b’nai zion voice · for the b'nai zion voice, ... to the sound of the shofar as it calls us...

B’nai B’nai Zion Zion Voice Voice September 2010 September 2010 September 2010 Elul 5770 / Tishri 5771 Elul 5770 / Tishri 5771 Elul 5770 / Tishri 5771 www.bnaizioncongregation.com www.bnaizioncongregation.com www.bnaizioncongregation.com President's Message ..............p. 2 From The Rabbi ....................... p. 3 Spotlight ..................................... p. 4 Jewish Education ................... p. 6 Mazel Tov ................................. p. 9 Contributions .......................... p. 10 Yahrzeit List ............................ p. 11 Events/Minyan ................... Insert טובה שנה טובה שנה טובה שנהSelihot Selihot please join us for the please join us for the DEDICATION OF THE PLAQUES DEDICATION OF THE PLAQUES With Rabbi David Cantor With Rabbi David Cantor on Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010 on Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010 6:30 p.m. Mincha 6:30 p.m. Mincha 7:00 p.m. Program: "High Holy Days: 7:00 p.m. Program: "High Holy Days: What am I Praying for Anyway?" What am I Praying for Anyway?" 8:00 p.m. Dessert 8:00 p.m. Dessert 8:30 p.m. Ma'ariv and Havdallah 8:30 p.m. Ma'ariv and Havdallah 9:00 p.m. Selichot and Dedication of Plaques 9:00 p.m. Selichot and Dedication of Plaques Saturday, September 4 9:45 a.m. Please join us for Shabbat Services, followed by a Kiddush Luncheon in Honor of Roy & Jackie Rosenfeld's 15th Wedding Anniversary. Mazel Tov! טוב מזל טוב מזל טוב מזל! High Holy Days High Holy Days High Holy Days at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion 5771 771 771 High Holy Days High Holy Days High Holy Days at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion 5771 771 771

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Page 1: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

B’naiB’nai Zion Zion VoiceVoice September 2010September 2010September 2010

Elul 5770 / Tishri 5771Elul 5770 / Tishri 5771Elul 5770 / Tishri 5771 www.bnaizioncongregation.comwww.bnaizioncongregation.comwww.bnaizioncongregation.com

President's Message ..............p. 2 From The Rabbi ....................... p. 3 Spotlight ..................................... p. 4 Jewish Education................... p. 6 Mazel Tov ................................. p. 9 Contributions.......................... p. 10 Yahrzeit List ............................ p. 11 Events/Minyan...................Insert

שנה טובהשנה טובהשנה טובהSelihotSelihot please join us for theplease join us for the DEDICATION OF THE PLAQUESDEDICATION OF THE PLAQUES With Rabbi David CantorWith Rabbi David Cantor on Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010 on Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010 6:30 p.m. Mincha6:30 p.m. Mincha 7:00 p.m. Program: "High Holy Days: 7:00 p.m. Program: "High Holy Days: What am I Praying for Anyway?" What am I Praying for Anyway?" 8:00 p.m. Dessert8:00 p.m. Dessert 8:30 p.m. Ma'ariv and Havdallah8:30 p.m. Ma'ariv and Havdallah 9:00 p.m. Selichot and Dedication of Plaques9:00 p.m. Selichot and Dedication of Plaques

Saturday, September 4 9:45 a.m.

Please join us for Shabbat Services, followed by a

Kiddush Luncheon in Honor of

Roy & Jackie Rosenfeld's 15th Wedding Anniversary.

Mazel Tov!

!!!מזל טובמזל טובמזל טוב

High Holy Days High Holy Days High Holy Days at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion


High Holy Days High Holy Days High Holy Days at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion at B'nai Zion


Page 2: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

BZ Voice September 2010

When I was preparing to write my first article for the B'nai Zion voice, I was struck by all the firsts and new happenings not only in my life, but in our synagogue's and in Judaism itself. As Jews, we are fortunate to have many

types of New Years, and in our synagogue we also are fortunate to constantly find new firsts and ideas to make our congregation vibrant, exciting and relevant. This year you have a new (very nervous) president, and our synagogue has been truly blessed with a fantastic new Rabbi. As we prepare for our religious New Year, we cannot forget to thank those who have done so much for our congregation. Todah, Joel, for the wonderful job you have done for the past two years, and a huge todah to Reuben, Lester, and the whole B'nai Zion staff and volunteers for just about everything. There are many challenges ahead for us in this new year, but with all of your help and participation, we can meet them as they come our way. Please, if you see a problem or have one, I am just a phone call away (902-5134). So as together we approach the High Holidays and listen to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, we remember our responsibilities to our family, to our synagogue, to our community, and to our country. May this year truly be a blessed one for all of us.

