bloomsbury children’s books · torchlight, as he rode moscow across the sleeping city, and...


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Page 1: BLOOMSBURY CHILDREN’S BOOKS · torchlight, as he rode Moscow across the sleeping city, and nodded. ‘But the problem is, Samuel is a great aerial artiste,’ said Arkady. She smiled
Page 2: BLOOMSBURY CHILDREN’S BOOKS · torchlight, as he rode Moscow across the sleeping city, and nodded. ‘But the problem is, Samuel is a great aerial artiste,’ said Arkady. She smiled





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BLOOMSBURY, BLOOMSBURY CHILDREN’S BOOKS and the Diana logoare trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

First published in Great Britain in 2019 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Text copyright © Katherine Rundell, 2019Illustrations copyright © Matt Saunders, 2019

Katherine Rundell and Matt Saunders have asserted their rights under  the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as  

Author and Illustrator of this work

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ISBN: HB: 978-1-4088-5489-1; TPB: 978-1-5266-0813-0;  eBook: 978-1-4088-5490-7

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Page 3: BLOOMSBURY CHILDREN’S BOOKS · torchlight, as he rode Moscow across the sleeping city, and nodded. ‘But the problem is, Samuel is a great aerial artiste,’ said Arkady. She smiled





Vita waited until the sun had fully set before she 

scattered  the  bird seed  on  the  inside  window 

sill.  The  day  birds  had  all  gone  to  roost,  and  no 

pigeons came to peck at it.

She sat next to it and waited; and waited. She was 

almost asleep when there was a flurry of wings and of 

bright eyes, and a crow landed on her window sill and 

began to devour the seed.

The bird had a tiny roll of paper tied to its foot.

Taking a letter off a bird’s foot is infin itely harder, 


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Vita discovered, than it is made to sound in books. The 

bird flapped round and round her room with Vita  in 

gently urgent pursuit, and it was not until she thought 

to offer it the ginger snap she had been saving that it 

stayed still  long enough for her  to unwind the three 

wraps of string that held it in place.

The note read:  ‘Come to the entrance of Carnegie

Hall at 11.20 p.m. Don’t be even a minute late. Eat

this note.’

Vita looked at the note, which had suffered some-

what  from  its  prox im ity  to  the  bird’s  rear  end,  and 

decided not to eat it. She flushed it down the lavat ory 


Arkady was waiting behind one of the front doors of 

the Hall, watch ing through a crack, and he pulled it 

open before she could wonder whether to knock.

‘Come! A night guard patrols, but he only does the 

ground floor. He’s just gone past. Quickly!’

He led Vita through the great hall, lit only by the 

street lamps outside, and into the lift. ‘Second floor,’ 

he said. ‘The Chapter Hall.’

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‘The what?’

‘It’s like a tiny stage: just two hundred people. The 

main hall takes nearly three thou sand. There’s a rig in 

the Chapter.’

‘What kind of rig?’

‘Trapeze,  obvi ously!’  He  looked  shocked  at  her 

ignor ance.  ‘The  rig  belongs  to  the  Sabatini  Sisters, 

but they don’t mind Samuel using it. Or at least, they 

wouldn’t mind if they knew. It has to be secret.’

‘What does?’

‘Samuel! He’s train ing to be an acrobat.’

‘Why does it have to be secret?’

‘Because he comes from a horse family.’ He shook 

his head  at her,  as  if  this were  obvious.  ‘He has  to  

join  his  uncle’s  act.  It’s  why  he’s  here  –  to  learn 

horse man ship.’

‘But couldn’t he just ask—’

‘No. Circus famil ies work like royalty – you do what 

your parents did, by birth right. You get no more choice 

about  it  than Tsar Alexander had  about being Tsar. 

Which is OK for me – I’ve always known I wanted to 

work with animals: with dogs and horses and birds.’

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Page 6: BLOOMSBURY CHILDREN’S BOOKS · torchlight, as he rode Moscow across the sleeping city, and nodded. ‘But the problem is, Samuel is a great aerial artiste,’ said Arkady. She smiled





Vita thought of how his face had shone, bright as 

torch light,  as  he  rode  Moscow  across  the  sleep ing 

city, and nodded.

‘But the problem is, Samuel is a great aerial artiste,’ 

said Arkady. She smiled at the word ‘artiste’, but his 

face  was  utterly  serious.  ‘He  taught  himself,  by 

watch ing – like people teach them selves tunes on a 

piano, you know? Except on his own body, and now 

he can’t unlearn it. So.’

‘But that’s not fair!’ said Vita.

Arkady shrugged. ‘I know. But have you tried saying 

that to an adult recently?’

