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The BNI Networking Secrets Curriculum Page 1 Copyright BNI/del Fuego Companies The BNI Networking Secrets Curriculum Fast Track Chapter Program Guide For Education Coordinators SAMPLE This material may not be copied except for use in the BNI Networking Secrets Fast Track curriculum chapter program which includes the BNI Networking Secrets audio CD set. Copyright BNI/del Fuego Companies

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The BNI Networking Secrets Curriculum

Fast Track Chapter Program Guide


Education Coordinators


This material may not be copied except for use in the BNI Networking Secrets Fast Track

curriculum chapter program which includes the BNI Networking Secrets audio CD set.

Copyright BNI/del Fuego Companies

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Welcome to Fast Track

A Note from Flynn and Sara at del Fuego

Fast Track is a fun, approved BNI chapter program. It is helping chapters all over the

world be more successful. Chapters that follow the Fast Track process increase booked

business by a minimum of 30% and grow on average by 30% - 40%.

This document is your guide to help you facilitate the 18 week curriculum. It has all the

notes you need, week by week.

The first step is to make sure you contact us to schedule an orientation call, so we can

walk you through the process, the materials and share success stories from other


We are just an email away. Plus, you can always find more information about Fast Track

and what other members have to say at

Happy Fast Tracking!

Flynn and Sara

[email protected]

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Introduction Fast Track with BNI Networking Secrets is an approved BNI chapter program that is a

combination of audio learning and learning through chapter interaction facilitated by the

Education Coordinator. Fast Track is the first chapter program in which the entire chapter works

together for 4 + months to focus on the BNI fundamentals together.

The Fast Track Process at a Glance

When chapters follow the process, they are successful.

# Activity

1. The chapter decides to do the Fast Track program and every member

gets their CD.


You schedule your EC Orientation Call with Flynn and Sara – email us at

[email protected] to schedule a call and receive the

curriculum materials you need for the program.

3. The chapter takes 2 weeks for each member to listen to the CD’s.

4. At the end of the 2 week listening period, members take the Fast Track

Quiz and get the Fast Track Ribbon when they pass the Quiz with 100%.

5. The chapter establishes the revenue and growth goals they want to

achieve over the next 4+ months.

6. The chapter starts the 18-week curriculum, facilitated by the EC.


For additional support at any time, the chapter can visit the Fast Track

site at or email us at

[email protected].

8. Have FUN!

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The BNI Networking Secrets Curriculum

The BNI Networking Secrets curriculum gives you 18 weeks of learning facilitated by the

Education Coordinator. The curriculum materials are designed to work with the CDs rather than

be a stand-alone program.

The reason is that all components, including the CDs and the curriculum, are necessary for the

team learning and critical to the success the chapter experiences. In other words, the CDs and

curriculum work together “hand in glove”! The CDs do the training and the curriculum installs the

learning through activities at the chapter meeting.

The Curriculum Materials

There are three components:

1. The BNI Networking Secrets 18 Week Curriculum (starting on page 16 of this document, including instructions on how to deliver and facilitate it).

2. The My Secrets Memory Jogger, given to each member, which includes a worksheet for

each of the 18 weeks of the curriculum. You have the same Memory Jogger material after each week’s module with the answer key. Rather than be “homework” (although there is a Networking Activity each week!), the Memory Jogger simply provides additional support for members through the learning process.

3. Email support with 2 types of emails.

Reminder email

Follow up email These emails are in an MS Word document, so you can cut and paste the emails into MS Outlook or other email program. The name of the document is BNI Networking Secrets Email Support Scripts.

More about My Secrets Memory Jogger

Give each member a copy of their Memory Jogger. You can email it to them or print it as a manual for everyone. This is up to you. The best time to give members their guide is right before you start Week 1 of the curriculum so they can begin to get familiar with the material the chapter will be covering.

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Email Support

You have 2 types of emails to send.

The reminder email

The follow-up email The schedule for sending the reminder emails will depend on what day of the week your chapter meets. Here is an easy guide on exactly when you should send the emails. Reminder Email – Send as follows:

Monday chapters – Send reminder on the previous Thursday Tuesday chapters – Send reminder on the previous Friday Wednesday chapters – Send reminder on the previous Monday Thursday chapters – Send reminder on the previous Tuesday Friday chapters – Send reminder on the previous Wednesday Saturday chapters – Send reminder on the previous Thursday

Follow-Up Email: Always send the day of the meeting, after the meeting takes place.

