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Page 1: Blooming Humans · 2014-01-24 · Chapter 1 . Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials . Every adventure, journey, and vision quest is greatly aided by planning,
Page 2: Blooming Humans · 2014-01-24 · Chapter 1 . Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials . Every adventure, journey, and vision quest is greatly aided by planning,

Blooming Humans Dream Seed Activation Kit

A timeless journey into the Sacred Heart,

sparking to Life what is ready to Bloom within YOU

By Stacey Sophia Robyn

[email protected]   2

Page 3: Blooming Humans · 2014-01-24 · Chapter 1 . Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials . Every adventure, journey, and vision quest is greatly aided by planning,


Copyright © 2011 by Stacey Robyn and Blooming Humans

Artwork by Stacey Robyn All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email [email protected] or send requests to at the address below.

Stacey Robyn 1847 E Guadalupe Rd. C101-181 Tempe, AZ 85283

Page 4: Blooming Humans · 2014-01-24 · Chapter 1 . Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials . Every adventure, journey, and vision quest is greatly aided by planning,


Welcome, Beloved …

In the Garden of the Heart there is a Dream Seed -- placed there by Love, at the dawn of creation. It now waits for YOU to activate it and Dream Awake a New Reality ... through intention, focus, action and responsible co-creation.

In the Heart’s Garden, timeless truths are waiting to be unveiled and unique gifts and talents are ready to take root and bloom.

Images, symbols, personal totems and synchronous events are here to awaken you to see what has been hidden, what is ready to go and grow ... to guide you inward and onward, upward and outward on a great journey into the Heart of your Creative Life.

Contained within these pages are journaling prompts, creative visualizations, activation meditations and kinesthetic exercises all designed to activate, awaken, nurture, tender and bring to blossom and fruit the essential gifts, dreams, projects and visions contained within your Sacred Heart.

Thank you for accepting the invitation to plunge deeply into the mystery of Self, embarking on a great journey – a Dream Quest – to align with the creative genius within, to awaken and embody your unique Soul Code and bring forth the greatest gift you have to offer the world – the Essential Self … the Authentic YOU.

May the unfolding adventure be one of grace and ease, joy and bliss as you grow through what has been … and BLOOM into what IS. We invite you to share your experiences by connecting here: [email protected]

Page 5: Blooming Humans · 2014-01-24 · Chapter 1 . Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials . Every adventure, journey, and vision quest is greatly aided by planning,

Activation Kit Contents

1. Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials

2. Charting the Journey Creating Sacred Space and Clarifying Intent

3. Activating the Dream Seed Initiation, Meditation, Calibration

4. Dream Streaming Exploring Inner Space and Attuning to the Flow of Life

5. Reality Bending

Roots, Shoots and Superluminal Growth


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6. Flowering Bliss Divine Union and the Great Coming Together

7. Loving the Beauty Way Contemplation, Observation and the One Breath meditation

8. Garden of Illuminated Hearts Birthing New Reality

9. Go-Vocation Epigenesis, Entelechy, and Ekstasis ~ The Whole-Ye Trinity


The Age of Flowers and the Power of Self-Love  


Page 7: Blooming Humans · 2014-01-24 · Chapter 1 . Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials . Every adventure, journey, and vision quest is greatly aided by planning,

Chapter 1

Provisions for the Quest Supply Satchel, Gathering the Essentials

Every adventure, journey, and vision quest is greatly aided by planning,

fore-thought and preparation. It is highly recommended that you set aside an entire day for the Dream Seed Activation. Gift yourself sacred space to let go of daily demands – work, family, televisions, computers, email, phones and other day-to-day attention grabbers.

By clearing space in your life, you are creating a void, a vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum, and once created, will immediately fill it with whatever your thoughts and intentions are calling in.

This is precisely the point – we want to release all that no longer serves; clearing the dross, muck and silt from the past in order to make room what is sparking!, growing and ready to BLOOM. Whether it is an entire day, or a few hours at a time, making room in your life for the Divine is vital for a thriving, fulfilling, joyful Life. Here is a list of supplies to enhance the journey:

• A NEW journal, (unlined is preferred … more freedom to let your imagination run wild!) dedicated to recording the adventure, journaling creative writing prompts, birthing heART pieces and much more. A good pen is always handy, too. I LOVE Pitt Indian ink pens. They are water-proof, acid free, and deeply rich in color.


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Of course, use whatever feels inspiring and comfortable for you. The choices are endless!

• Voice Recorder – A digital hand-held or tape recorder works nicely. You will be Dream Streaming into the device, and reviewing what comes thru. A good friend with great listening skills could also serve this purpose, or using built-in software on your computer, too. (Though our goal is to step away from the computer, as much as possible. So if you have strong discipline, and can resist the urge to check email, recording via computer may be a good option.)

• A printed copy of this kit, with blank pages included.

• Lots of clear, fresh water to nourish the body, keep you hydrated and in the flow. Glass drinking containers are always preferable to plastic, and be sure to give the water a bit of a swirl before you take a drink each time. This helps to re-structure and enliven the water. In case you’re wondering how much water is sufficient for our daily needs: Take your weight in lbs., divide it in half and that number (in ounces) is your minimum daily water requirements.

• Serenity and Solitude. This can be a quiet room in your home, or even a comfy spot under your favorite tree. Candles, Sacred items for an altar, fresh flowers, sage or incense, corn meal or tobacco for making offerings and any other natural materials that will help create a connection to Mother Earth, and Sacred Space for you to relax, open up and tune into the Wellspring of Wisdom within.

• Healthy snacks such as fresh fruits and veggies, yummy chocolates, raw kale crisps (personal favorite), hummus and crackers or any other easy to prepare goodies that will keep your energy high, and

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attentions tuned to the task at Heart. These are, of course, just a few suggestions … an infinitely diverse bounty of earthly treats are up for the picking.

• A copy of the Dream Seed Activation Meditation. Download instructions for the MP3 Meditation come with this Kit. Choose a soothing spot, and enjoy flowing through the full meditation for the initial listening. It is simple, yet contains the essentials for a thriving Life and will open you to Infinite Combinations in Infinite Diversity … New Reality Birthing through YOU . In-Joy)


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Chapter 2

Charting the Journey

Creating Sacred Space and Clarifying Intent

“Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi

Every journey begins with a single step, a seed-thought, a dream. It is the following steps that define our lives and lead us through our Destiny.

