blue ray disc hard copy

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  • 8/7/2019 blue ray disc hard copy


    Blu-Ray Disc - An enormousleap in Traditional media


  • 8/7/2019 blue ray disc hard copy



    The thrust for an advanced format of data storage on optical disc led torevolutionary introduction of BLU-RAY DISC. This advances in the race against its

    competitors DVD (Digital Video Disc) & AOD (Advanced Optical Disc) in that it hashigh storage capacity, advanced security and privacy features and the A/V high quality

    O/P (generally video) of the media files stored on it makes it quite unique & gives anedge over the others, letting BD to be widely adaptable in every application possible.

    Record an outstanding 25 GB of data on a single sided disc.Thats enough for upto 5

    standard DVDs on one disc.Imagine 23 hours of standard definition television, tens ofthousands of music recordings.Todays ever-complex world demands the highest possible

    media capacity to deliver higher definition picture and sound quality.With unbeatable

    storage capacity and recording flexibility for content-owners and consumers alike,Blu-ray Disc delivers.

    A Royal battle is being waged between two groups over the format of the

    next generation DVD. SONY, HP, LG, Samsung and several other heavy weights broughtout Blu-ray disc with 50 GB storage space. The Blu-ray discs currently available inIndian and overseas markets are revolutionizing the way we watch movies, the way we

    build software and the way we create/store data. Unprecedented picture quality and

    unimaginable sound clarity is in store for movie buffs. Microsoft, Intel and other giantsare betting on an inferior technology called HDDVD with 30 GB storage space. Business

    worth billions of dollars is at stake for both groups. Though Blu-ray has slight edge, it is

    too early to predict the winner. Recently TDK announced that it is successful in creatinga six-layer blu-ray disc with 200 GB storage capacity. This could tilt the battle in Blu-

    rays favor.

    This paper elucidates the structure, construction, reading issues & advantages of

    the Blu-Ray Disc. To be effective, at every stage the disc is compared with DVD.

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    In 1997, a new technology emerged that brought digital sound and video intohomes all over the world. It was called DVD, and it revolutionized the movie industry.The industry is set for yet another revolution with the introduction of Blu-ray Discs (BD)in 2006. With their high storage capacity, Blu-ray discs can hold and play back largequantities of high-definition video and audio, as well as photos, data and other digitalcontent. Blu-ray Disc (also known as Blu-ray orBD) is a high-density optical discformat for the storage of digital information, including high-definition video. Blu-ray disc(BD) is appropriately named after the blue laser used to write the data.The first blue laserwas developed in 1996 by Shuji Nakamura (Nichia Corporation).In 2002, an alliance wasformed, called the Blu-ray Disc Association, including the likes of Sony, Samsung,Sharp, Hewlett-Packard, and Royal Phillips.

    The Name:

    The Blu-ray name is a combination of "blue," for the color of the laser that isused to read and write this type of disc., and "ray," for optical ray. The "e" in "blue" waspurposefully left off, according to the manufacturers, because an everyday word cannotbe trademarked.

    Disc Characteristics:

    A single-layer Blu-ray disc, which is roughly the same size as a DVD,can hold up to 27 GB of data -- that's more than two hours of high-definitionvideo or about 13 hours of standard video.

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    A double-layer Blu-ray disc can store up to 50 GB, enough to hold about4.5 hours of high-definition video ormore than 20 hours of standard video.And there are even plans in the works to develop a disc with twice that amount ofstorage.

    Single layer: 25 GB

    Dual layer: 50 GB. Diameter: 120 mm.

    Thickness: 1.2 mm.

    Center hole diameter: 15 mm.

    Uses blue-violet laser of wavelength 450 nm.

    The smaller laser, compared to the DVD and CD, keeps the process moreefficient (~5 mw).

    The power conservation allows the development of multi-layer platforms andhigh-speed recording

    BD-ROM: read-only format

    BD-R and BD-RE: recordable formats (RE: rewritable; R: recordable once)

    Numerical Aperature measures the ability of a lens to gather and focus light.As the numerical aperture increases, the focusing power increases and thebeam size decreases

    Phase change implies that the disc section is either an amorphous orcrystalline state. The reflectivity changes accordingly thus representing abinary bit


    The structure of the Blu-Ray disc is shown as below. It differs from thetraditional DVD that, in a DVD the data is sandwiched between two 0.6mm

    polycarbonate layers. While in the case of a BD the data layer is placed on a 1.1mmpolycarbonate layer. To prevent the data on the top of the disc from getting erased, thedata layer is covered by a 0.1 mm protection layer. This makes the size of all the CD'sDVD's & the BD's constant. This packing of the data has many advantages which will bediscussed in the later sections.

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    It should be noticed that whatever form of the disc may be under consideration thedata on the disc is stored on a SPIRAL TRACK running from the centre of the disc to theend of the diameter of the disc. This spiral starting from the centre of the disc gives theflexibility for the disc to be smaller in size than that of the conventional 120 mm. On thisspiral tracks exists the BUMPS which actually hold the data. These bumps lie all alongthe spiral track. These bumps are often called pits. Viewed from the top of the disc these

    bumps look like PITS.