La Shana Tova, Lynn


Our annual custom of throwing bread crumbs into the water on Rosh Hashanah. We will meet at the duck pond near Eastgate to cast off our crumbs into the water. Mincha/Erev Shabbat follows at 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, September 9 at 5:00 p.m. at Eastgate


Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 08, 2010 Services 6:00 PM Rosh Hashanah I Thursday, September 09, 2010 Services 9:00 AM Tashlich at Eastgate Pond 5:00 PM Mincha/Maariv 6:00 PM Rosh Hashanah II Friday, September 10, 2010 Services 9:00 AM Mincha/Erev Shabbat 6:00 PM Fast of Gedaliah Sunday, September 12, 2010 Kever Avot - B'nai Zion Cemetery Sunday, September 12, 2010 Services 11:00 AM Kol Nidre/Erev Shabbat Friday, September 17, 2010 Services 7:30 PM Yom Kippur/Shabbat/Yizkor Saturday, September 18, 2010 Services 10:00 AM Mincha 6:30 PM Maariv 8:30 PM Erev Sukkot Wednesday, September 22, 2010 Services 6:00 PM Sukkot I Thursday, September 23, 2010 Services 9:30 AM Sukkot II Friday, September 24, 2010 Services 9:30 AM Mincha/Erev Shabbat & Dinner in Sukkah 6:00 PM Erev Shemini Atzeret Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Services 6:00 PM Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Thursday, September 30, 2010 Services 9:30 AM Dinner & Erev Simchat Torah Thursday, September 30, 2010 Dinner and Services 6:00 PM Simchat Torah Friday, October 01, 2010 Services 9:30 AM Mincha/Erev Shabbat Services 6:00 PM


Page 3: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

September 2010 BZ Voice 3 3

From the Rabbi From the Rabbi From the Rabbi Rabbi David CantorRabbi David Cantor

On October 9, 1961, A. Mose Siskin suggested that B’nai Zion — since May 11, 1888 an Orthodox institution — should change its affiliation to the Con-servative Movement, and become — as of 1962 — a member of the United Synagogue. Forty-seven years later we should, as a community and individuals, ask ourselves the following questions:

1. What is — exactly — the “Conservative Movement”?

2. What is “Conservative Judaism”?

3. What is a “Conservative Jew”?

Over the next few months, I intend to dedicate this space to addressing these questions, not only because I believe them to be vital to the continued exis-tence of Conservative synagogues and institutions, but because I believe that there is a fundamental value to be found within Conservative Judaism and Con-servative Jewish practice, that this value is a precious gift to Conservative Jews,

and because I suspect that most Jews who self-identify as Conservative would be hard pressed to explain exactly what it means to be a Conservative Jew with-out reference to being a midpoint be-tween Orthodox and Reform.

To address these questions fully, we will first need to determine the meaning of the following logically prior con-cepts:

a. Jew

b. Judaism

c. Conservative

d. Movement

Let’s begin with what (or who) is a Jew.

According to Rabbinic Law, a person is a Jew if (a) their mother was a Jew, or (b) the person has been interviewed by a Rabbinic court, accepted upon them-selves the “Yoke of the Command-ments,” and been accepted by the Court as a Jew.


September 4: Late night Selichot Service to prepare ourselves for judgment.

September 8: Preparations are made for the Sabbath meal before Rosh Hashanah begins, so as not to “insult” the holiday.

September 11: Shabbat Shuvah. Once upon a time rabbis only delivered a sermon on two days a year; the other day was the Saturday before Passover.

September 12: Gedaliah, the Jewish governor appointed by the Babylonians to administer Judea after the fall of the Second Temple, was assassinated by a fellow Jew. Some have suggested fasting on this day to mourn the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

September 18: Yom Kippur is the only time we are permitted to fast on Shabbat: No eating, drinking, bathing, cohabitating, comfortable shoes, deodorant or makeup. Put aside the fancy dress: the traditional outfit is the kittel, a white garment also worn at one’s wedding and funeral.

September 22-28: Time to trade in the house for a tent. For seven nights the Sukkah is your home-instead-of-home, where you eat, sleep, relax and entertain.