Consider the contents of the Dream Seed Activation Kit as tools, supplies, assistance and guides along the way. It is up to you to decide when and how to use them. An outline is offered here for those who enjoy step-by-step sequencing, blueprints and/or ceremonial flow.

However, this is just the jumping off spot, a place to begin. There is no set path, or progression, for this is your personal, epic adventure into the Heart of awakened, conscious co-creation. There is no right or wrong way to leverage these power-filled tools.

Prior to embarking on this Great Adventure, consider reading thru this entire course. Immerse yourself in these energetic fields of pregnant possibility, explore the landscape, and enjoy a panoramic view of what is here … what is waiting for you.

Tune into to which offerings/activities creative a spark!, a shift, a subtle and even triumphant, “YES!” These are your allies, support team, and co-conspirators in life-enhancing change.


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Whether you follow the step-by-step journey offered here, or chart your own foray into the Heart of creation, you’ve already made the most powerful choice: to BEGIN.

Creating Sacred Space

Opening ourselves to the Power of Now, and aligning our Body-Mind-Spirit with the Divine, creates portals of possibility.

As we let go of pre-conceived notions, limiting thoughts, attachments, fears and earthly obligations – for even a small space each day - we create a vacuum that draws to us our Hearts deepest longing. In this Sacred Space of creation, we calibrate our consciousness to the vibration of Love, and are given insight, guidance, and clarity.

Consider setting aside 20-30 minutes, preferably at the start of each day, to be still, Enter the Silence and listen to the space between each breath … for this is where Love lives. Even 10 minutes a day works wonders, a small investment for a thriving Life. Let go, Enter the Silence and come home to the heart of Now … Well-Come and In-Joy.

Entering the Silence is a gentle, yet powerful practice for clarifying the ‘I AM’ presence. By daily choosing to purify our thoughts, emotions and feelings, we enhance our ability to respond to the flow of day-to-day life with grace and ease. We gain decisiveness in living our Truth by identifying what empowers us, what ‘works’ for us, and what is acceptable, honoring and life-affirming.


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Daily meditation, or Entering the Silence, balances our life force energies, assists in Authentic Expression of our True Self, and enhances our active participation in Birthing New Reality.

For this exercise, choose a spot where you will be undisturbed. If necessary notify family members, roommates, or others of your intent. Close the doors, or find your way to a place in Nature that feels peaceful, inspiring and nurturing. Lighting a candle, smudging with sage, and/or creating a simple altar with personal power items sets the tone for communion with the Divine, freeing our energy bodies to explore the Sacred Garden of the Heart. We Enter the Silence by first breathing deeply into the Heart – feeling the Great-Full-Ness of Life. When sensations and feelings in the body arise, breathe into the place where these feelings are located, maintaining awareness of the presence of the sensation without judging it as “negative” or “positive.”

Continuing to breathe into the center of our Hearts, we open the doors of the mind to learning, clear the intellect for coming to co-creative solutions, and balance the energy fields of the body as we are carried to the Source – Love – that resides at the center of our Being. We let go and let Love flow through every level of Self. We witness our thoughts, without identifying with them. We allow our Spirits to rise beyond the illusions of time and soar into infinite realms of possibility.

It is important to know and remember the intent you bring into this ceremony determines the outcome.

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Clarifying Intent

Focusing our intent and desires on ‘Activating our Dream Seed’ puts the cosmic forces of creation in motion, sparking to Life what is ready to Bloom within YOU! Expect Success, trust in Divine Providence to guide the Way, and release all attachment to how the journey unfolds.

Remember, each Dream Seed carries the Source Code of Love, and once activated, begins to go, grow, flow and Bloom into infinite combinations of infinite diversity.

As our initial intent is simple, to ‘Activate our Dream Seed’, the mind is released to witness the beauty of the unfolding, raising our vibrations to transmute limiting ideas of the past, disempowering beliefs or self-nullifying programs. We allow ourselves to grow and flow into the Mystery, and with serenity and wonder in our Hearts, witness the Birthing of a New Reality.

Now that our Sacred Space is created, our intent clarified, we are free to Show Up and Shine, to Bloom and thrive! You may wish to have a journal handy to record what comes thru each session, especially for the initial Activation, found in the next chapter. Important Note: Please release any urge to break the flow of the meditation session. Let it unfold naturally, only afterwards recording the images, thoughts, symbols and guidance that come thru. This lends to mastery of focus, energy and trust in the process.


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Chapter 3

Activating the Dream Seed Initiation, Meditation, Calibration

Come, said the muse. Sing me a song no poet has chanted.

Sing me the universal. In this broad earth of ours,

Amid the measureless grossness and the slag Enclosed and safe within its central heart,

Nestles the seed perfection. By every life a share or more or less

None born but it is born Conceal’d or unconceal’d, the seed is waiting.

~ Walt Whitman


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Now that we’ve explored Creating Sacred Space, Entering the Silence as a meditation practice, and Clarified Intent, it is time to initiate the Activation of our Dream Seed.

This is a simple, yet power-filled experiential journey to the center of the Heart. You will want to set aside ample time to allow for full activation, integration, in-visioning and recording the unfolding. An hour, at minimum, is suggested. Plan accordingly. To prepare for the Dream Seed Activation, you will want: * An open heart, clear mind, and a willing Spirit. (If you feel rushed, agitated, tired or unable to fully focus, return to the Activation at another time. You will be grateful you did!) * Access to the Dream Seed Activation Meditation. Headphones are encouraged, for full immersion in the experience. * A glass of pure, clean water. * Prepared Sacred Space, including smudge, power items, loose clothing, and perhaps a blanket or shawl to keep comfortable. These are only suggestions. You will, of course, be drawn to the perfect accompaniments for the journey. * Notebook and writing instrument(s) to record the ah-ha’s, insights, images, feelings and sensations of the journey. Let’s Begin … Hold a glass of clear, pure water to the Heart, in-visioning something or someone you are grateful for. Once the image is in mind, release its form, allowing only the feeling to remain.

