board 57 announces l.rge draft call for...

<;. ". , \i .. 1"1 T" tv '< 31 " rc 1 a O' I. ,a, l{ 11 .1. ~\ I'" "ry rf'tlrC' ..c-n. f... (' l,t ; , I, r .. , C C a , , r ,. \ \ ,l \\ " Fair l'r Ij)~l ;';:TlO:t \n.a.\1fd 1 C' .., J. lr t, ~1C rio ... t .. ~\ t"'{- (l. *' Ilucd on i ".e 1", \I II , Justice DeBaeke Hears Six Cases in Park Justice Court \\ mUnity. It '\3S suggested at the meetlRll that the counc,l prepare a resolutlOil to Mr Ferry comphmentmg him ior th. fin ..... ",,.rl1tu")n of th,. null,., ttf \\ II d. ... , ~ .. , t 0 11 n \ I \ \\ \ " 1 < 1 , , l I" l , , \ ,I e "' I \f , c ", ~ (' f August Event 01 1. ' -, , 1\1, t ... ~ .. T.e (,'o"e 1\. ntc un t 01 tl e la,es "Hit 'ne r Idea' of thr It and \\\ \.., 0' " lLh ~Ir, \I~cr ~ IC' ""e 'a\lug "lth t'll: Idea tl1at the 1lfn l... ,rla rm1n 1__ P01l-..lH"mo;: -1 (,'lr'\ \mer lan t lrltt " 11(') bUlit t le (I-\h ... (' PI n'(. 1('\\1 1 P I ()I ('Olntn lall n~l\\ 11tlp h) \\ n tl'e \\ ...r ..... l'TI~hr\\lr\.({l tlc,h \\af \1 ..... J11 ... 1ilt 1 1ncr \\1r)..nq- JtLt (t \\ I( \! 1) jlr \ n('ltr \\ .... C' "1\ )(; ('"0 (Inlf11l11l \\rl1 \lr .... \\ neoI,~, n~ 1,,1 al t 1( t t) ...1 fl~ Illl.:.:nh ,T .. lt .. b ,...\ \\ I I lJlllpr nl, outl nl!l~ t 11 h (. I ('rh, r I' ,'I In t'l( \\ If (':fori ~ f1(~\..)r I 1\1 \.r l 1(' m';:Ul\ ('\..I,'h 11 1 he "1("m(' (1 t I{' l..t1r It;. D~)n t i \\LIl 1 '\111 h(' t 1~ a. t~a(tll.'n ot tIe Ii Ir\'",ll'llnrh-~I.,,"rl _ I1r .., 11" ( \ () r~- 1, 1 (1... \\ l t 11 \ ') r I 1 1t ..( \\ t h(" ~{~1 I r f \ 1 i(' do.. tor II( ... ll\r 10\ ~ \\\ n.., tll at tnc j \\ .. (' ~l 11~ d "'r11\Ld h\ IT't"l -'C"'S ('(l1l1 \111 \ \\ III 11 l "1\(' It)! t (' ('~'mlll 1'\1"\ ,(1, .... \\dl a .. f\.1 1\'1 C'lb. (p{n 1 1 .., fin \fond \ nl ... l" \w: lot II C aL"I\ tl(' ....... )1 \\\ \~ and co-- 2~ all t \ 1l ,C ~, I... I \d~ {''''dlll''" 1... ~~ I... 1 C C'\" ) ..... are- 2( I to \c \, 'l~)t.' l\C a. 1 «"'to oprn to 1 (' i( I If I '\, ('\ ~1 .. 0j'CTl tn"llr 11 "lr ...H0'11 (I r ' ...... c Po n~ and I ~ l ('\("r\ (' 11 frO'." i P 'c ~1l I {'~ ... '('- (J"a .. ,t. \\ 1'" ") 1 ..... ("... (' (''''\ .- I ) .." \ 'I 1)( J (' ....(' I .... ., \[ Hl~V~ I " f 1 1, , r' , I 11 I r -~ , [) , \\ ',. '1 " \ , , ., f 1 rr 'f r'r II 1 I ' C ( ,('('pt. CtI11r.:lT\ to 11 fUll I ..... .and 111 \ r '1 \\ f p, .1.\ r f" l.rH,'" f 1 T H' I t 1 11" rtll hr.:tc lr ... r<r(" .... u( ~ rl !-\l I I1n a 1\ ( 11 1m 111" t f (',{"'C 11 t " ..(1 n (tll'" \\ (1- Josepft O;ey,2S, had beeP JDiumti mad, 51. Clair Shorn, ~ he4-. in aetlbn in the African thutre of plus $5 emu for speedini' 40 'IIli1es operation slllce June 24. an hour on Mack a\enue, June 12. A graduate of ~t, Ambrose, Lieu. ~lephan ~oldatt, 3437 KenslDgton. tenant Fole" spent Sc\ eral ) ears ..I Detroll,,, as lound gullty of lea\ln .. r a'Henee Tech belOre JOlJlmg the the scene of an aCCIdent last Satur- Loud clap; of thunder bot'l mler \rnn aLr corps on Jan I~, 19~2 He da) His fine" as $10 plus $5 court rupled and punctuated Al1orne, I recened hh bombardIer "mg. al the (O,ts. "'mold F Zdezl1l\..', appearance he- o\rm) '5 <\Ibuquerque, ~ 1tr, air T"o c:\,e, 01 speedmg on Jefl'er- fore the Park commIssIon Monda) school on Ocl 10, 1942 H,s p..rents ,on, on 45 mlies and the other 50, ree night m ueha 1f of HU,!h 1tlclIllgh aaended the Anduatlon exerCISes, sulted m \\ liltam HlIltz, 8835 S) h es- former hlad 01 the poille 'lOlatlom I L,eut~nant I oley "as home for a ler, DetrOIt, pal mg a fine 01 $..'0 plu. bureau, "ho "as laid off July 1 m:\ 'b,t ",Ih h" parenls and mOl.", ,$5 co,l<, and Ed,,'n l-agan, 2437 .E. Ihree-man cut m the departmellt fflcnds In Gro"e Po,nte on ~ray " I Grand boule\ard, pa) .ng $25 and $5 per,onnel 11us ) rar He sailrd for o,encas co,ts BOlh hcI..c!> "ere b,ucd last 1tlore thunder" e,peeled at the dUh shan!} alter l'cndmg receipt l1 hursda, ne't cornmb"on mrcllng on lnl) 2~, 01 more dcfitl1le mlormatlOn, 111spar" I John '\Ibert Carr Jr oi 218 Lal.~- as Al10rney ZelezllII.. slated that ',e ent; and JrJend, are 110[>ng that thc f \Ie", Grosse POinte Farms. pleaded ~ ould conlorm 10 a comml,s,on rule I fir'! report" iii he replaced by goo' 1 gUlII)' to a rell.less drn mg charge, III submlltmg a pellllOll to the "Ilage Ine\\ s and" a, fined $t5 and ~5 co' IS, and clerk prior to Ihe tlleellllg and pre no dfl\l 1<::: tor W da' s ,ent hl> case bel"re the a«embl; $1,033 for New Machine I rank Schuhz, 2529 Beab. De- n meetlllC: E,[>endllure of $1 031 hr a ne" trolt paid a fine ot $35 plu, $5 for PreSIdent Goddard stated t',at thc eompullll" m ..chllle to he purchased p!eadlllg gUilt) to a charge ot mter- la}off l\as an admmtstratne matter I from t:,e Burrollr,h, \ddll1q ~Iac1,m~ lerrtng '\Ith an off'cer on Juh 8 not to be clebatcd and not an order 01 compa"" \\a' authMl7ed h, the ParI. The, asc, "ere heard b\ ]u,lIce busllle" 01 t',at me~1 ng. comm""on ~londa\ l1l"hL \ ,Ltor DeBacI..e \\ ah n,neleUl ) rars ot 'en Ice m Ihe department be', nd h m, ~Ic T h- llugh as a ,cteran 01 \\orld \\ar I owns Ip IS enulled 1<1 file fc)r rell1>latement I under the \ rlrrans Prc lerenLe all I I Water Pollution Story False; All Beaches Are Okeh Lroslle Pomte Wood5 I Amends Spnnkllng Rules I \\" ,c " i, c. I" 1 (')" 1 r r,., 1\ I Park Firemen Quell Blaze J in Burning Car F rid"y .1 t" '. ,r, __ In" Ratiaaillg (ut down the 8DlC'Wt 4)f riD collected !II the last drive, but a one hundred per cent partlclpallon nl all re!oJdents of c.rosse Pomte and Grallot to" nslllp "III largely offset the loss. Grosse Pomte ha, shared the hme. hght w,th DetrOit lit leadmg t'le na. tlon III per cap,ta tm collect' on [n the drne, e\Cr) can counts and e,ery one counts Tm 's an e"tremelj 'Ital \\ar matenal. Let s all conllnue to help' City of Grosse Pointe Fouod 'Not Guilty' in Circuit Court A damage SUIt filed again<1 the Clt). of Grosse Pomte resulted III a verdIct oi not qUllty for the c,ty, July Z. C,rcUlI Judge Xellcnfclt de. llIed a reco, ery Jar damat;'es to Etta \V,lhams, ~ egre'" III her swt result- ing from a fda III t939 M,ss \\ ,lham, damages because 01 ,nJ~r.cs S'le saId ,lie re- cened III lalhn~ on I eb 21, 19.39,on the sldc\\alk on \\ ashmgton roar! She claImed lhere \\as a dCleet In the "all, <\fter 'm e,tll(a11n'l' the "eather reports lor 11I"t month, It "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe "as IClrmed on tl,C \\all. The cOUrl f,nInd the delcct "JS onl) an IIlch deep and "a' not the causc of her ,111'1'111<: and lallm'i T:,< court .1'0 hcld ll111 not onh \\15 t'le C'lt',. not ~1.I11t" 01 IH..;11~cnc('. b It t111' I rtd It Ill' I i l1( l'ik.f' (r fl\t" :\Il~ii \\ lPl1lno:; \\ I'" gll ::" ()l (,In I .... h()\!,,('d l, -!ll" (\ II )111 nn fl' 1 l tnbltl"~ n('~h~{IHC' lor no~ ](I)kln..: '~1"'lllhrr n.. l' ii \\;1"'''(,l (rrf\""(' .... here 'ht "a:J ~o lj~ 1,~ nlr I()\,\n ... , I <';l 1 (Ill (~ "-11" ! C'd\r(Td3\ .:;11"'(1"'\1-('''' , \ (-C C'''r, B('t ... ~ Id 1 Il ( i ( r 1111 (" r t 1 'II "1 (' \f \. l.... 1n "trc i 11 ( II )J f' , n ... 111 .1. 1I t (" (,r l P I I (' h, 1- I nl I C'i Knitters Wmted for Netherlands Relief Tholl,and~ If d11 T clrrn a11<1\' olllen III thr '< d,< I: 11HI- "111 be \\armh' lothed ,,'lttl tlH'\ arc 1,1H''l! Ir0111 :\.171 domlnatlon lt "<;,\eatrr.; ?n,r .... k1rt~ -tiC tlladt. ))ll\\'n \mcr- lCan g'ld, an,! \\IT11f'n ja't'('f Vanll:)~ nC11 (,\I nCT ~i \ ;lI1cn :'fachllle and Jn~ll1('erll1:::, has <I'\..c<I that ,I, appeal he maac 110\\ !nr '(:I11;ntl'(, ... \ir, jr?ndd'.mpt'r r1lalrnn I (It t',c (),Iccn \\ ,1!1('- nl'l1a :lI\ld DetOtt chapter ~eporl ...that 11\(11 I' wm al,\ I. able a la~ge qtJntlh ot "(01 IT; b, l:'ht a"or!('d r{)lo~~ for ehlldre,l' al.-1'" (1'1'el1 , " "'ater' \[;>t,II.,,::' \I 0111 mate'lal f, r '\..:rt, to ()1~,pl~te llt(' (,0,111..,(', h <II". ;1\"I,,},11" \11 'l11,,1 ('(1 :::,Hl11nt~ <If(' n"L-rl and ,'or,.] II .1 C IU11l1 '1(,1 I Q~.a ..te'r"" U) :~\\ ) n- 1 .... i d art 11I\)1,(,1 \ 1 (1 "pI(r .c:. a\<lI11>1<' lo.on<!nll :) 1 r held 11 r~ld,. c" In~ th!' ~11 I 01 tll(' \\, r "e.,lIll::' !f0'I!>' '-r ("I'(,Iall, , 1\ Her! " 1.'1 ''l''tc 1" tll,.... prog-r";\~ l;=tq ... t CjUt'1. It .. tlC .... (. t 1 1(" I ,,1< 1' ... \, "'In h,... 11~t\('rrrl Jl1nrrdllal' al'!) arc :trg-. ')11\ r, 'I'" "~I ,I t" I,~ (' P Irt witll. Ioc:a1 retail me:rrhaDta. AJar ItIr plus which may devetop. win be dis- posed of through charitable channels ThOlle in chal,se "';5h to have I: exprC'55ly understood that everyone III Gross. POlrrte to"nship is mVlted to parlJeipate III this pamo ,e en- de3\or to arrive at a produce sa\mg dlStnbutlon, without waste. Mrs, Phihp Mulkey is chairman ~f the project and she IS being aSSISted by Mesdames Frederick C. Ford, ~l M, Sheaffer, Charles Beeching, \\ ,I. ham F. Arnoldy, HIram \\'.Iker, F \\'. RIchardson and Clarerce Fo,", Junior A \VVS members ",Il help durmg the summer, Wood, Warden. Warn Residents of Short 'Water Shutoff' r, ., ( ("'1 .. r \1 \4 It('Jlll TC'''':rd 111 n;\rtH 111:'" Il ' .... 1)10_ \1 \ '11(.<,c t!r"I1(>,I(' \Ir' \('Il Rt " \ ~ l I.! ,.;:, '" \lr \ 111 Hili, :\a;::1ra hi lh \ ug-r Ii '1 "11'(' , '.;:r<l I' - I ,,, aI:: r('/'~ hie ;;.(1 \< or1 h\ \'. fI' 0< 6 j qt\ • "- ... . Q" J '" ? l ,.., I; ,?ll " 17 J) r~"c. ... ,2 1(' "TEX~ HOYT : which would 6therwise 10 to wa. An exchange with other gard~s is bemg arranged on a credit point ,Yi- tern. ~Ith the point value fluctuating CIRCULATION P./dO MONTHLY $ Ii _ Rep Louis C. Rabaut, Democrat of l\!Jch,gan, announces that an ex- amlnabon to determme elig'ble can- didates for IllS appointment to the t'mted States ?IJlllary Academy at West Pomt ,,,II be held on Saturda)', jury 31, In DetrOIt and certam ohter deslgnaled pomts, Young men resldmg in the four- teenth conqresslOnal d,stnct for at least t"o ) ears (although they may no" be sen ing III the armed forccs) ...ho are intere,ted In such an ap- pOllltment should 'H,te to Congress, Air raid,. ardens In GrClose Pointe man Rabaut, 1227 House Off,ce \\'oods stepoed into a hi{lIly usefLI BuJldmg, \\ aslllngton D C. Apph. role last v.eekend \\ hen tIel nOl1ficd cants must ha-e reached their 17tl) reSidents of certam slc!lons t','t bIrthday, but must not ha,e reached theIr "ater s.lpply \'.o~1I be terr~o theIr 22nd b"thda}, on the date of ranly shut off ~ h,le a connectlvl1 entrance to the Academ). The ex- "as bemg made III the new ",aler amlJ1at,on ",II he gllcn bl the U, S mam. Ln 11 ~en ,ce Lommlss,on, and the Pre.,denl .'\lois A Gtt,qu'Cfe re. \\ nner and altcrnate ",Ill be appomt. que,ted use of the OCDcommulllCl- ed h\ Ihe conll:re"man tlOn s\Stem to notll y v. ardem 10 A Icller ot admt"lon to the e",am- spread the ne"s and ",hlll a shert lIlallOn ",II be maJled to lhose ad- llme all housetlolds ",ele IIllormrd dre',m~ Conc:res'man Rabaut on C' and spared the mcom enl!nce of ''lr, hel(1re J IIh ZO dcnly findmg them'eh es""thol,t aTl\ ------------------------------1 "ater Follo\\ Ill!! Ihe ep"ole, tlte 0, D chief, George I-h'orth} pra ,ed .e eEfec l\ enc,s of I',l: \\ o"h on::a • la !lon and the e,ped,enC' "'th ".1 1 ' 1 the\ funclloned, A ~ection of the C'mploHs' secur. ity fund 01 Grosse POlntt '" as amended at the CIty counCIl meetm~ 1a~t Tl esdav e\enmg SectIOn 7 whICh has to do ~ ith the Idmlllistrat,on commlllee ot the ~e- cll[,ty fllnd, read that the comm,t. ~:~S\\:f'tt~eb\ea~;~~~'~P~~I~::~,m~~~ POI- nte Cannl-ng cc r"nltl!ee '" IJ no\\ comht ot tl1~ I "cads of all the department, rather tha~ JlISt th-ee membrrs oflgmalh Center Assured ,elt,ed upon m the sectIon Hit-and-Run Victim Il odc- Ine loml 'P,)",,'r- 'p of the 1 (> I I", " Finds Guilty Driver G.v __ C po) .1(' boa" ('. e lnca' "" ,1" I If< II, he,1 «',,,1:, all the (,r,"'e POln'e OLD, the (,,,-den \('"c',I"r, ,\ (lulrl bc )O'ml;, teodcr I (IIll> 01 \[,cn,gan. and I',e (,r,,«e awl H('_ ,', PICker! F"rl C Ro\\srr, 178 I akc>.e\\, Pomle \\\ \:-, th~ Gro«e POlnlr 4 lar' "l(mld ~e ",a,',,<1 at f,"."r G-o,,~ Po nte farm' har! the pre'- enee of mmd to Immed,a:eh r('cor.l \.anIl1l1~ Crnter ~111 (>pen \f"n,;" anrl hr,),':: 1 rea,t, I(>r I'~ lhn t for" I II e Lcr "e num',r- or 1 1e or "h"'1 J,,'\ 2flt 1 "el (a) ), r Ihhrr" a"d (h) 1\\(> Itr'leI.. "" \\hlir dr1\lIl'l' \\c<t on "-cr The ],,,a-,I (>1ectrcal "n " leu';lll<: d ,I,m ( , chnal aHl1Ue I~<t Sallrda- eHnlTlg. t',(' 'plelld,d faCl!l: n ot Ihe (,'0''- .\, \\> I rI-C" cr ".'l1a'Jlc Ju'v 10 Pomte hl<::h '(')0<11, and aI-a tr,( r ,'11("1. ' " "e " -n hit f', I.., 'I 1\ t"'lT (' I (' ~ I .1 1d ~ 11 1 ;" r;lr~ pol ~r ..1:('''' n\('''':l~at n~ t lC d. Ie 'li.lfPr'lOr. nlfn' 1 "C'r (( 'c;, rrr JAr ~tll h(' lJ(e,,\~ n ,mh~- plc,erl up "Iep',., T',e (rntn " II loe " (, \10n I. a-"rc' :---ollrt" ~4,i I'(,l1 ~~ In nr''P''/''I ~ 1'''0 &::,t, 1 nd~ frrl) () 4'" 1'"'1 - 1.-'- '~', ... \ Ino (do .. .; ..... 1 ",\.1 1 lc,n lQ:' : ,.. t r I...t n~ (f 11'"'111 't< rl \( c'::Ihk \ """'IlT\ .. (' 1 ( :(~,~: ::n~~ ~~I r~~"lll t:~;: a;", ,lrl~ I" 1\ 1 11, "mlerl " r "n rr , I, r:''' , '-.' -, , ]UC1 r~ \ ('or P<'Haf'lr.r S ('01 ... t (t,.. ,fe: ('~ 1~ (,'" ("...(" J\-, nlre;, :;n 1\ , i"~ ... )CiIOl('rda\ n 'Hn\Tl1i( I \ ('f;J,l )1 '()"n~ HI' \, () n~\ f0mt ~nl I", <: r I n., thr'" 0\\n C1111 lC" 11 t (' ..... -f~ I' f'("" NIlVY Mothers' Club to .... 1-rc"t..r ..".'.:11 .. nr ('l1c".:In (I Meet Next Thursday Night ~ (' lH'\1 m'" ~..... ',,,,\ ,rrl II' I rr ')O" (c. ( '" I" r... (' 1 1 \~ r I t1 I I:! .., .... (' " I( ,. ('~ 11, \ 22 ,1 ~ rtf, r ~"r . j" ~... ~;l. 2 1 _ 11 j r~ ... II r tne "'lgcr cl~broom~, 11104J5t raJI p1'<lh e r~d oet"e," t~n anrl 1""11 e "p na( 1 Amendment Added to City Security Fund By-Laws Board 57 Announces L. rge Draft Call for August Largest Selectee 1 ~~~T?~Y~~~k~~w~.~~=~t.>! "~?~'~"~I~~tt;~:;;:~ ~~~k Coo.Deil ~ eeognizes List P oQsl.b•• II.ty l"~~ meet, and his son, Rebert, Jr, 19, ~onday. July 12. 10 glle, I am sure tnil I \\ould'\\ant While Riding Bike Reslgll at lon- Na m es 0_ I,a, e both wen acc~tecf1Jy the navy, Mr. Hoyt IS .... aitillr. lor' I them to go " ~ A D f C .II permiSSion or the cOllncd Of~e Th G' 10 ld' 4'~ I . U "Ust ra t a Po'nteFarmstoreleouehimu Bela:;~~Groo~sn~PO::t:sI':r~:'r,,~s C 11 l'al'aI'1llC'lC'll'1lo.r to P-~t .. cal police officer. He has be y. , " '''' ,. ~... ~ • -. - .... ~~. • •• _. -I' 1 (f'cfr I AJJlCU ..)tHUIUdV dJ.LCIUUUll, JUlY Hf, ........, .....-. ................ '""" ........"-' ""'... '-' .... ....,....,., _ lng t Ie community as an a I .6r . lh t 14 '• I "hen he ~ as hIt by a delll ery truel-. -------_ e pas years.' . O C ' I .,. ! Rb h 'I 10 drnen bl' Harry MIC " ael, IS, 01 12, -------- n. Ollie <lCgest maucholl ralls single men with cqUateral depend- 0 ert, t e son, eaves t r 0 k The c,', caunul of Grosse Pomle I ~ho ~ould be absent from the eity for Drait Board 57 ID Grosse Pointe ents anq married llIen wjth wl'es the Great Lakes ~aval Tr.uni a, concurred mIlle ap]loltltment by the next \\ ee\.. Park, IS schedukd for the month of only, All Single men of the" first tw.) tlon at Chicago, lIL, whrre he f CI D BI d malor 0 arellcr e-be as the J\t the meetlllg, \[,1) or Rtl,nn,y August. ThIS announcement was classes WIn be de6ni'tely called', and as an apprenllce seaman. His I ,. f new comnnS'lOner 0 pUul,c sa et), read the letter of resIgnation sent .. made recently by the chief derk of practically all the marrl-' 'men In er's ratlllg WIll be speCialist, I t 1 .1 I I ~ a' ue'Ua) eHllmg at t,e counc, by Hugh Ferry, the former comm,'. the board. the above third class ",,111be called. class. medlllg [i", meeting '\ as ad",ncef! sloner. He asked the rouncll to ae- This large call in August will take This n~tice is bem'" sent through- The senior HO'1 served fa' 1M b Ih ' v .. J (Callbe 0 t e llumDlr 01 councllmelll cept tillS formal reslgnalloll, stalln • .... chcally aU men 1II tbree clanes: out the entire to",nshlp sO that the ular army 1ft the first World that a former pubhshed reslgnahoD ,slllgie men 1IIth DO drpeadellU; men 1II any of the abo ...e three classes He Ilas al50 served as a tom 'M"" " I I B ISSlng In Acti"on' "as not offlc,,,: D_.lp Police W."toess "'Ill not be surprised ..... hC'1l they reo ot the urns Henry POIlt 01 The apPointment of Blessed. CiliA. crive theIr mductlon nollc~ American Legion, . kno"n throughout the community as A C ,_L ,.- AD informal party "a~il.eld uto rilM! ; _ Sendo# Planned for day nlgbt at the Hoyt r~' "Bud," "as accepted by all present ,- J1 at the meetmg. Blessed, preSIdent of Last Sunday MnrnlnO' Fr"veBoys to ' -ve Oak Ureet, and Bob recfw'ed \\ alker & Co, outdoor ad.ert~!"g" va----e LA:'Il lovely ll1Cts, mcludmg a KaVJ' IS c1l1d air f3ld "arden of the ell- from hIS molher .nd a .. tea cr... turday, July 31 h" I tlre Grosse POinte area, and every_ ~ IS Aunt Anna Reno. .~ ~ ~ one agreed that he \\ as Hry much When asked how if .. It" mterested m the hfe of the com- her t"o men to the Navy, Mr Navy enhstment papers reduced a reckless drn ing sentence for Marvm E. Smith, 17, of 9120 Hanard, last Saturday mornmg AIter be,ng charged", ith reckless dm mg, young Smith "as laken into court in Grosse: Pointe Park and fined $100 or 10 Cays on Fnday afternoon, July 9. l:'pon the request of the bo)'s fath- er, a retnal was set for the iollo~ mg Jnornmg At that tIme, Man m pro- duced Ka\ y enlIStment papers, and atated that he ",as lea\lng \Cry soon. The fine then ",as red.lced to' $10 plus $5 court costs, and the stlpula- tlon that he IUS to do no drl\'lng ior s,x months, 34 File Claims for Young Driver Shows Flood Water Damage Enlistment Papers, in Grosse Pte. Woods Rabaut Announces Sentence Reduced Tlurt)-four residents or the Ox- Exams for West ford road section of Grosse Pomt~ P" A - Woods Saturday filed claIms for omt ppomtees flood damage agamst the ,,1lage at the offIce of the \ Illage clerk. A spokesman for the \ I!lage com- ml5s'on yesterda). stated that altha the counCil had not offlclally recen- ed such demands, that the commIS- sion ~ould deny such claims "hen presented at the meetlllg ne,t Tues- day. It was pomted out that attempts to reco, er from the ,,!Iage "ould only add to the ta'C burden of the balance ot the population, ,,111Ch, IIke",ise has been more or less m- jured b) ~ ater cond,tlon' be) ond the control of the comm'SSlon. 4rivinlt to EisC'uberg; he will appear in court July 21. , Local pol.ic:e did IIQt ha"e to ~ .aIled to all accident which OCCUlTed _early "Sunday mdrning. July 11. at Fi,e yovtbs registered _ith Se ]dfenoo avenue near Gl'IJId Ma- leeti"e S~ Board 51 have been rias. Two Grosse Pointe Parle pa- served with'~ir nDhce to rtport for G '1~;.1 B ~;::~~n.~~~~~:S,~:::: :~:~:,~:;~n1~:~ ~~,~~~~=;:~~t~ _ arUen arter ~... club. Pointe Farms, bit the rear of a car 0 1\ 1 d The Grosst Pointe 1I~~ Front pens on :'e~~:a~~;~o~an Hull, S&3 ;~:'::i~~eell a;~d:~e~~~a&t~~~Ub~:~~, ay Eittaberg IllIid his wife, who was At the !\eighborhood club they ",;11 , ri~c:fritb him, were taken to Cot- be served refreshments. and WIll he t'nder the sponsorship of the con-I frOUl week to wuk, dcpen~ uge hospital for treatment. Eisen- ginn_II gOlllg"llway package eontjlin- 'Isumers dlVlSIOll 01 the Gros!e Pointe the sapply and dell1llnd. It ia berg suffered a ent lower hp ad a '..;s f h AW'-S h '- .'-'. It ~ HoE •• Ing numerollslI;,ts, unit 0 tea towns Ip pr- ¥~ ..- method to IIIake rul t lp'~ H,. W2~ olI101(nml~Cln~~ Those who are ieaving are: J~u baiLer pruj-:,,-t 'l'\IU be WUIKhcu. ul .; sarcic:a ~ •• f l: ao: e teeth. His wife was treat~d ,{or Thomas R)llIn, 785 Balfour road, next Monday morning at 10 ..o'clock ~ ... ~ n oa ~ face ad also for 1tU!S1DI William D~y. 156 Lafayette lIVC'- at the comer of Hal Place"" ~ .. c~ _~_ _.; .. ieeth. VISa Cordie Crawford. ridiftg nUt N.:E.. :Cralld 11 ....:... Mida.' __* ]~, _~ - d '" • b- ..... __~~VaaHuJJ.~of '- #. ~.~. - \0 _ '. .... \ !' f r