September 30: The sadness of Shemini Atzeret’s Yizkor fades into the festivity of Simchat Torah. No more holidays until December.

Looking at this definition in terms of religious affiliation, something seems to be missing, and that something is belief. Most religions — it would be fair to say — include some component of belief in the tenants of the religion. One would be hard-pressed, for example, to find a practicing, self-identifying Christian who denies the existence of God. By definition, a religion is “belief in, wor-ship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be di-vine or to have control of human des-tiny” (Collins English Dictionary. 8th ed., Complete & unabridged ed. Glasgow : HarperCollins, 2006).

By way of contrast, this definition seems to fit in quite nicely in terms of nationality. According to American Law, a person is an American Citizen if (a) they are born in the United States or (b) one of their parents was an Ameri-can Citizen, or (c) the person has been interviewed by the USCIS, accepted upon themselves the “Oath of Alle-giance,” and been accepted by the US-CIS as an American Citizen.

Next month, we will explore the rela-tionship between belief, being a Jew, and our understanding of Judaism.


Page 4: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

BZ Voice September 2010 4

Rabbi David Alexander Cantor thought he wanted to be a lawyer. He loved debate, his father was a lawyer and it seemed a reasonable career path. The study of law and intricacies of legal argument were engaging, but the practice of the law left him empty. A question posed by a friend about what he

would do, if given the choice, led him to the realization that he would choose to be a rabbi. The journey leading to this realization began years earlier. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Canada, Rabbi Cantor’s family was nominally observant. They attended shul three times a year, observed Pesach, said the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah, and lit candles on Friday

evenings. When he was studying for his Bar Mitzvah, Bar and Bat Mitzvah students were only required to attend Shacharit but Rabbi Cantor would regularly stay for the Musaf service. He loved to hear the cantor and the choir. Rabbi Cantor had a good voice and, after his Bar Mitzvah, he was asked to join the intermediate choir. His voice was to play a role in his relationship with his future wife. In high school, Rabbi Cantor was involved in debate and participated in the Manitoba Youth Parliament held in the Manitoba Legislative Assembly in Winnipeg. The program is similar to the Model United Nations in the United States. It was at the Manitoba Youth Parliament he met Christine. They soon began dating. On their first date, he took her to synagogue. When he sang in the choir, Christine would sit in the sanctuary with his great-uncle Ben. Accompanied by the sound of his voice, Christine began to fall in love with the religion. She became a Jew-by-choice and chose the name Kedma. Rabbi Cantor practiced law briefly before applying to the pre-rabbinic program at the University of Judaism in Bel Air, California. Moving to the United States, after a lifetime in Winnipeg, provided a bit of a culture shock for the young couple. One of their biggest shocks was the lack of universal health care. Adjusting to a slightly different sensibility in terms of humor took a little time as well. Arriving at rabbinical school with a solid command of Hebrew would have allowed his studies to proceed more quickly and, if Rabbi Cantor had it to do over again, he would have studied Hebrew intensively from a young age. There was no doubt, however, that becoming a rabbi was the right choice. After graduating from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, he served congregations in Bangor, Maine and Bridgeport, Connecticut. Chattanooga shares wonderful similarities with the community in Bangor. In a small community everyone knows each other and Shabbat services are attended regularly. In contrast to a large community, in a small community it is not possible to be a Jew by default but requires an active commitment. It is a commitment he shares with B’nai Zion and the larger community.

Rabbi Cantor and Kedma's children, Joash 12, Avniel 9, Shoshana 6, and Devora 5, are becoming part of the community as well. They love the playground next door to their home but not the mile walk to shul. The humidity has been a bit of a surprise as they become accustomed to the climate. Rabbi Cantor has recently started learning to play the guitar. The Cantors love Chattanooga and delight in learning more each day. Welcome Rabbi Cantor, Kedma, Joash, Avniel, Shoshana, and Devora! We are grateful you are here we look forward to knowing you better in the months and years ahead.

Elizabeth ClineElizabeth Cline

Congregational Dinner in Sukkah

Friday, September 24 ~ 6:00 PM

Please R.S.V.P.


Page 5: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

September 2010 BZ Voice 5


ISAIAHISAIAH September 8September 8-- September 29September 29

A High Holidays Food Drive

With 100% participation, we would together, as an

act of tzedakah, give: 500 lbs. of food to feed the hungry.

