blue stohe oliver h. brown, · painting1. building and general repairs. par ticular attention given...

" - .-J.; iQ^an d.hud'Aobury Aveancgi^'' - o_. t3A>2rtt> 3 p ,W ,0 to Sp, in. j ) R , n r JT>ikp n n n T ir * ; . ' ^ am , - _ ' - ' y't,!' > + "fife-Thlrd avenue, "-' ^ V\ .G&cbJTows until 11 n. ni. . .'Aabury -Parki K. J. ....... ’’ j^ f. p a w le t, _-■ ■ 1 JiW Sto ami \ W it ,_f t - git.8. ' ■ D E N T IST , •'■.'■••■ •'.•.■•'■" ■;'' .Office—20i Main St., opposite Railroad Station, Qaa administered. Asbnry Park. N. j . J i i r ^ t n S t 0t>p0; thodopoW , ” Ara^jEM^; ‘NEW. JERSEY. - j , Latest styles and Popolar Pricca,'' ,■ v^rv fcCrSOLE AGENT FOR TUB W. L. m~l4% AND THE M. A. PAOKARD^SS ■JJUFM CO. LINKS OF SHOE8,.^5 .- $100,000: Capital Paid in, :. •: $50,000 A, 8. BURTON, » : » . S. J. 0 , BURTOW.DJDj, 8. - .QXTRTON BROTIIERfl, **'■ ■..! RMldfint Oentlita, Bonn Building, 003 Cookman ave., Asbnry Park. New York Office—69 West 83th et. Gas administered. Appointments made by tele* ^lioneW W irtaflt Tlours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.' M Trs of '* ZQZO1 '—the new preparation for cleansing and preserving the Teeth. J)H . P. A.DAVISON, V eterinary Hnr^eon and D entist. Graduate of New York College of VETERINARY SURGEONS. Late Veterinary Snrgoon to 4th Ave. R.R. Co. lSOOhorePs. ' OFFICESCoward’s Livery Stable, Sewall ave. Williams* Harness Store. 167 Mala st. • F S t, Belmar N. J. Asbnry Pari. ' __ 3- r . HAWglSB. * JTUWK DOHAHD. ]JAWKINS A DURAND, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors' & Masters In Chan- cery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av., Aabury Park, N. J. JSAAC O. KENNEDY, Attorn ey-at-Law, Solioltor, Vaster In Chancery and Notary Pnbllo. Special attention given to examination of Unties, Monmouth Building, Asbnry Park, New Jersey. month] viiyE £)AVIDyKARVEY, Jr., * ^ • CoanBelor-at-Law, SttllOltbfrMWtPr aWd Vttiti- iner in Chancery, Notary Public."' ^ Asbnry Park, N .J. (JKORGE W. BYRAM,. ' Attornoy-at-Law and Solioltor InChanoery, Byram Building, ' Asbury Park, N. J. H n m tH . N bvtob, Counsellor at Law.’ >TBVnJS & WILSON, ' .............. . Law f E dmuito Wiuok , ■« Attorney a t Law. Bees,-., . - ..... . RED BANK, N .J. T A I LOR 787 Cookman Ave. M eii’s Furnishings. ROBERT T. GRAYATT, DBAUBXX r Stoves,Heaters, Ranges, TINWARE, * 0 . Cookman av., near Bond st., ASBUBY PABK, H. J. I l l U griM , 1UDEII, BUTTEII, A t. BBFPH, T il AID (MET 1801 WORK OF ALl HID*. i3F*FIr8tiolasa work at low rates. - M . M. CROSBIE, Successor to David Cartwright* vf^Tftr Paper, Stfaathtfitf T&hor, Two’ M a Three-ply Roofing Par P.O.BoxS03. per. Aabnrjr F a rk .K . J . T\AVID II. WYCKOFF, - Justice ot the Peace nnd . Oeneral.Collectlnar Agency. • •Room No. 9, Monmouth Building. : All moneys promptly, paid to patrons when re- ceived. JpRANK V. BODINB, J-\ MIKADO BUILDING, P.O. Box 856. ASBUB^ PARK, N. J, B O B A itfm v . - 807 Fourth avenae, Asbury Park. TEACHER OF PIAR0, 0RQAN AND THEORY; Pupllof Rlghard Hoffman, H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker^ Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles A o. Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prices. Main street, near Oookman avenae, " ASBURY PARK, N. J. * GEO. M. BENNETT, HOUSE EAESTESG ia all Its branches. Hardwood finlshtng, Grain* lng. CalclmlnlnK, &c. fiatimates furnlahod on application. L. Box 2182. Ooean Grove, N .J. H. C. MARRYOTT, Contractor and Builder, Estimates furnished for every description of - work. Jobbing attended to promptly, - Residence— 612 MCXJH3Et03E J&TT3S1TXJ3EI, Lock BOX 716 AHBDRif PARK, K. J. SAMUEL W. KIRKBRIDE, CONTRACTOR, ' Carpenter & Builder. Plans and' specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference given. • Residence—First ave., bet Bond and Emory ata. Shop and Office—First ave. and Main s t P. O. BOX US. ASBURY PARK. FRED. B. GOWDY. CHAS. H. PITCHER. GOWDY & PITCHER, Carriages, and* Manufactu- rers ol ess. Repositories—Art>ni?y Park, Red Bank ........ and Toma River, J. W. ROBERTS, '“jEBOHITBJQT, - 1 - -ROOMS 14 AND 16. - - First National Bank Handing, . ASBURY PARK, N. J. A. A. TAYLOR, Mason and Builder. Bricklaying and Plastering In all branches . of Masonry work. Jobbing promptly-attended to. P. o. Box 697. Office, 719 Mattison avenue. GEO. W . PATTERSON ’S SONS, DEALERS IN,. . PILING, TIMBER, .'and -J ' General Oontractora, • ASBDEY PAHKt-N.J. H JACOB DOLL, Jr., PHACTICAX. Faiper Eugsr has on hand the largest and finest linffDf'plain arid gilt .wall papers, decorations, shades and ‘fixtures in the county, at lowest prices. Also Wall Pleture Mouldlnp and Frames* p a p e r H an so r’a Supplies, Etc. . -^Frames made .to order at Bhort,hotioe. Tho beSt Now York aSfl-Fblladelphla paper hangers employed. Estimates furnished for paper hang- ng and kalsominlng. £>44 Cookman avenne, Adjoining Commercial Hotel, ASBURY PARK. N. J. COOK HOWLAND, (Successor to T . P . Bergen,) -----DEALER IN ----- FLOUR FEED, HAY, STRAW, Prepared Food and Medicines for Horses, Cattle, Poultry* and oil requisites in such a business, main mt. A IK unroo av e ., A sbury P ark. Contractor ana Builder. Plans and speclfl* . . cations f u rn i s h e d . . Oliver H. Brown, H0USEFURNISHIN6 SPRINGLAKE J . I , GREATLY ENLARGED,~ NEWLY STOCKED, ENTIRELY RE-ARRANGED; Tho Finest Stook of Honsefarnishing Goods to bo found on the New Jersey Coast. Newest Designs in Furniture. ANTIQUE OAK I d Bsdroon Solts, Sida Soirds, Cbalrs, Tiblii, Etb. ■’ Carpets, Mattings, Reed and Rattan Goods, BEDDING, Silverware, Lamps, Stoves. . All the Novelties in - French, Bohemian and Do- inestlp Glass. Foreign and Domestic China and Table Ware. Goods delivered in ABbury Park and Ocean : Grove. u. ADON LIPPINCOTT, Contpiictor &Builder ' Plans ahd estimatos bheorfully. furnished.- Jobbing la all branohes promptly and carefully 1 ^ attended to. Rosldenoe and Shop, ■ " . 907 Main St., bot. 1st and 2d, Asbury Park,'TT. J. CEO. C. ORIVIEROD, GONTRACTOUND BUILDER, ASBVRT PARK, N. M. Established 1B78. Jobbing promptly attended , *, to. Best of reference given. Office and Residence, COR. qEWALL AVE. AND BOND ST. N. H. KILMER, Contractor, Carpenter^iBuilder ' Plans and Bpoolfioatlons furnished and estl^ mates mado on all kinds of carpenter work* Jobbing of all kinds attended to. Box 2085/ B Pitm an ave., Ocean ©rove. - Archibald Reynolds, REMOVER OF NIGHT SOIL | Orders by inail promptly attended to, . I guarantee the best .work at the lowest price. Residence, WEST ABBURY PARK, N, J. P.O . BOX 090. ASBURY PARK, N. J. HOTEL PROPRIETORS always set your REGISTERS, Transient C all .B ooks, B o a rd e rs* A ccount Books* Time Rooks ror Help, Key and letter Backs, Room Racks, Tooikpieks, and everything used in H otel Ofllees, from the PIIILADEI-PUIA IIOTEI4 SUP- PLY CO., 481 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Send for illustrated Catalogue. Wills receipted lot and kept without ohamo I8AAOC. KENNEDY, President. DR. B. S. KEATOR, Vloo-Prea’t. H. H. YARD. Secretary. - A. C. TWINING. Treasurer. DIRECTORS; « . D. W. VROOM, Trenton, N. J. W. J. HARRISON. Lakewood, N .J., — OLIVER H. BROWN, Spring Lako, N. J. - t ±«BN»Y H. YARB, Ocean Boach, N. J. J. H. BUCOANAN, Spring Lako, N. J. "JOSEPH MWDERMOTT. Froohold, N .J. n. B. PIERSON, Philadelphia, Pa. GEO. F. KROEHL, Asbury Park. N. J. BRUCE S. KRATOn, M.D., “ u A. C. TWINING, ISAAC C. KENNEDY. M $15,000 To Loan on Good Mortgages. B. C. COWART, Freehold, N. J. GENUNG & CO. DEALERJ3 IN BLUE STOHE .^nd'all Silnds of Stone for Building Purposes. Curbing and Flagging a Specialty. GRANITE ATTD MARBLE MONUMENTS ANB HEADSTONES. BLATE MANTELS. Yard and Office—Secondare. & Halo St., ASBURY PABK, N. J. gtal Estate gigtiwits. H. B. BEECLE, * ' JL ate H, B. Becglo A Son) . REAJL ESTATE a nd INSURANCE AGENT, 43Hais Areiine,OceanSron.lU, I#oanfl Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn flURjBBgQLE^ N otary rtibno and Dommlfialoner df Doida for New Jersey, PetmsylvsHl* and the District of Columbia. CHAS. P. PRIDHAEyf, Real Estate and Insurance. painting1 . Building and General Repairs. Par- ticular attention given to sale, renting and care of soaslde property. Corroppondence solicited. Address, or call on, CHAS. P. PR1DHAM, Pennsylvania and Heck ayes,. Ocean Grovo, N; J. GLENW OOD COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE MATAWAN, MONMODTII CO., N. J. One Lonr from New Tork. fiOth Year begins September 17t FIVES FULL COVnSES OF STUDY. 1. A Classical Course. 2. A Literary Coureo. 8. A Scleptiflc Course. 4. A Commercial Course. 5. A General Course. " The School has also a Primary Department,' mid Courses in Vocnl and Instrumental Music, and in Drawing and Painting. For catalogues or information, apply to CHAS. A. J A410A It, A. M., Ph.D., Principal. Address from July 1st to Aug. 16th, at South amp*. _ ton. Long Island.________ ASBURY PARK - '• I. . / • ' P O W B B ' C O. MAIM STATION: Railroad, near First Avenue, Furnishes-Eloctrlo Arc and Incandescent lights at any location. . vpFFICER8 : _______ ______ Vice Pres’t—GEO. F / LUOKUL. Treasurer—JOHN r <>£ afeijler , Sec’y and Sup’t//^' M. LANE. ______ ___ _ . j .F. Kroehl, John RCokafeller, 4,\Stanley Ferguson, fleo.M.$>"° " - ■’■ Myron 8. Gould, G. T O . TREAT, Jr., . PLAIN AND Oltt .MBNTAI. ' a l± it © x Also Practioal Ha^d':W<^id Finisher. Estimates cheerfully furnUhifey on application. . 806 MAIN STBEET, KCons© GEpi W. REDDEN, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Estimates furnished for ovory description of building-... Jobbing attended to promptly* Box 7Si, ABBURY PARK, N .J. Oceau township :ir . ................. Robert Allon, Jr., et al., e t’rs, to Frank J. Heidi —land at Long Bmncb. 81,000. Cornelius V. It. Poland to Harriet S. Poland—2 tracta land, WaH township. SI,GOO. Robert Itoh to Oraolft V. Jordan—lots 1063, 10S4 and 1005. Atlantlo Highlands. 81,COO. , ; Walter B. Bailoy to Gracia V. Jordan—lots lOdi and 1005, Atlantio Highlands. John Marg to Elizabeth Mcnrol <1 ol.—land lu' Matawan township. 9075. Thos. B. Woolley to Wm. E. Woolley—land lu Howell township. $100. ' * Oliver A. Holmes to Francis Holmes—land in Matawan township, 870. , 4 John M. Brown to Henry ‘Wainrlght—land iq WaB township. 81. 0 .*+ John M. Brown to Thomas P. O. Halsey—land lit Wall township. S271.60. -W | RuQna Zimmerman el al. to Edwin Haynes-- land in Eatontown. 8125. ' ir Jesse Taylor to Kate McKinstry—laud in .Occaft township. 85&.800. •• v l- Frederick Humphreys to Kate McKinstry—land, In Ocean township, 81,100. . $ Wm.R. Maps to CharlesL. Edwards—land ill Ocean township. 8GOO. Jane Robinson and husband to Wm. Murphy^ lot No, 9, Oceanio. 8900.' - Tbeo. Fields, sheriff, to 0. T. and J. H. Hen- drickson—land in Shrewsbury township. 8250. tym, G. HaH to Lottie A. Burr—land in OfcesS^ township. 8185, ":<il Wm. G. Hall to Baroabas M. Burr—lot No. 23, near Long Branoh. 8185. ~ '""*<£■3 . . Margarot Havens and Lorenzo D. to Thomas S.- R. Brown—lot No. 10, Keyport. 8317 97. Mary E Cozzens to, John Boxmycr—lands’I Marlboro township. $950. T. W. Throokmorton to Elizabeth Do H. Mff* shall—lot 209, Shrewsbury township. 81. D. F. Wolcott el a/., ex'rs, to James G. BberidaK —land near Eatontown. 81,350. Hal Allaire to Edward T. Burdge—land In Hofr ell township, fGOO. John P. Short to Charles W. Ell la—lot No-7, At iantlo Highlands. $300. . '7i Building Contracts. riLBD TO AKD JNOLUDINO AOO. 0,1890. 1 . ! 893S—Henry E. Knight with William C. Oottwjll —Boll ding at Locb Arbour. $2,47A • . Frank M. Taylor, Jr., with Joseph Rob- bins—House at Long Branch. 82,000. Tlie Allaire Bridge Contract,; Somo time ago four members of tho BoafrT of Freeholders mot at the slto ot »be proposed now bridge at Allalro, where tbo old iron works are going to detiny, and- deolded what kind of a bridgo they should ereot.. Tb|y were given discretion by tho. Board to either repair the old strooture or replace it with a new one of wood or iton. .They dedfdedlhflt thoioaehoro, and mado it th'e chlof attraction^ ~ ....... * to bear the celebrated Brooklyn preacher. Whtfa infora»ed that bo would jiot preach in Ocean Qrovo at all, and that 4 v. u wm* the time announced, and Asbnty Park tbe place, they had to admit having hoard so before, bat like tho excited traveler at a railroad ticket offloe, they asked so often; and such a great variety of people by the way, that they got things Inextricably mixed up, and forgot the last bit of information tholr questioning brought out tbe moment it was uttered. it should be iron, and that “ PbffinlaH ^coi- amna should be used. This m6ahi:;Utai one firm should have (he job, and they wero Dean & Westbrook. They are agents ot tho PboQ.nlx Iron Works. If another flrth re- ceived the contract thoy would fiave to -buy- tho columns of the Pbm ilx Company, and pay a stiff price. George Cooper, onglViecr of tho Board, drew up the speclQcatlons In accordance with tho decision of the committee. He is a brother of Jehu P. pooper, tbe Btaunch friend of Dean & Westbrook. Jehu P. Cooper.ia hardly ever absent from a committee that- ir entrusted wjth the construction or an lron brldgo. En- gineer Cooper’s speolDcatlons called for Phco- nlx columns and %-lnch cyllnders.fand when the bids were opened Thursday thoy ran thusly: Wallace Iron Works .... 0 .. ... ,i... ........... $2525 N.J. Steel and Iron Co... ......................... . 8fi50 Smith Bridge C o ............................................... 8680 Girder Bridge Co..................... ........... ...... 32M Dean* Westbrook... . . . . . . . . . 8476 The paragraph in the specifications calling for % inch cylinders was discussed.It was shown tbat tbe Iron was tblqkeftbate neces- sary, and that %-lnch was the size most gen* erall y Oifed. The extra iron mode the bridge cost too much, and a motion prevailed that X ipchlron bo substituted for and time given for OgnrlDg on the chango. When tbe second set of bids were opened they were found much lower in price. They were as follows: Wallace Iron Works............ : . . , .83,100 N. J, Steel and Iron Co....'; .... 3,ioo Smith Bridgo Co........................... 8,206 Girder Bridge Co ........... 3,$14 Dean & Westbrook.......... ...^.,^8,060 Dean & Westbrook woro awarded the con- tract. The revision of the specifications, tak- ing their seoond estimate as a basis, saved the county $415. The J ournal would like to print In bold- face typo,’a couple of months hence, that this flr«r«r0cted the bridgo .a_t_ the price; agreed upqn, and neither, asked, nor 'k cce^ d exttfr compen^on^"T?He romembrance "Of tho Shark R'ver and Oceanio bridgo contracts are still fresh in mind. „4 . - : «55 less 650 l e u 375108a 415 less Tlie Normal and Model Setiools, Interest In the New Jersey 8tato Normal and Model Schools Is rapidly developing. Tho .last Legislature, without a , dissenji% vote, granted an appropriation of $40,000.: for en- larging the buddings. This enlargement fa now nhdor way, and wlion ppm pletcd will furnish the oohools with-working faollltlca of a high order, including Bymnaslura, thorr oughly equipped rooms for, thd natural sciences, drawing, manual training, •' etc. Darihg the past year tho attendatica tho aoboola haa largely -surpassed that pi, any previous yea^.")The aim la thoroughness. In ’89,60 student/wero graduated from the Nor- mal. These were all engaged in teaching In tho fall at an averago salary of over $400 a year. This year 67 wero graduated, andtheso are alreiady nearU all engaged, and tho aver- age salary Is still Inoreaaed. There Is a marired InoroMo of Interest In pedagogical training In tbcrconottosl Many of the county su jftfllntebdenta aro acttvo. nqt only In seonrlog professionally trained tpach- em in their distrlots, but In dlrcctioir prom-’ Islng talent to tho State schools.' Tht^s tho Stato realizes the beheflt of Us expenditure in tbls dlreotlon. ; Farmers* Waflli-Dnj',; . Annually on tbo second Saturday In August tho farmers, their wives, daughters, eona and ell tbo relations they can porsuado to coulo along, gather on tho bealli at Manaequan Inlet and .Wreck Pond on the South, aud tho s6ore& of Raritan Bay.'on tho North, fdr;their sea* bfitb. T h e ^ c ^ o foi'.pIettQuroand^avo lt, Some of the more distant families start a day or two ahead,, and with tood ehaugb for S mpntb, camp oot for t^o or three days along the sand dunea. Visitors at the Park will see strango sights if thoy go to Sea; Girt tbla afternoon. *' ' ^•ylfor several daya of last wick there had been stoxlcuo conjeetores nbont the waatbor for Sunday. Although Ocean Grove Is pretty well prepared to oholtor eight or too thousand peo- ple during worship, yet for the ..groat day of the foast, sunny sktos and balmy breezes soem Iftiore like heav6‘n on earth, and yesterday ^fenoon, afieas^'grandly reach the general .oxpectatlon; but who can tell w bata day may [bring forth. • ■* P It •waa thorefpro a favorable morning for everybody except, perhaps, those officials > :whoop responsibilities, ^arow heavier aa the beoomes greater. The lamentable drowning oaaft whloh 'occurred sb' rieedlessj^r on Saturday ajtprnoon touobod tho sympa- thloo of ten thousand hearts for tho bereft niotbor mourning tho death o( hor bright and hopeful boy. Prayer was offered for her at tbo opohlug of sorvloos by Rov. Dr. Munhall. ~ Tbo morning meetings Indicated somo effect from tho tbrcoor four daya Bible study which preceded It. Mrs. Palmer took up the song Zacfiarlas, flrst chapter of St. Lake’s gospel, and found in its comprehensive promlsos hn attestation of tho doctrlno of holiness, which she la still spared to illnstrato by precept and example, Ono thing It is groatly dealred she might have the strength and grace to do—sit down on those Intormlnablo bores who' fre- quent tho Tabernaole meetings, and whose voice nobody bares to hear. It (the voice) at least ,is not saubtlfled wholly and lacks the quality qf. sincerity In tono which Impresses one favorably, * ' Dr. h. W. Muhhall took ,JMr^-Yatman?a vacart^.cbalr in tbe Temple, and being a teteran In tho leadership o(^ great meetings, kept the packed audience and crowd outside the doors and windows in a downright, de- votional altitude for ono hour. , Dr. Erdman, the distinguished cxegete, was present, and 4h three minutes gave a very suggestive ser- mon, In which be asked, “ Who is tbo greatest person In tbls world P Tho Holy Ghost. Who ia ‘tho greatest In heaven ? Tho Lord Jesus Christ/ Jlow can w<* get acquainted with both T A little cblld can do so, and so may wo all, U wo aim to fulQl tbe chief end of man, wbloh is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.1’ Tho soivlco closed with general shaking of hand? . . ... Tho Inattention to matters of detail whloh characterize somo otherwise sensible people is surprising, Thoro were scores ont' early yesterday morning securing good positions in the Auditorium to hear Dr. Talmage. They bad come from tbe State of Delaware, ftom West Jersey and tho vicinity of Philadelphia on Saturday’s trains to spend one Sabbath at These strangers and everybody else seemed highly complacent over the fact that they could have two or three-great preachora at different honrsthe Bamc day, and so, In the first place, they remained to hear Dr. Brooks. This noted olergyman Is from St. Louis, Mo., and came to the Blblo Congress last week pre- ceded by a splendid reputation for scholarly, ability and pulpit eloquence, ills labors have moro than sustained ft. He captured the con- gregation at his first address. Everything.ho has said has been weighty, forcible and tre* mondouely pungent oq tho line of Scriptural faith and salvation. Ills Sabbath morning sermon was a masterly discussion of a much debated dogma of iho verbal, inspiration of tbe Holy Bible. - The text was 3 Tim. 8:10, 17, “AirScripl tare is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for cor* reoifon, for Instruction in righteousness; that tdat the^pian of God may be perfect, thor- oughly furnished onto all good works.” Tbls Inspiration, bo held, was more than mere superintendence''And far higher than wbat certain learned critics called “ dynamic** in- spiration,' which Is as tflogtcal' and useless as a sum in mathematics without figures, or music without notes. No greater mystery surrounds verbal in- spiration than belongs to the doctrines of the incarnation, the Trinity, or the nature ot the soul which most people believe. Ho took the Bible itself as the • text-book to demonstrate hla position, and by its. testimony he demon- strated that was throughout and entire tho word of God. Scripture, tho epeakor defined, was simply “ writing.” Writing is composed, of words and tho letters which make them. So these words, according 'to Peter, or Peter In not true, are ot dlyino authority. Holy qien spake—not thought, or willed,' but spake as they wore moved by tho Holy Gfiosf. ' This ho proceeded to establish' by copious quota- tions from the three great divisions of tbe Old Testament—tbo Law, the Psalms and the Prophets, giving chapter and verso for.ayery text named, and bringing out the emphaais in evory Instance on “ tbo Word of tho Lord.” ' He then noticed the. way In which the Old ,3'estament is quoted m tho New, naming the referenco with cumulative power. Verbal iu- splratlon ia tho baala of tho namo Holy'’ Biblbr an^ every word is worthy of devout and earnest atteniiotf. In conolusioh he pointed out how Jesus himself regarded and qu01ed th T iro > ^ ‘‘ Itlsw rltten,” and "flot : a jot or tittle ot the Word shall fall.” It one '^ngel sent dowrilo destroy the camp of Sena- 1 cherlb copld slay 8,000, how swiftly 100,000 angola poised on ready wing along the battle- ments ol heaved, looking down1onthe crucl- flxfou scene, could have ewept fnstantJy to His deliverance, but theyWere restrained that iljo Scriptures m ight be fulfilled. : ‘ Ills concluding argument was from thp Npw Testament, Which demonstrates the great faot of tho text that this ia indeed the Word of God. 0 let us cling to Itr-tho word at grace and mercy, of salvation to men, able to make' wise the sample and sanctify tbo soul, giving us an inheritance among the saints In light, The theme was absorbing, and the audlenge Intensely Interested, so muoh so that despite tho crowd, tbo heat and discomfort pf so many with the majesty of a cataract, dispelled delu- sion and doubt; and planted convlotl6n In every candid mind* Alfnost a giant in sta- ture, Dr. Brooks is, equally a giant in orator^ Jca) strength, and aa devout in his manner as ho is'brilliant In argamcnt. y 'p. under the ahsplces, of .Westminster Pres- byterian Church, drew together an Immense; conoonrse of people, even in the face’of a. threatening etaim, which prevonted hundreds from going ont, Qther bnndreds. retnroed to their homes or went- to Educational Ud.ll, ex - pecting the services’ might be held there] ,The afternoon was very unpropltious. iJhe great Tabornacle was filled hours before the Bprvloe, At 2.80 rpany of the people left, fearing the storm then gathering in tbe west, but ihough tbp rain oame down in.torrents at jtimfts, a large portion remained to bear the celebrated Brooklyn preacher, even with only that flimsy apology fora'oovering—a modern umbrella. _ Th#_andIoncfi,was made up from denomlna- W ^ M im T o p en ^ ‘EaT?iBT(^la^nMaUB" ^oa-aa_diEfiiB6«aa_tho sects and creeda di : At 2.80 p. m., when the Sunday-sphooi and Blble-classes wpro asBombling, tho first Indi - cation of a thunder storm was observed In tho sky. At tho same hour the great human tldo had begun to Bet In tho direction of tbo Asbury ParltTJasI no to hear Dr.' Tal m age; and no sign in the sky was1 so omlnouB as. to deter that class who subsist on novelty from help-. Ing tb swell the greatest Sabbath congregation over known between Wesley and Deal Lakes. form, and had around hltp-a ponderous body - guard .of ihtelligont Blblo students, whd enter- ed on.tho disousslon of tho parable of tho sick man and/Lazarus, (Luke 10.) and the .flrst point of divergence ^aiaod was whether tho narrative was propeily aparabio or an histor- ical faot—a real occurrence Within tho know? ledge of the Great Teacher. Tho practical leader regarded the peconnt as a matter of faot, Drs. Alday, Meeker ana others dissent- ing. Then the qucBtjpn of rlcbes and rich men, and the dauger of having a superabund- ance o f money was touched upon. On the latter, it Was bard to bring out the testimony of Solomon, or Paul in his totter to Timothy. A still more engaging question was involved In the future state, where Dives cries.for water,- and poor Lazurus. geta safe into Abraham’s bofeom.— Aboat the adventures experienced by Ooean Grovers who were caught in tbe.hebvy rain on their way to hear Dr. Talmage, and' the soaking some of them received in the new Casino, there fsn’t room to enlarge; but -they sarmonntcd the difficulties, and returned safely to congratulate themselves on the faot that they heard the great preacher, and will never forget his energetlcdlscounjci. . Tho shower effectually interrupted the usual Sunday evening surf meeting bn the sands at the foot of Ocean Pathway, and the service watf held iostoad at 7 p . m. in tho lighted Audltorinm: The responsive service was read, prayer was offered by Dr, Enlman, and addresses delivered by Revs/Z. Lloyd, of Central Pennsylvania,;' Father O'Connor, the converted priest, and ^tev. Dr. Brooks, tho preacher of the morning. He bad- letters from persons awakened under hlB ministry since coming to tbb Grove, anfrgave the in- quirers helpful and encouraging instructions on believing in Christ, as the. sole condition of boipg saved. The evening services immediately followed, wltlTgrand congregational slngiug, prayer by Wbeoleri a sacred solo by Mfss Grace Updograff, aud a powerful reviv- ing sermon by Rev. Dr. Mnnhall on the words of Btahakknk 81. 2~*10 : Lord revive .Thy worL” He addressed the Cbbrcb an4 It® ministry on general backsliding, and then, appealed, With tho pathos of a soul la dead earnest, to sinners exposed to tho ‘"wrath to come,” in slating tbat the present opportunity waa their day of salvation.” It is evident that muoh good has been done during tho past few days; The usual wave offering of good-bye waa given to the undenominational Bible Conven- tion at the dose of tbo service, and It was a beautiful eight to witness at least five thou- sand white handkerchiefs fluttering in the aln Was it Big or Uttle Boodle ? Early Saturday morning Mr. Garret Acker- soo. was going his fruit stand at the Heck streot merry go-ronnd with, several boxes of fruit iu his arms. Just after leaving Cookman avenue, on Summerpeld avenue, he espied 9 roll that at first ho took for a small' packet of tobacco with a green label. Before reaching it, another man picked it up, Mr. Aakeraon then noticed that It was a roll of bills. Ho told tho man to count. It and thoy would go and lodgo It with tho autbori- ties until the 'Owner was :fpuna.~ ^ho man ran Pvor the |20 and |50 bills, counting up to f350r when ho stopped and told Mr. Ackerson to .come up to the hotel and they would fix It, giving hla name as T. W. Wast, and his boardlng-placo as Hotel Ai»bury. Mr. Ackerson took his fruit to the stand and hurried up town, He found tbat the man bad not gone to tbe hotel, but was evi- dently In hiding. No officer waa in eight and Mr. Ackerson camo to the J ournal office. One of the employda telephoned to Park Hall for an olfloer, but none was there.. He then went for Officer Bpfdeio, who bad- just gone off duty^nd was asleep, but found Qfflcors Stultz And Ilendrloknou. In themeantlmo Chief Bailey was foundVand M r., Aokorson turned the matter over .to b)m*. (i Mr. Bailey succeeded In . finding the man and see tho moboy. Ho<‘waa shown $15, whlou the man said was all be had, and refused to give It up, although Mr..Bailey asked him to deposit it in' the bank until the owner waafound. The man was thon allqw- ©d to go uumolesTed;^, . - Mr. Ackerson says ho will mak^ affidavit that the man pioked up several hundred dollars. It would have been good policy- fcr Mr, Bailey to have held tho man for. further develop^ ments. According to the.dcscclption of. tho'flnder, ho was at-Hotel Asbury some time since; and bis .trunk is still held there for a board bill. Lately.hb has been Bleopingwhorovor bo could get lodging, ;and for a fow nights staid In the upper Btory of tho poat office building. IJp to last night no Information bad been received as to the owner of .tboiostmoney. Wliat’s tlie Matter With tlio '.-/j-. .• .l/ Clerk.1 ' - ^Afnohg the real estate ttatis/ora In the, J 00rmaz.,last woek was one which Bald that James H. Shepherd had made, over to the Aebnry Building Loan oortalu land In Aabury Park" to the value .of 18,000. This was sur- prising Information to both Mr. Shepherd .and the officers of the Association, as neither know ol any 8U0h trauaactl^n. 'The tranafera aro poplod each week from the records of the County ^Clerk at Freehold, put intypO„attho Democrat offlPp, and proofs: scot to §uch papers have the cash to pay, for th^ sorvloe. Tho J ournal and other papers havo unwittingly given currency to this. falso transfer, and tho County Clerk shonld let tho publlo know how It camo to he reoorded on bis books; Christendom, ail attracted by“IH5“fai man whose name has gone forth to every habitable quarter of the globe. On tbo plat- form besides pr. Talmage were Drs. E. H. Stokes, Adam ^Wallace, L. W, Munhall, 8., Edward Young and Col. IIadley, of St, Bartholomew’s Home, Now York, Near the platform sat Father O'Connor, tho converted Catholic, of4ho Fregph Mission, New York. “Dr, Talmage appeared on tbo platform a few minutes beforo ^p’olock In company wHh Rev. S; Edwayd Young, pastor of Westmin- ster. He was greotod with a baddkerchief salute. Dr. Talmage Is above the medium height and has a strong bnt not symmetrical face. It wears a smile In hla best moods, bn i often hia countenance rnns Into tbe sterner exprejsaions, In sympathy with feelings hla language portrays. . At the moment the flrfit hymn waa sung,. Educational Hall, was nlmpst packed with people, who had left the Tabernacle expect? tug that on account of the rain the services would be held there, Mr. Bradley personally superintended the arrangement of chairs and settees on the stage In anticipation of tbo ar- rival of Dr. Talmage. At.a few mihutea be- fore 4 o’clock, Squire Wyckoff camo wltb a mes8age_that the'Doctor waa at theTaber- nacfe, and itio sermon Wonld bo preached there. The Founder's carriage was placed at the disposal of tbe J ournal's stenographer, who was driven through tbe deloge of rain to ,tbo Tabernacle. Tbo majority of those in tbe Hall remained and participated In a gospel service of tbelr own. u Tbe singing was led by a portion of the Marine Band, with Mr. F. J. Long, as pro- cantor. Dr. Monball read tho Scripture les- son, and Dr. E, H. Stokea lod In prayer. He asked divine blesSinj^s upon the people assembled; upon the preacher, wbofee words he- hoped-would-Qnd a lodgment in many' hearts, and immortal souls be saved foretor- nlty j upon tho Founder of Asbury Park for bla liberality in providing such a place of wor- ship, aud for^ bis efforts to make all people better. Dr. Talmage’e text was taken from Psalm 19, part of tbe Sib verse: “ Tbe statutes of the Lord are right.” His points mado wore: That tho Blblo is right tn ita divine Inspira- tion; right in aiylo; right In doctrine and right In effect. .. v The Holy Bible. '•TUP statutes of the Lord aro right.”—Psai^ m 19:8. of date. _____ the qoes- the wrongs that AB books, eald Dr. Talmage. go out ( When thoy- were written they discussed tt tiorn which were being struck at the wrona ____ _ exfatedi or In favor or somo Idea that oxlsted. There were books that wero bitter and books wildly mythologlBtlc. Woro thoy books of his- tory they Bbowed the classes of barbarism of tho time. But what do tho great -mao* know or care about the path of events that hlBtory has brought down to our time] - Who' is- there that could not appreciate thq old book that comes into his pos- session from tho family. fYom thp,.Jather or mother. Is its yBefuluess dono ? Its leathern lips seem to say, “ I wlgh I woro dead I” Monuments have been raised to patriots, but the authors of the old book had not anything of that kind to perpetuato their memory. Infidelity was shown in tbe works of tho sci- entists, but it was not so wltb tho good old book tbat hod been inspired by God with patriarchs and apostles. It crossed tho British Channel In .tho early ages In tho hands of St. Augustlno: ft crossed the great Atlantlo and had struck this great continent at Plymouth Rock. Its truths were how being preached by 70,000 ministers In America to-day. Thoy^wefo standing with the good old English txjpfc,-the Blblo. It is still going on with its mission—it haa reachcd China, India and the remotest parts of tho world. All thrones shall be lifted into ono tlirono to crown by firo the Revelations. This book has opened the gate of heaven. It shall accomplish its mission. I was not surprised recently to see a man In a railroad car. going to Now Orleans, tako out a Bible,read It, oloso It, up again and press It to his Ups. There aro some thousands In thla as- semblage that can press th'at book to tholr lips. When my parents died, tho best part of tho legacy. I got waB tho old family Bible. It was the book that cenxontod tho family by the mar- riage entry. Names of children followed. ■Four of us weie ministers. That book was a treasure. It was at my mother's lap that I romombor stand- ing and hearing its truths propounded to me. That old book l May my name bo ouraod If evorJ[ forgot to honor and revorent-e that good old book—If ever I forget to love my mother’s old Blblo. How preoUms is tho book—tho Blblo.. I am going to show you that tho statutes of the Lord are right. Tho Bible Is right in foots, right in doctTlno. - The prophets and evangelists Wrote that book. Suppose now a book be wrlt> ten by bad mon. Tho pooplo- would say wo don’t want that book. Thjso peoule aro bad mon. Wo romembor tbat the Bible was given^to all pooplo ia tho world. But tho people in those days said it was bad. . Tho fact that it lives to- dag.shows that la a divine book. len, where thero were three or foar hundred ‘.leyod* .......... lay bb TfceL._____ ___ _________ _______________ people who belleyodr'ir/'nbw thero aro three or rour.hundrod^ millions. , • Supposo a taedloine wo find has cured hun- dreds of thousands of people. Whoso evidence would you tako In regard to tbo mediolno audits benefits—those who used It, or thoso who never trlod it f You would “Glvo mo the testimony of those who wero cured by It." Five hundred millions will deolaro they have taken this medi- cine—this Bible which 1 hold before you. It haa cured them. Whoso testlmony wlll you take In regard to this divine revelation ? The Blble.said there was a great city built of stono. Tho great explorers havo dlsoovored tlieso cities after they -had been buried for thousands of yearsrana they were bnllt of Btono. The Blblo spoke of temples fashioned out of colored stone,' Such have boon discovered In the wilderness, and they were of stone. Who was right—lnfidolity or the Sorlpturos f Sodom and Gomorrah wore destroy- ed. The .lnfidor did not believe suoh cities ex- isted. Last Deoembor I stood on tho site of Sodom and Gomorrah. I tasted of the brim- stone of tho lake on whoso shore thoy stood,.and though I only took a drop of the water, I did not escape the biting eEfeot, for. hours. You can drink at tbls placo tho brimstono that fell in the temple. W h a t ....... . ------------------------ destroyed by flre. Thoy say that city waa three -diy»t=jOiirqey around. Thoy did notin those days have the menus of getting-around big cIU6s’ll&e li doyou prove by Infidelity? Nineveh Was yed by Are. Thog Hon. Jobn.FIeld, Postmaster of Philadel- phia,'fipent Sunday itt thd Grove *nd bad a scat on the platform at morning service.. ______W°re ___________________________ . -olay. Bricks crumbled wheu the w atg^of tho Tigris overflowed its banks Tho flrO burned up tlie Infiammablo portion of tho 6ity. Who was right about Nineveh—Infidelity or the Bible ? In- fidelity said that grapes had never grown in Egypt. Ohlyreoontly paintings havo'boon dis- covered in. tlio ruins with pictures on thSlwalls showing grapes on tho vines and tho process of making wine. Vases havo boon discovered which also show that infidelity was wrong. God wrote His statutes on the'rook. Every- movement of tho geologist's-crowbar, eVory stroko of tho arohooloclst’s liammormado among the ruins of ancient cities proves that the statutes of God are right. Brains and the heart aro with us. The largest brain of any American, as re- vealed by post-mortem examination, largest both in circumference and in ouhoea, waa that of Daniel Webster.: His last utterance was— .‘'Lord.Ibollovol” Another proof that the brains ore with us: I was in England recently and tho greatest brain la that country I mot at Da warden Castle. I said I took it for granted that one of tho reasons that tho people of that country so Btron&ly favored Christianity was booauso ho—that greatest of Britain’s statesman-thd non. WlUfetn Ewart Gladstone—so firmly believed In It. Tho anBwor was. r,I do bolievo inJt, Dr. Tal- mage. People talk about Christianity and the gospel KOing to revolutionise tho world. I have becn4oycars In public II fo; I have been assoola- .ted- With 60 of the greatest men that lived in my time, and ontof Abat sixty only flvo did not be- lieve in Christianity.’’ - - .. Agnosticism has, not mufth’ fayorbh tho other aido. All the bratu is On tho gido of Christianity, they WBt. They kept on meeting, Congress closed and their terms were atan end< They met at the President’s lovee many years after. One called across tho room to tho other, “ Henry, an; light f” VNox John, no light.’’ - Tho other aafce< the same question, andrecelved theeamo reply. •I have been reedy to give up this Bible any moment when these men have something better to give mo. The meanness of infidelity ! Make a well a thousand miles deep, and whon you get- that far, you will be at tho top round of a ladder twelve thousand miles long, and when you get down you will be on tbo edge of a precipice. Just J— down that chasm ,about twenty thousand 1 and yoa will Just about reach the depth of tho meanness whloh takes away the word or God. You wiU say the Blblo ia dry In facts. Genesis L the doOr to go in. Revelation is tho door to come out. Somo peoplo go In at the cod of one. chap- ter, torn to the last page, then go the fourth page and finally to the beginning of the book. That ia not the way. They should begin at Genesis and finish at Revelation. Snpposo you got a letter, you wonld not begin to read at tho signature, or the T>lflrtlft of. thfl jagg, or evert a t the end of the flrst >age;-YouwouIdMgiirui"""Uear-sii" anatmftafc-- * yours trjfly.” Why don’t you read the old book In the same way 7 Begin at the beginning and ond at tbo close. - Is there anythin# to equal the pathos of tho Btory of the young man of Naln, tbo only sou of hismother? Find a book where thero are aufcir beautiful sentiments as thoso of tho Psalms of Davjd. Show mo a passage Uko th is : " The oye thatmocketh at his father and despiseth to obey his mother, tho ravona of tho valley shall pick ft ut and the young eagles shall eat it.” ' ; John Bunyan go tbla Idea of the Pilgrim's Jajv- aress from tho Bevelation of St. John, tho DIvino. Take Sir'W alter Scott's. Mtg Merrilici, and. Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth, and compare them , with tho Witch of Endor and Jezebel; even Thomas Carlyle Is only a distortion of Ezeklal. God knew historians would want to read it. . He knew little oblldren would want to road It. In any ono pago of tho book of Job you o«n see God standing and holding flvo oceans on the tips of his fingers; The Blblo is right in doctrlno. It hss two doc- trines—man the sinner, God tbe Saviour. Mau must come down Christ must come up. Christ came into tho world ip Bavo slnnors*_ He said **I am the chief.” Now I will give you a sen- tence, every word of which weighs^, a ton: “God so loved tho world that he .gave bis only begotten son that whosoever believed Bhould not perish but have everlasting life." I don’t wonder that Christ was born ia Bethle- hem, and that thoy sang “ Glory to God in the highest, peace* on earth and good will toward tnen.” 1 <5j f I were going to put this Blblo Into ono word It would bo “ mercy." Tho world don’t know my thing about mercy. I will you what mercy means; It means that if a man goes astray God says “ Come back I” If a man bas gone 10,000 miles astray God says " Cbmc back /” It is much harder for a woman to come back. When a wo- man gets on the wrong track It goes hard with her. . She gets no mercy, from tho world. Peoplo shout V Away with her I” If she struggles against- wind and tide and almost reaches tbo shore, sho is shoved back into tho wavc& If she struggles still harder to reach the shore apd Just gets the tips of her-fingers on the rock of safety some will' stamp on her hands and crush thom. Bho Is crushed and that's all she feels of the world’s mcrcy. What Is Christ's mercy 1 Ho said to thoso who expected to hear him condemn the woman brought before him: MLet him that.hath not sinned cast tho first stone,” Mercy I m ercyI take It further. On this subJcct tho Bible la right in facts. Man falls back In despair and cries to,. God who answers, "All ye that aro heavily laden come unto mo and I will glvo von rest.’’ Your child dies, and It’s only Goa taking a little lamb to hla bosom. Christ camo into tho room and said,MOf such Is tho kingdom of heaven." - Just as-you pick sweet berries ./W>m thorns go are somo.of the sweetest portions of tbo gOspel. I don’t care much where Idle provided 1 havo the Bible for a pillow. - - Charles Nolan, a young man In my church, was called away. He lay upon 'tho couch. No one could arouse him. Ills mother tried once, but no answer could she get. All thought be \jas dead. The mother Bald, *' Charles^ do you know me?” 1 UO1UUI.UU1 OttlU, ‘1/UtMlUO. UU you . He opened his eyes and said, "Mother, why did you call me back? I waa halt way up tbo stairs to heaven.’* Those who are saved die gloriously I When my good old father waa dying the fam- ily stood around hla bed. Four -of bla sons are^ ’ preaohers. We could not tell him anythin{r about tho gospel. We asked “ How do you feol f" He asked uq to slug, and we made a poor out at it. When wo camo to tho last line none of us could sing it. He took up tbo last line nnd finished It. They go gloriously! Christian Evans, the good man, imagined the bed on .which he lay was a chariot, and the man at the foot of It tbo driver. Christian bowed to those a t bis bedside and said to him " Drive on !” and bis spirit dopartod. Thoy tro gloriously with a • pillow like thiaplllow—the Bible—at tholr heads. Take'the Blblo into tho counting room, the school, tho college, tho place where you work. Take it Into your family, and tho blessing of God rests on your, household. Eight young meastoqd on the bank of tho Potomac. Tho bells began to ring for church*. Ono Bald, " I am going to church.” Thoy gibed him and were going to baptize him by throwing him In tbo river. Hey said, •* My mothor gave mo her dying blessing and I shall keep her wishes. I shall gojto church.” 8oven out of eight became Christians through Ihat ono oxamplo—because one young ' man ajd his duty, There Is a beautiful superstition about a bird’ called tho/huma found In . the East, that upon whatsoever head the shadow of that bird snail rest, upon that head shall be placOd a crown. May tho shadow of the winga of the Spirit float- ing above ua fall upon this congregation I May each nnd every one in heaven wear upon his head a crown—a crown ; and hold in his right handaatar—a star 1 ' - Jho sermon ocoupled ono hour and tour min- utes In its delivery, and notwithstanding the prlvatlonB tbat hundreds In „the audience of 1,500 endured, not a dosou people iotho main body of the auditorium left tbelr-places.. The new roof leaked considerably, and on* parts of the floor umbrellas wero raised to keep out the wet. Ministers tucked handkerchiefs round their necks and pulled np their coat collars, butbraved .the raw wind from the sea, while tbosa In the rear of tho old preaching stand swoHerad and perspired from the heat, - From the printed Blips the npdlenco sadg- £ball we Gather at the River ?” and Dr. Tal- mage pronounced the benediction. I&Bhook hands with a number of people who crowded about the platform and Itr banka and v^ses of flowers, some of whom wero of. his own congregation In Brooklyn.' He left;aoon after for Long Branoh. To .Ocean Grove was aaslgned the post of i honor. *Rev. L. W. Munhall read the lesson, and Dr. Stokes’s prayer was full-of devout Christian sentiment. Along the Tracks. ; There were three trunks at -tho north bag - gage rSotn Thursday morning bearing through checks from Asbnry Park to San tPranclaoo, and a few feet from them wpre two that had - arrived from Memphis, Tenn. •" . Thd'steamer Mgnmo\Uht of tho Sandy Hook Lino, has gained an enviable reputation as tho fleetest of the many fast steamboats that plow **■: the waters of New York Bay. The time be- "• tween New York and tho Hook Is repeatedly, . made In from 56 to 68 mlnutca. The distance is 23 milesrfrom dock to dock. A Weatern Union mosaengerboy attempted to ciimb.on the 1.80 train from New Tork at the Long Branoh station Thursday,-and fell nndor the wheels,. Ills right foot and ankle W?s cqt off and the left leg braised.' A band- - kerchief was knotted under the knee to stopjf thp.flQWLof blood from the arteries, tp d jh w / young man removed to the Memorial H o^' pital. H e was aboat 14 years of age, arpj begged to be taken to hla mother. He hilt that she was the only xiurso for him la his misfortune. . Railway agonts'are making an active can*- vass of the Park and Grovo for passengers tver their* respective' lines. One man haa dotd within a week over throe handred dollars T ;wortb of tickets over, the toad he repreaentB. The passengers were not all oppflned to this <v-; vlcinlt^;: ■. ’ ■- ' R > A Walter Loses tils JLlfe. A sad drowning aootdent oocare^ Sunday morning at Elberon. Albert. KJ.rschner, one of :the waiters. of the Eltwronr became px- hansted while In'bathlug and was drowned in , eight of&nnmberior tbe cottagers. Tbe body .• was not recovered’np to nightfall. .The poor - ‘ fellow was married bat the place of residence. of hla family Id not known.

