012454 2,425.00 Athletics - General CASEYS MORTON - FUEL - RECRUITING 10.88 0000063 90,683.32


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ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR - RECRUITING 120.65 0000063 90,683.32 CASEYS GEN STORE - FUEL - RECRUITING 36.98 0000063 90,683.32 SHELL OIL - FUEL - RECRUITING 32.00 0000063 90,683.32 BP#6623151PONTIAC BP - FUEL - RECRUITING 33.50 0000063 90,683.32 EXXONMOBIL - FUEL - RECRUITING 31.31 0000063 90,683.32 CHIPOTLE - RECRUITING LUNCH (3) 25.00 0000063 90,683.32




RYAN JR, ROBERTMen's Golf ADV.MEALS.PRCT.FEE.3/15-3/17 650.00 0012432 950.00 Women's Soccer ADV.MEALS.GALESBURG.3/30-3/31 280.00 0012486 280.00


SCHIMMEL, KARI ANNSpeech/Forensics Team PANERA BREAD - SPEECH TEAM 14.51 0000063 90,683.32 Music LYRIC OPERA CHICAGO-STUDENT TRAVEL 302.00 0000063 90,683.32


General Institutional GAYLORD OPRYLAND - ATD 10.52 0000063 90,683.32 1,858.03

SCOBY, JENNIFEROffice of Academic Affairs REIM.IACCB.REG.11/10-11/11/17 190.00 0012456 190.00


SHARP, JAMES ETesting REIM.MILGE/MEALS.1/17-2/16/18 89.32 0012394 89.32

REIM.MILGE.MEALS.2/26-3/7/18 140.68 0012445 140.68 230.00

SINCLAIR, SUEAthletics - General THORNTONS - FUEL 34.06 0000063 90,683.32

SUBWAY - LUNCH REGION MTG (2) 15.18 0000063 90,683.32 49.24

SINCLAIR, SUSAN LCo-Curricular Competitive Team ADV.MEALS.WBB.NATLS.3/18-3/24 280.00 0012457 280.00


SIRBU, IOANAOffice of Academic Affairs REIM.MILG.CONF.REG.TRAIN.3/2 155.78 0012487 155.78


STIER, DANESAT Prep REIM.MILGE.SAT.PREP.2/14,2/21 63.87 0012434 63.87

REIM.MILGE.3/1/18-3/8/18 39.46 0012488 111.62 REIM.MILGE.3/5/18-3/13/18 72.16 0012488 111.62


STONER, SUSANCollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILG.HTL.MEAL.IACEA.3/7-8 224.22 0012489 224.22


SUTTLE JR, DARRYL APeoplesoft Projects REIM.MILGE.2/22/18-3/2/18 43.60 0012472 43.60


SWAN, JEANHealth Careers REIM.WATER.3/21/18 4.58 0012490 29.58

REIM.MILGE.IJOA.MTGS.2/23/18 155.11 0012436 180.11 159.69


DESTIHL 2 LLC - SEM WORKSHOP 18.82 0000063 90,683.32


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THATCHER, BRANDYInstitutional Research REIM.HTL.CHMPGN.2/11-2/12/18 149.00 0012395 149.00


THOMAS, FRANKCorporate Computer Training REIM.MILGE.FEB.2018 47.42 0012438 47.42


TRI COUNTY URBAN LEAGUEDiversity TABLE.BLCK/WHTE.GALA.4/28/18 1,250.00 0712804 1,250.00


TSCHIRN, CLARECollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILG.HTL.MEAL.IACEA.3/7-9 365.27 0012492 365.27

REIM.MILGE.MEALS.SWIC.2/23/18 218.66 0012439 218.66 583.93

VAN, TIADiversity COSTCO WHSE - STUDY ABROAD WK SNACKS 60.72 0000063 90,683.32


WHITE, EARL ANTHONYOffice of Academic Affairs REIM.MILGE.IBHE.MTG.2/15-2/16 320.46 0012440 320.46