We will distribute the food to our local food bank.


BLT Kermit is no ordinary Passover plague frog, only wrapping during the holidays. Pesach is long gone and Kermit is glad that Bagels are back on the menu.

"He says Come on over to BZ and have a Bagel and Lox, and be "sure to bring your Tefillin.

Sunday Sept. 5 at 9:00 a.m.

Thursday Evening, September 30 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~

Please R.S.V.P.

Page 6: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

BZ Voice September 2010

Once everything is picked up and put away, I start the real work. I sit at my desk with some relaxing music and begin to go through the mound of paper, piece by piece. Basically I ask myself if this piece of paper requires some sort of action. If the answer is yes, I invoke the two minute rule: if it takes two minutes to complete, I do it immediately. In just a few short hours, the pile can be whittled down to nearly nothing. While it all sounds very mechanical, I find it to be a wonderful exercise. I can contemplate the entire year --from the scribbled Wal-Mart shopping list to the curriculum spreadsheets to the order from several Shabbat Mishpacha services. Each of these items holds a memory that is brought back to consider. It’s amazing to savor those recollections for a few seconds. We can learn great lessons from our memories. However, there comes a time to file it away, and begin our year with a clean slate. Well, the desk is clear (mostly) and I’m very excited to start this year off with a clean slate. I look forward to spending time with all of you over the next month at BSI, Shabbat and Holiday services and just catching up in the parking lot. L’Shana Tova, Jason Cathcart Director of Congregational Learning

For more information on any Youth or Education program, please contact Jason Cathcart at 423-894-8900 x103

or email [email protected].


9/1 - Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim, Kochavim, Bagrut and Confirmation

9/9 - Rosh Hashanah Jr. Congregation 9/10 - Rosh Hashanah Jr. Congregation

9/15 - Chaverim, Chalutzim and Kochavim 9/18 - Yom Kippur Jr. Congregation

9/22 - Gan, Chaverim, Chalutzim, Kochavim, Bagrut and Confirmation (Dinner following classes) 9/29 - Chaverim, Chalutzim and Kochavim

September BSI at a Glance

Sunday, September 19 after Sunday School

Hot Dog Lunch

Cleaning my office Every June I begin my summer with a truly holy task: cleaning my office. Now, this may not seem like a “holy task” to others, but to me it is a wonderful process that provides great reflection over the past year. I will take all of the random papers lying around and make one large stack on my desk. It usually includes old attendance sheets, copies of various Torah readings and service parts, catalogs, yet-to-be-filed forms, budget information and much, much more. No scrap is too large or too small. Once the mound is completed, I start to move around my office. I start at the door and go over every surface. I begin by putting away books that have been out since High Holy Days, pens that have piled up in all kinds of random places and clothes that have been hanging in the office for months. After this, I take a few minutes and read through David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done”. It’s an excellent resource for staying organized. His workflow diagram is a holy document in my office.

Jewish EducationJewish EducationJewish Education Jason Cathcart, Jason Cathcart,

Director of Director of Congregational LearningCongregational Learning

Decorating the Sukkah

Page 7: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

September 2010 BZ Voice 7

Junior Congregation Dates

2010 August 28

September 9 & 10 (Rosh Hashanah)

September 18 (Yom Kippur)

October 9, 30 November 20 December 11

2011 January 15, 29 February 12, 26

March 12 April 16 May 7

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Services September 9 at 10:30 am

featuring “Rosh Hashanah Minute to Win it”

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Services

September 10 at 10:30 am Singing, praying, fun!

Yom Kippur Services

September 18 at 11:30 am

Honey ְדַבׁש


Page 8: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

BZ Voice September 2010 8

Page 9: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

September 2010 BZ Voice 9


Check out USCJ E-News http://www.uscj.org/eNews


!!!מזל טובמזל טובמזל טוב

Mazel Tov!Mazel Tov!Mazel Tov! 9/1 Dr. Robin Balser 9/1 Rachel Dzik 9/1 Lynn Hochman 9/1 Devin Kodsi 9/1 Hannah Levin 9/3 Richard Ellis 9/4 Matthew Kodsi 9/5 Alison Lebovitz 9/7 Lester Cohen 9/7 Brittany Sirota 9/8 Charles Glick 9/8 Judy Kleinstub 9/11 Gail Susman 9/14 Brenda Hodges- Binder 9/14 Jonah Hodes 9/14 Millie Lander 9/16 Sam Jaffe 9/17 Jessica Kodsi 9/19 Murray Lebovitz 9/19 Rochelle Prigoff 9/19 Lester Votava 9/20 Colman Hochman 9/20 Carla Smith 9/21 Abigail Morgan 9/21 Rachel Sadowitz 9/22 Dr. Clayton Rhodes 9/28 Merle Backer 9/28 Dr. Marty Scheinberg 9/29 Irv Ginsburg