‘That doesn’t mean you can’t change it. Nothing’s 

unchange able!’

But Arkady was running ahead. ‘Come – here!’

The  room  was  wooden- floored  with  wood  panel-

ling  and  a  high  ceiling.  Chairs  were  laid  out  along 

three  sides  of  the  room,  a  single  lamp was  lit. The 

room smelt of sweat and chalk.

In  the  middle  of  the  room  were  what  looked  like 

four  rugby  goal  posts. Attached  to  the  two  posts  at 

either end were plat forms; from the middle two hung 

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what looked like small iron swings. Beneath them was 

a net. At the top of one plat form was a boy, stand ing on 

one leg, the other held high above his head.

‘Samuel!’ called Arkady. ‘She’s here.’

The  boy  turned,  and  grinned,  but  went  imme di-

ately back to his stretch ing; and Vita quietly reminded 

herself to blink.

Samuel was beau ti ful; and his beauty was of  the 

kind  that makes  your  lungs  tempor ar ily  forget  their 

func tion. He was clad entirely in black – black cotton 

trousers,  a  black  singlet,  black  bands  at  his  wrist, 

black ballet shoes. His hair was cropped close to his 

head, and his cheekbones slanted across his face like 

twin cliff- edges. He set both hands on the plat form 

and kicked himself into a hand stand.

‘Talk now or later?’ asked Arkady.

‘Later,’  said  Samuel,  upside  down.  He  barely 

seemed to have registered Vita’s pres ence. ‘I’m trying 

something new.’ His accent was New York, but with 

something else: a length and depth to the vowels that 

suggested a different mother tongue.

Samuel flipped upright, dipped his hands in chalk, 

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picked up a long pole with a crook at the end of it, 

and, leaning out over the edge of the plat form, used it 

to draw the iron swing towards him. He caught hold 

of it with one hand, leaning out over the net with just 

his heels on the plat form.

He looked down at Arkady, and his face was rigid 

with concen tra tion.

‘Call me in?’ he said.

Arkady shouted back, ‘Listo!’

‘Listo?’ whispered Vita.

‘Spanish for “ready”.’

Samuel shifted his weight. ‘Ready!’

‘Hep!’ called Arkady.

And  Samuel  cast  himself  off  into  the  air,  both 

hands on the bar of the trapeze, flying. At the peak of 

the swing, he let go, somer saul ted in the air above the 

bar, and hooked back on to  it with his knees. Vita’s 

stomach lurched.

The boy spun upright, grasped the ropes on either 

side of the swing, and stood up on the bar. He swayed 

his  body  back  and  forth,  and  the  swing  soared,  so 

high that at its peak he was facing directly down wards 

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and Vita caught a fleet ing glimpse of his face. Then, 

without  the  slight est  noise,  he  let  go  and  dropped 

forward, spin ning a full circle in the air, up and over 

the swing with only his ankle hooked over the bar.

Vita  gasped.  It  wasn’t  just  the  way  he  dropped 

through the air, as if gravity had granted him a special 

dispens a tion; it wasn’t just his flight. It was the look 

that had trans formed his face.

Samuel’s  jaw  was  set,  and  he  did  not  smile,  but 

there was some thing strange and prodi gious and fer  -

o cious on his coun ten ance. It was the joy of someone 

doing the thing they were born to do.

Vita did not know for how long Samuel swung, and 

spun, and cast his body kaleido scope- wise. She only 

knew that she didn’t want him to stop. Then, as the 

swing rose higher and higher, he let go and spun in a 

double somer sault, falling as the swing fell, reached 

out to grab it, missed, and fell into the net.

He sat up, his eyes shining.

‘New trick?’ called Arkady.

‘Didn’t work,’ said Samuel, stand ing in the net and 

brush ing off his hands. ‘Did you see what went wrong?’ 

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Up close he was slight and lean, but with large hands 

and feet that said he would be tall, some day.

‘You were on the down swing,’ said Arkady. ‘I think 

maybe two- thirds of a second too late,’ he said. ‘But I 

don’t know if it’s possible to do a double somer sault.’

‘It  is!’  Samuel  shook  his  head.  ‘But  I  could  feel  

I was off.’ He jumped down from the net, wiping his 

fore head with his shirt. His flight had changed him; 

his whole body was looser, less wary.

‘You’re  Vita,’  he  said.  ‘Ark  said  you  need 

some thing.’

Vita felt for the red book in her pocket and gripped 

it tight. She straightened her spine.  ‘I need a team,’ 

she said. And as swiftly as she could, she explained: 

about the Castle, and the emerald pendant, and the 

need  for  money  and  armies  of  lawyers  to  bring 

Sorrotore to his knees.

