blue christmas communion worship december 10th · 2017-12-21 · advent and christmas season,...

A monthly publication of Augustana Lutheran Church Augustana Lutheran Church 520 University Avenue Grand Forks, ND 58203-3575 Phone: (701)775-3187 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Augustana Lutheran, Grand Forks RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID Grand Forks, ND Permit #232 Important: Dated material—Mailed on 11/30/17. Do not delay. Blue Christmas Communion Worship December 10th Pr. Jo Gast The Christmas season abounds with joy! All around us are brightly wrapped presents, Christ- mas trees, holiday parties, garland and holly, Christmas carols and songs, baking, cooking, and all the rest! Yet each year some people dread this Christmas season. People who know this Christmas will be a difficult one—the grieving, the lonely, and the hopeless—they have no heart for the cheer and bustle, the anticipation and excitement. Maybe they have had a death of a loved one. Some are coping with the aftermath of divorce, job loss, sickness and other difficult life situa- tions. Christmas parties and caroling are the last things some of us want to participate in. The Blue Christmas, or Longest Night service, is an attempt to minister to the needs of people going through these life struggles while still recognizing that part of the reason for Jesuscom- ing was to bring hope and comfort, to heal the sick, to seek the lost, to restore the broken and broken-hearted. On Sunday, December 10th at 5:00 pm. we invite you to gather with us for a special Blue Christmas worship service here at Augustana. This time will be led by myself, along with Pr. Mark Ellingson, Hospice Chaplain; Penny Millspaugh, Bereavement Coordinator; and Leslie Saulsbury, Music Therapist, all with Altru Health Systems in Grand Forks, ND. This worship time is open to all. A light supper and refreshments will wrap up the evening. Come and join us for a time of music, scripture, stories, silent reflection, and healing prayer. See you in worship, Upcoming WELCA and Circles Dates Wed. Dec 6th 6:00 pm Good Cheer Cookie Packing WELCA distribute Bazaar proceeds Tues. Dec. 5th Anna Circle at Pr. Jos with Pot Luck and Gift Exchange Tues Dec. 19th Sarah Circle at Mamma Marias 2017

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Page 1: Blue Christmas Communion Worship December 10th · 2017-12-21 · Advent and Christmas season, Poinsettias will again be available for $15 each. Poinsettia orders must be turned into

A monthly publication of Augustana Lutheran Church

A u g u s t a n a L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

520 University Avenue

Grand Forks, ND 58203-3575

Phone: (701)775-3187

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: Augustana Lutheran, Grand Forks




Grand Forks, ND

Permit #232

Important: Dated material—Mailed on 11/30/17. Do not delay.

Blue Christmas Communion Worship December 10th

Pr. Jo Gast

The Christmas season abounds with joy! All around us are brightly wrapped presents, Christ-mas trees, holiday parties, garland and holly, Christmas carols and songs, baking, cooking, and all the rest!

Yet each year some people dread this Christmas season. People who know this Christmas will be a difficult one—the grieving, the lonely, and the hopeless—they have no heart for the cheer and bustle, the anticipation and excitement. Maybe they have had a death of a loved one. Some are coping with the aftermath of divorce, job loss, sickness and other difficult life situa-tions. Christmas parties and caroling are the last things some of us want to participate in.

The Blue Christmas, or Longest Night service, is an attempt to minister to the needs of people going through these life struggles while still recognizing that part of the reason for Jesus’ com-ing was to bring hope and comfort, to heal the sick, to seek the lost, to restore the broken and broken-hearted.

On Sunday, December 10th at 5:00 pm. we invite you to gather with us for a special Blue Christmas worship service here at Augustana. This time will be led by myself, along with Pr. Mark Ellingson, Hospice Chaplain; Penny Millspaugh, Bereavement Coordinator; and Leslie Saulsbury, Music Therapist, all with Altru Health Systems in Grand Forks, ND.

This worship time is open to all. A light supper and refreshments will wrap up the evening. Come and join us for a time of music, scripture, stories, silent reflection, and healing prayer.