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Amplify this feeling; magnify it; pulse, flood, and flow this Source force energy through every watery cell in your body. By the power of thought, and the nature of creation, you are imbuing the water in your grasp with Love and Gratitude, as well. In-Visioning the intent to Activate your Dream Seed clearly-at-heart and firmly-in-mind, drink deeply of the Waters of Life.

Feel the waters hydrating the body and enlivening the mind. Imagine this liquid Love flowing through all seven layers of the Sacred Heart, arriving at the center point where the Dream Seed resides. See the Waters of Life surrounding and immersing the Dream Seed in an awakening embrace.

Give thanks it is so.

Now, listen to the recorded activation visualization, from beginning to end.

Let each word illuminate the inner space of the Heart, activating the Dream Seed within. Fully surrender to the experience, integrating and allowing each stage of Creation to unfold, know YOU ARE THIS, and so much more!

Now it is time to Enter the Silence.

Close the eyes, breathe into the Heart and feel the Great-Full-Ness of Life. Releasing the ‘words’ of the activation, attune to the Love-filled energy of the visualization. Allow your consciousness to rest in the Sacred Heart, listening to the space between each breath.

As thoughts arise, witness each as if they are leaves floating on a stream of Light, being carried away with grace and ease. Beyond thought, Spirit takes flight … Spiraling into realms of infinite possibility, rising to gift a Higher perspective on Life.

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Allow yourself to simply BE in this place of Self-Love. Body-mind-Spirit are being recalibrated, New Reality is Birthing within and through YOU! Through US! All that IS … and All our Relations, too.

When you feel complete, give yourself one more deep breath. Fully releasing, open your eyes - to Love.

Giving thanks for the Dream Seed now Blooming within and drinking deeply again of the Waters of Life, know you are LOVE. Welcome Home, Beloved. Journaling the experience now will enhance recognition of messages received, insights, feelings, ah-ha’s, symbols, animal guides and otherwise.

Be specific, recording as each as they arrive, releasing the urge to edit, doubt, or rationalize the experience. Remember … What transpires is perfect for you!


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Chapter 4

Dream Streaming Exploring Inner Space and Attuning to the Flow of


Dream Streaming in a method of leveraging the power of the waking dream, using visualization to guide, empower and facilitate a thriving Life.

Dream Streaming is a free-form meditation where we intentionally allow our inner-vision to flow and unfold, describing in great detail all that passes before our eyes. Noting colors, textures, temperature, luminosity, smells, vibrations, form and sounds attunes our senses to the Ever Present Now, opening doorways into the unseen world of Spirit.

What our attention rests upon is made manifest. We are all the Seed of the Sacred Being. We are all LOVE blooming, eternally flowing from one form to another.

As we Master our thoughts, first by Entering the Silence, and now through Dream Streaming, we become fully endowed to tap the genius within, identifying power symbols, totems, and guides while accessing the Super-Consciousness.


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Now that our Dream Seed is activated, we’ll use Dream Streaming to expand our awareness of what is budding, blooming and fruiting within.

For this Dream Streaming exercise, you will want:

* A hand-held voice recorder, a computer microphone and recording software or an attentive, loving companion willing to listen, remember and reflect your Dream Streaming session. * Notebook to record the highlights, symbols, visions and ah-ha’s that flow through. * 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted time in a quiet, sacred space. Let’s Begin … Find a comfortable place, away from the distractions of the day. Turn off the telephone, TV, computer or other attention grabbing devices. Turn on your recording instrument, or sit and face your companion.

Giving yourself a deep breath, release fully and relax. Let go of tension in the body, soften the gaze and close the eyes.

Keeping the eyes closed, place your attention and focus on the Sacred Space at the center of your Heart, the place where Love lives. Imagine a Light softly shining. It is the luminous body of the Dream Seed.

Begin describing what you “see” in your inner-vision. Let the Dream Streaming journey unfold. Be patient with the process, continuing to vocalize the experience down to the smallest, most intricate detail.

DO NOT STOP. Release any urge to analyze, second-guess, critique or interrupt the Dream Stream. Instead, fully surrender to the moment, simply witnessing and articulating what flows through. If it occurs to you, express it! Continue this for 10-20 mins.

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Once complete, use your notebook to capture the essentials, recording specific details that stand out, ease or difficulty in Dream Streaming, and any surprising occurrences, themes or characters. Go back and listen to the recording, or have your companion reflect the Dream Stream back to you.

Are you surprised by what you hear? Do you remember what is next on the recording, as it plays? What emotions describe this experience? What stands out now, and creates a zing! on hearing it? Take all of these into your Heart, as reflections of Love, to provide clarity, insight and guidance. Re-centering in the Present, we discover our inner vision is strong, power-filled, and easily accessed to support our journey. Instant benefits!

Dream Streaming is a dynamic tool for enhancing intuition, growing Self-Trust, freeing our imagination and refining our Discernment through Self-inquiry. To some, this tool is as easy as breathing. For others, it may take a bit of practice to master. While perhaps awkward at first, the benefits of being able to engage the inner genius *at will* far out-weigh the “growing pains” of training the mind to let go and flow with what may come. Vocalization of the vision assists in developing acumen, skill and trust in the process, and recording the Dream Stream is a way to capture everything that comes, though it is certainly not mandatory. Silent Dream Streaming is just as powerful and effective, and you may quickly find there is no need to outwardly speak or record the unfolding. Choose what works best for you.

As you continue using Dream Streaming, you will find it a powerful ally in conscious creation, manifestation, and actualization of intent.

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Consider spending a few minutes each day attuning to the Flowering Tree of Love now thriving in the Sacred Heart Space, while simultaneously focusing on a question, intention or present possibility.

Let go, allowing the Dream Stream to flow from this Love-filled space of inspiration and pure potentiality. Beauty’s Wisdom is revealed in every breath. Infinite Combinations in Infinite Diversity spontaneously surface. Clarity is our Gift, as we continue to Dream Stream away!

At the depths of every Human Being exists an unfathomable potential. Tap this potential, and a holy metamorphosis takes place, inner Peace reigns and the world begins to Bloom – both within our Hearts unto All spaces of creation. Each time we enter the Dream Stream, the Waking Dream, we see the contents of our Hearts … and know ourselves to BE LOVE. Blessed BE!


