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1116 bibliography hae been diVided 1nto~()e d1st1X1Ct

parts •. the ·t:trst pert conta1nsllst.of matulal: on p011t10$t

PQ~ f Vlolence and ResearCh )le·thods atl9 othel' 'I'elaiied topics

such e.s Aggression, R.evo~ut1on.,Po11 tical. 'Development, 1104tu-l'li-. '

zat1on, Social Change, Coll.ective 13ehavlour eto.ltbe seoond

part contains material on studeJltrevol. to, student t.Ul1'est and

student pollt1os\ speolall'eteItence to Indi6J and the th1r4

. pal't 1s absolutely devotod to GllJarat upsurge. Each part is

subdividea 1nto 'bio--the first g1vesa. list of books en<i. the

seoon4 of the articles, editorials etc. in. Journals, periodiOals

. all4. nel1spapol's.

(Poll Ucs, PotJe?, violence.Ct Besea\'ch 14ethC)(ls) '.

Adorno, Theodoro t-J., ,2he Sthor,terian ferson~&1t (New . York, 1950). . .

Almond, Gabriel A. and Coleman. James a.1 eels., .!tie;, .. of R!ygloninS .ArGe (Pr3.nae ton, 1.\:J60). ,

I. .1 and Verba, Sidney, Q1varo C~l'Y!J (Prlnoetoll. 1963) ..

. ~

,Aiya'l', S .• P. t e4., abe ,pol&ttos ot,Mys V1o~ellOe (Bomba" 1967J.

-214 ..


Anderson, Charles 1:1., )lOhden. t Fred R. Vonder& YO\Ul81. CJHlt1ford, eds.!) 1, mt8 g of to;t,j.t1cal., ~xeloJ'Jl'l}!n.j (N$\:1 Je'lS31. 1967. . . , .

. .Apter. l>attid.E2.1t1gs. qt )lo40l'»lea!ion (C111qago., 1965). ~ .' - .,

.. . , =epnoePtll!t,AllmiiG,s ~ the ·§m~ e!: S29~: ~oil (Eng ()'WO~i's.t N.J.,68J.

Arendt, Ballneh;Ae.twop PUt,r SDdPl'epsn,! (~e\., York. 1968).

'f, , r ' ,d' b,HUmanQop,q!t40D (Chicago, 1970).

, j I, ,pn Y;&0lrepge (Nel1 Yottk, 1969).

Banton. ,M.,' ;ed.tnFjLl~iftl. Srmmf! liES the l4el'£1Jm.t!on'r4 Pp11O!, (La on. 1 65'. .


BBl,Cb.t?10ttan. .tm .. .§1'lUSSS6, at ft".d2S (stanford, 1970).

BeU. llOderlokt E(hfE:Wds. nand E" l:Jagner,. lle1'l'inon R.. eds •• fR~~C~ fO~l. A RfJ§\er .1aTbeC>rl ,~ Ree~.pb

, 61:' or 1969). .. '

, BtU'kot4ts, LGOnal1d, 6si2l"fD '~ "§PC&iY:, ESlahglp00gb fIPBllSs \]}ie,.,· tor, 962. ,.. .

BlaDen, Hell:'y t .V10Aonce ~, §ool-R}. P!H:pg~. (Ch1cQ(fo. 19G8).

'Bi4Q'JDE!1l, A.D., and ?;irlunG17 t H_ 1 eels., _m1ka~on ot, Bqmsa i!Pba5~~ (NG'W Yor ~ 1961.).

Bt;nbaum1 NOl'man, .aM Cl'&pJ~, of, InP ... uss;.,!W:.AA9~E)!% (New J"ork, , 1969). , . .

Blackt CyrU ana fl'lornton, cds_., ttemmBlliSl,S ReY9butJ.ea (PrJ,nOot-on, 19(5). ' .

Bramson!.. Leon and G$otbal.SI ~s,,' !:!.fit. .I!ttiW. from p,s¥ch21oQ', 22CJ.o;toQ,1 .6A$lmoRo 9rd: (Na'\:J tartt,. . •

lmezGn1nskl, Z.K.. li!! ferJPsnt i>9£B2 (C$Dlbrldge, 1966).