‘I need to get over a wall, maybe fifteen or twenty 


‘Why can’t you just take a ladder?’

‘Because  the  wall  rises  straight  out  of  a  lake.  

A small one, but still a lake. It needs a rope.’

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‘A lake?’ said Samuel.

‘A  real  new  trick!’  said  Arkady.  His  enthu si asm 

made his words pile up against one another.  ‘We’re 

going to be thieves!’

Samuel frowned.

‘No,  I  know  what  you’re  think ing,’  said  Arkady 

hurriedly,  ‘but  it’s  steal ing  back  what  was  already 

stolen. Good thieves!’

‘Necessary thieves,’ said Vita.

‘And it’s out in the coun tryside,’ said Arkady, ‘way 

out  in  nowhere,  so  we  won’t  get  caught.  Probably, 


Samuel  did  not  look  convinced.  ‘Why,  though? 

Why are you doing it?’

Vita  looked  up  at  the  trapeze,  which  still  swung 

back and forth above their heads.

‘Because nobody else is going to do it,’ she said.

‘That’s  not  actu ally  a  reason,’  said  Samuel.  ‘You 

could say that about almost anything.’

Vita bit her lip. ‘Mama says we have to be sens ible. 

She  wants  to  make  my  grand father  come  back  

home  to  England  with  us,  whether  he  wants  to  or  

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not.  And  Grandpa  goes  blank  if  you  try  to  ask  

him about it. His whole face is like a door slam ming 


Vita  closed her eyes,  to hide  from  the  thought – 

and then opened them.

‘But if we just pack up and go home, Sorrotore will 

have won. He’ll win,  just  like men  like him  always 

win. So I don’t want to be sens ible.’

She  looked  down  at  her  left  shoe,  at  the  twist  

and  arch  of  her  foot,  at  the  break able  thin ness  of  

her  left  leg.  She  thought  of  all  the  well- meaning 

adults,  with  their  sit­ down, take­ care, not­ you­dears. 

She shook her head, and straightened every bone in 

her body. ‘Just once, I don’t want to do what I’m told! 

I want to fight. I’m going to fight.’

Samuel  looked  at  her  for  a  long,  thickly  laden 

moment.  ‘My  father’s  at  home  in  Mashonaland,  in 

Africa,’ he said.  ‘He gave everything he had to send 

me out here, when I was a tiny kid, to tour with my 

uncle:  to  join  the  act.  If  I  don’t,  I’m  letting  down  

the  whole  family:  cousins,  aunts:  everyone.  But  – 

when I was three, I taught myself to backflip. I loved 

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the way it felt when I landed back up on my feet: like 

a magic trick. I can’t give it up.’ He stared at his hands, 

which were covered in chalk. ‘So – I can understand 

not wanting to do what you’re told.’

And then he smiled, and the smile rose up to his 

ears and his discon cert ing beauty vanished in favour 

of glee:  the glee of  the usually careful  turned reck-

less. ‘Exactly how wide is the wall?’

‘I don’t know. Quite wide, I think.’

‘And exactly how tall?’

Vita  shook  her  head.  ‘About  fifteen  feet.  Maybe 

twenty. I don’t know.’

‘I need to know exactly. For the rope. Do you have 

a blue print?’

‘A what?’ said Arkady. ‘I don’t know that word.’

‘It’s  an  archi tec tural  plan  of  a  house,’  said  


‘I don’t have one,’ said Vita, ‘but I can find one.’ Her 

voice,  she  noted  with  relief,  sounded  far  more 

confid ent than she felt.

‘If you find one,’ said Samuel, ‘then I’m in. I’ll join 

your  heist.’ And  he  wiped  his  chalky  palms  on  his 

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black trousers and stuck out his hand.

Arkady  clapped  his  hands  above  his  head  and 

whooped, but an unex pec ted surge of hot guilt rose 

up  in Vita’s  chest. The  two boys  stood,  shoulder  to 

shoulder,  identical  grins.  They  had  never  seen 

Sorrotore, nor seen the ice in him. She had not told 

them about the news pa per head line.

She  pushed  the  guilt  down,  down  where  she  

could not feel it. She laid her hand in Samuel’s and 

shook it.

‘When do we go?’ asked Arkady. ‘Soon! Tomorrow!’

‘Soon,’ said Vita. ‘But not tomor row.’

‘But why not tomor row?’

‘There’s  still  a  lot  to  do,’  said  Vita.  ‘Like  Samuel 

says – every heist needs a blue print.’

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