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Chapter 5

Reality Bending Roots, Shoots and Super-Luminal


“You are more powerful than you currently realize. You are tapped into the creative source of the universe. Your imagination is real power. Your creative powers are of the same nature that

created the stars, planets, and everything in them. You can program your internal being to manifest whatever you would like to experience into your physical reality.”

~ Gagnez LeJeu


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“As above, so below So within, So without

As the Universe, so the Soul.”

Twisting roots ground into Earth, while spiraling shoots rise to meet the Light. Each a fractal mirror of the other, an ever flowering expression of the Source Code of Love, designed to fulfill and support the continuance of Life.

Our Dream Seed now activated, we are the Tree of Love.

As we center our consciousness in the Sacred Space of the Heart, our thoughts are quickened into being by the magnetism of our Hearts field, our intentions manifesting through the Law of Gravity.

As Mike Dooley of shares, “Thoughts become things. Choose the good Ones.”

One way to describe this is Reality Bending – conscious co-creation.

Now, let’s return to the Dream Seed Activation visualization. Here we witnessed a Dream Seed sending roots to the crystalline core of Changing Mother, and shoots rising into the HeartFire of the Giver of All Life – our Sun - growing to reveal a glowing Tree of Love blooming within our Hearts.

This Tree of Love, quickened by our ability to in-vision its unfolding, grew in the space of a few minutes. What might have taken a life-time to manifest in the material realm, is now accomplished in the blink of an eye – in the Sacred Space of our Hearts and the channels of the Divine Mind.

We accelerated the manifestation and realization of an intention within our hearts, first, thus programming the morphogenetic field (also called the Unified Field) to respond in kind.

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This is Reality Bending … Superluminal growth. ‘Superluminal’ is defined as being ‘faster than the speed of Light’.

What is faster than the speed of Light?

Love -- for Love is the Source of Light. Love is the Alpha and the Omega – the point of Origin and the Destination (Destiny).

As our state of vibration consistently rises into the higher spectrums of Gratitude, Joy, Appreciation and Love, we find our ability to manifest our Hearts intent quickened and accelerated; our waking dreams are brought to fruition with Grace and Ease.

As we enter the Age of Peace and Illumination, our Dream Seeds giving Birth to New Reality, we will find Reality Bending a valuable asset.


Our thoughts become things, they create our reality. By choosing to leverage the power of our frequency (kinetic energy) towards manifestation, we bring ourselves into a space of completion and fulfillment in a concentrated space of time.

Reality Bending disciplines our Mind to act as an Agent of the Heart – we begin to ‘think with our Hearts and Love with our minds’.

Once we see in our minds, complete and whole, a vision the Heart has set forward, we anchor in the energy of completion – and this flows forward as Gratitude and Appreciation.

As we witness our intention manifesting within, feeling Gratitude for having seen and experienced our waking dreams, our visions become our reality. ‘So within, so without’. In this place of clarity, focus and trust, we release doubt, resistance, and fear and surrender to the Divine Flow.

Inner change = Outer change = Birthing New Reality … it is as simple as this!

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Let’s dive into the Heart of Reality Bending. For this Reality Bending exercise, you’ll want:

* 10-20 mins of uninterrupted, peaceful space to close your eyes, let go, and play with the speed of inner-visions as they unfold. Let’s begin … Close your eyes, give yourself a deep breath, and call into your inner-vision the Dream Seed Activation visualization. See the roots and shoots deepening and rising to bridge Heaven and Earth. Allow the Tree of Love to grow in the inner-vision. Witness the roots turning, weaving, diving deep into the Heart of Changing Mother. Smell the damp, life-giving soil. Listen as the Dream Seed shoots toward the Sky, life-supporting sap flowing through each bud and branch - gurgling, squooshing, effervescent and power-filled. Feel the winds of your breath move through the branches, bending and strengthening the body of the Tree of Love. Taste the sweet nectar of each blooming flower as it opens its Heart.

Engage all your senses in the experience, fully aligning Body-Mind-Spirit. When you see the Tree of Love in its fullness, give yourself another breath and give thanks THIS IS SO. Release this breath fully … AHHHHHHHHhhhhhh.

Returning to the Heart, begin the vision again. This time, rapidly accelerate its growth from activation to full, blooming, beauteous Glory. Take note of the sensation of time-warping, the experience of Reality Bending. Feel the power of being able to manifest with grace and ease, adroitness and speed.

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Now familiar with Reality Bending, in relation to our Dream Seed Activation, you are invited to apply this exercise toward fulfillment of current, and future endeavors.

When you set your Heart upon the fulfillment of a dream or speedy completion of a task, simply step out of time into the Superluminal field of the Heart-Mind and practice Reality Bending. Take one minute to five minutes and “See it through” from Seed to Root, Shoot to Bloom, Flower to Fruit. Use all your senses, bringing the vision into full-spectrum manifestation. Marinate in it, wholly and completely. In Gratitude and Appreciation, experience the fulfillment of your Waking Dreams!


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Chapter 6

Flowering Bliss

Divine Union and the Great Coming Together 


'Omni Conjungo', I unite all. "

~ Sophia's Song


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Indigenous tribes, Ancient texts and prophecies speak of the Age of Enlightenment, The Great Coming Together, and the Return of the Children of the four Directions – The Rainbow Warriors. The Great Coming Together of Humanity is the catalyst for our exodus from the Fourth World of Illusion and Separation, and opens the Way into the Fifth World – the Age of Peace and Illumination. This cosmic coming together – the Divine Union – begins first within. It is the merging of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine; the marriage Heaven and Earth; At-One-Meant of Dark and Light. This takes places first within the Heart, flowering into a harmonious expression of the Divine Self, and is then made manifest in our outer world. Our Tree of Love, now Blooming and thriving within, is a visceral, power-filled Waking Dream that gifts us with inner-knowing, prescience and attunement to the energies of the Fifth World. Peace and Illumination fills the Sacred Space our hearts. Blessed BE! Now imagine … just as you have started on this journey of Activation and Awakening, others across the face of Changing Mother are along for the wild, ecstatic ride, too! Proceed with Open Heart, for it is balm upon a traveler’s soul.

We are all seekers, seers, Earth Keepers and conscious creators…. Let US remember we are All One, each uniquely endowed with a Divine space of possibility held sacred at the Heart of Human Kind.

