block2 session3 presentation

Web Sites Assets Design Usability My Fabulous Record Covers Dreamweaver Demonstration

Upload: michael-gwyther

Post on 17-May-2015




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  • 1. Web Sites Assets Design Usability My Fabulous Record Covers Dreamweaver Demonstration

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Web Sites

  • Collection of related web pages,
  • Maintained by specialists
  • Each web page is a separate HTML file
  • With frames, a web page may comprise many HTML files
  • Images and other multi-media components are separate files also, eg. GIF, JPEG, Flash etc

9. Web Sites Assets

  • Html pages (Content and Structure)
  • Photographs & Graphics (GIF & JPG)
  • Style Sheets (Structure and Design)
  • Flash
  • Audio (MP3, RA, Flash, WAV)
  • Video (QuickTime, MPEG, AVI, Flash)

10. Web Sites Assets

  • Must be self contained
  • Optimised
  • Browser friendly

11. Web design the Good

  • Site purpose is clear
  • Help users find what they need
  • Navigation easy
  • Visual design enhances not distracts
  • Less is more!
  • Graphics are meaningful
  • Alt text and titles

12. Web design the Bad

  • Animations
  • Orphan Pages
  • Long Scrolling Pages
  • Lack of Navigation Support
  • Outdated Information
  • Overly Long Download Times
  • Links that dont work

13. What do people do at websites?

  • They Scan - Users rarely read every word
  • Links
  • Key Words
  • Phrases
  • Reading from computer screens is about25% slowerthan reading from paper
  • People dont like reading from screens
  • Write 50% less text

14. Implications

  • Structure articles withheadlines
  • Use meaningful rather than "cute" headings
  • Usehighlighting and emphasisto make important words catch the user's eye.
  • Besuccinct
  • Write forscannability
  • Usehypertext (links to other pages)
  • Write 50% less text

15. Dreamweaver

  • Site Map
  • Common Tools
  • Property Inspector
  • File Manager
  • Views
  • A Simple Page

16. Next Live Tutorials Times

  • Wednesday 4 thJune,6.30-7.30pm AES

17. Thank you for playing