blanchardstown gazette

Cutting edge: MTV star opens Boots flagship store in Blanch DEBBIE Smith, managing director of Boots Ireland, stands beside MTV presenter Laura Whitmore as she cut the ribbon opening the 1,110 sq m Boots flagship store in Blanchard- stown, creating 30 jobs. The new store has a luxury make-up hall and offers an innovative range of prod- ucts including vitamins, cosmetics, toiletries, fragrances, photo products, electrical, baby products and a full range of pharmacy services. Student raises water safety funds LAURA WEBB A YOUNG Blanchardstown girl, raising awareness about the importance of water safe- ty, has collected €1,770 for the Irish Water Safety (IWS) in memory of her sister. Jasmine Flynn (16) from Blanchardstown organised a talent show at her school with proceeds from the night going to Irish Water Safety. Her sister, Kayleigh, tragi- cally drowned three years ago near the Wren’s Nest Weir at the Strawberry Beds. Since Kayleigh’s death, Jas- mine has been raising aware- ness about water safety and raised €1,770 for IWS, which was presented last week. The girls’ mother, Sandra, said she is very proud of Jas- mine. Full Story on Page 6 INSIDE: Plenty of family fun at the Garda Open Day P2 ASDFASF: Eadf asdfasdf dsaf dsaf sdafsafdasfass: See Page X GAZETTE GAZETTE Blanch SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 Find us on FREE Hurling: Brigid’s bow out of championship quarter finals Page 31 Rugby: Coolmine undone by Newbridge in Rosetown Page 30 COOLMINE REUNION : Past pupils called on to mark 40th anniversary P4 ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ......................8 BUSINESS ..................... 18 MOTORS ...................... 20 TRAVEL......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT ......... 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26 BLANCHARDSTOWN BLAKESTOWN HARTSTOWN COOLMINE TYRRELSTOWN DUNBOYNE CORDUFF MULHUDDART ONGAR

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Page 1: Blanchardstown Gazette

Cutting edge: MTV star opens Boots flagship store in BlanchDEBBIE Smith, managing director of Boots Ireland, stands beside MTV presenter Laura Whitmore as she cut the ribbon opening the 1,110 sq m Boots flagship store in Blanchard-stown, creating 30 jobs. The new

store has a luxury make-up hall and offers an innovative range of prod-ucts including vitamins, cosmetics, toiletries, fragrances, photo products, electrical, baby products and a full range of pharmacy services.

Student raises water safety funds� LAURA WEBB

A YOUNG Blanchardstown girl, raising awareness about the importance of water safe-ty, has collected €1,770 for the Irish Water Safety (IWS) in memory of her sister.

Jasmine Flynn (16) from Blanchardstown organised a talent show at her school with proceeds from the night going to Irish Water Safety.

Her sister, Kayleigh, tragi-cally drowned three years ago near the Wren’s Nest Weir at the Strawberry Beds.

Since Kayleigh’s death, Jas-mine has been raising aware

Her sister, Kayleigh, tragi-cally drowned three years ago near the Wren’s Nest Weir at the Strawberry Beds.

Since Kayleigh’s death, Jas-mine has been raising aware-ness about water safety and raised €1,770 for IWS, which was presented last week.

The girls’ mother, Sandra, said she is very proud of Jas-mine.

Full Story on Page 6

INSIDE: Plenty of family fun at the

Garda Open Day P2

ASDFASF: Eadf asdfasdf dsaf dsaf sdafsafdasfass: See Page XGAZETTEGAZETTE

BlanchSEPTEMBER 27, 2012 Find us on


Hurling: Brigid’s bow out of championship quarter finalsPage 31

Rugby: Coolmine undone by Newbridge in RosetownPage 30

COOLMINE REUNION : Past pupils called on to mark 40th anniversary P4

ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ......................8

BUSINESS .....................18

MOTORS ...................... 20

TRAVEL ......................... 22

ENTERTAINMENT ......... 24

CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26


Page 2: Blanchardstown Gazette

2 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012


[email protected]

RESIDENTS and busi-nesses across Dublin 15 have been awarded for being best in show during this year’s Fingal’s Clean-er Communities Awards 2012.

The 37th annual com-munity based anti-litter competition’s awards cer-emony was held in Coun-ty Hall last week.

The compet i t ion, which aims to enhance the local authority’s rela-tionship with residents and businesses of the county, is primarily a litter-awareness competition to enhance the appearance of residential and busi-ness areas across Fingal County Council.

The popular compe-tition is similar to the National Tidy Towns competition, but is sepa-rate, and is open to resi-dents, businesses and community groups within the county.

Nine awards were given out to residents and busi-nesses in Dublin 15. The winners in the Castle-knock/Mulhuddar t category included Best Presented Front Garden which went to Ted Mur-phy of Ramor Park in Blanchardstown.

The Green Business Award went to Castle-knock Hotel and Country Club.

The award for Best Presented Large Manage-ment Company Estate was given to Rusheeny Village in Clonsilla, while the Best Presented Small Non Management Com-pany Estate went to St Patrick’s Park, Blanchard-stown.

The winner of the Best Presented Large Non-Management Company Estate was Hazel Lawn, Ramor Park and Rush-

brook, Blanchardstown. Huntstown Commu-

nity Centre was awarded Best Presented Com-munity Centre and the award for Best Example of Community Environ-mental Initiative went to Sheepmoor Residents Association.

The Best Example of Special Community Effort went to Whitechapel Res-idents, and the Best Pre-sented Shopping Centre was awarded to the Blan-chardstown Centre.

Speaking at the event, Mayor of Fingal Cllr Cian O’Callaghan (Lab) said: “The Cleaner Com-munities awards foster great community spirit. Householders who may not know each other have turned out to take part in clean-ups in their local areas having been encouraged or coerced by their local tidy towns’ communities.

“We owe a great deal of gratitude to those people who encourage the rest of us to take pride in our surroundings,” the Mayor added.

Fingal’s director of services PJ Howell said: “The standard this year is higher than ever before, and is a continuing testa-ment to the concern and pride Fingal residents and businesses have for the environment in which we work and live.”

With over 100 entrants across all categories, many community groups from throughout Fingal participated in this year’s event.

Thirty five prizes were awarded on the night – an increase of six on last year due to the extremely high standard of entries.

The overall prize was awarded to the Balscad-den District Community Council for their work within their village.


Anti-litterstandards‘very high’this year

SAFETY Garda Open Day provides family fun for all

Tour of station is a big hit with local children C

HILDREN of all ages enjoyed the annual Garda Open Day at

Blanchardstown on Satur-day, September 22. Organised in association with Safer Blanchards-town, the aim is to give locals a chance to meet gardai and specialised Garda units. The Garda Band performed with

displays from local and national units including traffic, mounted, dogs, sub-aqua, community policing, vintage and current Garda vehicles. It was a great family day out with tours of the station. Children who had huge fun trying on Garda hats, playing with equipment and get-ting to know the horses! One, two, three ... Alex Dodrill has a go leading the Garda band

Leanne Byrne, Amanda Byrne, Saoirse Kelly with

Gardai Darragh O’Neill and Oliver O’Reilly

Beibhinn Delaney with a mounted

garda and a young horse fan Chris O’ Shaughnessy

Little Sean and Cillian Emitt enjoy hanging out with Gardai

William Shanley and David O’Callaghan. Pictures: Ian Fleming

A happy-looking Cian O’Toole on the Garda motorbike

Two crew from Blanchardstown Fire Station in action Some of the crew from Blanchardstown Fire Station

Page 3: Blanchardstown Gazette

27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 3

Fix-it service for seniors praised� LAURA WEBB

[email protected]

A NEW service in Dub-lin 15 has been launched that caters for small domestic repair require-ments of older people in the area.

The service was offi-cially launched by Min-ister for Social Protection Joan Burton at Phibbles-town Community Centre earlier this week.

The Blanchardstown Care and Repair serv-ice adopts the tried and tested Age Action Ireland model that has been suc-cessful in other areas.

The service is grow-ing to become a much-valued support for older people, catering for small domestic repairs.

The Blanchardstown Area Partnership will be

responsible for the serv-ice, which will be run as part of their Tus commu-nity work placement pro-gramme.

The aim of Tus is to pro-vide fixed-term employ-ment opportunities with community organisations for medium- to long-term unemployed people liv-ing in Dublin 15.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Burton said: “I am delighted that a wide range of local community organisations in many areas, both rural and urban, have benefited, to date, from the Tus initia-tive.

“It is an excellent example of community spirit and I wish to con-gratulate Blanchards-town Area Partnership for its tenacity and drive in securing the project for

Dublin 15,” she said. “As Minister for Social

Protection, I greatly value the contribution made by older people to Irish soci-ety, and I am particularly pleased that our older people in Dublin West will benefit from this ini-tiative. I wish all involved every success with this venture,” said Minister Burton.

The kinds of assistance provided by the care and repair service includes grass-cutting, replacing light bulbs, replacing plugs on electrical appli-ances, small paint repairs, fixing curtain poles, fit-ting and servicing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and fitting secu-rity chains.