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Page 1: BLUE STOHE Oliver H. Brown, · painting1. Building and General Repairs. Par ticular attention given to sale, renting and care of soaslde property. Corroppondence solicited. Address,

" - .-J.; iQ^an d. hud'Aobury Aveancgi^''- o_. t3A>2rtt> 3 p ,W ,0 to Sp, in .

■ j ) R , n r JT>ikp nnnT ir*; . ' ^ a m , - _ ' - '

y 't ,! ' > + "fife-Thlrd avenue, "-' ’ ^ V\ .G&cbJTows u n til 11 n. ni. . .'Aabury -Parki K. J .

.......’’■ j ^ f . p a w l e t , _-■ ■ 1

JiW S to ami \ W i t ,_f t - g i t . 8 .

' ■ DENTIST, •'■.'■••■ •'.•.■•'■" ■;''.Office—20i Main St., opposite R ailroad Station,

Qaa adm inistered. Asbnry P ark . N . j .

J i i r ^ tn S t 0t>p0; thodopoW , ”

A r a ^ jE M ^ ; ‘NEW. JERSEY.- j , Latest s ty les and P opolar Pricca,'' ,■ v^rv


■JJUFM CO. LINKS OF S H O E 8 ,.^5 .-

$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 :Capital Paid in, :. •: $50,000

A, 8. BURTON, »: » . S. J. 0, BURTOW.DJDj, 8.- .QXTRTON BROTIIERfl,**'■ ■..! R M ldfint O e n tlita ,Bonn Building, 003 Cookman ave., Asbnry Park.

New York Office—69 W est 83th et.G as adm inistered. Appointments m ade by tele*

^ lio n e W W irta flt T lours: 9 a . m . to 6 p. m .' M T rs o f '* ZQZO1'—th e new preparation for

cleansing and preserving the Teeth.

J ) H . P . A.DAVISON,

V e t e r i n a r y H n r ^ e o n a n d D e n t i s t .G raduate o f New York College of

VETERINARY SURGEONS. Late Veterinary Snrgoon to 4th Ave. R .R . Co.

lSOOhorePs. 'O F F IC E S C o w a rd ’s Livery Stable, Sewall ave.

Williams* Harness Store. 167 M ala st. • F S t , Belmar N. J . Asbnry P a r i.


Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors' & M asters In Chan­cery , Mikado Building, Cookman Av.,

Aabury P ark , N. J .JSAA C O. KENNEDY,

Attorn ey-at-Law, Solioltor, V aster In Chancery and N otary Pnbllo.

Special a tten tion given to exam ination o f Unties,

Monmouth Building, Asbnry Park , New Jersey.m onth]

v i i y E£)AVIDyKARVEY, J r . , * ^ •

CoanBelor-at-Law, SttllOltbfrMWtPr aWd Vttiti- in er in Chancery, N otary Public."'

^ Asbnry Park , N .J .


' A ttornoy-at-Law and Solioltor InC hanoery, Byram Building, ' Asbury P ark , N. J .

H n m t H . N bvtob, Counsellor a t Law.’

>TBVnJS & WILSON,' .............. . Law f

E dmuito W iu o k , ■« A ttorney a t Law.

Bees,-., . • - ...... RED BANK, N .J .

T A I L O R787 Cookman Ave.

M e ii’s F u rn is h in g s .ROBERT T. GRAYATT,


Stoves,Heaters, Ranges,T I N W A R E , * 0 .

Cookman av., near Bond st., ASBUBY PABK, H. J.

I l l U g riM , 1UDEII, BUTTEII, A t. BBFPH, T il AID (MET 1801 WORK OF ALl

HID*.i3F*FIr8tiolasa work at low rates. -

M . M. C R O S B IE ,Successor to David Cartwright*

vf^Tftr P aper, Stfaathtfitf T&hor, Two’ M aThree-ply Roofing P a r

P.O .BoxS0 3 .per.

Aabnrjr F a r k . K . J .

T \A V ID II. WYCKOFF,- J u s t i c e o t t h e P e a c e n n d

. O e n e r a l .C o l le c t ln a r A g e n c y .• • Room No. 9, M onmouth Building. :

All m oneys promptly, paid to patrons when re­ceived.



B O B A i t f m v . -

807 Fourth avenae, Asbury Park . TEACHER OF PIAR0, 0RQAN AND THEORY;

P u p llo f Rlghard Hoffman,

H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker^

Dealer in Fine W atches, Jewelry, Spectacles A o. W atches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prices.

Main street, near Oookman avenae," ASBURY PARK, N. J . *

GEO. M. BENNETT,HOUSE EAESTESGi a a ll Its branches. Hardwood finlshtng, Grain*

lng. CalclmlnlnK, &c. fiatim ates furnlahod on application.

L. Box 2182. Ooean Grove, N .J .

H. C. MARRYOTT,Contractor and Builder,E stim ates furnished for every description of

- w o rk . Jobbing a ttended to p rom ptly, - ■ Residence—

6 1 2 M C X JH 3 E t0 3 E J&TT3S1TXJ3EI, Lock BOX 716 A H B D R if P A R K , K . J .


' Carpenter & Builder.P lan s a n d ' specifications furnished. Jobbing

prom ptly a ttended to . Best o f reference given. • • Residence—F irst ave., be t Bond and Em ory ata.

Shop and Office—First ave. and Main s t P . O. BOX US. ASBURY PARK.


GOWDY & PITCHER,Carriages, and* Manufactu­

rers ol ess.R e p o s i to r i e s —A rt>ni?y P a r k , R e d B a n k

........ a n d T o m a R i v e r ,

J . W . R O B E R T S ,' “ j E B O H I T B J Q T ,- 1 - -ROOMS 14 AND 16. - - F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k H a n d i n g ,


A. A. TAYLOR, Mason and Builder.

Bricklaying and P lastering In all branches .■ of M asonry work.Jobbing prom ptly-attended to . ■

P . o . Box 697. Office, 719 M attison avenue.


PILIN G , T IM B E R ,.'and - J '

General Oontractora, •ASBDEY PAHKt-N.J. H


Faiper Eugsrhas on hand th e largest and finest linffD f'plain arid g ilt . w all papers, decorations, shades and

‘fixtures in the county, a t lowest prices. Also W a l l P l e t u r e M o u l d l n p a n d F r a m e s *

p a p e r H a n s o r ’a S u p p l ie s , E t c . . -^F ram es m ade .to order a t Bhort,hotioe. Tho beSt Now York aSfl-Fblladelphla paper hangers employed. Estim ates furnished fo r paper hang- n g and kalsominlng. ”

• £>44 C o o k m a n a v e n n e ,A djoining Commercial Hotel,


COOK HOWLAND,( S u c c e s s o r t o T . P . B e r g e n , )

-----DEALER IN -----

FLOUR FEED , HAY, STRAW,Prepared Food a n d Medicines for Horses, C attle, Poultry* and oil requisites in such a business, m a i n m t. A I K u n r o o a v e . , A s b u r y P a r k .

C ontractor a n a Builder. Plans and speclfl*. . ca tions f u r n i s h e d . .




Tho Finest Stook o f

Honsefarnishing Goodsto bo found on the New Jersey Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture.A N T IQ U E O A K

Id Bsdroon Solts, Sida Soirds, Cbalrs, Tiblii, Etb. ■ ’

Carpets, Mattings,Reed and Rattan Goods,

BEDDING,Silverware, Lamps, Stoves.

. All the Novelties in ■-

French, Bohem ian and Do- ■ inestlp Glass.

F oreign and D om estic China and Table W are.

G oods delivered in ABbury P ark and Ocean : Grove.

u .

ADON LIPPINCOTT,Contpiictor & Builder

' P lans ah d estim atos bheorfully. furnished.- Jobbing la a ll branohes promptly and carefully

1 attended to.Rosldenoe and Shop, ■ " .

907 Main St., bot. 1st and 2d, Asbury Park,'TT. J .


A S B V R T P A R K , N . M.Established 1B78. Jobbing prom ptly a tte n d e d

, *, to . Best o f reference given.Office a n d Residence,


N. H. KILMER,Contractor, Carpenter^iBuilder' P lans and Bpoolfioatlons furnished and estl^ m ates mado on a ll kinds o f carpen ter work* Jobbing o f a ll k inds attended to.Box 2085/ B P i t m a n a v e . , O c e a n © ro v e .

- Archibald Reynolds, REMOVER OF NIGHT S O IL

| O rders b y inail promptly a ttended to , . I g u aran tee the best .work a t th e low est price.

Residence, W EST ABBURY PARK, N, J .P .O . BOX 090. ASBURY PARK, N. J .

H O T E L P R O P R IE T O R S a lw a y s s e t y o u r R E G IS T E R S , T r a n s i e n t C a l l .B o o k s , B o a r d e r s * A c c o u n t B o o k s* T i m e R o o k s r o r H e l p , K e y a n d l e t t e r B a c k s , R o o m R a c k s , T o o i k p ie k s , a n d e v e r y t h i n g u s e d i n H o t e l O flle e s , f r o m t h e P I I I L A D E I - P U I A I I O T E I 4 S U P - P L Y C O ., 4 8 1 V in e S t . , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a . S e n d f o r i l l u s t r a t e d C a ta lo g u e .

Wills receipted lo t and kept w ithout ohamoI8AAOC. KENNEDY, President. DR. B. S. KEATOR, Vloo-Prea’t. H. H. YARD. Secretary.

- A . C. TWINING. T reasurer. DIRECTORS;

« . D. W . VROOM, Trenton, N. J .W. J . HARRISON. Lakewood, N .J .,

— OLIVER H. BROWN, Spring Lako, N. J . - t± «B N »Y H. YARB, Ocean Boach, N. J .

J . H. BUCOANAN, Spring Lako, N. J . "JOSEPH MWDERMOTT. Froohold, N .J . n . B. PIERSON, Philadelphia, Pa.GEO. F . KROEHL, Asbury P ark. N . J . BRUCE S. KRATOn, M.D., “ u A. C. TWINING, “ “ISAAC C. KENNEDY. M

$15,000To L oan o n Good Mortgages.

B. C. COWART, Freehold , N . J .


BLUE STOHE.^nd 'all Silnds of Stone fo r Building


Curbing and Flagging a Specialty.GRANITE ATTD MARBLE MONUMENTS ANB


Yard and Office—Second are. & Halo St.,ASBURY PABK, N. J .

g ta l Estate gigtiwits.

H. B. B E E C L E ,*' JL a te H, B. Becglo A Son) .


43 Hais Areiine,Ocean Sron.lU,I#oanfl Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn

flURjBBgQLE^ N otary rtibno an d Dommlfialoner d f D oida fo r N ew Jersey , PetmsylvsHl* and th e D istrict o f Columbia.

CHAS. P. PRIDHAEyf,Real Estate and Insurance.

painting1. Building and General Repairs. Par­ticu lar a tten tio n given to sale, renting and care o f soaslde property. Corroppondence solicited.