    Building a Blu-ray Disc:

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    Blu-ray discs not only have more storage capacity than traditional DVDs, butthey also offer a new level of interactivity.

    Users will be able to connect to the Internet and instantly download subtitles and

    other interactive movie features. With Blu-ray, we can:

    Record high-definition television (HDTV) without any quality loss. Instantly skip to any spot on the disc. Record one program while watching another on the disc. Create playlists. Edit or reorder programs recorded on the disc. Automatically search for an empty space on the disc to avoid recordingover a program. Access the Web to download subtitles and other extra features.

    Discs store digitally encoded video and audio information in pits -- spiral grooves

    that run from the center of the disc to its edges. A laser reads the other side of these pits --the bumps -- to play the movie or program that is stored on the DVD. The more data thatis contained on a disc, the smaller and more closely packed the pits must be. The smallerthe pits (and therefore the bumps), the more precise the reading laser must be.

    Unlike current DVDs, which use a red laser to read and write data, Blu-ray uses ablue laser (which is where the format gets its name). A blue laser has a shorterwavelength (405 nanometers) than a red laser (650 nanometers). The smaller beamfocuses more precisely, enabling it to read information recorded in pits that are only 0.15microns (m) (1 micron = 10-6 meters) long -- this is more than twice as small as the pitson a DVD. Plus, Blu-ray has reduced the track pitch from 0.74 microns to 0.32 microns.

    The smaller pits, smaller beam and shorter track pitch together enable a single-layer Blu-ray disc to hold more than 25 GB of information -- about five times the amount ofinformation that can be stored on a DVD.
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    Each Blu-ray disc is about the same thickness (1.2 millimeters) as a DVD. But thetwo types of discs store data differently. In a DVD, the data is sandwiched between twopolycarbonate layers, each 0.6-mm thick. Having a polycarbonate layer on top of the datacan cause a problem called birefringence, in which the substrate layer refracts the laserlight into two separate beams. If the beam is split too widely, the disc cannot be read.

    Also, if the DVD surface is not exactly flat, and is therefore not exactly perpendicular tothe beam, it can lead to a problem known as disc tilt, in which the laser beam is distorted.All of these issues lead to a very involved manufacturing process.

    How Blu-ray discs work:

    The Blu-ray disc overcomes DVD-reading issues by placing the data on top of a1.1-mm-thick polycarbonate layer. Having the data on top prevents birefringence andtherefore prevents readability problems. And, with the recording layer sitting closer to theobjective lens of the reading mechanism, the problem of disc tilt is virtually eliminated.Because the data is closer to the surface, a hard coating is placed on the outside of the

    disc to protect it from scratches and fingerprints.

    The design of the Blu-ray discs saves on manufacturing costs. Traditional DVDsare built by injection molding the two 0.6-mm discs between which the recording layer issandwiched. The process must be done very carefully to prevent birefringence.

    The two discs are molded.

    The recording layer is added to one of the discs.

    The two discs are glued together.

    Blu-ray discs only do the injection-molding process on a single 1.1-mm disc,

    which reduces cost. That savings balances out the cost of adding the protective layer, sothe end price is no more than the price of a regular DVD.

    Blu-ray also has a higher data transfer rate -- 36 Mbps (megabits per second) --than today's DVDs, which transfer at 10 Mbps. A Blu-ray disc can record 25 GB ofmaterial in just over an hour and a half.
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    Source: Blu-ray Disc Association


    Unlike DVDs andCDs, which started with read-only formats and only later

    added recordable and re-writable formats, Blu-ray is initially designed in several differentformats:

    BD-ROM (read-only) - for pre-recorded content BD-R (recordable) - for PC data storage BD-RW (rewritable) - for PC data storage BD-RE (rewritable) - for HDTV recording.

    Blu-ray Competitors:

    Will Blu-ray replace previous DVDs? Its manufacturers hope so. In the meantime,

    JVC has developed a Blu-ray/DVD combo disc with an approximate 33.5-GB capacity,allowing for the release of video in both formats on a single disc. But Blu-ray is not alonein the marketplace. A few other formats are competing for a share of the DVD market.

    The other big player is HD-DVD, also called AOD (Advanced Optical Disc),which was developed by electronics giants Toshiba andNEC. HD-DVD was actually inthe works before regular DVD, but it didn't begin real development until 2003.The advantage to HD-DVD is that it uses the same basic format as the traditional DVD
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    and can therefore be manufactured with the same equipment, saving on costs. HD-DVD matches the storage capacity of Blu-ray. A rewritable, single-layer HD-DVD canhold 15 GB of data, a double-layer disc can hold 30 GB, and a triple-layer disc can hold45 GB (that's compared to 27 GB and 50 GB for Blu-ray). The read-only versions holdslightly less data. Also, HD-DVD offers the interactive capabilities of Blu-ray, with HDi.