9/1 Robert and Amy Snetman 9/2 David and Brenda-Hodges Binder 9/2 David Eichenthal & Bea Lurie 9/2 Rick and Bonnie Marcus 9/3 Anne and Ron Koplan 9/3 Roy and Jackie Rosenfeld 9/4 Alan and Harriet Ruderman 9/6 Eron and Valerie Epstein 9/6 Gary and Millie Lander 9/10 Patrick and Hallie McFadden 9/10 Ben and Cindy Sirota 9/12 Howard and Yetta Gropper 9/20 Andy and Melody Hodes 9/30 Lester and Ruth Votava

Break The Fast Sponsors Amelia & Owen Allen Claire Binder Lester & Irene Cohen Dr. Reuben & Dot Dubrow David Fairchild Isidore Frumin Howard & Yetta Gropper Jan & Michael Hanan William & Susan Hillner Colman & Lynn Hochman Scott & Laura Israel Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Gary & Millie Lander Charles & Betty Lebovitz Todd & Rebecca Levin Jay & Marcia Menuskin Sadie Morgan Mollye Norman Barbara Oxenhandler Merv & Helen Pregulman Dr. Clayton & Janice Rhodes JoAnn & Maurice Richelson Miriam Richelson Roy & Jackie Rosenfeld Dr. Marty & Jackie Scheinberg Howard Schwartz Phyllis Schwarz Harold & Yuppie Shavin Pris & Robert Siskin Dorothy & Herman Trotz Lester & Ruth Votava Sanford & Elaine Winer

Have you seen our handy and beautiful Sisterhood magnet? View the year's Jewish holidays at a glance - put it on your refrig-erator or other strategic location. We have a few left, available for a donation to our own B'nai Zion Sisterhood.

Installation of Rabbi Cantor Shabbat Mishpacha and Dinner Friday, October 15 at 6:00 p.m.

Please R.S.V.P.

Page 10: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

BZ Voice September 2010 10


SPECIAL FUNDS [B] Babysitting [CE] Louis & Rose Chawkin

Education Fund [Ed] Education [E] Enhancement [H] Hanan Family Scholarship [K] Kiddush [KE] Kitchen Equipment [L] Library [R] Rabbi's Discretionary [ST] Senior Transportation

YahrzeitYahrzeitYahrzeit contributionscontributionscontributions

ETZ HAYIM/SIDDUR In Memory of Betty Parker Dr. Clayton & Janice Rhodes Arvin Reingold, In Honor of Your 80th Birthday Judy Richelson & Family Arvin Reingold, In Honor of Your Big Birthday Miriam Richelson IN MEMORY In Memory of Myron Gavant Dr. Reuben & Dot Dubrow In Memory of Susan Goldblatt The Balser Family Claire Binder Dr. Michael Bonder Sherin, David & Douglas Gottlieb (H) Yetta & Howard Gropper Mary Bob Hagmann Jan & Michael Hanan (H) Liz & Alvin Hodes Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Millie & Gary Lander Alan & Alison Lebovitz Susan & David Leininger Scott & Linda Norman Mollye Norman & Leslie Lanham Jordan & Rebecca Parker Dr. Clayton & Janice Rhodes Ethel Rosenthal (H) Sylvia Saloshin & Gene Kleiman Alvin & Clara Shoenig Pris & Robert Siskin Paul & Alena Stahl Joyce Thomas Dorothy & Herman Trotz Sanford & Elaine Winer In Memory of Miriam Levine Valerie & Leonard Chill