REIM.MILG.HTL.MLS.IBHE.3/15-16 252.92 0012493 252.92 573.38

WHITE, LISACollege & Career Readiness REIM.MILGE.7/7/17-2/28/18 386.27 0012441 386.27


WRIGHT, ERICAEducational Foundation ELIS COFFEE SHOP-MTG D. PFLEDERER 8.11 0000063 90,683.32


WYSINGER, ANTHONYMen's Basketball ADV.MEALS.DANVILLE.3/8-3/10/18 760.00 0012397 760.00


XU, XIAORANSAT Prep REIM.MILGE.SAT.PREP.3/2-3/8/18 50.69 0012446 50.69

REIM.MILGE.SAT.PREP.2/16-2/28 69.76 0012442 69.76 120.45


ISU PARKING - TRIO COLLEGE VISIT 4.00 0000063 90,683.32 151.05

Grand Total - Conference & Meeting Expenses 58,702.63$

Note: This does not include any internal charges for vehicle chargeback or internal cafeteria charges.

* Expenditure amount exceeds GSA per diem rates. Expenditure was determined to be reasonable, appropriate and allowable. The expenditure was reimbursed at the actual amount.


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Page 61: Board of Trustees · 5.1 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 2018 (Frank Mackaman) ... representing

FY18 Institutional Operational Plan: Third Quarterly Update Detail March 31, 2018 - Status of Goal Targets


In-Progress and On-


In-Progress and

Not On-Target At-Risk



Build Capacity for Change (2 Goals) 0 0 2 0 0

Diversity/Inclusion (1 Goal) 0 1 0 0 0

Enrollment Management (2 Goals) 0 0 2 0 0

Financial Management (2 Goals) 2 0 0 0 0

Institutional Advancement (6 Goals) 1 3 1 0 1

Student Onboarding and Transitions (3 Goals) 1 1 1 0 0

Student Success (4 Goals) 1 2 1 0 0

5 7 7 0 1

25.0% 35.0% 35.0% 0.0% 5.0%

A final update on the FY 2018 Institutional Operational Plan goals will be provided at the Trustees' July, 2018 meeting.

Trustees will also preview the goals for the FY 2019 Institutional Operational Plan at the June, 2018 meeting.

20 Goals Total

The following table summarizes progress-to-date on the 20 goals aligned to Illinois Central College's seven FY 2018 planning priorities.

Please see the Detail report for a fuller description of the actions supporting the plan's goals.

This update reflects approved revisions made to certain goal timelines at the February 17, 2018 Board retreat. Specific changes are highlighted

in green on the detail pages.


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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: Managers and administrators will apply the Leadership Competency Model to ensure management consistency.

In-progress and not on-target

Identify online learning vendor to support the Leadership Competency Model by October 31, 2017.

Complete Contracted with WeComply on September 25, 2017, to provide online learning courses aligned with our mandatory training requirements as was as leadership compentencies.

Develop a professional development curriculum for managers based on the ICC Leadership Competency Model by December 31, 2017.

Complete Leadership Competency Model has been developed. Managerial programs to be offered are aligned with the Leadership Competencies.

Redesign the Celebration of Service and Celebration of Learning programs to ensure sessions and presentations are aligned with leadership and strategic plan outcomes by December 31, 2017.

Complete January COL follows the Fall term model of student panels, highlights of past semester success, strategic goal teams, faculty- and staff-led break-outs, live streaming, and theme of change management with invited speaker.

Train 75% of key management staff on identified competencies by June 29, 2018, to enable the practice of effective management of staff to meet performance standards.

In-progress and not on-target Due to staffing shortages in Human Resources, it is unlikely the 75% threshold will be met by the end of the FY.

Redesign and implement a professional development plan for academic Deans by December 31, 2017.

In-progress and not on-target Conducted needs assessment, developed curriculum, awaiting approval from the VPAA. Have conducted supplemental training at the request of Deans on workplace bullying, and made a webinar on anger in the workplace available to faculty.

Outcome: ICC’s leadership team will know how formal decisions are to be made with respect to assessing, managing, improving, and securing institutional data assets.