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Page 1: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe


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Justice DeBaekeHears Six Cases inPark Justice Court


mUnity.It '\3S suggested at the meetlRll

that the counc,l prepare a resolutlOilto Mr Ferry comphmentmg him iorth. fin ..... ",,.rl1tu")n of th,. null,., ttf

\\ II d. ...

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August Event


1. '

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T.e (,'o"e 1\. ntc un t 01 tl e la,es "Hit 'ne r Idea' of thr It and\\\ \.., 0' " lLh ~Ir, \I~cr ~ IC' ""e 'a\lug "lth t'll: Idea tl1at the

1lfn l ... ,rla rm1n 1__ P01l-..lH"mo;: -1 (,'lr'\ \mer lan t lrltt " 11(') bUlit t le(I-\h ...(' PI n'(. 1('\\1 1 P I ()I ('Olntn lall n~l\\ 11tlp h) \\ n tl'e

\\ ...r .....l'TI~hr\\lr\.({l tlc,h \\af \1 ..... J11 ... 1ilt11ncr \\1r)..nq-

JtLt (t \\ I( \! 1) jlr \ n('ltr \\ ....C' "1\ )(; ('"0 (Inlf11l11l \\rl1 \lr .... \\ neoI,~,

n~ 1,,1 al t 1 ( t t) ...1 fl~ Illl.:.:nh ,T .. lt .. b , ...\ \\ I I lJlllpr nl, outl nl!l~ t 11h (.I ('rh, r I' ,'I In t'l( \\ If (':fori ~ f1(~\..)r I 1\1 \.r l 1(' m';:Ul\ ('\..I,'h 111 he "1("m(' (1 t I{' l..t1r It;. • D~)n t i \\LIl 1 '\111 h(' t 1~ a. t~a(tll.'n ot tIe

Ii Ir\'",ll'llnrh-~I.,,"rl _ I1r

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('(l1l1 \111 \ \\ III 11 l "1\(' It)! t (' ('~'mlll 1'\1"\ ,(1, .... \\dl a .. f\.1 1\'1C'lb. (p{n 11.., fin \fond \ nl ... l" \w: lot II C aL"I\ tl(' ....... )1 \\\ \~ and co--2~ all t \ 1 l ,C ~, I... I \d~ {''''dlll''" 1... ~~ I... 1 C C'\" ) ..... are-

2( I to \c \, 'l~)t.' l\C a. 1 «"'to oprn to1 (' i( I If I '\, ('\ ~1 .. 0j'CTl tn"llr 11 "lr ...H0'11 (Ir ' ......c Po n~ and

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Josepft O;ey,2S, had beeP JDiumti mad, 51. Clair Shorn, ~ aetlbn in the African thutre of plus $5 emu for speedini' 40 'IIli1esoperation slllce June 24. an hour on Mack a\enue, June 12.

A graduate of ~t, Ambrose, Lieu. ~lephan ~oldatt, 3437 KenslDgton.tenant Fole" spent Sc\ eral ) ears ..I Detroll,,, as lound gullty of lea\ln ..r a'Henee Tech belOre JOlJlmg the the scene of an aCCIdent last Satur-

Loud clap; of thunder bot'l mler \rnn aLr corps on Jan I~, 19~2 He da) His fine" as $10 plus $5 courtrupled and punctuated Al1orne, I recened hh bombardIer "mg. al the (O,ts."'mold F Zdezl1l\..', appearance he- o\rm) '5 <\Ibuquerque, ~ 1tr, air T"o c:\,e, 01 speedmg on Jefl'er-fore the Park commIssIon Monda) school on Ocl 10, 1942 H,s p ..rents ,on, on 45 mlies and the other 50, reenight m ueha 1f of HU,!h 1tlclIllgh aaended the Anduatlon exerCISes, sulted m \\ liltam HlIltz, 8835 S) h es-former hlad 01 the poille 'lOlatlom I L,eut~nant I oley "as home for a ler, DetrOIt, pal mg a fine 01 $..'0 plu.bureau, "ho "as laid off July 1 m:\ 'b,t ",Ih h" parenls and mOl.", ,$5 co,l<, and Ed,,'n l-agan, 2437 .E.Ihree-man cut m the departmellt fflcnds In Gro"e Po,nte on ~ray " I Grand boule\ard, pa) .ng $25 and $5per,onnel 11us ) rar He sailrd for o,encas co,ts BOlh hcI..c!> "ere b,ucd last

1tlore thunder" e,peeled at the dUh shan!} alter l'cndmg receipt l1hursda,ne't cornmb"on mrcllng on lnl) 2~, 01 more dcfitl1le mlormatlOn, 111spar" I John '\Ibert Carr Jr oi 218 Lal.~-as Al10rney ZelezllII.. slated that ',e ent; and JrJend, are 110[>ng that thc f \Ie", Grosse POinte Farms. pleaded~ ould conlorm 10 a comml,s,on rule I fir'! report" iii he replaced by goo' 1 gUlII)' to a rell.less drn mg charge,III submlltmg a pellllOll to the "Ilage Ine\\ s and" a, fined $t5 and ~5 co' IS, andclerk prior to Ihe tlleellllg and pre no dfl\l 1<::: tor W da' s,ent hl> case bel"re the a«embl; $1,033 for New Machine I rank Schuhz, 2529 Beab. De-n meetlllC: E,[>endllure of $1 031 hr a ne" trolt paid a fine ot $35 plu, $5 for

PreSIdent Goddard stated t',at thc eompullll" m ..chllle to he purchased p!eadlllg gUilt) to a charge ot mter-la}off l\as an admmtstratne matter I from t:,e Burrollr,h, \ddll1q ~Iac1,m~ lerrtng '\Ith an off'cer on Juh 8not to be clebatcd and not an order 01 compa"" \\a' authMl7ed h, the ParI. The, asc, "ere heard b\ ]u,lIcebusllle" 01 t',at me~1 ng. comm""on ~londa\ l1l"hL \ ,Ltor DeBacI..e

\\ ah n,neleUl ) rars ot 'en Ice mIhe department be', nd h m, ~Ic T h-llugh as a ,cteran 01 \\orld \\ar I owns IpIS enulled 1<1 file fc)r rell1>latement Iunder the \ rlrrans Prc lerenLe all I


Water PollutionStory False; AllBeaches Are Okeh

Lroslle Pomte Wood5I Amends Spnnkllng Rules

I \\" ,c " i,c. I" 1 (')" 1 r

r,., 1 \

I Park Firemen Quell Blaze

Jin Burning Car F rid"y

.1 t" '. ,r,__ In"

Ratiaaillg (ut down the 8DlC'Wt 4)friD collected !II the last drive, but aone hundred per cent partlclpallon nlall re!oJdents of c.rosse Pomte andGrallot to" nslllp "III largely offsetthe loss.

Grosse Pomte ha, shared the hme.hght w,th DetrOit lit leadmg t'le na.tlon III per cap,ta tm collect' on [nthe drne, e\Cr) can counts and e,eryone counts Tm 's an e"tremelj 'Ital\\ar matenal. Let s all conllnue tohelp'

City of Grosse PointeFouod 'Not Guilty'in Circuit Court

A damage SUIt filed again<1 theClt). of Grosse Pomte resulted III averdIct oi not qUllty for the c,ty,July Z. C,rcUlI Judge Xellcnfclt de.llIed a reco, ery Jar damat;'es to Etta\V,lhams, ~ egre'" III her swt result-ing from a fda III t939

M,ss \\ ,lham, damagesbecause 01 ,nJ~r.cs S'le saId ,lie re-cened III lalhn~ on I eb 21, 19.39,onthe sldc\\alk on \\ ashmgton roar!She claImed lhere \\as a dCleet In

the "all, <\fter 'm e,tll(a11n'l' the"eather reports lor 11I"t month, It"as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg atthe tIme and ICe "as IClrmed on tl,C\\all.

The cOUrl f,nInd the delcct "JSonl) an IIlch deep and "a' not thecausc of her ,111'1'111<:and lallm'i T:,<court .1'0 hcld ll111 not onh \\15 t'leC'lt',. not ~1.I11t" 01 IH..;11~cnc('. b It t111' I rtd It Ill' I i l1( l'ik.f' (r fl\t"

:\Il~ii \\ lPl1lno:; \\ I'" gll ::" ()l (,In I....h()\!,,('d l, -!ll" (\ II )111 nn fl' 1 l •

tnbltl"~ n('~h~{IHC' lor no~ ](I)kln..: '~1"'lllhrr n.. l' ii \\;1"'''(,l (rrf\""(' 'ht "a:J ~o lj~ 1,~ nlr I()\,\n ... , I <';l 1 (Ill (~ "-11"

!C'd\r(Td3\ .:;11"'(1"'\1-(''''

, \ (-C C'''r, B('t ... ~ Id 1 Il (

i ( r 1111 (" r t 1 'II "1 (' \f \.l.... 1n "trc i 11 ( II )J f' , n ... 111 .1. 1 I

t (" (,r l P I I (' h, 1- I nl I C'i

Knitters Wmted for Netherlands ReliefTholl,and~ If d11Tclrrn a11<1\' olllen III thr '< d,< I: 11HI-

"111 be \\armh' lothed ,,'lttl tlH'\ arc 1,1H''l! Ir0111 :\.171domlnatlon lt "<;,\eatrr.; ?n,r ....k1rt~ -tiC tlladt. ))ll\\'n \mcr-lCan g'ld, an,! \\IT11f'n ja't'('f Vanll:)~ nC11 (,\I nCT ~i \ ;lI1cn:'fachllle and Jn~ll1('erll1:::, has <I'\..c<I that ,I, appeal hemaac 110\\ !nr '(:I11;ntl'(, ...

\ir, jr?ndd'.mpt'r r1lalrnn I (It t',c (),Iccn \\ ,1!1('-nl'l1a :lI\ld DetOtt chapter ~eporl ...that 11\(11 I' wm al,\ a la~ge qtJntlh ot "(01 IT; b, l:'ht a"or!('d r{)lo~~ forehlldre,l' al.-1'" (1'1'el1 , " "'ater' \[;>t,II.,,::' \I 0111 mate'lalf, r '\..:rt, to ()1~,pl~te llt(' (,0,111..,(', h <II". ;1\"I,,},11" \11'l11,,1 ('(1 :::,Hl11nt~ <If(' n"L-rl and ,'or,.] II .1 C IU11l1 '1(,1 IQ~.a ..te'r"" U) :~\\ ) n-1 .... i d art 11I\)1,(,1 \ 1 (1 "pI(r .c:.

a\<lI11>1<' lo.on<!nll :) 1 r held 11 r~ld,. c" In~ th!' ~11 I01 tll(' \\, r

"e.,lIll::' !f0'I!>' '-r ("I'(,Iall, , 1\ Her! " 1.'1 ''l''tc 1"tll,.... prog-r";\~ l;=tq ...t CjUt'1. It .. tlC .... (. t11(" I ,,1< 1' ... \, "'In h,...11~t\('rrrl Jl1nrrdllal' al'!) arc :trg-. ')11\ r, 'I'" "~I ,I t" I,~ ('P Irt

witll. Ioc:a1 retail me:rrhaDta. AJar ItIrplus which may devetop. win be dis-posed of through charitable channels

ThOlle in chal,se "';5h to have I:exprC'55ly understood that everyoneIII Gross. POlrrte to"nship is mVltedto parlJeipate III this pamo ,e en-de3\or to arrive at a produce sa\mgdlStnbutlon, without waste.

Mrs, Phihp Mulkey is chairman ~fthe project and she IS being aSSIStedby Mesdames Frederick C. Ford, ~lM, Sheaffer, Charles Beeching, \\ ,I.ham F. Arnoldy, HIram \\'.Iker, F\\'. RIchardson and Clarerce Fo,",Junior A \VVS members ",Il helpdurmg the summer,

Wood, Warden.Warn Residents ofShort 'Water Shutoff'

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\1 \4 It('Jlll TC'''':rd 111 n;\rtH 111:'" Il ' .... 1)10_ \ 1

\ '11(.<,c t!r"I1(>,I(' \Ir' \('Il Rt " \ ~ l I.! ,.;:, '" \lr\ 111 Hili, :\a;::1ra hi lh \ ug-r Ii '1 "11'(' , '.;:r<l I' - I ,,,

aI:: r('/'~ hie ;;.(1 \< or1 h\ \'. fI' 0<6 j qt\ • "-... .


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... , 2




which would 6therwise 10 to wa.An exchange with other gard~s isbemg arranged on a credit point ,Yi-tern. ~Ith the point value fluctuating


• Ii • • • _

Rep Louis C. Rabaut, Democratof l\!Jch,gan, announces that an ex-amlnabon to determme elig'ble can-didates for IllS appointment to thet'mted States ?IJlllary Academy atWest Pomt ,,,II be held on Saturda)',jury 31, In DetrOIt and certam ohterdeslgnaled pomts,

Young men resldmg in the four-teenth conqresslOnal d,stnct for atleast t"o ) ears (although they mayno" be sen ing III the armed forccs)...ho are intere,ted In such an ap-pOllltment should 'H,te to Congress, Air raid,. ardens In GrClose Pointeman Rabaut, 1227 House Off,ce \\'oods stepoed into a hi{lIly usefLIBuJldmg, \\ aslllngton D C. Apph. role last v.eekend \\ hen tIel nOl1ficdcants must ha-e reached their 17tl) reSidents of certam slc!lons t','tbIrthday, but must not ha,e reached theIr "ater s.lpply \'.o~1I be terr~otheIr 22nd b"thda}, on the date of ranly shut off ~ h,le a connectlvl1entrance to the Academ). The ex- "as bemg made III the new ",aleramlJ1at,on ",II he gllcn bl the U, S mam.Ln 11 ~en ,ce Lommlss,on, and the Pre.,denl .'\lois A Gtt,qu'Cfe re.\\ nner and altcrnate ",Ill be appomt. que,ted use of the OCDcommulllCl-ed h\ Ihe conll:re"man tlOn s\Stem to notll y v. ardem 10

A Icller ot admt"lon to the e",am- spread the ne"s and ",hlll a shertlIlallOn ",II be maJled to lhose ad- llme all housetlolds ",ele IIllormrddre',m~ Conc:res'man Rabaut on C' and spared the mcom enl!nce of ''lr,hel(1re J IIh ZO dcnly findmg them'eh es""thol,t aTl\

------------------------------1 "aterFollo\\ Ill!! Ihe ep"ole, tlte 0, D

chief, George I-h'orth} pra ,ed . eeEfec l\ enc,s of I',l: \\ o"h on::a • la!lon and the e,ped,enC' "'th ".1 1'1the\ funclloned,

• • • • • • • •

A ~ection of the C'mploHs' secur.ity fund 01 Grosse POlntt '" asamended at the CIty counCIl meetm~1a~t Tl esdav e\enmg

SectIOn 7 whICh has to do ~ ith theIdmlllistrat,on commlllee ot the ~e-cll[,ty fllnd, read that the comm,t.