The service is free, and the customer only covers the cost of the materials.

Should the request fall outside the scope of the services provided by Care and Repair, they then refer the client to regis-tered professional local tradesmen, who the cus-tomer can then contact.

One of the team mem-bers will visit the custom-er, assess the request, and set a date for the job to be carried out. The service will be provided during normal business hours, Monday to Friday.

The team at Blan-chardstown believe there is a great opportunity and a real need for a service like this in the communi-ty. The service is working in conjunction with Age Action Ireland. Blan-chardstown

Care and Repair can be contacted at 01 820 6171, or 087 738 8527.

Cllr Kieran Dennison (FG), Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton, Clare Bellis, regional development

manager from Age Action, and Linda Curran from the Blanchardstown Area Partnership. Picture: Ronan O’Sullivan

CINEMA-goers will see a new Fingal County Council advert which aims to raise awareness on illegal waste collec-tions.

Broadcast this week in all cinemas across

Fingal, the aim is to make people aware that if you give your waste to “a man with a van” who subsequently dumps it, you could be pros-ecuted.

Under the Litter Pol-

lution Acts, the on-the-spot fine for littering is €150.

If you are brought to the District Court and found guilty, the maxi-mum fine can be up to €3,000 and you could

be given a criminal con-viction.

If residents are aware of anyone collecting waste illegally, they are asked to phone 180020 1093 or email [email protected].

AGE ACTION Home support for older people

Lights, illegal action

Page 4: Blanchardstown Gazette

4 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012

THE organisers of the first coffee morning at St Francis Hospice in Blanchardstown are full of beans this week following the success of the fundraising event.

On Thursday, September 20, the Blanchardstown Guild of the Irish Country-women’s Association (ICA) hosted the coffee morning at the Dublin 15 hospice.

Ethel McKenna, chief executive of St Francis Hos-

pice, said the first coffee morning has made a “signifi-cant impact in raising funds for our Blanchardstown hos-pice”.

“We truly appreciate the community support,” she said.

Bewley’s supplied the cof-fee for the day and scrump-tious scones were baked by the ICA dynamos. There was also a raffle to help organis-ers raise even more funds and

to give those taking part the opportunity to win prizes.

The event was also a chance for the hospice to launch their 2012 Christmas cards and gifts - an annual fundraising strategy for the hospice.

Ethel said: “I would like to thank all the ladies in the ICA and our volunteers, and those who consumed copi-ous cups of coffee to help support St Francis Hospice

in our goal to help individu-als maintain independence at home with the help of our compassionate, qualified staff.”

Since its establishment in Blanchardstown, St Fran-cis Hospice has made huge progress in bringing services to the community, meaning that patients do not have to travel to Raheny for hospice care or for out-patient services.

The hospice’s day care

team consists of specially-trained doctors, nurses, social workers and chaplains who provide professional care and support to patients and their families in their own homes.

The day care programme also offers a place to meet other people in similar situ-ations, whilst being cared for by a skilled interdisciplinary team.

Hospice care focuses on all

aspects of a patient’s life and well-being: physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. The hospice team develops a care plan tailored to a patient’s individual needs, and pro-vides all the necessary thera-pies, medical supplies, and equipment.

Typically, hospice care is provided at home and a fam-ily member acts as the pri-mary caregiver, supported by professional medical staff.

A SOCIAL networking site has become a hit with past pupils of Coolmine Community School as they reminisce about the past 40 years and prepare for the reunion of a life-time.

This year, Coolmine Community School in Dublin 15 is celebrating its 40th anniversary, and to celebrate that mile-stone, pupils and staff have organised a number of events to mark it.

Past pupils from the school are currently organising a reunion, with the theme of Coolmine 40. Facebook has helped to get the ball rolling and the page dedicated to the

anniversary,, features hundreds of images from the archives as well as from attics all over Dublin 15, and old school albums since 1972.

Coolmine was founded in 1972 with no perma-nent building. It was

based for the first year in the grounds of the old Coolmine House, now the site of Scoil Oilibheir, before the school trans-ferred to its current build-ing in September 1973.

Many students recall with fondness trips to the Gaeltacht, and to London, France, Germany, and

Russia. Many students got a taste for performing and school productions over the years include Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph and his Amazing Techni-colour Dreamcoat, Save the People, Our Day Out, and Martin Luther King.

The 1990s saw fashion shows and, in the 2000s,

talent shows were held in Draiocht.

A school spokesman said: “What sets this 40th anniversary apart is that every year, every event, every activity was pho-tographed and recorded, and these photos are now being made available online.

“As the years passed, the school grew in num-bers and Coolmine devel-oped a reputation for high standards in education, an enviable record in sport, and a large adult educa-tion programme. If you attended Coolmine in the past 40 years, this is some-thing not to miss.”

Up to 500 are expected to attend the reunion, with attendees flying in from Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, Sweden, and Spain.

The school is calling on past attendees to get involved online on its Facebook page, to share memories, images and connections.

First coffee morning for hospice ‘a huge success’FUNDRAISING ICA and Bewleys join forces for terminally ill

School trips down memorylane for ‘reunion of lifetime’


TD slamsPanda for bin tag fee hikeA DUBLIN West poli-tician has launched an official complaint with the National Consumer Agency regarding price hikes by a local bin serv-ice provider.

TD for Dublin West, Patrick Nulty (Lab) lodged a complaint about the decision by bin collec-tor Panda to increase their bin-tag charges from June this year. The company justified the hike on the basis of an increase in the landfill levy.

At a special meeting of TDs who represent the Fingal area, Deputy Nulty said that Fingal County Council confirmed that while Panda had not breached the terms of their “purchase of the service” agreement, they had not honoured in full a written commitment they made to consumers when they took over the service in October 2011 not to increase prices before at least the end of 2012.

Deputy Nulty said he had formally complained to the National Consumer Agency on behalf of the thousands of consumers.

“Fingal Council con-firmed to me that in their view ... landfill costs were known to Panda at the time of taking over the service, at the time they committed to a price freeze for 2012.

“It is simply unaccepta-ble for what is, in effect, a private monopoly to alter previous commitments to consumers without being held to account for their actions,” he added.

One of the first class of students to join Cooolmine Community School in 1972. Below, left, the prize-winning

debating team of the late 1980s, and, below right, girls sitting it out during first-year sports day May 1974

Fifth-year trip to Donegal 1977

Sports day 1974

Page 5: Blanchardstown Gazette

27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 5


Page 6: Blanchardstown Gazette

6 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012

SAFETY Schoolgirl works to promote awareness

Teen raises €1,700 after family tragedy� LAURA WEBB

THE sister of a young girl who tragically drowned three years ago is rais-ing awareness about the importance of water safety and has raised over €1,700 for Irish Water Safety (IWS).

Jasmine Flynn (16) from Blanchardstown organised a talent show at her school, Coolmine Community School, earlier this year, with proceeds from the night going to support IWS.

Jasmine raised €1,770 for the organisation which was officially handed over to Roger Sweeney, the deputy chief executive at IWS,

last week. Sweeney said: “Jasmine is a credit to her family and to her school for accomplish-ing this positive endeav-our in the wake of such a tragedy.”

On June 24, 2009, Jas-mine’s sister, Kayleigh, had been crossing the river Liffey at the Wren’s Nest weir on the Straw-berry Beds, when she slipped.

T h e 16 - y e a r- o l d became trapped under the submerged branches of a tree. Rescue workers battled to release her but the water current was too strong.

Since her death, her younger sister, Jasmine, has been raising aware-

ness about water safety. Jasmine and Kayleigh’s

mother, Sandra, spoke to the Gazette about how proud she is of Jasmine, and what a lovely tribute it is to Kayleigh.

“Jasmine wanted to do something good for water safety and this all came about,” said Sandra.

“Jasmine said, ‘obvi-ously we can’t bring Kayleigh back, but if it prevents one other per-son going through what we went through, then it’s something’.

“She wanted to raise funds for the IWS to raise awareness – I’m very proud.

“There was the fifth-year presentation [at

Roger Sweeney, Aine Smyth, Sandra and Jasmine Flynn with a cheque for €1,770

the school] for the Jun-ior Cert and after was Jasmine’s presentation. Roger [Sweeney] got up and said a few words, promoting water safety.

“Water is very tempt-ing and [kids] think they will be fine, but I would say, don’t go anywhere swimming or walking across places like [the weir] unless there are lifeguards and things

around,” she said. San-dra thanked everyone who helped to raise the money.

Roger Sweeney said: “It was truly humbling to speak with Jasmine over the last number of months.

“140 families suffer a similar tragedy every year and of particular sadness is the fact that 40 children aged 14 and

under have drowned in the last 10 years alone.

“We can all help to reduce drownings by learning how to stay safe and instilling in chil-dren and adults alike the [right] knowledge, skills and attitudes through Irish Water Safety infor-mation and courses.”

“Details [of these courses] are available at”

Argos tohire 670tempsARGOS is creating jobs in time for Christmas as they look to recruit 670 temporary helpers across Ireland, including their branch in Blanchards-town, as their busy sea-sonal period approaches.