In-progress and not on-target

Convene a data governance working group by July 31, 2017. Complete Working group convenened in August, 2017. Pre-reading materials distributed. First working meeting to be scheudled in first week of October.

Create process for documentation, including scope of activities, operational definitions, and key stakeholders by November 30, 2017.

In-progress and not on-target Target objectives not completed due to scheduling conflicts. Team will meet over the months of April and May to establish processes and measures.

Establish measures of effectiveness and performance baseline(s) based on stakeholder input by February 28, 2018.

In-progress and not on-target See above.

Finalize operational standards, including scope of authority, for Enterprise Executive Committee review and approval by May 31, 2018.

In-progress and on-target

Obtain Cabinet approval of the College's data governance structure by June 29, 2018.

In-progress and on-target


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Design employee training programs to create capacity

for change.

Marti Bloodsaw

Emmanuel Awuah


Design and implement a formal

data governance structure for ICC.

David Cook

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: Increase the number of diverse faculty in our classrooms by ensuring that 14% of both new faculty and adjunct hires are minorities.

In-progress and on-target

Update the Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) for Board Approval by October 31, 2017.


Conduct AAP information and training sessions for managers at Strategic Forum by November 30, 2017.

Complete Consultant provided training at the November 2017 Strategic forum meeting.

Provide year-end progress update to managers by July 15, 2018. In-progress and on-targetEstablish management performance goals for all areas of underrepresentation as defined by the AAP by June 30, 2018.

In-progress and on-target VP of Diversity and Community Impact and the Faculty Admissions Rep have met with all Academic Deans to discuss hiring strategies per AAP recommendations; Academic Deans are communicating strategies to their respective discipline chairs and program coordinators; and a diverse adjunct recruiting fair has been scheudled for April 18, 2018.

Outcome: The College will select a CRM system for FY19 implementation.

In-progress and not on-target

Director of Admissions hire will be effective on April 2, 2018.

Identify task force to address the project by August 31, 2017.


Review best customer relationship practices with special attention to adult market and their communication preferences by September 29, 2017.


Identify data requirements for CRM, including yield analysis tracking by October 31, 2017.


Define key processes impacted by CRM system by December 22, 2017. Complete

Investigate CRM options by January 31, 2018. Complete RFP developed.Produce and release RFP for CRM systems by February 28, 2018.

In-progress and not on-target This process was delayed due to the extended search for the Director of Admissions. With the new Director in place, RFP will be released by June 30, 2018.

Select CRM system for FY19 implementation by April 30, 2018.

Board-Approved Postponement

Selection of CRM will not take place in the current FY; date will be determined for FY19 selection.



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Implement Affirmative Action

Plan (AAP) to improve the

diversification among newly hired faculty and staff.

Rita Ali

Marti Bloodsaw



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Explore, design, and select a Customer

Relationship Management

(CRM) system for tracking prospect

and applicant communications.

Tracy Morris

Cheryl Fliege

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: This comprehensive approach to communication and enrollment support will yield an enrollment increase of at least 2 percent for the fall and spring semesters, as well as determine target programs for the FY 19 SEM Plan.

Tracy Morris In-progress and not on-target

A new SEM plan is currently being drafted correcting for recently identified process issues, data challenges, and lessons learned from the Spring semester.

Increase overall enrollment by 2 percent.• Fall target hours: 81,368 credit hour goal • Spring target hours: 75,494 credit hours goal• TOTAL for FY2018 = 174,248 credit hours

In-progress and not on-target Credit hour goal not made for Fall, 2017 (-1.4%). Enrollment goal was based on faulty assumptions about historical application counts inflated by large numbers of invalid, "practice" applications completed by HS students and duplicated paper applications.

Increase adult enrollment by 300 credit hours (50 students at 6 hours each) by targeted evening programs to be completed at one location:• Implement promotion plan of identified Evening College programs to be completed in two years on the same campus by July 5, 2017, including web site, electronic, digital campaigns.

Complete Credit hour goal attained for Fall.

Develop call list/email list from adult market promotion plan and reach out to those prospects before August 16; achieve 35 percent conversion rate of all applicants for Fall Semester. Total applications = 2,150

Complete Applicant conversion goal was met; however the total applications goal was not.