~:~S\\:f'tt~eb\ea~;~~~'~P~~I~::~,m~~~ POI- nte Cannl-ngcc r"nltl!ee '" IJ no\\ comht ot tl1~ I"cads of all the department, rather

tha~ JlISt th-ee membrrs oflgmalh Center Assured,elt,ed upon m the sectIon

Hit-and-Run Victim Il odc- Ine loml 'P,)",,'r- 'p of the 1(> I I", "Finds Guilty Driver G.v __C po) .1(' boa" ('. e lnca' "" ,1" I If< II, he,1 «',,,1:, allthe (,r,"'e POln'e OLD, the (,,,-den \('"c',I"r, ,\ (lulrl bc )O'ml;, teodcr I(IIll> 01 \[,cn,gan. and I',e (,r,,«e awl H('_ ,', PICker!

F"rl C Ro\\srr, 178 I akc>.e\\,Pomle \\\ \:-, th~ Gro«e POlnlr 4 lar' "l(mld ~e ",a,',,<1 at f,"."rG-o,,~ Po nte farm' har! the pre'-

enee of mmd to Immed,a:eh r('cor.l \.anIl1l1~ Crnter ~111 (>pen \f"n,;" anrl hr,),':: 1 rea,t, I(>r I'~ lhn t for" III e Lcr "e num',r- or 1 1e or "h"'1 J,,'\ 2flt 1 "el (a) ) , r Ihhrr" a"d (h) 1\\(>Itr'leI.. "" \\hlir dr1\lIl'l' \\c<t on "-cr The ],,,a-,I (>1ectrcal "n " leu';lll<: d ,I,m ( ,chnal aHl1Ue I~<t Sallrda- eHnlTlg. t',(' 'plelld,d faCl!l: n ot Ihe (,'0''- .\, \\> I rI-C" cr ".'l1a'JlcJu'v 10 Pomte hl<::h '(')0<11, and aI-a tr,( r ,'11("1. ' " "e " -n

hit f', I.., 'I 1\ t"'lT (' I (' ~ I .1 1d ~ 11 1 ;"r;lr~ pol ~r ..1:('''' n\('''':l~at n~ t lC d. Ie 'li.lfPr'lOr. nlfn' 1 "C'r (( 'c;, rrr JAr ~tll h('

lJ(e,,\~ n ,mh~- plc,erl up "Iep',., T',e (rntn " II loe " (, \10n I. a-"rc':---ollrt" ~4,i I'(,l1 ~~ In nr''P''/''I ~ 1'''0 &::,t, 1 nd~ frrl) () 4'" 1'"'1 - 1.-'- '~', ... \

Ino (do .. .; ..... 1 ",\.11 lc,n lQ:' : ,.. t r I...t n~ (f 11'"'111 't< rl \( c'::Ihk \ """'IlT\ .. (' 1 (

:(~,~: ::n~~ ~~I r~~"lllt:~;:a;", ,lrl~ I" 1\ 1 11, "mlerl " r "n rr , I, r:''' , '-.' -, ,]UC1 r~ \ ('or P<'Haf'lr.r S ('01 ...t (t,.. ,fe: ('~ 1 ~ (,'" ("...(" J\-, nlre;, :;n 1\ , i"~ ...

)CiIOl('rda\ n 'Hn\Tl1i( I \('f;J,l )1 '()"n~ HI' \, () n~\ f0mt ~nl I", <: r

In., thr'" 0\\n C1111 lC" 11 t (' .....-f~ I' f'(""

NIlVY Mothers' Club to ....1-rc"t..r ..".'.:11 ('l1c".:In (IMeet Next Thursday Night

~ (' lH'\1 m'" ~..... ',,,,\ ,rrl II' I rr ')O" (c. (

'" I" r... (' 1 1 \~ r I t1 I I:! ..,....(' " I ( ,.('~ 11, \ 22 ,1 ~ rtf, r ~"r . j" ~...~;l. 21_11

j r ~ ... II r

tne "'lgcr cl~broom~, 11104J5t raJI p1'<lh e r~d oet"e," t~n anrl 1""11 e "p na( 1

Amendment Addedto City SecurityFund By-Laws

Board 57 Announces L .rge Draft Call for AugustLargest Selectee 1 ~~~T?~Y~~~k~~w~.~~=~t.>!"~?~'~"~I~~tt;~:;;:~~~~k Coo.Deil ~ eeognizesList P oQsl.b••II.ty l"~~ meet, and his son, Rebert, Jr, 19, ~onday. July 12. 10 glle, I am sure tnil I \\ould'\\ant While Riding Bike Reslgll at lon- Na m es0_ I,a, e both wen acc~tecf1Jy the navy, Mr. Hoyt IS ....aitillr. lor' • I them to go " ~

A D f C .II permiSSion or the cOllncd Of~e Th G' 10 ld' 4'~ I .U"Ust ra t a Po'nteFarmstoreleouehimu Bela:;~~Groo~sn~PO::t:sI':r~:'r,,~s C11l'al'aI'1llC'lC'll'1lo.r to P-~t.. cal police officer. He has be y. , " '''' ,. ~... ~ • -. - .... ~~. • • ••_. -I' 1 • (f'cfr I AJJlCU ..)tHUIUdV dJ.LCIUUUll, JUlY Hf, ........, .....-. ................ '""" ........"-' ""'... • '-' .... ....,....,.,_ lng t Ie community as an a I .6r .

lh t 14 ' • I "hen he ~ as hIt by a delll ery truel-.-------_ e pas years.' . •O C' I .,. ! R b h 'I 10 drnen bl' Harry MIC"ael, IS, 01 12, --------

n. Ollie <lCgest maucholl ralls single men with cqUateral depend- 0 ert, t e son, eaves t r 0 k The c,', caunul of Grosse Pomle I ~ho ~ould be absent from the eityfor Drait Board 57 ID Grosse Pointe ents anq married llIen wjth wl'es the Great Lakes ~aval Tr.uni a , concurred mIlle ap]loltltment by the next \\ ee\..Park, IS schedukd for the month of only, All Single men of the" first tw.) tlon at Chicago, lIL, whrre he f CI D BI dmalor 0 arellcr e-be as the J\t the meetlllg, \[,1) or Rtl,nn,yAugust. ThIS announcement was classes WIn be de6ni'tely called', and as an apprenllce seaman. His I ,. fnew comnnS'lOner 0 pUul,c sa et), read the letter of resIgnation sent ..made recently by the chief derk of practically all the marrl-' 'men In er's ratlllg WIll be speCialist, I t 1 .1 I I •~ a' ue'Ua) eHllmg at t,e counc, by Hugh Ferry, the former comm,'.the board. the above third class ",,111be called. class. medlllg [i", meeting '\ as ad",ncef! sloner. He asked the rouncll to ae-

This large call in August will take This n~tice is bem'" sent through- The senior HO'1 served fa' 1M b I h ' •v .. J (Callbe 0 t e llumDlr 01 councllmelll cept tillS formal reslgnalloll, stalln •

.... chcally aU men 1II tbree clanes: out the entire to",nshlp sO that the ular army 1ft the first World that a former pubhshed reslgnahoD,slllgie men 1IIth DO drpeadellU; men 1II any of the abo ...e three classes He Ilas al50 served as a tom 'M"" " I

I • B ISSlng In Acti"on' "as not offlc,,,:D_.lp Police W."toess "'Ill not be surprised .....hC'1l they reo ot the urns Henry POIlt 01 The apPointment of Blessed.CiliA. crive theIr mductlon nollc~ American Legion, . kno"n throughout the community as

A C ,_L ,.- AD informal party "a~il.elduto rilM! ; _ Sendo# Planned for day nlgbt at the Hoyt r~' "Bud," "as accepted by all present,- J1 at the meetmg. Blessed, preSIdent ofLast Sunday MnrnlnO' Fr"veBoys to ' -ve Oak Ureet, and Bob recfw'ed \\ alker & Co, outdoor ad.ert~!"g"va----e LA:'Il lovely ll1Cts, mcludmg a KaVJ' IS c1l1d air f3ld "arden of the ell-

from hIS molher .nd a .. teacr...turday, July 31 h" I tlre Grosse POinte area, and every_~ IS Aunt Anna Reno. .~~ ~ one agreed that he \\ as Hry muchWhen asked how if .. It" mterested m the hfe of the com-

her t"o men to the Navy, Mr

Navy enhstment papers reduced areckless drn ing sentence for MarvmE. Smith, 17, of 9120 Hanard, lastSaturday mornmg A I t e r be,ngcharged", ith reckless dm mg, youngSmith "as laken into court in Grosse:Pointe Park and fined $100 or 10Cays on Fnday afternoon, July 9.

l:'pon the request of the bo)'s fath-er, a retnal was set for the iollo~ mgJnornmg At that tIme, Man m pro-duced Ka\ y enlIStment papers, andatated that he ",as lea\lng \Cry soon.The fine then ",as red.lced to' $10plus $5 court costs, and the stlpula-tlon that he IUS to do no drl\'lngior s,x months,

34 File Claims forYoung Driver Shows Flood Water DamageEnlistment Papers, in Grosse Pte. Woods Rabaut AnnouncesSentence Reduced Tlurt)-four residents or the Ox- Exams for West

ford road section of Grosse Pomt~ P" A -Woods Saturday filed claIms for omt ppomteesflood damage agamst the ,,1lage atthe offIce of the \ Illage clerk.

A spokesman for the \ I!lage com-ml5s'on yesterda). stated that althathe counCil had not offlclally recen-ed such demands, that the commIS-sion ~ould deny such claims "henpresented at the meetlllg ne,t Tues-day.

It was pomted out that attemptsto reco, er from the ,,!Iage "ouldonly add to the ta'C burden of thebalance ot the population, ,,111Ch,IIke",ise has been more or less m-jured b) ~ ater cond,tlon' be) ond thecontrol of the comm'SSlon.

4rivinlt to EisC'uberg; he will appearin court July 21.


Local pol.ic:e did IIQt ha"e to ~.aIled to all accident which OCCUlTed

_early "Sunday mdrning. July 11. at Fi,e yovtbs registered _ith Se]dfenoo avenue near Gl'IJId Ma- leeti"e S~ Board 51 have beenrias. Two Grosse Pointe Parle pa- served with'~ir nDhce to rtport for G '1~;.1 B~;::~~n.~~~~~:S,~:::::~:~:,~:;~n1~:~~~,~~~~=;:~~t~_arUen arter

~... club.Pointe Farms, bit the rear of a car 0 1\1 dThe Grosst Pointe 1I~~ Front pens on:'e~~:a~~;~o~an Hull, S&3 ;~:'::i~~eell a;~d:~e~~~a&t~~~Ub~:~~, ay

Eittaberg IllIid his wife, who was At the !\eighborhood club they ",;11 ,ri~c:fritb him, were taken to Cot- be served refreshments. and WIll he t'nder the sponsorship of the con-I frOUl week to wuk, dcpen~uge hospital for treatment. Eisen- ginn_II gOlllg"llway package eontjlin- 'Isumers dlVlSIOll 01 the Gros!e Pointe the sapply and dell1llnd. It iaberg suffered a ent lower hp ad a '..;s f h AW'-S h '- .'-'.It ~ HoE •• Ing numerollslI;,ts, unit 0 tea towns Ip pr- ¥~ ..- method to IIIake

rul t lp'~ H,. W2~ olI101(nml~Cln~~ Those who are ieaving are: J~u baiLer pruj-:,,-t 'l'\IU be WUIKhcu. ul .; sarcic:a ~ •• f l:ao:e teeth. His wife was treat~d ,{or Thomas R)llIn, 785 Balfour road, next Monday morning at 10 ..o'clock ~ ... ~n oa ~ face ad also for 1tU!S1DI William D~y. 156 Lafayette lIVC'- at the comer of Hal Place"" ~ .. c~ _~_ _.; ..

ieeth. VISa Cordie Crawford. ridiftg nUt N.:E.. :Cralld 11.....:... Mida.' __* ]~, _ ~ -d '" • b- ..... •__~~VaaHuJJ.~of '- #. ~.~. - \0 _ '.


! 'fr•

Page 2: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe






0,.. E.....




HoweR, Michie_

• • f T' r I ••• II I'

Thursday, July 15, 1943

tI Pia,. Pea. PacIa, Hiab.elo .ir., N,, Walk.n,

B.."ie., K. Il t w • t Mattn.-.Rocker., Stuffed Auillsak. Game.,To,.., Doo., .le.Babyland Furniture

ney 4. MIller, Jr, with Mn, Har-wigton \Valker, vice ch:airman, andposter, Miss Marjone \Valker ,

Maps and lettering, Mrs SidneyMorgan; placement, Mrs C. R\51\lft, "ar shop, Mrs \ J.Modrack; Bonds and Stamps, M es-dames Henry Burntt and ClaudeBrooks; hC''11eprotection, Mrs. Law-rence Peu; Victory gardens, VIn-cent DePetns, book dnve for serv-Ice men, Mrs. Lloyd G, Hooker~garden market exchange, Mrs, Phil-hp Mulkey; cannmg, Mrs, Cyril Tol-StOl, and \Var clubs, Mrs, Edward CBahm.

•••I. I.



I l

Our Main Store and Korte StationBranch, 131 KerchevalCLOSED

JULY 19th to AUGUST 2nd~e ask that ou~ customers bear with va in thi.

curtaIlment of servtce made necessary bment rerulation.. ., govern.

.nd II S 110 wonder ,. it'. so comfort-able yet so effectIve you'll swear It'.black magic! No electriCIty or heat iJnecessary, yet It gives beautiful. 50ft,long-Iashng eurls. May we give ).ou aten curl?


Everybody's Talking About the NewWILLAT WANDA


Protect Them from FIRE, THEFT AND MOTifSYOllr far eoat b nat ufe-tf It ia llot Itored aIId carecI fw Irr

uperiea.eed fanil!n I All the above daIlgera are potential hazvdoto ~t proecioIU f1ar coat now h"rin. unprotected in ,.oar c.loMt.CaD III toda, I

ZZ Yean a Fvrier14361 Harper at a.aImers PRo Z544


We CaDnot Gwe Immediate Serrieen.....diD pub .... ilable to repair yom' ,.&0. bitt tIMT _ ..aomial' iRcrea.bqrl" t<I pL For that .-aOD .... .... ,.a. .. 'be patieat wholll ,... briq ,..._ aet ill for repaln. W,,'11 Is It atf.. t .. w. popibl,. Cl&II I


TV. 2-4550


'Vlth the reqU1rement, of the DCW law after it goe' into effectJulv 30th, 1943, ) 0\1 come face to face 1\ Ith loss of }our drn;ng rights

In event yO'1 are m,oh ed 10 an aCCident \\ here amone IS hurt orkilled, YOU 1ICST'

1st. Immedlatd\ (unle" mcaparitated ph\<ica11v or mentally)maJ..c a rep0rt to the Secretary of State on blanks prOVIded by him,gl\ 10'< mformahon III detail regardmg the aCCident. 2nd If \0" can .how that \OU haH ~n I:\~uR\XCE POLICY1.<I1C<tby an I"'<lranee CO'l1pan\ hccn'ed to do bl1'mess m thlS state\\ hlch IS In force and m<urance a.o:am" lIab,lltY or personal injury or

... dt':lth of ~t 1,..':Hf f;, ('0 ,,"..1 tl' .....'!.l.~ • .:;--.1 dc.!hr", _ orr .If "uu ":.11

sl,ow hy alfl h\lt that all per'011.1 lllJllr\ or death cla,ms ar"ing outof ~ald aeCldrnt ha\ c heen settled - OR that SECURITY has been.filed - THE:-' furlher p'ocerd.n", <ha'l not be reqUIred.

Good msurancc IS 1!ORE \ AI l \BLT: \Inner the proY,s;ons ofthe nc", la\\, Ihan e\tr hcrore _ and co,t, le<'

A card or phone call \\ ,lI gct } au thIS mformatlon WIthout ob-ligatIOn

Cllizen. Mutual A\lto I... uranc:e Co.


If you don't comply


1820 David Stott Buildinlr Detroit~ CHerry 4744 - Nlarara 4SSS rwI

@Jl!!J@@i!!l~~~ .............

tries and removals, Mrs Henry PWllhams, chairman of prizes; Mr"Stuart Fraser, chaIrman of quallfica-t,ons on \V,se Savmg for 'Var!l:'eeds Mrs Fraser, ,t \,,11 be remem-bered, is general chairman of A WVSconsumer leadersh,p.

Mrs, Edy,ard Herbert IS in chargeof speakers .nd arrangements forradiO publiCity, WJth Mrs, StuartFraser .uperv15mg the 6cnpt.

The house committee is headed bvMrs Alfred H Whittaker, MnGeorge Brett Shaeffer, chairman ofpublic relations Mrs. Sher\\ ood I'l'-------------.,Fleia '6 tl••IlIll.1l of programs and ~ .. av JI.a~t!Icontr>bllton Mn Hiram Walker IS ~ IJ~chairman of hostesses.

Mr. Gag< Cooper l< chalramn and1frs C \Vallace Coles, Co.c!,alrman,of exhlblls of A\\ \'5 acl1\ Itles,\llmh co\ ers the follo\\ mg groups:

ReceptIOn desk and membership,Mrs, R G Sickels; sah age, MrsEd" ard K Isl>ey, Uniforms, ?o.frsHarold KlJen; JUlI,ors, Mrs, M. MScbeafl'er, fingerprmlln.,;, ~h, L G IDa\ls; photography, 1lrs Norman 14J3t E. Je8'enollLmneS\\orth; workshop, Mrs. SId- 1- ...1

- TownshipFair-(Continued from Page One)


• • •


Reports Theft 01 Clothesfrom CotbesliDe in Night

Board of EducationRecreation Agenda

~the Joca1 taz support it being,maid-tained. If the local tax support dropa,the library Wlll not qualify for .. fu.ture grant from thIS fund, Thesegrant. alao assist the hbr.ry in mee:.Ing the standards set by the staleboard for hbranes.

• • *After a two weeks vacation at the

Huron Mountain club, Mr, llnd MrsCharles DuCharme II have returnedto theIr home at 1635 Ford.

~Dg Jimmy MacDonald has 1_ .. __ 11'\.1_ • '. 0&. _ .. L. t. ~._ w v •• " .. .&v 1.J."J 11 "

Lieut. Kennelh \\- Ilson Ste\ enson,Quonset POlOt, R. I. of the U. S~ aval AIr Station, was the driver of

Navy LieutenantDriver of CarInvolved in Crash

•• - ailel arace prompt-ed au,. of thc sisten to uk theDUIe of her teacher. All were amaz-ed to learn that the young lady wasstuclyill/l Wlth a local teacher wholived only a few doors away insteadof With some noted New Yorkschool

Hostess to NewDAC Officers

Mrs John S Klein, state regent.entertained the new board of stateofficers 01 the Jo.llchlgan society ofthe Daugbters of AmerICan Colon-l.t. at a luncheon in her home onLincoln road in Grosse Pomte, re-cently,

Those present were the MesdamesEo I. Matson, Alfred, RalphWisner, Robert Gammon, R, EHofehch, ,Harold Smith, MayneGlock, and E. F, Dlckieson, the re-tiring regent,

cousin, john Fordney, at TawasBuch. John's parents accompanied Ithe youngsters at the resort.

JlmmY'1 parents are the Clay C I}'h.~Do'1!!d'! of T}>'e'- V,I. Ijriv.

• • •Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C Watson

have returned home fron1 VIsits atLuinglon and Sarnia.