Brzaa1nsld., tb1sn1ew an4 Hlmt1ngton, Sami1el. E0 l-i£:1.2al . ra~!3~,,!- t{§.4Q1SS!!, (Not1 York, 19~)~ . .


. Brinton, Crane, »fa 4A§tov of ReY9l:ltt'o~ (New york;· 1938). . h'

Buss, Ar~i~.R., ,The ,PslpholoQ ot,,~sess&op .(New York,

Calvert. Peter, A§tU42 2E ,l,.t!vp;&,uSon (Oxtor4. 1970).

cammot~. JOhn .. 14., .• '0 ~.1, and the Ol'~s1na of ~~e Communism (g-orCi, -9~~ ' .. ,. -- _ .. __ • - --

Canott1, Elias, QrOl:!lS ~ ,Pmler (New YOl'k, 1~(2).

ean~·;. ,Netman. ;!!, b C!S at Pt:otost. PAsse~ and. ReJt!.U&op U! tpe ~ng;m:een&ii(r;onaont ~, •.. cani:rU. Hsddey, ~ ,PoMt1gs, of Dea,aan.: (New York, 1958).

_ lJ)i\:tl! .~eEszcl:foj.Ug of §99~' U21em~nls '(New "lork,

• I t965}.~e fatterpof Human ,Coas2Eeg (No'aBrunSt1iek,

. .

.catl.~l~~)~.' .ate ~3:ence enc1~el!2O_9~ .. f.9ll~U (NGtJ YOl'1(,

.. I •••• ' .§istemattc, Pol1tt9s (Toronto. 1962).

eauteJ .David, larlO1l (Fontana. 1970).

Charloswcmth1_ James C. ted •• g~lltel1l2ora»1 Pol;lt1oM 6!.'l!lezeia . (N 8\'1 :tor ltt 19&7 J.. ~ '.

. -CleavEa, Eldridgo, §99l qn' I~S (NOlI York, 1968).

C~1na1'c11·Harshal.1. B_1. ed.,.,An9F4e and Dev~ant ,eb§13:oUl' I A P,&scy.s€!l0n apanAr1USUO (NOli, ~ori, $9&1=. .

COOkbUl'll, Alexander and Blackburn, Robin. eds., stu~ent Bl'§j.I3:9.ibemso. ,Ol§!Bno,dS. Ao,t10D (PengtWiooItSt

69 • . ... Cohn-Bandit, Dan1el, Pbsolote Cprrpnunistn (N01:J York, 1969).

coser, L(e\'J1S A.) gon~t1eS •• 1n, ta~. of s~tal q,onf.&o.t . NSl1. YOl'k, 1968 • . . .

cranston, l-icur1oe, ed., !1be N2~ Lef! (Now Dsl.b1~ 1972).


Crick, Bernard, In Dete:q~eof POl3-Ucs (PengtUn Books, 19(4).

Dabl,Robet't A.. A ,fletst!. to i)emOOl'at2.c 1heorz; (Ch1oago. 1956). , " " , ,.'

'If N ~"~H9!3erl' fOb! t!oal. A9!l:¥~&.ll(EnglewoQ\i cutZa • • • , 1963 • ,

• j; J\1h9i.9!V~y(N.W Haven, 1961).

Dabren4or t.!· Ralt, ~s ~g¥U!l cont!~t :Y~9BtrJ.ttl: ' , " ige. G!X (at ot'a", 59).' ;'" ' ,

-Davies, James C_ t Human N'lture &pPo+~~U (New rork, 1963).

, ~

Debr~t Reg1s!J~~'Yn~d8Ston,3au;m R6!91Qt10!l (PenguSn BOoks, 1961, .urIS).

Damar1s,0. ,serlog t~ ... YJ.91!n! (Nell York,1970).

Deutsch. Karl, 't'1...nto ieryee of 92!2!'ntnont (l~ew York. 3.962).

Ai ~alltl Foltz, ltJ.J'., cds., iet10n £!g.fJ.d1ng (NOW.York, ,I:'l: ..... ) ~ .. ,

DollSl4, Jo.bnt fr!l!:tE§t1!?lt,.ae4 M8£&§!1qn ~O\i HaVGll, 1939). , .


