bml/pd/opn-bid/2019/004 - · language the language of the bid is: english or...

1 / 13 Bulk Purchase Agreement – Stationaries BML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004 ްނާލުޢި އBML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004 ެޖްއެވްނުނޭ ބުބާސި ހީސާދްނަ އްށަ ޕލކ އްސް ވިޑްލޯ މްފޮ އްކްނޭ ބާވްނުނޭ ބ،ުނާމާ ސެގުމުޔިކެޔި ލ2 ްނަދޯ ހްއެ ތާރަ ފެ ނޭދްށޮ ކިއަ ލްޕަ ސްށަހަވު ދުރަހަ އވެ މަލާވު ޅު ހްށަކަ ތްތާރަ ފާހި ރު ހާވަމަ ހުތުރަ ޝްށަމަކި މުތަވު ޢަ ދެގުމު ޅެހަށު ހްނަލީ ބްށަ ތަކްއަ ސަ މި، މާމީ . ވެވެ އެޖް އެވް ނުނޭ ބުތާމޫލުޢަ މިއާ ލަވާ ތާވި އަ ގީރި ތްނުކަތްތާ ރަ ފާވަ ންނަގި އަ ޑަވި ދެ އްނަވްއަ ރުކުފާ ސްނު ވްއެ ރު ކުލަމަ އްށަތޮގް އެ އވެ މެ ދެ އު ރިއާ ވަން ނަގި އަ ޑަ ވްށަ މުވް އެރު ކުފާ ސުތާމޫލުޢަ މ، ެނޭގެ އުތާމޫލުޢަ މެ ގު ތާރަ ފާވް އަރު ކްލީސް މަ ތްނުތާރަ ފެ ގީނު ފްނު ކަމަ ންއެ ޏްނުފްނު ކވެއެނާ ވްނަޅަހަށު ހްއެއީޓި ސަ ބިއަ ގްނަ ޝެ ސޭދު ތާމޫލުޢަ މްށަކަތްތާރަ ފާޅާނަށު ހީ ޓިސި. މެ ވެ މަވަ ންނަ ދަކަހާ ވެނޭވެ ންނެ ގު ނި އަޑަވެ ވި ރެވި އުރި އާވަ ންނަ ގިއަ ޑަ ވްށަމުވް އެރު ކުފާ ސުތާމޫލުޢަ މވެމެދެ އްނުވެންނެ ގްއެއީޕޮ ކިއާލްސަ އެގުޑާ ކީޑިއަ އް ޚީރާ ތްސަވު ދު ތުގަ ވްނުނި ދުތާމޫލުޢަ މްސްކެރްޓީ ސެގގްނިޑްލި ބ4 ެގުކްނޭބި މަންނު ހިއަގާލިފިގްނަ ފަނަ ވް ށަމޫގ ރްނިޓީ މްޓްނަމްޓާޕި ޑްޓްނަމުއިކޮރް ޕ30 ީރައުނެ ޖ2019 ަދު ބުރުދްނެ މ13:00 ލިއެމީއ( ްނުރުކުފާ ސުތާމޫލުޢަ މްލިއެމީ އ[email protected] 4 ީރައުރްބެ ފ2019 ަމޯ ހުރުދްނެ މ13:00 ްނިރު ކެ ގލިއެމީއ( ްނުނި ދުބާވަްނުނިދްށޮކުފާ ސުތާމޫލުޢަ މ5 ީރައުރްބެ ފ2019 ަަރާގްނަ އުރުދްނެ މ13:00 ްނިރު ކެ ގލިއެމީ/ އްނުމުޔިލ( ްނުގްނެ އްށަކްނޭ ބްނަކެނާޅަހަށު ހްޑި ބްސްކެރްޓީ ސެގގްނިޑްލި ބ4 ެގުކްނޭބި މަންނު ހިއަގާލިފިގްނަ ފަނަ ވްޓްނަމްޓާޕި ޑްޓްނަމުއިކޮރް ޕްލިއެމީ އ- [email protected] 11 ީރައުރްބެ ފ2019 ަމޯ ހުރުދްނެ މ13:00 ްނިރު ކެ ގްނުޅެހަށު ހުބާސި ހީސާދްނަްޑި ބްސްކެރްޓީ ސެގގްނިޑްލި ބ4 ގްނިޓީ މެގުކްނޭބި މަންނު ހިއަގާލި ފިގްނަ ފަނަ ވް ށަމޫ ރ12 ީރައުރްބެ ފ2019 ަރާގްނަ އުނުނދެ ހ10:30 ށަމުވްއެރު ކުފާ ސުތާމޫލުއަ މުރުތި އ3015359/3017488 ެގު މުވް އު ޅެހަށު ހުބާސި ހީސާދް ނަ އްށަކަތްތާރަ ފާވަ ންނަ ގުނިއަ ޑަ ވް ށަ މުވް އެރު ކުފާ ސުތާމޫލުޢަ މަކަހާ ވެނާންނޯ ންނެވެ ދުތަސު ރު ފވެ މީވެ ންނެ ދްޓިއަސް ބެ ވެގުކްނޭ ބި މްއަތް ޓްނަމު އިކޮ ޑްޑި ބާވު ޅު ފްނުނޭ ބްނަ ވްއަ ރުކްޑި ބްށަތަކްއަ ސަމި މ ެ ވެ މަވަ ންނަ ދިއަކަޓްށަ ތާމޫލުޢަ މަކަހާ ވެނާން ނު ހްނެބި ލްނި އ. 18 F 1440 24 ީރައުނެ ޖ2019