As you can imagine, Our Tree of Love is one of many in the Garden of Creation. Take a moment to imagine the planet over-flowering with Trees of Love. See the beauty of countless Souls activating their Dream Seeds - roots meeting and interweaving in the body of Changing Mother; branches over-lapping to create a canopy of connection; Blooming flowers cross-pollinating to reveal our Oneness, our inter-connectivity, and the power of diversity.

We are the Great Coming Together.

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Now use your visioning powers to rocket into space, then turning to face our Changing Mother to witness the brilliant beauty of She who is now -crowned by a Blooming Garden of Love. Much like a Mandala, which begins from a center point, then grows and streams in an intricate procession of flowering possibility, so too does our World, and our Hearts, as they open to Love.

Mandala making is an ancient art ripe with creative freedom, symmetry, synergy, and surrender. Why surrender? It is when we let go, and step into the creative flow, allowing our Divine impulse space to unfold that we free the inner genius and reveal the Beauty that we are.

In the following activity, you will be birthing a Mandala … One that begins with a Dream Seed at the center, Blossoming as a reflection of the Illuminated Heart within YOU. There are, of course, an infinite number of ways to birth a Mandala. The method offered here is simple, fun and easy. Enjoy!

Here are the tools you will want for this Mandala creation exercise:

* Unlined paper, a good ink pen and coloring tools of your choice – markers, colored pencils, chalks or otherwise. Whatever feels good in the hand and inspiring to the Eye.

* Sacred Space to unwind, let go, and have fun diving into the creative flow. Lets Begin … At the center of your page, draw a Symbol of Gratitude. The symbol of Gratitude is a cosmic container for the Dream Seed, and is a gateway to Love.

What a wonder-filled way to begin, yes?

Next, add eight equal-length spokes around the Symbol. This is the Heart of your Mandala, and the initial pathways of Creation. Here is an image of the set-up:

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From here, chose a single stroke, shape or form and add it to each spoke. Choose another form, symbol or shape, adding it to each direction of the growing Mandala. (It helps to turn the page as you go, creating a mini-vortex as you creatively flow!)

Here is an example of a budding Mandala, with the first six additions, listed in order, so you can get a clear visual:

Continue to add-to, build-on, shape and grow your Mandala til you feel complete. Remember – perfection is in the process. There is no wrong or right here – this is about granting Yourself absolute freedom to unleash the creative genius within.   30

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To add power to your Mandala, you may wish to include symbols with personal meaning to you: Your Sun Sign, sacred geometry symbols, platonic solids, animal totems, life-numbers, etc.

Remember – everything here is fair game. If you don’t like the first one – scrap it! Begin again. This is part of claiming our personal, creative power – to keep what’s worth keeping and return the rest to Love.

Beginning in Gratitude, we open pathways for Beauty to flow in the World.

One stroke, one line, one power-filled symbol at a time, we weave a Great Coming Together – a Divine Union of Heart and Mind, Art and time merging to blissfully reveal the Blooming Human in YOU!


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Chapter 7

Loving the Beauty Way

Contemplation, Observation and the One Breath meditation

“The only healing needed, in any situation, is complete awareness. If life seems confusing, it is because we have failed to go beyond our small-story way of thinking, so we can view life from an expanded point of view. We can medicate, meditate, and complicate our lives with ridiculous attempts at controlling destiny—or we can stand in awe, gazing steadily into the mirrors that are before us, owning what is there—and be transformed. “

~ The Reconnection

Beauty is nourishment for the Soul. It is found in all things, when we have the Heart to see and Faith to believe. Beauty is our True Divine Nature, and it is only when we fall into divided thinking that we perceive and judge the world as good or bad, wrong or right, inadvertently creating an illusion of separation and atrophying our connection to Divine Source, Love and Appreciation.

Contemplation and observation are essential to transcending judgment, criticism, or self-nullifying thoughts and behaviors. By courageously shifting into the role of Witness, releasing any attachment to what is before us, simply observing the unfolding -- as it is -- insight, wisdom and understanding rise to in-lighten our Hearts and Mind. Self-Love, and Love for others, too, blooms as ever-widening compassion, understanding and acceptance of Self.   32

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One vital element to thriving in our emerging reality is Self-Love. In the face of contention, judgment or confusion a simple, power-filled way to return to Self-Love, our place of power, is to give ourselves a deep breath, and fully release. This is called the Single Breath Meditation.

In one breath, we return Home to Heart of Now. When we focus on our breath, we are immediately connected to the energy of Life. Every breath is a prayer of Gratitude, and Love lives in the space between each breath. Give, Receive. In, Out. Go and Flow. Each time we remember to consciously breathe, we transcend polarity and return to Unity consciousness and At-One-Meant with All that IS. Here we discover the Beauty of Now, imprinting our energy field with Gratitude and Appreciation to deliver more and more to be Grateful for!

For this exercise, we will be focusing on the Mandala we just birthed. Did you complete one? As so, have it handy. If otherwise, choose one of the images included in this Kit that calls to you.

Lets Begin … Breathe deeply into your Heart. Feel the Great-Full-Ness of Life nourishing the body, firing the Soul and enlivening the mind. Fully release this breath … clearing out the old to make room for NOW.

Gazing at your Mandala, or one of the HeART pieces here, allow your focus to soften, your Heart to open, and your consciousness to flow through the Mandala. Observe the sensations springing up. Witness thoughts as they surface, without identifying with them; Simply allow each to arise as an energetic precession of present-moment awareness awakening your senses to the Beauty of All that IS.

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As you do, insights will begin to arise - Ah-ha’s connecting the stages of initiation we have completed, so far.

In this Mandala is embedded a universal, yet highly personal message for you. Allow yourself to fully receive this gift, for it is Divinely timed - like a cosmic time-capsule - to provide a reflection of the perfection that is YOU! Contemplate and observe the experience. Immerse yourself in the magnificence of your creative power! Marinate in the juicy-ness of your Unique essence! Bask in the brilliance of your Being and know you are Love! You are Loved! You are a Beloved Child of creation – A Blooming Human Birthing New Reality.

What messages came thru the Mandala for you? What Ah-ha’s, insights, wisdom bits and clarity came thru? Spend a few moments journaling the experience, recording the essentials from the biggies right down to the smallest of details – anything that sparks! Inspires! and is delightful to you.