DUbet. Bab11lal, ~av-, Klsho1:et, and Patall 1bakuPbheJ., o4s., , 'fWft~L~~ j\ndo;t,all (:Lll GujS1'atiJ (~e4abad,

Dunn; John.'-Ue!erll !eyo~&i (Cembr~~ge, 1.972)~

BUton, DaV1d, '!be ,E2Y.Hq~§ystes (New Y_k, 1953). , .

' ____ , ,_' ~:"!I:! ag_a ~a's ~'! (Ne\1 l'orkt 1~65). .

_. _, _, ~="" eel., V.l£ ofpo»ncal,.bol&es {Engls11OoQ cliffs, N:J •• 1966).,. -

218 .

ECkstein, Hen" ecl., Internal war, Probl.em.s .and·· Approacheo (N VA...... ,~#"..k") F. b. . .1 .' j .=)1"1 . , • _. -: ,. • 1.1 J t

011 ... ~~, ~ • - .. -

--~tIk~ en4.. AP~J Dav1d,9S!!§!1'Ve-E0iJ,_ (L0n4on • .J.»6S). _.-

-Bl\1~G~~:, lb! HPtu.1!f11,RelowtloM ,Ch1oago.

Eisenste4w.t S.N... ~gg!'!!P.&sa~onL J!£etast and S;h§PA.q (Nov J.)G 19~~· . $. - .- . I ¥d'.. ;. . -

I ~... - - .. . .... _ .-, - t ".

Eldorman1· 14tL'l'rSf",. 17 S8l!objc 11m! of EoM!&o$(Ul!bs:ma.~ I l1no1s, -11'1 ,. - '- - 1 ... - ,"'. ............,_

.. F~OlS.!.~f6OCtso~ MO~~X, .. ~J!- ~?P2%SY 009

FallOn, Frantz, ttm}!'0tQhe~ o~ the Ft§!,:ttJ (N()\'1York, 1966).

,_ • IA!sIs ski.nAdir WJ&~ HYli (New York, 1967) •

.. -Feierabelltl, ~vo K. and Rosalind L. and Qt.U:1', ~d Robart. edo. t

fM~:. DskGP'S9 res ,E.QMti,sa \EnglO11Ood ClUte, N.J., ~

Feat1DgCl'_f L.G0ll. and_ t J)ax4_ .. ·_&1\_04S., i;W' HO~29s -&9 ~eBe!l~2:PlF.a).: *.soi,enctU WOll 1'01'. •


i?1eGr10ht parleJ., UC!1..fS! &0 .gg:v,prame~~ -(Nett 'lork, 1963).

•• _ e4.,sthor.1S&. {Cembr1dBe, 1958) •.

___ V_,._IM dI •• R,eve1n,ti()p: (NO~rOl.'k, 1966).

Freud, S1~ ..• . C1:tWS. at1pl1l1~d ~t§ P1scon£pn$e (traJlo. by Jobn Rlv!iiO} {London,· 1930T.

001 Un~O): ,pte Confren.taUsm (EllglO't1ood C1Ufa, N.3.,

Gal. tqng,_. J.; Jh9pl'l e lae.l9PP.s of§gC!al ReOOBrgll (NOti rork, 'l'.9671. .. . .

· , '

219 ,. .

Gerth, . B.B., ana Mil. 1, s; C. ~lght, From 119ft to/gbar tl, Ees!lS an 829&01061 (New l'ork,. 19581_ " ; ...

, . Giap, Vo-ngtlJ10 n, f'~nl!!.@ t~flL"i:eoR6ef S 6!m¥, (New l:ork. 1962).

Goode, t111Uam J. ana Batt, Paul l .. , l1ttb24s"~ .. §9gia3: ~!sear_o! (NGt1 YOl'k~ 1952). ,~' " •

-Gol's, An4ro, ~&~. dandrt\le~.lfin (trens.b, Norman

Denny) eng Boo St ' .'.'

Goala, Jam, as A. and. !il.-ui ttt, t11U:1e" H. t e4a., ee»ttq~ , M!aOi-.2iW (Nel1 Yor~ 1913>.' " , . Go1ll4n.,...l. .AJ.:v1n H. t _r,S;2iAAB saiga )~, weete£n' Soa&2~od

(<<$\1 YOX'k, U1 0). ",. . '. ~ '. . '. . .