• • •Former residents 01 Grosse Pointe,

Mr. and Mr., F. W, Manker, havereturned to make their home on ElmCourt, , ANNOUNCEMENT

Pl'ano Technique ------- JACK REID. well knOWD Hair Styliat,Ie Now at This SalOD

Lauded by Sisters Library Receives REID'S BEAUTY SALONInternational recognition of her State Aid Funds "FAMED FOR PERMANENTS"

teacmng technique came to MISS I.IU Mack Avenue at Bedford ro. Z~7070Florence Patterson of Barrington The Grosse Pomte public library Opet> T..da, aDd Frida,. EvelliD,. by A~bJeDtroad, Grosse Pointe piano teacher, received a check today for $69581 I ••••• I I ••• I. I I I I • I e;t~. ~Oftda,..through one of her newer pupils re- from the MichIgan state board forcenlly. Andriana Londes, 12 year old hbraries, Miss Florence H. Severs, I.dallghter of Nlc!.. Landes, welllrnown local librarian, announces,Grosse Pomte sports promoter, is the This amount represents the second,tudent \\hose pertormance reflected hali of lne lIlJruy's J'Mj grant nomcredit on her teacher. the state aId to IJbrarJes fund,

I! all happened ,,'hen Andriana The state aid grants may be usedand her mother and httle sister. Pen- for books, salanes, suppIJes. andny, visited an aunt, SIster Marguer- equipment, or to keep the libraryite, superior of Bon-Pasteur convent, open more hours, In Grosse PointeQuebec, Can, Pl'esent at the conv!!:nt the money hu been uaed to extendfor a aenes of meetings were a num- hbrary service by means of a bookber of teacbinl' siltera from &II over Iwagon, by increasing the hours ofthe DominiOIl. At their request. An- ervil:e ~t the Grosse Pointe Wood < II4nana. played three IeleetiOl1S: branch lihrary, and for the purchase:aeetho'reJ!.'. "Fliti' £ Nc .. '. of IllI1f 1)Qob...

Elam( A,ppleton, daughter of Mr,aDd ),lrs A A, Applelon, of Delro,t, The parents of Mrs Wilhambecame Ihe bride of Robert Neal Gmemer of Grosse POinte Woods,L}'IIch ,on of Mrs Hugh Lynch. of have arrived to t'ay their daug'hterGt'osse Pomte, and Hugh Lynch. of a \ isit at her home at 1170 Haw-Gn.ud Rapids, .t high noon. ~atur- thorne boulevard, Soon after theIrday, July 10, m the Burn. Avenue arTlval, however the parents, Mr,Presb' tenan cllurch and Mrs. Bartlett, began recemn&,

The only attendants in the wed. congratulations on the birth of adine' p.rty \\ere Evel)n Fecteau and granoson, \Vllliam Gmemer, ]r, onFtank Cooper July 4. To add to the excItement

Follol\mg a reception at the De- Lieutenant Gmeiner will luve soontroit Boat club, the couple left lor I for duty <It the Navy mteillgence de-a hOlle) moon 10 norlhern Michigan Ipartment In New York C,ly,and Edprewater Beach In ChIcago. • • •

_________ Mr and ~{rs Ha.rry S11Oson enter.Paper \\ rappmgs, substituted for ~aiDed two couples at an outdnor

lead f(l,1 on c,garettes, amok 109 and supper at their home in Grossechewmg lobacco, have sa\td 40 mil- Pointe Sahlrday e\tning The guestshon pounds of foal were Mr. and Mrs_ Ed"'ard W Mar-

Morc than 23 ralll\ay tank cars of tin and Dr, and Mrs, Ell Alexan.huv) fuel are needed to lupply <I der.sittgle destroyer on a round-tnp con-voy tnp beh\een the east coat andNorth "'fnca.

Vow~Exchangedat Hi~hNoon

Woods ~ompleteI Dog Li~nse Canvas

The Gro.s~ romte Woods polICe,!epartment I,as completed their\ early housEl-ta-house canvas for<!)g licenses In thIS way every dog Ilf an}one finrls \\)llte sport clo-')\\ner lS a<1..\ll per'onaJl)" to pur- thmg hereahouts, It IS the clothe'r'la<e a l'ctn<1 for t',e,r pets As a stolen from the "a,hllne at 1147'esll!t. praCI1C\lly e\Cr) dog o\'>-nrrl M>r)land a\cnue, during the nightrc.mplles "Itl'he ordinance and earlv morn,n" of ]uly 8 and 9


out with a few euaria, a doc. I few6Jh, a turtle, aDd now his lTeatestpride and joy are .evera! big beau-tiful rabbIts. Keep up the good ...ork,Albert. •••

BONNIE TATE IS PLANNINGto give a party for Betty Brodie, herroom mate at Kmg,woOO, andJeanne Malcomson, a fO!'ll1er GrossePomter. It ha! been a long time smeethe gang last saw Betty and Jeanneand 1 know they .....ilI be anxious tosee them once again.

There ,,111 be loads 01 kids thereread)' for a S\\ cll ch,cken dlOner andplenly of cokes and dancmg on hand

Bill Hickey 'n BonDle 1 ate \\ Ill, ofcourse, be there. And oh I there" IIIbe J,m Waldren 'n Betty BrodIe,B,lI Bo}dell 'n Jeanne MalcomsonBob ThIbodeau 'n Connie Xestcr,Bill Modrack 'n Jackie EWlDg: TomZur Smlede 'n MargIe v.. olfe; :ant!Thad ]oos 'n Mary Malo\\


BY THE TIME ELIZABETHCooke, commonly called Cookie, IS

finished figurmg out whether Susieor Johnny ha\e a d,me or quarter

Listen ...




Report of Condition ofto

Grosse Pointe Bank


TOT h,,1 C' PIT \I_ ,'CCOl:-" T" .

of Gro..e Pointe in the State of Michiganat the CION of .. on June 30, 1943

Dell'"'' p-ri.-rel1 IInrie' vn\l<10n< d la" h 11 n(lt <or ,-crlbv p'crlRe "f a«Cl, $

Ca~lItal* •SI,rphl~l'ndl\ ,ded profit.

Demand dtP0'ils of Innn ,,It,~1I. partner,h,;>' ann ,('rl'"ratHms $..1r)(,4,R111\1Time depo'll' of md \ Hlual' par'nenh,p" and corporations 3 lOO2,207Depo'll' oi l'n,tcd "talt' (,,,,ernm~llt RI>2'i(~)DepO"I' 01 "tate' ;to<1p htH al Q,hr1,\ 'Sl(ln, 4lR l~ (1Other oep""t. (e~rt,~c-l and offIcer,' c"ec\", et,) 89,SJ<lOI

TOTi\l. DEPOC;lTS ~Ml8I,387 32Other hab,llllC\ ' 9,MO53

TOTAL Lt-\BIUTIFS . $6891 027c,.S')

CAPITAL ACCOUNTS I~ 00 (""Mplete cha'''< lubncat;<1n ChanFl'e "inter g'ear Re'!' $7.5t'" 1(.i)()(Y}()()ih,t>-"ant In tran,m".,,,n and <hfferent'al to spec...r-

lJ<O(lOl¥I 'I,mmer luhriranl Clean and repack front "heel $5.45Il\.qR342, bc:ann!« Repack sprmK< I Bo R S ed Sol.$ 3&3 ~ 25 ' TIIo. IDChMIes I.e_ and M.te",,1 unty n ats uggest as ution to

I'TnT \ 1 11 \ r !lIT!! <; \" n C \ PIT \ 1 \crO(''\TC; $7 2i4 ,,",,2.!(1 Opa. tire tn'pertlon (ri .. -rr(h' Ilre~ A"IJJ,t

*"I'ms hanlo.' rapltaJ cons q\ of cnmm'>n <lork "llh tnlal par ,all1r I I I T', $2 9SQl $100 ((10 IrJ I.rakes. AdjUst c utch peda c earancr' l\ r~ular

$4 25 ~pcrl~l- •

11.1rl '\ou1' ocr l'4" Illllrklv the eHr'l C\pCflCnre ~t \II (kmen' \1',r-, I

(omplete mot"r lUM'Up Compleleh ()\erha11l Re«. Sll4S ' 'Icrea.,nFl' r0~t1t prooTem "111 he the T~t mcr.~cc had ",ro\\n to hUR'eand clean earburclN folu<!> all ",l1lrr sludl1r S~iaI- I ,,,h'cd In Gro .. e\f"o nte Par!.," \\'al. prop0r! .n<, but h) p,aun~ a hn'Tl1 I

11(,25 (If) ,.om ,HUlor ()\ motor (lolu,hlnl( <Ican< a'l 40 Il,er Knapp J-. i'ld the Park com- 1\ on t"c,r head, some fill) 11Ous-1(,'''''','I()"),nt p:UB and mcrea~t5 comprr, ....I('In) $9 ,..L L

I \\ ',a-n R n(p.,ke \ rc Prr' dr-' ~--l ("a" e' d thr a')()\(' ~ l.ranlZ'c ",I • "1<<lon .>lOndavOl'g'"t and r~'< \o.rre h,!,e\ed I" ha'e he," Ina.,., ......." ...... r"l <; ~~.,.... ,,\('::1'" ~ I' (A ,,<; -1 r.r" • <, .... 1(' ;if ~ .. lil. ~ ~ ~ 'II ha.,e lnt'r! ,rre for il "\("4.(. (""eT" n<1.trd tlnn no 'C;('''10U' (('1m.It f ,I '-1 (C-rn'" -rr'r'~'l" ' r" 'e 'I 'r ( I '<c,,-,1 .,al'er, ~r.r n I~ OIl hlc1vde4-Other Nece ... ry AoWibonaJ ~ i 'a d tie «1n 0! t libtr <cn,M \\ ,lore ph "', 1.1\ 0 '-'L 1.<, I re,rnr,cr,nl. ne. and Ht 10-:'1, to t le l.r<l (1 ,,1\ kn' ,,:rd,,~ ~nd ,r cf I~ ~ I '\'urr. "n" <t't-i Ihc Puk fo- \ I ..~t \11I1a"rr lane e\[>l, !led

21 In ar!(l11I()11 to ah()\(' 'pcnal" \\C '1'(,(,11117(' 111 rXprRT ',",\\ JII1'\\{ R nrPS"KE ~ i>J1 ,any \ear< a' <,ilr nlendcnt of Ihc that t,e J'~'!.< r-o~ll1ll\ 1o the rl>-

(,,,"rrl- \ .. c,' ~~ III ~I! 'I XG, P \ I X II \,( T J " 1 ! RlilR (l -C..\XI:\G ;; d ~ I II urr deparlmen' f In Inat t mr .. ne rr and Drtr(lll ml,11,pl,c I t),e .0'"1(1'11'1' P ~l 11' OTV'\"'. )Ol1r charce of RADI \:\llE, SnfO"lll. or GUT fLR II (lntlnucd 'I ha\~'ecn t e "ltlal'Onlplr~I'\ ot I"r pr"r>lcm lie ~:atedJ \"1, K \\ \T1"I:\' I(,r \71-: fin"h I.row ton,!<'l"V \~',e I a;l \'~c, t' a' 1, - rnamtrnance mon h~d beenI "h T I K '" r T ". J) -c '')-a I. '0 l:lr$(r ,< co ..,eo m, Il'tle ho\ 0'1 -'I ort, I ;l< t mr \\fluld allo\\ and II W. Are Open Eveninr. by Appointment , -nY haCK\~r~ a"~l' I hadn t hru I th ..t '-,,: ""II, a rat pI' <0'1, "a-I 5

rrATE or ~C(,HIG4,'\ COt ',T'I (If- \\ \\\,r ~o:: 11>1 F1S H ER RECO RD ~I ",':, '< '"'' 1,.<,. ,Hon l,aOI\I"rl>1. Illrnl.'led rr<.dcnt' \\ho com quare Deal1!2! • ~ tcn f "a'lt t"" <t "lIon reme",' 1 pia ne 1 rl r,,'<S"r'" t ,-- .. ,,,' r 'r "or" ,7, ,;" n' Tll" 1<)041lInl1 llW ~I ~d r~rrcd,rd :It nt~, both ,n the Pre. d,nt (;0<1<1a-o";tld Ihat the

h~rd>y err I) I'al J am ') , £r .. re' ,r "lrCC"T 01 t "hank B! MOTOR SALES ~, "'r<t n( prolcr ~ c "Toren anrl, <1,,~r.t "n. rad mer I and lile ,001 CLEANERS & D"F.RS\.. rr T\ J) \ \ '\ I ( k 1 R, ~~ ~ 0 prn ("n' n , '-1-" d.1""-R'f" m ~'10n "011r1 1;1....(' t 1C 1l1.;llfrr 1 n'c I .

\ .) 1',,' it 15008 KERCHEVAL AVENUE - CROSSE POINTE ~ ,\ ,r', ,\ ~wjon' \II. <'ate,' t'" ~ '\ " ) r' TI r \, .', < 'r r ]5226 Charlevoill: J(eF'L) V ,,\ I < n ~', , ) e' 4,194 I' ~ LENOX 5771 ~I ,h~d !""(\ (lu,h' .'''alrd \<1' 0' ,\C ,- 0 l' ,,'r 1 (,' ,'r ( LE,4225

___________________ . l' ~ ,,'lH1; to f0rmtr ~lrt~C \(~na~(' .. I"()1'11r 11 .... ~ Ie - C' (n .... s \\( 1 "'''1BUY WAR BONDS Q~i1im~ •• RE~~~~~ ;,tmd. , for thc)- health. ----------------- -J~.. ~ ,, ,

Loans and discount. (Tnclurlin~ $% SO 0\ ernraft<) $ 907737 SI')United State, r.overnment ohllll'ation. (llrert and guaranteed 2,1'fi4,83171Obljgat,om of States .nd political subdl\ 'Slons . .. 1,10541490Other bonds note., and dthentures 17I.ll~7!lOStock in Federal Resene Rank 6,45000Cash balance~ ~...,th other hank., inc1u<linll' resene halances.

and ca,h Item. In proces, of collection.Itank premISes 0\\ n~d $44 928 SO, furn,ture and lixtllres

$4,6roOO •Other assets.


... 1M Led C. aceorda_ ...ltli • call lIIade 1.,. the F oodenol ReNne Baal.'., all;. oIi.lrlet .... ~t to the prooriaiOll' of the Fed.l, ... 1 Re~. Act... h,. the Commiaaioaer of the Baftkinl' Departmwt pur ....... t to tLe....... ioDa of Sec:tticm az of tile Micblpn 'uallcial iutitl&tioas KL"


OfFices at 15121 Kercheval between Maryland and Lakepointe

eoorhe Onl)' WeekI" !\e\\'spaper Covering- All thp Homes inGrosse Pointe and Gratiot TownShips"

1.. B OLDHAM PubluMrp, J !tAClC8t1RN EdllOt a"d AdVtrtu",g ManagtrRrTA WALBY SOCIa/and NtWI EdllorS.bxnpllOll Rara By M~il, S 2 00 ptr ,tar. 5c pu copy.

By ellrltr. 10 Cenll a MOllth,

Published Every Thursday by The Grosse Pointe Printing COLE"IOX 1162,116}


....... Tw6




the I do,'~ StWll1g groups ad indtYiduals are requested to consult the know that .ailiq' is a powerilal Jot

;:-\ox Oft pagt: one tQ volunteer. 00 IT TODAY! of fun I Judy Stuehen 'ft Mac BUll-um seem to make a practice of 1111-ine ever)' day at the Lake 5t Cla,rSalhng club, According to Mac 'nJudy it i. the taps, For goodnesssakes don't fall in,

By the way, I saw Jinny Mortonsailing with Bert Nichol at the Boatclub, It was rather difficult to finJout who was the better saIlor Theyboth were dOlO' qUite a bit of workWIth the ropes and things. Thatproves I don't know a thing aboutsalling.

Beatrice Longe tried her luck atthe sport, but dlsco\'ered her onl)'trouble ". as that she becomes sea-s,ck. Too bad, Bea.

• • *

cominlJ to them. she will becolIIe apretty rood mat~matlC:aan \'0\1 see,

• • • III her spare tillie, like many othervolunteers, she is helpmg Ihe JUnlorAWVS by selhng War Bonds andStamps to those steady customers

SEE I ~ G THAT THERE IS A •••shortage of men, or should I say <I NOWADAYS THE GALS AREshortage of them around, we gals no longer lookmg around for thosemust do somethmg to occupy our fraternity pUl. _ there IS somethin~time Well there are alway. those much better, If the fellows don tlood old hag parhes. Apparently ha\ e their wings, they Simply aren tShirley Kramer 'n Bobby Jones hari ID. Barb Ray 's one of the lucky m,that In mllld when they ene one a dlVlduals who now wears a paIr <.Iffew days aro All the ha,a 01 Grolle them, The fellow it Sergt. John Hor-Pointe were there, confidentially vath from the Army air corps whospeakmg, of course As I can remem- arrl\ed from Artzona to spend a fe~oer there \\Cre Barb Webb, loiS days with his frtends m GrosseGehrtg, Phil Monr~, Pat Jaekel, POInte * ••Iud, Stuchell, Br.nk, ]ad..,c II PUTTIXG IT I!'l A SHORT A?\DEwing, ]mny Morton, Jeanne Tan. simple .entence, there IS too muchner, Nancy Motsta, Marge \Volfe, artlfic'al rer"ea'IO'1 tl,,,c d,y' Wh.nJoan ~erry <an out 01 town ,uest Ofl \H ha\e exhausted the movlea untIl

Since the rationing of canned food has become effective, Jackie s) and yours truly. \1e no longer enJoy slttmg throughthe number of tin elms \\ hlch have been salvaged in the past At first II was agreed upon that three or four shows of "Casablanca,"few months have been conSiderably lessened. The reason for the menu would conSISt of !tahan Ior "1\ow Voyager," or "HItler', Chllthis is obvious, yet it must be kept in mmd al",a) s that all tm spaghettI, a salad, and Ice cream All I dren" there IS \Cry latle to do. Am Imust be saved and salvaged if Hctory IS to be ours. \\as well until some bught per.on TIght? But accordmg to Barb and

Tin is one of the most preCIous metals which is needed to remembered that we needed rat,on Don Wood there IS al\\ays somethmgcatty the ""ar to its finish It is used for medical supplies; it is pomt. for the meat and tomatoea - to do When things seem to be get-indispensable in the manufacture of the different types of arma- we girls sometimes don't use that tlng dull they ha\e a little party forments; it is needed In the smelting of other precIous metals; it head of ours - Please, no remarks, sOme of their frIends,ia used In thousands of other dtfferent ways. ~:~ecial~! f~o.m the male~. Oh weill ThIS lime it was a dinner Dartv

Smce tillS metal IS so preCIOUS, a vcry large quantity must \. C re,U1y alan t starve. I.mclten pie given at their home They deCided tobe on hand at all times A large part of thiS tm supply comes was the .mam part of the meal plus have it buffet it)le because the llld.from the tin salvaged by the houseWIves of Amenca. The bIt all the Ice cream and cookIes ,,;e then wouldn't feel too bashful to takethat~es {rom each can goes a long ~ ays tow)lrd victory, that could eat It was \\ell balanced, you II a httle more on their plates,itll whv I'V""'V tin raT1 u!~d in ~"" ..v hOtl5Chc!d !!1.U!t be salvaged have to agree, The kids didn't do !'Io !=er 1\'11 the rl''1l'er /;"i.h.i1for .Ii ultini'ate pickup, -'.1 Imuch after dmner but talk about by all than it was decided that they

The next collection da.y {or the salvaging of tin cans h ~u~mer school and those occaSional would try .eme luck 1ft the Ule of theSaturday, Aug, 7. On the last collection day, Detroit and Wayne a::; b'dd th' h t crystal ball I! seems by the timecounty set an all time record for the entire country. It is expect- I ert I 109 • elr d ~ ~sSeStha the lanl left they were all worry'eel the drive WIll do even better next month and It will be if all p easdan fau

hredvohlrkan tholni de mg about their saId fqrtunes. Among

h h. ... d roun soan ~ a lOi e crow h hIdt ose w 0 put tm cans on their curbs Just contmue to 0 so. od 'I th' th t ose w 0 were extreme y IOteresteTha I 15 h ' 'II r e merrl y on elr wayan elr, th f II B bt, P us the per ~ent W 0 are not as yet co-operating. WI Pet vehIcle the bIke, 10 e ortune te er were armake the next collection a real one. ' ••• Wood 'n Nate Van Osdol; Margie

W k ' h' d IT SEEMS AS THOUGH OUR Robinson '11 Stu Fraser; Darhnee as every person In t IS area to prepare an save every Brink 'n Don Wood; Ginia Robin-tin can they use - N~W - everyone.counts - alld place them pal, Bet.y Kreler, is doing all rightell the curb the morning of August 7. ' In the line of a fisherman, The way .on 'n Bin Cole; Gloria Surtman 'II

the Itory was related to me was that Ted Colby; and Margie Wolfe 'nTom lur Smlede. Annie Sulhvan 'nBetly almost had heart failure when

she caught a 14 inch pickerel, but Cemp Beaumont; and Pat Surtmanaccording to the judges It wasD't the 'n Bob Dollley were more cant en!