The retail giant has announced plans to recruit seasonal staff this Christmas across all its stores, and is hoping the announcement will be welcome news in this challenging jobseeker’s market.

Along with flexible working hours and train-ing, recruits will benefit from a competitive rate of pay plus staff discounts at Argos and its sister com-pany Homebase.

Andy McClelland, national operations man-ager for Argos, said: “Argos is a fast-paced, exciting and interesting place to be during the festive season, so we are looking for pas-sionate and enthusiastic staff to join our teams.”







60 10 240


Page 7: Blanchardstown Gazette

27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 7

Funding approved for roof� LAURA WEBB

[email protected]

A SCHOOL campaign-ing for vital repair work on their roof received the news last week that fund-ing has been allocated.

Ladyswell National School applied for repair work to be undertaken on the school’s roof. It was announced that the application has been approved by the Depart-ment of Education.

Dublin West TD Patrick Nulty (Lab) said: “I am delighted that Ladyswell National School have been successful in their application. A very strong campaign was initiated by the school management and the wider communi-ty to make sure this vital work was resourced.

“Every child has a right to go to school in a warm, secure and safe environ-ment, and I look forward to these works now being undertaken swiftly.”


Man in court on murder charge� LAURA WEBB

[email protected]

A MAN has appeared in court charged with the murder of his former partner, Anna Finnegan

Vesel Jahiri (31) with an address at Lohunda Crescent , appeared before Blanchards-town District Court on Monday, September 24, charged with her mur-der.

On September 21, the mother-of-two was stabbed at her home in Allendale Glen, Clon-silla, and left at the entrance of the accident and emergency depart-ment at James Connolly Hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.

Her brother, Karl, was also injured in the attack. His injuries are not life threatening.

Jahiri, originally from

Kosovo, was brought from Blanchardstown Garda Station to the local district court for the hearing last Monday.

The cour t heard that when the murder charge was put to him, he replied: “That’s not true.”

Jahiri, who is the father of Ms Finnegan’s two young children, was remanded in custody to appear at Cloverhill Dis-trict Court on Thursday, September 27th.

Mulhuddart council-lor David McGuinness (FF) expressed shock at the news.

“A young mother from Allendale, Ongar, has lost her life in the latest knife crime in the capital. The lack of consideration by those using knives is unfathomable, and time has come to address this issue head on,” he said.

“This news comes after the recent deaths of Ger-ard Burnett in Mulhud-dart and Colm Lyons in Fortlawn.

“It is becoming a monthly event that someone is stabbed, often fatally, in Dublin 15 and the time has come to seri-ously think about what this country is doing to curb this onslaught of violent crime.

“A Garda force fear-ful of station closures, reduced resources and rock-bottom morale are the public’s last line of defence against very sin-ister elements in society.

“It is now necessary to take lessons from other national and interna-tional campaigns and see how educating a desensi-tised nation can address this growing knife-cul-ture problem,” added Cllr McGuinness.”

Playtime for PayPal: Family Day is a blast for D15 staff and kiddies


PICTURED enjoying ice cream at the annual eBay/PayPal Employee Family Day were Raffaela Bonomonte, senior manager of PayPal, and Louise Phelan, vice president of PayPal Global Operations EMEA. More than 650 children joined their parents at the recent event in the company’s Ballycoolin offices in Blanchardstown. Ms Phelan said: “Having opened a new eBay/PayPal office in Dundalk earlier this year, our annual Family Day was bigger than ever.” Each child received a party bag and the office area was transformed into a youngster’s paradise with giant ball pools, computer games and dance classes. The carpark became a playground and activity centre.












60 10 240

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Page 8: Blanchardstown Gazette

8 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012

A HUGELY successful coffee morning took place at St Francis Hospice, Dublin 15, recently as part of the Bewleys-sponsored

national event, Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morn-ing. Evey one enjoyed cups of coffee and deli-cious home-baked scones in aid of the hospice, which was hosted by Blanchardstown Guild of the Irish Countrywomen’s Association (ICA)

in tandem with the hospice staff. Miriam Mur-phy, president of the Blanchardstown Guild ICA, said they were honoured to be asked to become involved in the first coffee morning for the hospice.

“We have been involved with the hospice for many years, particularly in the efforts to bring the hospice facilities to Dublin 15,” she said.

Back, Joe Pitcher, a member of St Francis Hospice Board of Directors, Ethel McKenna, chief executive of St

Francis Hospice. Front, from left, Sister Margeret Cashman, director of nursing, and Sister Patricia Walsh,

assistant director of nursing. Pictures: Ian Fleming Photography

Lily Kavanagh, Patricia Reynolds, Emily Reid and Claire ReidChristy Henley

Raymond Loughlin

CHARITY St Francis Hospice coffee morning a big hit

Maureen Caffrey and Therese Brennan

Trudi Keating, ICA member; Miriam Murphy, president of the ICA, and Sister

Patricia Walsh enjoying the coffee morning

Brid McGinn and Bernadette Devitt

Front from left: Teresa Gaily, complementary health

therapist, with Marie Sherlock, volunteer, and Allison

Burke, household staff. Back: Pamela Cullen, care

assistant, and Aishling Kearney, hospice daycare

manager at the coffee morning

Raise a cuppa for a fab event

Page 9: Blanchardstown Gazette

27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 9

Page 10: Blanchardstown Gazette

10 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012

An early Oktober gets a big welcomeS

TEINS were charged and glasses raised recently when the Paulaner Oktoberfest was

launched at the Mansion House in the city centre. Fans were invited to sample real Oktoberfest culture with Paulaner, one of only six beers permitted to

exhibit at Munich’s legendary Okto-berfest, before the festival’s celebra-tion of all things German over four days last week. Oktoberfest fans were able to soak up the traditional Bavarian banter with pretzels and bratwurst aplenty, served by barmaids dressed in tradi-

tional Bavarian dirndls, with music provided by the Bavarian Strollers, a premier German oompah band, entertaining festival-goers. Attendees thrilled to the fun-filled evenings of traditional Bavarian culture with German food and stalls adding to the atmosphere.

Blaithnaid McKenna and James English

Bob Caldwell and Steve McCormack at the Paulaner Oktoberfest. Pictures: Anthony Woods

Yann Dupeux and Jean Cedric

Fabiana Olivier and Colin O’Brien

Mike Sheridan and Alan Metcalfe

Robert Aiken and Paula


NIGHTLIFE Toasting Oktoberfest 2012 at the Mansion House

Simon Barrow and

Audrey Mills

Page 11: Blanchardstown Gazette

27 September 2012 GAZETTE 11

Page 12: Blanchardstown Gazette


DUBLIN Zoo is a hugely popular destination for people of all ages, but have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes once the doors close for the night?

The Gazette was recently given the chance to go on a private after-hours tour of Dublin Zoo, and we were privileged to see how the animals are looked after when the zoo is empty of its many visi-tors.

On arrival, we met one of the three team leaders of Dublin Zoo, Ciaran McMahon. Ciaran has worked in Dublin Zoo since 1994, and has worked in various depart-ments within the zoo.

“My job is so diverse, every day is different,” said Ciaran. In answer to our most obvious question, he said that out of all of the animals he looks after, his favourite are the elephants and the big cats.

So, naturally, our first stop was to visit the Asian lions. There are only 400 of these creatures left in the wild, in Gir Nation-al Park in North West India.

They are sadly an endangered species, as they face competition for space with humans, which is also resulting in scarcity of their prey.

These lions are family-oriented animals, and we met two sister lionesses, Sita and Suri. Named after Hindi goddesses, the pair were born in Mulhouse Zoo in eastern France.

There will be a six-year-old male lion, Kumar, joining them soon from Rotterdam Zoo, and the zoo hopes to hear the pad

Seeing the sea lions is always a delight, as the zoo’s beautiful animals are a joy to watch

A roaring time atDublin Zoo

ANIMAL MAGIC Sea lions and big cats put on a late, late show

12 GAZETTE 27 September 2012

of tiny cub paws by next year.

The keepers demon-strated how they feed the lions, dangling some horse meat from a tree, explaining that they often change where they leave the lions’ food so that they can continue to use their natural predatory senses.

The keepers said that they sometimes hide the food so that the lions can put their sense of smell to the test, and put a lot of effort into recreating the lions’ natural habitat.

WeightNext, we were taken to

see the Californian sea lions. We were greeted with a big “hello” wave from Flo, the three-year-old female.

The keepers explained that mature females weigh around 85kg, while the males can weigh as much as 300kg so as to impress potential mates.

They also explained that the five animals are trained for safety reasons instead of stage perform-ance – although they can do both. They dem-onstrated with Flo how they can safely check the sea lions for any obvious

injuries or unusual lumps or bumps with some of their commands, and even check their teeth with their “open mouth” command.

They will roll over, lie on their side and can even close the door of their cage behind them, and are rewarded with mackerel as a reward for each thing they were commanded to do.