Identify at least two additional evening programs to be promoted for Fall 2019 by September 30. • Identify application, enrollment, and conversion goals by Sept. 30, 2017.• Create promotional campaign plan by October 30, 2017.• Produce materials supporting campaign between October 30, 2017 & March 1, 2018.• Launch campaign for Fall 2019 programs by March 16, 2018.

Emmanuel Awuah Cheryl Fliege

In-progress and not on-target Evening programs have been identified including Business Administration, Auto Tech, Welding, Medical Assisting, and Massage Therapy.

Develop plan and calendar for recurring communications that are “anchored” in specific dates (examples: first day of classes, payment schedules, FAFSA open date) by September 29, 2017; implement by November 15, 2017.

Tracy Morris Cheryl Fliege

Complete Target dates were not met.

Develop plan and calendar for “ad hoc” communications that are based on when a prospect or enrolled student does something (examples: submits an application, enrolled previous semester but not upcoming semester) by September 29, 2017; implement by November 15, 2017.

Tracy Morris Cheryl Fliege

Complete Target dates were not met.

Develop a marketing plan to increase applicants for Spring 2018 by September 30, 2017; launch plan October 15, 2017; identify applicant goals and conversion goals in that plan.

Cheryl Fliege Complete Applicant goal established at 2,500; conversion goal set at 36%. As of March 31, 2018, the conversion goal was met (47.9%); however, the applicant goal was not met (936).

Develop a marketing plan to increase applicants for Summer/Fall 2018 by January 12, 2018; launch March 15, 2018; identify applicant goals and conversion goals in that plan.

Cheryl Fliege In-progress and not on-target Interim VP of Marketing and Communications has the plan under development; will launch on April 10, 2018.



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Create a fully integrated outreach plan to align with

the Strategic Enrollment

Management Plan.

Cheryl Fliege

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome 1: The College will determine a course of action for the delivery of its dining services, child care services, and athletic programs.


Conduct fiscal analyses of selected services to include dining services, child care, and athletics by August 31, 2017.


Develop and issue RFPs as necessary by September 30, 2017. Complete RFPs for Food Services and Childcare Services were distributed in October, 2017. There were no responses to the Food Services RFP and 2 responses to the Childcare Services RFP. Recommendations to Cabinet from the evaluation committees are to continue with internal operational models for both. Next steps will involve gathering feedback and/or approvals from Cabinet on both operations.

Fiscal review of Athletics complete and results shared with VP Student Services.

Develop potential transition plan for delivery of services by November 30, 2017.

Complete Recommendations for Food Services and Childcare Services to be formally reviewed by Cabinet.

Conduct financial analyses of additional services to include Web and Document Services by March 31, 2018.

At-Risk or Postponed Leadership change has placed this action step at risk of not being completed in FY18.

Outcome 2: The College will continue periodic review of key contractual services to ensure best value return.


Complete RFP review and selection for the 5-year rotation of auditors. Release RFP by January 31, 2018.

Complete Recommendations for Auditing Services were shared with Trustees at its March, 2018 meeting.

Complete treasury analysis as precursor to Bank/Treasury Services RFP. Analysis complete by November 30, 2017. Release RFP by March 31, 2018.

At-Risk or Postponed Treasury analysis completed the week of December 4, 2017; possible deferment of RFP release to FY19.


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Review and optimize

supporting Business Services.

Bruce Budde

Emmanuel Awuah


Board of Trustees

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: Ensure adequate resources to meet strategic institutional goals and operational requirements while being mindful of anticipated future challenges.

Complete Developed a 3-year financial modeling tool to systematically project revenues, expenditures, and fund balance to anticipate and highlight future financial challenges.

Monthly operations year-end projections have been calculated to ensure budgeted fund balance is achieved.

Improved analytics and analysis through the implementation of Forecast5 as well as internal modeling tools.

Analyze impact of 2018 State budget and enrollment trend to ensure balanced budget and maintain adequacy of resources to support strategic initiatives by September 30, 2017.