Thousands of women and children in the Netherland~. blgge.t one. Up thar where Betsy is tryin' to get a bit of dancmg In

who hllve hterally had their warm clothing stripped from their It her coltage near Algonac, they So you see there IS really qUite a-La.-k b N . bb 1 I d d ,. d' bit to do If only we thmk :about it.~ 5 Y aZI 1'0 ers, can Je warm y resse again, 1m me I- have a pIckerel tournament every.tely after their liberation, if American girls and women voIun- week.. Beheve it or not the prize for • • •

- teer now to do sewing under the sponsorship of the Queen WII. the biggest pickerel caught II a $ZS ]A!\E MOl E N A 'N DON~A~ - -' - I _.. '" n .. '" I n Dahlan by now are having a wonder-UC'lUUUL lUUU. n ='1 ....Cu. .... n d f ....,eh,., dun't MIYe:

Thousands of yards of yarn for IIweaters and countless up. There are plenty of fi.h in the ful time at Foreway Lodge nearyards of matching wools for skirtl have been made available pond. Mayreen Schmidt aDd Bette Torch Lake. There is nothing !Jkefor "folunteer knitting and &ewing work. Wollel1vin are viaiting her for sev- good old camp e.peci.lly "hen you

eral days. *.. can get out of dOlOg K.P, (kitchenEvery garment counts, for each completed garment means I' ) • • •

, CHICAGO, HERE I COME. EI- po Ice.Cat just one more woman or child can be warm again after I DID YOU KNOW THAT PATyears of enduring under-nourishment and inlproper dothing, ean Macrae decld,ed she .... duen. Murphy was accepted Illto the airae to the Nazi oppressor. 109 a little vacation so she packed 'b' 48-h

•• t.. £' _ £ < .. \. ._.....6 .. 10. ••• her tl'"unk and started off to Chicaro ~o;.ps..and IS su led to a our.....vw !:I U.C Lilli .. ,u IS"" ..... s ... u., ..... ~aue, "? th •• t.....I tv iee her married .iiter, I \oil ..... ey Fil, you better b;; ueu

pia be lIuppeC to London headquarters for Immedaate * • • the phonel.... ~pa.ce is our':: - anet ta«irs.

'h .. ,...... .lroa.w ..... to hap tJaae 6ae, aarapoua

Page 3: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe




ShqJler'5will closefor one

«oeele,July 25 to 31


After 36 years as a funeral dIrector in De-otrait's Boulevard-lndian Village section.

Charles Verheyden, founder and active head

()f Verheyden's, built this Grosse Pointe

establishment to serve the needs of his ever.

growing busines~ . • . and he. built it inGrosse Pointe, the place of his birth andlong resident:e.

Charles Verhe den163(X)Mack Avenue, at Outer Drive, Gr.... PoUrte, MidI.

NIapra 6(XX)



- ~: - j ~ --:.::::::=-


Fine Dr)' Cleaning for N t:arl)' (l Quarter Centur)'

From our 2S years of experience in the dry cleaning business, we sU9t}est that you donot buy slacks, dad suits, reversible coats and similar type garments un~ they arelabeled "fast color" end "pre-shrunk" Beware of garments labeled "dry dean Oflly.-Marry cannot be satisfactorily cJry clc~ned.





.I:eep tip tIJat oId.Go p, 1Pitft. tRlare an PUIlinlr for )"011 ever-" miDute.

As ever,"Pop" Elworthy

-*P1't. Joseph H. James, USMp,

wu home for a .hart Jean! lastweekend. He wrote his mother, Mrs.Harry James, 1418 Ros[yn road, thathe waqted to see the DetrOIt TIgersplay: he asked If she could get thetickets. Sunday afternoon, they werespeetators at the 6rst game of thedouble header at Briggs .tad,um.

After receivmg hlJ basic trainmgat San D,ego, Cahf, Private Jameswas sent to the '.orpedo school atGreat Lakes Naval Traming schoolHowever, in anether two weeks, heIS scheduled to l!0 back to California.

Private lame'l is a. graduate ofGrosse POinte h gh school, and hasbeen In the Mar'ne corps tor Sl'(months.

July 10, 1943Californ:a

I 1. (]1 ( ( I; ~. i , r .: ,\ ' I

\ ( \ ' I. , *culll'T1 01 I n~ '-n. \ lH r t 11 i <.t"'T}. 1110. \, )Ql \ kit k"" l, ~ Alnt" I

Grosse Pointe ReviewI Gentlemen:'I For the last few months I have *Lieu!. FrederiCk B De\\ey, son ofbeen recen mg your paper and have

Mr. and Mrs rrank H. Dewey ofenjoyed It very much, particularlythe column about Men and Women Roslyn road, IS spendmg .. ten <lal-

leave VISiting hiS parents and fnends10 the Senlce. h

I have recently been transferred e~e. i) .from Standford umverslty to the le~tenant ewey received hISUmverslty of Santa Clara, where I I c~mmlsslOn upon graduatlon men-

• . gmeenng last Saturday from theam takmg a course m engmeenng A.... ,,'. "h •• ..l~." D.~_ ~~ r.~ _A.wnn the army speclallze<1 tramlng Ab "d.--. --M-" • 'H-- .. ~. -- ~.lprogram. at er een, d e arrived In

\" Id I h d Grosse POinte Sunday nrgilt_'yOU you pease c ange my a - .dress on your subscr'ption lIst) FollOWing hIS leave, L,eutenantThank you very much, I remain Dewey 'lUll report to Fort Shendan,

Yours truly, ' III, where he \\,11 be In charge of aP -I. H \V W If mobtle machme shop unrt.

V arvey • 0 e Lieutenant Dewey ",as formerly*T hiS h I associated ",-jth Vance> Machme andec n,ca c ex> I

Y I y" Engmeermg m Grosse Pomte Parka e ...n"er,'ly •Kew Haven, Conn _ *

Gr P t R '.Vord ha, Just been recelHd fr"mosse 010 e eVlew .. •

IGrosse Pomt£ Park, Mich. A-S RlChard Dlc~ Bod}con Ie,Dear Sirs: stationed III the. aIr lo'ce c1aSSlf,ca-

I I "".h to expres. my appreclatloll tlon center In ~ash\llle Tenn, thatfor the copIes of The Grosse Pomte he started hiS tests la't \fonday, tor

IR h 1 L b h c1asslticatlOn as a pllo' He al.o <tat.eVIC\\ " ICI lla\C een reac mgme regula-] dunn!: the past fc", ed t"at he has met 'C\ eral Gro ,e

- ) R d POlllt~ ho\< Tn the ,n ",,,l,at. \Ie "l

t monlns. I ne e\lew an Its ne\\'s ItV D,ck ~as forme-" on the s',NI fills that Rap bet\\een mlLtary and of The Re"e", a' a r< ort,,-I home hie I' lch ",olll" be dlfllcult to * pco\Cc man) othcr "'a} II S?C D Hid A~ on 31"-'" n( e a nme <'1y

Since I h,\C hcen rccenth- trans- I I h I f (;Icrred_ I am enclo<ml<' mv new ad lIa\C a't mght \\ en e e t ,ro«c

Pomte to rcport to the na\ v rad a,he« In (I-rier that I may rccel\C [u- h I G I).. ~ 1 Tture I'SllCS prompt". "C 00 at reat a e, • a\a r" n.

S 1 Tng slat,,,n. Great T akr~, 111 \\ ,,-d....Jnc('r(" v t..' I •

AC C' B,\ t"a: c haC. qua.' (i ,{If tIle ra j "I,1ar C' . -mstrong <c'tool reac'ted him just pnor to - >* lelv.n", for hl'me

CLE~fS()\", S C - T", I Don 'en ,~t !.I' ~nd \ir< "rt~J'

\!,c't.gan !'>o¥<" h~ qua ,fief'lIM t>~',C Ha g". graduatcd hv.Tl G'", 'eI Iramlnlt n the recentl} la ,nched! P,., nle ht>th .('t,"!'l ,n Jan\,arv >1a-m, 'pee ~1zed t.z nlr~ r",~'a..,. I ..... vear He ha, ",-., In t"'e ~1 'V

ha\C bte"1 a«\gntd to 0\ c;TP L'n'l onh two mClnt~. I3413 at Cle-n'('ln (('ll,(il'_ t,e .l.llrJ. * Ic litura! ~ncl mtch~n c~l cr>' t'l:t 0: c;cr'l:t \ IrtCl. C :;'~Mlde. <('I" oi I'Oll'" (,. In, ,rrl a'c nr\\ l.nA," \1. ~nll \1.< -\ T <;'"11_ cr' 1 ~ I~0ln~ In'f." \r tr.1" -~ I" leT t \\;j\ l"n r(' 11 rn.. \1...,'" 11\ 0", I~lp('r\ ... 1 0t 11(' ('01 I "tn1n, 0' ,,;J, ('11 n \; (, ~ ...I.("'~"'\ -

(f .... (01 1 ( )(' t \! I ") " 1\ I' l'



.lb. 34c



.qt. jar 49cNo Ratioa Poiab

.pt. tin 39cNo Ration Poblb






Carolina New

OIl AIl Mak .. of Car.

Bumping cd Painting Semce

AuthorUed Ford Salu A Service

CLIFF LEWIS, Sert'lce ~


Fresh Caught

White Fish and Lake TroutWe Bone Them fot' You - No Ration Point.

SFIRE BROS. - Successors to

JuSt ReceiVed AnOther Lot ofThose Delicious Red Ripe


Tom Boyd Inc.*


16822 Kercheval Ave. Phone NTagar. 3200 GrOSH Pointesse W. McNichol. - Phone UN. 1-6700

SFIRE'S Birmingham Store -- Phone 3810

Old MODk SelectedQueen Olives

Grapefruit Juice ." ... , .46 oz. tin 34cDill Pickles . . . . . . . . . .half gal. jar 45c


DeliciOUI Go A R. McMillan

Turkey Pies, each SSewith Gravy

UnneceNal'7' Wear Can Be A"oided .... Don't Be Sabo.tqecI Out of Any ElleDtial Driving - Cheek Up!


Hills Bros. CoffeeMaywood ColossalRipeOlives.


Serious Sabotage

Sixth Church of ChristScientist. Detroit

14730 Kercheval AvenueSunday Servieu

10,30 am.Sunday School

Session for July and August1030 am

Wednesday Evenmg TestimonialMeetmg 8 00 P IU.

Reading Room open week days11:00 a m. to 9 1lO p.m.-Sunday2:30 to 5.00 p m.


----,. _.---,-----1*."•••••• *** I World geograpl,y. lIlathemat_ alii APO SSG, l':!:.\\ \.UIU .. :'\ Y. - 'I Vog Theatre Is ••••••••• But there ~re stItt gaps "1 e>ur th M phYSICS TheIr "ork alse> iadades Anne>uncemcnt has been made of the ue Kn th W CI bs ranks Are you a member of yourI e en arm;.conducted courses m militarj promotIOn e>fCorp James P OlIara IBest Equipped East ow e ar u \cl.'?hborhood War club' If you

and Women in dlSClphne and courtesy, and sUe bou 5 of Gros~e Pomte, Mlch to the graoJe Side l\ledl"cal Center •• • •• • are not, or If there IS none m yourSI. James Lutheran churcL 01 • of pllysl,al trammg weekly. of techniCian fourth grade by Head- block, plea" telephone TuxedOn Se Blo,k kadrrs ar "on the lob" Th.Grosse: Pornte: worships every Sun- rvlce Included among the MlchiplllDenI quarters, U. S. Army rorce~ ,\PO I 1051) for informatIon. ~eli!1bor.

I, 10110\\ n,( IS ~uoted from a Idler reday. in the ~unch and Judy theatre IS Charles \V. Buchbmder, .. IH SS6, New York C,ty. Eugar \f RohIJIO,!, Ja, sector llr rood War club" Grosse Pomte area,D,VIDe service IS at 11 a m Sunday 1 .• -.-.- -.-.- P


Lakepomle, Grossc Pointe: Park. I T-4 James P O'Hara, IS the son of raId \1 ani< n of Sector II 70ne 2 (, \ cd " ';(1g-hl, rhood \~ ar c'ubs 17027 Kerc"evalschool, which Will conhnut through- 1IIl 'f I O'!.I 5' R . ' "' 1dquarters frolll MIss \f arv Jane

t th t b July 4 1943 ~ .• rs ollisa lara, ~~ II ard bo!.!- Area 9 annOllnc<, the opc" '"~ of ---------ou e en He summer, eglns at , I CHfCA.GO ILL J In E Bins I d G P \, I I " J' l'rC\I, lilo,k Ie Ider at 1076 Bcd-945 a m People m the communIty Dear Olhe .' - 0 \ • " evar, rosse Olnlc IC1 1"'0 aIr rdld medlC1l centers 1'\ h" f>r I rr dd, \ ollr letter .!Jout the Council Authorize.wIthout a church conneclton are Please excuse the delay in \H,t- field lor Grosse Pomle Woodcl' IS * ~ector One IS Ioc II, d III the \'ogue oro'l" paper c3'l1'palgn came today Purchase of New PumpcordIally IDvlled to worshIp at St mg as I ha\e been studymg qUJte I comp ClIng the first sttp lowar t \P CARLSBAD AR~IY AIR I lEI D, theatre, Hupu at IJanord. t lrollgh ar I I IllHle,l 10 elery hOllse In theJames church and send theIr chl1- bit of late It hasn't been "just pure secret study of Radar, m,raculou, CARl "B\D, ~ ~f - ",culld [,elll Ihe courtew of l nlted Dclrolt the- blu')" dn<l told ti,e occupants about The city council of Grosse POlIl"drer. to the Sunday school, cussed lazmcss" on my part hut just new \Ieapon o[ war I I eshe G Matlhells, Jr, son o[ ~fr ,atre, and ~l"s Kal Bruhan man- .t I SJltl that I \\ould pick up the authorized a purchasing committee

---------------------- ------- t"at old qU"st,OII of time Blllsfldd ",as graduat<d last Sat and !-Irs L G MattheM of 13SQ ager al Ibe \ o"ue I I "I. .1 I 12 k I 11 II G I ,., sa \ d,(U !ia!ier to IIIHstlgate and buy, If necessary,TI t tl d t I uruay rOIl1 a -" ee Signa corps a} \I ood rosse POlllte \\ oods S 1 ~f 1 ' f 1 Th

Ie nose a Ie grin sOlie las pre-r"dar course for ellh,ted reurve \llch Ila~' r orted 1 't lrllll~ ast - arC 1, I\lt l a pLll ~Ir, FII11<r Ro", 7(1) Barrlllgton a new pump or t Ie city. IS newaceomphshed a result lhough, lor a, 111 I Ie f ' ep to tIe Carlsba,1 I tlOn for funds to IJfOllde e'l Ilpm,nt tel<ph 1 I acl t t t pump \\oulcl be med at the wad.1l1you \\ III notlee by my return addre5S, crorp> rJllen at

lmOlS I,lslltu t 0 "rmy "If held, CarI,had, ~ M, lur t le mullcdl cctners I!\ tiC seeto-, I Illat I~tl~ 1.'I:'c '1t"

ar ers" °t rePtohr pool 10 the municipal park, and for.1 fi rcllno og)' t Ie nation s arges en. \\ here he Will pursue a COllrse of 'In 'u I ill 0 CO"luUCIllg e II have been appomteu to rst class ' - some seHn hundred do'lars \I IS other \ltlOtlS pumping jobs

ff th f 140 g'nHnng college, here He \\ as one slrucllOn 10 • dead reckonmu" naVl- d d I I \' I r rr, e" t ... <'e P'! e- r'm1"'g'1 In I '. .petty 0 Icer WI a pay 0 ~ I C> ral~e an as a r, su t, t Ie OgllC h I h d f Ik thl F th lof 1/4 stullents 10 the elelenth c1~.s, gallon h 1 b f I ti I er unit ler gdrage a or a ong \Vater CommiSSioner Baker statedsmac aroos man y. or e next I • t ealre las eeome one 0 tie n(S' I I II f

d II k d d 1 te> finISh baSIC pre.radar ....orx. * tun. )NIl t 1C (" ert "n center or I tl at the present pump could be con-a vancemf'nt 1t Wl t~ P a goo ea. II I I cq:. .pp ...J n.I.JlL4: \"'\.ut'l.) UII d l. t:'d t I f [ I b h d •I b I" d f h' Students complehng thIS coarse AS J D GI .. f'd a I\aste ats rom nelg 1 or 00 Hnrenth used te> rehe>e the sewageonger to e qua I,'e or t IS rat. fIb I - ames lesqulere, son 0 Sl e ~ t h J

109, for I must stay m my presenl sallS acton y may continue t el~ Pres. and Mrs A A. Ghesqulere, ofl E\Cr)one is mllted to ""'I t If I C Ins system along Jefferson avenJeratmg for not less than one yea. 'htudy on an advanced level, aDd I Grosse Po'nte \\'oods. was home last display of 11C ({jill, m(111 .11 lhe ~JlI ~Ir< Flknor C \\ ll1s10w, 421So ee t 11be S t It ose who later fimsh the most a - I\eekend on leave I 1 bl d h' I othr 'I' came III h headquarters t, I~------------- ..• as you s , I WI orne Ime . I C10US q J\ unng e lIe'" qUIlIl' I Ibefore thiS step can be taken. I \:nC:ld phase of the :ork w~ be ]ames IS enrolled in the Kavy \'.12 te>monoll, I nda\, Jull 16 ti'ron ,,~ report that eler) member of her FI ,T';

I I receIve The R-vlew every week, I e 181 e for radar stu y at rmy trammg program at the L'n1Hrslty nf 1 !Iursda; July 22 Inti Ideel \1.11 ~)e group IS an ellergellc \Var club i owers',It may take a httle while to get I SclBJOuls

fi.Id • d d 1824 H I MichIgan He is taking a course In seen an ~lIlergenCl opcrdtlll..(,1 \Iork", all co cptratm8 10 \anous I \

b h ms e reSl e at ampton (1\ hdn I' ar efforls. aad GIFTS forhere, but you can e sure t at each d G P W cd b f engmeerrng all t)l'es of surglc~1 mqrum,nl, and I .page, each column. and ~ach arhcle' roa, ross~ omte 0 s, e ore * every kmt! of tirst ~ld equIpment Tl,ese are only a fel\ examples-I Eyery Oc:ca.i_15 thoroughly read. InCidentally. the enterrng ml Itary service. EDITOR'S NOl E - George EI. The an"har} 31llbu\ mCl corps for there ate many block leaders and I TOM RUBRIGHT2t1tirfll{~ th:)t you ~,,~ .,nut !en!!l!,g' '* .....c:"thj~, d.:~ct';:'i of t:.€. ~':t'iK1Jl.Jl.)I. Li!c clre4 ~s lurnl,lletl tllrollgll tt1f" '\elghhorhood \\ ar clubs domg II FLORIST Ithe paper is quite alright as I Will Kenneth Pearehe Locke has enlist I hood club, has submitted the follow- courtesy of Shepl, r's Cleaners anJ tqllall) fine work 10 the Grolse I ISUZ Kerebeoral LE. Isnreturn to my ship very shortly. ed In the Coast Guard Reserves, and I 109 letter for pubhcatlon In thi, col- Dyers ,nd the Del ~Ionte ~larket. POInte area

Untd I hear from you, left Tuesday. July 13, for a four I umn because through th,s medium --------_As ever, months cour~e at the eoast guard 'I he \\111 be able to reach the hundreds Restncll<-ns in ti,e use of sleel 'n

Robert E\ an Elkins, Yle academy In New London, Conn. of Grosse Pointe men whQ now re- \\ ar model lee boxes ~a\C an a\ erage* PrevIous to his enlistment, Mr cuve this paper each week free thru of 79 pounds of steel pcr Ice box Tbil Grolle Pointe Eltablil&hment of ~Locke and his wife r~!lded at 10Z2 the courtesy of the pubhsher. , .- .. t ...d Fia.. t of ita lOad ita A-a

Des Moines. Iowa Bedford road. To the Neighborhood Club .......Grosse Pointe ReVIew .. * Boys in ServiceDear Sir: GRobert S Rodgers,50n of Mr and Dear ang:

For one week now, I have been atMrs R. S Rodgers, 1123 Lakepoillte, We certainly miss you fellowsFort Des Momes enjoying the forthas been called from his studies as a around here No softball league, noitself and meeting fflends I madefreshman at Butler unh'erslty ill 111- basketball, tennis courls dead andwhile I was taking my baSIC coursedlanapolis. to active duty in the poor Pat SO lonesome Many of theas an aW<lhary and offIcer candidatearmed forces. fellows home on furlough drop InI school course as an officer candidate •

There are many other associates Bob has entered the communlca- to see us and always want to kno'.\whom I have met and the time In tlons dl\,lSlon of the mfantry al where thiS or that fellow IS located

Camp Roberts, Cahf. Prior to hid and whether we ha\ e heard frombetween classes, I am takmg ad-call, he had enhsted in the resene any of the gang. We have a bulletmvantage of such reumons. It is very

much like old-home week. corps. board in the lobby. You know the

* one that has wYlUlr dues are due)"This week, however, we have reallyCadet James T. Cox, USNR. of Well, we are puttmg up all the let-begun our intermediate officer train-

Grosse POinte, finished hL. trainillg ters, pIctures and cards that the fel-ing course in earnest - now that weat Spokane, Wash, and is now tak;- lows send.are all gathered together.

For almost four months after I 109 preflight training a.t St. Mary's DuLac was in yesterday, He justa college, Cah!' llot his COmm""nn 1-1 ..... an!.oi tnwas cOtlllDi~sionea, i was working in * know if the diamonds would be inthe army administration school, WacBranch No.4 at Denton, Texas, as Y3C Muriel Ne\\nham, a member shape when the gang gets back. Hea company officer. For about three of the Waves, is'home on leave af- said he stIli thought he had the best

ter completmg her basic training at leam. Had a V-mail from Haroidweeks, just prior to my coming here,I was a company commander. I en- Stillwater, Okla. S~ came home last Lee the other day. He is spendmg ajoyed working and hving ill Texas. It Saturday night, and will leave ~ l'llie tIme on the Plcdic. Johnny

morrow night for Washington, D. C. CW'tan ill over. There are .0 manyis one more place to mark OD myitinerary of travel since I have been T~e::e s~~ will do stCllograpbie w~ that w~ .have h~~rd fro?,' ~itat it IS

i in th~ Wac. The other state OtItside I ,MISS l'\Iewnham, woo bat been -IUDpos~lDle to tell you au tn~ lIe~.of Iowa. and T • Florida bel" tbe Wa.ves ior five months, aru. You re aU dOing a great Job andI was ltatiOOedex:: :e Secoad '"Wa: ated ~ Grosn Poillte high KboO\ hope it wvn't be. Icmg before we~raIaialr c... ill She IS tile da • ~ ... brak-

aaiJiary -1dDc ill t1Je'~office.