Since we know that you have a lot of “To Do’s” to keep up with, we have included on the next page a checklist for you to mark off sending the reminder email, doing the curriculum activities in your chapter meeting, and sending the follow-up email after the meeting. You may choose to check off each activity as you go, and you can also write the date that each activity should be done so that you can plan your schedule. Good luck. Have fun and remember we are always here to support you. Contact us at [email protected].

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Education Coordinator’s Checklist

You can put a checkmark or date in the last three columns as you complete each activity. Or, to use this page as a planner, put the dates for all activities in advance! Then cross through the date when you have completed the action.

Week # Topic

Reminder Email Before


Cover Topic in the


Follow-Up Email After


Week 1 The VCP Process

Week 2 VCP & Our Chapter

Week 3 The Time Confidence Curve

Week 4 Touch Points

Week 5 The GAINS Exchange

Week 6 Givers Gain

Week 7 WHY We Meet Weekly

Week 8 When We Maximize Referrals

Week 9 VCP Review

Week 10 Your Sales Manager Minute

Week 11 Target Market

Week 12 Contact Spheres

Week 13 What About The Referrals That Don’t Work?

Week 14 Is BNI for Everyone?

Week 15 BNI Fundamentals

Week 16 Our Chapter Goal

Week 17 Personal Goals

Week 18 On the Fast Track

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The Chapter Goal

Teams who succeed always have goals. Setting goals is one of the most important steps of the

Fast Track program. The chapter goals we have found to be most helpful and recommend that

all chapters set are the following:

1. Revenue Goal (which begins with each member and becomes the Chapter Revenue Goal)

2. Growth Goal (which breaks down into each member’s “Bring Visitors” goal)

After everyone listens to the BNI Networking Secrets CDs and you take the Fast Track Quiz,

then you want to make sure you have these goals set – before you start the curriculum. We are

happy to walk through this with you if you like… please let us know what support we can provide

to your chapter to make it all you want it to be.

Revenue Goals

What does money have to do with networking and what do money and networking have to do

with Fast Track?

To answer that, we're inviting you to listen to a short recorded call that looks at HOW to directly

measure your networking efforts to the money you earn. Yes, we do hear about the fabulous

million dollar story that happens as a result of an "encounter" at a networking group. But how

many of us can say confidently that we can predict our annual revenue from our networking

group and how many of us can tell a visitor (and even more importantly show them) how much

revenue we are making from referrals?

When people know how much money their networking efforts will earn, they can't wait to join!

So, here's the deal: If you want to find out HOW to predict your revenue from your BNI efforts,

click on the link below (or copy and paste the address into your web browser) to go directly to

the call recording of Show Me the Money:


Plain Text:

You can also find the recording on the Fast Track site home page -

Then, after you listen to the recording, continue reading about goals on the following page.

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David has been in BNI 2 years and has several satisfied clients who are in his chapter. His annual income is around $110,000 but this year he has decided to up the game and go for $250,000 from

his BNI referrals.

His average job earns around $25,000. This means he needs 10 referrals of that size to make his $250,000 target - a little less than 1 great referral a


Now we know this will vary depending upon David’s ratio of converting referrals to customers. Worst case let’s say David’s closing ratio is 1 out of 6. This means he will need 60 referrals throughout the year

or 5 a month from his chapter. Doable? Totally!

Meet Susan

A Financial Planner

NOTICE how setting a revenue goal gives Susan the structure for the activity she

needs to do and the sequence

in which to do it!

What does the VCP ProcessTM have to do with Susan

meeting her goal?

Meet David A Home Remodeler

NOTICE - this is a great example of being able to communicate exactly not just which referral

you are looking for, BUT HOW

MANY will help you make your


What does the VCP ProcessTM

have to do with helping David

meet his goal?

Susan is new to the community and just joined BNI. Her annual revenue target for her business is $150,000 a year. She charges her clients $5,000 for a comprehensive planning session. So as a baseline, she will need 30 clients a year to

meet her target.

Her goal is to get 9 of these or $45,000 from her BNI chapter, about 30% of her total target. When we look at this in terms of referrals, it’s less than 1 a month BUT this is a great example of needing more

than just 1 referral to gain a new client.