If you found yourself critical of your efforts or experience, be gentle with yourself and know this – it is in our willingness to observe ourselves, through the lens of Love, that we are transformed. Spending time in contemplation and observation is a power-filled way to walk through the fires of transformation – forging Trust in Self, acceptance, Appreciation for Life, and an awareness of present energies and creative possibilities. Be still, and watch yourself awaken, flower and Bloom!


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Chapter 8

Garden of Illuminated Hearts

Birthing New Reality

“May our hearts garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Self-Love is the well-spring of Kindness, Compassion, Truth, Freedom, Beauty and Appreciation … all expressions of an Illuminated Heart. In activating our Dream Seeds, we are Birthing New Reality, reconnecting to the Source Code of Love, and streaming this through our Hearts into the World. This Love magnetizes to it vibrationally-matched experiences, drawing to us abundance, creativity, delightful relationships and fulfillment of our dreams. In recognizing our outer reality is simply a projection of inner state of being – our vibration – we are empowered to shift our individual consciousness, and so we change the world.


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Accepting we create our own reality precipitates responsible co-creation, life-affirming action and attunes our Being-ness to the Superluminal nature of Love. We choose Self-Love, and in this, all things are possible. Blessed be! Our Journey through the Dream Seed Activation is guiding us through Initiation into Self-Love, Mastery and Appreciation for All that IS. By joining together for this journey, we share a common vision – Dream Seeding and Birthing New Reality. Here, our hearts beat in Unity as our consciousness flowers to reveal new pathways infused with infinite combinations, in infinite diversity. Together, we are leveraging group-dynamics, the power of collective thought, and the dazzling energies of mass transformation flooding the planet at this time, in order to fulfill our unique Soul Code in the Age of Peace and Illumination. As One, we are co-creating a global Garden of Illuminated Hearts, and in this space of nascent possibility – The Earth will be gloriously reborn! Simultaneously, as our planetary vibration is quickening to a Superluminal expression of Life, it is our Joy in Life to apply our wisdom and skills in favor of All – Blooming Humans are WE!

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As we prepare to enter our next exercise, let’s review Initiations and Activations, so far:

* Gathered our Resources in preparation for our Journey * Created Sacred Space and Clarified our Intent * Activated our Dream Seeds to give Life to our Trees of Love * Calibrated our Hearts through Unified Focus * Entered the Dream Stream to reveal inner-visions * Experienced time-warping and accelerated manifesting through the art of Reality Bending.

* Merged Thought, Intent and Action to birth a new, art-full expression of Love and Gratitude.

* Contemplated and Observed the Beauty of All that IS before us, opening ourselves to further wisdom, insight, clarity and Divine guidance.

* Entrance into the Garden of our Illuminated Hearts.

Congratulations! By rooting into the wisdom of each Initiation, we are deepening personal power, disciplining thought towards harmonious expression, aligning with the Natural rhythms of Life, and branching out to Birth New Reality. Now, for our current exercise, we will leverage the power contained in each discipline/initiation to fully merge with the Tree of Love within, and receive personal revelation: a universal-yet-personal vision, designed by your Highest Self, to take you through a Portal of Transcendence, awaken divine qualities through meditation, contemplation and action so your Divine identity is revealed to you in its entirety.

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This is your journey into Full Presence and Life-Purpose. For this exercise, you will want: * An hour, or more, to enjoy the journey. * Sacred Space, including and power items, candles, sage/smudge, and water to keep hydrated. This can be done indoors in quiet solitude, however, it is highly recommended you consider resting under your favorite tree for this one. Trees act like Cosmic Antennae for the Divine to channel and flow from heaven to earth, and also the reverse. Remember, the Buddha found enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. * A copy of this exercise, or read through until it is anchored within. * Journal to record what comes thru for you. Lets Begin: Seated in a quiet space, or under your favorite tree, close your eyes and enter the Silence. Breathing deeply into the Heart, imagine this breath is flowing through the HeartFire glowing in the crystalline core of your Sacred Heart Space. Purified by the Light of Love, release this Breath of Life fully and completely making space for NOW to enter you.

Holding intent to receive vision, invite Spirit to reveal the answers to this profound, life-enhancing question: “What is my unique role in Birthing New Reality?”

Breathing deeply, yet peacefully, fix your full attention and focus in the Heart.

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Re-Invision the Dream Seed Activation. Feel its roots growing down through your legs into the core of Changing Mother, see its shoots and branches rising to meet the HeartFire of the Giver of All Life – the Sun. Using your Reality Bending skills, witness a Tree of Love taking shape at Superluminal speeds – branching, budding, flowering and fruiting – connecting Heaven and Earth at the Heart of YOU. Once this vision is anchored deeply, clearly, and presently within, you will see a doorway at the Heart of the Tree of Love, illuminated and inviting. With pure intent to unveil ‘Your role in Birthing New Reality’, feel your consciousness streaming through this portal of Transcendence. Entering the Dream Stream of the Tree of Love, freely allowing the Sacred Vision to unfold, observe what arises with openness, awe and wonder, releasing attachment to what comes and goes. You are witnessing the emergence of the Blooming Human that is YOU. Stay in this silent space until you are filled with Gratitude. As you feel complete, take a few moments to return home to the Present. Calling your energy into the Sacred Heart Space, give thanks for being ALIVE! … for the revelation, insights, signs and guidance that have come thru. This is a great time to drink of the Waters of Life, savoring the serenity of the moment. As a carrier of Spirit, water holds memory. Drinking now will impregnate the Spirit of the Journey into the crystalline memory of the water, enhancing access and re-call later. It’s time to journal the experience. Download and record the Visions revealed, taking care to note all that rises to be remembered. Be specific, recording sensations, images, symbols, messages, striking synchronicities to real-life ponderings or current events, as well as any questions arising.

Full integration, awareness and understanding will continue to unfold over the next three days and nights. Consider keeping your journal handy to record further insights, especially for the dreams that come thru

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at night. Drink plenty of water, make room for extra-rest, as needed, and be present to the stream of Love now flowing thru you. Thank you, Beloved, for choosing to show up and Shine! Thank you for trusting in your ability traverse the landscape of the Heart, and for claiming your Divine birth-rite to thrive. From this point forward, as it has always been, know that everything we do is weaving an invisible web of interconnectivity. Our vibration, in every moment, is attracting to us precisely what we require to grow, thrive and succeed …. providing the essentials for a thriving Life. We are the Tree of Love breathing in the Illuminated Garden of our Hearts, Birthing New Reality one thought, one breath, one dream at a time.