One hu to really be • Wac toappreciate the comradeship and goodspirit that msl! in the Ccrp,. TheWac band here is a marvelous ill-stltutJon in my opmion and althoughIt passes by our barracks at 6:30a m_, it is grand and insures to latesleepers that they .hould he up.

I wish to Bay thank you for lelld-109 The Grosse Pointe Review tome wherever I have been stationed

SincerelyAnne DeamleyThird O. Wac


'I"Ii~i!ay,'u'y B, 1943 ,. H JI; G R t) ~.S E POT N 'T 'F. 'R ll' V i F. W. ------------------------------------

Page 4: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe

- - ~ -- - - - .... - - -. - - '-. ---- -- '.- - -- -

LEo 5376•


Result. have placed and maintained on.Review in FIRST PLACE in "local" .cfverti - For local merch5Dta know which cover. the market molt completely andcommand. reader • advertising confidenee.You have to have that "REACH" to g_t "RE-SULTS."

Thursday, July 15, 1943


A. J. Forste,rJeweler & Optometrist





Consider"Their" Future Now!



C1Eeek Up



Your Mo.t

Nqlect Them

Your Eyes Are

Look Ahead

Proper care of the ern nowwill inaure viaion for the fll-ture. Hue their eye. n:anI-ined now wlille there i. plentyof tim..

10,500 HOMESIn ALL of Grosse Pointe and Gratiot TownshipAN ACTIYE-ABLE-TO-BUY AUDIENCE

•Of Upwards of

50,000 REf\DERS


The Review ALOI~E Covers

You Have to Have REACHTo Get RESULTS

Tested~Proven AdvertiSIng

PULLING POWER'-diq Th. Rm.- In Croue Pointe aad

Gratiot Tewubip i... reauJar. habit .. ret-tin, a rood m,Lt'. rest. People have learnedto place ~ in The Rmew DeW. and.. ...., coIamn-.

The Grosse Pointe Review15121 Kercheval Lenox 1162


VACATIONJul, :MtJa to AUl1Rt lat

_-RIJOM" 4.

Tlte sermons on "The Attributesof God" Will be continued nellt Sun-day. JulY 18, when the theme Will be ."God h Eternal" T~o services Willbe held, the first at 8 00 a rtf, the sec-ond at 10:30 a.m.

The pUPIls and teacher. of theSUllda) school WIll meet at 9 IS am.

- -------- 1,:-Ilomployed persons In the United

Stahi lD May, 1943. totaled morethaa Ihe country's population In1-'

tllQ- ...




!lut WaftII ad Ballow

Mono Rabbit.!

The Victory gildtn at 371 Uni.versity has been h~vl:ll: a dll:!y 'Vi;.Itor The vJiltor is a rabbll!

Post CardBill

Starting July 9th your gas bill Was re-duced to post card size. This convenientsize makes it possible to have your gas billreach you by mail, which we think youwill like.

This is a War measure-releasing man-power and transportation for the Wareffort, although at some increase in costto your Gas Company.

Your postman will deliver ) our gas hillto ) our home while making his r~gularrounds.

~Ian)' other cities throughout the countryare using this method to make additionalmanpower l1yailahle for the 'Var effort.

We are !lure you ~iJl like thill newarrangement .

MICHIGAN COHSouDATED GAs COMI'AIIY... , C' ....... ~-..,.1'Ilfr

will be a

...... ..- ..

10 a.m. Morning worship andcht:rch .chool. During the .ammermonth. the pastor is delivering aseries of sermon. 011 "ManagingYour Life." He WIll Jlreach the IeC-ond of the'e this Sunday, On thetheme, "Pulling Yourself Together."

If you have DO home church, weinVIte you to worship with as.

"The sex problem is of universalconcern today," asserts the Rev.Enno G Claus, pastor of Peace Lu-theran churCh. He has tlJ.ereforemade thiS the tOfJic for next Sunday'.sermoll, July 18: "What D~s JesusSay on the Relation of the Sexe.?"The text is M.£Uhew S '27-30. "Thissubjt'Ct has been badly handled bymen," the pas tor remarks, "when inthe ~t, men ignored ~he 'elI: prob-lem ' Recently, however, men havetrea ted It from a oa turahs lic ap'proach, makmg sex a problem of thenerves and glands, bUI falling to seehere & q U tJ t ion of morals:::d :;::.;: ~... : w'CUare~ Tit & Ihat at & d e for a g rea t dealof immorahty, brought troubleto counlle .. mdlvidual. and wreCkedmany bomes. The BIble on the otherhand, approacnes this subject frank-

10 a.IIl. Woraiaa worship, sermon I)' and realistically." Hear this !D'llir.theme, "The Value of Ouiet Listen- mil' menaae I Come and wonhip ....llhat&' " us I Sef\lice each Sunday maming at

10 a.m. Chvcb .chool for cbilcuu tight and 10'45 o'clock. The Suada7of the pritury and beginnet depart- school, contmuinC throughout theiii,"~. J liiii<;n ",ill attetld mOTnUl&' ,ummer montns. begll1S at 9 ~ "JII.--iIip widt 701111Cpeople Tbc ~\W cl&ily ncati.. &bleaU ~ ~l ia .badr ill ~ ... ~ 1:0

A ~ E II at I ~~&lIIIIl -~ -=--~ ~f to ue die


Bi&Iia1 .cxmd 1IbOVieI, for BibW-.-. .:- -s ._. • Ie shacb'. !I1ma .tudT, ChrlItiu .0-~ma_ ... '''''' IPf'UIp tiou and budwork: project ••

funuture RVes 30,000 tQD. of .teel "Come thou witb us lU1d we W11lannually. do thee good" _ Numbers 10:29.

• .. I MJCHIG.\~ CO!,,~n!.!D \TED G \5 CO~!P:\~Y... I~


CottOll libers, impregnated tomake them durable, are now used tomanufactu,re house .ertens.

Four ..FingeredGloves

CHRimAN SCIENCE Knights of Columbus Holywood ChatterCHURCHES"Life" \\i11 be the sub,ect of the Building Committee Petty Olfi<:er Henr) Fonda, who

l~s.son-sermon an all ChrIStian Elects New Officers r«catl) finl.hed third in his c1au at';clence Clurche' throughout the Ill" quartermastCT school, spentworld on Sunday Julv 18 I

The golden te"t (Pro- erbs 16 22) Tilden ~l Gallagher IIdS reelected Part of a Z4-hour liberty III I pro-lS' "Understanding " a wellspnng president of the Richard Association, jeetiaa room watchlD, a screenang ofof life unto him tllat hath It" . Inc at their annual director's meet- ..,- ..... rlal S-r,e.£Dt" hI' Jail pictureAmong the BIl,ie cltatlons IS thiS ' _ •passage (I John 5 11-12) "And thIS mg, rnda)', July 9, 1943. stales Eu- for the duration. When asked wheth.I' the record. that God halh gIven 10 gene ). FIsher, grand kmght of Ga- er 1M thought the picture wouldus eternal life, and tbls lafe IS In hiS brlel Richard council, KnIghts of Co.S H I h h h S h I 1 f nuke men eager to jOln the army, heon e t lat at t e on at I Ie. lumbus the majority stockholder Inand he that hath not the Son of God '. _ thOlllht a minute and answererlhath not life" the club bUlldln" .£t 937,) AmIty, at uNope, aCter tMy .ee 14 .oldiers go

Thos~ gloves that high altitude Correlatl\ e passages to be rea.{ Parkvlew and Kerche, a1 iJsto the desert and only three comenaval fhers wear are not shabby dls- from the ChrlSlIan SCience text1.>ool.., Other officers elected were John 0'" I think they Will prefer the I"Science and Health )\ It It Key 10 Ihe y ..

cards, but are deSigned espeCially for Scriptures," b,. Mary Baker Erldy, A Baker, \lce president, Edward E. navy .•them. EI'ery nil31 pilot who doe, lftClude the fol!o)\ mg (p 410)'" 'Th'! Esper, secretary, and John 0 Hol- _

f.'h altitude Jlymg cuts a till of one IS life eternal, says Jesus - IS, not lInger, treasurer. MESSIAH LUTHERAN• shall 1.>e' ''ld tl'en he defines eler. CllURCH

nger of IllS glOIC TillS IS done .IJ Ilasling hf; as a present kno\\ ledge Trustees elected for Ihree yearsthe pilol can obsene hiS lin~ernall of hiS Father and of hlm~elf, _ the were John Baker, John M Kells, anti Soot~~"l CllfIItr of ~tr~~ _- ,f ~he nail IS normal pink he's £e+- l.;now!edge of Lo' e. Tr::'1. :md L:f: !uuen :11 Goillagher. loor t\\O years, ~';-il:C~~ 1~1i4~e:-oodn.&""1ting sufficient ox)gen If the nail IS 'ThiS IS life eternal that they might Dr Jerome W. Ankle)', Charles De- __ • Tr;lrPhon~ Lenox 2121.. , know 1 hee, the only true God, and ~... ,blUish, he s beco'l1mg anoxIC and Jesus Chmt, whom Thou hast sent'" Lisle and Ed\\ard E Esper. For oneshould turn on more oxygen Even year, Mark Dunn, John 0 Hollmgertorn gloves have a part m this war EASTMINSTER and Eugene ]. Fisher.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH An unanimous vote of appreciatiOD911 WaailtiqDe, near JelfetlOll was voted to retmng Treasurer

CARL Eo KlRCHER, Pastor George L. Greenup and to retmng

9.45 am. Sunda, .chool. Paul Secretary Maurlce Rau for the'r ex-Hur, superintendent. ceptlona! work durmg the past 'Ill:

11-tVl!."' ~!~~:",rc; ~.c::;h:p S~i"-111t".~,:,. :::tIlU.C lilt: Jnt..cp~lolJ ui !ne cor.mon, "Through th~ W.llderness .. poration and i:s subsequent IIqulda-

6:15 p. m. Chmtlan Endeavor lion of all outstanding lftdebtednessgroups.7:30 pm We \\ilIl1ave a forum on

the "ChristJ:IIl's Attitude TowardRace Relataonship " Th,. WIll be par-ticipated m by Dr. Thorburn Brum-baugh, executive secretary of theDelrolt Council of Churches, and thcRev. Horace A. WIllte of the Ply-mouth Con~rel'ational church (Ne-gro). SpeCial song sen Ice led byHugh T. GalbraIth and the chOIr.Slftg your favorite hymn.

Wednesday, July 21, 7:30 pmPrayer meeting, "God As Proved inWord and Work • ."




BroedeD Plumbing and Heating Co.TUxedo 2-3737

....... weather means an lidded burden Oft your reirig-eratIDC. The bonft the weather, the harder it worksto Jreep thiop cool. If you notice a "soow-mll11" form-.. ialide-beavy frost on the cooling coiIs--it'l timeto let busy II11d defrost the refrigerator. That layer offftlIt is costing you money: It means that the refriger-etoc IIRM work Oftftime to absorb beat through a~ vi. frost around me cooiing coiis. And ioe«lDDOIDical operation, the motor should run as lUI14• P*I'b1e. ,

WI oaJy human to keep "putting-of{" the chore ofdefrotting __ peclally in summer, when ia C\IbM .. '"ill big demand and you hesitate to have yoar refriger-.aor 0Irt of rommission even for a few hours. But seethat it is done regularly. Do not use an ice pIck or •Ihup insuument to remove ice, this sometimes punc.tares the refrigerating COIls After defrosting, wash rhewhole interior (COIls, sheh-es, Ira,s, elc.) with luke-WVIIl water and mild 103(' t'n!M'5 lhe motor of your_.rator is hermetically scaled, have it oiled andJDlp«'ted periodically. Remember that your refriger-&COt must last for eM deration. Treat it accordIng'}'The Detroit Eddoa Company.


Get,.... faruce or Ream boiler c1eaDec1 aDd eou-.... aowJ Doa't be caarbt by Jdor thortqe later!

-.z MACK AVI'.caoa& POINT!

rom" D.livery on


Don't'keep a Nsnow-man"

in your r~frigerator-

MEEK'SLEnox 2443

... Greater Comfortad Peace vf Mind


troeardlography and basal metabo-lism, chnic laboratory technic. Oll-eratmg room technic fenr thtrap,',X-ray, ph) sical therap/, property

AMnud counes in the folIoy, mg and accoulllmg. Women, 20 to 36.... kia art optn to Waves per- years of lie, can find oul more In-

1 f th h . 1 CI I formation about the \Vorren's Re-~ 0 e osplla corps enca ,~- d tal t L I el Iserve of the ~avy at the lleaTest~--~. en ec~no og), ec- .----------__ ~avy ucruillng stallon.

WIVes HospitalCorps

I. la!ll!!:&l~lr!I~Ii2lB~!l!r~~~~

COMPLETEPlumbing and Heating Service* ....... * A1tentiou

Page 5: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe



and YOU!



A Single Piece of Meat Is, in Effect,~a Shot Inthe Back of a Soldier, a Sailor, or a Marine!

The dirtiest rat in America today is the Black. Market operator, whether He contaminates and diverts foods from proper decent channels and is ashe sneaks meat, sugar, coffee, butter, processed foods, or fresh vegetables. dangerous to the war effort as the traitors we have put to death.

• Already about one-fourth 'of America's precious meat supply is affectedHe casts aside all safeguards for sanitation, orderly distribution, and by these cheap chiselers who would sell out your health and America's fight.

quality the minute he touches YOUR FOOD with-Itis ftlthy hands. . i"t men tor..a few quick dollars.'!" .._ ~........ j ...........",,-..~4 I \It:~ .;;,,~~~-- - ,,~: .polo, > .. .. --