Complete Impact of funding of the FY18 budget complete; current budget savings from salaries offset declines in enrollment. Administration monitors year-end projections on a monthly basis to ensure adequate resources to support stratgic endeavors.

Facilitate a Board of Trustee retreat to define the College value proposition and model for resource allocation by October 31, 2017.

Complete Board retreats were held in November, 2017 and February, 2018.

Develop and present 3-year Financial Plan at Board of Trustees retreat by January 31, 2018.

Complete The financial plan model was presented to the Trustees at the February, 2018 retreat.

Outcome: ICC employees will have a single sourse of authority for institutional and departmental standards covering processes, procedures, and/or legal requirements they are expected to follow.

In-progress and on-target

Approve template for producing standards by September 29, 2017. CompleteCreate “how to write an operational standard” instructions by October 31, 2017.


Identify the most frequently used operational standards, and prioritize the top 30 percent for completion by November 30, 2017.


Write new operational standards by May 31, 2018. In-progress and on-targetCreate plan for Year 2 implementation by May 31, 2018. In-progress and on-targetIdentify dissemination process for operational standards; complete first round of dissemination by June 29, 2018.

In-progress and on-target

Create a divisional timeline for departmental development of departmental operational standards by June 30, 2018.

In-progress and on-target


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Design and implement fiscal

planning process to ensure resource

allocation is aligned with

Strategic Plan.

Bruce Budde


Explore, design, and implement a

college-wide operational

standards manual.

Bruce Budde

(formerly under Cheryl Fliege)

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: Guided by charters defining strategic outcomes, cross-functional Strategic Planning Teams will be established to design and implement strategies to improve the success of our students.

In-progress and on-target

Develop process for chartering teams, setting outcomes, and reporting structure by August 15, 2017.


Launch Strategic Planning Teams by September 15, 2017. Complete Team membership and co-leadership finalized September, 2017; team and team leader training held October 3 and October 30, 2017.

Report to Board on team composition and outcomes by October 31, 2017. Complete

Create communication plan by September 29, 2017. CompleteReport to Board on Team outcomes by June 29, 2018. In-progress and on-targetOutcome: The Educational Foundation Board of Directors will establish a monetary goal to support related activities held throughout the yearlong celebration designed to increase visibility and goodwill for ICC.


Create schedule of commemorative events by August 31, 2017. CompleteIdentify branding for 50th to complement overall marketing plan by August 31, 2017.

Complete Smart Choice for 50 Years

Create employee relations plan to celebrate 50th by August 31, 2017. Complete In March, 2018 it was determined to add an additional event to the 50th anniversary schedule - a "homecoming" event to allow employees and retirees to reflect on their time at ICC. The event will take place in FY19, during the Fall Celebration of Learning and will act as a grand finale to the 50th anniversary.

Identify fundraising goals for 50th anniversary in conjunction with the Educational Foundation Board of Directors by August 31, 2017.

Complete In conjunction with ICC’s 50th anniversary, a fundraising goal of $100,000 was presented and accepted by the Educational Foundation Board of Directors on July 19, 2017.

The ICC 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner & Auction will be held on Saturday, April 7, 2018. Fundraising outcomes will be reported following the event. Additional gifts are being solicited in recognition of ICC’s 50th anniversary.

Launch 50th anniversary celebration by September 18, 2017 (original first day of classes).

Complete Open House at Peoria Campus was the proxy event for the 50th anniversary.



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Design and implement Phase II

of Strategic Planning Process improvements.

Sheila Quirk-Bailey

Laura Friesenborg

David Cook

Cheryl Fliege


Utilize the 50th anniversary to engage cross- department

collaboration and community awareness/


Stephanie Holmes

Cheryl Fliege

Marti Bloodsaw

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: College leadership will know critical internal audiences’ communication needs and the approaches to be employed to meet those needs to promote strategic alignment.

Board-Approved Postponement

Due to the now-retired VP of Marketing and Communications also performing the Director of Admissions functions through March 2018, this goals was postponed until FY19.