Address, o r call on, CHAS. P. PR1DHAM, Pennsylvania and Heck ayes,. Ocean Grovo, N ; J.


M A T A W A N , M ON M O DTII CO ., N . J . O n e L o n r f ro m New T o r k .

fiO th Y ear b e g in s S e p te m b e r 17tFIVES F U L L C O V nS E S O F STU D Y .

1. A Classical Course. 2. A Literary Coureo.8. A Scleptiflc Course. 4. A Commercial Course. 5. A General Course. "

The School has also a Prim ary Departm ent,' mid Courses in Vocnl and Instrumental Music, and in Drawing and Painting.

For catalogues or information, apply to CHAS. A. J A410 A It, A. M., Ph.D., Principal.

Address from July 1st to Aug. 16th, a t South amp*._ ton. Long Island.________


• - ' • I . . / • '


Railroad, near First Avenue,

F u rn ish es-E lo c trlo A rc and Incandescent ligh ts a t an y location. .


_______ ______Vice Pres’t—GEO. F / LUOKU L. Treasurer—JOHN r <>£a f e ij l e r ,Sec’y an d Sup’t / / ^ ' M. LANE.

______ ___ _ . j .F. Kroehl,John RCokafeller, 4,\Stanley Ferguson,

fleo.M.$>"° " - ■ ’■Myron 8. Gould,

G. T O . TREAT, Jr.,. PLAIN AND O ltt .MBNTAI. '

a l± it© xAlso Practioal Ha^d':W<^id Finisher.

Estim ates cheerfully furnUhifey on application. . 8 0 6 M A I N S T B E E T ,

K C o n s ©


E stim ates furnished fo r ovory description o f building-.. . Jobbing attended to promptly*Box 7Si, ABBURY PARK, N .J .

Oceau township : i r . „ .................Robert Allon, Jr., et al., e t ’rs, to Frank J. Heidi

—land a t Long Bmncb. 81,000.Cornelius V. It. Poland to Harriet S. Poland—2

tracta land, WaH township. SI,GOO.Robert Itoh to Oraolft V. Jordan—lots 1063, 10S4

and 1005. Atlantlo Highlands. 81,COO. , ;Walter B. Bailoy to Gracia V. Jordan—lots lOdi

and 1005, Atlantio Highlands. Marg to Elizabeth Mcnrol <1 ol.—land lu'

Matawan township. 9075.Thos. B. Woolley to Wm. E. Woolley—land lu

Howell township. $100. ' *Oliver A. Holmes to Francis Holmes—land in

Matawan township, 870. , 4John M. Brown to Henry ‘W ainrlght—land iq

WaB township. 81. ■ • 0 .*+■ John M. Brown to Thomas P. O. Halsey—land lit

Wall township. S271.60. -W|RuQna Zimmerman el al. to Edw in Haynes--

land in Eatontown. 8125. ' i rJesse Taylor to Kate McKinstry—laud in .Occaft

township. 85&.800. • • v l -Frederick Humphreys to Kate McKinstry—land,

In Ocean township, 81,100. . $W m .R. Maps to CharlesL. Edwards—land ill

Ocean township. 8GOO. „Jane Robinson and husband to Wm. M urphy^

lo t No, 9, Oceanio. 8900.' -Tbeo. Fields, sheriff, to 0. T. and J. H. Hen­

drickson—land in Shrewsbury township. 8250. ’ tym, G. HaH to Lottie A. Burr—land in OfcesS^

township. 8185, ":<ilWm. G. Hall to Baroabas M. Burr—lot No. 23,

near Long Branoh. 8185. ~ '""*<£ ■3. ..Margarot Havens and Lorenzo D. to Thomas S.-

R. Brown—lot No. 10, Keyport. 8317 97.Mary E Cozzens to, John Boxmycr—lands’I

Marlboro township. $950.T. W. Throokmorton to Elizabeth Do H. Mff*

shall—lot 209, Shrewsbury township. 81.D. F . Wolcott el a/., ex'rs, to James G. BberidaK

—land near Eatontown. 81,350.Hal Allaire to Edward T. Burdge—land In Hofr

ell township, fGOO.John P. Short to Charles W. Ell la—lot No-7, At

iantlo Highlands. $300. . '7 i

B u ild in g C ontracts.riLBD TO AKD JNOLUDINO AOO. 0 ,1890 . 1 . !

893S—Henry E. Knight w ith W illiam C. Oottwjll —Boll ding a t Locb Arbour. $2,47A • .

Frank M. Taylor, Jr., with Joseph Rob­bins—House a t Long Branch. 82,000.

T lie A lla ire B r id g e C ontract,;Somo tim e ago fo u r m em bers o f tho BoafrT

o f F reeholders m ot a t the s lto o t »be proposed now brid g e a t Allalro, w here tb o o ld iron w orks a re going to detiny, and- deolded w hat k ind o f a bridgo they shou ld e re o t . . T b |y were g iven discretion by t h o . B oard to e ither rep a ir th e old s tro o tu re o r rep lace i t w ith anew o ne o f wood o r iton . .They dedfdedlhflt tho ioaehoro , a n d m ado i t th'e ch lo f attraction^

~ ....... * to b ea r th e celeb rated Brooklyn preacher.W htfa infora»ed th a t bo w ould j io t p reach in O cean Q rovo a t all, an d th a t 4 v. u wm* the tim e announced , and A sbnty P a rk tb e place, they h ad to ad m it having hoard so before, b a t lik e tho excited trav e le r a t a ra i lro a d t ic k e t offloe, they ask ed s o o ften ; a n d su ch a g rea t va rie ty o f people b y th e way, th a t th ey g o t th in g s Inextricably m ixed u p , a n d fo rg o t the las t b i t o f in fo rm ation tholr questioning b rough t o u t tbe m om ent i t w as u ttered .

i t sho u ld be iron, an d th a t “ PbffinlaH coi- a m n a sho u ld b e used. T h is m 6a h i :;Utai o n e firm shou ld h ave (he jo b , a n d they wero D ean & W estbrook. T hey a re a g en ts o t tho PboQ.nlx Iro n W orks. I f an o th e r flrth re ­ceived th e co n trac t thoy w ould fiave to -buy- th o colum ns o f the P b m ilx C om pany, an d pay a s tiff price.

G eorge Cooper, onglViecr of tho Board, drew u p th e speclQcatlons In accordance w ith tho decision o f the com m ittee. H e is a b ro th er o f J e h u P. pooper, tbe B taunch friend o f Dean & W estbrook. J e h u P . Cooper.ia hard ly ever a b sen t from a com m ittee th a t- i r e n tru s te d w jth th e construction o r a n lron brldgo. E n ­gineer C ooper’s speolDcatlons called for Phco- n lx co lum ns a n d % -lnch cyllnders.fand when the b ids w ere opened T hursday thoy ran th u sly :Wallace Iron W orks....0 .. . . . , i . . . ........... $2525N .J . Steel and I ro n Co... .......................... 8fi50Sm ith Bridge C o ............................................... 8680Girder Bridge Co..................... ........... . . . . . . 32MD e a n * W estbrook... . . . . . . . . . 8 4 7 6

T he p a rag rap h in the specifications calling f o r % inch cylinders w as d i s c u s s e d . I t was show n t b a t tbe Iron was tb lq k e f tb a te neces­sary , an d th a t % -lnch was th e size m o st gen* e ra lly Oifed. The e x tra iro n m ode the bridge cost to o m uch, an d a m otion prevailed th a t X ip c h lro n bo su b s titu ted for an d tim e g iven fo r OgnrlDg on the chango.

W hen tbe second se t o f bids w ere opened they were found m uch lower in price. They w ere a s fo llow s:Wallace Iron Works............ : . . , .83,100N. J, Steel and Iron Co....'; . . . . 3,iooSm ith Bridgo Co........................... 8,206Girder Bridge Co ........... 3,$14Dean & Westbrook.......... ...^ .,^8,060

D ean & W estbrook woro aw arded the con­tra c t. T he revision o f th e specifications, ta k ­in g th e ir seoond estim ate a s a basis, saved th e county $415. •

T h e J o u r n a l w ould like to p r in t In bold­f a c e typo,’a couple o f m onths hence, th a t th is flr« r« r0cted th e bridgo .a_t_ the p rice ; ag reed upqn, an d neither, asked, n o r 'k c c e ^ d exttfr c o m p e n ^ o n ^ " T ? H e rom em brance "Of tho S hark R 'v er an d Oceanio bridgo co n trac ts are still fresh in m ind. „4 . - • :

« 55 less 650 leu 375108a

415 less

T lie N orm al an d M odel Setiools,In te re s t In th e New Je rse y 8 ta to N orm al and

M odel Schools Is rap id ly developing. Tho .last Legislature, w ithou t a , d isse n ji% vote, g ran te d a n appro p ria tio n o f $40,000.: fo r e n ­larg in g th e buddings. T h is en la rgem ent fa now nhdor way, an d wlion ppm pletcd will fu rn ish the oohools w ith-w orking faollltlca of a high order, includ ing Bym naslura, th o rr oughly equipped room s for, thd n a tu ra l sciences, d raw ing , m anual tra in in g , •' e tc . D arih g the p a s t year th o a tten d a tica tho aoboola haa largely -surpassed th a t pi, an y previous yea^.")The aim la thoroughness. I n ’89,60 s tu d e n t/w e ro g rad u ated from the Nor­m al. T hese w ere all engaged in teaching In tho fall a t a n averago salary o f over $400 a year. T h is y ea r 67 wero g rad u ated , an d th eso a re alreiady n earU all engaged, an d tho a v e r­age salary Is s till Inoreaaed.

T here Is a m arired InoroMo o f In terest In pedagogical tra in in g In tbcrconottosl M any of the coun ty su jftfllntebdenta a ro acttvo. n q t only In seonrlog professionally tra in ed tpach- em in th e ir d istrlo ts, b u t In dlrcctioir prom -’ Islng ta le n t to tho S ta te sch o o ls .' Tht^s tho S tato realizes the beheflt o f Us ex p en d itu re in tb ls d lreo tlon . ;

Farm ers* Waflli-Dnj',; .A nnually on tbo second S a tu rday In A ugust

tho farm ers, th e ir wives, daughters, eona and e ll tbo re la tions they can porsuado to coulo along, g a th e r on tho b ea lli a t M anaequan In le t an d .W reck P ond on the South, au d tho s6ore& o f R aritan Bay.'on tho N orth , fd r; their sea* bfitb. T h e ^ c ^ o fo i'.p IettQ uroand^avo lt, Some o f the m ore d istan t fam ilies s ta r t a day or tw o ahead ,, a n d w ith tood ehaugb fo r S m pntb , c am p o o t fo r t ^ o o r th ree d a y s a long the san d dunea. V isitors a t the P a rk w ill see strango sights if thoy go to Sea; G irt tbla afternoon . * ' '

^•ylfor several daya of la s t w ick th ere h a d been stoxlcuo con jeeto res nbont the w aatbor fo r

S u n d ay . A lthough O cean G rove Is p re tty well prepared to oholtor e ig h t or too tho u san d peo­ple d u rin g worship, y e t for th e ..groat d ay of the foast, sunny sktos a n d balm y breezes soem

Iftiore like heav6‘n o n ea rth , a n d y este rday ^ fe n o o n , a f ie a s^ 'g ra n d ly reach the general .oxpectatlon; b u t who can tell w b a ta d ay m ay [bring forth . • • ■*P I t •waa thorefpro a favorable m orning for everybody except, p erhaps, those officials

>:whoop responsib ilities, arow heav ier aa the beoomes grea te r. T he lam en tab le

drow ning oaaft whloh 'occurred s b ' rieedlessj^r on S a tu rday a jtp rnoon touobod tho sym pa- thloo of t e n thousand h ea rts for tho b ereft niotbor m ourning tho death o( hor b righ t an d hopeful boy. P rayer was offered fo r h e r a t tbo opohlug o f sorvloos by Rov. Dr. M unhall.

• ~Tbo m orning m eetings Indicated somo effect

from tho tb rco o r fo u r daya Bible study which preceded It. M rs. Palm er took u p the song Zacfiarlas, flrst ch ap te r o f S t. L ak e’s gospel, an d found in its com prehensive prom lsos hn a tte s ta tio n o f tho doctrlno o f holiness, which s h e la still spared to illn stra to b y p recep t a n d ex am p le , Ono th in g I t is g roatly dealred she m igh t h ave th e s tren g th a n d g race to do—sit d o w n on those Intorm lnablo bores who' fre ­q u en t tho T abernaole m eetings, a n d whose voice nobody bares to hear. I t ( th e voice) a t lea s t ,is n o t saubtlfled wholly a n d lacks th e q u a lity qf. s incerity In tono which Im presses one favorably, *

' D r. h . W. M uhhall took ,JM r^-Yatman?a vacart^ .cb a lr in tbe Tem ple, a n d be ing a te te ra n In th o leadership o(^ g rea t m eetings, k e p t th e packed audience and crow d outside th e doors an d w indows in a dow nright, de­votional a ltitu d e for ono hour. , D r. E rdm an , th e d istinguished cxegete, w as p resen t, an d

4 h th ree m inutes gave a very suggestive se r­m on, In which be asked, “ W ho is tbo g rea test person In tb ls world P Tho H oly Ghost. W ho ia ‘tho g rea te st In heaven ? Tho Lord Je su s C h r is t / J lo w c a n w<* g e t acquain ted w ith both T A little cblld can d o so , an d so m ay wo all, U wo aim to fulQl tbe chief end o f m an , wbloh is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.1’ Tho soivlco closed w ith general shaking o f hand?. . . . .

Tho In atten tion to m atters of detail whloh characterize som o otherw ise sensible people is su rp rising , Thoro w ere scores o n t ' early yesterday m orning securing good positions in the A uditorium to h ea r D r. Talm age. They bad com e from tb e S ta te o f D elaw are, ftom W est J e rsey and tho v icin ity o f Philadelphia on S a tu rday’s tra in s to spend one S ab b ath a t

These s tran g ers an d everybody else seemed highly com placent o ver the fac t th a t they could have tw o o r th re e -g re a t preachora a t different h o n rs th e Bamc day, an d so, In the f irst p lace, they rem ained to h e a r D r. Brooks. T his n o ted olergym an Is from St. Louis, Mo., an d cam e to the Blblo Congress la s t week p re ­ceded by a sp lendid rep u ta tio n fo r scholarly , ab ility a n d p u lp it eloquence, i l l s lab o rs have moro th an susta ined ft. H e cap tu red the con­g regation a t his f irst address. E very th ing .ho h as sa id h as been w eighty, forcible and tre* m ondouely p ungen t oq tho line o f S crip tu ral fa ith an d salvation . I lls S ab b a th m orning serm on was a m asterly discussion o f a m uch d ebated dogm a o f iho verbal, in sp iration o f tb e H oly Bible. -

The te x t w as 3 Tim . 8 :1 0 , 17, “ A irS c rip l ta r e is given b y Inspiration of God, an d is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, fo r cor* reoifon, fo r Instruction in r ig h teo u sn ess; th a t td a t the^pian o f God m ay be perfect, tho r­oughly furn ished o n to a ll good w orks.” Tbls Inspiration , bo held, w as m ore th a n m ere superin tendence ''A nd f a r h igher th an w bat certa in learned critics called “ dynamic** in ­sp ira tion ,' which Is a s tflogtcal' an d useless as a sum in m athem atics w ithout figures, or m usic w ithout notes.

N o g rea te r m ystery su rro u n d s v erb a l in ­sp ira tio n th an belongs to the d o c trin es o f the incarna tion , the T rin ity , o r th e n a tu re o t th e sou l which m ost people believe. Ho took th e Bible itself a s the • text-book to d em onstra te h la position , a n d by its. testim ony he dem on­stra ted th a t was th ro u g h o u t a n d e n tire tho w ord of God. S crip ture , tho epeakor defined, was sim ply “ w riting.” W ritin g is com posed, o f words and tho letters which m ake them . So th ese words, accord ing 'to P e ter, o r P e ter In n o t true, a re o t dlyino au th o rity . Holy qien sp a k e —n o t thought, o r willed,' b u t sp ak e a s th ey wore m oved by tho H oly Gfiosf. ' This ho proceeded to establish ' by copious q u o ta ­tio n s from th e three g rea t d iv isions o f tb e Old T estam en t—tbo Law , th e Psalm s an d the Prophets, giv ing ch ap te r a n d verso for.ayery te x t nam ed, a n d b r in g in g o u t the em phaais in evory Instance on “ tbo W ord o f tho Lord .”

' H e th en noticed the. way In which th e Old ,3 'estam ent is q uo ted m tho New, nam ing th e referenco with cum ulative power. V erbal iu- sp lra tlo n ia tho baala of tho nam o H oly '’ Biblbr an ^ every w ord is w o rth y o f devout and earn est a tten iio tf. In conolusioh he poin ted o u t how Je su s h im se lf regarded an d q u 01ed t h T i r o > ^ ‘‘ I t l s w r l t te n ,” an d " f lo t : a jo t o r t it tle ot the W ord shall fall.” I t one

'^ngel s e n t d o w rilo d estro y the cam p o f Sena- 1 cherlb copld slay 8,000, how sw iftly 100,000 angola poised o n ready w ing a long th e b a ttle ­m ents o l heaved, looking dow n1 o n th e crucl- flxfou scene, c ou ld h a v e ew ept fnstantJy to H is deliverance, b u t th e y Were res tra in ed th a t iljo S crip tures m ig h t b e fulfilled. :

‘ I l ls concluding a rg u m en t w as from th p Npw Testam ent, W hich d em onstrates the g rea t fao t o f tho te x t th a t this ia indeed the W ord of God. 0 le t u s c ling to I tr-th o word a t g race a n d m ercy, o f sa lvation to m en, ab le t o m ake' w ise the sam ple and sanctify tbo sou l, giv ing u s a n inheritance am ong the sa in ts In light,

T he them e was absorbing, and the audlenge Intensely In terested , so m uoh so th a t desp ite tho crow d, tbo h ea t and d iscom fort p f so m any

w ith th e m ajesty o f a c a ta rac t, d ispelled d e lu ­s ion a n d d o u b t; and p lan ted convlotl6n In every can d id mind* A lfnost a g ian t in s ta ­tu re , D r. Brooks is, equally a g ian t in orator^ Jca) s treng th , and aa devou t in his m an n er as ho is 'b rill ia n t In a rg am cn t. y 'p.

u n d e r th e ahsplces, o f .W estm inster P res­b y terian Church, d rew together a n Immense; conoonrse o f people, even in the face’o f a. th rea ten ing e ta im , which prevonted hundreds from g o in g ont, Q ther bnndreds. retn roed to th eir hom es o r went- to E ducational Ud.ll, ex­p ec ting the services’ m ight be held there]

,The a fternoon was very unpropltious. i J h e g rea t T abornacle was filled hours before the Bprvloe, A t 2.80 rpany of the people left, fearing th e s to rm then g a th erin g in tbe west, b u t ihough tbp ra in oame d ow n in .to rren ts a t jtimfts, a large portion rem ained to b ea r the celebrated Brooklyn p reacher, even with only th a t flimsy apology fo ra 'oovering—a m odern um brella._ Th#_andIoncfi,was m ade u p from denom lna-

W ^ M i m T o p e n ^ ‘E aT?iB T(^la^nM aU B " ^oa-aa_diE fiiB 6«aa_tho sects a n d creeda d i

: A t 2.80 p. m., when the Sunday-sphooi and Blble-classes wpro asBombling, tho first Indi­ca tio n o f a th u n d er s to rm w as observed In tho sky. A t tho sam e hour the g rea t h um an tldo had begun to Bet In tho direction o f tbo A sbury ParltTJasI no to h e a r Dr.' Tal m ag e ; and no sign in the sky w as1 so omlnouB as. to de te r th a t c lass w ho su b sis t on novelty from help-. Ing t b swell the g rea test S abbath congregation over know n betw een W esley an d D eal Lakes.

fo rm , an d had a ro u n d hltp-a ponderous body­g u a rd .of ihte lligont Blblo s tuden ts , whd en te r­ed o n .tho disousslon of tho parab le of tho sick m an a n d /L a z a ru s , (L uke 10.) an d the .flrst p o in t o f divergence ^aiaod was w hether tho narra tive w as propeily a p a ra b io o r an h istor­ical faot—a real occurrence Within tho know? ledge of th e G rea t T eacher. Tho p ractical leader reg a rd ed the p eco n n t as a m atte r of faot, Drs. A lday, M eeker a n a o th ers d issent­ing. T h en th e qucBtjpn of rlcbes a n d rich m en, an d th e d au g er o f hav ing a su p e rab u n d ­a n c e o f m oney w as touched upon. On the la tte r , i t Was b a rd to b ring o u t the testim ony o f Solomon, o r P aul in his to tter to Tim othy. A still m ore engaging question w as involved In th e fu tu re s ta te , where Dives c rie s .fo r water,- a n d poor L azurus. g e ta sa fe in to A braham ’s bofeom.—

A b o a t th e ad v en tu res experienced by Ooean G rovers who were cau g h t in tbe.hebvy ra in on their way to h ea r Dr. T alm age, a n d ' the soaking som e o f them received in the new Casino, th ere f sn’t room t o e n la rg e ; b u t -they sa rm o n n tcd the difficulties, an d re tu rn ed safely to c ongra tu la te them selves on the faot th a t they heard the g rea t p reacher, an d will never forget his energetlcdlscounjci. .

Tho show er effectually in te rru p ted the u su a l S unday evening s u rf m eeting bn the sands a t the foot o f Ocean P a thw ay , and the service watf held iostoad a t 7 p . m. in tho lighted A udltorinm : T he responsive service w as read , p ray er w as offered b y Dr, E n lm an , a n d addresses delivered by R e v s /Z . L loyd, o f C en tra l P en n sy lv an ia ,; ' F a th er O 'C onnor, the converted priest, and ^tev. Dr. Brooks, tho preacher o f th e m orning. H e bad- le tters from persons aw akened under hlB m inistry since com ing to tbb G rove, a n frg av e th e in ­quirers helpful and encourag ing instructions on believing in C hrist, a s the. sole condition of b oipg saved.

T he evening services im m ediately followed, w ltlTgrand congregational slngiug, p ray e r by

W beoleri a sacred solo by Mfss G race U pdograff, a u d a pow erful reviv­in g serm on by Rev. Dr. M nnhall o n the w ords o f Btahakknk 81 . 2 ~ * 10 : L ord rev ive .Thy w o rL ”

H e addressed th e C bbrcb a n 4 It® m in istry o n general backsliding, an d then , appealed, With tho p a th o s o f a soul la dead e a rn est, to s in n e rs exposed to tho ‘"w rath to com e,” in sla ting tb a t th e p resen t op p o rtu n ity w aa their

day o f sa lv a tio n .” I t is ev iden t th a t m uoh good h a s been done d u rin g tho p a s t few days; T he u su a l w ave offering o f good-bye waa given to the undenom inational B ible Conven­tio n a t the d o s e o f tbo service, an d It was a beau tifu l e ig h t to w itness a t least five th o u ­san d w hite handkerchiefs flu ttering in the a ln

W a s i t B ig o r U t t le B o o d le ?E arly S a tu rday m orning M r. G arre t Acker-

soo. w as g oing d ow h is fru it s tan d a t the H eck s treo t m erry go-ronnd w ith , several boxes o f f ru it iu his arm s. J u s t a fte r leaving C ookm an avenue, on Sum m erpeld avenue, he espied 9 roll th a t a t first ho to o k fo r a sm all' p ack et o f tobacco w ith a green label.

Before reach ing it, another m an p icked it up , M r. Aakeraon then noticed th a t It was a ro ll o f bills. H o to ld tho m an to count. It and thoy w ould g o an d lodgo It with tho autbori- ties un til th e 'Owner w a s : fp u n a.~ ^ h o m an r a n Pvor the |2 0 a n d |5 0 bills, coun ting u p to f350r w hen ho stopped and told M r. A ckerson to .com e u p to the hotel an d they w ould fix It, g iv ing hla nam e as T . W. W ast, an d his boardlng-placo as H otel Ai»bury.

M r. Ackerson took h is f ru i t to th e s tand a n d h u rried u p tow n, H e fo u n d tb a t the m an bad n o t gone to tbe hotel, b u t was ev i­d en tly In hiding. No officer waa in e ight and M r. Ackerson cam o to th e J o u r n a l office. O ne of the employda telephoned to P ark Hall fo r a n olfloer, b u t none w as th e re .. H e then w en t fo r Officer Bpfdeio, who bad- j u s t gone o ff d u ty ^ n d was asleep, b u t found Qfflcors S tu ltz And Ilendrloknou. In th em ean tlm o Chief Bailey was foundVand M r., Aokorson tu rn e d the m atte r o ver .to b)m*. (i

M r. Bailey succeeded In . finding the m an an d a sked .to see tho moboy. Ho<‘waa shown $15, w hlou th e m an said w as all be had , and refused to give I t up , a lthough M r..Bailey asked h im to deposit i t in' th e bank u n til the ow ner w aafound. The m an was thon allqw- ©d to go uum olesTed;^, . -

M r. A ckerson says ho will m ak^ affidavit th a t th e m an pioked u p several hundred dollars. I t w ould have been good policy- f c r Mr, Bailey to have held tho m an fo r . fu rth e r develop^ m ents. •

A ccording to the.dcscclption of. tho 'flnder, ho w as a t-H otel Asbury som e tim e since; an d bis .trunk is s till held th ere fo r a bo ard bill. Lately .hb has been Bleopingwhorovor bo could g e t lodging, ;and fo r a fow nigh ts s ta id In th e upper Btory o f tho poat office building.

I Jp to la s t n ig h t no Inform ation bad been received a s to th e ow ner of .tb o io stm o n ey .

W liat’s t lie M atter W ith tlio'.-/j-. .• . l/ C lerk.1' -

^Afnohg the real estate ttatis/ora In the, J 00rmaz.,last woek was one which Bald that James H. Shepherd had made, over to the Aebnry Building Loan oortalu land In Aabury Park" to the value .of 18,000. This was sur­prising Information to both Mr. Shepherd .and the officers of the Association, as neither know ol any 8U0h trauaactl^n.'The tranafera aro poplod each week from

the records of the County Clerk a t Freehold, put intypO„attho Democrat offlPp, and proofs: scot to §uch papers have the cash to pay, for th^ sorvloe. Tho Journal and other papers havo unwittingly given currency to this. falso transfer, and tho County Clerk shonld let tho publlo know how It camo to he reoorded on bis books;

Christendom, ail a ttra c te d by“IH5“fai m an whose nam e has gone forth to every hab itab le q u a rte r o f the globe. On tbo p la t­form besides p r . Talm age were Drs. E. H. Stokes, Adam ^Wallace, L. W, M unhall, 8 ., Edw ard Y oung and Col. IIadley, o f St, Bartholom ew’s Hom e, Now York, N ear the p latform s a t F a th er O 'C onnor, tho converted Catholic, o f4 ho Fregph M ission, New York.

“Dr, T alm age appeared on tbo p la tfo rm a few m inutes befor o ^ p ’olock In com pany wHh Rev. S ; Edwayd Young, p as to r o f W estm in­s te r. He was greotod with a baddkerchief salu te. Dr. T alm age Is above th e m edium h e igh t an d has a s tro n g bnt not sym m etrical face. I t w ears a sm ile In hla best m oods, bn i often hia coun tenance rn n s Into tbe s te rn e r exprejsaions, In sym pathy w ith feelings hla language portrays. .

A t th e m om ent th e flrfit hym n waa sung,. E d uca tiona l Hall, was nlm pst packed w ith people, who h ad left the T abernacle expect? tu g th a t o n acco u n t o f the ra in the services w ould b e held there , Mr. B radley personally superin tended the arran g em en t of ch a irs an d settees o n the s tag e In an tic ipa tion o f tbo a r ­r iva l of Dr. Talm age. A t.a few m ihutea be­fore 4 o’clock, S quire W yckoff cam o wltb a m es8a g e_ th a t the 'D octo r waa a t th eT ab e r- nacfe, a n d itio serm on Wonld bo preached th ere . The F o u n d er 's c a rriage was p laced a t the d isposal o f tbe J ournal 's s tenographer, w ho was d riv en th rough tbe deloge of ra in to

,tbo T abernacle . Tbo m ajority of those in tbe H all rem ained an d p articipa ted In a gospel service o f tb e lr own. u

T be singing was led by a portion o f the M arine Band, with Mr. F . J . Long, a s pro­can to r. D r. M onball read tho S crip tu re les­son , an d Dr. E , H. Stokea lod In prayer. H e asked d ivine blesSinj^s upon the people a ssem b led ; u pon the preacher, wbofee words h e- hoped-w ould -Q nd a lodgm ent in m any ' hearts , a n d im m ortal souls be saved fo reto r- n lty j upon tho Founder of Asbury P a rk for bla liberality in providing such a p lace o f wor­ship, aud for^ b is efforts to m ake all people better.

D r. Talm age’e tex t was taken from Psalm 19, p a rt of tbe S ib v e rs e : “ Tbe s ta tu te s of the Lord a re r igh t.” His po in ts m ado w ore : T h a t tho Blblo is r ig h t tn ita divine Insp ira ­t io n ; r ig h t in a iy lo ; r ig h t In doc trine and r igh t In effect. .. v

T h e H oly B ib le .'•TUP statutes of the Lord aro right.” —Psai m

19:8.o f date.