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އަންދާސީ ހިސާބު ބޭނުންވެއްޖެ

އަހަރު ދުވަހަށް ސަޕްލައި ކޮށްދޭނެ ފަރާތެއް ހޯދަން 2 ލިޔެކިޔުމުގެ ސާމާނު،ބޭނުންވާ ބޭންކް އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕލކ އަށް

މަޢުލޫމާތު ބޭނުންވެއްޖެއެވެ. ވީމާ، މިމަސައްކަތަށްް ބީލަން ހުށަހެޅުމުގެ ދަޢުވަތު މިކަމަށް ޝަރުތުހަމަވާ ހުރިހާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް ހުޅުވާލަމެވެ.

އެދެމެވެ. އެއްގޮތަށް އަމަލު ކުރެއްވުންސާފުކުރައްވަން އެދިވަޑައިގަންނަވާ ފަރާތްތަކުން ތިރީގައިވާ ތާވަލާއި

ކުންފުންޏެއް ނަމަ ކުންފުނީގެ ފަރާތުން ތަމްސީލް ކުރައްވާ ފަރާތުގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު އެގޭނެ ،މަޢުލޫމާތު ސާފުކުރެއްވުމަށް ވަޑައިގަންނަވާއިރު

އިވެރިވެވަޑައި ނުގެންނެވޭނެ ވާހަކަ ދަންނަވަމެވެ.ެ. މިސިޓީ ހުށަނާޅާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް މަޢުލޫމާތުދޭ ސެޝަންގައި ބަސިޓީއެއް ހުށަހަޅަން ވާނެއެވ

އައިޑީ ކާޑުގެ އަސްލާއި ކޮޕީއެއް ގެންނެވުން އެދެމެވެ.މަޢުލޫމާތު ސާފުކުރެއްވުމަށް ވަޑައިގަންނަވާ އިރު

ވަގުތު ދުވަސް ތާރީޚް

މަޢުލޫމާތު ދިނުން

ވަނަ ފަންގިފިލާގައި ހުންނަ މިބޭންކުގެ 4 ބިލްޑިންގގެ ސީޓްރެކްސް

ޕްރޮކިއުމަންޓް ޑިޕާޓްމަންޓް މީޓިންގ ރޫމަށް

2019ޖެނުއަރީ 30 13:00މެންދުރު ބުދަ

މަޢުލޫމާތު ސާފުކުރުން )އީމެއިލް(

[email protected] –އީމެއިލް

2019ފެބްރުއަރީ 4 ގެ ކުރިން 13:00މެންދުރު ހޯމަ

2019 ފެބްރުއަރީ 5 މަޢުލޫމާތު ސާފުކޮށްދިނުން/ޖަވާބު ދިނުން )އީމެއިލް( ގެ ކުރިން 13:00މެންދުރު އަންގާރަަ