The Gazette was still buzzing in “zoo mode” when we received news of the two new meerkat pups.

The pups were born in July, but visitors are now only getting their first glimpse of the young additions to the family of four adult meerkats in the zoo.

Commenting on the births, team leader Eddie O’Brien said that they are “delighted with the arrival of the pups.”

“It has been some time since meerkats were born at the zoo so these are a welcome additions,” he said. “Both pups are doing very well. They are still feeding from their mother and recently they have also started eating solids.”

These meerkat pups are cuddly new stars at the zoo

Page 13: Blanchardstown Gazette

Hat’s a stunning look: TG4 programme to examine haberdashery in modern IrelandREBECCA Frayne was resplendent in this strikingly designed hat as she helped to pro-mote an upcoming TG4 programme, Hatai, on – what else – hats, and Irish women’s enduring love for haberdashery in the 21st century. Created in association with Red Shoe Productions and RTE, the programme

will see internationally acclaimed Irish hatmaker Philip Treacy examine the role of hats in our changing society, whether adding a dash of mystery to the wearer, or helping to celebrate their beauty. See Hatai on TG4 at 9.30pm on Sunday, September 30, or repeat-ed on Monday, October 1 at 8pm.

DUBLINTALKS.IE has organised a series of free talks aimed at inspiring local people.

Presentations will be made by and about Irish people with big and inter-esting ideas they want to share.

Each of the speakers will have just six minutes to tell the audience what their big idea is without the use of PowerPoint, notes or podiums – chal-lenging even for the most experienced public speakers.

The six speakers on the night will be Prof of computer science at UCD, Barry Smyth; award winning immu-nologist at TCD, Prof Luke O’Neill; Senator John Crown (Ind); Equi-nome’s Emmeline Hill; Prof of Dept of Medicine at UCC, Fergus Shana-han and Clare Wardle, of Storyful.

The event, which takes place on October 15 in The Sugar Club at 6pm, is part of Innovation Dub-lin 2012 and is supported by Dublin City of Sci-ence. Admission is free but booking is essential. For more information, see

Inspired talks at the Sugar Club


give your time up?



[email protected]

CALLING all knitters: Innocent Smoothies need your creative talent to help knit little woolly hats for their smoothies, with money from every bottle going towards supporting older people during the cold winter months.

The Innocent Big Knit 2012 will see 25c from every be-hatted bottle sold going straight to Age Action, to help older peo-ple stay well and warm this winter.

Knitters, or those who crochet, across the nation are asked to send their lit-tle knitted hats between now and the deadline. They will then be put onto innocent Smoothie bottles by hand, and sent off to stores.

These special bot-tles are available to buy in shops across Ireland from next January and, for every such bottle sold, 25c will be donated to Age Action.

Since the initiative started in 2008, knitting groups, schools and lots

of knitting enthuasists from all over Ireland have generously knitted for the Big Knit, raising more than €60,000.

For the initiative, peo-ple of all ages are asked to get involved, from nov-ice knitters to champion clickers, and are being asked to spread the word within the local commu-nity.

Anyone who doesn’t fancy knitting can donate wool and needles to Age Action to help them reach their target.

The money raised will help fund Age Action’s work, such as their winter warmth public informa-tion campaign to enable older people remain well and warm in their own homes.

It will also go towards their home visitation and DIY teams, who assist thousands of older peo-ple each year.

You can send your little hats to: The Innocent Big Knit 2012, Fruit Towers, 120/121 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, or drop them into your local Age Action shop by Friday, November 30.

27 September 2012 GAZETTE 13

Page 14: Blanchardstown Gazette

Youth on the marchHUNDREDS of young-sters, volunteers and youth workers attended the Youth Work Ireland Consensus Conference last Saturday.

Minister for Chil-dren and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, was in attendance to meet guests at the event at Farmleigh Estate in the

Phoenix Park.The Youth Work Ire-

land Consensus Confer-ence was established to hear from a number of different players in the lives of young Irish peo-ple today.

The Minister met with a range of youth and children’s projects, as well as Irish Paralympic

gold medallist Daragh McDonald and “The Voice of Ireland” Pat Byrne.

The conference her-alds a major milestone in the development of a new Youth Policy Frame-

work by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

Youth Work Ireland works with over 80,000 young people, nearly 1,000 staff and over 7,000 volunteers annu-ally through 450 clubs and projects in all parts of the country with spin off benefits for local com-munities and economies.

Get on your bike for ConsoleCYCLISTS from all across Dublin are being asked to get on their bike along with a host of celebrities in aid of sui-cide prevention charity, Console.

The second Console Grand Canal Cycle takes place on Sunday,

October 7, from 10am. Pat Kenny, Eamonn

Coghlan and Derry C larke a re among those taking part in the 20-mile round trip from the Bord Gais Energy Theatre to the 12th Lock at Lucan, and back again.

Console founder and chief executive, Paul Kelly, said: “Console’s central themes are com-munity and communi-cation, and the Con-sole Cycle is the perfect example of this.”

Sponsorship cards are available, and a registra-tion fee of €20 will apply on the day to anyone who chose not to avail of a sponsorship card.

Anyone intending to take part is asked to reg-ister at, with more information available by calling 01 610 2638.


SNAPSHOT Stories of the day from the city

14 GAZETTE 27 September 2012

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Philip Stewart, Patrick Burke, CEO of YWI, John Gilmore, president of YWI, Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald and Mary Ann Connors

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Page 15: Blanchardstown Gazette

ARTS Play will support Down Syndrome Ireland

Kidnapped trio’s tale set to help charity� NATALIE BURKE

WHEN Dublin actors Carl Finnegan and Noel Murphy decided to embark on a new adven-ture, they set out to com-bine their love for acting, playwrights and comedy to produce Dublin’s new-est theatre company, Pack a Punch Theatre.

Founded just four months ago, Pack a Punch Theatre is set to launch its inaugural production this October, when it takes to the stage at the Sean O’Casey Theatre in East Wall, from October 16 to October 20.

The theatre company has chosen, Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me,

a play by Frank McGuin-ness, as its first produc-tion.

The play will be per-formed in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland, a cause close to the heart of Carl Finnegan, who hails from Dalkey.

He said: “My aunt has Down Syndrome, and we felt we wanted to make our work as personal as possible. We have had a lot of support from family and friends, and the com-munity as well, to help us get going so we wanted to give back to them as well.

“Setting up our own theatre company was something we wanted to do for ourselves; we really wanted to do challenging

theatre.“Our structure is slight-

ly comedic; we do have a sense of humour, but we also wanted to do drama,” said Carl, who previously ran the Theatre Soci-ety at the Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Dun Laoghaire.

The play will feature some of Dublin’s bright-est new talent and the production promises challenging drama with comedic moments.

It focuses on the tri-als and tribulations of an Irishman, an Englishman and an American who are kidnapped and held hos-tage by unseen Arabs in the Lebanon.

As the three men strive

Carl Finnegan, co-founder of the Pack A Punch theatre company

for survival, they also aim to overcome their per-sonal and cultural differ-ences, whilst at the same time maintaining their sanity.

Carl, who set up the company in May with Swords native, Noel Murphy, added: “I was interested in the idea of extreme cabin fever and how I would feel if I was locked away for a month.

“Aside from that, I love

Frank McGuinness’ work. I like his language and dialogue and I thought it was in keeping with the idea of doing something challenging and interest-ing.”

Carl hopes the compa-ny will continue to grow over the coming months.

“We see the company growing, building a base of people, extending our commitment to our chosen charity and also

working on our next show as well,” he said.

To find out more infor-mation about Pack a Punch Theatre and its inaugural production, see their Facebook page at, or contact the Sean O’Casey Theatre by visiting or by calling 01 850 9000. Tickets are priced at €12.

Inspiring Dublin has organ-ised a series of free talks aimed at inspiring local people.

Presentations will be made by and about Irish people with big and inter-esting ideas they want to share, with subjects rang-ing from genetics and cancer research to marine biology and economics.

Each of the speakers will have just six minutes to tell the audience what their big idea is without the use of PowerPoint, notes or podiums.

The six speakers on the night will be Barry Smyth, Luke O’Neill, John Crown, Emmeline Hill, Fergus Shanahan and Clare Wardle.

The event, which takes place on October 15 in The Sugar Club at 6pm, is part of Innovation Dub-lin 2012.

Admission is free but booking is essential. For more information, see


27 September 2012 GAZETTE 15





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Page 16: Blanchardstown Gazette


Saints and Heads in perfect synchronicity

David Byrne and Annie Clark make up the supergroup responsible for Love This Giant


SUPERGROUPS and col-laborations between your favourite artists seldom end well, unless there is a certain shared wavelength or equal sense of where the project should poten-tially go...

For every Queen and David Bowie, there’s a Lou Reed and Metallica (shudders)... So, when it was announced that Talking Heads frontman David Byrne was set to release an album with St Vincent’s frontwoman Annie Clark, there was a certain shiver borne of equal parts trepidation and thrill...