_____ the qoes-the wrongs th at

AB books, eald Dr. Talmage. go out (When thoy- were written they discussed t ttiorn which were being struck a t the wrona ____ _exfatedi o r In favor or somo Idea th a t oxlsted. There were books th a t wero bitter and books wildly mythologlBtlc. Woro thoy books o f his­tory they Bbowed the classes of barbarism of tho time. But what do tho great -mao* know or care about the path o f events th at hlBtory has brought down to our time] - Who' is- there th a t could not appreciate thq old book th at comes into his pos­session from tho family. fYom thp,.Jather or mother. Is its yBefuluess dono ? Its leathern lips seem to say, “ I wlgh I woro dead I” Monuments have been raised to patriots, b u t the authors of the old book had not anything o f th at kind to perpetuato their memory.

Infidelity was shown in tb e works o f tho sci­entists, but it was not so wltb tho good old book tb a t hod been inspired by God with patriarchs and apostles. I t crossed tho British Channel In.tho early ages In tho hands o f St. Augustlno: ft crossed the great Atlantlo and had struck this great continent a t Plymouth Rock. Its truths were how being preached by 70,000 ministers InAmerica to-day. Thoy^wefo standing with the good old English txjpfc,-the Blblo. I t is still going on with its mission—it haa reachcd China, Indiaand the remotest parts of tho world. All thrones shall be lifted into ono tlirono to crown by firo the Revelations. This book has opened th e gate o f heaven. I t shall accomplish its mission.

I w as n o t surprised recently to see a m an In a railroad car. going to Now Orleans, tako o u t a Bible,read It, oloso It, up again and press It to his Ups. There aro some thousands In thla as­semblage th a t can press th'at book to tholr lips. When my parents died, tho best p a rt of tho legacy. I got waB tho old family Bible. I t was the book th a t cenxontod tho family by th e m ar­riage entry. Names of children followed. ■ Four of us w eie ministers. T hat book was a treasure. I t w as a t my m other's lap th at I romombor s tand­ing and hearing its tru ths propounded to me. That old book l

May my name bo ouraod If evorJ[ forgot to honor and revorent-e th a t good old book—If ever I forget to love my m other’s old Blblo. How preoUms is tho book—tho Blblo..

I am going to show you th at tho sta tu tes of the Lord a re right. Tho Bible Is right in foots, right in doctTlno. - The prophets and evangelists Wrote th a t book. Suppose now a book be wrlt> ten by bad mon. Tho pooplo- would say wo don’t w an t th a t book. Thjso peoule aro bad mon. Wo romembor tb a t the Bible was given^to all pooplo ia tho world. But tho people in those days said i t w as bad. . Tho fact th at i t lives to- dag.shows th a t la a divine book.

len, where thero were three o r fo ar hundred ‘.leyod*..........lay bbTfceL._____ ___ _________ _______________

people who belleyodr'ir/'nbw thero aro th ree o r rour.hundrod^ millions. ,• Supposo a taedloine wo find has cured hun­

dreds o f thousands of people. Whoso evidence would you tako In regard to tbo mediolno audits benefits—those w ho used It, or thoso who never trlod it f You would “ Glvo mo the testimony of those who wero cured by It." Five hundred millions will deolaro they have taken this medi­cine— this Bible which 1 hold before you. I t haa cured them. Whoso testlmony wlll you take In regard to this divine revelation ? The Blble.said th ere was a g rea t city built of stono. Tho great explorers havo dlsoovored tlieso cities afte r they -had been buried for thousands of y e a rs ra n a they were bnllt of Btono. The Blblo spoke of tem ples fashioned o u t of colored s to n e ,' Such have boon discovered In the wilderness, and they were of stone. Who was right—lnfidolity o r the Sorlpturos f Sodom and Gomorrah wore destroy­ed. The .lnfidor did not believe suoh cities ex­isted. Last Deoembor I stood on tho site of Sodom and Gomorrah. I tasted o f th e brim­stone of tho lake on whoso shore thoy stood,.andthough I only took a drop o f the water, I d id not escape the biting eEfeot, fo r. hours. You can drink a t tb ls placo tho brimstono th a t fell in thetemple.

W h a t ....... . ------------------------destroyed by flre. Thoy say that city waa three

-diy»t=jOiirqey around. Thoy did no tin those days have the menus of getting-around big cIU6s’ll&e

li doyou prove by Infidelity? Nineveh Was yed by Are. Thog

H on. Jo b n .F Ie ld , P ostm aste r o f P h ilade l­ph ia,'fipent S unday i tt thd Grove *nd bad a sca t on th e p latform a t m orn ing se rv ic e ..

______W°re ___________________________ .-olay. Bricks crumbled wheu the w a tg ^ o f tho Tigris overflowed its banks Tho flrO burned up tlie Infiammablo portion of tho 6ity. Who was right about Nineveh—Infidelity or the Bible ? In­fidelity said th a t grapes had never grown in Egypt. Ohlyreoontly paintings havo 'boon dis­covered in. tlio ruins w ith pictures on thSlwalls showing grapes on tho vines and tho process of m aking wine. Vases havo boon discovered which also show th a t infidelity was wrong.

God w rote His statu tes on the 'rook. Every- movement of tho geologist's-crow bar, eVory stroko of tho arohooloclst’s liammormado among the ruins of ancient cities proves th at the statutes of God are right. Brains and the heart aro with us. The largest brain of any American, as re ­vealed by post-mortem examination, largest both in circumference and in ouhoea, waa that of Daniel Webster.: His last utterance w as— .‘'L ord .Ibollovol”

A nother proof th a t the brains ore w ith u s : I was in England recently an d tho g reatest brain la th a t country I mot a t Da warden Castle. I said I took i t for granted th a t one o f tho reasons th a t tho people of th a t country so Btron&ly favored Christianity w as booauso ho—th at greatest o f Britain’s sta tesm an -th d n on . WlUfetn E w art G ladstone—so firmly believed In It.

Tho anBwor was. r,I do bolievo in J t , Dr. Tal­mage. People ta lk about Christianity and th e gospel KOing to revolutionise tho world. I have becn4oycars In public II fo ; I have been assoola- .ted- With 60 of the greatest men th at lived in m y time, and o n to f Abat sixty only flvo d id not b e­lieve in Christianity.’’ - - ..

Agnosticism has, not mufth’ fayorbh tho other aido. All the bratu is On tho gido of Christianity,

they WBt. They kept on meeting, Congress closed and their terms were a ta n end< They met a t the President’s lovee many years after. One called across tho room to tho other, “ Henry, an; light f” V Nox John, no light.’’ - Tho o ther aafce< the same question, andrecelved theeam o reply.

•I have been reedy to give up th is Bible any moment when these men have something better to give mo. T he meanness of infidelity ! Make a well a thousand miles deep, and whon you get- that far, you w ill be a t tho top round of a ladder twelve thousand miles long, and w hen you getdown you will be on tbo edge of a precipice. Just J — down th a t chasm , about twenty thousand

1 and yoa will Just about reach the depth of tho meanness whloh takes away the word or God.You wiU say the Blblo ia dry In facts. Genesis L the doOr to go in. Revelation is tho door to come out. Somo peoplo go In a t the cod of one. chap- • ter, to rn to the last page, then go th e fourth page and finally to the beginning o f the book. That ia not th e way. They should begin a t Genesis and finish a t Revelation. Snpposo you got a letter, you wonld not begin to read a t tho signature, o r th e T>lflrtlft of. thfl ja g g , o r evert a t the end o f the flrst >age;-YouwouIdMgiirui"""Ue a r-sii " anatmftafc-- * yours trjfly.” Why don’t you read the old book

In the same way 7 Begin a t th e beginning and ond a t tbo close. -

Is there anythin# to equal the pathos o f tho Btory o f the young m an of Naln, tbo only sou of hism other? Find a book where thero are aufcir beautiful sentiments as thoso of tho Psalms of Davjd. Show mo a passage Uko th is : " The oye thatm ocketh a t h is father and despiseth to obey h is mother, tho ravona o f tho valley shall pick ft

u t and the young eagles shall eat it.” ' ;John Bunyan go tb la Idea of the Pilgrim's Jajv-

aress from tho Bevelation of St. John, tho DIvino. Take S ir 'W alte r S co tt's . Mtg Merrilici, a n d .Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth, and compare th e m , with tho Witch of Endor and Jezeb e l; even Thomas Carlyle Is only a distortion o f Ezeklal.

God knew historians would w ant to read it. . He knew little oblldren would w an t to road It. In any ono pago of tho book of Job you o«n see God standing and holding flvo oceans on the tips of his fingers;

The Blblo is right in doctrlno. I t h ss tw o doc­trines—man the sinner, God tbe Saviour. Mau m ust come down Christ m ust come up. Christ came in to tho world ip Bavo slnnors*_ He said ** I am the chief.” Now I w ill give you a sen­tence, every word of w hich weighs^, a ton: “ God so loved tho world th a t he .gave b is only begotten son th a t whosoever believed Bhould n o t perish but have everlasting life."

I don’t wonder that Christ was born ia Bethle­hem, and th a t thoy sang “ Glory to God in the highest, peace* on earth and good will toward tnen.” „ 1<5j f I were going to put this Blblo Into ono word It would bo “ mercy." Tho world don’t know my th ing about mercy. I w ill you w hat mercy means; I t means that if a m an goes astray God says “ Come back I” I f a man bas gone 10,000 miles astray God says " Cbmc back /” I t is much harder for a woman to come back. When a wo­m an gets on the wrong track I t goes hard with her. . She gets no mercy, from tho world. Peoplo shout V Away with her I” I f she struggles against- wind and tide and almost reaches tbo shore, sho is shoved back into tho wavc& I f she struggles still harder to reach the shore apd Just gets the tips of her-fingers on the rock of safety some will' stamp on h e r hands and crush thom. Bho Is crushed and that's a ll she feels o f the world’s mcrcy.

What Is Christ's mercy 1 Ho said to thoso who expected to hear him condemn the woman brought before h im : MLet him th a t.h a th not sinned cast tho first stone,” Mercy I m e r c y I take It further. On this subJcct tho Bible la right in facts. Man falls back In despair and cries to,. God who answers, "All ye that aro heavily laden come unto mo and I will glvo von rest.’’ Your child dies, and It’s only Goa taking a little lamb to hla bosom. Christ camo into tho room and sa id ,M Of such Is tho kingdom of heaven." -

Just as-you pick sweet berries ./W>m thorns go are somo.of th e sweetest portions o f tbo gOspel. I don’t care much where I d le provided 1 havo the Bible for a pillow. - -

Charles Nolan, a young m an In m y church, was called away. He lay upon 'tho couch. No one could arouse him. Ills mother tried once, bu t no answer could she get. All thought be \jas dead. The m other Bald, *' Charles^ do you know m e?”1 UO 1UUI.UU1 OttlU, ‘ 1/UtMlUO. UU you .He opened his eyes and said, "M other, why did you call m e back? I waa halt way up tbo sta irs to heaven.’* Those who are saved die gloriously I

When m y good old father waa dying th e fam­ily stood around hla bed. F our - o f bla sons a r e ^ ’ preaohers. W e could not tell him anythin{r about tho gospel. We asked “ How do you feol f" He asked uq to slug, and w e m ade a poor o ut a t it. W hen wo camo to tho las t line none o f us could sing it. He took up tbo last line nnd finished It. They go gloriously! Christian Evans, the good m an, imagined the bed on .which he lay was a chariot, and th e m an a t the foot o f I t tbo driver. Christian bowed to those a t b is bedside and said to him " Drive on !” and bis sp irit dopartod. Thoy tro gloriously w ith a • pillow like thiaplllow —the Bible—at tholr heads.

T ak e 'th e Blblo into tho counting room, the school, tho college, tho place where you work. Take i t Into your family, and tho blessing o f God rests on your, household. Eight young m eastoqd on the bank o f tho Potomac. Tho bells began to ring for church*. Ono B a ld , " I am going to church.” Thoy gibed him and were going to baptize him by throwing him In tbo river. H ey said, •* My mothor gave mo h e r dying blessing and I shall keep her wishes. I shall go jto church.” 8oven out o f eight became Christians through I hat ono oxamplo—because one young ' m an ajd his duty,

There Is a beautifu l superstition about a b ird ’ called tho/hum a found In . the East, th a t upon whatsoever head the shadow of th a t bird snail rest, upon th a t head shall be placOd a crown. May tho shadow of the winga of the Spirit float­ing above ua fall upon th is congregation I May each nnd every one in heaven w ear upon his head a crown—a crown ; and hold in his rig h t h a n d a a ta r—a s ta r 1 ' -

J h o serm on ocoupled ono hour an d tour m in­u tes In i ts delivery, a n d no tw ithstand ing th e prlvatlonB tb a t hundreds In „the aud ience o f 1,500 endured , n o t a dosou peop le io th o m ain

body of the aud ito rium left tbelr-places.. T he new ro o f leaked considerably, an d on* p a rts o f the floor um brellas wero raised to keep out the w et. M inisters tuck ed handkerchiefs ro u n d their necks a n d pu lled n p th e ir co a t collars, b u tb ra v e d .the raw wind from the sea, while tbosa In the r ea r of tho old preaching s ta n d swoHerad a n d perspired fro m th e h ea t, -

From the p rin ted Blips the npdlenco sad g - £ball we G ather a t the River ?” and D r. T a l­

m age pronounced the benediction . I& B hook h an d s w ith a num ber of p e o p le w ho crow ded a b o u t the p latfo rm and I t r banka an d v^ses o f flowers, som e of whom wero of. h is ow n congregation In B rooklyn.' H e left;aoon afte r fo r Long Branoh.

T o .Ocean Grove w as aaslgned th e p o s t of i honor. *R ev. L . W . M unhall read th e lesson, a n d D r. S tokes’s p ray er w as fu ll-o f devout C hristian sentim ent.

A lo n g th e T rack s. ;T here w ere th ree tru n k s a t -tho n orth b a g ­

gage rSotn T hursday m orning b earin g through checks from A sbnry P a rk to S an t P ranclaoo, a n d a few fe e t from th em wpre tw o th a t had - a rr iv ed from M emphis, T enn. •" .

T hd 'steam er Mgnmo\Uht o f tho Sandy Hook Lino, has gained an enviable repu ta tion a s tho fleetest o f the m any fa s t s team b o ats th a t plow **■: th e w aters o f New Y ork Bay. T he tim e be- "• tw een New York an d tho Hook Is repeatedly, . m ade In from 56 to 68 m lnutca. The distance is 23 milesrfrom dock to dock.

A W eatern U nion m osaengerboy a ttem pted to ciim b.on the 1.80 tra in from New T ork a t th e L ong Branoh s ta tio n T h u rsd ay ,-an d fell nndor th e wheels,. I l l s r ig h t foot and ankle W?s c q t off a n d th e left leg b ra ised .' A band- - kerchief w as k no tted u nder the knee to s to p jf thp.flQWLof blood from the arteries, t p d j h w / young m an rem oved to th e M em orial H o ^ ' p ita l. H e w as a b o a t 14 years of age, arpj begged to be tak en to hla m other. H e hilt th a t she w as th e only xiurso fo r him la his m isfortune. .

R ailw ay a g o n ts 'a re m aking an ac tiv e can*- vass of the P a rk and Grovo fo r passengers tv e r their* respective ' lines. One m an haa

dotd w ithin a week over throe h an d red d o lla rs T ;w ortb o f ticke ts over, the to a d he repreaentB.T h e passengers w ere n o t a ll oppflned to th is <v-; v lc in l t^ ; : ■. ’ ■- ' R

> A W alter L oses tils JLlfe.A sad drow ning aootdent oocare^ Sunday

m orning a t E lberon. A lbert. KJ.rschner, one o f :the w aiters. o f th e E ltw ro n r becam e px- h ansted while In 'bath lug and was drow ned in , eight o f& n n m b erio r tbe co ttagers. T be body .• was n o t recovered’n p to n ightfall. .The poor - ‘ fellow w as m arried b a t the place o f res id e n ce . o f hla fam ily Id n o t know n.

Page 2: BLUE STOHE Oliver H. Brown, · painting1. Building and General Repairs. Par ticular attention given to sale, renting and care of soaslde property. Corroppondence solicited. Address,

As M teY^PARK JOURNAL SATURDAY,- AUGUST 16, 1890. ._______v- y ,_________________ • -• ••• - - y , . _______ ■__ ;_________ . • ' _______________


..__^ .^JOHN.I^V/AUACC^EDiron-AMB-Pitowutroiv- -7—‘ r \ W. F, UROy, Assistant Editor.


: 1 “■ ; 718 WATTI80N AVENUE, '- A8MJRY P/UW, . , HEWJIRUT,

Entered ax second-class mailer at the Asbury P&rk JPofi Office, Felr#6*y7, iSSS. '

.. / TERMS OF SITUSCJtIFT10N.\ly e a r , Inadvanoo^ .V ................. ......... , ; . , . l l MC m onths, In advance. . . . .3 months, In Kdvanco. . .Single copies....... . . . . a ,'

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oommnalcatloris on subjects. of-Jnterest to tfila

'oS^w ritlpgr ‘articles intended for nublloatlon, o a r friends will pl&aso boar In mind th a t a sheet w ritten o n both rides b aa to be copied before go* Ing to the p rinter—a labor we cannot undertaSe.

AU communications should b e accompanied by the ■ full name and address o f tho w riter, n o t necessarily for publication b u t os a guarantee of good faitn.' Anonymous lettem wBt n o t ' bo noticed. , , • .

We cannot return rejected communications, h o t will hold them for a lim ited tlmo if re­quested to . L ~~ . . . .

AU letters In tended f $ tbo editorial or news departm ent should be addressed to the ^

. E ditor of Tn* Joobmat* Aabury Porki Hew Jersey,


W h e r e S h a l l w e P u t T h e m ?

T h e q u e s tio n in fo rm e r y e a rs t o v e rym an y - landloi^ff',TVTW ' ‘*SIian'*^(5 I»aye“ af o il hou'se t o - n i g h t? ” • O n S a tu rd a y la s t th o p r e v a i l ! ^ l a m e n t w aa ,v4W h a t w il l -we d o with, th o p e o p le ?*’ ' ! „ .

W ith th e m u lt itu d e s a lre a d y h a re a n d v e ry jfe w v a c a tin g th e i r room s, i t w aa a m a t te r o f s e rio u s im p o r t to m a k e a p la c e fo r th e g re a t in c o m in g t id e o f S a tu rd ay . T h e tra lnB w e r e a ll lo ad e d a n d n e a r ly a ll o f th e m p u t o f l 75 to 100 t ru n k s e a ch .

O n e lan d la d y w as d r iv e n a lm o s t to /d e s p e ra t io n , a o .m n n y f r ie n d a o f h e r gu esta c o in in g u n a n n o u n c e d , w h o w e re d e te r ­m in e d n o t to go to o th e r q u a rte rs . C ots wej-o p lac e d ~ 1 n e v e ry co n ce iv ab le n o o k , and e x tr a p r o vfalon a w a s o rd e re d a f te r 10 p . m , T i lls w as o n ly a s a m p lo o f th e s tra in on o u r h o te ls a n d b o a rd in g -h o u ses .

T h o se w ho w ere o u t In th e e v e n in g c a n w e ll u n d e rs ta n d th is , a s 'n o w h e re co u ld o n e g o w i th o u t e n c o u n te r in g a c ro w d . T h e p a v il io n s .a n d P ro m e n a d e w ere so lid ,

^ c o m p a c t m asses o f h u m a n ity , m o v in g a b o u t. as w e ll as. th e y co u ld , b u t I n t h e b e s t of h u m o r, and 'o ccas io n a lly m e e tin g o ld f r ie n d s w h o m th e y h a d n o t s e e n fo r y e a rs . , ' '••• ' ' ..

. .® I i e F l e t c h e r l < a b e C a r n i v a l .



Wealoy Lake faas heretofore m onopolised the g ran d pagean try ©C m oving decorated

; -b o ats k now d a s carolv&ls. • ... -M~nn d ay . tho^boat- bo j's-o f—F le tcher^ Lake^lairly eclipsed th e W eiley L ake boys—It nol in num bers certa in ly In beau ty o l th tfd eco ta-' tlons, som e o f tbo b oa ts be ing m arvels in point of tas te a n d e lab o ra te trim m ings.

I t was aftor eight o 'clock when the line was form ed Owing to the late a rr iv a l o f P rospec t Band, which > a s obliged to secure ex tra pieces to take tb e place of absentees. v

The line m oyed from the foot of the lake* following the band b d i t , passin g o p th e lak e In a serpentine course. T h e Judges—d e n . Jo h n C. Pfltterfeon, of Ocean \ G rove,-Eugene T T b g er.o jf tb o Greenwood Lake B oat Club, a n d Wm. F„ LeBoy, o f ihe J o u h n a l staff— to o k their s tand a t the little dock d ea r the upper pact oE the co u rse and w atched tbe flotilla a s It came up.

pleas A—licensed b o a ts—were In th e lead, a n d , t i e . Judges decided tb a t the CWwmifo, M aster Jo b n M rH o lt. was the w inner o f the

« first p rize—f5 In gold. T he CWj/j«bl M aster H ugh Bnrlltson, was awaifffed' the second prize, a lea th er satchel p resen ted by H enry Steinbacb, an d tb e ' th ird ' prl*e, g iven by. Steljibacb Bros., was aw arded to the Criterion, M aste rL . W. Sm ith.. Class B com prised the c r a f t decorated*as sailboats. The w inner w as th e Victor, C apt.

r A. O. Smith. T he prize was a b a th in g su it frpni C. U Clayton. This boat had th e out* line of sails In lighted C hinese lan te rn s .

C lass C—private b o a ts ; flrat p rize , a p a ir o f spoon-oars, w as aw arded to th e Never-Suxat;. eeqond prize, a clean barber’s shave, h a ir c u t and-sham poo , w as given to Cliff VtUa, Mr. H un t. ,

Tho general prize, a b ronze lam p, open to all- boats, was aw arded to th e Nexer-Svtat, This b eau tlfa l p rize was do n a ted by M r. J . A. W alnylght.

Am ong o th er p re tty b o a ts in line were tbe Volunteer W .F . R an d o lp h ; Mire, P Man-

, W THel1f«r-^2^??d0. E d .^^C olgato ; Cfiuler, \V. R . Hensey. T here wefo

CO b oats In line, all Tory handsom e. Mi*. C- J . H all had his new m in ia tu re ja o h t in line.

Am ong the f laes t. h onse^decoratloas wero those o f M rs. K ent, Llew ellyn, F le toher L ake H ouse, Mr. M nnger an d M rs. H odden o n tbe Bradley Beacifc Bide. In Ocean G rove, Mrs. A . ‘ Loomis, of tbo E l D o ra d o ; Mr, W . A .

...White, o f.the O cean V iew ; an d the Broadway " -H o u se of' Mr. Chas. R oss, took the lead.

T h e W r i t s G r a n toil,L aw yet Joyce bas secured wrltB o f certiorari

In the cases o f seven o f the h ^ckm en who were fined for not p ay in g th e ir Borough license. T heir nam es a re D . H . T ay lo r, p resi­d en t o f the haokm en’s organization , a n d his b io th e r ; T . V . Hendrlokaon, secrotary ; S . A, Basfcedo and Charles Colils, o t Ooean Grove, and two o thers. •' . -

This action hangs pp th e cases u n til they can be a rg u ed before .the Suprem e C o u rt In Novem ber. The p o in t raised by the m alcon­ten ts and th e ir connael Is th a t th e B orough

, o rd inance which com pels them to tak e o u t a license for the prlvllege o f carry ing passen ­gers for hire is Illegal, an d like the pa trio ts thoy h ave read abou t, they a re w illing to spend m illions fo r derense b n t n o t one ce n t for license.. ;

• Tho licenses, w ith costs, fines ^ n d o th er l it tle addenda, will all bo pjiid, though, before n o ^ t acasen. * -

A N o v e l 1 s t o f D i s t l a c t i o n .

* Mr. Leon Mead, _wh6 sp e n t tw o w eeks ro- c en tly in the I ’a rk has retu rn ed to New York, M r. M ead is very well know n a s a w riter, H e Is tho a u th o r o f U A P rince la P c ttlo o a ^ ,' ♦‘I n Thraldom ,” the novel which created q u ite & a tlr th ree , years ago, M ValentlDe^'., a n d “ fitroriBor^tl?an^IoDor^,., w hich baa been d ram atized andAm ade Ramons b y the a c tin g o f H elene A delle, ' * ■

J f r . M ead Ip also the a n th o r o f a boo k o f poem s en titled ' ‘ Sksf-rocketa,” w hloh w a s : 'p rin ted In ’88 In Boston, and is know n b e­sides for h is co n trib u tio n s to Harper's Weekly, FranklMlle's, The Epoch o ther m agazines.

B e a c h j f f u s l c G e t s a I i l f t . .

TUB KOVBL rBKPOaMANOB OV u PIKAFORB’^ 1SA.U0URA.TBI) w i th f iu b w o rx b —a b io


A th a lf-p aa t Boven o ’c lo ck Tne^day n ig h t a a tre a m '-o ff le rfe p a |B 3 T itiu tB p “ )rram 'fiIirth7avenno, calllDg fo r th Innum erable J ‘ O h s” from th e proraeuaders. ":’.rt ;w as the fireworks which . announced

uP lnaforov ’a t the Casino. The display lasted a b o u t h a lf a n hour. In tho la tte r p a r t the rockets being romoved to tb s beabb.

M any as tbe Casino Is capab le o f aoatlng. It was filled t o Its u tm ost .gapaoity by those who bad sacs a red tick e ts to th e m usle fund benefit. A bout 1200 were p resen t, an d a good m any In the rea r stood upon cha irs In Order tft hear the singing. \

P rom ptly a t half-past 8 the M arino Band began the over lure.-' Tho perform ance w as a decided im provpmont o v e r M onday evening’s rehearsalrTSll^thQ a c to r s ; seem Ipgly having m o rrc o u 11 deneo in tb e lra h li lty togefrthrongh without norvonsness. ;; ,

T hose ^ h o c a rr ie d . the!r p a rts w ith m oat na tu ra l Self-possession w ere M iss Sadie Ramsey M Jemphine r M r. W m . S; Miller, as Sir Joseph; Mr. F ran k WatsOn a s Oapt; Ct)r- coran,,an d E . L . O’G onner as Ralph Zlacfaltdio. Mlaa L illian E ly ’s ren d e tln g of Little Buttercup waa ode of the m ost p leasing features. ,

B om eot JHck Dexdeye't (W illiam T aylor's) looai hlts, no tably .the g rind o n the E lec tr ic railroad, caused the aud ience to h am m er the floo!* and shonL

The applauso was frequen t th ro u g h o u t, though encoreB w ere n o t responded to .

T ho‘pieces th a t tho aud ience 'p articu larly liked were the solos " I n O ld ,M ad rid ,” by Jotephine, an d E ven ing ,” by Jti&pb flack-*

The leaders o f th e cho ru s weuo Clinton MlHer*and Allle W right. -

Mr. J . D . C hapm arr was p iano accom - ■panlst.

M r,W allace W right was stage d irec to r, and M r. F red . J .^L o n g w aa m ualcal conductor.

As a benefit, tbe schem e was em inently suc­cessful. The prbcBcdfl w ill, be in the neigh­borhood o f $£00, . . ' .

F i r e m e n O u t O n D o u b l e - Q u i c k : .

A vigorous, and w hat seem ed an im perative, a 1 a rtn « f lire, em anated Tuesday n igh t from tbei ’pbone a t S unset H all, which gave rise to the ru m o r th a t Snnaet H all was-on f i r e . .

T h e fu ll d epartm en t w a s^ c ic k ly In nioMoa, and though nearly ,a m ile away, in e ight m in­u tes the steam ers w ere on the g ro u n d and hose lin e s -la id read y fo r service. F o n rth avenue and tbe con tiguous s tree ts were Qlled fo r blocks aw ay w ith onr loos an d Interested specta to rs, who were an x lo n s to see o u r fire* m en Ba?e S unse t H$ll, tb e Lenox and a d ja c e n t buildings from tho devouring elem ent. B u t th ere was no firo. F irem en heaved a sigh, a n d the a p p a ra tu s was re tu rn ed m ore leis­u rely t o th e several hooses. 'Jj&en tho Good Will Com pany w ith tho lr fine chem ical engine w as In fo r the brash; com ing from" th e west~ e rn edge of W est Park, and the C hem ical from Ooean Grove. ” * '

The ca n se o f tho alarm b ad tw o o r ig in s . O ne w as th e explosion o f a rocke t over S un­se t H all th a t w as cent u p from the Casino, T here conld have been no real dan g er from this, a s the roof is tin. A bout tbe sam e tim e a sm all lam p in a ten t near the A ddison e x ­ploded an d aQina c u e IndU creellf 't shou ted

n T he tehT facrarw aarluatahtty^Slled i n ^ service and the Ore d epartm en t bad a first- c la ss drill.

I t wlli bave good effect, as it g av e an ac tu a l dem onetratlon to o a r v isito rs that, th e A sbury P a rk d ep artm en t Is1 vig ilan t an d a c tiv e in the discharge of duty .

O fficer W h lttld . w a s R ig h t. •. C arte r L eo who, his friends th o u g h t, was

u n ju stly a rrested M onday .n ig h t by Officer W hittle, had a hearlDfc T oesday m orn ing before JuBtlce W yokoff,

C arter works In Long Branch an d h is w ife au d m o th e r live a t se t vice in A sbury P a rk . J lo said h e had th e toothache and. before he le f t tho Branch h l i friends advised h im to ge t som e liquor a n d bold In h ls m o u th .’ T he whiskey som ehow ran dow n bis th ro a t an d crea ted an appetite for m ote.