Thund:\Y, July IS, 1943

, ,

~' •• _A'''_._'' "!i- .••.•.•• ~ .. ~... IIll.' == =::: '!!if' - :: ~ •• a;••a;••.!.••:!.••, '&'''a;41.:t.;''~f.a;'I:':''eS"~4'. ".!i".s'I:t. .s:".;s ..:!i"••,:s.,••••• ;,; •• ~ ~ ••••••• .a.;" .. ':.a:: ::e;.~•••• ~ ~•• "'tt...." .....,::i:It .. ~~.,. :;u... tt,. '~""'tt:;:"",,,,,,,,?~,,,,~~ ~ "'!!oI' ~ .... ~ ~ :;: ~ ~ ji:ii ~ ~,~ ~ s=: _ _ !:it ~ tr: ~ _ ~ ~=: :I .... .. ,•••" ••." '1'0" t._., , '11' v ".• toO .. It t..... ~ ".' t , , ,'~t, t..ii"- .., ..I •• ..,Y ..~.'~,,~t-::M;I~~~~~~1~~~~.~


~~~~a::t~aMa~j ~


~"~~~~~~.:!i"i~M~~ * * .;~ 9E~~ ~3:..~- ~~~ ~~1 *All Foods served at AI Green's are bought AI Green's membership in three leading res- ~~~u~ from recognized reputable sources at ceiling t t . f k h" I h ~u~:.'~~.: auran assocla Ions eeps 1mIn c ose toue , :.•

Prices. ' hi f d d' , d d I ~E:~a Wit atest 00 Iscoverles an eve opments. En:~~ \Ve will not tolerate any dealings with Black Expert experienced direction and preparation t~.::~ Markets or any compromise with quality. plus dependable sources of supply gives mod- E~ ~- • ~~ ~1~~€ ern enriched foods their proper taste appeal E~ ":n~ All of our supply houses are established busi- ••:us. aAd eye appeal. ~~• • ness institutions of 'high standing and-like ;~~~~ ourselves-with reputations to protect. Our sustained volume of food sales makes ~.••:~:J~ ..:;:u~ This is your assurance that during the critical possible a long range program of futl co-opera- ~~~~ days ahead we will safeguard your foods at tion with the national food program and with a~n~ AI Green's! the war effort. ~JC;~.~~ .."- ~::x3 ~.~~.:u~:~€ * * ~~M ~~~ ~~~~.' ~~

:.'n:.:II~.. '~:~

:ll'. E~~~~~~ E~~~~~~ "::t::II~ .•:Jt:••'It:. • •:~~E ~~~E ~~:lE::r; =I~:lr:

~:l GOOD FOOD IS GOOD HEALTH! ~:n::.'1r:...... ;)1:."~ • F.,~.:It:.. ~~•'11'. • •:,t:~H: ...::t=~E : ~.~, .... ". n.. ".s.' . n ...... n~n ........!.. • .:..".:. .!...~,..~n~1 _ ...~ ..~n~n~ ..~1 _ .. .!...~ .!....s.....~.I..=... .!.n.t. ..~n~"~ .. ..:..~;e:..~ ..~n.~ .. .:,;, •.:.."~ ....e;"'~n~".!Z.'~ .. ;.:.. ;=; ;a. ;a. ~ ..,.:a ~.n.!.. .. .,!;"'..L ~".:.";sn~n~n~"..:..4 l.nx .,!.n~n.!.n=4 ..:....:...~ ...:..n~ '.:...::Cn~..=n~n=ittl.:."';:.."'~, ..~ ... "'A.'~"'46••.!." ~n ..... r, .... .a; '*: .."r;.u~ ••• n~. ~.. ::;:'.. ;;:.. .-:'u::'..-:' "':"" "-:",, -u~ , u u - ~ ":".,":"."':" U":""-:-lII~U ~u"':""..~ ..,~ tr;'u":'..~ ..~f.":I'U ""':""••~.,-:- ~ ~ U H~ ?' " ~ ?u ,. •• ",,:-..~ .. -:-.. -:- , -=" T ~ .. ~ ••• u~"=F,, i!i,.111"",:,,,=l= -:\.IF •••• =!=u~ ::


Page 6: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe


I ••


July' 16 &nd 17

"Jacare"Frank Buck'i


Simon Simoae in

"Cat People"


Thursday, July IS, 1943

Our way of giving youaomething more than amere "Thank You" foryour patronace.


DINNERWAREExquisitely Jwtd-etehed

design. C:muine 22.karatgold border. B.. ket floralcenter.

Great Brltalll has almost two mil-lion "allotme.1t" or commumty wargardens




Evening. and Sunday Afteraoon




Walter Pidgeon in

"White Cargo"


CooIecf-b1 RefriaeratioaF:riday and Satlll'day

Don Amec:he in

"Something toShout About"

SUDdayand Monday July 18 and 1.Monty WooDey - Ida ,Lapino in

"Life Begins at 8:30"Coaatance Beanett iu

"Law of, the .lropics"m.w...... ;y ... iI:::ti;: JeIF.,.1&, 2Z

i'ftll DUll I r ,. ... r"vun.I ....~ "'.. ..-...COMFORTABLY AIR COOLED

16340 Harper


You'll Like the Atmosphere Here!!

cup'~Shumway'sCOCKTAIL BAR

14948 East Jefferson

Summer SoftballLeagues Organized

age, the seOLor dlvl,ion IS unlimitedas to age.

There are orgamzed games everyevenmg at the Trombly, Defer andMa1fe playgrounds The teams Ire

The pia Iground soflhall l:,agues I \Cry '1\ ell matchl'd and you can besponsored by ,tne Grosse .-Olme alsured of seemg an mterestlngboard of education started,ldst week game and at the same time lend m-

There are three dlfi'Clent leagues, couragement to the partiCipants.wah the pldyers dluded accordmg toaRe groups, tile feathcnl eight d,-VISIOn IS made up of pia} ers 12years 01 age and under, the mIdgetdl\lslOn meludes pia) ers IS ) ears of

* * *Try Our Delicious Sandwiches* * *

f EnryTh.£. ~!~d ~NrU"

I 5~.f M.~ 4:" to 8:"Alao SlIIlCiay

••••••••• , I.I., ••• I, TII •• ,",'

,.----, , , , ,.., _--, ..,..,..,..,.., , _, ,_ ,_..,..,J'


ATTENTION LADIESThe Finest Modern Dinner Service Ever Offered


--"N""~..... T......... n.--.".. .w.W........... c.n..a. .... Ed-

............ ~ ill-s-- Girl. - x-.. CartooIIt.Frio, Sat. July II, 17

Alan Laddin


. PlusWi'll. (HoP-Aloi~ Cassidy) Boyd

"BORDER PATRIL-Plus another exciting episode of"G.M_ n. tile Black DI"qOIl"


Sun .. MOIl" T.... July 11,11,Z'OBonita Granville, Tim Holt

, in"HITLER'S CHILDREN"(NaZI Immorality exposed)

PlusAnne Miller, William Wrlght


'REVEILLE WITH BEVERLY'(A gay romantic comedy)

DIsney Cartoon

Vogue SchedulesSoecial KiddiesMatinee Wednesday

WeeI., Tb...... Jail' 21, ZZWod'clay s.qaia MatiDee S Pill

:Sob Hope. Ma.delame Carrol10


Lloyd Nolan, Const:.nce Moorein

"BUY ME THAT TOWN"Cartoon and News

Added Attraction, Defense Short"Wm •• Up"

The East Side's gayest play spotis featuring a new /Ioor show thiSweek. The management of the Ste.vadora, located at Harper at Crane,has el!g"aged this new show to givetwo shows nightly.

Farantis and Andre headlme- thenew show with their knockabout an-tiCS, Their femmine comedv is mostentertaining, Loki, the danCing ac-cordionist. thrills all music 10Hrs,

Ethel Shepherd continues singingher songs in the lovely manner "hlchis associated with herself. Lee Ma-son, the popular tenor-about-town,sings with M,ss Shepherd or ,;\lththe orchestra.

The DeRoy Glamour Girls, featur-ing Jerry Statler, make Ihe raftersring with applause whenever theyappear. Joe Banket, the trumpetking, and his orchestra. featuringBob Marble at the piano, providethe musical accompaniment for theentire program and dancmg.

It'l Upenli?'! - You Must See Our J,oW,y to AJllPftciate T'hia Set of Dinnerware1iJ Stam Wenesday and Thursday, July 14 and 15~ and Ewory Wecl"HdAy .nd Thllrod"T ThereAfter

~ 0..., ... the h.,h COlt of ,h," lw-allhful D,nnftYare, there ..,,11M"" A 11011'''' oernce chArIl'~ of fiT~ ~~nh !>"r .t~m.~ THEATRE~ You mAy ce' d;Ij,~. d"nnc WedneldAT mAtm~1 "" purc".. 7'~ Inll'." .dmlll.on hc"e' At eTCn'"1! pncci MACK at NINE-MILE ROAD 10;~ r?l~~~f!':aIii!lifiiliiliilil~ai~~!l2Ji~~~~J&j~W"~.:~r&@m~mlWi~~S~0I!!mJ~J~I~mx;;~it

If .,.. .... , to~thf_i,..... 7 •• 'In._ .... a Itr •• t, brl ••tJoe. to cn. ...1IeN 708'11 .......,.1 'lOll .._1' diaIIetI toelo_ fro••T__ ._ ....

Fried d,ic:k.,, .... F.... Ie....... S•• ei.1F....o - lid-_ n.1tu.

JC.itdtft 0,-n .... % _

15203 E. WarrenAt Lokepo,nt


Properl,. Prepared

Delicious Foods!

PetShow at ClubItBig Succus

Ea t Here and

Sa" Yoar Ratioa PoiDb

< ...




R~ Pai&e, Frances LangfordC ,f = Satluda,. f.- 1%145

s-.. M-. T_ Jul1' II. I'. ZIHedy Lamarr, Walter PIdgeon,

Frank Morgan in"WHITE CARGO"


W,thDon Ameche, J and Blair,

Jack Oakiee-ta.- 5--1' from 12:45

W.... TJrun. July 21, ZZLon Chaney, ]r, Bela Lugosi




WithEddie Albert, Anne Shirley

FII'N ow- to tile LacIiM E~W........ 1' .... n.....,.

The family living at 197 Oak weresorry indeed, when thev returnedhODle one day last w~ek to find thata bUle of meat had burned to acrisp whIle they were gone. Whenneighbors noticed smoke, entrancewas gained and windows were open-ed.

Damage - 30 ration points I

~ Po6ce a.w Backfroa PoHce CoIIftlltioa

Thoma's Trombly, Grosse PointepoIke chief, attended the conventionof tb~ Michigan Chiefs of Police :nOtarlevoix, Mich., during the fintput of this week.



Lovely Songstresl

Newly DecoratedNew Mana,ement

Feahlring -- __

Billie BysherLoYely Son,ltnaa

Beverly Inna

Sally Romine

JOE ALEXANDERPuo and Accordion

16352 E. Warren


GENE FENBYAnd HisOrchestra


Completely Air Conditioned



Savarine I

Ted Gonzales, M,CI

William G. Burton, 19, of 622Pemberton, reported to police lastFriday evening that his \\ allet wasstolen from a pair of trousers whilehe was swimming. It con tamed $20driver's hcense, draft card, etc.

Two bours later, the wallet wasfound /Ioating in the water Upon in-spection, everything was found in-tact, except that the money wasmissmg.

Couarniuioll PasHITax Re.olution

The Park commission Monda)'night passed a resolution authorizingthe village treasurer to collect cnr-rent ta through August withoutpenalty with the following subse-quent penalties. One per cent inSeptember; two per cent in October;three per cent in November and fourper cent in December until the rollIS returned.

Bill Neff, Hampton road and How-ard Hausen, Hollywood, both of theWootlI, were -:de4Jut SaD..., ev-. .~4 'Garpro tl1lCb at 1Iarti&".IIIiI 'Jya roads. LoW poJiee leutOIl their Wly.








Anne MillerIn


T lIea., Weel .. Th ..... JlIly 28, 21. :t2Madelaine Carrol, Douglas Fair-

ba,ks, Jr, !Ii


~Iartha Rd}' C' arlc< Ru~~lcs


- w~ .... n--7-Bt-F_ .... Sir_ware F......

AJ1 .. Lad-.

Frl .. Sat. 15, 17Bonita GranVl'Tle, T,m Holt


PlusAlan !.add


S_.. MOil. July 18, 11BaSIl Rathbone, NIles Bruce

Ted and Len's StageBar Featuring TopTalent Attractions

Alaer Cafe CoatiDUH withBillie Byaber, Joe Aleuncier

The Alger Cafe, popular spot inthIS vicinity, hls continued to engageBil1ie BJlher u their maiD- futare.This ISnrI}' !!~ted eafe Is !«at:dOIl Warren. Nightly daoc:iua' ill~joyed by all guests and patrOM.

MISS Bysher sings hu numbers Ina most chaming manne.r, whetherthe,. are of her own selection orsongs z;.equested of her. She IS ablyaccompanied by Joe Alexander, WhoIS most versatile with ellher the pi-a"'o or the :J.ccordicn.

Alwa} s on the alert for new anddifferent entertainment, Ted :l"lQ

Len's Stage Bar has scored againI With tIle booking of Judy Lang, cur.rently enter laming at th,s popularnight spot on Harper

MIss Lang comes direct from top-flight New York night club engage.ll'ents and lS a song stylist and pian-lit of extreme talent Included 10 herrepertOIre are both popular, classicaland semi-classical selections.

Fea.tured at the same time is the"Latm Frank Sinatra" Carlos, fromRIO De Janlero.

Coming back for I. demand ap-pearance startmg next TuesdayOIght is the ever-popular sensatIonRay Ra) sor, that orlgmal exponentof boogie-woogie, parody and hotand sweet tunes.

TO. 2-20%%

"Dormlton Dub" lS the lltlc of thepia) to be gl\l!n ne>:t Friday by thegirls 01 the Dramatlc club as thelrpart of the theatre partv. ThiS ISO:r~ of the e, ent~ ~("h,.rlnted for thesurprl~ day held e,'ery Fnday.

Registration is stIli open for boysand girls of l\ e years and o\Crfor the tenms 'l\hlch areheld ever) ~londay and Wednesaaymormngs, irom 10 to 12 pm All arem\lled to learn thiS game


PLUS -- _

P...... and Son. Styli.tD..-t from N_ V......City---- Pial ----

CARLOS"T.... Latin Frank S.natraR



- Now Playing _



wrhe Amazing Mrs. Holliday"

A !pedal Matinee JUlt for You

Sabu in "Jungle Book"PLUS----_

Ro, Rocen and -rria-pr" in

"U r Western Stars"II - ~~~ ~ U,4S...."...

StIrtiag Friday for 7 Big Days!

"Reap the Wild Wind"With Ra,. Millancl and Paulette Goddard

Look Kids!!!

The Vogue Theatret


Imergency MedicalCenter


N~ Air CO!!ditioned - EAST SIDE'S C..'.YEST PLAY SPOT _ N;w Air Ccnd!t;onedEDDYSHEPHERD~CLU8

Biggest, ~fost Entertaini ng ~how on the East Side* F.rantis &: Andre * Loki * Ethel Shepherde-..oy Fem,","~ K" ........ l>ovt.,", Accord."n,,' * D~tTott. Grand~I' SmarT* L_ Million, Popular Tenor * DeRoy Glamour Girls featurin, J<,Tr}' Statler* JOE BANKET, "The New Trumpet King," and Hit Orchestra

r,"nr non MAIlBII ., tj,~ P'A"O

~": First Show at 9:15 H~ ~:IY

Famous War NovelAdapted to Screenat Aloma Theatre

Neighborhood Club Top Notch Double New DinnerwareN-E-W ..S Bill Scheduled for Offered Free to

Colony Theatre Feminine Patrons The ptt show whIch was sponsoredThe <131 (amp \\ 'lI(h tl,e :\:e'l/It Ifor the young people of the Nell\'h.

"H I ' Ch ld " h horh00d dun \ Ip 'f150nnll lor the H Id d -:-Th fi cd borhaod club was a hUlle ,uccess la5t. It ~ S 'ren a.ed uponCamplire G,rl- and girls not mem- A tOil nOleh double bill has been era e as e nest m ern I Frlda aft~rnoon. July 9 Over 40

Zelmer s startllOg nOHl "Edllcallon I.~ f th t 11 'chedulcd b) the mana/l:ement of the dmner sen Ice e, er off~red 10 any h'I"!. I d A program e~peclally for chIldren.. <}, rs 0 e organl?a 10fl, \I as \I e • C l...-ocn entered t lelr pets an Oller h h

for Duth headlJl1t. a Ilrcat douhle attended on ltS op~fllng da\ Tues Colon) theatre, I -635 ~Iark a\Cnue theatre, the new Shores 'heatre '0- 2(X) parents and friends vlSltcd the as een arranged b) MISS Kayfeature program n hlch IS 5checluled da J 1 13 0 t I' I for t',ree days qartmg 5l1nday af- day anno,mees 'hat Golden Lace h Breihan, manager of the Voglle the.

), u) \Cr \IX) >llr S rf~IS S n" H ffor Friday and 5aturda), Jlll) 16 and t d f th h I ternoon, tnrough Tuesda} evenmg. dinner" are pieces ",ll be gllen to r' fi atre, arper at Han'ard or next

ere or e camp O\\C,tr, reg,- ). i1}lllg sqUirrel won rst prize W d d f . h h17, at the Aloma theatre, Cnarle,o "t at II July 1820 each lady patron starling thiS Wed. C J AI S e nes ay a ternoon WII t ~at Wayburn r Ion IS <II open tor ot Iler< nesday and Thursday, for Sara" and aroDlne arcHy I ec, ,door, ~chec;luled to open at 12 45

W' h h II k h M"s Paulme Masak IS dIrector 01 Heautlful HeJ, I amarr starred\\,th. . orId PrIze 'l\ent to orothy 0 tzer B I h_.- It IBuc weG nO\\lln T

CarHact1erl'le camp, !he IS a<llsted bv <cleral \\ alter Pldg-eon and Frank !\{organ, An exqul51tely hand-etched desIgn for h~r two killens Third tSrlze WJS IIY polPduars rLequest;'Tt e IProBgrak~

-.ovrs as anita ran'l e 1m 0 t, rs enhanced With a genuine 22-karat I WI lnc 11 e , a"u 10 ung ~ noOtto Kreuger ancl H Ii \\arner'l \Ohmleer lllstruclars \Irs rrallk- appears a< a l1el\ltc'\111,111Iatlle girl !told border With basket floral cen- won by Patrick MrtFarland WIhen he and as a second feature Roy Ro~el'"N' I ' C'"" "" lin \lor,lla" 1< te1l hlll,ll ,umor Iir.1 '" "\' ,. (,rg) \\'nlt ber suitt} G dlspla}e,1 a C2.lerpiJ ar 10 a g ass d h f 'thf I h "T ' " 11II er s 'l' eren 'I ,GlI I'vrtra\ 'I ters The olden Lace dlOnerware h -an IS <II U orse, rigger \I Ih • h If'" ald to the g,rls, 'ometltlll,ll ,,'nch dark beallt" 1 onclela'o casts her . Each entry dlspla}ed t elr pets b "U d \\' <::"t e m uman mora s 0 "Ul domma. IS truly expensive \\are belng 111'_ e seen In n er est~rn _ tarsn- and t ann. has ne' er been lncorporated lOt;) ,pell 0\ er the "h,te men 1\ ho work en by the Shores to hel~ show their and had them Pferform trIcks If t~ey Children are adVIsed to plan now to

ComDl yr hY

the schedule of the dal camps \\ 'lIC11 the rubber plantations 10 the heart cOIIld Some 0 the many nels In' d h b" . I 1euner , c nrn",.,... .. .n_ appreclallon for loyal patronage, It 1 h' k b br atten t IS Ig speCla matmee an,oth Ii.- . =AI- L. I \\ ere <ponsored 01 he' l ears at the of Alnca c tided SIXbaby c IC S, I a y roost- t h .1

er ne picture \\Ith an add 3> I I b IS available on Wedne5day matinees er turtles trkk do s and An ora 0 get t ere eawy.the'h lrt!,. 'l\ith a heart of <!o'n C ~. _ _ ,"Somethmll" to S"o,lt About" is a h.... ".~h ••• "~ '" ...._ ••• - _. e -' , g g I• h I 1 .1.r, .Jun Lure' u .,,,., Ill. Ill,. mUSIcal comedy \I llh a \ audevllle - ,-, -. e -, ".'" c"., ,c-, cats. An unusual double program of new IIII t e \:urrent y popular feature \l.sak \\,th I,er "ork Otl,ers are J nmg pnces films opens Fnday for selen big days I"Lack)' Jordan" \l'lth Helen Walker I G I angle starrlllg' Don Ameche, anet reatured at the Shores Sunday, 1'hI'ee Y.....n_.ten Bitten with' Rea the Wild \\'lIId" 10 101el,aII4 Mabel P • 'Irs lardner, \lrs Allhoff, \lrs Blalr and Jack Oa)."e The picture IS Monday and Tuesday IS the stark a... Do -Du--. W-_I- p DenniS '{cCarth) handcraft, ~{rs filled \11th Don's slOgm", Janet's did "H I ' Ch I OIT g. nag - technlcolor starring Ray Mliland and--------- " an re' ea lng rama Jl er s I _ PE 1 'fcKernan al'd \lsr Houlihan COmp051n0', and Ja,k's ,oklllg d" b d L ,. I aulelte Goddard plus Deanl\a Dur-Gr Pop k "ren ase upon tne "' aZI nove, Th b b b b" . "Th { I' 11d "osse omte ar cashier and reglS'rar and ~rrs C In keeplllg \\Ith Colon\' policy of "Ed f D h" B ree }oung O}S were l!ten } In m e Amazl'Ig ~ n .• 0 I ayR d . ucaUOn Or eat, starnng 0- d"""s I'n Grosse POlUte Park dUringR. am<el, nature Stll j con. tart Improvement, t'le thealre nita Granv1lle and Tim Holt and the -.. ------ _~ves Materl'als ~ I the past neek. T,m Blondell, a help-"""I has Just heen completelv re"ecorat- new gay and romantic comedy Ea SOd CI b

The Grosse POlllte o\thleuc club. er CD a milk truck, was bitten on hiS st leut R rf R d cd from the stage, \\It'' new curtams Reveille WIth Beverly," starnngO esu ace oa S ,,111 pia\' the 5t Clare's baseball tra'll f left arm while dehvering mIlk On _and drapes clear Ollt to lh. ront ."':::::: ~,:k •... ,i "V,:: ..... """lSi", A. .. eatur D nd

In t~e hrst g'11ae of the season "here new doors and new fixtures an added attraction, a new Walt Dis- WhittIer. t' es OraA news carner, George Bailey, N FI Shhave been Installed, to the complele ney cartoon WIll be shown. ew oor OW

limit of Improvement allo"ed under 1368 Yorkshire, was treated {or\lartlme WPB orders, bites on hiS leg by hIS own doctor,

Stolen Wallet Found, He, too, was de1Jvenng on hIS routeWith Money Mi.ling OIl !kckingham. Peyton Weary, 921

Balfour, attemptmg to separate hisdog from another, while the twowere fighting, was bitten by hIS ownpet.I..oeea Meat Worth :It RationPoiDta b1 ~eDt Milldedna.

At the Grosse Pointe Park rom-..... ion meeting last Monday e, e-.. , the request which ",as sent toW.hiarton recently for materials.. fftll1face streets in the village.. Faateci.

TbrOlllb the efl'orts of E BLane,'1liiie lIllDager, mough asphalt has.... delie'nated for the Park to re--*c Z and 3/10 miles of streets.fte mach-needed repalrs wIll be.-de OD the various Itreets in due...

12 V3udeviJIe Shows Nightly(






Page 7: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe


Standish BackusStricken in East

Notes toNavy Yeomen


~,..,.1''\o. '" ..'" ),, ,

~: ., •,. ~