See you in worship,

Upcoming WELCA and Circles Dates

Wed. Dec 6th 6:00 pm Good Cheer Cookie Packing

WELCA distribute Bazaar proceeds

Tues. Dec. 5th Anna Circle at Pr. Jo’s with Pot Luck and

Gift Exchange

Tues Dec. 19th Sarah Circle at Mamma Maria’s


Page 2: Blue Christmas Communion Worship December 10th · 2017-12-21 · Advent and Christmas season, Poinsettias will again be available for $15 each. Poinsettia orders must be turned into


The quilters will be taking December off, but

will be busy again January 8th and 9th.

Come and join in the fun and fellowship as

beautiful quilts are made. Bring your lunch

and stay for the day.

December Volunteer Drivers

Dec 3 Ruth Christianson Dec 10 Bob Albaugh Dec 17 Bob Albaugh Dec 24 Ruth Roos Dec 31 Johna Lundby Susie Brockmeyer

Ginni Kroocmo

Joy Mack

Missy Thompson

Creative Circles meets on the first and third Wednesday every month. In

November, the group created Thanksgiving/Christmas decorations. The

dates for December will be December 6th

and 20th. Come and join in the

project for the day, or bring something of your own to work on. This open

to all!

December Serving Opportunities

December Service Group



Judy & Bob Albaugh

Toni Dillon

Wendy & Marc Horn

Jayden Horn

Judy & Dave Jahnke

Diane & Rod Lundeen

Peggy & Jim McIntyre

Kathy McIntyre & Gordy Graetz

Kris Meisel

Dave Schroeder

Creative Circles

Thrivent Food Drive

During the month of November, a Thrivent Action Team

conducted a food drive. Together, we collected over 400

food items, and with a generous donation from Sharon

Lutheran Church, we were able to exceed the 500 item

goal. Information has been submitted to Thrivent, and if

eligible, Augustana will receive $500 to be donated to a

local food pantry.

Page 3: Blue Christmas Communion Worship December 10th · 2017-12-21 · Advent and Christmas season, Poinsettias will again be available for $15 each. Poinsettia orders must be turned into


Augustana’s Constitution marked with changes and additions was mailed to voting members of this congregation during the first week of October. In the November Messenger the focus was on required changes. This month we focus on the chang-es to Chapter 13 CONGREGATION COMMITTEES. The changes to Chapter 13 CONGREGATION COMMITTES were drafted by a task force appointed by the Council. These changes are suggested so that the way Committees function may again fall within the guidelines of the Constitu-

tion. The Council will recommend these changes – printed in green. C13.02. Nominating Committee – reduces the number of committee members required

and changes terms for reelection . C13.07.01 – C13.01.06 -- Bylaws relative to Committees: provide guidance as to the purpose

of a particular committee and to set operating parameters, term limits, and etc. Please review these changes and contact a Council member if you have any concerns. These changes are meant to clarify and to provide functionality. Changes and additions will be voted on at the next Annual Meeting which will be held in January of 2018. Additional copies of the full constitution, marked with all proposed changes, written in green. Please review these changes and contact a Council member if you have any concerns. These changes are meant to clarify and to provide functionality. Additional copies are available from the Church Office.

Christmas Meal for Older Adults

Each year the Grand Forks Senior Center (620 4th Ave S) hosts an early, won-

derful Christmas meal for older adults. Come join us Tuesday, December 19 for either the 11:30 am meal (entertainment at 11:30 am) or the 5:00 pm meal (entertainment at 5:50 pm). Reservations required. Limited seating. Make your reservation as soon as possible by calling 701-757-4869. Suggested donation for people 60 and over is $4.25. GF Senior Center is lo-cated at 620 4

th Ave S.

Thank you to Ruth Roos, Wayne Spicer, Karen Kirk, and Darla Larson for

helping get the November Messenger ready for mailing.

Thank you to Carol Kaercher for the donation of the Christmas wreaths.

Thank you to Laura Munski for organizing the ELCA food collection.

Thank you to Raymond and Anecita Beckman for the donation of roasters and

crockpots to the Augustana kitchen.