He reached the Park an d wont to tbe beach .' T here ho Was Btall&d. T h e liquor worked rap id ly aud the w aite r becam e sick enongh to vom it on the boardw alk . This waa deem ed a breach of good m anners, and the officer took him to P a rk H a lt

The* police have s tr ic t charge t o keep th e b e ic h fro n t c le a r ol such charac te rs. Leo adm itted his in tox ication a n d tlje officer’s testim ony w as to the sam e eflfeot H e waa floed $1 and coata, a n d g o t a severe lecture from tboJuB tlce and the fem ale m em bers of hla fam ily, who a r o - evidontly respectable people. '

T l i e i r D i f f e r e n c e s t o b e A r b l i t r a t e d .

Tho tro u b le between Dr. D, M. Barr, lessee of Hyglenle In s titu te and tho ow ner, M rs. K ennard Chandler^ is not ye t ad justed . L ast fall tho D oc t o r prtffl o red - an^lD Juaot I on. re-^ a tta in in g Mra. C handler o r h e r ag en ts f ro m a th rea ten ed dispossession fpp. re n t whloh she c la im ed ^o b e ^ne. S jvera l h earings wero held boforo'V'lc^ ChancDlIor G reen t o deter-, m ine w hether tho Injnnotlon should s till con-- tlnne , aud the decision has n o t ye t been ren ­dered.- •~4*^ ■

Dr. B arr has m ade claims ag a in s t M rs. C handler fo r violation, of co n tra c t an d d am ag es fro A loss, of business through failure to m ake the lm provetnouts pronilBed. In stead of going to law in th is case, a rb itra ­t io n waa reso rted to, and Dr. S tokes nam ed as ono of tbo a rb itra to rs. W hen ho cam e . to exam ine Into the m atte r he found so. m any kn o tty poin ts to decide th a t ho gave up th e jpb . O thor g en tlem en . were secured to a d ­ju s t the difterencea in G en. J n o . C. P a tte rson and Mr. Jobnaoh Taylor, o f Ocean Grove, and Mr. F ields, of New Y ork , Several sessions bave been held in A ssociation H all, a n d It was expected tb a t the c a s e y o u ld bo closed Tuesday. Both p^ulles^ have b o u n d th em ­selves to accept the decision o f th e .a rb ltra tp rs as final! D r. Barr w as reprepen ted b y M r, H. G. C laytpn, and M r. E. W. A rrow sm lth i of Freehold, appeared for Mra. Chandler.

M a r r i e c l a t t h e P t t r « o n a f f e . .

-On Tuesday evenlnjjjR ov. F. C. Colby , Of the B ap tis t Church, th e n u p tia l k no t which b ound Mr. W, II. R iddle, o f W ashing­ton , D, O,, to Miss Jenn lo E . Griffith, o f R u t­la n d ,m - . •■■■ / ......

The bridal p arty carno from tlc e a n Grove, an9~were a tten d ed by a com pany o f friends who offered their c o n g ra tu la tio n s jafter tbe groom h ad salu ted b is brido. ~

Mr. Riddle Is tb^ W ashington m anager o f tho D nn Com m ercial Agendy.

. B a n q u e t t o a \ o u n ^ Y o t f e n

Mrs. Banlt, o f F raukfo rd , Pbiladelphla,:gave a dlnpor p a rty Tuesday to the guesta who have-.the good fortune to a lt w ith h e r a t the W est E n d d inner-tab le. T h e occasion com- m ct^ ted tli? 31st b irthday o f Mr, J o h n AV. S tokes, of T renton , who now bonfessea bis ab ility to cast a ballotl '^aob;gueflt received as a rem em brance o r tbe event a h an d -p a lh to d napkln-rlng, tied w i th . yellow ribbon a n d c containing a button-bole bom juet. T he palu t- Ing w as4he w ork o f Mrs. Bault, . . *v .

T hursday’s N o tin g s a t O cean' ,7 ; ' i&roire* ’

j k W v m m A* TUB'tKMPLE—A. <JCEaT!OHo r O R T udnoxniv thh BraiB conqrbss—* » .BROOKS AGAtH ON TU B M .A X rO R M —TSACH- iiiO PKOM: ’raa' J B W ia n tbm pl?! —.TJMBrjii

'n p n ra a ~ i® > D T r *yivals-~hoteu businbbsBOOMINO—BVKNIKQ KAVtOA'jrhir' ON ,v M r.LSI IiAK*. ' : . 7 : . t .

J t is no t tim e ye t to test the eflfoctofM r; T a tm an ’a absence from" the SoUng Peoplo’s M eeting, but safe to cay tb a t If a ll h ls su b sti­tu te s take hold as skillfully a s D r. J . E m b u ry Price d id yesterday , m orning , tb e crow d Vtltt continue, and t,ho a 8u a f evaDffellstlo f p a ^ e a , o f the work go on W ithout tbo slIghtoBtrTOeak. Dr. Price la ye t com paratively a y oung m ant an d has all tbe a d v an tag e^o f ozperleucc as a onoccsafnl p aa lu t a u d w rite s '.fo r young pco-’ pie, an d u v ery b o d y was pleased w lth h ls m an­ne r and dbctrino . '■/' -n

- N o ts o with the first speaker on th e d ay 's program o f tbe Bible Congr&tt. W bat a red dag Is t o a Spaolsh bull, the te rm i­nology of election and-p red estin atio n la to a r e d hot American* an d there were a n um ber of tbe la tte r stripe In the Tem ple d u rin g the exposition of tbo e igh th c h ap te r o f Rom ans. S o n y criticism was Indulged on th e p revious

proportions, a n d p a id s tr ic t a tten tio n whUff Ihla In trep id I n d ia n m issionary recoun ted tho ex trao rd in a ry sto ry o f hla m issionary life* from tho crudo im pressions o f boyhood a n d

'L ieca ll t o ju d la , th rough all tbo lnoidonta an d chnngcaof a n o re n tfu l auUfi(ICocoa(ui iiareQ l l o 'I s exceedingly hopeful of tbo fn tu ro o f ascendancy of C hristian civilization o n d the universal spread of tho gospel in tho^'rcg lona ' boyond.'* ‘

Dr. G ordon, w ho was to havo follow ed th$ m anly Htilo bishop, had bocomo soontktfsod* w hile liatonlug to tho narra tive, t b * t ! hS laid ,g s|do ’tho su b jeo t on which he in ten d ed to apeakfrand took up^om o of the a spec ts of tho ' g rea t m issionary cause, 'on w h ich ' depend the en ligh tenm ent o f a benighted a u d fclnfntJ world. H e d w elt o n ' mlfisionary, m othetsi- consecrated sons an d daoghtcra a n d p lenty of m oney to m eet the dem ands of ibei p resent age o f ap tiv lty lii’ this direction.

N o eervlco o^ the p resen t Weak has brough t o n t a larger rep resen ta tion of the m inister^ who are Bnmmorlng on tbo grounds th a n th a t o f las t evening. These gentlem en a re a t the, G rovem pro fo r re s t th an p a rtic ip a tio n lu' m ee tin g s-o f an y ^k ln d . Some of them a w u nder bonds not to preach or lab o r in meiet-

4a3 'c o w o ra ltig Ibe m . «> tb«- “ >*» »I»U. ' M U 'lio m tbolr oongregaU oaiiseventh chapter, which has alw ays been a coMMis bcllum am ong the s e c ts ; b u t I t was supposed the eighth w onld have enggeated no d oub tfu l thedlogy, as Paul w rites with1 th e greatest log ical force a n d clearness o f tbe sp iritual l ife ; bu t the difference arises from tho construction p u t u pon i t from different standpo in ts. M othodlsts a sse rt th a t tb e ex­positor d idn’t n nderta iid th e ease, a n d fro m tbo ben t o f his own tra in in g , enunciated doc­trine* h o t ‘a c c e p te d /^ e n te r ta in e d a t O cean Grove.

W ith b u t little else to d o these d ay s th an discuss theology by lookers on in Venice, It is eaSy ,to forecast th e consequenceai, If these eiW lto a n d e loqnent s trangers a re not a little m ors oareful to avoid controversial su b jec ts. Moat of them doubtless will. T he leader h im ­self is a s tu rd y M ethodist, bn t la n o t fully n n d ers tp o d o n some tenets which he holds and Is ready to m ain tain ag a in st all odds* and Dr. Brodbeck,. who delivered a sp lendid ad* dress on W ednesday, and spoke i^ a in las t evening a t the A uditorium o n th e Subject* o f revlvals. Is a lso a M ethodist pastor, being con- neeted wltb Lhe hlstorlo T rem ont S treet M, E , Church in Boston. , *

The addresses o f Drs. E rd m an a n d Need­ham yesterday Involved no hair-sp littin g dtiflnUlona, and were n o t only acceptable b u t very profitable to all in a ttendance , a s w ere the teachings of D r, Brooks a n d th e .popular speakier o f the evening , who said, w hen a few. y o n n g jieople rose to leave the A uditorium a fte r bearing Mr. and Mrs. Lowe sing, th a t be would go on and speak to tbo electric ligh ts If they a ll retired .

"“ H is su b jec t was revivals, a n d show ing th e ir heed-, first am ong lukew arm professors o f re­ligion, he §aldL.iu any av em g e tow n' o r city there were m ore backsliders th a n rea l .Chris­tians, an d w h a t la to behome o f th em if the pastors, as som e w ith m istaken n o tio n s do , oppose all m eans to prom ote th em ? “ We M ethodists,” he c o n tin u e d ,41 believe in back* 8lldUig, but these good Presbyterlpn brethren d o not. an d yet* they-trsvo a g o b d l le a r o f 'i r on hao d .” , . .V "

H e lu n h e r abowed- th a t rev lra ls were tbe •best, and som etim es only, m eans to heal es­trangem ents am ong m em bers o f the same church. A rb itra tion , persuasion a n d every* th ing else falls n n til th e heart Is touched, molted au d b roken u p , then enem ies can easily approach each o tber, beg forgiveness and become fas t friends. . ■■ ’■

A nother fesn lt of the rev ival Is realized In the q u ickening of liberality . C burcbes wonld n o t be reduced to su ch -fin an c ial s tra its if filled w ltb thp love ol God.^ T hen these abom in atlons called fairs and festivals, where the g irls are kissed a t ten cents a emacx, to raise funds, wonld n o t bo necessary. 'T here was m ore solid and p ractical sense In b is fam ilia r ta lk than Is usually heard from the pulp it.

The people of tbe ;43tove a re Jn st w aking n p to the fac t th a t nearly all tbe larger

h o te ls and board ing bonses a re fu ll to over< .flowing, an c e b e a te n d o lA h e se aa o n y e tto ? , come. W here the cam p-m eeting crow d m ay find accom m odations Is alw ays a problem ; b u t somehow, like tbe om nibus, there is g en ­erally room fo r a few m ore, even the few

'm u ltip ly in to thousands.

. W i l l G o B e f o r e t h o O r a n t l J u r y .

R . B . Casaok, the d rn g s h t , w as arrested las t week "under the d isorderly /h o n ae act. Before Ju s tic e Wy'ckoff, ■yesterday^ a f ie r a p riva te bearing bad.been refused, ho w aived

* exam ina tion an<l gave b a ll for appearance*be­fore the g ran d ju ry . Sajnuel A. P a tte rso n becam e’his security , * ,

JPraise for t lio TrentOu^Cafe*Tw o well-d ressed gentlem en Were yesterday

Coming o u t of .Mra. W agner’s T ren ton C af6, o n ; C ookm aa avenue, a n d ' o n e w aa h e ir d to rem ark to the other th a e d in n er they h ad ea ten was *• as good aa Deltaonlco’s .” I t la a general expression tb a t tbe cafd tab le Is e s good as any, n o t exoeptlng city estab lish ­m ents. n

B i s h o p T b o b u r n A m o n # t l i e E x - p o B l t o r s .

• F o r the third F rldsy In succession, Ocean Grove bas been favored With a g reatly needed ralu , and considering the laok of s tree t sp rinkling facilities, th is haB p ro v ed n o o r dinary co n tribu tion to general com fort. As theefTects of this periodical sh 9wer l a s tu n tl l a f te r the efisuiug S ab b a th ^ th e trad itio n o f F rid ay being an unlucky day, In one rcspect a t least, is exploded,land everybody is gratified with the a rrangem ent, ........

’The yoting people’s m eeting was a b o u t a s a ttrac tiv e a s ever u nder the d irection o f D r. M arvin, another o f the—selected leaders whom Mr. Y atm an assigned to th is position In hla absence. vW ho m ay take th e c o n tro l th is m o rn in g ls n o t generally know n, and this adds an elem ent of cu riosity to tbe b ab lt o f dally a ttendance. D r. M unball a n d several of bla cxegetical co rp s will be on h a n d to­m orrow, an d the service -prom ises to be_ one of m arked in te res t In the evangelical line.

Dr. M unhall com plains of Inability to sleep when a t Ocoan Grove on acco u n t of the s treet noises wh^ich a t a very early hour o l the m orning In te rro p t hla rest. A newsboy’s cry, the m ilkm an 's o r bo tcher’s wagoUj/or a bark ing dog, so d istu rb s his sensibilities th a t he Is robbed of th e b est p a r t of l^lj jre s i, and he assigns t^ ig a s one of th e reasons he tioes Qpt occupy a co ttage of hla own on the grounds.

Evangelist Needham an d b is m odel of the JcwiBh T aberpacle absorbed the a tten tio n of tho audience r“d u rln g yesterday’s -morning session, leavlng_only a b rief In ternal fo r the answ ering of Bible qnestlons by Dr, E rdm an, to whom this d ep a rtm en t of tb e w o rk .Is usually assigned. H e ls so thoroughly versed in Scrip tu ral lore th a t I t w as a rare lnstauoo to h ea t him a a y j6 r once, *^1 dou^t kuow .” The question was^>n the m eaning of the 'w ord M 8eiab,!Lao frequently found In th e.P sa lm s o f Davids O thers on the p latfo rm explained th a t- it moat probably served tbe purpose Of a m usical res t Or some d irec tio n to regulate cbornl service. . * ; • ' s

D orlog the afternoon the people were out in force, a lthough lu the face o l threatened rain , to boar tho distinguished lum inary, Dii A. %f. Gordon, of Boston, d iscass some gospel top ic . H la com ely an d in te lligent w ife p re ­ceded him, and exhib ited a desirab le fahulty in b e r a b ility a n d eklH a s a S o rlp tn ta l ex* poeitor. D r. Gordon is a Weil proportioned specim en of th e ffrnu* 7m wt' k ffable jn ex* pression, m easured in h ls tones,’a u d possess­ing a-deep, fleh voice, like th a t b f Drs. Brooks aud Brodbeok, capable ol hold ihg a u d i­ence ln-dellghted a tten tio n ' to every proposir tlon he elucidates. » Vi.-

^ ?T here was a perceptible flurry in the even­ing to o b tain .good positions la the Audi

Tbrlum to h ea r W ahopT hobbrn , w ho preaehod an adm irable.serm on a t the G rove only a few w eeks ago. The andlence sw elled to l&rgo

b u t tbo chance to hear an d “ See th e ir cotcm- p o railes who bave a tta in ed a national rep u ta ­tion and. world*wide celebrity, la so re to d r^ w tbom o u t. W bat thoy havo been liatonlug to tbo p a s t two. o r three ovening, sca n n o t b u t o xert a powerful ibflaecco o n tbolr m lndannd fa tn ro m lalatry . ■ ••

Drs. Brooks a n d MuUhall will bo th e Audi- tori am preachers fo r to-m orrow, wbiob.^ w eather p erm itting , w ill bo in both P a rk an d G rove a “ high day In Zion.”

H o l i d a y —w f t h t h e P t c a c l c r s .


T £e announcem ent m ade op S ab b ath th a t there wero no special m eetings for M onday and)T uesday oceasioned some surprise, b u t tb eocoaslou was m ore ag reeab le th an o th er­wise a fte f the tension of, a very bu sy week and th o exhausting labors of a , 8 a tb a th orowded with ex c itin g services. And y e t .it seem ed all th rough th e ,h o u r s of yesterday , a fte r the Temple^ a n d T abernac le congrega­tions had been d ism issed1 In tb e m orning , as If som ething was o u t of J o in t w hen .the *' church going* bell” w as silen t d u rin g the a fternoon and evening. «

Those who keep a n eyo on tho sum m er p ro ­g ram a re Inquiring vr h a t has becom e o f “ Dick Inaon CoIJego d ay ,” announced fo r Tuesday, A ugust 13, Nobody aecms to know why th is p a rticu la r event should have been allow ed to go by defau lt. Tbe cionjebture la th a t a s General Flak, one of Ita m o at p ro m in en t rep-' resentatlves Irj the B oard o f T rustees o f re­cen t je a r s ,’ Js gone', an d Dr. Reed, the presi­dent, Is busy elsewhere, w ith professors s c a t­tered ab ro ad tak in g vacation—o n e o r tw o being in E urope—it waa t e s t n o t to a ttem pt, the usual reunion a t Ocean Grove w ithout a be lte r Bbow o f college m en to occupy the p latform , 0

T he top ic o f yesterday m ost p opu lar th ra u g h o p tT h e 'G ro v ew a if th e extraordlriary discourses o f Drs. Brooks and M anhall,.wUh frequen t reference to D r. Talm age by those who had , am id th e thunder, ligh tn ing and ra in of S abbath afternoon , heard his aerm qn In Aabury Parle. Dr. Brooks rem ained on tbe ground tak ing needed res t, a n d received num erous, o a re rs with th e ir heartiest congra t­u lations on hW labors d uring tho B ible Con­vention, an d D r. M uhball’s sa tire o n church In­efficiency an d w o rld ly conform ity will fu rn ish food fo r reflection fo r m any a d a y . T h a t th ere were a few offended bearers wins not' su rp rising , b u t h e is st> oon atltn ted 'th a t, say­ing w bat ho bellhves to be the^trutb, be does n o t concern h lm stIf a b o u t e ither praise o r blamtj. • * ' ...................

Being an off n ight, th ere were a n u m b er o f p a rlo r e n te r ia in m e U ta '^ tbo hotels a n d a good o p p o rtu n ity for-rfio tllBplay of m usical a n d deolam atory talen t. O ne o f the best Of, these waa held a t the H ow land H oobo, where several excellen t singers and m ualplana a re Btopplng a t present. These were assisted by.

,om aide talen t, an d th e-p e rfo rm an ces w ere !higbly enjoyed by a largo com pany. Prof, Barlght, Miss M cKlozle and M lssLlda P a tte r­son displayed fine sk ill a t tlie p ian o ; Mlaa P itm an, of Freehold , a n d M rs. K ing, o f Kew. York, w ere the soloUtn, the latt&r having supg th ree o r four selections, L ittle Georgle Brazier delivered a n um ber of hum orous rec i­tations, a n d Miss Id a A say gavo tb e sto ry of “ L ittle Beji ” with approved elocutionary effect. Rev. Wm. C. M ullen aang the Scotch piece, “ My aln C o u n tn e ,’r a n d a l l un ited in the cloalng r»f rain-— ;

“ God be with you ’tjll we m eet again,"

: The F le toher L ake C arn ival a ttrac te d m ost o f tbe floating population to th a t v icin ity , nnd was in i ta m agnlQcence a su rp rise to a ll who witnessed It, Thera were betw een t t f ty a n d s ix ty b oa ts In line, m ost o f them tas te fu lly decorated w lib Chinese lan te rn s and o th e r Illum ina ting appliances, while a few bad rigged m asts and. cordage, oU w hich tho lan te rn s m ade a very pleasing appearance.

w aded to shdre, and arrived a t h is ho tel in a dam p and dem oralized condition, to becom e an ob jec t o t sym pathy to all hla ac q u a in t­ances who crowdod a round to learn th e p a r ­ticu lars ot h is nnoxpcotcd b a th . ______

M ra ..J .^ T . E llis was th e^ lo ad e r T uesday m orning la tho Y oung Poople’s m oetiug , aud m oot earnestly did sho hold a lo ft tho baemer of tb o Crofio, and m ap out for h e r aud ito rs tbo narrow p a th tb a t leads not on ly to heaven b u t to p co co , h o n o r nnd 'v ic to ry on tbo way., CoL 11. II, Hodloy, o f Now Y ork, w ill tako* charge th is m orning, and thero will bo a g rea t tu in*out to g ree t him as one o t th o m oral heioea o f tho age In his Je^cuo w ork am ong the abandoned o f th at g rc h ^ e lpr. H e will also bo one o f tb e galaxy o ^ v ^o a k e rs the King’s ^ u g h t o r a . have eeonred'‘*'for theTr TOOoting tlsli a fternoon .

" Tho T aho taao le waa well filltjd during the m orning hour, and M rs. Palm er, w ith n o m eeting to follow, p ro tracted h e r devotional services to give a help ing band to, an y v?ho m igh t bo in the darknosa of d oub t an d sin, lead ing them In to tho ligh t a n d liberty o f a happy erporlenco.

The p reachers wherever they m ot in social g ro u p s discussed tho doctrines o f la s t Sab b a th ’s serm ons, a n d tbo tem erity o f onei o f tb e lr rn u m b e r who locked borne w ith Drl; H anlon d n rln g tho Bible class oxcrclaes o f tho aftornoon. I t appears th a t the bro ther waa perm itted and Invited to g ive hla view s; b u t nU otw atda occupied tb e floor m oro fre ­quently th an tbo D octor considered profitable, ^ o th a t being unnoticed when bo claim ed a ^ f i ; i^ . .b o .^ f i lB U a lo d J n a s p ir i t o f dtsoon- tent, and allowed him self to cbargouogon tle- m anly d taccnrtesy o n the leader. Tbe leader,- however, proceedod na If ho d idn’t h ea r him .

A com m on occurrence the la s t few d ay s a t the Grovo Is to see the fam ily g ro u p s w ith band*baggogp a n d anxiety going roon& ^rom house to honsC seek ing accom m odations nn til aftcT cam p-m eeting. There are p len ty of houses n o t y e t full, b n t tho troub le ariaea from a Ojlaunderstandlng o f term s. Board and lodging oannot now be furn ished a t the ex ceed if$ |y low rates of the ea rlie r p a r t of th e eeaepu; The cam p-tneotlng ' crow d must- pay higher prices o r tho board ing houae p r o ­prie tors can n o t p a y th eir ren t. P arties are also silll bun ting vacant'Cottages, b u t owners w ill n o t le t them go a t the low ra te s offered even a t th is late period of th e season.

W b at w as D one ou a D u ll Pay*THE TEOPIB HAVE AXOTUEB LWSURBLV DAY—


' The people having little elae to d o on T ues­day a fte r th e ,m o rn in g mootings, tb e hours passed In p fca a a n tts ig h tse e in g an d exenr- Bions to regions beyond] Tbo tired stage and carrlago horses were brough t Into requisition fo r drives to Long Branch, Belm ar, and othor neighboring settlem ents. -A n um ber o t pedes­trian s t r ie d tb elf powers o f endurance bjf a jo u rn ey down, the beach ' to AvOn Io n and . backjittnd s tr f tg e r s availed tbem selvea o t the op p ortun ity to “ walk a b o u t Z ion ," and In­spect the d im ensions of tbo em pty Apdito- rl.ufii, w ltb o th e r buildings (used for religloua w o rsh ip ; a lso tbo d ifferent hotels an d m o re a ttrac tiv e prlvato cottagea which stand here an d thorb In m arked con trast w ith the original ehanttea e rected tho flret bnrrlod years" o f Ocean Grove’s daw ning celebrity.^ . _

'rS ta n a ir i^ ln lb e ,e m b o w e re d a # li fe opposite the j e m p l e j ^ l s i t o r iplgbt be heard explain- lug to lajtet acrlvalB the ob jects o t in te res t w ithin fangd<)f vision. “ T here,” he observes, p o in ting In one direction , M e ight o r ton thon Band people on last Sunday m orn ing and evenlog were gathered listening to tho serm uns which grea t, om torac-dellvercd. Over in tb a t taste fu l edifice a conple o f th o u san d young people aung choroBea to g ran d Instrum ental accom panim ent, or bow ed their beada in prayer, and in tho' Tabernacle opposite, older and aaIntly-Iookli|g persoUB to ld the story of their ups a u d dow ns Ifi tbe m oral w arfare of l ife ; b u t the p rettiest sight 01 Sunday was an In fan t school o f pearly fivo h undred b right Itttle faces rec itin g Scrip ture an d singing

.carols in tho *am eplaco. Y o u m n st stay over n ex t Sabbath to goe What Ocean G rove really la;”

One gentlem an, a W ashington M. D , Came np from tbo beach wltb his BQmmer tro u se rs wet from tbe knees down. H o h ad been stu d y in g , th e theory of tbo w aves a s .tb ey broak’ upon tbo o u ter bar and tben roll on lik e race hom es to tbeic goal^ u n til they tum ble in to boiling Burf along th o shore. Like m any anotbor hapjose Investigator, ho Has unexpected ly su ftoundcd )>y s a lt water,

K i n g ' s D a u g h t e r s * I > a y . . a

ROYAL PURPLE IK TUB ABCBKDANT—©OBAN'i aaovB e n u v b n e ij — X m t c ib c l e s porm


( PATiOX. \

X, u W bat a pUy^V waa tbe general rem ark W ednesday m orning aa thenncoun ted ctow ds o f exourslonlsts began to c ircu la te through P a rk and Grove, “ th a t a ll these p eo p le ,e ra , destined to e n d n re the d iscom forts o f a n east­erly ra in s to rm on tb e lr only t r ip to the sea !” But, om inpas. as wore the overhanging clouds, It d id n 't to rn out a* an tic ipa ted , and tb e K ing 's D aughters had a p rop itious d ay w ith do nse for tb e lr gossam ers or u m b re lla s /

Tbo large m ajority o t resident a n d v isiting m e m b e r o t; tb e^ isy a l: fam ily , i n . & iuc<iam*r were very brlgbt and aonsiblu looking young ladies,- eauh w earing tbe InuigQla o f the te w order, a purp le badge and «llver cross, with tha initia ls “ I . H. N .” (In H la N am e) a t ­tached lo tbe person . T here were, o f course, jnany of moro advanced age, and to ro u n d u p the social com pleteness o f the occasion , an im posing "array of K ing 's Sons helped to en- Itvet^ the sceno. • ■

•T belr e io rclses began a s early a s 8 o ’clock. When a delightful devotional hour w as sp e n t 1^Thornley Chapel, Mrs. Skidm ore, of New Y ork ;! M rs, Isab e lla C hartes“ D avls, Mrs.“ Thornley and Other prom inent organizers helng p resen t to gi ve d lrectlon to the . ser­vices. AU0 o ’clock they ad journed over to the Tabernacle and Tem ple w bero the regu lar m eeting held da lly In terested them nn til a f te r 10. 8 trangera wore nnm erous In M rs. Palm ­e r ’s m eeting, and tbo young people wore led by Col. H adley, su perin tenden t o f tbe Rescue M ission, susta ined by S trB jr th o lp m ew ’s P. E . C hutcb , New Y otk cltjry The exerclsea. were tender, cheerful a n d deeply Impressive.

A t 10 80, Mra. Skidm ore, who took th e place of M rs. B ottom e, fo u n d er o f th e O rder, b u t now in E urope, opened the convention In a business-like way. F ifty circles h a d rep re­sen ta tives present, an d a n um ber o f these gave the m ost cheering accoun ts o f the evangelistic a u d hum an Ita lian w ork in p ro ­gress by their reapectlve circles, each o f which cobalsts of ten or more, bearing a p a rticu la r nam e, and busy with p lan s to relieve distress. hel^> tbe poor, and illu stra te p rac tica l C h ris­tian ity by doing good

■ Quo of the rep o rts g iven rela ted to th e re­cent establishm ent of the rescue m ission w ork a t Ceoterv ine, in the vlolnlty o f N ew ark,' w here all the g rea t pipe lines converge and a squalid po p u latio n of eight thousand dissi­pated people dwell, ru in ed in m orals and c h a rac te r by tbe drink ing saloons itb lch abound a t th a t point. T h e p rosecution o f m ission w ork a t th is p o in t requljes money, a n d donations a re solicited from th e benevo­le n t 'to help the courageous women w ho have p lan ted th eir s tan d a rd in the m idst o t such in iquity . These contrIbutlona may b e placed in the hands of 31 rs. D av is an d Rev. F rank Cookm an, o r Col H . H. Hadley.

Tfee Tem ple p latfo ip i p resented a s tr ik in g a n d ’beau tifu l ap p earan ce w ith Its profuse floral decorations, a n d .a to n c h ln g Incident of the aborning session was the rflsppeatance and Binging o f a lady who tw o years ago wa§ a very active a n d efficient h e lp e r of M r/ Y at- m a u r H e r n am e then" was M iss Idabel Haugbey, dau g h te r o f a cavalry officer, C ap t. Hangbey, U . S. Arm y. She re tu rn s aa Mrs; Cress, and In the w epdaj3 f ja widow. She m arried, a p rom inen t officer of the N avy bear- tn g ’jh n t- ' nam e, who soon aftor d ied . H e r fa th e r has a lso departed , so th a t m other a n d d augb tcrv w hp are! r>°w a t th e G rove, a te robed, alike in m on w in g . H er boIo yesterday was called “ T h e‘Palace of th e K ing.1’

Addtcssea w ere delivered b y Rev. F rank Cookm an, oh “ Tho H elpfu lness o f th e O rder lii th e WOrk o r thp Chnrob,** an d Col, H ad­ley on Bomo encourag ing featnras o f th e w ork lu^whic^ be Is engaged in socking to save the lOSt.; '-.!1,'- ' ■■ ; ’ - . .