In Memory of Betty Parker Helen Exum (R) Milton & Arlene Goldstein Yetta & Howard Gropper Colman & Lynn Hochman Dr. Alan & Charlotte Jacobson Alan & Paula Jarman (Ed) Alan & Alison Lebovitz Lawrence & Anita Levine Jay & Marcia Menuskin (H) Annice Parker Phyllis Schwarz & Family (KE) Debbie, Neal, Jeffrey & Joshua Seiden Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Pris & Robert Siskin Ned & Felicia Sturzer Joyce Thomas Dorothy & Herman Trotz Mary, Corey, Ella & Calder Trotz Elaine & Sanford Winer MAZEL TOV Kandy & Marvin Berke In Honor of the Birth of Your Grandson Claire Binder (E) Mollye Norman Rabbi & Kedma Cantor Mazel tov to you and Kedman, and Welcome! Alan & Alison Lebovitz (R) Rabbi & Kedma Cantor Welcome to Chattanooga! Ned & Felicia Sturzer Helen Pregulman In Honor of Your Birthday Valerie & Leonard Chill Pris & Robert Siskin In Honor of Your New Granddaughter Dr. Bruce & Merle Backer Pris & Robert Siskin In Honor of Madeline Reese Siskin's Birth Dr. Clayton & Janice Rhodes Robert & Pris Siskin In Honor of the Birth of Your Granddaughter Dr. Jim & Fern Shire (Ed) Trudy Trivers In Honor of Your Birthday Ned & Felicia Sturzer SPEEDY RECOVERY Harvey Weiss In Honor of Your Speedy Recovery Pris & Robert Siskin

THANK YOU Rebecca Sadowitz Thank you for your help at Rabbi's party Jackie Rosenfeld (Ed) Sam Sadowitz Thank you for your help at Rabbi's party Jackie Rosenfeld (Ed) Katie Schwartz Thank you for all your hard work organizing the Rabbi's party! Jackie & Roy Rosenfeld (Ed)

Hilda Lena Alper Maxine Block Alper Harry Coltan Bob & Doris Streiter T. Frieda Davidson Rabbi Josef & Barbara Davidson Lucille Effron Maurice & JoAnn Richelson Dora Frumin Isidore Frumin Sarah Goldberg Lester & Ruth Votava (R) Max Heller Howard Schwartz Louis Herman Michael & Lynne Herman Ann Hollander Valerie & Leonard Chill Isadore Jaffe Sam & Dorothy Jaffe Sol Kopkin Ted & Ethel Kopkin (ST) Abe Prebul Esther Greenwald Alvin Richelson Maurice & JoAnn Richelson Hilda Richelson Maurice & JoAnn Richelson Pauline Rosenberg Colman & Lynn Hochman (Slate) Arthur Saloshin Sylvia Saloshin Barney Saxe Valerie & Leonard Chill Hanna Sayers Marcia & Jay Menuskin

Continued on page 11

Page 11: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

September 2010 BZ Voice

B’nai Zion Voice is published 11 times a year by B’nai Zion Congregation, 114 McBrien Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411. Editorial Staff / Committee: Deborah Wint, Amelia Allen, Elizabeth Cline, Lester Votava, Jackie Rosenfeld, Joyce Thomas.










Yahrzeit ListYahrzeit ListYahrzeit List

ELUL 5770/SEPT 23 2 Hyman Baras* 23 2 Yehuda Lichtenberg 23 2 Bennet Mogul* 23 2 Morris Sazer 24 3 Theodore Boyce* 24 3 Max Diamond* 24 3 Jerome R. Norman* 25 4 Harry Dubrov 25 4 Blanch Wender Gordon* 25 4 Morris Solomon 25 4 Rose Lovins Tabb* 26 5 Heyman Fanburg* 26 5 Max Frank 26 5 Fannie S. Levin* 26 5 Rose Rothenberg 27 6 Florence Korn Block* 27 6 Herman Fanburg 27 6 Sarah Lifschen 27 6 Anna Rachel Mennen* 27 6 Zelda Esther Rudoff* 28 7 Rachel Denby 28 7 Helen L. Dubrow* 28 7 Irving Wein TISHRI 5771/SEPT 1 9 Elias "Poppi" Goldstein* 1 9 Faige Lichtenburg 1 9 Rose Pearlman* 1 9 Myer H. Winer* 2 10 Abraham Block* 2 10 Ida Epstein* 2 10 Izadore Goldfarb 2 10 Mose Laskin 2 10 Nathan J. Morris* 2 10 Mary M. Shapiro* 3 11 Celia Bell* 3 11 Sarah Gorlitsky Myers* 3 11 Mary Pernett* 3 11 Morris M. Prigoff* 3 11 Leo Shavin* 4 12 Dave Brandman* 4 12 Minnie Klotz 4 12 Rose H. Kress* 4 12 Daniel Perlberg* 5 13 Jacob Bornstein* 5 13 Harry Polsky* 5 13 Gussie Slutsky 5 13 Drese Winer* 6 14 Phyllis J. Cohen 6 14 Freda Lena Lang* 6 14 Alfred Ratowe 6 14 Ella Ratowe* 6 14 Muriel Wyner 7 15 Filomena Cesario 7 15 Alijah B. Koblentz* 8 16 Abraham Lewis Gordon* 8 16 Donald Gravestock 8 16 Hyman Kugler