GrSllsc1,_ Antonio, ~e l!2dQjn PrAAqG ana' 2:t;l'JS t!.rAtiaBs (NOt1 XOl"Y-t 1967). ,',

- . (ltloss, Fel1k, ,Be lb! k'lSG of Pq~;t1.o!1. PCp1Sl' a.n fa Cp~pn-Z

P!4R~~Ut10Pi (N(}'t1 York, DssJ; , . ___ ,_'_ .. __ t ,Yle'~!lgel &31 Poj.iSoa (Mouton t1ostpost, 1972).

GuOVEGl'orEr~fg~)r.e 9!!~vsl',~.on QqGl'rm,a lia11t,f£!(Nel1

GUr1', fed )lOb01?t, !tGt i1eg RgJl!, (Princeton, 1911).

Hsmpach1 '(l()Ol'ge, ~>il~e~l ~ QsmmUQlBJ tul, lPtvggUO;£&cm lLondon, 1966 • "


Hel"cigrane, a.L •• ~!tf-,!er~G~£ .;p~os 3;A,' ~veloB~~ t Ol'J or, 'If '


aebQle,t Ru4olt" Bii_lysn'MIH511q:1uonon, to polit!<u.\.I,. __ ~:9_ '\1. or , •

HObb$S. ftkomas, Id!vythan(ea. Oakeshott) (Oztott4. 1946). ,.

Hobson, oJ.A., 1'lI!Gr&eU..m I lA §~ (London, 1961); EKin. 6.

Bottor, llriC,~o FI~~ JleJ;1ex§r I »N}!hts on ttte,pa£H.lo of., , t4§!a !1o.J!IDen!:U~et1 yo;rtt;' 1951. •



Jaekson. Robert I an4sw1n, 141cahGl B-1 eel., lesues,,!!l i£'0UlEfll' tAtavsPQla.;t:;a.SS (NG'a :i~ k, 9'11.}. " ""

"Jano\dt~~r~~~:b)~·' PomrpgnitalOMtttQ¥ ... ®u!mmg Uiow .

Jenn1ngs,M. Kent,tl9nimuni!i' ..... ~1.u.ent1als(N~'i YOl'k, 1964). ~

JOhnSo~i9~r!~ers,.n~V()~llt1()D; .. !?84 the. ~02-al. §Ze~m {Stanford,

___ "_11_", ll!vol-U.Uolli!l, £hea (B()stOn., 1966) • .

Jones, 1{'1.01'''ndiS, ·a.H., \:thG Gover!!m~!!! and Po:y.~s of ""Ipg1g. Lo . on, J.,964,.

(oe) Jovenal, Bertt'and, ,On Po~ (Heu York, 195~).

Kame~8t EUge!l!J. ¥.E '13l.&cablOJ!!!lat1ons o! ;t.1SxS;sa..(Lolldon, 1962, llf'(2 •. . .

~,SUzanne,i}!lpr@. the, R~ C~ (Noti Xork. 1963).

KGll't George I~ and Br. OUll. cUtt'ord 1:1., <lids. a. &1&8 tn t;hedt~tes .. t .. SOlWcoe fJIl4 Patmrns or ..:. __ ;efOku Rn b~e':t Yorli, 1970}.

Karl:1.np1' t F.N., Fwma§ti2ns of Be h1i\;· a our al,11~m!& (N8W York,19651.

K1l'kham, lameSt LeVy.,SheldO~ and ero. tty, eds. t . f§,§assaatJ.on pnd PobmO@b ... Y&o;tensa (Hel'} YOl7k,

70). . ..

Kornhauser, Arthu.t't.od'l a-~em~ .. ot.po\'Jer in Amer&cap . l?!m2!ztaex (OOtt'01t, '1.. . .


Kornhauser, f.~ thur t b, po,=,!&c,e 9f I4ap§ §og&~.$E(Ne\-l YOl'k, 1969).

ItothQl. R.oj11l1,1;OUt &gs,Ja. Ipd'~ (NOll Dal1l1, 1910). . .

Kumar., .IQ.t1.shen, 04.,Xf~p. !._~e!?ll g l!§!~9$ !!: .§ !g!oeesa. _ .i_ man, . §7o •. .