ބިޑް ހުށަހަޅާނެކަން ބޭންކަށް އެންގުންް )ލިޔުމުން/ އީމެއިލް(

ވަނަ ފަންގިފިލާގައި ހުންނަ މިބޭންކުގެ 4 ބިލްޑިންގގެ ސީޓްރެކްސް

ޕްރޮކިއުމަންޓް ޑިޕާޓްމަންޓް

[email protected] -އީމެއިލް

2019ފެބްރުއަރީ 11 ގެ ކުރިން 13:00މެންދުރު ހޯމަ

ބިޑް/އަންދާސީ ހިސާބު ހުށަހެޅުން

ވަނަ ފަންގިފިލާގައި ހުންނަ މިބޭންކުގެ މީޓިންގ 4 ބިލްޑިންގގެ ސީޓްރެކްސް


2019ފެބްރުއަރީ 12 10:30 ހެނދުނު އަންގާރަ

3015359/3017488 އިތުރު މައުލޫމާތު ސާފު ކުރެއްވުމަށް:

ފުރުސަތު ދެވެން ނޯންނާނެ ވާހަކަ މަޢުލޫމާތު ސާފުކުރެއްވުމަށް ވަޑައިނުގަންނަވާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް އަންދާސީ ހިސާބު ހުށަހެޅުއްވުމުގެ މިމަސައްކަތަށް ބިޑްކުރައްވަން ބޭނުންފުޅުވާ ބިޑް ޑޮކިއުމަންޓްތައް މިބޭންކުގެ ވެބްސައިޓްދެންނެވީމެވެ.

.އިން ލިބެން ހުންނާނެ ވާހަކަ މަޢުލޫމާތަށްޓަކައި ދަންނަވަމެވެ

18 F 1440

2019ޖެނުއަރީ 24

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Bulk Purchase Agreement – Stationaries BML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004

Instruction to Bidders This document includes information relevant to the procurement of goods and services, bidding procedure for bidders and guidelines to prepare the bids.

A. Introduction

Scope of Bid

Bank of Maldives PLC invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Bulk Purchase Agreement- Stationaries. A local competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with Bank of Maldives PLC’s bidding procedure and is open to all Bidders.

Procurement Reference and


BML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004 Bulk Purchase Agreement- Stationaries

Eligible Bidders

This invitation is open to all interested with a formal intent to enter into an agreement. Each Bidder shall submit only one bid. A bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid will cause all the bid proposals for that particular procurement to be disqualified.

B. Preparation of Bids

Language The language of the Bid is: English or Dhivehi

Documents Comprising the


The Bidder shall submit the following completed documents with its Bid:

Form 1 – Schedule of Requirement (not applicable) Form 2A – Bidder Information Sheet Form 2B – Bid Submission Form Form 2C - Price Schedule for Goods & Services

Bid Prices and Currency

The Bidders shall quote the items to be procured individually specifying the unit rates and prices in Maldivian Rufiyaa. Including GST at the time of current rate

Bid Validity The bid shall remain valid for 30 days from the date of opening the bids.

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

Bid Submission Bidders shall submit their bids on the date of submission at the specified location and time indicated in this section.

Acceptance of Bids

BML shall not accept bids before or after the specified closing time.

Location, For bid submission purposes only, the BML’s address is : Attention: Head of Procurement

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Bulk Purchase Agreement – Stationaries BML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004

Date and Time Street Address: Bank of Maldives PLC, Sea Tracs Building. Floor/Room number: 4th floor. City: K. Malé Country: Maldives The deadline for bid submission is: Date: 12th

February 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 10:30 AM

Contact details for further


Please contact; Procurement Department, Telephone: 3015351, 3015350, 3015359 Email address: [email protected]

Bid Opening BML shall conduct the bid opening on the Date of Bid Submission. BML shall open the bids publicly immediately after the expiry of the limit for submission of the bids indicated in the tender documents.

E. Evaluation, and Comparison of Bids


Information relating to the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, and recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award to the successful bidder is notified.

Documents Establishing the Qualifications of

the Bidder

BML shall evaluate each Bid based on the evaluation criterion and methodologies specified in Evaluation and Qualification Criteria to determine the most acceptable bid. No other criteria or methodology will be permitted.

F. Award of Contract

Award Criteria BML shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the most acceptable Bid and shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing, that its Bid has been accepted.