Because Susan is new to the community and her chapter, it may take calling on 5 or more referrals to get a customer. If we say it will take 5 referrals to get 1 client, this means she needs 35 referrals, about 3 a month. Her chapter has 20 people. So is this doable? Totally!

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Growth Goals

Successful chapters are always growing and having a growth goal helps that happen. The key

is making sure everyone knows the activity they are responsible for with the goal. Here is a

simple formula you can use to establish your growth goal and set the activity so everyone

knows what they are supposed to do to make it happen!

1. Decide on how many members you want to grow by over the 18-week Fast Track

curriculum – 5, 10?

2. Then decide on how many people this really means you need to invite.

3. Most chapters have a 5 to 1 close ratio. It takes 5 visitors to get 1 member.

4. Use this to figure out how many visitors you need to invite. For example if you

want to grow by 10 – then you need to invite 50 visitors (5 X 10).

5. Then – take the total number of visitors you need to invite and divide it by the

number of people in your chapter. For example, if there are 20 people in your

chapter and you need to invite 50 people, then this means each person in the

chapter needs to invite 3 people over the next 18 weeks of the curriculum.

Once your chapter has set the Growth Goal, track it – so you know week by week who is

inviting…and you can all hold each other accountable. Then you will GROW!

Whether you follow our recommended goals or decide to set your own, here are three key

things to remember when you set goals:

1. Make the goal something the chapter knows they need to improve on – more referrals, more visitors, more 1-1s – whatever it is for YOUR chapter.

2. Make it specific. For example: Every member will give a minimum of 2 referrals per

week. The more specific, the easier it is to track and measure your results.

3. Ensure the chapter agrees to the goal and that everyone has input. Even though the Leadership Team may know what’s best for the chapter, you will have much stronger commitment to the program, the learning, the interaction, and much greater success for the chapter, if everyone has an opportunity to give input.

4. One other recommendation we have is to limit your goals to 1 or 2. With fewer goals, you will be more focused and achieve greater results.

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The Program Outline Each week’s material is designed to be delivered in 5 minutes.

Make sure before you start the curriculum that your Chapter has set a specific goal that you will all track throughout the 18 weeks.

1. In the first 2 minutes call on any member and ask them:

Week 1 – for something they heard on the CDs they can use immediately.

Weeks 2 to 18 – for feedback on the Networking Activity from the previous week.

A fun way to keep the interaction going throughout the curriculum is through the use of a

lifeline. If the member you call on has nothing to say, then they can call a lifeline.

Lifeline means they can call on someone else to help them, which keeps everyone

on their toes in a fun way!

All you have to say is “Call a lifeline!”

This curriculum is interactive.

There are two reasons you want the chapter members to tell you what they heard on the

CD or learned from the Networking Activity. First, it makes the activity relevant to what is

happening in your chapter, and second, it places the responsibility for learning and

contribution on the chapter. The more interaction you have from members, the more

successful the Fast Track program will be for each member and for the chapter.

Asking about the Networking Activity in the remaining weeks reinforces the learning and

commitment to the team.

2. Last 3 minutes – YOUR TOPIC for the group. It will always be a simple question or

statement to provoke a quick discussion which you can enhance with your responses.

We have all the notes for you with each weekly module, listed under Your Notes. The

last thing you do is assign the Networking Activity.

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Week 1 – VCP Process 1. First 2 minutes - Call on any member and ask, What did you hear on any of the CDs

that you can use right away?

2. Last 3 minutes - This week’s question: What is the VCP Process?

a) Ask members.

b) Expand on the concept with members and assign the Networking Activity.


Dr. Misner and Tom Fleming coach you on the VCP Process on CD 2 and CD 3, for your


VCP stands for Visibility, Credibility, Profitability

One of the most important wind sprints in BNI is the VCP Process.

The VCP Process is a cornerstone of success in BNI.

The VCP Process is sequential and it takes time.

The VCP Process can explain why you are getting fewer referrals than you expect, and why you may be struggling to give good referrals.

Each and every week there are fundamentals we have to execute in BNI to be successful. Do you know what they are? The BNI Fundamentals

Attend weekly chapter meetings.

Practice Givers Gain.

Conduct 1-1s with every member in your chapter.

Know what you will say with your Sales Manager Minute and don’t wing it..