, ., " ...,~ ,~




, ,


l' ,


J" Lend Uncle Sam at leastj'(i '(~'::.>. 'I lOe out of every dollar .

,_0' you earn for the next year ill

Buy War~on:s t;e easy way ~1~.::..,,,,,,,,....

Each Pay Day on the ~1PAY ROLL ,14

Allotment Plan l




To fend off the c\ il that can hcsct us. buy the bonds that build the guns and

homhs :lnd shells and tanJ.-s and planes to keep the world's murderers o"cr

there \\ ( C:l.n :\TVFR afford to !In Ite Death to Cadtllac Square ... to the city

that \\c I-no'" and lo'\{' so "ell If ~oll'rc already h\I~lll~ bonds ... BUY

MORE, for BONDS ARr BO;\lB I:\,,5t.R \NCE of the most practical kind.

Detroit is anI)" 800 miles from the Atlantic Coast. American pilots bombed

Tokyo frc,m 800 rniic'i 3\\ ar.

itc,4Nhappen here!s

It's the treatment of tcrror and dcath from the skies.

Detroit-arsenal of Democracy. top ranking city in the production of war's

thunderbolts is a prize morsel for the ~ orld's murdering maniacs. Hitler and

Goering have a special "treatment" for citl~ like Detroit ... cities that build

the arms to resist their program of ensla"cment.

Roaring over Cadillac Square, Luftwaffe planes that spit sure death, and drop.body smashing bombs ... the City Hall in ruins ... Woodward Avenue a

shambles ..• the great Ford plant belching flames. It CAN happen here.

II .



7 • lIGHTS • 7-SII. MafiIee

Catholic TheatrePledges to Replace50 Pints of Blood

The Navy's yeomall, the men \\ hnpound the typewTlters and fIle tl,epapcrs at sea allO on shore, some-llmes complaIn about thier dullesSomebody ought to tell them aboutthe poor yeomen III the Japanesenlvy. The aYerage typewrller has SOkeys for UllIted Stites yeomen toplay with. The Jap typewnter ownedby a Japanese language Instructor althe UnlVerslty of Colorado has Z;woke) s which print the "kanJI" or Chi-nese characters used by the Japl.Also, there are 160 Katakana andHuagana Yo hKh have SImpler de-sIgns and some 7-odd English Iym.,bols of vanous kmds - all of \IIfilcharc 3. lu .. uf h,1,..);), )'evfficn.

Rationing at a Glance.......... Food_

Blue Stamps N, P and Q \ alldthrough Aug, 7..... la, a-.., Balter, F.u,c:........ Fial>-

Rpc1 't~mpc p~Q ~"'1 R ::~I~'..~1.d.Co&'_Stamp 21-11b through July 21.Siamp Z2 nhd July 22 for one

pound through Aug. 11.S.. __

Stamp 13, SIbs. ellOptres AUflIst ISStamps 15 and 16, SIbs. each forCAnning, expire Ocl. 31.Rau-..l 511__

Starn\> 18 now vahdCuoU--

No.6 coupons valid.F.IOiI-

Penod 5 coupon good for 11 gal.Ions good until Sept. 30,

Next inspectons due: A bo"k ve-hicles by Sept, 30; C's by Aug, 31:B's by Oct. 31; commercial vehiclesevery SIX months or 5,000 miles,whIchever is lirst.

The Catholic Theatre of DetrOithas pledged to replace SO of the SOOPlOts of blood used in transfusionsdurmg the recent rlotmg, It was an-nounced early this week by FrankWurtsmlth, theatre business man.ager.

"We hope that other DetrOIt or-ganizations ,,111 pledge similaramounts until the entire SOOpintshave been replaced," WUMsmithsaId.

"The riotmg was the result of wa-ciYilized actions on the part of bllt aMOo&1I pel: USlt.. oL &.b. Detroit people.It is ap to the remainder of the citiz-enry to do as much as they can tooffset the bad eftects of this mCldent

"Orgamzahon leaders in thiS COI11-

mUnity who believe they can pledgea delinite number of blood dona-tions may contact me in the CathohcThcdtre office 10 the Chancery bUlld-mg, CadIllac 8565," Wurtsmlth said.

Donatlom wll be made throughthe American LegIon CI\Ihan defenseblood bank, the orgamzatlon "hlchsupphed the hlood plasma used forriot victIms. This organIzation IS not

I connected \IIlth the American RedI Cross blood bank v. hich supplle,blood only roc mlhtarv use. T,heLeglOn blood bank holds its suppliesin reserve for Cl\ lhan disaster.

Gardea Outpat Hit

l LANSIXG - Unfavorable "'eath-

Ier thIS spring resulted III a reduc-tIon of 10 per ce'lt III the 800,000

I V,ctOry gardens that had beenI planned" hde production of plantedI gardens has been cut 15 to 20 per: cent, accordmg to Paul R. Krone,chief of the Vlctorv garden section

of the MichIgan OCD.

DOME GARDEN2 - Complete - 2




NO Doer.,ConrCharre


Quality Counts"

Exemption Consideredfor Church Parsonage

Application of the Grace Evange-hcal and Reformed church for theexemption from taxes next year ofa reSIdence at 1319 Lakepomte, re-cently purcloased for a parsonage,has been taken under adVisement bythe.Park commISSion.

Cberry Crop ReducedCharles Flgy, commiSSIOner of

agTlculture, states that last week re-poru commg In from the orchardand nursery Ill,pecllon sen Ice, aft.rcalhng on 400 farms on ....hich there....ere 477,000 cherry trees showed aprospe~tl\ e crop of ten per centnormal or less.

Roof Fire CaUIeSSqbt Damage to Home

Tne Grosse FOlnte lire departmentQuelled a roof fire at the reSIdenceof the Thelander family, 640 \\'ash-JDgton road, last Sunday noon, July11. The fire \\ as caused by escapllli:sparks from the c1umney The dam-age was estlmatell at $25 None ofthe contents were damaged.

[red L ?>larksFuneral arrangements ha\'e been

set tentatively for Friday pendlllgarri",) of the remalllS from \VhltePlains

The occupants at 130 Radnor Halltoad reported that gasohne had beensyphoned from theIr automobile....hlch \\ as' parked in their drlve\\ <I)

during thc c\Cning of July 11.

StandIsh Backus, Sr, 68, of nsLakeshore dm'e, succumbed Tu~sdavafteruoon at WhIle Plain', NY,from a heart adment which hadiorced IllS relJrement after twent)-three years sen Ice d' president ofthe Burroughs Addlllg Machinecompany.

One of Grosse Pointe', and De-trOll', most promment CI!lzens tnedeceased IS survIVed by hIs WIfe,Mrs. Lotta Bo}er Backus, t ....o son',L,eut Stanley Backus, Jr, servingWIth the r\a\y 1Il the Pacdi.c; Lieut.Charles K Backus, servlllg wJlh theArmy at Augusta, Ga , three daugh-ters, Mrs Ed\\ard Je\\ett, of Lapeer,

Report 'Oaeft of Ga. fromCar Parked in Driveway


I It..:~-,G 0If! :r ~=< I,A.J~~ "1 'fl, Close in-20 minutesItttiIii • from Grosse PointeI Beverly Hi))s Golf Club~ Course in Excellent Condition i~ Restaurant Bar Tournaments ~~ 30303 Van Dyke A.venue ~~ ~P Connor. or Hl'lbn>ok Tank PlAnt Bu. - Cent~ u"e Bu. frcm [>1r~l EOlrht,M,le and Van Dyke ~ I[ ~~ "BUTCH" BRANDAU, Pro N.... o.......s- T.nk iEjlFJ •1IJ1I1IiIililli!!ISiii2 &.II_s6 L iii [L I ill.

Page 8: Board 57 Announces L.rge Draft Call for · "as found to 113\C bC('tJ SPO\\l1lg at the tIme and ICe



of AD Kinds

Just Like New

New and Rebuilt


NOPriority Needed

New and Rebuilt

All Sizes - All Kincb


Bicycles for Rent





We have a complete ...lortment of Bicycle lll'U -Tubes - Wire B.. keb _H 0 r n s - Li..bta - Sea tCovera, Ete.

Grosse Pte. BicycleBILL FARBER, M ........

Maek at MaI7..... TV. Z-G31

AI's Bicycle ShopKerchnal at Cbahnen LE.1M2

Open All Day Svnclay


AdsLenox 1163

LE.5777Or See Me at

15000 Kercheval




Sell Your Car

WANTED-Used Cars


WASHER ServiceNiagara 0995

Can Mominl' or Evening.Floor l.ampe

Minor ElectricalRepairs

lam a ..ood prospect for anyClean Automobile





REI;'AIRFree [st,mates 111 You, Home

Parts for -\.11~f akes17 YE-\RS EXPERIE:-ICE

....11Wor!.. GuannteedJ El- FE RC;ON A P PLlM':CE

A:-'D REI' \IR~!U. ~51

---- ----------

PI ....r...O TLNIXG-Electnc clean.IIlg C. L. Ed\\ artls, 1377 Ph,hp

A \ e Murray 5236

SIGN CO.PL. 0735 12201 Harper






SU},DLFR COTTAGE - BeautlI.Jlsummer home near '\mherstourgon Lake Ene Ev.ef\' modern can.

I en,rnce 1'1\ e bedrooms, reasonableTU 2-4644

\I \ J.,. r: - Re,en at,o'h and 'pen I'OUr \aCallOn ~t Breezv Pomt Inn

InJlan RI\ er. ~llch Ratc< $3 to ~ 1per d~\

I"\"CO\f1'-Or fiat. automatIc heatretrl\(eroltlon. 1\\0 ~dl1lt, \\ III pa;

up to $100 month 1':T 1658

WANTED-To Excl.ange

S~f.l,.1 T-Co~1 heaten hou'e to e"change for larger hone \\ Ith (111or

ga< heal or "Ill sell hou,e. ~I 481,<)

\\. '\ "\"TED-Furnl>hed t\\O or threeroom aparlment m Gro, .. Pomte

" famlh pf three "\"0 chlldre'l C"13:;5 or 1 I 5227 .\<!.. lor ~fr. Cun>alo


R'I RI(,f R\TOR _ \11\ m~~r ,,, I r lldlt!Oll '\ I -IIi!

Cl 1\1 \1\, ,>-:-, call, 'trctcl ~(\hlll,lIed h h.nd I j t> 1i2

\[ ~;,l( "tree I I )~trOlt \1" h

------------------------------------ --


9800 Grand RiverComer Livemoi.

D\\ or NIGHT


Revie\v \VantLenox 1162 For Better Results


Bert Baker

FOR SALE-Mitc.llaaeoaa FOR SALE-AutomobilesLA S ....I LE, 1938 - ~edan Plam, I/ good tlre< "ee to appreclolte \lu<thqu'dale 146Zo Klenk A\ e LE 4474 Ie\enlngs !I-----------~-I

FURNITURE - From factory to FOR SALE-Real £It.t.home New 9,,12 rUJ(S. Moha"k 1 _

A).mm,ttr. all \\001 Small marhl .. Lo,RGf.-Home, 350 ft frontage ontop antique tahle Ii, in'" room tahl.. Int!Jan Ri\ er, M,c1l1gan twomarle de'k and chair <;~,. Ufl to c;n block, from ralJ""av al1d bu. <tationner cent MH'hal1 \V Morse, 1050 nme I,edrooms four haths fulhL'k~1\ood ~fU 7396 ftlrlll,herl -\rte'lan fio\\ 109 \\ ell an;'

011 burnl!lg' furnac~ ,late roof fu,JDF("I( "'"\"D CH ~TR - Calf ... anri stone foundation, boat hou<e. three-

enrl tab!e< \\al1 ,11ehe,. bm"< <talr~arage, beauttful \ard, be<l ofhr""n hrM,II"om ru~ amI pari Q,g fishlllg. a real bantall1 for r>rl\olleWi"p A"rom,ter ru...- an,1 pad I)" 11) home Or c1ul> at $IO.()OO00 Deal d,-ft 4 mchr' F,re';"e bench ann film'" rect nith o\\ner, P. P 00' tJll '$', In-cao'net OHrstuffecl chair ~lagara d,an RIYtr. 1hch04B~ 1------------ OAK STREET. IOI-Gros<e PointeA~TlOL'J'-Slher w~ter p'tcher on Farms Cash $200000 '\rlte GOI-

st1ndard 1\llh ""blet. :Excell.nt don C. Sleg, 119 Chnton -\.venue,cond.llOn $1000 F!o0k homt for M t C1emen<, ~Ilchchildren ,"- \olumes LIke n~" ~15 1---------- _\Vh,!e enamel ton k'ichen tahle,$3 (J() Tu~do 2-4902

~FC;CO-F'I~ctrle ronker \\ ith ..Tre-trlC hroller, praehcall) ne\\, $35 ()t)

14318 Kerche-al

NORTHERN - J. urlllture solId oakdming room s'"te "IIle plec~ in

good COlldltion :!IiI 4389


R '\ <; 1'. PL t:G5-FI~ctnca1 repaIrs,('RO~"F POl\ TE fillorescent lIgl,IS TV 2-8105Rf <.; \1 F SIIOPI'F --- ----- _

I \\ arre" 1L I 102'; _PI~RE FRAMING_ I(.pcn COM P LET E - Frammg serv-I

DUnI1\( ...."1I1mrr Ice a\allable on pnnts. pIctures,II a m to" 1-'III I pa" elC Prompt and excellent I

--__________ ser\lee Golden Ras! BookshopCUR TAIN STRETCHING IhR20 Kerene\al :-'1 6553

, ------ -----. MUSIC LESSONS\l,n WALL WASHING I • _

311) r OR 1\ prRT-\\ all \\ashmg call S \XOPHO"\"F - And c1armct lese\rllTl~ton 4192 I son' ~rcclal cour<e dUring 'um--------------- mer months at 4Qi Lothrop Road.

'"<>t. POlOtr 1 arm' Farle J Per-A-I Wall Washing 'II-m' lL 2 il\() a"d ~ladlson 0626..

Paper Cleaning, Interior JEWELRY REPAIRING\11 Il,,\'ITlRI-Jlcrtnc ",[,I I Painting. Household ••

a,"" '"" r, t-"" If : ,,,J \\, I Cleaner.. Carson L. WJ11Iam.H ('1,,1 .... OI ...l....lnH.H I,••hi \11t' 1

. I TOwnsend 8.8772 I JEWELRY ANDr c,') I.. t\"", (,'No e,rlln\(, ~rr C "'_ --J WATCH REPAIRINGI ROJ..f-The heton to I • h01n- '-, I ,,'" ----------, '1------------ An Work C_n.teed

bla<s !urn'dl-e tops and nmrm < ::> [ 1-1- L - lln'h" e..1"net \, '«': Ha Painting and Decoratinl' lU32 Mack near Chalmenl050 Lakc\\ood 1411 ----.- Phon .. LEftox 1374--W-A-NT--E-D---U--aed---C.-rs---- - - - - -- -- f' \1\"TI\("~De(nT1"n!( .,,<1 pare" Detr<nt. M;ch.

____ WANT_,_E_D-__ U_lIe_d_Ca_r_.__ h.,1I, n\( \II \\nrl, I(tla.,nleed An p~O'lI. Work G teedI \\ m I ,<:em.n _ Call TL 2~9~.~_ I b,. Me w,n Be T.k (AN

I" TI R lOR - ('"Han- I of at MJ Nno Plac:. off('C'd "or'kma nc;hlp anrl matfTlal BlI&Jnell,

I,'u< '" H-'C' rx['n cne~ I Estl 1'332 MACK AVENUE

'll.te' (rce 1I..\~ \('Illt "('Irk don~ 1-ormerly al \\1l1cn Je .. elers"OW I- fl \ tlll1e ['Hmen!, ,1 rl~~lrd CloH<l Wed"eod&,..\\ Ih~m lo.drr Tuxedo 2 i143 "


• < ~~. s. .ruen 'xus IIICU 109hose. Camp equ,pment 1222 Berk- <,Ill.r~.

DUNLOP-Po\\er Jig 'a\\, Ioke ne\\,$22 00 14338 Krrche\ al

nlNIl\G-RoolO I:,Ulte-, nme piecessolid \\ alnllt, $ZOO 00. Cabmtt ra-

IdlO, $.2500 Vofe baby ~rand PI~IJI),5~ 00. Large dresser, $-Ill 00 Leno"1579.

I REXCH - Sofa blue broLO! 1$150 lXl Ea'} chair gold 1'0\ enng,~.3500 ~!arole lopped coffee tablr, IWOO Lamp table \\ Ith gla<s pro-tector, $25 00. Tabl~ lamp 14K goldbase. $.30 00.. hench figure lolmp.ongmalh $11~OO now $.50()() Cellar-ett~ gla,s top tra\, $5000 All metalImdge lamp $500 F\ erVlhlllg hkenew. Plnlco II-tuoe <pec,a! cablTlctradIO. h~neh \\Itll blue and b,cge<tnpe U.I-4056

1WO-PIFCF-Ll\m!( room outfitGood Cond,llon. 4891 Beacon<fidd

near ''''arren

LR'l:!>TAL-Chandher. antique !>edand dre«er, Coo!..'lOg utenSil,

d "hes. ] ad\ ~ "'dlmmrr dre<;H .... "\11t'nd coat, .5lLe Ill. 4314 1 hree ~HeIIn. e

FOR SALE-MisceUaneous

II" FT RF(.I'>Tl-Rl-!J-\la1"'R'dn\rO'r\bo3t tomplctc \\tl1 I\.\(l "',);\Ir

: ( -', $J5 ()() 9J2 Rl\ .,,1 BOl lei ard •

I j i1RFE PII CF-\\ ~TllUI b'droom()Utllt \('" Itln('n.pnn~ maUr(' ...r.;.

1 rI coli <prm'S" :"dc O\ell !(a, 'lO' eI 1l~ 1-()83.?I -I r IRR \RY - llhle I,!!Ch," tJ'lr

liiclt{'(', ltr ....{" lamp "'hadl fill L

ICk<;; cut R"la ....r.;., I-lTRl a'11ldl ililt ~ r. 2(')4

"IRe I PI I (I - T \1Il ... 'l..( rn...on~hi(' (, l('lel ("i Ildlt nn 4,1 \1 .. I11. (,r()~ ...{" }'t)II1IC ! rt-Ill.,


Repairing - Carpenter WorkGROS<;E POT:, TI'-:",,-room up-TR \!lER-Oil h~ating stO\ e, Tnter- prr ~team oIl helt Draft e,e'npt' H ....VE- Your home repaIred no\\

national make, rtasonablt Tuxt- adult< Call I eno'!: 1162 !\'0 Job 100 lar,<::eor too small Freedo 2-8478. SUMMER HOME-On Lake Hur. :estlnTates. Drexel 3938

'!AU1U:r - Foar,pos!t:r bed, bed .O!',luge s~udie living room; large REPAIR-Work a specIalty. Have,~ ~ VUlAy --- ~g,~~~ three. ¥r~ .doW1t- that foh dCdle ~fore It is too:>1.. le

14S4-E\):~::t~ l"_ .." unfinished DtOrooms StrviCe. Call after 4'JO pm. 0 I

Iupstairs. Mod~1'1I kltchtn, ~leetrlc 3938 rexe I

ROLL TO.P - Dek, detachabt~ top stO\ e, electnc refrigerators, <creer-I _ __ _Typewnt~r. VtC!tola. ",;ork ~nch- ed po!"~ht<. Safe btautiful beach ~li!!.l2.00~..Jij!,~

• aft" '001 C- I I tl A\allaDle tor Au~ust or balance of I Iea'On Phone Tu'cdo :?-22G9 __ Complete


Grosse POlOte \le'OIt) any tIme Neon and Fluorescent Ibefore Sept. 1 b~ qUiet family (1f Repairs\\0 adults Care 01 property assured

~I. 2581


leathe ......... on a

Geno."e .. dcI1.

War Work

HELP WANTEDMale .. .I Female





G &: R MdoULLAN CO.16822 KerchevalGrosse POinte

FlIlplcn ment Office

1141 (;ra\ .\\enue

(Open R a 1tI to 5 pm'IOIl<la) Through Saturda,)


Situations Wantecl-F emale

to replace men called tothe Armed }orce~.


Defeme Plant Xear Hemeon the Ea~t Side.


Onh 1 ho<e rhg,hle t ,ner \\ ar\[ ani"" rr ("mm"<Ion I:.mr1n,-01''': (,,'a1>,h7atI0I1 Plan '.red\1'1'11

Continental MotorsCorporation

~fO'\ -\RCII - \\ rist \\ ~tch, lo-t at H Y B RID _ Delph,OIums; hardypark C;unda) Re\l ard 545 :-'eff perenlllals and 1i1J~s 139 Oak 5t,

Road TV 1-1438 Gro,'e Point~ Farms NI 0768



\\ 0\\ \ \ -1" Ion ,foetor < oftlceOIHr a \lrel., 1201 \\ a\h\lrn r 1-r~~"::;

George DallyPaintinr • Decoratin ..

Fully Insured

DR 8004

Fille,t ea ... C;'t''''' to In ....Penechoft


Windmill PointeTAILORS

Proper amounta of sun.shine are beneficial. But,sunburn is dangerous. Be.ure to use a reliable sun.bum lotion or remedy.Consult us.

Summer Clothes

Deluxe Cleanedand Tailor Pressed

LIQUORSpeciaDy Desipated Dia-trilMat~ ~ u.- Coab'olC-"SIIOB.

•PRESCIUP'fIONSnw 10 Doct.'a on..

Headquarters forWHITMAN'S CANDIES

Kept FreiL b,. Refria'eratioa

GI RI - Capable of Idkmi( care ofJ.a 1Cen:1onaJ, 1431. E. W...... children, nights. Call 1 U 1-2666

SKI... ParitaaTV. I..... TU. 2.1", UN • .1.3311 \\ OULD-Lik~ po<lt,on III small of.

fire - full or part tlllle - Colnt) p~ - age 16) ears Colli 1 "'C-aO 2.0314

Statt Sarial TO. Now - for tLeNal Tia Pidnap. :,EXIOR - Stenograph~r <\emes

part t,me "or!.. JtI Grosse Pomteoff,c~ ~I 4953

Beware ofSummer Sun

-----------_.- -~---

BOB'SDRUGS21034 Mack TU.I-2420

1""1 £. Jelfenon .t CIty Limit.o..e. En. E.t ItZ5 LE ~ ,rn( I" h I J 1'1 " - \,,' ,', "--','.I cO" Pl (' lrr 2,..1 11\ 111~ III (,r('l"<ii('

:::::::::::::::~.:.:.:.::::: Pp nl( Pr (' t<,'l PlllmhrnQ: a.nd i ('at-In", (n l 2 ,i,7 -

Cub - Carr, and Sa"


Complete, Highly Dependable, Permanent

• Wide Variety of Colors in Asphalt Shingles Good for 25 years .Flat Roofs Built Up, Using Best Asphalt and Gravel• Gutters and Conductor Pipes • Skilled Mechanics Employed,

f7~A()'" ~()()r=I~f7 C(),"VA~'"Get the RIGHT SHINGLES, tlte RIGHT Company, and YOU'LL Be RIGHT for Years to Come!


IFifted - Ditorderl, Cout I

, _~aro!~,\~. ~_~_t:~-:.,~,1. ~!_:5~I!~~r_V~cation

I......,...vvu " ...... '" 'f"V p'w • ...., ww", W lItHe HettercOSlS or 10 da) s In the county Jailon a dlsorderly charg~, by Jushc~ Y Y 'II • thatDeBa~ke, Tuesoay mormng, July 13 ea - ou enJOY "a.

cation more if your clothes arefutidiously deaDed and pres ••eel Have them "ALGERrZED"- See the Difference.

EYeS. NI. 1441

--------------------------------------------- ------ ---

NO RISK TO YOU!AD our mechanics are eonrecl with

COMPENSATION INSURANCE - forYOUR Proteetion, u wen .. Ours.

ZS y..... ia Detrelt


H. M.. Ma"" Jolt- fFREE ESTIMATESAL "" - AL 1474

---'--'?'--_ ~-' .

F. SteelWm.Iow. wiall Sma ()pea v.. t.




BETTER BUILT BETTER SERVICEA...u-.' Tan. Do_. Repaired.Stored,1.1UftlI ....a Plll Up


BOX SPRING $29 90 P Cotto. FeltSPECIAL • to M.,da

w. Rel ..a.ild YOUR Jaller.prinl MaUrea. IE.liM.te. -.t Deli y FREE I - 24."".. Malle Maitre of E.,..." S1710 aM Variet,.

TV. I""

tS7tS Mack AftmIe



hIenl Tax, Bookkeepiac lUIlIINotary PuIlU. ServiN

w. haft a eomPf'tent. lnelly>enrlveMId _I-.e I>ookk~plng oervi~- DuemnI aM pro~ona.L menMerry "MI, Tax eo..ultant

1_-10101 JltaCllEVAL An.e- Alter ...... Lbo& 7112

Modern RestBedding

J3 Years' Experience Makinr and Rl!buildinr MaUre .. aFACTORY. TO- YOU - FREE DELIVERY

Lenos t81Z Open E.,enin ..s 1331. Kerebnal

GENUINE DOWN PILLOWS!Also lOOper cent Goose Feather Pillows


THee B.. tiful PiUowa Must Be Seen to Be Appreciated.


on All Kinds of Metals

18740 Mack Ave. (rear) at Kerby RoadnJ. %.7240 or PRo 3241 Grone Point. Farms

Sewers and All Waste DrainsSad! .. Kitchen Sink., untone., 'Laundry and Bathtub.

: HOUSE PAINTIHG • RESIDENCE MAINTENANCE~ ........ lia-ior Carpeau, - Cemeat Work


NI. 1441 E ......