Fortunately, this is a collaboration that is more Under Pressure than Dancing In The Street, and a metric tonne more fun than it has really any right to be.

Bringing the unique perspectives and musical styles that created More Songs About Buildings And Food and Strange Mercy, and adding a 26-piece brass band, Byrne and Clark are clearly bouncing beach-ball-sized ideas around and making something uniquely fresh and differ-ent.

From a series of meet-ings in New York, the duo collaborated at distance, sending the drum loops and melodies back and forth and moulding at first a set of four tracks, which evolved into eight before emerging as the fully-fledged record that was released last week.

Love The Giant is the fruit of their collaboration, and features 12 songs that feature the quirks and familiar hooks that mark out St Vincent — Clark’s sweet and sharp croon — and David Byrne — his deadpan drawl and shim-


mering acoustic guitar. Layered and blended with these ingredients are an array of brass instrumen-tation and drum patterns, creating something simul-taneously familiar and unique for this project.

Songs like Who and Optimist are perfect encapsulations of the bounce and fun at play — Byrne and Clark are like two sides of the same coin that spins inside the songs, sometimes in uni-son, sometimes apart, but always in pursuit of an oddly funky and comple-mentary whole.

There’s an organic feel to the music and lyrics that brings to mind what Talking Heads were driv-ing for on their last record, Naked, where jungles and shopping malls came together in the lyrics and funk roamed the earth.

Some examples of the kinds of bliss that Byrne and Clark are bringing to the travelling version of Love This Giant can be seen on YouTube, espe-cially the footage captured in Minneapolis recently that shows brassy versions of Heads classic Burning Down The House as well

as St Vincent’s Cruel, the great lead track from their 2011 release, Strange Mercy.

I also need to point anyone with any kind of interest in music to David Byrne’s new book, How Music Works - it’s a fascinating look into the mechanics of how music is shaped by its time and place, and he explains accessibly and clearly how the advent of record-ing technology in the 20th century forever changed our relationship to play-ing, performing, and lis-tening to music.

THE FINAL session of The Song-writer Club for 2012 will take place on Saturday, October 6 from 2pm to 5pm at the Teachers Club, located at 36 Parnell Square West. For the final session, guest speakers includ-ing Noel Taylor of Rockit Music Management and Claire Egan from IMRO will talk to the group. Pic-tured is singer and songwriter Laura Conway performing at the last ses-sion. For more information, see The Songwriter Club on Facebook.

Troubadors: Last gathering of 2012 Songwriter Club

16 GAZETTE 27 September 2012

WORKING in a station that plays rock music 24/7 has its benefits. Most of all, the fact that I live in an alternate rock universe where the bands play their own instruments and lyrics actually means something.

One of the cons is when my ears are assault-ed by a Justin Bieber “song” playing in a shop and I hear my mother’s words coming out of my own mouth: “Do people actually call that music?”

Which leads me to wonder if lyrics are going downhill, or am I just spoiled after being immersed in music by Rock and Roll Hall of Famers for too long? Allow me to carry out the following, extremely non-scientific experiment:

Exhibit A: One of the biggest chart hits so far this year is from LMFAO, Sexy and I Know It:

“When I’m at the mall, security just can’t fight ‘em off,

When I’m at the beach, I’m in a speedo try-ing to tan my cheeks,

This is how I roll, come on ladies it’s time to go.”

Exhibit B: one of Radio Nova’s artists Bob Dylan is the bookies’ second favourite to win this year’s Nobel Prize for literature.

However, it’s believed the singer is unlikely to pick up the accolade with the shortening odds being attributed to fans’ support. If you listen to some of his lyrics, though, it’s not hard to see why Dylan could be called a poet.

His song, Blowin’ in the Wind, includes the words:

“Yes, how many years can a mountain existBefore it’s washed to the sea?Yes, how many years can some people existBefore they’re allowed to be free?Yes, how many times can a man turn his

head,Pretending he just doesn’t see?”

I rest my case. I know there are different horses for different courses, but this filly is sticking with the rock.

FastTunes with Radio Nova’s Dee

Bob Dylan: Possibly better than LMFAO

Page 17: Blanchardstown Gazette

GazetteBEAUTYBEAUTY Edited by

Laura Webb

ACCORDING to a new, national Vaseline survey, only 28% of us worry about skin dam-age to our hands.

The survey was car-ried out earlier this year using an online survey tool, and sam-pled 200 women aged between 21 and 49.

Vaseline discov-ered that only 28% of women worry about sun damage to their hands, with 72% of those surveyed admit-ting they never con-sider their hands to be at risk from the sun.

Lauren Brooking, brand manager for Vaseline Ireland, said: “We often forget that it is, in fact, our hands that are the most exposed to the sun’s harmful rays.

Moisturise“Our customers

need a hand cream that will moisturise as well as protect and so, our new Vaseline Healthy Hands and UV Protection, with SPF 15, does just that,” she said.

Vaseline Healthy Hands and UV Protec-tion hand cream, with SPF 15 and pure Aloe Vera extract, leaves your hands feeling soft while also providing daily protection from harmful UV rays.

When Irish women were asked which men they most want to get their hands on, it was not surprising that singer/songwriter Bressie (aka Niall Breslin) came out on top, followed by Shame star Michael Fassbender.

Vaseline Healthy Hands and UV Protec-tion cream is avail-able at supermarkets nationwide, with a RRP for 75ml set at €4.39.

For all things Vaseline-related, go to


hands from

sun’s raysBrush up on your nails to see problems varnishA

T TENDING a wedd ing , co l -lege ball or debs? Then don’t forget

to beautify your nails and get manicured with colours of the season that will complete that evening look.

Gazette Beauty is all about hands this week, and the one thing that really accentuates them is nails.

A nailcare regime is a must, and Swiss nailcare specialists Mavala say they have the right prod-uct for nails, whether it’s a colour or a treatment.

Have nails that just won’t grow? Then try nail product Mavader-ma. This is a nutritive protein-enriched mas-sage oil which, when used daily on the nail, activates blood flow to the roots to help stimu-late and speed up the growth of nails.

Fragile tips are some-thing we have all experi-enced, and loathe when we have just painted them. To avoid this, try Mavala Scientifique – a weekly treatment that hardens nails imme-diately and bonds the

three layers together. It helps prevent soft, flak-ing or split nails.

There is nothing worse than having rough and ragged cuticles , so Mavala offer a perfect partnership to stop this problem.

Mavala Cuticle Remov-er is a weekly treatment applied directly onto the cuticles and, in seconds, dead skin is softened and easily removed.

This is a daily treat-ment which softens the skin around the nail, so it can be easily rolled back.

Nibbling nails can be a problem for children and adults alike. Treat this problem with Mav-ala Stop – a safe prod-uct with the appearance of clear enamel, but a strong, bitter taste that acts as a strong deterrent to nail biting.

To treat cuticles dam-aged by biting, use Mav-ala Cuticle Oil which, when used daily, softens the skin around the nail, enabling it to be rolled back gently.

Once nails are treated, they are ready for finish-ing touches. In keeping

27 September 2012 GAZETTE 17

with Mavala products, nails can be painted with a great range of Mavala mini nail enamels.

When painting nails,

we want beautiful results that last, as well as pro-viding protection from yellowing, Mavala 002 is a clear base coat that

forms a flexible barrier between nails and nail polish, as well as improv-ing the adherence of polish, so every mani-cure lasts longer.

To top off a pretty nail shade, use Mavala Colourfix, clear top coat reinforced with acryl which dries to a hard flexible glaze, and pro-vides nail colour with extra protective armour against chipping and peeling.

Mavala is nail care with a heritage span-ning more than 50 years. It was created in 1958 by Madelaine Van Lan-deghem and, with the introduction of Scien-tifique Nail Hardener, remains a best-selling product for the com-pany.

Mavala products are available from pharma-

cies nationwide. The RRP for products range from €8.04 for Mava-derma (10ml) to €14.35 for a Mavala duo – Hard Ragged Cuticles.

Of course, Mavala have

lovely varnish shades

A DUBLIN beauty has been crowned Miss Karora Per-fect Pins 2012, giving her the well-deserved title of Ireland’s best legs.

Carla Jackson was chosen from hundreds of leggy beauties to win the Karora Miss Perfect Pins 2012 at the competition.

The finals, held in Bucks Town-house, in Dublin 2, saw 14 ladies strut

their stuff with their lovely legs, facing a panel of VIP judges that included inter-national model and leggy beauty, Alison Canavan; celebrity agent, Tara Sinnott, and Courtney O’Hara, of Assets Model Agency.

CampaignCarla, who

trained as a ballet dancer, will front the next campaign for Irish tanning

brand Karora, which offer women a stylish, skin-caring choice in self-tanning with a range of botanical bronzing products that deliver custom colour with intense skin treatments.

The Skerries native was deemed by the judges to have the perfect poise, legs and personality to walk away with the Miss Perfect Pins title.