Identify potential vendors to complete an employee communications assessment by August 30, 2017.Create the RFI/RFP to present to vendors by September 29, 2017.Review and choose vendor to conduct the study by October 31, 2017.

Complete communications assessment by December 22, 2017.Receive and analyze report by January 31, 2018.Create communications plan including strategies, milestones and tasks by March 30, 2018.Begin implementation of Communication plan by April 30, 2018.Outcome: College leadership will know how approaches to future capital investment align to critical needs and to ICC’s strategic agenda. These approaches will be incorporated with the development of the FY19 operational budget.

In-progress and not on-target

Timelines were adjusted to support a broad participation for Architectural firms.

Develop RFP and selection process by August 30, 2017. Complete RFP document was issued in December, 2017 for review in January, 2018.

Select Ad Hoc Steering Committee for RFP review and advisory support of process by September 29, 2017.


Select Master Planning firm by October 31, 2017. In-progress and not on-target All responses to the RFP have been received by March 28, 2018.

Completed plan and presentation to Board by February 1, 2018. In-progress and not on-target Board presentation will take place in June, 2018.

Outcome: Establish a plan to address gaps in current accreditation evidence and practices in preparation for HLC visit in FY20.

In-progress and on-target AQIP Team - Sub-teams are working on evidence gathering for each core component and subcomponent for the HLC Criterion for Accreditation. The sub-teams have presented their reports. Reports were discussed at the 3/20/18 AQIP Joint Committee meeting.

Identify evidence for each core component and subcomponent for the HLC Criterion for Accreditation by March 31, 2018.


Identify evidence for Federal Compliance worksheets by March 31, 2018. Complete The completed Federal Compliance worksheets to be discussed at the April meeting.

Identify gaps and propose action items to address these gaps in 2018-19 planning material.

In-progress and on-target Proposed action items to be discussed at April meeting.



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Board-Approved Postponement Alll action steps postponed to FY19.


Explore, design, and implement an

Employee Communications


Cheryl Fliege


Initiate and complete a Facility Master Plan that aligns with the

College Strategic Plan.

Bruce Budde


Examine ICC’s practices against HLC Criteria for Accreditation &

Federal Compliance to

determine evidence,

compliance, and gaps.

Emmanuel Awuah

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: A common First Semester Experience will be developed for all credential-seeking students that will result in an academic plan to completion.

In-progress and on-target Board approved revision of dates and scope of action. Per the advice of the College's AtD Coaches and the absence of Title III funding.

Develop Strategic Planning team composition by September 15, 2017. Complete

Investigate and benchmark best practices by November 15, 2017. CompleteIdentify metamajors/areas of study by December 22, 2017. Complete

Create and implement comprehensive academic and career assessments by December 22, 2017.

In-progress and on-target Board-approved revision of dates and scope of action. As recommended by ICC's AtD Coaches, the planning team's Investigation phase will continue through June 30, 2018.

Using metamajors/areas of study, develop recommendations for FSE for credential-seeking students by February 27, 2018.Integrate the Individual Academic Plan process (plan to completion) within the First Semester Experience by May 15, 2018.Design the FSE pilot and redesign the onboarding process to support the pilot by placement of students by June 29, 2018. (First semester experience pilot will start in Fall semester 2018.)Outcome: In alignment with the pathways project with selected area high schools, ICC will demonstrate the feasibility and value of providing enhanced postsecondary experiences to area high school students.

In-progress and not on-target

Document handbook for Early College on website by September 29, 2017.

In-progress and not on-target Draft Early College Handbook is under review for final draft.

Develop high school to ICC pathways for 5 key employment sectors by December 15, 2017.

Complete Pathways under development for 4 key emplayment sectors: IT, Manufacturing, Health Careers, and Education.

Expand Early College enrollments by 5% by March 30, 2018.

In-progress and not on-target Early College enrollment increased by an average of 4% for both Fall and Spring, 2017-18 academic year.

Pilot data sharing agreements and transcript exchange by June 29, 2018. Complete Data sharing agrements reached with PPS high schools in Fall 2017; trial transcript exchange conducted as a component of Math bridge pilot. A strategic planning team is also looking into a digital transcript exchange pilot.