Tbe afternoon session vyasheld in the Audi­torium ) where a very large coiigregatlon as- som bled. T he Stand there was also decorated w ith p lan ts and flowers. Mies TJpdegraff sah jg o n e o t b e t delightfu l solos, a n d tb e speakers were M*8- % Ellis* M rs Isabella

v Charles Da vis, and Rov. S. Edw ard Youhg, o f’Aabbry f'aVb. E ach address waa replete w lth 'fac ts, iacidon ta and Inducem ents pre- B cn ted^j young ladles to u n ite wHh a n Or­g anization so b edellcen t.In ' design and help- fu b to all who try to b e usefu l. I t was s ta ted th at th q O rd er now Includes 100.000 raem bew, wltb 40,000 King’s ‘Sods, and .the dum bor ts

.Thero never w aa a u c h a a , 'on te rta !nm eut,, g iven a t Ooean Grove befdro ; n o r h a d th e thousands w ho ga thered la s t n ig h t in f ro n t o f the Auditorium] ever realized “ how .tho o th er h a lM o L th e^p o g u Ia tlo n ) l iv e . '* - M rr - M s ~ ir the a u th o r of those exhaustive m agazine artl* i cles, som e m ontha sgo, whfch So poworfully aw akened New Y ork to sym pathy w ith tho un fo rtu n a te m ultitudes who in such a g rea t city ac tua lly dlo of s ta rv a tio n . - I -

T he K ing’s D augh ters h ave en tered this harrow ing dom ain of wretchpdness, abd aided b y police protection, tho 8 . OP. C , S oclet jr and o ther refo rm ato ry assoclatloua, la d o ittg a noblo work.,

M rs. Rugglea, presidont o f the*T enem ent H ouae Com m ittee o f the Ordo^-, an eacneat and pleasing apeakor, qiosed the exerelaes of a rem arkab le day, in w hich th e h e f ir ts o f tho people wbre s tirred and won over to decided sy m p a th y 'w ith , the K ing’s D augh ters and their beau tifu l system , of len d in g a hand to every, good w o rd and work. ;

T ria l D o u b les a t T enn is.A I.1V0I.T CONTEST AT THH NORBTTA’S AK-


The first gam es of th e T en n is T o u rn am en t wetb played Tuesday m orning on the law d a b o u t Educational, H all. C hairs were b ro u g h t from tbo H a lH o accom m odate ther specta to rs, m oat o f w hom were ladles.

Sam uel L. *^ull( of Pbilodelphla , a n d M or­g an A llen o f P a terson , defeated JosepBTScnd dor, o f M inneapolis, an d ' Lee Sim m ons, o f New York. Tho scora w as O—1 \ 6—2.

T he second tria l .resu lted in: a v ic to ry tfd r H orace L oom ts, w ho la a Bummer Resident a t Belmar, a n d G. Thom son, of A sbury Park, Tbelr opp5H6bVs wero l ) r , ‘V incent B aker, of Aabury Parlf, and J , V incent, o f New York, and the score 0—1 ; 6—1,1 A t 2 In the a fte rnoon several slngtes tfero p layed . G. Thom son, of A sbury P a rk , was defeated by C larence H em stead , o f New York, S3—fl; 0—4 ; 0 - 4 , ‘

H orace Loom is and C harles M illard, o f Tarry tow n, bad. the h o tte s t c o n te s t o f tbe day. . Loom is won b y 6—4 ; 6—3.

C. B a r roughs w as d efea ted M orgaiTAl len, his score s tan d in g O—OV 6—J3,

G uy Biddle, of New Y ork, w as um pire, George Nichols, Scorer, an d E ugene 8 , Ripley and H enry N lobols w atched the lines.

T he prices to^baA w arded to th e final w in ­ners a re ^ r s and P e ttit racq u e ts—the Sears special as th e first p rlie , and th e P e t ti t mode) for second, r '. • ' ; ^ :" '/

Tbe tenn is to u rn am en t now g o in g o n a t the N o re tta ten n is g roqnds. E ducational Hall, w aa con tinued W ednesday. A larg e num ber o f ladies wore present to W e b the progress of th e p lay , _ In the m orning doubles , were p layed aa foirows:

M illard and H arm sted defeated Coomba a n d T hom as, 6—8 ; 6^-4.

N egn tf-and Bowley won from 11111 an d .Gunn, 6—1 ; 6 —8.

N egus and- ITrffrley a lso defeated T n ll an d Allen, 6—4 ; 0 - 1 .

T hen cam e tho oxcitlng set o f th e m orning , betw een H oraceL oom la a n d G . Thfimaon on one side, and Miller an d H arm sted . T h e la t­te r won a f te r a n exciting con test, 6—8 ; 6—4.

In tbo a fternoon Blnglea^rere played off, CaSSSe hfrg, dtatribuVlDg. ite .* ‘ *

A . S o c i a l E v e n l n j r - w i th S t u d e n t s ,

T he reun ion a n d banquet o f Pennington etudents, sum m ering In the P a rk and Grove, p a sa o 'd o f t-v o ry fiC c c f lc a la l ly a t th o B h c ld o ir House W odneaday. evening . A fter a social tim e In ' the parlors, th ¥ young pbo*ple wout" 4nto th e d in ing-room / whero a flue rep ittt aw aited them . ........ . . . .

A lte r tho banquet, M r. E d g a r C. Snyder, the prom oter o f tb e affa ir,1 announced the toasta an d called for. speeches. ./.Mrs. M, H elen Crano, widow o f Rev. Dr. J . T . Crarie, form erly p rlneipal o f P ennlngtpu Som fnary, occupied the; sea t o f honor cn^M r.-Snydor'i r igh t. Prof. John H anlon was in th e se a t to th e left, Tho- la t te r responded to tbo toast, “ O nrB em lnarx.” ^ h e n an a lum hus o f ’48, Dr. Lloyd W ilbur, o f Ilfgb tsfow n, spoke ab o u t “ Old T im es u t P cnnltig ton .” . “ T be Calliloglan Society ” w as gracefully trea ted by M iss F lorence 8. Darla. Mr. W m . H . Mosea talked well abou t “ T he Phllotnatboan Society.” . Mra. .C rano’s toast w as “ The P ress." M r, A . H. Leo rdptesonted “ T he Class bf ’fiO,” and Mips E. Bello C lark “ T he Class of MH.1?. “ T he A lpha a'nd Om ega So­cie ty” was eloquently dlscbssed by H erbert W, W estwood, '^Tbo ..Board of Trustees was to h av e been responded tp by" General Jam es F . Rusllng.■ A m ong 'those p resen t w,toe;:~44r. A rth u r Gunster, of Scrpnton, who bolds tbo cham ­pionship medal aa the boat all-round ath lete a t P en n in g to n ; W m H. M oser, Reading, Pa ; Geo, E . Barber, A sbury Park '; George W, M orrow, Jersey City ; Prof. Chas, E, W etton, W estF arm ln g to n , O . ;. A lfred Brterley, Long B ran ch ; Misses F lo rencey8 . and S ara E , DavlSr Trenton ; W . H ,.H ayes, B rooklyn '; A. H . Leo, W ..G , Clarke an d David Phillips, Ph iladelph ia ; H erbert W, W estwood, Cam den; W. II. Clay, EHaabeth ; H arry H. H. Bottome,

-New Y o rk ; F ran k G. B ishop a n d W . K, Meglll, Seabrlgbt; Miss Em m a Skirm ,T ren ton ; M rs. D r. A. T . S tree t. C am d en ; Miss H annah Em son, Collier’s Mills, N. J . jsP rb f. C hasrE , Bikle, llagerBtown, M d .; Miss M yra H a n lo ^ P en n ing ton ; Misa Tuakor, E d g a rC . Snyder, S latlugton, Pa. ; C . E . lia r tsh o rn ,, C olliei’B Mills, N. J - ; Geo. B. Burnwood, Philadel­phia; Misa Ida Schultz , New Y ork City C h r i s ­topher and M arvin Street, Caradon ; Miss E, Belle and Mlaa Helen M. C larke, Ocean G rove; "Mias Cora H arris, Clnnatolnson,, N. J . ; M iasL abra Brock, Trenton ; MfeqMay Clarkaon, P en n in g to n ; Miss L lazle-S tteet, C am den; Misa Grace and Miss Mabel H er­bert, A sbury P ark ; M rs. Dr. Davis, Trenton.

# 1 © 0 N e t P r o f i t f o r t h e J f f a n d .

The Band C om m ittee o f tbe Board of T rade feel It la due them to m ake th e following s ta tem en t of the receipts and expensea attend­ing th e p roduction of “ P inafore,” as some m isapprehension existed a s t o the results. M r. L ong has banded u s th e following figures, an d while th e expenaes appear large they a re very m oderate for the presentation o f such an opera.

■ RECEIPTS. • * ’ ~ 1810 tickets sold a t 35c............ ....8108 50875 tickets B old at 25c................... . .93 76.117 tickets B ald at 15c....... . w i t &5

--t— . - ■ ------- -8219 80EXPENSES.

Coettunes, rehearsals and p lan ia t... .850 00Printing and posting..Stage h i r e , . , . . ............ .Mnaio and ezpenaea to New York...Use of p iano . . .................................Um of l a n t e r n * . . . , . . . . . . ....... ...........Muslin for decoration!................Flrowoilu ai^d Irelght.. . . . . . . . . .

to havo spoken, b u t instead closed the uer- vlpes.TCltb an earn est prayer. ,

The oxpectdllou o l som ething in tbp sp ec­tacu la r hoe brought o u t an Immense andlence In tho evening. Rov. R. W hlnna, o f Phila­delphia", ofTerod prayer, Mlea.Mocker rendered an a rt 1btic solo, and Prof. Ja co b A. Rils, o f the. New Y ork pre?8,~giivo & dcecrlpUve lec­tu re , while p ic tu res o f te n e m e n t houses, b lind alleys, an d tbe teem ing popn latlon of o lty bummors, bounls of thieves, prisons, hospitals and reform atory work, were auoccar plvoly throw u upon ibe_eanva9.

" Dlebl vanquished G unu, 6 -H ); 0 —3.T here a re 28 entvies in singles a lone, aud

everything po in ts to a tu g -b f-w ar a t th e final trials.

A M u r d e r o u s ^ , I t a l i a n .


X B C A P B 3. } • (

J o s e p h Rosa Is a vengeful I ta lian . A few wocks sgo , a s n a rra ted In th e J ournal he In d u ced a b ro th e r o r sunny I ta ly to e n te r |n to bpalnesa 'w ith h im on C ookm an iavenue. C . R osardl Is a peaceful m an and one d ay ’s p a rt­n e rsh ip was enough for him.. Through J u s ­tice Borden he recovered p a r t o f tb e cap ita l he p u t in the firm.

Rosa, it appears, nuraed his w ra th a n ti b n ' T uesday caused all h is effects £o bo sh ipped o u t of town, n e th en laid In w ait fo r Ro­sard l, and In tbe n ig h t o n th e highw ay in W est P a rk , s tru c k R osard l a m u rderous blow ,on tbe head w ltb a olub,wcu ttin g a gash ab o u t th ree inches long. A second m o w waa s tru ck which was w arded ofL by the left a rm , b reak­ing one of the bones. •-

I t waa nearly two o ’clock W ednesday m orn­ing when Ju s tic e B orden was called from his bed and a w a rran t Issued fo rR osard l’s a rres t^ b ut i t w aa fonnd he bad d isappeared f ro m hla haun ts, giving add itional evidence th a t the m urderous aasault waa prem edita ted . Ro- aard i’s wounds a re had, b u t probab ly not fa ta l.. ,

P a s s e d t h e 7 7 t h . M i l e s t o n e .

Mr, Jostah Buzby, tho affable p ro p rie to r o f tb e Lenox, on F o u r th avenue, on Tuesday reached th e seventy-seventh ann iversary o l his b irth , an d Is yet hale a n d hearty , a n d loves a joke a s well as the nex t orle. ,

L ast n ig h t Mr, A lbert H ayes, of New ark, In behalf of the g ueats o f the house,, in a n ea t apeech p resen ted . w ith a m agnifi­cen t gold-handle m alacca cane bearing tbe following Inacn p tlq u : “ P resen ted to Jo s ia h Busby, by tho guests o f th e L enox, o n his 77th birthday . A sbury Park, N. J . ”—H e waa also "the recip ient o f o th e r h an d ­some g ifts as a rem inder fro m his ho sts of friends, - _____~

R e s c u e M c e t l u R S I n t h e F a r k .■ " ' ’ ' • f • - ' . A

A t W eatm lnster P ro8byterlan C hbrch to ­night, to m orrow night, a lso n e x t M onday and 'T aesday evening#, Col. II, H , H a d le y , su p e rin ten d en t o f St. Bartholom ew ’s Resene Mission, of New York, will load a serlos of m eetings illu stra tin g th e rescue w ork l a th a t city and elsewhere. T o n ight Mr, 8 . H , H a d ­ley, superin tenden t o f the . J e r ry MoAnley^ W ate r S treet Mlselon/WIIl re la te hla personal experience a n d describe ibe w onderfu l work In tb a t lost po rtion o f the m etropolis; Rescue songs, soloa, choruses an d testim onies w ill In te rest the audience. Services will begin a t 7 80 sharp . . ^ ■ '• ; . .

A m u s e m e n t f o r t h e L i t t l e F o l k s .

A obfld ren ’s carn ival will, be g iven a t E d u ­ca tiona l H all n e x t Tuesday evening, u nder tbo m anagflm ent o f P rof. D are and th e su p e r­vision of Mr. F. J . Long. - The su b scrip tions to the b?ach m usic fund come lu slowly, and i t ia neceBsary to supplem ent I t w ith these efforts or, the band concerts m ost b^ pur- ta lk d . ~ _ v

, A P a i n f u l . A c c i d e n t .

Tuesday night, while on tho p iazza o f the Brunswfok,'M aater D on C arr, a son o f Mrs. Jo sep h P . C arr, of 8 t, Louts, loat his balance an d fell to the ground, d islocating b is arm and susta in ing o ther less uerlous b ru ises, Dr, Mitchell, of C incinnati, O..,' a ttended to th e ' in juries, and a t last accoun ts the little .fe llow

‘was doisgr nicely. •: ; ■ :

Ifl 60 8 00 4 10 3 00

. 2 00 . ‘2 40 15 80 a go

Mr. Long’s services.,., .

Net a in 't tn bands of treasurer .

I t P le a se s E verybody. *A recent le tte r In tbo New Y ork Herald bas

this to say ab o u t one of th e m ost a ttrac tiv e places on the c o a s t : - •

Spring L ak e is certa in ly a m ost beautifu l resort, and tbe m ore I see of It tbe m ore fav­orably Im pressed am I w ith its beau ties an d a ttrac tions . The only place a long tlio New Je rse y coast which c a n b e com pared to i t, 1n my opin ion , Is E lb o ro a Spring L ak e bas n o t the m agnificence of E lberon , no r has El- beron tbe n a tu ra l ploturesqueneaa o f Spring Lake. The location Is g rand , the lake beau tlfu l a n d sn rf bath ing unexcelled. I t s cot ta g e sa ro not aa handsom e o r costly a s those aUElberon, bnt you will find. I th in k , now th a t tho fu ta ro o f Spring Lako is assured , tb a t th e cottngoa to be erected will be far handsom er than tboso a lready built:

A N ew "Way to P a y Old D eb ts.D uring the la te excitem ent ove'r tbe serving

of so m any aum m ons upon d e lln ju e n t Jm c k : m en fo r no t paying lEelr llceniwb, an Incident happened bolweon a law yer .an d a .o U e n tth a t— fvill bea^tblflng.

T he c liont bad h o t paid up , and the Ju stice bad requested an interview and a n exp lana­tion . Tho back m an waa one pf th o se flannel- m outhed bejeez so rt o f fellowa tb a t cook their cops over one bar and aak In uncouth Eng- Us, “ W ell, w hatcher goln’ to do .ab o u t It— ; | p e f V - r ; J"' y

-That was a b o u t the st ylo lh wBicH'-'b e a jf^ • p roachcd the lawyer, aa ho slapped the sum - ' m o m jo n h la d e sk and asked h im to “ tako d e e a s e . : " r •' y : _

“ D on’t w ant i t ,” sa id tfleatto rney . :1 “ W hatm l g o ln 'to do wld St 1“ he aisked.“ P o t It back in yonr pockety an d Some po­

licem an will a tten d to the balance,” ..“ N aw sir j ho t m uch.' I*m 'goln’ to spend a

fifty soonor’n p a y de tw enty d a t ' th in g ca lls . fo ii , , a n d th o p retty hOy slum ped Into a .cha ir . a n a ajlmed a m ontbfnl o f tobacco-juico a t the layrye^s cuspidor six feet away.

* Plfty-dollara t ” . queried the lawyer. ‘‘You. m t to spend flffy dollars to keep from pay- '

in g \y o n r license I # M j^d ear sir. I ’m- your hdcklbberry. '.Ju B t p lank’ dow n-the m oney an d P ll g uaran tee th a t -n o license officer o r Jaetlce o f tbe peace will pester you any m ore th is year. So fa r as yon a r o ; concerned, P ll knock^tbfs prosecution aa high as the roof. O ut w ith.the m oney.” . . . .

“ Go alow,” said the hacker, “ so’s P k tn koep np . How’ll y o u f i t i t np tf W h at y ’goln’ to do O rs tt’1, ' ------- ■

♦•I’m n o t aupposod to te lljio w I ’ll f ix ,it ,” aatd tho legal geutlomaD, " b u t a s a special favor I d o n ’t m ind telling you for your .own good, au d alpo for som e o thers. I f you p a id mo fifty dollars, t h e ‘first th jn g I sho u ld do . would bo to ca ll on the j u s t l y o f th o peaco and pay tho twenty do llars yon owe, the Borough. Then I should have th ir ty dollars left as c lear profit on^ tha transaction , which I should hasten to jfljice to my c re d it in .bank as fast as I could.”

11 Well, you th in k th a t’* s m ir t , eh t You’d q u it w inner by th ir ty dollars, wouldn’t yon, and I ’d bp_tbat rnneb p u t ?. W hat’s d e m atter wld m y m akln’ th a t-p i a ok m y se lf? Do m e ju s t as muoh gootfaa yon, would n’t. i t 7 ”

“ C etta in ly ,” said the*iaw ycr; “ tb a t’s the Size Of It. Y ou can see w hat a fao l y o n are by refusing to p ay yonr J 'js t deb t. Go p a y - It now. Scoot l ” '

The h ackm au scooted, and ac tua lly paid his license an d oobib th a t day, a lthough ho bad to borrow fifteen dollars to m ake u p the am oun t. . . , ‘

- T h e T em p lar B ad ge R etu rn ed .On the day of Gen. Prfimo’a rev iew a t S ea

'G irt, Mr. Jo h n H ubbard loat from h is w atch- g u a rd a K n igh t T em plar m altese cross. Fortunately it had his namo o n I t a n d I t was fo u n d by Misa. E, L, Graves, o f E liz a b e th ,.. who retn rn ed it to him yesterday in a regis­tered letter, receiving tbe th an k s of tho o w n­er, who had abou t gtven up the jew el as lost for g o o d ._________ .

► A N oted P o lit ic ia n .- -H o n . Ja s . W . l ln s te d , th e “ B ald Eaglc)of

W estchestcr,” a u d S p e a k e r t h e NeW Yocjf H ouse 'o f Assembly, is a t the G rove on a v isit t< ^fc ien d a^n d -8 to p a^-th o -O ilv ^H o u 8 fr.^ ''~ ~ -


M argaret A. Green, admlnlstrathc of Louia C. Green,deceased, by older of teo 8urrogatoof tho County of Monmouth, hereby gives notice to the creditors of said deceased to brine in their debts, demand a and claims against tlie estate of said decedent, u ndoroath or affirmation, within six montha from the J6th day o l July. 1890, o r they will be forever ta r red of any action tM refo r against tho said admlnlstr&ttlE. —


L ucky to Oefc It B ack . | ■Charles B. G etohes^ a lad w ho h a d worked

a t th e opera bouse an d a t tim es waa on the ccutSt}tly Increasing. Rev. I)r. M unball was- Tako, had-saved |1 0 ln money. H e was a fra id............................ •“ * ho ralghi M o It, aud so la ft I t, w ith i vaileo

a n d watcbobaln,~]n oaro o f B enj. W,0 !*! d id supernum erary work a t th e o p e ta house,

W bon ib e b o ^ w e u t fo r h is goods Well sa id they w ere locked 'up a u d h e c o n id n ’t g e t them . WoU Btarted on tho road w ith acam p an y , a n d on M onday b igh t tbey played a t Rbd B a n k r J t^ t l^ e .Wyckbff s en t up a p ro o ess a n d recov­ered the m oney a n d o ther artlciea; W ell h av ­ing carried them off, n o d o u b t expeotlibg t q keep them . . T h ° officer Bocured th e m oney and offocta. and m ade th e purlo iuer p a y hfs costa. .

. O c e a n G r o v e H a s a B a l l N i n e .

O nr tw in cltleB have a t las t a rr lv ed -a t th e B tage of developm ent neceasary to tho grow th of a base ball team . Capo May baa for some years boa8ted of hers, and eo h as .A tlan tic City. The Ocean Grove team has a t length been chosen, a fte r several p ick ed gam es bave

‘Been played. .On M onday a gam e w as p layed a t the S ixth

ayenne g rounds betw een tho Grove an d Park, and the form er won by a score of 15 to 0. Y esterday m orning they clinched th e d efeat, beating agdin by^a score of 6 tp 6. The Grove team is m ad e u p w it li : Catpher, K -M cA llls- te r ; p , M cA lllater; lb , B la ir ; 2b, L. W il­lia m s; 8b, G ardner.; s b, W. W illiams ; r fi D llly ; I f , W lls to n ; C f. H un ter, r

B lair la both cap ta in and m anager. He b aa played with the Resolutes, of Y ork, Pa.

The W illiam s bro thers aro both old River­to n players. Tho R iverton ia the team th a t beat Cape M ay last M onday.

A B r i l l i a n t F i n d . '

S a tu rday n ig h t about 10.30 o’clock a p arty compoaed o f guesta a t the L afayette , corner of F o u rth and Bergb avenues, loft tb e lr hotel to a ttend tbe bop a t the Brunswick. In tho p arty w as Mra. K . T inker, of D enver, Col., whose diam onds a re th e adm iration of a ll b e ­holders, Ou Arriving a t the B runsw ick Mrs, T inker discovered tb a t one of ber brilliants, w hlqhsbo wore in her laoe scarf, was m iaalng,- Search was m ade on tbe p iazza o f the hotel b u t no trace bf th e fug itive stone could be fohnd. The p a rty retraced tholr stepa to the hotel, b n t before reaching S unse t H all one of the p arty , Mrs. A. 8. K endall, saw an object spark ling on the sidew alk lu f ro n t o f h e r, an d u pon reaching i t found t t to~be th e m issing b rillian t. The party re tu rn ed to tb e lr hotel, and thq s to ry o f the m issing stone is a famil­ia r one to a ll who approach w ltb in spe^klng- d letanee o t the Lafayette,

A S c a m p N e a t l y C a u g h t . ,

A few weeks since lien ry Ely, a lias Levy, a residen t of E lisabeth, becam e acquain ted «Hh_a young girl 15 yeam of age, and by false promlBoa accom plished her. ru in , c'Eiy was form erly m arried nnder com piilsloe, b u t has not lived with hla wife, r A bou t a week ago E ly cam e to A sbury Park to board w ith hla b ro ther a t ono o f o n r heat hotels. The girl expressed a wish to come t.o

1 ibury P a rk ahd E ly sen t h e r a ticket by i a ^ .. • : • T h e g irl’s father, learn ing o f h e r condition , letly secured a. prarrant a n ^ th e aervlcea of

C . A ustin , Chief of Police a t . EllBabelb,r- a ^ d shadowed tb e girt. On leav ing th e tra in at% ie a tatlon W odneaday m orning she w as m et by E ly, a t the sam e m o m e n t h ew a s confron ted by . ‘he g irl’s friends and a r ­rested By Officer Dexter:

Ju s tic e H olm es endow ed thvr- w arran t a tS f Officer D ex ter took the ffrleonor to P a rk l jf ll l. I n the afternoon be was tak en to E llzabe tlr a n d loOked^ip fo r a Rearing.

T hree d is tin c t 'a to rm a th rea tened to engnlf A sbury P a rk Sunday, b u t two o f tbfim passed northw arda, -tielnglng L o n g Branch a n d Coney Island with heavy rain , a n d hall, T he t^ jrd worked in from the sou thw est and b roke a t 8 4fl p . m . I t- ta lc e d e teadlly u n til a fte r 5, spoil log tho afternoon for ou tdoor on* Joyment, and the evening fo r p rom enading and beaoh servlcea. • Sagrpd concerts were held at, all the hotels and the ovening made to p ass a s plooaautly ospo&albio. »,

E s t a t e o f h a b q a b e t t a s .BAUT1NE, deceased.

Nottco is hereby g lreo , th a t tbe accounts of Iho subficribei; administrator o f said deceased, will be audited and etated by the Surrogate, and re­ported to the Orphan’s Court of tbe county o f , M onmouth, ou Thursday, Oct. D, 18'JO,



To William B. Bradner, ,Dolla Herbert and IhiBsal Bennett.

Yon aro hereby foutiCed tb a t I have presented -.a petition to tho C onrto f Coraraon Pleas, of tho- County of Monmouth, according to tbe form of the s ta tu te of such case mado aad provided, for' the benefit of the Insolvent laws o f th ia 'S tate l aud the said Court bave appointed Thursday, the 18th day of September noxt, a t the hour of ten In the forenoon, a t the Court-house o f said connty, as the time a t whloh they will a ttend to hear w hat can be alleged for or against ray liberation. «

JAMES RIDDLE.-Dated Aqgust 4, 1890.

P CHANOEEY OF NEW JERSEY.To Edward Browning, nnd A nthony J.

D resel : * '•*By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery

of New Jersey, made on the day of the date hereof,In a cause wherein Jam es E. Borden Is complainant* and yon and others are Jdefond- ants, you are required to appear, pload, anawer o r demur to the bill of (said complainant, o u o r before the second day of October next, or the said bill will be taken as confessed against you.

The aald bill Is filed to-foreoiose a m ortgage riven by Benjamin C. White and wife to William Marke, dated April 20, A. D., eighteen hundred and seventy, on lands Jn tho township o f -Eaton- town, in the County of Monnionth, aud assigned to thoBaUl.oamplalnanti-: — -

And you are made defendants because you re*^ covered a Judgment BRainBt the- said' Beniamin C. White In Ida lifetime, and claim,,or m ay claim, an encumbrance imon the said m ortgaged p rera-1 1808. DAY1D HARVEY, JR .,

fiolicitorof Complainant,Post Office Address, Asbury P ark , N. J .

Dated Ju ly 81,18D0. - (P r'sfee, $0.80)

hotels, ft (.French’s Cottage.

681 Cookman avonue, A8BTJBY-PAHK, N .J .Perm anent and transien t board. Bates by the

week |7 to SO. : v MRS. E. FRENCH.

RICH ARUS HOUSE,209 First avenue,

A8EURY PARK, NEW JRBSEY.Fifteenth Beason. ' ‘ ___

THE PHILADELPHIA..fip7 Third Avenne,

Opposito Educational Hall Park. Term s fo r August, $7 to $10} F all and W inter, $5 to 88 ; T able board, $ i. Special term s to families. Ex­cellent tab! e^J>pen th e on tire yea r.

' M . J , CAMP.

T H E U TICA , ^C0a Munroe avenue,

ASBURY, PARK, ^E W JEilSEY.Now open fo r perm anent and transien t board*

eta and will also fnrniHh tablo board. Location cpentral andoonronient for htmlndss people. -


K Y C E IA H O T EL,* Central avenue, P ltm au to McClmtook, * t OCEAN QKOVE, N. J/,

Open-all tlie. year for perm anent or transfdntj.V quests. Steam heat, com fortable room s, exeoW XBnt table. Very reasonable term s. : • F

rARiUMfor the trea tm en t’o f diseases by a ll modern 1m- -t proved m ethods Trained njiraes. Boat profes- Blonalaud surgical skill. Medicated gases.

Nurses furnished a t private houses. Also port- ab^e Medicated Vapor. B a th s; <Compoun t o r pure O xygen;.apparatus for Inhalation o f h o t air, 400 deg. to COO deg.; also E lectricity and MoSsago.. Turkish, Buaalan and o ther Baths a t ' the Sanltanum . Outside practice lim ited to con- Bultatiori nnd tho speblaltles of the Instltuto.(Send fo r circu lar descriptive o f tho w ork of th e Sanitarium.) D. M.JBARlt, M, D., I*rop*r, • Graduate Jeff. Med. Col., Phlla., Momber Penna.

State, Phlla. County and phlla . Obat. Socie­ties ; Consulting Physician Phlla. M. E . O r- ' phonage; Surgeon Post 77, G. A. f t , Phlla. “ “ ;

Fifth Ayenuo MIsfltTailor.


NEW YORK,Tlie only gcnalno dealer in leading American

and European Misflta at half price. Dre&s Suits fbr ealo and hire. Bsmbllshod in 3809. A lso B e a tly > H iid e C le U itn g for Men aau Boys

Page 3: BLUE STOHE Oliver H. Brown, · painting1. Building and General Repairs. Par ticular attention given to sale, renting and care of soaslde property. Corroppondence solicited. Address,


i r o s » wAND M O N M O U T H fUSPUSlMQAN.