Perfect pins: Carla walks off with a well-deserved top title

Perfect pins: Carla Jackson

Swiss nailcare specialists have a wide range of nail care products to restore nails to their best

Page 18: Blanchardstown Gazette



Q – MY MORTGAGE has a balance of €62,000, and we are on a tracker rate of 0.8% over the ECB (total: 1.55%). I will soon have a lump sum of €20,000, which I want to pay off the mortgage. Is it better to make one lump sum, or increase the monthly payment to the equivalent of €20,000 over the next two years? AnneMarie – Baldoyle

A - YOU have everything going for you – a small

mortgage, coupled with a tracker interest rate AND

a lump sum, too!

To answer the specific question, you WOULD be

better off paying the lump sum now rather than

spreading it over the next two years as, by doing it

now, the capital – or what you owe – is immediately

reduced and, therefore, attracts less interest,

because there is less to repay!

But it does not make sense to pay off now unless

you are strapped, income-wise, as you can first of

all earn more on deposit interest than you will pay

on your mortgage interest.

Your Rainy Day Fund (RDF) also needs to be

reviewed – you should have between three and

six months’ NET annual income in an RDF for those

emergencies, sudden loss of income or that invest-

ment opportunity that may come along.

Even if you were to hold off the repayment of the

capital until at least interest rates start to rise, as

inevitably they must (but maybe not for the next

two years), cash is king, and income is your number

one asset.


Q – WITH no sick pay entitlements in my employ-ment, I was recommended to take out income protection. Is this a good idea, or are they just trying to sell me a product? Patrick – Grey-stones

A - WHEN you are not paying a fee for financial

advice, there certainly has to be an element of

vested interest at play – how else can a meeting be

meaningful if income is dependent on the outcome?

Notwithstanding this, prudence may dictate

that income protection in your case is a necessary

route. Should you not be able to work, employers

may pay your full salary for the first six months,

and then half of it for the next six.

But, after one year, most employers stop the

payments. What then? If you have a family to feed, a

mortgage or other financial commitments to repay,

and day-to-day living costs, you will still need an

income. Income protection, or permanent health

insurance, covers 75% of your annual salary, less

your social welfare entitlement, on a monthly basis

until you can resume work. This cover extends to

any type of incapacitation, once you CANNOT work.

The good news is that you receive tax relief at

your marginal rate on the premiums paid. This is the

only type of insurance outside of unassignable life

cover within pensions that does allow the relief.

Certainly, compared to Serious or Critical Illness

Cover, where 95% of all claims centre on about five

main illnesses – plus there is NO tax relief on the

premiums – income protection can make sense in

the right circumstances.

� Contact John with your money questions at

[email protected] or visit his website at John Lowe, Fellow of the

Institute of Bankers, is founder and managing

director of Money Doctor

BUSINESS opportunities come in all shapes and sizes and from all different directions, but few put you in the network of international celebrities.

Nicola Crilly, who was a stay-at-home mother of three, became involved last September in Jamie At Home, a party planning business from Jamie Oliver that sells his dining and homeware range.

She said: “After going to a few of these parties as a customer and absolutely loving the prod-ucts, I decided I would give it a go at becoming a consultant.

“This new business venture has given me a new-found confidence that I never had before.

“I am now looking forward to the months ahead. With the festive season not far away, with this comes plenty of parties, and the chance to meet lots of new people along the way.”

Nicola has found that her role comes with a few perks as well.

“In July this year, I was invited across to Jamie Oliver’s home for Pimms and pizza, along with 45 other consultants from Britain and Ireland.

“It was an unbelievable experience, as I have been such a huge fan for so long. He was so down to earth, and very welcoming to all of us.

“I am also able to combine my work with fun-draising for chosen charities, which is an added bonus,” she said.

If you would be interested in finding out more about Jamie At Home, or in becoming a sales consultant, email Nicola at [email protected], or phone 086 827 2654.

Interview: Nicola Crilly, Jamie At Home


Feeling right at home with Jamie’s business

Nicola Crilly with celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be?A: A pilot

Q: What was your first job?A: Weekend work in Roches

Stores, Blackrock

Q: And your first pay cheque?A: £40 for weekend work

Q: Have you ever done a job you loathed?A: I worked as a secretary in an

architect’s office – I was on my

own a lot and hated it; I’m very

much a “people-person”, and I

like to interact

Q: When did you start your present job?A: September 2011

Q: What is the best thing about your job?A: The total flexibility around

my family, and the bit of “me”

time I get

Q: Have you achieved anything that you once thought you could not pull off?A: Being invited over to visit

Jamie Oliver’s home for Pimms

and pizza

Q: What part of your working day do you delegate?A: None

Q: What’s currently on your desk that shouldn’t be?A: Paperwork and crumbs

Q: Is there anything about yourself that you would like to set the record straight on?A: No

Q: What sport do you follow?A: I really enjoyed the Olym-

pics – I have always loved

gymnastics and track events

Q: What sport can you play?A: Badminton

Q: What habits would you like to lose?A: Worrying about the mess of

my house – the boys are grow-

ing up so fast

Q: At the moment, what are you looking forward to?A: My brother’s wedding next


Q: What is your guilty music/

TV or movie pleasure?A: Coldplay, Grey’s Anatomy,

and home improvement pro-


Q: Who best represents mod-ern Ireland – David Norris or Jedward?A: Neither

Q: What music/pictures/mov-ies do you have on your iPod/iPad?A: Photos of family, which are

very important to me

Q: Who do you follow on Twit-ter/Facebook?A: Jamie At Home, and Jamie

Oliver, of course

Q: What was your last Tweet/status update?A: Promoting our summer

sale –


Q: Describe your dream meal?A: All different types of shell-

fish, new baby potatoes and

fresh salad, all washed down

with a glass of Pinot Griogio

Q: Who would you rather have

dinner with – Enda Kenny or Dame Edna?A: Enda Kenny

Q: Where do you enjoy spend-ing money frivolously?A: I love New York, so it has to

be there

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?A: Not that many – well, about


Q: What was your worst holi-day experience?A: Thankfully – I have nothing

bad to recall

Q: Describe your dream holiday?A: Australia – it’s the one place

I would love to see

Q: What would be your dream job?A: Something that requires a

bit of travelling

Q: What do you plan to do when you retire?A: I’d love to visit Australia

with my husband – hopefully,

Supported by AIB

18 GAZETTE 27 September 2012

Page 19: Blanchardstown Gazette

There’s plenty to do this winter

Spring’s daffodils are a long way off, but these simple

yet attractive blooms are something that children

can help to prepare for now

AS THE days begin to shorten and a bit of a nip creeps into the air, there’s no escaping the fact that the summer’s over and the garden is starting its long slow slide into autumn and winter.

There’s always a bit of a sad feeling about this time of year for any keen gar-dener – but children can feel it worse than most; after all, when you’re not so very old yourself, the six-month wait for spring seems like an eternity.

The good news is, the coming of colder weather doesn’t have to spell the end of fun times in the gar-den – there’s more than enough to do to make time fly by, and B&Q Ire-land have some great tips to have an autumn ball among the leaves …

Preparing for winterTowards the middle of

autumn, there are plenty of jobs to do to prepare the garden for winter and, again, it’s something that children can help with.

Now’s the time to prune, as necessary; clean the tools and store them until spring and gener-ally have a good tidy up – which means lots of leaves to rake up, prun-ings to collect and spent plants to add to the com-post heap for willing little hands!

Bird tables and hibernation houses

Autumn is also a good time to think about wild-life. If you’re planning on feeding the birds through the winter, or giv-ing hedgehogs or toads

a place to hibernate, it’s important to get organ-ised before the worst of the weather, so they can find the facilities you’ve arranged for them and get used to the idea.

Planting bulbsPlanting bulbs is one

of the traditional autumn jobs and it’s something that the whole family can have lots of fun doing together.

Planning for next year

Autumn/winter is a great opportunity to think back over the past year and remember what worked and what didn’t, and then decide what you’d like to do in the months to come.

Are you planning a new


GazetteHOMESHOMES27 September 2012 GAZETTE 19

garden feature? Will you pick some different vari-eties of plants, or go with something that’s proven itself successful?

These are the sorts of questions that any avid

young gardener will want to talk about – and, of course, nothing will make a child feel more part of the whole thing than being able to say: “I did that.”

Bird box €8.62 Watering can €7.70

Rake €6.15 Bird table €30.80

Page 20: Blanchardstown Gazette

New Fluence – An electric car that has the right look� CORMAC CURTIS

EVER since I had a power point installed at the front of my house to charge electric vehicles, doorstep conversations inevitably end up being about plug-in cars.

This is not surprising, as the whole world of electric vehicles (EVs) is one that is largely unex-plored by the vast major-ity of the general public.

One universally appeal-ing aspect of battery-powered cars is the cost of fuelling.

Even with the increase in domestic electric-ity charges that is set to descend upon us later this year, a full top-up will still only cost €3 to €4.

Putting the low-cost appeal to one side, and even the sticker price and the monthly lease of the battery (I’ll get to that later), the big question that people have is, are electric vehicles desirable as cars? And the answer is a definite, yes.