People who lack knowledge about the VCP Process in networking often try to jump directly from Visibility to Profitability, or even from pre-Visibility to “Hey, let’s do business.”

Credibility is where the person knows you and knows your reputation and may have even worked with you.

It could take 6 – 12 months to establish credibility with the people in your chapter.

One way to reduce the time it takes to build credibility is by doing 1-1s and doing effective 60 second presentations.

Profitability is when you are giving and receiving referrals on a reciprocal basis without even asking.

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The biggest believers in BNI are the ones who have been members for 3, 4, and 5 years because they see how you move from V to C to P.


Decide where you are in the VCP Process with each member of your chapter. Take the list of

members and next to each name, write a V, C, or P. For every member where you are a V or

maybe even pre-visibility, get busy and schedule a 1-1 so you can begin to move to C.

Next Week – VCP and Our Chapter

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Decide where you are in the VCP Process with each member of our chapter. Next week we’ll look at VCP

and our chapter.

Where do I stand in the VCP Process with every member in my chapter?

Member V C P

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Week 5 – GAINS Exchange

1. First 2 minutes - Call on any member for the Networking Activity. What did you learn from the Networking Activity in terms of how much time you spend networking each week and who are you doing 1-1s with – people with whom you are at V, C, or P?

2. Last 3 minutes - This week’s question: What is the GAINS Exchange and how can

you use it to enhance your ability to give referrals?

a) Ask any member.

b) Expand on the concept with members as Dr. Misner describes it on CD 2. Make sure that if your chapter isn’t using the GAINS Exchange for your 1-1s, that everyone begins using it.


Dr. Misner coaches you on the GAINS Exchange on CD 2, for your review.

(Make sure you have an example of a GAINS Worksheet so members can see it in case

they have not seen one.)

Dr. Misner says the single most important thing we can do in order to really give good referrals is to know the individuals well enough in our chapter so we know who is the right referral for each of us.

Research shows that more referrals are passed with people who have overlapping interests. One way to discover overlapping interests is through the GAINS Exchange.

GAINS stands for Goals, Accomplishments, Interests, Networks, Skills. The more we know about each other and our business, what is important to us in a referral, and what would make a difference in our business, the easier it is for people to understand who is a good referral for each of us and how to refer us.

The best way to do a GAINS Exchange is in person – 1-1 – face to face. And when we do a GAINS Exchange, Dr. Misner coaches us to come to the meeting with our completed GAINS Worksheet.

The GAINS Exchange is a definite step we can take to continue to develop credibility with each member in our chapter.

Dr. Misner coaches us to do a minimum of 2 1-1s a month. Have you done that?

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Should we ever redo a GAINS Exchange? Absolutely, because people change, their business and goals change, and you usually get more value from the 2nd and even the 3rd one.


If you haven’t completed a GAINS Exchange with each member, schedule it. (You may want to set a deadline for when everyone completes it, if you haven’t already.)

Next Week – Givers Gain

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Week 7 – Why We Meet Weekly

1. First 2 minutes - Call on any member for Networking Activity. What were some of your

memorable Givers Gain moments from last week, giving and receiving?

2. Last 3 minutes - This week’s question - What are the statistics about WHY we meet


a) Ask any member.

b.) Expand on the research and the statistics Dr. Misner refers to.


Dr. Misner coaches you on why BNI meets weekly on CD 1 and CD 2, for your review.

According to BNI research, BNI groups that met every other week vs. every week had 52% fewer referrals than chapters that meet every week.

When we compare BNI to a non-BNI organization, a BNI chapter passes 600% more referrals than a non-BNI referral group.

Who created the attendance policy? Members.

Dr. Misner reminds us that weekly attendance is a wind sprint, a conditioning for excellence.

When we improve attendance we will increase referrals because weekly attendance is for our team. It’s all about team work and getting together every week and working together for the team – practicing Givers Gain and our wind sprints.

One of the great things Dr. Misner says is, “Given the choice between easier and better – I pick better because better is meeting every week so I can establish credibility with my fellow members and establish more business.” (CD # 2)


Think about your attendance and when and why you may have missed meetings?

Think about the attendance of our business team, our chapter. Are we attending for the team to

build credibility with each other? Is this a wind sprint we need to work on as a team?

Next Week – When We Maximize Referrals