G. Appeals and complaints

Regarding conduct of a bid

Bidders are allowed to file appeals and complaints regarding conduct of a bid, in writing, within 7 (seven) days of opening of the bid.

Regarding outcome of a bid

(an award or decision to


Bidders are allowed to file appeals and complaints regarding outcome of a bid (an award or decision to award), in writing, within 7 (seven) days of awarding the contract.

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Bulk Purchase Agreement – Stationaries BML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Table of Criteria Evaluation Criteria Price = 80% Duration = 20% (Maximum 5 calendar days) Note:

Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders and/or representatives of the bidders.

Representatives from companies submitting proposals must submit a board resolution on company’s behalf.

Fine for late delivery will be charged per day and if the work/ item(s) are not completed

within the agreed period, Bank has the right to cancel the contract.

Penalty charge shall be imposed in respect of each item/service of non-compliance with

the bid conditions.

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Form 1 - Schedule of Requirement

(Not Applicable)

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Form 1 A

List of Goods and Related Services

Lot No. : [if applicable]

Lot Name : [if applicable] Item No. Name of Goods or

Related Services Description Unit of

Measurement Quantity

Lot No. : [if applicable] Lot Name : [if applicable] Item No. Name of Goods or

Related Services Description Unit of

Measurement Quantity

Lot No. : [if applicable]

Lot Name : [if applicable] Item No. Name of Goods or

Related Services Description Unit of

Measurement Quantity

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Form 1 B Delivery and Completion Schedule

The date or period for delivery to be specified below;

Item No. Description of Goods

or Related Services

Duration Location Required Arrival Date of Goods or Completion Date

for Related Services


Bulk Purchase Agreement – Stationaries

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Form 1 C

Technical Specifications

Detailed information session will be held on 30th January 2019 (Wednesday) at Sea Tracs Building, 4th Floor, Meeting room.

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Form 2 – Bidding Forms

Table of Forms

A- Bidders Information Form.

B- Bid Submission Form.

C- Price Schedule for Goods and Services.

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Form 2A

Bidder Information Sheet

Date: Invitation for Bid No.: BML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004

Legal Name of Bidder

Bidder’s Authorised Representative Information

Name: Address: Telephone/Fax Numbers: Email Address:

List of bid documents to be submitted: as per vendor registration application form. In case of new vendors, application for registration as vendor and all related documents must be submitted along with proposal. Any changes/update to the information provided in the registration form, shall be submitted to Bank of Maldives along with revised documents.

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Form 2B

Bid Submission Form


Invitation for Bid No.: BML/PD/OPN-BID/2019/004

To: BANK OF MALDIVES PLC. I/We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) I/We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Supply, the following Goods and Related Services: ;

(b) The total price of my/our Bid, is:

; (c) My/Our Bid shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the date of bid opening in accordance with the

Bidding Document, and it shall remain binding upon me/us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;

(d) I/We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process, other than alternative

offers in accordance with the Bidding Document; (e) I/We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification of

award shall constitute a binding contract between us,

(f) I/We declare that all the information provided in connection with this bid is true and all documents are true copies of genuine and valid originals.

(g) I/We confirm that I/we (including owners/ beneficial owners and/or shareholders / partners of the bidder)

have not in any way been associated, in the preparation of this Bid, with an employee of Bank of Maldives PLC.

(h) I/We confirm that I/we (including owners/ beneficial owners and/or shareholders / partners of the bidder) are not employee(s) or immediate family member(s) of employee(s) or Board of Director(s) of Bank of Maldives PLC (Immediate family members are defined as children, spouses and parents).

(i) I/We confirm that I/we have carefully read, understood and agree to all the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents.

(j) I/We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive.


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of

Office / Company Seal (if applicable)


If a bid is awarded on the basis of false information provided, the Bank has the right to disqualify the bidder. In

review of this, Bank will be considering the past performance of the bidder in future bids of this nature.