Board-Approved Postponement

Board-approved revision of dates and scope of action. As recommended by ICC's AtD Coaches, the planning team's Design phase will commence in FY19.


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Explore and design the project phases

for a common First Semester

Experience (FSE) for all

degree/certificate seeking students.

Tracy Morris

Emmanuel Awuah


Expand and formalize Early

College and college readiness models.

Emmanuel Awuah

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: College leadership and primary stakeholders will identify a common student technology platform to support student success.

Complete Board approved revision of dates and scope of action. Per the advice of the College's AtD Coahces and the absence of Title III funding.

Develop Strategic Planning team composition by September 15, 2017. Complete

Identify data requirements of the new system to support student success by October 31, 2017.Define key processes impacted by common technology platforms by December 22, 2017.Investigate common student technology platform options by December 22, 2017.Produce and release RFP for common student technology platform by February 28, 2018.Select system for FY19 implementation by April 30, 2018. Outcome: ICC will expand access to bridge programs to 5 additional high schools and improve the academic placement process in English and Math.

In-progress and not on-target

Board approved revision of dates and scope of action. Per the advice of the College's AtD Coahces and the absence of Title III funding.

Plan multiple measures options for academic placement in Math and English by December 22, 2017.

In-progress and not on-target In Spring 2017, PPS High Schools implemented an intensive Accuplacer test preparation pilot for high school juniors and seniors. In Fall 2017, a transition course was piloted: 14 students took the course, 13 passed (C or better). Also, 13 students are currently enrolled in the ENG110 dual credit course at Peoria High School. Multiple measures for placement in English have been approved for several AIT courses.

Reach agreements to expand implementation of bridge programs to 5 additional schools by January 31, 2018.

Complete Transition course in English will be taught in three PPS high schools during Fall 2018.

Implement technology innovations using Accuplacer to automate placement decisions by March 30, 2018.

Implement multiple measures by April 30, 2018.Board-Approved Postponement

Board-approved revision of dates and scope of action. As recommended by ICC's AtD Coaches, the planning team's Design phase will commence in FY19.


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Board-Approved Postponement

These actions were postponed at the recommendation of the College's AtD Coaches to allow members of the planning teams to develop necessary expertise. These actions were also contingent on anticipated Title III funding.


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Explore, design, and select a

common student technology

platform to support student success


Tracy Morris

Emmanuel Awuah

Rita Ali


Scale multiple measures and

bridges for academic

placement at college level.

Emmanuel Awuah

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Goal Description Action Steps and Target Executive Cabinet Lead Status Updates & Notes

Outcome: As a result of updating the College’s curricular planning templates, students’ academic plans to completion will be possible.

In-progress and on-target

Align Career Program template with job market by May 31, 2018. In-progress and on-target EMSI regional market gap analysis report is being used as a guide for alignment of career program template development.

Align Transfer Program Templates with top three transfer institutions by May 22, 2018.

Complete A committee began work on sample templates of top three transfer institutions to guide faculty; however, too little course-level alignment exists to make the preparation of templates feasible in this current year.

Produce new templates for use in First Semester Experience by May 22, 2018.

In-progress and on-target

Outcome: All ICC programs, disciplines, and services that are on the FY18 schedule for ICCB program review will use the program vitality model as the basis for program assessment and evaluation.


Develop schedule of review aligned with ICCB by September 29, 2017. Complete

Refine model based on feedback from pilot by October 31, 2017. CompleteDevelop metrics for annual review; collect data by October 31, 2017. CompleteDevelop data analysis and reporting process and integrate into program planning process by November 30, 2017.


Implement model for 2017-2018 programs by November 30, 2017. Complete A college-wide committee is reviewing the reports from academic programs and will make a recommendation to the Cabinet by April 30, 2018.

Outcome: Advising at ICC will be systematic and individualized, enabling a higher level of service during onboarding and support to completion for students.

In-progress and on-target Board approved revision of dates and scope of action. Per the advice of the College's AtD Coahces and the absence of Title III funding.