Kind of.I say “kind of” because

there are a few ways of looking at this. Firstly, there are a number of different types of electric vehicles available to the public, so, like any petrol or diesel car, you must consider which will suit your needs best.

A few months back I reviewed the Renault

Kangoo ZE – and I loved it. It costs peanuts to run, it has bags of space for people and stuff, the driving cockpit is roomy in the extreme and you have an amazing view of the road.

But it’s a van… and not everyone likes driving vans as much as I do.

So, as an alternative, Renault also offers the rather pleasant Flu-ence ZE with an electric motor.

And what an attractive alternative this is.


The Fluence ZE boasts a modern exterior with a comfortable and stylish interior; the only givea-way that it’s electric is the ZE logo on the back – unless of course you’re driving a press car, in which case it has all sorts of graphics emblazoned along the side to let eve-ryone know you’re sitting on a bank of batteries!

To be honest, I liked the fact that people knew I was driving an elec-

tric car – it meant they approached me to dis-cuss it, and it gave me an opportunity to find out what people thought.

And I was surprised with the reaction.

Now, either the reces-sion is receding (?) or I only met fairly well-to-do folks while testing the Fluence.

You would think that the over-riding attrac-tion of an electric car is the low cost of fuel – but it would appear that the look of the motor is even more critical.

I realise this is just anecdotal evidence, but every person I spoke with was amazed that a regular, full-sized saloon could be powered by an electric motor and offer all the looks and luxury of its petrol or diesel sta-ble-mates.

Without exception – those I spoke to were more likely to buy an electric car if it looked the part, a concern that trumped even the car’s driving range on a fully charged battery.

Apparently, the per-ception of EVs is that they are all either small commercial vehicles or golf buggies.

So, it turns out in this particular straw poll, image came in ahead of low running costs.

When I raised the issue of carry space, which is a

little limited In the Flu-ence ZE because of the room in the boot taken up by the batteries, those I spoke to would be happy enough with the trade off, as they saw it as a city-driving, family car, not something to go holi-daying in.

Fair enough, says I, because with a range of roughly 120kms on a full charge, a driving holiday in the Fluence ZE would need to be very carefully planned.

Funnily enough, the subject of performance hardly even came up.

As it happens, this was one of the big surprises with the Fluence.


Once you get used to the silent running of the engine, it becomes very clear that this car has plenty under the hood, or wherever the power plant is kept!

I would liken the driv-ing performance to a modern saloon with a 1.6-litre diesel engine.

It has plenty of torque at the ready, and it cruis-es at a very comfortable 120km/h on the motor-way.

It is hard to say, how-ever, if the cabin noise is any louder than a petrol or diesel model. Because there is no sound from the engine whatsoever, you can find yourself

noticing the cabin noise that little bit more.

Speaking of noise, I would say that it is impor-tant for electric cars to come with a second, qui-eter horn.

I was genuinely sur-prised how often I found myself slowly driving behind people walking on the road or in car parks, etc, because they couldn’t hear me coming. Some-thing to gently alert them to my presence would have been nice.

So, in short, the idea of a handsome, modern saloon charging up each night in the driveway seemed a very attractive proposition to a great deal of people. Compro-mised boot space and limited range are traded off with good looks and comfort.

The last hurdle for people to get their heads around is the lease on the car’s battery – this really

The Renault Fluence ZE

NEW FORD ECOSPORT TO GO ON SALE SOON: FORD have announced that the much-anticipated, all-new EcoSport, a compact, rugged and fuel efficient sports utility will go on sale in Europe within the next 18 months as Ford expands its line-up in the grow-ing European SUV market.

EcoSport is based on Ford’s global B-segment platform and combines small car practicality with the flexibility, spa-ciousness, agility and style of a SUV.

“Ford EcoSport will deliver great value, quality and fuel economy,” said Nick Collins, B-car vehicle line director, Ford of Europe. “It will also present custom-ers with a fantastic small car choice that will also include the B-MAX compact multi-activity vehicle as well as the new Fiesta.”

EcoSport is the first Ford global

model to be devel-oped entirely in South America. Introduced in 2003, Ford created the segment in Brazil and has since sold more than 700,000 units in the region. New EcoSport will meet the increasing demand for small SUVs in Europe, which Ford expects to double over the next five years.

“The new EcoSport has under-gone millions of miles of testing, on the most rigorous terrains, in the most demanding climates across the globe,” Collins said.

EcoSport will offer a comprehensive package of driver assistance technolo-gies including anti-lock brake system, Electronic Stability Program, and Hill Launch Assist.

The all-new Ford EcoSport will go on sale across Europe within the next 18 months, while Ford’s SUV range is soon to be supplemented by an all-new Kuga.

RoadRoadSignsSignsAudi Ireland family day at ImaginosityPICTURED at the recent Audi Ireland family day at Imaginosity, Dublin Children’s Museum. is celebrity chef and Audi brand ambassador Rachel Allen. On the day, the mum and TV chef was joined by little helpers Georgia Doyle, eight, and Sophie Doyle, six, as well as Audi’s Andrew Doyle at the Audi Family Day in Imaginosity.


� 0 – 100km/hr: 13.4 sec

� Engine: Elec 2.4

� Maximum Power -

70hp DIN (kw ISO)

� Maximum Torque –

226 Nm ISO (mkg DIN)

� Price: €26,610 (model




20 GAZETTE 27 September 2012

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is where people will suck air between their teeth in the showroom.

In order to keep these cars future-proof, Renault, along with most other car companies, have opted for a lease arrangement with the battery so the owner can

get a more improved unit as they become available, hopefully providing the cars with better range as the battery technology develops.

The idea is a good one, but at roughly €80 per month, it will be a bitter enough pill for many to

swallow.Personally, I’m a huge

fan of electric motoring. For the very same rea-sons, I heard back from members of the general public, and I overlook the downsides in just the same way.

If I ’m completely

honest, the fact that the Government gets only a fraction of the money they would if I were driving a regular car, makes the Fluence even more attractive. I also get a kick out of the idea that the car’s range may improve with

age as the batteries get better.

The Fluence ZE is available from €26,610, considering how little the running costs are, I reck-on this is a good deal.

This car impressed me, and if the range was bet-ter, I’d be all over it.

boasts a modern exterior, plenty of torque and has a range of approximately 120kms on a full charge

Edited by

Cormac Curtis


Toyota Ireland supplies

Motability Ireland with

new Verso-S vehicleTOYOTA Ireland has supplied Motability Ireland with a new Verso-S demonstration vehicle as part of its ongoing commitment to the mobility market.

The vehicle will be equipped with swivel seat, wheelchair boot hoist, state-of-the-art hand controls, steering aids and left foot accelerator. It will be available for demonstration through Motability Ireland and the Toyota dealer net-work.

Commenting on the collaboration, Cathal Ryan, fleet sales manager, Toyota Ireland, said: “We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with Motability Ireland. Like Toyota, Motability Ireland manufacture vehicles with a renowned reputation for quality and reliability backed up by industry leading customer service. They are at the forefront of the mobility indus-try. At Toyota, we realise the importance of the mobility market to our brand’s success in Ire-land, and we intend to build upon this relation-ship in the future”

Jonathan Moore, marketing manager, Motabil-ity Ireland said: “We look forward to working with Toyota. Their products represent the very best in design and reliability and this reflects Motability Ireland`s core values. The Verso-S is a fantastic new vehicle, with a higher seating position, good accessibility and fully automatic transmission. I’m confident it will be successful in the mobility market.”

Cathal Ryan, fleet sales manager, Toyota

Ireland and Jonathan Moore, marketing

manager, Motability Ireland. Picture: Tommy




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27 September 2012 GAZETTE 21

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Old-world charms inthe city of the Tribes� NATALIE BURKE

IT CAN be hard to tick all the boxes when it comes to taking a weekend away in Ireland. One thing is for sure; the weather can be unpredictable, wher-ever you go.

But, when it comes to the other boxes – four-star accommodation full of old-fashioned Irish charm, a city full of cul-ture on the doorstep, being just minutes away from beaches, shops and lively bars, and facing just a short drive to some of the scenery this country is most famously praised for, it seems that Galway City exceeds expectations.

Having only had the pleasure of being to Gal-way City once before – on an occasion not done in too much style – it came as no surprise that, when the opportunity arose, I jumped at the chance to stay at the renowned Hotel Meyrick.

The oldest hotel in Galway city, it lived up the expectation I had set for its combination of old-world glamour, sophisti-cation and contemporary style.

Once known as “the Railway Hotel”, the Hotel Meyrick is one hotel that has its history inter-twined with that of the city it resides in. Located quite literally in the very heart of Galway City, the

hotel stands elegantly overlooking Eyre Square, just a stone’s throw away from the city’s highlights and public transport sys-tems – Galway Railway Station is located right on Eyre Square.

First opened in 1852, the Hotel Meyrick earned its current name only a few years ago, when it was named after Eyre Square’s former title, Meyrick Place.

Arriving by car at Hotel Meyrick, its central loca-tion makes it a busy des-

tination, traffic-wise but, if you’re lucky enough to find a spot to pull in first time round, the hotel’s friendly valets quickly take it off your hands.