Bates of Advertising.- ....... ..... Wm k k s ." 1 ' Mohths. I

4T4CB.1 a 3 S 1 a » | « ] 19

M in. !W 7fl 51 Of|$12fl ^1 76 S3 50144 001$ 6001 JW» 1 ft 176 a w 4 00 6 00 3000

1J6“ 1 (N) 1 60 JMH 4 2f> 5 80 8 00 14002 4 1 Wl a 00 SW a w n<Mi 700 10 00 1800a M ■ t n

£187 (KJ •0 00 1600 S600

4 *• a w flWJ 4W WOO IS 00 2000 8500M co l. aon 45(1 5W 7 N) IfiflO 1800 3000 60 00

N ‘: 5501000


n w!3 o »

2 6 0 0 46 00

86 0 0 5 6 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 OOi SO0 0 1 1 6 0 0 0

Looai, ’N6ttobW ~A lim ited num ber o f local iQtlooB will bo adm itted a t tlio i a t e o f flftoonr QOtlOOB _____________________________________ooats por line: They will be placed a t th e b o t­tom of tho lojial columns only, and m as t h a re " a d v " a t tbo end. When continued fourw eekao rlo n ^c r. a discount of 25 por cent. is allowod.

T srkb.—Yearly advertisem ents a re payable advance ; advertisem ents f<

j a ro cash.quarterly , In advance • advertisem ents l o r lasa period th an three m onths

O a r Affcntn.Geo. P.'Rowell & Co.,10 Spruce s t.. New York. W, W. Sharp & Co., 21 Park Row, New York. Edw in Alden & Dro.,l40 N assau s t., Now York,

and Cincinnati. ', J . H. Bates, 41 Park Row, New York.N, W, Ay or & Son, Times Building, PhllaM, -------* ^ .................. . ‘n.Jphila’d.P ra tt * Co., N inth and Aroh Bts.t’£hi Will receive advertisem ents for T an JotJMUt*

At regular nuhliahed ra tes.' In a llcaaos we reserve the

ndvertlsoiaont th a t m ay be o’bt to re je c t any

tO US.

I > r a l N o tic e s .Our frlrttidfl will please b ea r l a m ind th a tT n *

J odrnXi. 19 a local newspaper, and aa euoh Is the--------------' r al! logftl t *

.....................n g to na b jm any o thers It Is optional wit! isted ' * ‘

er medium fo r all fogal notices. Some ad- [semoata belong to na h r law> w hile with

.......................... S I M 1”*"-1 ^ to w hat paper Bboald publ!

,4F r e e ]S 'o tices ,, ,By m utua l agreem ent, and by Tecommehda*

tlon of the New Jersoy Editorial Association, the newspapers of Asbury Park have decided to abolish tho unfair and unw arranted eastern o1 giving free local notices to entertalnm onis cl any kind w hlohhave aa tholr objeot the raising o f m oney fo r the benefit o t societies o r indi­viduals. H ereafter w e Shall m ake a charge c f five cents por line to residents and ten centa per line to traveling or ontalde companies o r persons

y he in h ab itan ts of Jersey vlllb b a re voted 11,200 for a new school hooae.

Ju lia n R alph has retired a s o o n d ac te tfo f th a t newsy creation ,called Chatter. .....

M r M. F . Bird has the agency fo r N ew J e r ­sey o f the new Phoonlx F ire E x tingu isher.

H enry 8. Wh [to, of Red Bank, b a s been ap ­pointed Uv 8, D istrict A ttorney fo r Kew Jet*

_ eey. .K eyport la to experim en t fo r A tteaian

water. By vote It waa agreed to appnd'$600 In the teats. ’ .......

A funeral ^rocesaion was stopped a d a y o r tw o since In Je raey C ity because a d riv e r ©I one of the carriages was a non-union m ac.

Lo1acd13 Ooean H otel, L o n g , B ranch , was sold on S a tu rday .to Jo h n Slocnm fo r 81,000 ovcr-and above tho eponm brances.of $85,000.

Jo h n Greenloaf W hittier’s poem o n “ H aver- fallf,** read a t tho 250th anniversary of t h a t tow n on J u ly 3, appears In th e A ugust ;4f- lantic, '- In addition to t h e c ost of im provem ents ht

the Caalno a t N o rth Aabury, M r. B radley has expended f 1*200 fo r ab o u t 2,400 ben t wood chairs. \ '

and AV W. B orden , o f Shnfws- bury , have received the c o n trac t fo r bu ild ing the new F orest In n 'a t Lakew ood, T hey ad­vertise for 100 bricklayers.

The .P en n sy lv aB a R ailroad ' C om pany v»ill n o te lo v a to l.tq lino a t p resen t through New Brunswick, os con tem plated , b u t will s tra ig h t­en and otherw ise I m pro re the racks.

•. '• __Tho sale o ^ e H ull e s ta te a t ’E lberon , which was advertised fo r T hu red ay,' WaaposlpOneCL'

lltf** wa8 ruraocod thftt M essrs. Chllda and I j l S e x o l hud b o u g h t the. p roperty a t p riva te

P lerrepon t Plonae, u nder tbe m anagem entMra. SUinaervhas-rbecprno very popnlST

with her num erous gneats, who represent m any ol th o leading fam ilies in New Y brk and B rooklyn.

Iaaioh Lane and E llsw orth Davis, o f Brown- town, were arrested In L ong .B ranch o n Moti- d&y for being drunk ond disorderly . D avis waa Qned *5 and Lancuwas com m itted to the coun ty ja il for ten days. . _

s IFotel ■ A sbnry en te rta ins m any H udson Tlver people who bavo known Mr. L ongyear and his callmable wife fo r years. T he e n g in e a t the ABbury Ib In charge of *a am art cook, nnd tho tablo service la Ju stly popular.. .

The A sbury P a rk b ran ch o f the B erlitz School of Languages, n n d e r thei1 m anagem ent o f P ro t J o ly , haB had a prosperous season, and w illTecelve pupils fo r tho balance of tho terra. L anguages are tau g h t by native pro-

l lessoitf. . • . •nj M rJE . L. Cady has ju s t .com pleted a llfe-

llfaopaln tlng of a tro ttln g m a tc h on th e livery B tab leo fO , D. Cow ard & Son. T he horses are tru e to ? na tu re and appeor as re a l-p s . tbottgb cach were ac tna ily s tr iv in g lo b e a t tlio wire first. ..

Tho Long Branch JRecord bew ails th o fato of th a t place In not having a Boas Shepard , and feara the r.ower places arq d raw in g aw ay thoir flumijier gaeate. A little new Wood, judiciously In fused, m ight yet reihvlgorate

^the«dry bones. - ' !U pper M ain s tree t, w ith Its newly raaead ^

am lM d road , will aoon ho Lho drive-w ay of the place. ODIcer Bordon,'.whoso s ta n d la a t

—M^ala etr«et and C ookm an avenue, th lo k a the travel from Spring L ak e and-B elm ar Is 50 p e r cen t, g tcater th a n form erly on a c co u n t of Im proving S hark R iver road . _u -

N ine com pahlcs of the T ren to n Are d e p a rt­m en t bavo been found g u i l t y of Inaubordina- ■tio n in Tetaslng to respond to an alarm . Tboy find to their d ism ay tb a t by a new law they a ro « h n t off fropa the benefits accru ing

” from 4be flremep’a 't^Uof fund^ which is $32,000, an d p rovides fo r disabled exom pt flremcn. • -

Tuesday noon. M iss Meyers, who resides on F o u rth avenue, Aabury Park, was taken

i suddenly fa in t w hile’walking on tho p la a a a l Rosa’s. Sho waa carried in to P ach’a photo j graph ic establishm ent, ■ and a f te r some tim e recovered Bufflclcqtly to walk to A sbury ave­nu o pavilion, w here a back Vf&s seuurcd and. Bbowafi.conveyed to her borne.

’ W hen a wagon sto p s in '-front, of a drug:- s to re and tin loads a ll tbo way fro in » ix to a

dozon e a a ts o f b o ttle s filled to tb e -n e c k , the^presum ption by nnsophlsiloated m ortaia Is

th a t Boch a shop wouldn*t sell a d ro p of liquor fo r an y th ing . B u t . to those w ho are p o t so green, the ovldenco of^illegal tra filc la­

in enough tC fee se ed In th e d a rk . H otels aro doing a g rqat deal of thl4 s o rt o f bflsinees.

t Ono o f tbo bu sies tm cn a lo n g th o M o n tn o u ltf shore Is M r. I I . H Y ard , o f Bolmaf.' Com o an d S p rin g L ak e ." The S p rin g L ake an d Sea

, • (Ifjrt Coorpaby exlbts mainly ,through hla en­terprise. .An idea of Its scope m ay be found In a n aanouncem ent on t.hird page. -Hla latost venture Is the purchase o f Iron lan d s in tha.S outb , th e 'b u ild in g of a r a lltp a d and othor Im portan t Im provem ents th a t prom ise largo re tu rn s . .'i .. ^ z

- . / ■ T c a f i i o f G o o d H q f f i c s •.

for sale , to g e th e r o r single. A pply to C a p t .,’.0 ’/^Poland, M anasquan, N . J .—Adv.

‘ ' ' F o r S f t l e j , j

A choice tcn*room co ttage on A sbnry ave* nuo, furn ished com pletely. L o t B0xl50, h/indsoiho law ns and sh ru b b e ry ; ’‘'house con-

- v<~freoted^wlib A rtesian w ater an d sewer.A ddteas C.” care JpuRNAL office.—Adv.

J __ J u a t le c olved . att Sagrnelder^e. 600 W iltofi- R038, a t 11.05 cach— 10T-09 Main

- -Shark R iver d a b b in g parties aro now in order. * *• .

“ F jo ilda -on W heels” a rrived a t A tlan tic City on Tuesday.- Cora T an n er and her com pany a p p e a r a t

the O pera Uonse- n e x t T bbw day^even ing inMQ ne E rro r.1* , ___:____ r.u ..______________

If th o w eather Is propltlons, nex t, Tuesday will begin th e m oat im p o rtan t cam p-nieetlng actv lceeever.held In the G rove. I ;• ...

pThe‘|r 8 t filling of m acad a ta on M ain atreet )a com pleted to A sbury avenuo, an d th o top dressing is fioishod to Second avenuo.

Baggage receipts oti S a tu rd ay were 1,800 pieces. Tbo. em ployes h ad a day o f hard , exacting w ork. F o r the next* m onth they ahouldJbavo p lenty o f e x tra help . ; “ -

Tho Broom stick T ra in , fr Dr. O liver W en­dell Uolmoa’s poem on tho Eleolrlo C ar,-la In tho A ugust' num ber o f tfie Atlantic .F o r ^alo a t Q u laby’s, 206 MaUv-atteot;-;

A t tho P ier on Saturday Mr. J o h n M arge- r u m / o f T ren ton , hooked tw o baas whoso united w eight Was 3 K pounds. M r. A llen B.,

^Fporda, of V/ash 1 ta lo n , D. C , b rough t. l i i a 'tp d u n d e r . ; * ; — ;....- ^ —rr---y.r

T he Pen'naylvanla‘R ailroad doesn’t hblleve In giving an engine too m uch p f a load, b u f th ey occasionally try th e . ex p e rim en t.« An excursion tra in left tb ^ / ta t io n on W ednesday w ith 17 oars.

I^ tz le , tbe 18 y ea r o ld danghlter o f M r. an d M rs. W m . P oland, died a t Ocean P a rk o n T hursday evening. F u n e ra l on S unday a t 1 SO. In to rm en t a t Glondola a t 8 v , t Under the direction of Mr. Jaa . i t . Soxton,

W hat the fre ight tra ins lost by m oving th o Btatloh o u t o f tow n, Is m adp up hy th e ex- prosa com panies. They havo "been obliged to p u t on e x tra team s an d havo tw ice a s m ^ch business a s they can conveniently a tte n d tq .

A m an, who form erly boardod a t Sunaot Hall, on Satu rday used vllo ep lth c ta tow ard H a rry Rockafelier, one o f tho proprie tors. H arry knbckod h im down, and waa arrested. He gave bis own recognizance to a p p e ar at Court., A cyclone from tha W eB t'Ind lea , la ' alleged to bo fiylnjr al<>ng the co ast and m ay str ik e th is section to d a y . T he r e g a in cam p-m eet­ing s to rm Is a b o n t due, anyway, an d we m igh t as well have it a n d be through w ith the anxiety .

T h e three-year-old aon of J . _P, Skelly, of N ew Y ork, died, a t th e E lb e ro ir Sunday

B ra lcT ^ tl ndortaker Davla p repared tho body fo r tran sp o rta tio n to New Y ork In tim e for tho 9 15 t ra in from Loch A rbour. r

M anager M orton w ill m ake the prices a t the^Graad-Ojfcera House, beginning M onday, Aug. 11, 25, 85, 60 a n d TO c ^ n t |5 .ThBseprlcoa will p revail th roughou t the seasod 'and should have a tendency to m ake th e houso a vpry p opu lar reso rt fo r am usem ent seekers.

Gen; P a tte rso n caught a g lim pse In the th rong Sunday m orning a t th a A uditorium of the unknow n friend who several years Bgo p resented him- with a so lid gold b lock an d dompasa for h is h rav e ry in rescu ing tw oahlp- w recked young yachtsm en a t S hark River.

A lady to a r d ln g a t the G rand Avenue H otel fain ted In fro n t o f tha A sbury avenuo pavil­ion Sunday n ig h t ab o u t 8.S0. She was rem oved to one_of th e ba th ing room s and la te r in a s tage to I he hotel, She d id not revive o g til Seaflyat'T fi'^ h d u ^ r n r f w M a c a s e o f u n u iu al p rostration . -i- .

N oxt. W ednesday, AUguat 20th, ’ tiio’ J r , Order of A m erican M echanics b a re a field- d ay a t A sbury Park , with a p a rad e an d a d ­dresses a t 'S d aa tlo n a l H all by well known m em bers o f the O rder an d b y M iss Lillian B urkhart, elocutionist an d reader. Two;' tho u san d m em bers o f the Order are expected to bo In l in e. i1,.', : / .V ; • ~2.: 1

Mr. B radley Is en joy ing tho exc item en t over hlrf contem plated d e p ir to ro on h is regu lar snm m er to n r to escape hay fever. T he fever hasn’t throw n o u t any sym ptom s a s y e t, a n d M rv^B radj ey_ p rp p w ca _ t o h old on -as long aapossible in order to get th rd u g h w ith the Im ­m ense a m e n n to f work- th a t has acpum m ula- ted d u rin g tho p a s t few weeks.

Prof. ClaBen Is m eeting w ith g re a t success In lils rid ing lessons. H is num erous pup ils are (augh t in rap id tlm o to m aster the d lE - caltles o f m oun ting an d p ro p er pose i n th e soddld. As th^y progress thoy aro fu rth e r ItK s truc ted in tb e a r t o f guid ing th eir h o rses or ponies w ith hands behind them , a n d jr th e r l it­tle trfeka tb a t a skilled horsem an should u n ­derstand . ■ ' : - ' ' r

H ow ard Cassard, p f the w ealthy Baltim ore Brm of refiners and provision dealers, is a t the Ocean. J "

M r. Jo h n C row thcr, J r . , oaahlor o f tbo N ational Bank of Tow sontow n, M d,, is a t the SboldoD.

M r.'D . W. P . M u rp h y ,.o f the Burlington, (N .J.) Reporter, is ten ting in th ^ G ro v e with his fam ily.

M lsa M aude M iller, form erly o f Ocean Grove, bag retu rned from M t. Klsco, N . Y ., to the Coleman H ouse.

Mr. J . B uzzard t e a guest a t the B runsw ick, n e Is noted am ong his friends fo r h is rc- sem hlapca to G rover Cleveland.

Mr. Roll ben G. S trahan , would-be c an d id a te for sheriff of M onmouth, Is pu rsu ing b is can­vas with vigor. H e has a large follow ing am ong tho b e lte r elem ent ot h is p a rty . '

Mrs. Slbjah H- V aughan, the aged m other of Mr. H arry Y aughan, and her s is te r, M rs. Mary K, Bringhurfit, both o f Philadelphia, are m aking a tw or weeka’ visit to th e sea- sK ortt" ■ ' u ■

Mrs. M ary Sm all and M iss M innie Small, m other and niece o f Mra, f r a n k P a tte rso n , of M artlnsbnrg, \Y, V a., are m aking a.v la lt with M ra P a tU r to n a t h e r B angs aventto resi­dence. •

M rs. M ary 15, F race r, o f T ren tou , w ith hor dan g h ter E thel, an d son Crozer, a a d Mrs. Custer, a Philadelphia lady-, has Joined her slater, Mrs. 8. J . Bigelow, and is sto p p in g at^ Uodaon C ottage, on Snrf a v en u e. Ocean Grove.

B onrne’s English D yspepsia P ills a c t o n the food,.insuring healthy d igestion -and proper assim ilation. D ruggists k e e p .th e m .-f4 ^ .

---------- . •• « •In g ra in C arpets

of tho boat grades a t 42, 03 and 70 cen ts yd^ Scamrcas M alting, O ak Suits, F an cy Rockers In leather an d any o ther gr*ado o f upholetery: a t Schneider’s, l f l7 ^ a ln 8 tm tr-^ u t(^ r ,“ '

H ave yon ever tried Bonrno’s T ills fo r dys­p ep sia ’ or constipation t T hey a re m aryel- ycBly relieving &u4 d 0 ! t to ac tio n ,—A d v ."

K aro P arcaln*CROP, HORSfeB; W AGONS, IM P L E ­

M ENTS, & c.,'w lth lease o f 20-A ORE IA JJM , 2 ^ tniles from the P a rk . J , Coy to, corner Bond Btreet a n d B angs aveunG.—

Conauroptlon an d liver com plain ts a re the resu lt o f deranged d igestive organs. B ourne’s P ills c o re quickly.. T ry a, b ox an d you w ill never be w ithout th is sovereign English re^1* edy.—Xdt'. -• ’•

■ J u s t received a t Sohnel’der'e , 500 W ilton Iiugvotli.03 oMli lOTjWMalp St.—-4iiy.

Iijn p o p eU i h a s n o T e r r o r s .. Nothing ba tte r know n t o materia m&tfgfJor Indigestion In any of Its phases th&n E o u b x s ’b few o u sn T onio DrsPEPsiA. P i l l s . W ill en rp headao>o Jn stan tly . flriscoe & Staokbotu© ^ agentfi, 532 A rch St., Proai3elphla.-^l<fp.

T w o F o rce Pum ps*Good as new , fo r sale cheap. A ddress

Pumps,*'-care JoimHAL o(Doe.~Adv. .' ■T." c .

P e o p l e \ y i i o C o m e a a d G o .

E d ito r McBrldo, of the E lizabeth Journal, la a dally v isitor a t th e P a rk . *

\3en. E . Burd G rubb, i t is sa id , w ill be nam ed for the Bpanleh m in io n ,

M r.,R obert Q. W alsh; of A nsonia, C onn^-ls tak ing a vacation a t Bunaet Hall.

Miss M aud n o je r , o f N e w York, la sp en d ­ing tho sum m or a t the Carleton, Bclmar. ’

M rs. S. Gilbert and daughter,-*)! New Yotk, are a t the Leadlcy fo r tholr th ird seaso n .’

M rs. A bram Linlsh an d fam ily, o t Pbliadel- phla, a re p leasantly located a t tb e Leadley.

MIbs K ate Sullivan, the p rlm a donna, o t Meriden, Conn., IB s topping on. Second avo- nno. — ■—

, Counselor E. W. Arrowem iili,fof Freehold, occuplos a ten t n ea r the Ooean G rove' Audi* toHum. ' ' ■ , Y

Am ong tho V lctoria’a gneata Is R a r. M or­tim er JeffrloB, an E piscopal clorgym ad o f Now Y ork. • . j

Mre! W m. V. LeRoy, will spond the m an th o f A ugust In. visiting friends a t H ighland, on th o H udson . ; . , : . ' ■ ; .

Louis, d e 'L a n g e , the popular ac to r and opera singer, haa retu rn ed to the P ark fo r a , anm m er rest. - — • 1 ' (

R udolph Aronson, the fam ous m anager of the New York Casino, arriv ed ^Thursday a t the Coleman.

Prof, W. B. Ire lan d has • retu rn ed tci L ong B ranch a fte r hla vaoatloft o r several wooks In th e Beikshire-Hlllfl. ; , ., ' : Dr. J ^ H t ; y ^ b r n ^ h ^ r i b i f ^ ^ ^ a - delphla dentist, is a t the Grand*Avenao jftotel fbr th e balance of the m onth. '

H on. Jam es A. W addoil, ox M ayot o f K ey W est, F la ., Is spending a fe,w days of hla va­cation with friends a t tho Bristol.

M essrs, C rF . Earlckeon a h d H . A . Buscb, or Baltim ore, w ith tholr wives, a re a t th e A t­lan tic H ouse for their ten th season,

George H. H astings, of New ton, M ass , first vice-president of the Photographic A ssocia­tion o t Am erica, is at tha A tlan tlo House.

Messrs. M. N, Gifford, O. E. Schoh and wife, Mra. W. C annon, Mr. a n d M rs. Van K euren, o f Poughkeepflie, a re a t th e L a Plerro, OCe&n G rove.

M. Folsom , wife and dangh ter, o f" New Y ork c ity , an active m em ber o f tb e County Dem ocracy, a,nd a cousin of M rs. Cleveland, la a t t>io A tlantic House.

M r. W m. Clerihew and wife, of Paterson, are atjhe^V ictorlo . Mr. C lerihew waa form ­

erly In E asiness a t A sbnry Park, and waa lead er o t the choir of F irs t M. E . Chnrch.

M r. O. L. G ardner, one of the Incorporators o f tbe Ooean Grove C am p M eeting A ssocia­tion* and inventor o f the perforated veneer chat? seat, la Bpendlog his vacation leisurely

,afctheO cean. -- •P rof. W. N. Barringer, of N ew ark , who was

las t y ea r one of the lecturers a t tb e A sbury P a rk Sum m er School of Pedagogy, Is located a t Hotel LeCbovalier, O c& n G rove, with bis {finally for the cam p season. - —-D d M ra .C la rk 6 Q n h a?Q rQ tu rn ed fo 'tlie

P a rk a fte r their to n r th rough tho W hite M ountains. T hey vlalled N ew port a n d o ther E aste rn resorts. They reside a t th e Angola Houao fo r tbe rem ainder o f th o tju tn m er/

Ilonr'lU rtou -F r-T hornr ex^89iprtpr“lo fB U t,;r' iThgton county , a n d family, aro a t th e B r la tc r fo r a waeon. Their room s aro tho flrat fioor o f Norwood H all co ttage , now leased by MIbs M uiford as an annex to tbe Bristol.

Counselor E dm und W ilson, once a m em ber o f tbe D aily J ournal staff, no w a n ab le law yer a t Red Bank, w as one o t th e audienco a t the A ndltorlnm Sanday to hear D r. T al- m age. H e w as accom panied by a friend , Mr, .Tallm an, o f .th s satxio to w n .’ . 1 ' : ; - J'

M rs. 8 . J . B igelow , of T renton , and h e r son Willie D.> w ho boa .Jaet re tu rn ed from a tw o weeks', visit to h ib rela ti ves a t .Cranfordi and tho Misses Mabel an d L eila Raurn, have taken


• ■■■ - • ■ . ^

Apply at Company’s Office, opposite Rail­road Station, Spring- Lake, N. J.

The Spring Lake ant! Sea Girt Co. is offering its entire property in Spring Lake to the .public at low prices and upon easy terms.

The price of lots ranges from $600 to $1800 each ; tlie average ■ price being about $9<x). r*- .

All lots are or will be graded and furnished wUh flag sidewalks, • stone curb and good rtiads at the Company's expense.

The Company has done a large amount of public improvement already this year, and proposes to continue and finish the work as

• as possible. V k ' ■ ’ . ' - -iere isrnq place|dn 'the Jersey coast more desirable than this,

there are abodt One Million Dollars of improvements and it y.pT* - ‘ *'• ' - ''•Pbiladelphia’s^Newport,”„-K^'6eci>ine :kn'own-&/ . ____ _________________ _____

The land is higfi, very fertile and/almost everywhere covered by a luxuriant sod or fine .timber. Q

There has been more building and improvement at' Spring^Lakq (luring the interval since last season than at any other place, and many buildings are now contemplation:of erection durijig'the com­ing winter i ■. - v-.....— r - ...................... ■—7- ,

Values must advance and purpliasers at present prices will surely reap large profits. ;; ' '/

, , A n Electric Ligbtjdnd Water Works is now being built by The .C oait yVater & Light Company.-opposite Como Station, This Com­pany proposes to furnish Light and Artesian W ater for Spring Lake and other places season. This, with an improved Sewer system, wi U add materially to the value of Spring Lake property.

The Titles will b6 insured by the original “ The Real Estate .Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia,” without cost to ’

• the purchasers. . : --------Maps will be mailed upon application.For prices and information inquire of any of the following

parties:W . J. L. K e e f e r , Spring Lake, N. J.W i H .;P o t t e r , North Spring Lake, N. J.

. — jAMES;H; BuctiANAK, Spring Lake, N. J.Milan'R oss, Asbury Park, N„H.j H. Y a r d , 415 Drexel Building, Philadelphia. ..



board for the season a t llodso ti C ottage, on P ilgrim P athw ay, Ocean Grove.

M r. 3. MoWIIUama, New Y ork ag e n t of A dam s Express Com pany, Is dom iciled with his fam ily in a p re tty vlila on F lfifr avenue. Mr. M cW illlama has been an an n u a l visitor a t the P a rk since 1875, and says his a tta c h ­m en t for tho p lace grows on him.

The seven jo lly young ladies who have tbe la rg e s t sh a re in all the gafety a t tha A talan ta , a re .Misses A. Value, of A lb a n y ; C . Chi cheater, o f Je rsey C ity ; M, G. Arena, o f B rooklyn; J . C. Y htm an an d the Misses M itchell, of New York ; M iss E m m a Haw ley, o f Leroy, N. Y. . " , ,

M r. A . C. Fjelda, who is occupying his co t­tag e foot o f P itm an avenue, is a s tau n ch friend of Ocean G rove and liberal to a ll c h a r­ities. H e has taken f 10 w orth of tickets fo r ex Officer O’B rien’s bencfle. Mr.*Flelds is an Im portant rep resen tative of th e M utual L ife In su rance Com pany.

E d ito r M cKean, of the E lizabeth Jfaily Herald, whoso fam ily is a t Aebury Park , makes f re q u e n t’ trips over night. Mr. Mc- Kean is secretary of the Slato A ssociation of Dem ocratic d u b s , and baa in m ind tbe bold­ing of a convention a t A s b u ry 'P a rk during the flrst week In Septem ber, w ith n o ted D em o­cra ts a s speakers. - ;™ . . ------------

The Ponghkeepale Courier notices th a fol­lowing persons from th ^ t city w h o a ro . In th e P a rk : Mr. P. E. N ear and fam ily , a t the I rv in g ; M r. W. W. H icka a n d : w ife, a t the W lndrforVHrT^rank II. C arpen ter, a tth a B rla - t o l ; the Mlsaoa E va an d EUa. V an Kleetfk, a t th e H aw thorno; Mr. A. A. Dudley an d wife, a t the Brunswick. ,

M r. Lewis Loland, of tho Ocean Ilo te l a t Long .'Branch, gave o dinner 8unday to Mr. an d M ra J., Tow nley Orano, of A sbury Park, M rs. Ju lia B radford , of New Y ork city , Mrs. C rane’s sister, and Mr. W illiam J . MoCready, A eslatan t G cceral Passenger A gent of th e Old. Dom inion S team ship Com pany. M r Me* Cready U a noptiew o f M rs. Grano. p e s ta id o ver Sunday a t the Fairfield on T h ird avenne.

Tho F ifth Avenue H oubo, u n d e r the ablo m anagem ent o f tho Mlssoa Jones,-ta haying ano ther very succosaful eooson. . A m ong the latest a rrivals are Col F M R ast, wife and son, ©f WlIUeBhanro, P a ; L A B nzby and wire, o f E liz a b e th ; Mr and M rs W leatlibg; J 8 L indsay, Mamie C yandoralice , Jwife and cblldron, Rav and M ra F M G o o in ^ ohUd; Mra L D W ilson and danghW r, P h ila ­de lp h ia ; the Miasea T ltsw orth and tho Mlaaes W Uson. o j DnR6Ueaj=and m ady o thers.

THE SALEo f . ;

B e fre s ltn ie n t Stand sF o r th e F a i r o f th a U urliog tO n C o u n ty - A g r ic u ltu ra l S oc iety , a t M L H o lly , N". J . f

Will place on tbelr grounds

Tuesday, Aug. 19, '90,At I O'clock P. M.



State t a a l & ModelkkmTEBNTOK.

F A L L T E R M W I I . l . C O M M E N C E M O N D A Y , B E IT . 15.

r.. ISulfijf.

Tim e Table, la effect Juno 28, 1800.