KUhn, Ti~l)~ §tf·uctu¥.~<of§.S,~n:HtJ:q, Rgxelus,en (Oh1caso,

LechenmeyQ, ChsJlos lj. f· !iht....EaSGllOe of . soo3:al. Rese!£sm (Natl York, 1973). .. • ... . o. ... , " "

LascmeU, Herold 1>., 1;91:.;211. @4 pemmal1tg '(NetJ i"0l'it, l.948).

........ . l§8i):OD~gs • lJ~O ae~.4,",J.1hat,,, Bben sQ, l!0tti (Ne\'} IOllk"


__ I"""" .19aro)~GlPant Abt-aheJn, J!.Ol'lqf "'~ • soc1e~ .(Ne~ Haven, ~

.". I en4 ~llG1' Daniel, eCls.,. HC!V.9b BOJ!olu.~Eu.tpB, , p.m,,~e§ AD. s;pe!s!ve l4t~o~J4oy~in;n;n&ciibinr80t l.965".. ..

Letdn, Kurt, f!eld a!morz :msoc!,al§S!enee (No\-] York, 1951).

Liehtheim.· , aaorgotJ!at'~sm • A [email protected]'m1§!Jdcr,1t6gfMt§&u41 (.London,lBeI). "... .. . . . . ..

Llp_t, 8e1ti10W2' Mar tin. e4., £."a.~s.a eo the . §9S3.w. §9i!3R9ct§ (NG\i York. 1969). . . . .

_I. _..-ot ·,~~~·~t" E06':t1q!!:L~AA; .!lba soo1al , BaaeS! ·or; po .. s.u \ iIsrdan cilj, 'Ti .. r. , 1966}. . . .

_ •. _ .•. ___ , __ , 2ileiqk~6U.§1!Aent,l}ey.o.;u (Gal'4enC1t.Y, 1.966).


Long. Prise1Ua, ~~ Ne\1 ,Let.t (Boston, 1970). , I .

LClrOnz, n:ODradfOn MftUSsi~ (Uans .. by l>1arjOl'le Latalte) (LoDdon, 1963, 1007). " ' ' ,

Lukacs, George, &etpt.l and ,Class Coneglq!1!Q!se(Londoll, , 1971), . ", ',I " ,

Luxemburg, RODa, ~!, Mus §tt&!t! (NO'W York,. W711.

)lMh1e.vel11, N1eoolo.the, ~»99 (Oxf'0l"4, 1942).

l;laolni;yre. Alasda1r, 1'1f,ircUJ!9 (Fontana, 1970). ~ ,I: t

l1e.ophe%"SOn", C.B., !h!LR~j~ tical. bcVl of f!'l@ooa!1!O,J¢lv&jual.-!e (Oltford, me2. ", .' · .

,_. ___ .. _., R?spOJfat1g.~BI'Z <OJd:ord, 1973),

Hsdao, JOhn, .~ tools pf,,§oi!J.P2:: soleng~ (London, 1953, 1963).

l1aple, fen, end )latheson, 11. t ods. tMfiGssqn, Wfl!&m"Yr\O*'~f3 " Natul'~e, ,or:, N;F~~.c " au YOrk,


_. -" .. Na:C\1se, Iiorbort, Ro~on ana ReV0tst10u_J Hego}. all!i, thoR&a!! . Of OJ ,§Qpl..a1,"!iietjij llSaf3ii;'" GoJ.· .

..... ~_I __ """;_" 9I\G Dynel1s&9Bel.Nan (Bos~n, ~~~ ____ , I_'"' ~Gt !1:,~~ (NGlJ i'01'k, 1958) •

. _4. ____ 1 ,pass: on L1bar.,At1~n (Ponguin Books, J.973). , .

u. ; .... t Fp'f gngC1v1l;f.z§..t1on (Bo.aton, l~).

MaVtin,IV01'tt Dean, 1hoBeha!J.otq;'.p!: Q£011dst A,Pnoho;L.og1oal §WU (NeloJ YOrr,f921J). , .