    Blu-ray and HD-DVD are the two major competitors in the market, but there areother contenders, as well. Warner Bros. Pictures has developed its own system, calledHD-DVD-9. This system uses a higher compression rate to put more information(about two hours of high-definition video) on a standard DVD. Taiwan has created theForward Versatile Disc (FVD), an upgraded version of today's DVDs that allows formore data storage capacity (5.4 GB on a single-sided disc and 9.8 GB on a double-sideddisc). And China has introduced the Enhanced Video Disc (EVD), another high-definition video disc.

    There are also professional versions of the blue laser technology. Sony hasdeveloped XDCAM and ProData (Professional Disc for Data). The former is designed

    for use by broadcasters and AV studios. The latter is primarily for commercial datastorage (for example, backing up servers).

    It seems that the future holds a whole lot more than 25 to 54 GB on a single disc.According to T3: Pioneer goes beyond Blu-Ray, Pioneer is developing an optical discthat will blow away the hard disc in most of our PCs in terms storage capacity, holding500 GB of data. How so? Pioneer's lasers are ultraviolet, which have an even shorterwavelength than the blue.

    Blu-ray Disc Blu-ray Drive
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    Blu-ray Player


    The primary rival to Blu-ray Disc is HD DVD. Due to the format war, both sidesare currently vying to promote their format as the best choice for studios and consumers.Both formats are intended as successors to DVD, capable of higher quality video andaudio playback, and of greater capacity when used to store video, audio, and computerdata. Currently, Blu-ray discs have a higher storage capacity than HD-DVD discs (50GBvs 30GB), although the HD DVD standard allows for an as-yet unused triple-layer 51GBdisc. Blu-ray and HD DVD share most of the same methods of encoding media ontodisks with each other, resulting in equivalent levels of audio and visual quality, but differin other respects such as storage capacity, interactive capabilities, Internet integration,usage control and enforcement, and even in the degree to which their specifications are

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    Recorder Characteristics:

    Over two hours of HDTV can be placed on a single layer BD, which

    correlates to over 13 hours for standard TV The transfer rate is 36 megabits per second

    At 1x speed, it takes approximately 1.5 hours to record an entire single layerBD

    Recorder Cost: $1,500 - $2,500; BD Cost: $26

    Now available in Indian and overseas markets.

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    This issue has introduced a competitor, the HD-DVD, that based itstechnology around being compatible with the DVD

    Recently the BDA has developed recorders that are BD/DVD/CD compatible

    JVC has advanced the BD by developing a BD/DVD combo disc that storesboth DVD and BD data. It is composed of two DVD layers and a third BD

    layer storing 33.5 GB total

    Protection System:

    Blu-ray discs are better armed than current DVDs. They come equipped witha secure encryption system -- a unique ID that protects against video piracy andcopyright infringement. HDTV contains a copyright bit that is detected by the BD

    recorder. If the broadcast has no copyright bit, then the BD recorder is allowed tostore the information. Uses the Data Encryption Standard (DES) that has a key lengthof 56 bits.A Key Block and Disc ID are written into the ROM area to prevent illegalcopying

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    Error rates increased in reading and writing after the original BD sufferedscratches and fingerprints.For protection, the prototype BD was enclosed in a case.Thecase increased the size of the disc drive A hard coat was derived of

    An ultraviolet-curable resin that has a scratch resistance similar to the DVD. Anartificial fingerprint reagent is placed on the disc surface to resist fingerprint oils

    Sales developments:

    As ofNovember 25, 2007, 415 titles had been released on Blu-ray Disc in theUnited States. As of October 9, 2007, 179 titles had been released in Japan, with 55additional titles planned for release.

    Among the movie studios, Blu-ray Disc is currently exclusively supported in theUnited States by Sony Pictures Entertainment and MGM (20% of MGM's stake is ownedby Sony) as well as Disney, 20th Century Fox, New Line Cinema and Lionsgate,representing over 70% of home video marketshare.

    Conclusion:Expect the BD to become more prevalent once the HDTV market establishes

    its presence.Audio and video will reach higher qualities with larger storage space. Lookfor BD with more than two layers as the technology is further refined.Blu-ray istechnically superior, but expensive. As with any electronic item, the prices can fall fasterthan a shooting star. By this technology, we are sure to get benefited as higher storagecan unleash a plethora of applications that enrich our lives in one way or other.
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    It would definitely take a considerable time for the Blu-Ray disc to hit themarket & completely takeovers the DVD share hold. Because of the low levelcompatibility (BD readers able to read both the DVDs and the CDs), the task mightbecome a little simpler. But, the high cost of the reader might hinder its quick

    development. Anyways soon or later this mass storage optical device is going to replacethe DVD & let the user experience a world high quality & disc space (Quality & Quantityensured) with high level of security and privacy ensured.


    The Blu-ray Disc Physical Format by B Van Rompaly.

    Digital Image storage by S Wallack.