Stations In Naw Y otk—Central R. R. o f New Jer* ao f, foo t of Liberty 81root; P. R. R., foo t of C ortlandt and Desbrowea S treets; N. J. ftouth*

. e ra Railway, foo t o f Eeotor St.

xsa ira m n r tomc vob ..._Contral R. B. o f N .J .—4.09, 8.1

a . u s o , *aso, *a8), *

PtnM JlT»U ^SJ10,'r.l0 , *5.19 a. m., 12 ns.. ! ,» £ tcrd i - It) , - aso, '410, • « » ,< ,» „ 3.30,m. **. ■» ...«■•

N, J . pouthem —*1.00 *a.« , *4.80,5.80 p. m.Leavft Nawark, Broad St. S tation, fo r Asbnry

Park, &C. — &25, 9 ^ 10J2S, 11.85 a. m ., 1.85, .............................. " • -t Street

i kxxvxrx r r n , fto.» , 8.15, *9.15,10,15, 11 », 4.00, *4.50, 6,80, .(


The Normal School give* Blonal training for teaching, the

a thorough profea- M o d e l-----------

N ew Y ork,

“A u g u s t 1 1 j r

____ prepare*for business, the drawing-room or college. Total* cost. Including board, washing,books, etc., a t the Hormal, $154 to $160 per y e a r ; a t the Model 8200 per year. Building lighted by gaa and heated by steam. Dormitories elegantly fUrnlabed, pro-

340. 4.<W. 4.8S, 6.30, 8.25 p. m. M ark e t_____Station—4.00, 7,83, 9.86 a. m,, 12.20, .1 AC.(Sat.

-• r nrdayaonly>,2.M, S.36, 441, B.46, TJ» p .m .u u .v a ABnvKT rAXX. won mmw to b x , eta.

Central R. I t of N. J .—0.10, *7.00. 7.18, *7,67, 9.40, 10.S5 a. rn.,, 3 10, 4.10, p. m.

PennsylTOQla—0.48, ♦7.49, *8.30, 8.45, 9.10 a- jn„. J49, *3.47, **.25, 0.80. 003 p. m.

N. J . Southern—*<3.43. *7.52. *8,35 a , m., 5.16 p. m. P trP hU adelpbla and Trenton, via. BonndBrook

EOate-4.10, 7.67, 9.40 a. m., 13.1B, 2.10, 4.10 p. m.

F or Ooean Beaoh, flpring Lake, 8ea Olrt—5.50, 6,©, 0.80, 0.43, 7.M. 7.50,.015, 0.30, 10.20, 10.54. 11 06 a. m ., 12.05,, 3.00,2.50,180,4.00,

- 4.09. USO, 4.40, 4 50, 4.57, 5.12, 5.20,5.83,6." 5/J0, 6.06, fl.10, 6.15, 7.14, 7.80, 7.35, B.09, " p /m . Baturdayaonly 11.10p.m .

Fo&'Uanasouan and Point P lea to n t—569,6.26, X SJSSi 10.54. 1103 a. m., 12.93, 1.06,' COO. 3.60, 8.80, 4.03, 450, 4.40, 4JS0, 4.57, 8.1S,

5JW.R65, 6.00, 60&, 0.19, 6.15, 7.14, 7.20, 7J26, p .m . — •■-r-

F or Philadelphia, via. Sea G i r t - *0.80, *7.28. 7^0, 9.30 a. m., 38.83, p. m.

Fdr Freehold via. Sea Qirt—7,66,9,30 a m,,* 13.33, r . 4.00.5,83 p. m« Saturdays only, 1130 p. m.For T°m s Rlver-rfl 85, 0.1C, 11.05 a. m., 4.40, 4.80,

' 7.14 p. m.For Camdon and Interm ediate sta tions—0.25

m m ., 4.49p. m. , . « '*—BxpreflsT. , - R tm J 8 BLODGKTT.flupC a P. BALDWIN jjff. P. A. O. It. Jf. Of If, I.

J . l i. WOOD. Ogn'l Pat. AaC. P. S. S.

vided with baths, etc. For Anther particulars address

JA9. M. OREEJii Principal,Trenton, New Jersey.


Tinware, Crockery,Lamps, Glassware

and Housekeeping Goods 6! all kinds, a t -

PETERSO N ’SGreat Bargain Depot,

G2S -Mi S!Q )■!: 'JaakEEaa lse.

P K N IT 8 V L V A N IA I tA IL I lO A llV*■».. On and a fte r Ju ao 28,1699,

n u n r a u a v w aaatralr tab*For JCew York, Newark and EJIzabath (Express),

7.45, H.45 &. m., 3.47.4 ii* p.'m., week days. Tzst Special for Nevr York, 8.20 a. m., week

days.F or How York, New ark, Ellcabeth. Rahway,

Red Bank, Long Branch and intennedlate stations. 6.48, D.iO a, ra., 1.19,6.40,9.05 p . m .

ForM ataw au, 6.48,8.45,9.10a. m ., t.tO ,2.47,4S&,6.89, fl.oflp. m.

P or Long Branoh, 0.83, 0.48, 7.43. 8.20, 845, 9.10. a, au , 1.10,2^5, 2.47,428, 5.25, 5.80, 5,43, 6.30, 0.45, 7-06, o 05 p. m. On Saturdays only. 8.10 p. to. '

Ftor Philadelphia (Broad S t) and T renton , a t *5.30. *7.5®, 7.50, f.30 a . m ., 13.83, 4.00, 5.83 ti,

— 100 BBICKIiA-YERS W a n te d

At Lake w ood,'N .J.

. App’y to R & A. W. BORDE1T,• Shra^sbnry , N. S.

6 25 a. m.,-4.40 p. m.Bop Tom s River, Island Heights, and Intermedi­

ate stations, 6.50, 6.23, 9.10, 11,05 a . m ., 4.20, 4.40,- 4JO, 7,14 p. m.

For Poin t P leasan t, and ln tennedlateB tatlons,at . 6^0, a 35, 0.16, 11.05 jl. m ,, ?.00, 4;S». 4,49,4.50, ’ 5.13,6.03,7.14,8.6^ p. m. On Saturdays only,

8.97 p .m . ' .raxiBS u u t i n w 70n s (via. UeshrosseB and

Cortlandt Sts. fonrteB) wo a xsbuby fa b k A t 3.89, 7.10. *9.10 o. m., 13 noon, *2.30, t a m *3.40.

•420, 5,39,7.00 p; m. On Saturdays only, 1.89 p .m . *

n o x x s uuLva r n n a ^ x L ra u (Broad a t ) * o aASBTjnr TABS

st11.35aJtt.,0.49, fl.80,4,05 p.m. On

M W M W . P O U 9 D ,

luildirigs Raised and Moved,Residence—Newark Av. & Main St., Ocean Pack.

P. O.—Asbury Park, N. 31

Etpays^usto ■ a lib­eral Bieck at all seasons. •

Now, -when' most dealers have little else than rerpnants, we offer a satisfactory variety of the better, sorts ot clothes; Good Business Suits, such' as are needed fox the next few months, $18 to $25. “■ ’• •

Plenty of bargains, too, if you’ve, time or inclination to delve among the "broken” lots.

LO N G BRANCHbright, Eltasua Bay, Bmsibpl.The New and Commodious Steam er,

CA^T. LAWRENCE PRICE,will ruh betweenJNB5VV YORK (Frankliu 8L ooy-n ored pier fH) and BRANCHPORT aa fo llow s: , . v

P r te deUv«rv to ail pdluta within o n t hundred jnlles of New York City. «

ROGERS, PEET & CO,T H R E E i Prince,

BROADWAY {W arren, TSTORES, ( jad at.

ETre'ssmaklngr Parlors,Mrs. J . no work, formorlf«»f

Stem Brea., New York, hae op ened h e r patlora and haa on view tbo latest models In Summer, Suita, W raps and Jackets. KINGSLEY ST.,

. N ext W est End Hotel (up atatrs.)

Leaves NEW YORK dally (Sundays, included) a t 9 a .m .’

.Leave.BEA.NOBPORT dally a t 2.30 pvm, s on. d a is , 8 p .m . ; •

. ; r B A N C I S I»Xes»e*»ger.E»pre»smon mfiat tho boat.

F are , 33 c K xenrBion, 40$ ,Frclffht reoolveJ In New York a t anyilffid duf^

ina tbe d a y ; th a t for shipment tho same day m n stb o o n band a sufficient length of tim e I# handle, as the Elbtrw will leave promptly on ber. advertised time.

. * # R. VAN DYKE BKID, Parser,

BCMBH6 HOUSE FOE SALE,O n E asy T erras . -

Finely located at North Asbury Park , second block from Ocean. 81 rooms. Has done a splendid business. Owner otherwise engaged. J 'n c o 112.000. 83,000 down, balance ln-easy yearly Insta lm ents Address "A. B ,” care JOVin.Ai. oflico..

At 4 0 5 , 6 . 6 0 , , .w — tia tarday only. 6 p. m. Lv. M arte t S t. wharf, via. Camden nnd Tronlon—6.10. 7.29, 10.W

. a . m.,2.80 p. m. On Saturday only, 4.80 p. m. Yla, Camden and Jamcaburg. 7JiO a. m ., 4.00 p .m . Lv.H a^kotSt. w barr?ia.C om dcnond Toms River, 0 .» )a rn., 4,00p. m.

*—EipNiM. J . R. WOOD, Gen'l PaJt. AgC CHAS. B. FUGH. Qen'l Hanafer. __________

EiA Il.aJ.O A U .


A SIR O ND AC KS.On and after BDNDAY, Jauo22, express trains,

will ran to and from tbo Jersoy City Station o f tho Pennsylvania Railroad, making oloao cornier tlonaw lth fast tra ins to and from Aabury Park,

CATSKILL MOUNTAIN EXPRKSS—Leave As-..ary P a rk ,e " *’....... " * Ae “ “ *Jersey Olty I---------Kaaterskili, via Kii

a45a , m., Loner Branch, 9.06 a . m .: Station a t 10.40 a- m, Arrive Hotel

__________ ,;v la Kinsaton, 8.45 p. m .: Grand Ho­tel, 8.00 p .m . 5 PhtBmoa, 2.89 p . m-; Ildbart,480 p .m . Drowlast-room car Joteoy C ity 'to E chart, w ithout change, ®nd Now York to G rand Hotel Station. '

SARATOGA AND CATSKILL MT. BXPRE89 —Leave Aabary Park, 9.10 a- m.; I^ijp Branch. 0 S3 a . m.; Jersey Cicy, Station, 31.20 a. m. Ar­rive Hotel Kaaterskili, via Kingston, 450 p. m .; Grand Hotel, 4 26 p.ra.j^PhcBnlca, 8 80p, m.; Mt. Houao e tatioa, 4.15 p. m.j-.Palenvllle, 4 20 p. m Arrive Saratoga, 6.W p.k^p-* Caldvjcll. Lake Oeorfio, 7.S5 p. m. Brawinh'room eara frpm Pt. Pleasant and Long Branch to Saratoga tfM Jo r; eey City to Caldwell, New . Y ork for Hotel Kaaterektll, Grand Hotel Station, Saratoga and CaldWell, . ' ’. SARATOGA AND CATSKILL MT. SPECIAL— Leave Aebury Park, 1.10 p. m.; Long Branch. 1.89 p. m .; Jersey City- S tation a t 8S8 p.m ., Arrlva Hotel Kaateraklll, via Kingston, C.10 p. tn.;G tand H otel,840 p .m .; Phoenicia, 7.48 p. m.; Wt.^Houatt S tation,7.65 p. m.; Palenvllle. 8.00 p .’ m. A rr lp Saratoaa, 0,33 p. m . Drawing-room oars froln New York for JJotel Kaatorebill,. Grand Hotel S tatlon.and Saratoga w llhout change. • . f 23C!ftrohaao tlofcotaat Ponusylvanla railroad of- ■Qsira and connect in the Joreey City Station fo r

.............. Weat ...........a ll Northern resorts by Weat Shoro fallroad. liaK g«o c t e k e d tk ro -ab , ^^ General Pasaonger Agent, New York.

U e lo e f ia b S ta r i t im ,C p 3 Vina St., Phil* adolpbla. opp. Franklin Sa. 10 years eatahllshad; well known fo r tbo rapid relief and eura o f Alt rheumatio, nervous and paralytic dlwasea.ojpei September 1st for a limited num ber of patien for fall and winter.

Mlrarg Pork PrintingKevrost designs of ty p e ! latest Improved ma-

dhlncry; skilled workmon; every description of printing; estimates glvo n* Spodol premiums Com ihe Countf F a ir for fine printing.


Mount Holly Fair, SEPT. 8, 8,10,11,12,1890.



H IB IT S A N D ATTRACTIONS.Sf-iDi** liA nAirrrrrE w ill each day In front of

the GrandI S tand,- w ith her daring 4-Horse 'fljn- dem Hurdle Leaps and w ith -her tra ined and beautiful saddle horse Wood lawn, delight the thousands of visitorsExcursion rates, adm itting to FAIR, from folia*

delphla and T renton, 81.Other points extrem ely low

F or circulars or Information addressH. I . BUDD, Cor. Bec’y,

M ount Holly, N. J ,

Charles LemkauW H O L E S A L E .


Groceries, Teas, Coffee, M e r,Eggs and Cheese

Dookmi Ave., r “ ' * B S S T "ABBUHY PABX, BT. jr.

•Dfral «statt.

SOME NICE LOTSon Bangs and Summorflald avenues. W est Park,

M U S T B E S O L D: to close partnership.

Apply to SVA8H1NOTON'WH1TK,v Asbury p a rk .

Must be Sold!A beautiful property running from Fourth to

Fifth avenues., on Ueok Btreet Inoludea four eottagee, furnished. Will sell or exchange for San Francisco or California property. The ow n­er is here from California for th irty days and can be the Fourth avenue cottage, cor­ner o f Heck s tree t, o r inquire of

BULAN ROSS, or any o f the agents.

a desirable site for a building! or a dwelling all ready for occupancy, you will find a complete list of Asbury Park Oeean Grove, Deal Beach and Bradley Beach properties1

;No trouble to shdw properties to customers.

T. FRANK APPLEBY65 Main Aye., Ocean Grove,__L, ~ 706 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park.




| Awnings, Tents„EJagsfBiirgees, etc.

No. 71 Mt. Hermon Way, Ocean Grove, H J.P. O. BOX 2 2 2 0 .

Asbury Park Branch, No. 208 Bond Bfc.

■ ■ Organlced February, l^C .GBO. F. KBOBHL, President. " O. H . BROWN, Vice President.

A^BBRT C. TWINING, Cashlet'. MARTIN V. DAOBRrAea’t Cashier.



ASBfTRt PARK, N. J„ •O a p itn l, i l 0iD,««0. K a r p in s , 970,0 0 0 .Transact* ft' a sa sm l bmaliiag isauea le tters o f s to d lt ay&StiiliSa i a th a pxia&ipat oitlee olthe world. Jforelgn-and domestic exchanges bought and-sold.

Collections carefully made and promptly acoounted for. g u v '— -'...J BOARD OP DIRECTORS: _ ' f ."T "-

G. P. Kroehi. Albert O. Twining, ' : - Isaao C. Kennedy,Bruoe 8. K eator, r ’ Oliver H. Brown. Henry H. Yard.Milan Rom . M. L. Bajhman, Chas. A. Atkins.JohnL.Coffin . S herm anB .O vlatt. *•’ Chas; A . Young.

H c n trC .>. Wnraoa, R esident, Gw). W. Evarw, Vice-President. Edmund E. Dattow, Cashier,

Astmry Part and Ocean Grove Bank,COR. MATTISOK AVE, AND MAIK ST., ASBURY PARk.

OaOi-inzED J anoaby, 1^80. _C A F B 'A i i , $ a o , o o o . o a S'CTltVX.XrEI. V tO .O O O /K I

‘Transacts a goneral Banking Business, Issues Foreign and Domestic Drafts.Prompt atten tion given to all matteia entrusted toes. ,



YODR PATRONAGE SOLICITED----- - -----— -- -------- —

I h i Hint, U .Open ail this

Year.Perfect ayBtem of d rainage.. Pore Ar- toelan w ater. Steam heat, Electric

lights. Bun p a rlo r .. t

J*. H D N T .P ro p ria to r-



Yisited by thousands daily, and nono go away dis­satisfied, and should not be passed by anyone visiting our. City. .Pay a visit to thd . " " ■

O C B A U P A L A C E- O F -

65-room house, furnished complet«, including ellvar. Sold on account of poor health . Das never hod an unprofitable season.

G allon or address, O. PTPIttDHAMT ” Box 2033. ar Reck avenue, Ocean Grovo.

P o r S a l e ,

farm,'.80 te re s , a t tiaal geaoh. H.J.(Kennedy Homestead) 10 m inutes from -

• R. R. station.-' iOOO- PEACH TKiSBS

in full bearing. Good buildings. Land suitable for trnoknncTgarden farming. Prloa m oderate. Terms easy. ■

O r will 3 R -E C M T for term of years to good ten a n ta t m oaorato rent. Address ; ' _ .

ISAAO C. KENNEDY. Aeburr, Park* N .'J.... _______- _____________ _____ ________ ----------------------------


L MORTGAGlt W A N S, 10S Cookmim Ave.

HENRY STEIN BACHand- 'take home some keepsake from the'many new. ,

attractions received daily in the departments‘of

Bric-a-Brac, Dry Goods, Gentlemen’s Fui iiisMagp, Fancy Goods, Shoes,

Stamped Goods, Clothing, Blouses, Blazers, Millinery,

Pocket Books and Jewelry.As the season advances, and a great many Summer

Goods remain on-hand, according to custom the time is now. here when they must move. J ,

It is not, as some may think, an accumulation of old undesirable goods, but ail are new and seasonable,, yet room must be made for .the approaching Fall season., therefore-the. — . - . „...

. "r O T J T I3 X T : i F * I F t I 0 3 I S l S

will continue until the first .of September '

IB'Sr STe I u B A O H , Cookman Avs. and Main St., Asbury Park/jf. 1.

. , S. _ • fj

r r ' . ’

A .


Page 4: BLUE STOHE Oliver H. Brown, · painting1. Building and General Repairs. Par ticular attention given to sale, renting and care of soaslde property. Corroppondence solicited. Address,


,/••• ',, / / M IL A N R O S S ,

R e a l E s t a t e a n d l w

has removed to No. 208 Main St.

C „ O O T T - E I S T ,


37 P ilgrim pathway, Ocean Grove, JV. J .L o a n g N e g o t i a t e d o n H e a l E s t a t e -

Correspondonco 8t>licited. A lar^e num ber of Boarding Houses and Cot- tntrBfl fo r Ren* for tho Season of 1890.

O -e o . *^77°. T r u -s c s : ,Licenced A uctioneer

8100,4)00 to Loan on 1st Mortgage.

2ld Main St., Asbury Park, N. J.(B lnlnblflnhcd 1 h S e w W ovfi iBQU)


A Fence th a t will*raako your Lawn look llho a P ark . A Fonco th a t fo artU tlo o t a Lgw

Cost. A Fonoo o f Groat Strength and , ", . jDurabllty. A Perfect Fence. ...i.. ”


I f yon w an t a fetfee fo r yoar" Law n o r Yard, tbla fepce will protect w ithout concealing or

.shadlng-the grass andjlow ers. I t can be p u tjip aa cbeajT&s a cumbersome wood piokot fence, which w ill continually be o ut o f ordor aud soon decay. The H artm an Farm Fence Is tho strong­est m ade and harmless,

TREE" GUARDSfor the Froteotion and SQpport o f Ornamental and F ru it Trees, Shrubs, liOHO Bushes, Small F ru its, p lan ts, Flowers, etc., on th e Lawn and In the O rchard, Garden o r Nursery.

W . W . DE WITT,B o x S 7 7 , A S B U B T P A B K , H . J .


C E O . P i. C O W A R D & S O N

G.D. CowardSuccessors toDEALER IN

A l l . HINDS OF

H>I-v©r3r ewaad.B o a r d .i ia .g r S t a b l e s Sewall an., bat. Emory si. and Qraod are., Asbury Park, H. J. ■ £ .

Horses and Carriages Always o u oall. - •' no taos .Boarded by the Day, W eek o t Month.•. ■ • _____________ . Telephone Cali, ioa . .

GEO. E. FARMER,r' (Successor to J. 8. Ferguson,) ‘


BRANCH O F F IC E S M . L. Bam man & Co., Aabury P a rk ; J . A. W alnrtzht, Ocean Gro^o. TELEPHONE 23b.

Lime, Plaster and Hair.7C n r b l D f a n d F a v i n v » f l p e e i s l t y ,

OPFICB ATkJ0ne878 qm | y ap(|

Second avenue an d Main street, . ‘ -' . . A8BIJBT PABK ,N. J . ..


’ « BRUSH M ANUFACTURERS,251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New York,

H a te occupied the sam e building m ore th an a q u a rte r of a century, Their goods a re shipped to all parta o f th e United States.W O O D \ WJUlUillj IKULUl

X* ~ " V \ And all k inds of

c h a r c o a l. Jasons1 Materials,at the old established yard

IN REAR OF LAHE VIEW HOUSE.Branch offloea—J . n . Shepherd’s G rocery, Bewail ave. and Emory at., A sbury P ark , nnd Appleby’s

Eoal E state office, 65 Main ave.. Ocean Grove BRANCH YARD AT SPRING LAKE. 1 * TELEPHONE CALL27 A. * ■-* *

T h i s s t a n d a r d b r a n d o f p l u g t o b a c c o i s a c k n o w l e d g e d t q b e t h e b e s t c h e w a n d t h e l a r g e s t p i e c e f o r t h e m o n e y i n t h e m a r ­k e t . V in io tin tag on each lump. I t s e x t e n s i v e s a l e f o r m a n y y e a r s h a s e s t a b l i s h e d i t s r e p u t a t i o n . T h e r e is nothing better. . T ry i t . F o r s a l e by dealers and g r o c e r s .

ASBURY AVE. near MAIN ST., _ ASBURY PARK, N. J.Branch Ofivces—Milan Boss’s, 208 Main St.

D. C. Covert’s, 27 Pilgrim Pathway, O. G.TELEPHONE CALL Oa. ■V'

The only Arm In tho Coal trade betw een Shark River and Elberon n o t In the CoalV - - - combine.

We olalm th a t ou r Coal id a s goodias any In t.hem arket, and w lllse lt ^ c h eon ah can bo offe red w ith fa ir dealing. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE.

Caution Dougins Shoes are ted , a n d , tn trfr tp td r > s ta m p e d on bottom *

Steinbach BrosLEADING

Lumber, Building Hardware, Ready-mixed Paints (all prices) White Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, &c.,

is a t tbo Largo Establishment o f , ' •v=

Ib th is plcuire a l e b n T Well, ia to some, but not- to a liv e . business m an. Do you notice th at young m an running off w ith a great big dol­lar on his back? H e fsgolngto p lan t I t where it w ill grow. Observe tho e th e r w ho is zeturningf. gate a t hla satisfied foot and note particularly the greenback h e c s rr ie t finder h is am i. Do you grasp thejrflegory.T, , | | is th is V the persistent and judicious advertiser w ill reap five dollarffproflt for every dollar ho spends w ith tho printer. Now is th e ,tlrae to so w th c seed; there a r e '500 drops per year. -

MERCHANTS BUCHANON & SMOCKW. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE pEtlTLEMEN.F in e C a lf a n d L a c e d W a te rp ro o f G rata*

Tho oxeellonco and wearing qualities of this Hioe cannot bo bottor shown thnn by tho strong e&dprso- meats of Its thousands ot constant vreaxers.9gSmOQ G en u in e H a n d -se w e d , an elegant and

O stylish dross Hiioo wlilcli commends itself, %/tJOQ lla u d 's e w te d W e lt , A flno eaU. $baa • * . unequollod lor stylo and durability. , -S O .50 O o o d y en r W e lt la tbo standard drips*

w Bnoe, a t a popular price. !• . -, .SO JSO P o lIso m an ’H Hhoo la especially adapted

O for railroad men, farmcw, etc.All mado lu Congress, Button and Laco. ■

Successors to JJT. E. Buehanori & Co.,Cor. Main St and Asbury Ave., ASBURY PARK, N. J.

We m ake a ppwl^lty o f C K D A R H H I I J G L E H a t -wliolcnolo ob wol] as retail, ^ t t ic ^ we m anuiaoture a t Dlattaaawkon, J . v -,—

; Also A y i / l Wljft K IT , a paten t Flaator, whloh is superio r to a nything in tbo m arket, and Is ju s t tiio tb in g 'io r cold w eather, an freezing does n o t affect i t . . . ...

‘ * satisfaction Guaranteed to all Cnstomera.J.LSiebBOB, • • : ' 8bo. A. Smock.

DO MOT FAIL TO VISIT The Grand Oriental Bazaar,

“ Mikado," on Railroad Sqnare.Strange and W onderful floods from China and

Japan. C . E . B O B 8 T .

NEW JERSEYr r j E U L r y £ b 7

■ Watctmaier M and Jewelerl i B W L M A IN S T .



horo boon moat favorably received einee Introduced and tho recent Improvements mako them superior to any «hoo» sold a t theao prices. . ; x-: Ask your Dealer, and tfliQ cannot sapplryok

direct to factorr enoloalng advertised prfco, o r a XX»tst for order planks. •

W . I i , D O UG LAS, B ro ck to n , M a ss .

t » . m t G i s r & , i X 5 r ,' . P ractical and Reliable Maker of .

Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Fine S ho ts ,and J-eador o f Stylo. ;

H anufaetnrers and Dealers in all brahchea ofCHASi. H. PORTER, ~Larao olook In fro n t of th e Btori

D IA M O N D S ," " ,/ WATCHES and

' - JEWELRY.Fihe repairing and

ad justing aspaeialty

Main S t , opp. Station, Afihiiry Park, N . J .E very D ep a rtm e n t Superbly

E q u ip p ed w ith N ew Goods.M a i n S t r e e t , M u n r o e A v e n u e a n d R a i l r o a d ,

. ...ASBURY PARK, N.J. ~ ..... -Window Frsme»,Sasbt Blinds, Doors, Kottldfugr*, Bracket* and Csrvcil V o ib

Hard nnd Solt Wood Mantels. Turn ing and Seroll Saiwing n Soft. . cialty. Peslgiis and Pd«es FnrnUhed on AppUestlon,

JO nN VA STRATTON & SOK,48 & #5 W alker St. M E tV V O ^ K ,

STEINBACH BROSRepairing o f all Sind.

707 C o o h m o n A ve., Aabury Farli,N . J*Old No. 110.

Near the Lake,

'(v tho Worl<». Our«cTllfle»M» ft *ml «o IntrodunoowilllvSvr1 MPtriontoodawewlH wndrBBI -Irjft" U H h E '* ' toonsI’WlsoyIne»chlocollty, TOW'.) HHniS “ waboic. »ho»» vhowiU» • ^ to ui nt once can make mir« «i' TH i bSL'W,BW a ^ the »bnnfa. AII you lipve to do la

■ rrUiml* to »li«n»' our foodi Ur_»E. 5 ? : thenr who cull-your mtohboriia *nd you- Tho be-AYEIinHh^^^^^^^glnnlnir .of lhl« »dvnliB«ment mUIIUW ■ Btiowt ihe tmoll emVor th« t«lo-

«cop«. The fsllowfo j cnt fit**.IW Bpp«*N»7!* of •( ffJueeJ t<

PHOTOGRAPH VS i, In Its Perfection I


■ ‘A C H B R O S :' 00C B BO im V A V ,

0 i » 3 NKX'f Y O R K .


A S B U R Y 3 P -A .IX .K L , KT. ST.■ . ■■■ "■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .C L

C u iu sn d flaiial Cisiels oferarj appmedsijla funisltedat t nqoehi’s notice. ■DpholeteriJig in all ita kranohcs carriod on, also a fall lineYOf Plotare Fmtaee and Mcraldlnga kept qqmUeUjl on hand. Wiudow-Comioee o< all deeoriptioiia.

TnH»rtiri(il(iii|l Wlrul) jlcabnfit nil klnfUofA 2'KrifIiL0 0li’ W>i(lr«n}g i)c.iHn hi nil ltlndtofM U SICAL M ER C H A N D ISE,

VIOLINS, (1UI1 AltS, BANJOS,HIAKDQMNES, Accordoons. H arm on icao ,£txs,

AH kinds of 8TBINCI8, etc., ejc. . v

*beot thi f lO ltJ b ia tto ffU b o lk . I t l« x r » n d , doutlo ■IseUl*. K oas.fttlatgoM ia « « y to c tw y . W« w ltl »l*o*hi»w youliow f o« rtTI Wikeftoin 8J3 M St«»d»f »t»«••!, tomiboiurt.lritlj-ouf#*lietlenc». UnJUr w tit« tlo n c o . W« o t r i iU ^ p r t» « e b tr g wAdilrci*, II.H A LLETT & CO ., Bo* 8M V o a i U iz s K

C o r o n e r 's N o t ic e , D A V ID T A Y L O R ’S

First - Class Livery,807 FouitTii Aye., Aarnmv I ^ i ,k, N. J.

• Stylish and dean- Coaches, and Cabriolets. TeanJs furnlehod fo r convcylng partios to and from staiion, or to woddhijrs, balla, Bhoppln^ andpleaearodriv ing , or fu^oralfl.

This Ja to give 'notice jthot 1 havo a n ttio rl^ d Jam es H. Sexton , ti) take charge of all bodies sonth of Eiboron and In m y d istric t w hert I am n o t pereonally ptesent, and th a t m ay rcqufre tho services of a- eoroner, paid Jamoa H, 0e»teh to. take charga until X arrive. „:

FiftED. M. VANDERVEER.Ootoner, . Long Branch, N .J .

* Having b ad eovernl year*' experience In th e undertaking business In Asbnry Fork and viclu I feel ootQpetont to give satla /ao tlen^o all -who may W to r m e w ith th e ir patronage.

TELEPHONE CONNEOTKJN6 vrlih prtnolpal hotola and stoics In P ark and Grove.

Of oe open day and nig hi. yA iL fg is i aa:. b e x t o i t , .

la y o u r B i ia ln e s s O D a ll?

M a k e I t L i v e ly b v A d M l f l l n j r .