Mal'Zt, Katl and Engels, Fr1eClr1ch, selectod tiQt!&s 2 vole. (oapeC1a:uYtcsnmun1atulle.fiaesw;·~]fuii:lq§OlRQ) (Moscow, 1958J.' ,

- '

,JllcCoy, eherle's A. andt-IolfOt Alan, E01.Cal. ~A10 ! tal! ynSthod,o,! Apl&oe;9 \Nou YOI' ,. .2).


M.cClelland! l')aVld C., ,!leo 6Ph.\Ov!BS$oo&etz (Pr1nceton, ~96). . ' '

l~ccoXinell. Gt'an:t, Pr&yata Po~ .. fllld ~e1'1can ll3mporg.gx . ,(NOll iOl'k, 1965). ,', ' ,


HOLell~o~ro!!' ~)~9S&htotK~2: )1at'!, I An*i!~odlla:AAon

Meg1ll, K&nnoth A., the Ne't1R!mOO~§U:Q filGSl(Nev IOl'k, 1970).

MOi sel , James,filo l1i th of the !S!Uns gass I Gptang 1-108e AA4 ~' Efi (Aim Ai.-Ji01', Dad. ' " h

z.lerr1em~ Chc'les, !0!4;t!0al PolS (N$~ York, 19~)f nel1 odn. ~

Mar ton, B obdt It. t, iP9&pl barE I!l4 apoA:A1=struoture (New York. 1957,., " " "" u;

-llosz~os. Ivan, ttS'S' a_~~"",, pt, 6~~e!l!elJ,pn (Lond~ 1970).

Meyer, Al.frecS G., U!3!d:a1e (Cambr1ctge, 1957).'

l11lls, C .. wrlght, .i!!9 Btl" He! ~, falt"Sr (Nell York, 1948). , ' ..

... , ,_, _,' ___ , t ,,~e ,P%-ar lQ.3, ~ (N9l'J Y()l9k, 1956>. , -

" .... _, _. ~~lIt pOl!!r .... pollt!os apJl Peo'p1e ; 2oMegto4,Eas,!i.g t&ew YorK, 1963). ' ' , '

___ '_1 .... ,"' .. ibS §PQ&olOSl 0al.1mapna!;1on (NS1:J York, 1961). t

)1 omb 01 s SG, ,', Re,ymOlld, , W.", _~ R!ots. RGv!MJs and 6!!s\j£reot1ona , (Springflel.d, .uJ67'., - '.. - .,"" - -

, '

14oore, Benlngton, Jr., §gg~_OJ:t.a.g3:PS .~ .. D10,m'{qr!ll1p" 9!!! ' , . !2emggraQ {BoatOn, 191. ,,' ' Mox-gentbau., Hans J., P,Ol& ~cs l!e0ng Na!!~ (l~ew- York. 1960).

, I, ma~ ~ s;lqn$j.f1cU!il;."sa POli~ ~gll Hc.! (Ch1oago,

It~OSOa, Q, aetano, atm R~1nS C1M9 (~ellS., Hannah Kahn) (Net" York, 1939 • " r • . ,

Murty, satoh1dana;nda K. aXid Bouquet,. A.C~ tS'bJ.d1,.9St.,indthe .frola6<une of Pe¥G (I~e't., 0e1ll1, ~960).. '

l'1yt'4Sl, GUnnar t The ahall~a of wor!ihI>OYGl.'~-lr'~~ tB~,~QY!;,§neii=G: 1#: gir:W~, tlSeng G, 0, s,

Narain"Iqbal., eO,t §~E! lo.iptica mIpd1a (lileOl'ut, 1967). '. '

_ t' ,I "TwWght tft pt i?§'1B1 (Agra, 1972)., -

Nayer, Baldev Ra3, YJo~enee C'nc) Cl'!me !n Inc!l1l} (Oelh1, 1975)e

224 .

NetUe, Jo1m p. t Tiosa Lll:'Xembur..B(L~ndon, 19G5}, :2 vola.

Nl&bur8,. H.L ••. Po.~' ti. eal V101ent!8r! 2be Beh!!!1,!oural bTtonASA ,NOll tOri, ilm§l. ~ ~..... · . .~~ i i='::'~_;;

Ogl.esby, Carl, lb~ fB(:'f}'lLeft Reads (N&w ~orko ,19691.

Olsen, Marvin E., ea., E2E! .·IB §Qc1etleS(London, -1970).

o ppenbo1m , Folu,~ns1gna Rt "GSODl (Nov YOl1k. l..961).

OSSOt'sld.., Stan1slal-J, m:ass struoture in, the Soo~~.J12nsg1ou~ !!9!1 (NO\1 YorK; t963'~ . .

Plemenats, John, kLan end. sootetz (NOw York, 1963)"

Poley,. Nelson t!.t..:Qommu.n1~ fP;t'~Je1 f~nsal a!Mte£E (New Haven, 19601. . . . .

Pr1estlan4, Gerald, 1,bo Future or, l:~9J.oncq(Lonaon,. 1974).

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Pan4e, 1l.C., "studonts el1G net In41sclpllnedn , Gentul'g; December 1972, p. 9.

pant, PS1et1l La~ Itstlldent F01'oe~-A ~ew Detel"m:Lnant in the state dtft PoUt1csfi

, ~p~~of the {$PCHtl,tJ:!R II' § 1Y41 ~!§te 95l!.!Lilmen.~ oc'Eb&;i .. l)Goem er '1~, PP. f1 =B. ' .

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Reo, V.K.R.,V., "Violence on the Ce.mpus , ~ to Evolve a National*, §,ta1f..§, D3cember 1972, PP. 8-19. '

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SOZG, A.A.1t. •. ftldGoloClOel R.oots of Stwicnt W.olenoon, !lm1anoe, Novembor 1972, PP. 3-14.· ~

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, ,

genStls ,O~t ~1§t 1971.

~Btls'tfh4 .9U'iH9 of 9!!1f!a~,1974t V51'eot07.'ate of , orma all, (lOves-Men or GU.3 sr' at, Qandh1nagal' •

••• file ,!'!mes ,o~ Ild1a I The Indian Jlxpross I (Al'lme<labad)

!ho l1oetal1'n!l1ln3 EJ l'

.... •••

" ..... ~ ,

Affront to CUJOWat (ea1tOl'

Baste IsS1l$s (GdJ.~1at)


Bolatad ljove (Gditol11al) n Blnokaa1l or Co~srdico? (o41torle1) Mf

.Blo~ and 1\)-0 :1n Gujal' at (vol. 16 t no. 26)

. C1'1m1nal Misnanagement (e41tor1a1) IE

. Delhi' Ii Dsla.yed Lar ee sse ( edt ~or1aJ..)l'1f

Mr 03 sa!' s Fast (~1 tor 1al)

Desper ate 1401'$0 in OU.,a:r at (vol. 16, no. 32)

DUeroma in OllJ_at (edl ~'el.)

Dissol.ll t10n - InGvi tal'llG ana l)os11'able (e41~lal)

• !rho Explo£S16n i.n Pel1speot1~ (K. Sl;1b1'ebm!JXlYe,ra) {v~. 16. no.42}

E%ploaive Studcnt~ POl'. (vol.. 16, no. 34) ,

Fascist Ta.o~cs 1n GujOl'at (vol. 16, no. 29)

Fresh' Eruption 1n GUJt:r at (vol. 16, no. 23)
















31. 1. 197ft





24. 3. 1974


, Fresh Eruption in GuJe:r at Link $.3' .. 197~ (vo1. 16, no. 28)

GangaJ$bar, V .. p. , "Agl ~atloll J:,ose$ ,tt '21.,2.t9?4: its Boarlnss ~ OUJath~t Q1'dealtf . ,

Doep Rooted stn4ent D1,soOnt$aa't led I'I to maGs agitation (~aGht!I', V.)

flhat Next in Gu3EUtn't? i'I { Ganga411sr , V. >

AA Eta opsner (Ob.eel1aJ.e., 1,lultUDd Q.)

GU.jal'at • dte: ClWnanbh&1 (vol.. l.6, no. 28) . \

Guj ar at • d ter the iUnlol1 (vol.. 16, no. 36)

GuJtmat • Attar tho'1f101enae (vol. 1.6 t no. ~).

GuJat"at Ag1tat:i.ono SJ;>llt (vol. 16, no. 31) ,

Guja2.'at • llGJQn4 the Ken of orga-nised Pol1t1os( From a Spaoiel . corrQspOna$n~ vol. IJ, no. 5)

QUj~at ,!lhe. CoUa-pSG . of: Bala , NUman (vol. 16, no. 21)


GIlJarst Com~om1so" (vol. 16, »0. Z1) ,

Gu3arat Evonts and Conti.te stat3 Rolationsh1p (e41tor1alJ '

Gu.3~at. Frash ~ou.ble Breldng (v ol~ 16, no. Zl)

Gllj~at '1 A Qlo~ Pioturo (vo.1. 16, no. 35) ,

Gujat'at I Lamie<l end Lamtl~ae in ~et 1l1strlot • ~tueJ. OJ-ass l:!ug (vol. IX, no. 25)

.~. .. ~

Eoonom1c & Pol.. 2.2.19741 t1eeltlJ' '

Link 'lO.2.1074!t

I. 240 i

GU.3arat * No let-up in Violenoe (vo~. 16, no. -30) _ _."

The GuJarat 8itrusile·anA Its Vilifiers (A.R. Daaa1) (vol. IX, no. 16)

High Comman(l- e oPUOll(e41 tor:lel.)

Indecision 1n GUja1"at (e41t01*1el)

IrreoPQus1ble (od1torlal)

Challengo to· AU tbotr1 ty '.,1fu. tue seavoh tor soapogoata(J'a1n. Q~l'Uel)

A Crists .of Confidence - What GuJarat signifies (Ja1n, G1r1l.el.)·

A Ch11.dren t s Crusade? Rovolution by ~1al. and Error (John V. v. ) Congress 1s in DisarrS1 (K. Vikl'am Reo)



Pol.! ttcal. systems On ~1a1 Faoto:re fI wh1cb -Breeds Violence (Ko1;ha'rl, -Ra31n.t)

Need for Reatra1nt(ed1 t01'1al.) rJ5!

_TbePttH.t_s Appael (e41t0!11all 'IE

~ta.t10n. tn Gujarat .... Impact. on tJ2! S ate Koonomy (Paul, llr. SSIr1tQu.el.)

. . aJld PondQ (041 tor1al.) l:!~

po't14er EBg (editorial) \if

Preeiden t' s Rule (editoriall \:11'

'M1sa." for t1hom? n (R 1shnan, Awl QlJ.-Jarat PredlCem.Gnt.J)1scon.nt 17 Breeds Vlo1eDCB(Rarnan, R. V.) -




. 20.3.1974








. 2.2.1914



Revolt in Gujarat (editorial)

Rosign (Gdltor1el)

se~ch for NormaJ.o1 (041t01'ial)



IB 5be National SCeno - ~ end ot an, fI 11l11sion (Shanlal)

Mass l1psur go Uay Pose liTesh Problems (StJrat Ne",sLe~) (Sharma Bha,s\1St1kurnar)

POLlee main tar get of publio _8th fI (Sllrat Ne'tJsl.etflar) (Sbar~ . Bhagl1atikumar)

Tlle Big Bungl~ inouJarat-Fo04"n: Policy Chcnges under Durose (Sharma. L. it. )

GuJ~at Agltatioo in Perapoc:t:1V& 1'I Focus on corruption (ShaJ'me, )

Gu,jaratt s Distress Far from over fI Now Forces Released (Shr#ma,

GUjQat in D3ap ~ouble Link (vol. ].6" no. 25) (Sharma, Sima)

fh.e ill e.vn1rman Up sur ga • 1 (~eker, J,asbl1ant)

The Navnumen Upsurge • II ( ~akel', JashWatl tl

fho N avn1rman UPS1ll.' go • UI ( tbatter , J' ashtJall t)

!thus Far and no .Fult th91 (e41 tor1al)

Tim$ to Act (od1 tor~a1)

UllOonvinc1ng '.(edl tOl'lal)

Export of Foodara1n. to u.P. l'ecentea (Vaewan1. NiI'mal)


9.2.197\\ '


13 .3.l!iI14' 19.3.19741




, 22.3.U}7-G




24 .. 1.1974


Vioious ~1rcle (editorial: G.B.) . Hf

V1ol.enc& (edl tol'!aJ..)

V101ence-A ~.naerous ~e:nd (vol. 16, no. 33)' . .

9 .. 1.l.974