Develop recommendation for cross-functional task force composition by September 15, 2017.


Investigate and benchmark best practices by October 31, 2017. In-progress and on-target Board-approved revision of dates and scope of action. As recommended by ICC's AtD Coaches, the planning team's Investigation phase will continue through June 30, 2018.

Using metamajors/areas of study and Individual Academic Plans (IAP), design a comprehensive approach to advising credential-seeking students that facilitates academic plan determination by January 31, 2018.

Identify case management and transition plan by March 31, 2018.

Board-Approved Postponement

Board-approved revision of dates and scope of action. As recommended by ICC's AtD Coaches, the planning team's Design phase will commence in FY19.


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Update curricular planning templates

for transfer and career programs to

support student outcomes.

Emmanuel Awuah


Program Vitality Model.

Emmanuel Awuah

David Cook


Explore and design a college-wide

advising delivery model for more effective case management.

Tracy Morris

Rita Ali

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Department ID: 8050 (Board Of Trustees)

BY 2018 Appropriation Budget Data as of 9:53:05 AM Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Account Fund Dept.

ID Program Description Budgeted Pre-Encumbered Encumbered Expended Balance

512001 01 8050 8050 Professional/Tech Staff - FT

16,708.00 0.00 0.00 12,531.33 4,176.67

512002 01 8050 8050 Professional/Tech Staff - PT

5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00

521000 01 8050 8050 Employee Benefits 3,914.00 0.00 0.00 2,832.49 1,081.51 529099 01 8050 8050 Allocated Emp Ben

Ret Hlth .5% 84.00 0.00 0.00 62.65 21.35

532000 01 8050 8050 Consultants 4,284.69 0.00 0.00 4,282.69 2.00 541001 01 8050 8050 Office Supplies 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,052.43 197.57 541007 01 8050 8050 Xerox Supplies 272.00 0.00 0.00 203.85 68.15 544003 01 8050 8050 Postage And

Shipping 450.00 0.00 0.00 530.10 -80.10

546000 01 8050 8050 Publications and Dues

32,000.00 0.00 20.28 30,267.10 1,712.62

547000 01 8050 8050 Advertising 65.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.00 549000 01 8050 8050 Other Materials and

Supplies 450.00 0.00 0.00 83.45 366.55

551000 01 8050 8050 Meeting Expenses 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,791.08 708.92 558000 01 8050 8050 Travel - Ground 525.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 525.00 559000 01 8050 8050 Other Conference

And Meeting Exp 8,565.31 0.00 0.00 5,171.11 3,394.20

Budget Totals 77,068.00 0.00 20.28 59,808.28 17,239.44


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Non-Purchase Order Vouchers Voucher

ID Invoice

Date Invoice ID Vendor ID Vendor Name Amount

00394041 8/4/2017 PCARD JULY2017_0000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394041 8/4/2017 PCARD JULY2017_0000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394041 8/4/2017 PCARD JULY2017_0000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394041 8/4/2017 PCARD JULY2017_0000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394041 8/4/2017 PCARD JULY2017_0000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394041 8/4/2017 PCARD JULY2017_0000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394951 9/4/2017 PCARD AUG2017_00000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394951 9/4/2017 PCARD AUG2017_00000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394951 9/4/2017 PCARD AUG2017_00000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00394951 9/4/2017 PCARD AUG2017_00000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00395794 10/10/2017 REIM.EXP.ACCT.CONF.9/25-9/28 0000113694 DAVIS, PAULA S 28.17

00396598 10/30/2017 REIM.EXPS.ACCT.CONF.9/25-9/28

0000111189 THETFORD, GALE 50.72

00398741 12/4/2017 PCARD NOV2017_00000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00400990 2/5/2018 PCARD JAN2018_00000000001 0000110382 PNC BANK - VISA - PCARD


00401265 3/6/2018 REIM.AIRFARE.ACCT.SUMT.2/11-14

0000111709 EVERETT, MIKE 277.60

Non-Purchase Order Voucher

Total: 5,171.11

Total Expended: 5,171.11