8 16 Eva Witt Siskin* 9 17 Hannah Dubrow* 9 17 Robert Garry* 10 18 Esar Horowitz* 10 18 Esther Parker* 10 18 Nachum Zev Parker* 10 18 Sylvia Reznick Slovis 10 18 Shea Thomas 11 19 Ralph Philip Abelman* 11 19 Yeshaya Brandman 11 19 Lena A. Witt 12 20 Bennie Friedman* 12 20 Ethel Parker 12 20 Irving Polsky 12 20 Mollie Simon Schneider* 13 21 Jack Dubrof* 13 21 Sidney Edelstein 14 22 Hannah Blacker* 14 22 Joe Krisch 14 22 Annie Gertrude Sherman* 15 23 Cecelia Binder* 15 23 Leah Polsky* 15 23 Hyman Rosenfeld* 15 23 Pearl Dubrof Sayers* 15 23 Sol Sobel* 15 23 William Sturzer 16 24 Steven Michael Baras* 16 24 Louis Dubrof* 16 24 William Fagenbaum 16 24 Abe Levin 16 24 Rose Tubb Saluk* 16 24 Louis Morton Schneider 16 24 Max Silverman* 16 24 Ida Stein* 17 25 William Elman* 17 25 Dorothy Kohn Fanburg* 17 25 Sarah Rebeka Frumin* 17 25 Marvin N. Leventhal* 17 25 Elchonon Reevin* 17 25 Fannie Slate* 18 26 Belle Levin 18 26 Lee Levine 18 26 Rose Rubin* 18 26 Sam C. Trotz* 19 27 Sam Boriski* 19 27 Yehuda Rubnitz 20 28 Shep Belz 20 28 Louis Cash* 20 28 Ethel Fine* 21 29 Lotta Alper* 21 29 Annie Dubrow Epstein* 21 29 Joel Len Hanan* 21 29 Harry Kaplowitz* 22 30 Fannie R. Brown* 22 30 Sarah Cohen 22 30 Valerie Jean Goldberg 22 30 Frances Rose Zion *Memorialized on our memorial plaques.

Louis Shinbaum Maxine Block Alper Herbert Stein Esther Greenwald Hyman Stein Esther Greenwald Ralph Sussman Phyllis Schwartz Jacob Temerson Merv & Helen Pregulman Irving Tyber Shirley Klein Phillip Wyner Samuel Wyner

Yahrzeit Contributions, Continued from page 10

Page 12: B’nai Zion Voice · for the B'nai Zion voice, ... to the sound of the Shofar as it calls us to action, ... the Kiddish and blessings over the Challah,

BZ Voice September 2010

B’nai B’nai Zion Zion Voice Voice

Rabbi: David A. Cantor Director of Congregational Learning: Jason Cathcart President: Lynn Hochman Vice Presidents: Janice Rhodes, Susan Leininger Secretary: Jackie Rosenfeld Treasurer: Patrick McFadden Board Members: Amelia Allen, Gene Boulware, Isidore Frumin, Sherry Gilbert, Irv Ginsburg, Michael Hanan, Bill Hillner, Scott Israel, Vanessa Jacobs, Al Jarman, Gayle Johnson, Jerry Kleinstub, Lauren Lebovitz, Jordan Parker, Helen Pregulman, Marty Scheinberg, Sande Schulman, Katie Schwartz, Marion Shuman, Felicia Sturzer, Ruth Votava


Shabbat Services: Sat. 9:45 a.m. Kabbalat Shabbat: Fri. 6:00 p.m.

Minyan: Tuesday 6:00 p.m.

Visit Our Home On The Web www.bnaizioncongregation.com

(423) 894-8900 Fax: (423) 894-8902 e-mail: [email protected]


B’nai Zion Congregation 114 McBrien Road Chattanooga, TN 37411 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED