block 43b - onshore oman - oman bid round · 3 block ownership history over its history block 43b...

1 Block 43B - Onshore Oman SUMMARY Block 43B is an 11,967 km 2 area located along the coastal area of Oman north of the Hajar Mountains. This is an unexplored region, both geographically and stratigraphically. Block 43B has time-equivalent formations with the interior of Oman but these have not been explored in any depth. The known formations located in the block are well-displayed in outcrop. Those that are the most likely reservoirs are thick and comparable in rock properties to oil-bearing formations in the interior of Oman. In the subsurface within the block these potential reservoir rocks have had gas shows. Conventional gas is the main play type across the block. Oil is also possible since this block’s burial was not as deep as those to its south. While there have been no discoveries (only two wells have been drilled here) there are several prospects mapped across the block.

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Page 1: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


Block 43B - Onshore Oman


Block 43B is an 11,967 km2 area located along the coastal area of Oman north of the Hajar

Mountains. This is an unexplored region, both geographically and stratigraphically. Block 43B

has time-equivalent formations with the interior of Oman but these have not been explored

in any depth.

The known formations located in the block are well-displayed in outcrop. Those that are the

most likely reservoirs are thick and comparable in rock properties to oil-bearing formations

in the interior of Oman. In the subsurface within the block these potential reservoir rocks

have had gas shows.

Conventional gas is the main play type across the block. Oil is also possible since this block’s

burial was not as deep as those to its south. While there have been no discoveries (only two

wells have been drilled here) there are several prospects mapped across the block.

Page 2: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


Page 3: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco



Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum

Development (Oman) and Amoco. Other companies which have owned this block are:

Hawasina, LLC


Only two wells have been drilled. The first was drilled in 1985 by Amoco: the Barka-1. The last

well, the Hawasina-1, was drilled by MOL. The last owner of the block was MOL.


1,200 km of 2D seismic data

Block seismic base map, satellite image map and infrastructure map

Gravity data

Data for two wells

Seismic and well location base map


Page 4: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


Oman chronostratigraphic chart (GTS 2012 dates incorporated)

Page 5: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


The stratigraphic section that occurs within this block is predominated by Tertiary age

carbonates and clastics. The Eocene and Paleocene formations are the most significant

potential reservoirs. The Miocene through Pleistocene section has a complex stratigraphic

architecture. This section is potential reservoir. The Campanian age Al Khwad Formation is a

possible reservoir.

From a chronostratigraphic point of view the section within Block 43B is equivalent to the

post-Fars, Fars, Hadhramaut and Aruma groups.

Stratigraphic column for Block 43B

Page 6: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


Stratigraphic relationships for Block 43B. The base of the Al Khwad Formation is an unconformity.

In some areas this formation may sit directly upon ophiolites, as shown here.

Based on outcrop and seismic analyses the entire stratigraphic section from Campanian

through Holocene is characterized by numerous unconformities. These are directly related to

two controlling factors:

Post-Cretaceous structuring due to tectonic plate interactions.

Sea level variations due to Tertiary age glacial episodes.

In addition to the unconformities the block covers the northern platform edges for several

thick intervals. Vertical build-ups and progradational clinoforms occur along these edges.

Platform-edge mounding and clinoforms within the Seeb Formation.


The Maastrichtian through Holocene sedimentary section is accessible and well-exposed in

the mountains around Muscat. These provide a clear representation of the overall lithologies

Page 7: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


and stratigraphic successions expected to occur within the block. The specific formations that

outcrop around Muscat are:

Undifferentiated Holocene, Pleistocene and Pliocene sediments

Seeb Formation

Rusayl Formation

Jafnayn Formation

Al Khwad

The outcrop belts extend to Wadi Tiwi, westward along the coast from Muscat.


There have been no discoveries within the block. Gas shows were encountered throughout

the carbonate units in the Barka-1.


Several prospects have been mapped within the Seeb Formation. These occur along the

coastal portion of the block.


Conventional gas is the main play type across the block. Oil is also possible since this block’s

burial was not as deep as those to its south.


Predominantly 2-way dip-closed, fault-bounded anticlines. Stratigraphic traps associated with

reefs have been identified in adjacent blocks and are expected to occur within this block.

Platform-edge mounding and progradation are visible on seismic within the block (see

previous figure). Elsewhere in Oman, such as in the Natih and Shuaiba formations, such

geometries result in successful stratigraphic traps.

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SW to NE seismic line (4BAR-06/08) illustrating structure. Evidence of thrusting visible as are antithetics which create fault-bounded closures.


Reservoirs include stable, shelf limestones in the Seeb and Jafnayn formations, sandstones

and conglomerates in Pliocene through Holocene deposits and limestone-dominated clastics

in the Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits. Clastics in the Al Khwad Formation may also be of

reservoir quality. The Seeb and Jafnayn formations have good reservoir quality with high

porosity as well as permeability.


Locally seals within the limestone units are probably thin but continuous shales/marls. On a

more regional scale shaly units within the Rusayl Formation, marls within the Jafnayn and

Seeb formations and Batinah Group marls and shales could serve as effective seals. The

potential sealing intervals are visible in outcrop and contribute to the overall flat-iron patterns

in the mountains near Muscat.


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The Early Eocene rocks are considered a primary source. Paleocene and Maastrichtian rocks

may also contain source rocks. Numerous possible migration pathways exist along bedding

and faults.


Proceeding further takes you out of the public area. Doing so gives you access to the raw data

as well as the ability to order interpretation-ready and evaluation packages. There are 4 steps

for moving forward.

Step 1: MEERA Subscription for the bid round

MEERA is the software platform being used by the MOG. It allows users to view data

live and interactively from anywhere in the world. For more information on this

platform please view the LDR video.

The subscription permits general access and allows viewing of the data packages.

The system is the official point of contact with the MOG and will be used for

Interaction with the MOG, including clarification requests.

Bid submissions

Award notifications

Step 2: MOG raw data viewing and purchase

These data can be viewed live from anywhere in the world via the MEERA platform.

Acquiring the raw data is simple. These data can be downloaded directly or can be

provided on digital media for a selected destination.

There is a large amount of raw data for this block. These data include seismic lines,

well documents and gravity data. Following is a brief summary listing for seismic and

well data.

Seismic data: Results from 11 2D surveys in segy.

BHP90BA: 19 lines

MOL06REG1: 26 lines

MOL06REG3: 3 lines

MOL07REG1: 175 lines

MOL08REG1: 219 lines

MOL10YNQ1: 39 lines

MOL11YNQ1: 6 lines

REP11MA_1: 5 lines

REP11MA_2: 4 lines

SDO96BA_1: 39 lines

Page 10: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


UNK50BA_2: 16 lines

Those surveys possessing a high number of lines may contain a smaller number of total

lines which have been processed in several ways.

Well Data: Not all wells contain the same types of data. Most have log data and many

have a series of well documents. Some wells also have core data.



Step 3: Target Oilfield Services’ interpretation-ready package viewing and purchase

Target Oilfield Services has prepared an interpretation-ready Petrel project. The Petrel

project contains all seismic data and MOG raw well data.

Step 4: Target Oilfield Services’ evaluation package viewing and purchase

Target Oilfield Services has completed a comprehensive block interpretation. This

interpretation has rectified data errors and inconsistencies. It places the block within

a regional context and incorporates Target's extensive knowledge of Oman's geology

and reservoirs. Intended to aid in block analysis the evaluation package provides a

significant advantage to anyone trying to assess this block.

The evaluation package for Block 43B contains the following.

A geological evaluation report for the block.

o Reviews and updates/corrects stratigraphy across the block.

o Contains a sedimentological study for the entire Fars through Huqf


o Reviews and provides details on the geologic structures within the


o identifies existing and additional prospects within the block.

Well log data

o Edited, spliced and QC log files for wells

o Interpreted logs for wells

Fault interpretations of the 2D seismic data for the following horizons.

o Miocene Unconformity

o Top Oligocene

o Top Seeb Formation

o Top Jafnayn Formation

Multi-horizon TWT and depth interpretations of the 2D seismic data.

o Miocene Unconformity

o Top Oligocene

o Top Seeb Formation

o Top Jafnayn Formation

Page 11: Block 43B - Onshore Oman - Oman Bid Round · 3 BLOCK OWNERSHIP HISTORY Over its history Block 43B has had several owners, the primary ones being Petroleum Development (Oman) and Amoco


Data are in digital format and can be provided as:

o Downloadable data in standard digital formats.

o A complete Petrel project containing the wells, well logs, seismic data

and interpretations.

o A complete Kingdom project containing the wells, well logs, seismic

data and interpretations.


When available the standard MOG data to be provided include:

All 2D and 3D seismic data within the block boundaries

Gravity data associated with the block

Well files for all wells in the block (note: these may not exist for all wells)

Cultural data: Infrastructure, etc.

Surface topography maps


Suleiman Saif Al Ghuniami

Director of Petroleum Concessions

Ministry of Oil and Gas

Tel +968 24640526

Fax +968 24602541

E-mail: [email protected]



[email protected]