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Chapter 9


Epigenesis, Entelechy, and Ekstasis ~ The Whole-Ye Trinity

"Kind hearts are the gardens, Kind thoughts are the roots, Kind words are the flowers, Kind deeds are the fruits.

Take care of your garden And keep out the weeds,

Fill it with sunshine Kind words and kind deeds."

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Maria Yraceburu, Apache Holy One and ‘tsanti of the Earth Wisdom organization teaches us, “All prophecy is Self-Fulfilling prophecy.” This is a profound Truth, inviting us to remember the power our thoughts, emotions and actions have in creating our reality. We currently live in an age of Prophecy and Revelation. Each prophecy uttered, whether through indigenous tribe or ancient scribe, calls our attention to our current path and what might happen if we do nothing to alter its course.


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Prophecies are intended as an early-warning system, in case of mis-alignment, and as guidance toward realizing our intentions and dreams. In every case, Prophecies are self-fulfilled. When we hear prophecies that speak of death, destruction and imbalance, it is vital to remember we can change our course, and choose again.

Through our Journey of Activation, Initiation and Revelation, we are re-aligning our Spirit-Body-Mind with the energy of Love. We are creating new prophecies for ourselves, and charting Pathways into the Age of Peace and Illumination. Our inner-state, our vibration, is consistently informing the Unified Field of creation what prophecies – intentions, visions and soul callings – we are choosing to fulfill. Once activated, our Dream Seeds are informing the Unified field of our current intentions, visions, and callings. Our Self-Fulfilling Prophecy becomes our path to Birthing New Reality.

Go – Vocation “Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist.

We are collaborators in creation.” ~ Teilhard de Chardin

Epigenesis, Entelechy, and Ekstasis are three power-filled principles, together forming the essence of Go-Vocation.

What is a Go-Vocation?

A Soul-calling, passionate pursuit, or self-initiated role.

Barbara Marx Hubbard refers to this as ‘Vocational Arousal’, the awakening of the fiery passion to follow our Bliss. Epigenesis, Entelechy and Ekstasis all play an essential role in fulfilling our Divine Path, passions and unique callings in the world.

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Lets take a look at Webster’s definition of each: Epigenesis n. ~ The theory that an individual is developed by successive differentiation of an unstructured egg rather than by simple enlarging of a preformed entity.

Entelechy n. ~ A vital force that directs an organism toward self-fulfillment.

Ekstasis n. ~ To stand outside one’s self; freedom from perceived limitations of time and space; an intense feeling of joy; rapture. Epigenesis reveals the Divinely designed propensity of any seed, egg or cell to develop in an open-source manner. While it carries the coding of its Source, it is not bound to manifest as an exact replica. Rather, it draws information from the environment, and differentiates its structure to respond and grow in a life-affirming way. This is a perfect description of the power of the Dream Seed, now activated within. It is imbued with the Source Code of Love, able to produce infinite combinations in infinite diversity – all based on vibratory state within. Entelechy, a vital force directing us toward self-fulfillment, is all about bringing to Life the possibilities encoded within. Entelechy is energetic alignment with our special purpose, our unique role in Birthing New Reality, as well as the innate ability to thrive and succeed. Ekstasis is the gift of the experience, the Joy and rapture we feel as we live from center, follow our Bliss and fulfill our role in Birthing New Reality. A high-vibratory expression, Ekstasis, becomes our natural state of being

as we remain true to our Go-Vocation.

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All together, these three elements create the Whole-Ye trinity of conscious creation, a spiraling vortex of ever-flowing possibility, kinetic energy and the Joy of manifest destiny. Shifting to embody our Soul’s highest Go-Vocation is how we consciously co-create and Birth New Reality. Simultaneously, we are shedding many patterns, habits, and senses of identity that no longer resonate with our newly chosen vibratory state … much like a tree sheds it leaves at the end of the season, in preparation for the next. Be gentle with yourself as you grow forward each day, knowing it is the journey that counts, rather than the destination.


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Fulfilling our Unique Role

Choosing to embody our True Divine Nature, and fulfill our unique role in Birthing New Reality is the greatest Gift we can give ourselves, and the World. This choice requires courage to face our fears, release of illusory limitations, Faith in our inherent ability to thrive, and a willingness to continuously return to center – to Love. Truly, nothing less will suffice. At this point in our journey, it is time to make a list of the thoughts, images, ideas, and perspectives that represent your unique role in Birthing New Reality. Grab your notebook, and flow these onto the pages. Be specific. Clarity counts. Consider this your ‘HU-manifesto’, a declaration of intent designed to energize the fulfillment and realization of your Dreams. In choosing to align Body-Mind-Spirit with our Souls calling, we experience Peace and Illumination in our Hearts. This radiates as a carrier wave, informing the Unified Field of our chosen reality. Thus, our vibration programs the Universal mechanism of deliverance to respond in kind, and we find resonant people, resources, guidance and opportunities gravitating TO US.

In this high-vibration of Self-Love, what we seek finds us. Alternately, in a low-vibratory state, we find ourselves using force to accomplish intentions, drawing ourselves out of center, and creating an imbalance in our field. When you find yourself drawn out of center by old-paradigm beliefs, dis-empowering thoughts or self-negating behaviors, refuse to feed them

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your energy. Instead, give thanks for the realization that your vibratory state has changed, and shift your energy and focus to the New Reality you are choosing in energize. This becomes easier over time, as we discipline ourselves to return to Love, create from center and choose anew to follow our Bliss.