Page 4: Blue Christmas Communion Worship December 10th · 2017-12-21 · Advent and Christmas season, Poinsettias will again be available for $15 each. Poinsettia orders must be turned into

Notes (and thoughts) from the Office by Lori Young

It is during the month of November as I write this, but the signs of Christmas are all around.

The Sanctuary has been decorated with the large wreathes and the trees are going up; the

Social Room has baskets of poinsettias on the tables; Lighting of the Advent candles has

been added to the bulletin. The opportunity to purchase poinsettia plants or donate to other

causes has been added. All of these are Christmas traditions of Augustana. I am sure that

each of you have traditions as well.

My daughter is 26 years old now. Since she was a tiny girl, she has had an Advent calendar

to count down the days until Christmas. I am sure the first one or two year, the meaning

was that she got a piece of candy every day. As she got older, the Christmas story become

more real to her—the nativity would be rearranged so the baby was in the loft of the stable,

covered with a doll blanket, and the wise men were arranged along a joint in the hardwood

floor so they could race to see the baby—but finally the story became the birth of Jesus.

One of my proud moments as a mother was when I was told that I would have to buy two

Advent calendars, one for her and one for her fiancé. One of “our” traditions that is being

carried forward.

Another tradition of Augustana is that of helping others. There was a food drive in Novem-

ber, and the shopping cart is overflowing. There is more food outside the cart than in the

cart. There have been pancake breakfasts for the Sudanese and for hurricane and other

disaster victims. There are those that bring people to church on Sunday who don’t drive or

have nearby family to call upon. There are those that accompany people to the hospital/

clinic if they cannot go alone and do not have families that can help.

There are always things that can be done around the office/church. If you would like to vol-

unteer, please give me a call and let me know what kinds of things you would like to do, and

when you would like to do them. Suggestions could include making note cards to send to

visitors, record attendance, even to suggest ideas you might have on how the Office can

further extend Augustan’s ministries. I look forward to visiting with you.

During this Holy Season, look at your traditions—look at the legacy that you are leaving for

the next generations. Look to your legacy in your Christian life.

I am blessed, and I wish you blessings this Season as well,

Christmas Poinsettias If you would like to share a poinsettia plant to help beautify our sanctuary during the Advent and Christmas season, Poinsettias will again be available for $15 each. Poinsettia orders must be turned into the office no later than Sunday, December 10

th, so they may be or-

dered from the nursery. In lieu of plants, your donation can be designated toward Eternal Lights, the Great Plains Food Bank, or the Missionary Fund.

Blue Christmas

Christmas can be a difficult time for people. Augustana, in collaboration with

Altru's Pastoral Care department, will host a Blue Christmas Communion

Worship on Sunday, December 10th at 5:00 pm. A light supper and time of

fellowship will follow. Pr. Jo Gast, Pr. Mark Ellingson, and Penny Millspaugh will lead this ser-


“The Star”

The children in Sunday School are invited to see the movie “The Star” at River Cin-

ema at 12:30 pm (tentative) at no cost. Students can bring one friend, who will have their ticket paid

for as well. Snacks will not be provided, and students are encouraged to bring money, if they would

like snacks. The children in Sunday School are invited to see the movie “The Star” at River Cinema

at 12:30 pm (tentative) at no cost. Students can bring one friend, who will have their ticket paid for.

Snacks will not be provided, and students are encouraged to bring money, if they would like

snacks. There will be a sign up sheet in the office. You must sign up by Wednesday, December 8th.

Good Cheer Cookies

WELCA will be packing cookies for Christmas Good Cheer on December 6th. They are

asking for 2 ½ dozen cookies to be delivered to the church before this event.

Sunday School Christmas Program

The Sunday School Christmas Program will be held during Worship on December 10

th, 20017. There will be practice on Wednesday, December 6

th at 6:30 pm. Feel

free to join the “Table Talk” supper at 6:30 pm. You don’t have to stay for the book discussion. The final practice will be on Saturday December 9

th at 10:00am.

December 24 Worship Times Advent Worship at 10:00 am

Christmas Eve Worship at 5:00pm