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Form 2C

Price Schedule of Service

Name of Bidder _____________________ Procurement Reference and Name______________________________ TIN no: ____________________________

Stationaries Item Rate Duration

1 Box File 3inch (A4)

2 Paper File

3 Suspension files

4 Photocopy Paper - A4-White-80GSM

5 Envelope A4 Size 9"x12"

6 Envelope (A5 Size) medium size 7 x 10

7 Envelopes Size: 14x10

8 Envelopes A3 Size 12"x16"

9 Envelops box White Greeting Card Size 71/2 x 5 1/4

10 Counter Pen

11 Black Pen

12 Blue Pen

13 Red Pen

14 Signature Pen Black (Uni-ball UM-153s)

15 Signature pen blue (Uni-ball UM-153s)

16 Pencil 3B

17 Tray Set Crystal 3 Layer (Office Doc Tray)

18 Rubber Band Red - Good Quality

20 Flip Chart Acpro A1 ( 50 Sheets 80 gsm)

21 Ring File 1.5 inch

22 Folder, PP Report & Project File - Report Cover & Spine Bar

23 File Colour Seperator 10 Color Tabs

24 Tape Dispenser

25 Clear Folder A4 Size (clear) Pack Transparent

26 Transparent Cover A-4 Size for Binding

27 Photocopy Paper - A3-White-80GSM

28 Photocopy Paper -A4-Color 80gsm

30 Paper reams Hard Cover A4

31 Brown Paper

32 Permanent Marker - Black

33 Permanent Marker - Blue

34 Permanent Marker - Red

35 White Board Marker - Black

36 White Board Marker - Blue

37 White Board Marker - Green

38 White Board Marker - Red

39 Highlighter Pen

40 Blue Pen ( nui-ball EYE micro UB-150 )

41 POST it Note (75x75mm)

42 Bookmark Notice tab-5 colors

43 Glue Stick 8g

44 Ink bottle ( Stamp pad ink Artline ) Blue

45 Ink bottle ( Artline Stamp pad ink ) Red

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46 Stamp Pad - Red ( Artline Stamp pad )

47 Stamp Pad Artline (Blue Artline)

48 Staple Remover

49 Packing tape 2 inch (size 48mm x 27m) ( Clear tap

50 Cello Tape 1 inch

51 Double side Tape 48mmx10mm (2 Inch)

52 Double Side Tape Rolls (1 Inch)

53 Masking Tape 1 inch

54 Masking Tape 2 inch

55 Paper Clips Silver 31mm

56 Paper clips Silver 33MM

57 Paper Clips Silver 50mm

58 Staple Pin No.10-M (MAX)

59 Staple Pins ELM Staples Size (23/10)

60 Staple Pins ELM Staples Size (23/13)

61 Staple Pins ELM Staples Size (23/6)

62 Staple Pins ELM Staples Size (23/8)

63 Staple Pins ELM Staples Size 23/17

64 Stapler ( MAX HD – 10 )

65 Stapler heavy duty ( ELM CS-100)

66 Stapler Heavy Duty 200 Page - + Staples Size 23/17

67 Puncher - Carl No:85 Super Puncher

68 Puncher (Heavy Duty- 200 Sheets)

69 Eraser - High quality plastic ZEH10

70 Casio calculator (JS-40V) 14 Digit

71 Pencil sharpener Table (big size – SDI No: 0150)

72 Ruler High Class Plastic Clear 12

73 Scissors - Medium

74 Foam Board

75 Cutter Best Large

76 Cutter Blade - L

77 Cutting Mat (A3 Size)

78 Cutting Mat (A4 Size)

79 Pen Holder (Desk Organizer)

80 Binding Clip 15mm

81 Binding Clip 19mm

82 Binding Clip 25mm

83 Log Book 200 pages

84 Log Book 300 pages

85 Log Book 400 pages

86 Log Book 500 pages

87 Monitor Book (200 pages)

88 Monitor Book (300 pages)

90 Notebook Spiral


Please submit a quotation with the detail specification given in the information sheet.

Proposal with multiple options (other than specified above) WILL NOT be accepted.

Days will be counted starting from the date issuing the Purchase order.

Fine for late delivery will be charged per day and if the item(s) are not delivered within the agreed period, Bank

has the right to cancel the contract.

No advance payment.

Items will be evaluated for all items in the category or group on unit price of items.

Samples will be required on selected items/categories prior to initial purchase order.

Winning supplier/s will be required to submit a Performance Bank Guarantee of MVR 50,000.00 for the duration of the contract period.