Following our Bliss requires Clarity of Heart, Commitment to Self-Love and taking action toward fulfilling our Dreams. Remember, nothing happens until something moves, so BE the FIRST CAUSE. Right here, right now is the perfect time to begin. Lets Go . Take a look at the list you just created … the HU-manifesto. With   46

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Gratitude for what has just come through, focus on one item that most calls to you and take action on it – TODAY. Taking action affirms our intent, and keeps us centered in the flow of Life. In Thought, Word and Deed you are choosing the BE the FIRST CAUSE in Birthing New Reality! Daily Entering the Silence, Dream Streaming, focusing our energy toward completion of intent, and taking inspired action all serve to anchor our consciousness in our Heart, maintain our connection to Love, and keep us centered and anchored in our chosen New Reality. Each time we enter the Sacred Space of our Heart, opening ourselves to the flow of the Divine, further inspiration arises and new actions will be revealed. Make a covenant with yourself NOW, committing to ‘Fulfill your role in Birthing New Reality’, then create space each and every day to attune your thoughts and energies toward this goal. This is your chosen Go-Vocation, and pathway into the Age of Peace and Illumination. Through the Power of Love it is SO, and so it shall BE.


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The Age of Flowers and the Power of Self-Love

Light Will someday split you open Even if your life is now a cage. Little by little, You will turn into stars.

Little by little, You will turn into the whole sweet, amorous Universe. Love will surely burst you wide open into an unfettered, booming new galaxy.

You will become so free in a wonderful, secret and pure Love

That flows From a conscious, One-pointed, Infinite Light. Even then, my dear, The Beloved will have fulfilled Just a fraction, Just a fraction!

Of a promise He wrote upon your heart.

For a Divine Seed, the crown of destiny, Is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain You hold the title to.

O look again within yourself, for I know you were once the elegant host To all the marvels in creation.

When your soul begins

To ever bloom and laugh And spin in Eternal Ecstasy-

O little by little, You will turn into God. ~ Hafiz


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Change is afoot, Beloveds. Change is everywhere, pushing the boundaries of what we perceive as possible. As our vibrations shift and rise, our thoughts are manifesting very quickly. We live in a holographic Universe and where focus goes, energy flows.


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Activation of your Dream Seed has catalyzed the Birthing of New Reality. Your vision, your Soul Calling, is the most vital focus to have and hold right now. The ideal Life designed by YOU. Thank you for choosing to Show up and SHINE! Thank you for choosing to Think with your Heart and Love with your Mind. Thank you for playing the role that is yours, and yours alone, to fulfill. No greater gift can you give … or receive. It is vital to remember, Beloved, that you are not alone in this Dream Quest. Multitudes of Beloveds are Birthing New Reality, too. Activating Dream Seeds, growing their Trees of Love, and committing to fulfillment of their unique roles. This is creating a field of Blooming Humans, each Divinely endowed to thrive in Life, shining the Light of Love for all to see. Truly, a Great Coming Together! The Journey you’ve embarked on has only just begun. You will continue to notice a lightness of Heart as you awaken each day, enjoying clarity of mind as you choose to live the Beauty Way. As you daily choose to continue using the power-filled tools offered here: Entering the Silence, Dream Streaming, Reality Bending, Contemplation and Inspired Action …. you will discover intuition is enhanced, synchronous encounters with people, places and opportunities arriving, and a feeling of peace and contentment with Life.


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Activation/Visualization: Once upon a Dream

Once upon Dream, A Seed of Love awakens within the Heart of Humanity. Drawn by its Brilliant Light, our attentions quicken Life

in this Divine Space of Creation.

Radiant Beauty fills our Hearts as we witness the Dream Seed sparking!, spiraling, diversifying;

Roots rushing to Crystalline Core of Changing Mother Shoots rising to the HeartFire of Father Sky.

Now growing, glowing, weaving and flowing

through the Sacred Space of our Hearts, this Seed is becoming a living, breathing Tree of Love.

We are this Tree of Love.

Our roots are connection portals nourishing and sustaining the continuance of Life,

grounding our body, and strengthening our ability to thrive.

Our branches reach to drink the Light,

providing a Space of Love for each bud to blossom, each flower to fruit.

Blooming Humans are WE …


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Infinite Combinations in Infinite Diversity. We Birth New Reality

as One Heart, One World, One Love.

Beloveds! Our hearts now beat in Divine Union Each breath is a prayer of Gratitude. Our True Divine Nature Awakened,

we Re-member the Language of the World.

We enjoy Life with grace and ease, for we are Dreaming Awake the contents of our Heart.

Flowing in Harmony with the Seasons of Life,

we seed, nurture and harvest for the Good of All.

Abundance springs from being True to Self, We thrive in our Authentic Power;

Providence is ours, as we are open to receive.

Star Families, Masters, and Guides mirror Wisdom within, revealing the Ancient-Future-Now

in every thought-word-action-deed.

Leisure is our Joy-Full Expression of Thanks and Appreciation.

Our Spirits soar above the landscape of creation -- With Clarity of Vision, we follow our Bliss.

We are the Lineage of the Codes of Love,

Carrying the Source Code for Life.

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The wisdom of the Ancestors is ours for the asking, All we seek is found within.

Creator, Father Sky, Giver of All Life

we send out our voice of intent, Aligning our Will with Divine Will

in order to benefit Humanity and all Creation.

Changing Mother, Divine Mother Earth Guide us as we, too, are changing each day.

Teach us the Power of Love, so our Hearts will shine the Light of Life

through all Creation.

We take our Place in the Great Circle of Life, honoring All Our Relations.

In this Great Coming Together, We remember we are ONE

Our HeartFires ablaze,

our Spirits Lighted in Ecstasy We enter the Age of Peace and Illumination

We are ALIVE! We are ALIVE! We are ALIVE!

With Love-filled Hearts, we give thanks.

It is so, and so it IS. Blessed BE!



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About the Author

Stacey Robyn is the Co-Founder and Steward of Go Gratitude, World Gratitude, and the Blooming Humans HeArt Peace project. Stacey is widely known as an Ambassador of Gratitude, Visionary “HeArtist,” Teacher, Social Activist, and Author.

As a Spiral Dancer and apprentice to Maria Yraceburu, Apache Tlish Diyan Holy One and Founder of Earth Wisdom, Stacey engages in earth renewal rituals, energy tracking, studying earth-human resonance fields, and practices responsible co-creation by choosing to live The Beauty Way. Currently, Stacey serves on the Board of Directors for the Earth Wisdom community, is a creative advisor for the global nonprofit Dream One World, and an honored member of the Sisters of Honua organization.

Stacey’s vision and mission is to empower wisdom, oneness and a grateful heart by bridging ancient wisdom with emerging consciousness to birth a world that works for everyone … for this generation and for all generations to come.