The hotel’s exterior is impressive in itself, the five-floored building tak-ing precedence on its corner of Eyre Square but, if that doesn’t take you aback, the Meyrick’s impressive lobby will.

Grand, spacious and inviting, the lobby boasts high ceilings, a number of old fashioned couches and warm lighting to set

the scene.We checked into a

junior suite; a fifth-floor room overlooking the 400-year-old square, its windows offering possi-bly the best view of Gal-way city.

The king-size bed, spacious bathroom and modern flatscreen TV take nothing away from the old-world charm of the luxurious suite.

In the warmer months, you might miss the full blast of air-conditioning (the fact that the building

is listed means there are restrictions – an element that is intriguing in itself) but, even after throwing the wide windows open to let fresh air through, the sounds of the Galway streets remind you of the bustling liveliness of a modern city that rarely sleeps.

The menus at the Oys-ter Grill Restaurant reflect its fortunate proximity to the west coast, the variety complemented by Beara Island mussels, Atlantic crab claws and seasonal oysters.

The popular restau-rant offers an a-la-carte option, a table d’hote menu, as well as Sunday lunch, with its doors open to both guests and locals seven days a week.

After choosing the chicken liver and herb pate, followed by a sirloin steak with Guinness and mushroom jus – which comes highly recom-mended – we chose to finish our evening with a nightcap at the laidback Oyster Bar.

Breakfast is served in the same restaurant and is a generous spread of fresh fruit, cereals and mini-pastries, as well as a buffet-style option for a full Irish breakfast.

Following breakfast, I couldn’t help but be tempted by the rumours I heard about the Square Spa and Health Club, located on the fifth floor of the Meyrick.

Good rumours, of course, that encouraged me to bypass the state-of-the-art gym and indulge instead in a morning of relaxation.

What the spa lacks in size, it makes up for in privacy and quality.

The spa overlooks the cityscape of Galway and, while I had to avoid climbing into the roman-tic Canadian hot tub over-looking the city (which was already occupied by two people enjoying a

glass of bubbly), I opted instead for a signature Dermalogica facial.

Outside the little world created by the Meyrick lies cobbled streets, col-ourful shops and a busy café bar culture spreading right across the city.

Already located at the heart of where it all hap-pens, why not take a stroll on the beach at Salthill, stop off for a well-earned pint of Guinness at one of the city’s many old Irish pubs, or take a drive to see the unspoilt beauty of the famous Connemara coast?

The Relax & Unwind package offers two nights’ bed and full Irish break-fast, with one evening dinner at the Oyster Grill Restaurant, and a choice of a relaxing Indian Head Massage or a Mini Facial from €184 per room.

For further packages and information, see

As you would expect from


‘The hotel’s exterior is impressive in itself, the building taking precedence on its corner of Eyre Square but, if that doesn’t take you aback, the Meyrick’s impressive lobby will’---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Set sail for a great car-cation with Stena Line and the National TrustPEOPLE looking for an action-packed autumn car-cation should look no further than Stena Line, as Ireland’s leading ferry company has teamed up with Britain’s National Trust to offer families and groups 20% off accommodation and activities at the Stackpole Outdoor Learning Centre, Pembrokeshire, during September and October.

Travel from Rosslare to Fishguard and enjoy the action at the centre, which is based at the heart of the 2000-acre National Trust Stackpole Estate.

Visitors have the opportunity to kayak, explore more than 30km of woodland paths and lakes, or to take part in Atlantic surf scrambling and coas-teering.

Travel from €89 single for a car and driver, with additional adults from €30 (single) and children from €17 (single), as well as 20% off accommo-dation and activities at the Stackpole Outdoor Centre.

For further information or to make a booking, see or call 01 204 7777.

Brush up on your art skills with a three-day painting retreat by the lovely waters of Lough CorribFOR any budding artist looking for an opportuni-ty to relax at an exclusive and luxurious painting retreat, Lisloughrey Lodge is offering a three-day retreat filled with art, exploration, dining and meeting new people.

Overlooking beautiful Lough Corrib, Lislough-rey Lodge is a four-star boutique hotel located on the Mayo/Galway border, and is the perfect suggestion for artists looking to develop their practice.

On Tuesday, October 9, guests will check in for a three-night stay at one of the lodge’s deluxe courtyard rooms, before enjoying a welcome lunch in the Quay Bar and an introduction to locally-based artist, teacher and gallery owner, John Dinan, who will offer tuition each day.

The first ever luxury artists’ retreat takes place from October 9 to October 12. Costing €495, the package includes three nights B&B, a welcome lunch, a final group dinner and three days’ tuition.

Early booking is advisable. For further informa-tion, contact Lisloughrey Lodge at 094 954 5400.


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such an impressive exterior, the Meyrick also has impressive bedrooms and facilities, making it a perfect, welcoming base for visitors

Let Wings Abroad fly you away to the sun at a Turkish holiday resortIF THE lack of sun this summer has left you feeling down, perhaps an autumn sunshine break could be just what you need?

Get away from the Irish weather this October with Wings Abroad, the Turkish holiday spe-cialists, from just €369 per person.

The four-star Golden Day Wings Hotel in Kusadasi, a firm favourite with Irish holiday makers, are offering a seven-night stay from just €369, and a 14-night stay from just €429.

Enjoy friendly service, reliable weather and the exhilarating views of the Kusadasi coastline from your balcony at the four-star hotel, set in a unique location within easy walking distance of the marina and Kusadasi town centre.

Prices are based on two persons sharing a twin room on a B&B basis, and are for selected dates in October.

For further information or to make a book-ing, see, or call 01 871 9444. Prices are subject to availability, and terms and conditions apply.


Edited by

Natalie Burke

27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 23

First opened in 1852, the Hotel Meyrick has a perfect location on Eyre Square, with a range of suites offering the best of old-world charms,

while its spa and health club offers contemporary pampering for guests to really spoil themselves

Page 24: Blanchardstown Gazette

24 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012

Not totally Dredd-fulAs an autonomous and totalitarian lawmaker, Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) doesn’t need to do much more than grunt “I am derrr lawww!” at

bad guys – and then shoot them – in the latest film that attempts to bring the iconic comic character to life



It’s hard to do very much with a character that just likes being sour and shooting things, but this film’s on target ...


DARLINGS! I’m back! Well, “back”, as in “back doing a couple of fill-in reviews for a temporary week or two, as I slunk off from The Gazette Group some time ago”-back.

So, it’s my great pleas-ure to say hi to all of my old fans – yes, yes, I missed you both, too – and to say hi to all the rest of you and, more importantly, to give you a review of a film for your consideration.

While we’re in the mood of being all happy and welcoming, and news editors not paying very careful attention to temporary film review-ers’ expenses claims, may I say that it’s been simply dreadful for me, wonder-ing how on earth readers would cope without my on-the-nose reviews?

But nothing, perhaps, as Dredd-ful as this week’s review, Dredd 3D. (See what I did there?)

Taking the long-run-

ning comic book charac-ter (Judge Dredd) and his setting, we’ve got a noisy action film that tries to do him justice.

(All right, all right – whoever started shout-ing from the back about Sly Stallone’s misguided version ages ago can sit down again.)

As a set-up, in the near future, most of the world is a nuclear wasteland, with the remains of humanity packed into vast, teem-ing and totalitarian meg-acities – with none more sardine-packed than Mega City One (formerly known as separate places called New York, Chica-

go, Washington, etc).Unfortunately, even by

chaotic Mega City One standards, life’s more hellish than usual, thanks to the effects of a drug, Slo-Mo, on the people and gangs. Oh, you know, crime and drugs aren’t ever going to lead to a happy story, right?

With Slow-Mo causing warfare across the city, it’s time to send in The Law – with none more lawful than Judge Dredd, not just one of the city’s tough-nut cops but, also, a one-man judge, jury and executioner. Literally.

Given Dredd’s habit of dispensing instant capital

punishment for virtually every misdemeanour (TV licence inspectors may take note), he’s the right man to send into one part of the city to tackle the Slo-Mo problem there.

Dredd (a grunt-tas-tic Karl Urban playing Dredd appropriately, as half-scowl, half-helmet) and his rookie sidekick, slightly-psychic Judge Anderson (Olivia Thirlby) find themselves in a typi-cal, 1km-tall tower block, home to thousands of residents ...

Except that, wouldn’t you know it, it’s not just a base for Slo-Mo, it’s THE base for Slo-Mo. Of all the tower blocks in all Mega City One, Dredd walks into that one. (I’d ask that man to start buy-ing your Lotto tickets, if I were you.)

Crimelord Ma-Ma (Lena Headey) immedi-ately orders a block lock-down, with a bounty on Dredd and Andersons’ heads, leaving two judges

to face off against lots and lots of trigger-happy min-ions …

To say any more would put me back in “…and then the Titanic hit an iceberg” territory.

Suffice it to say that, yes, it’s got all of the gunfire and gunplay that you’d expect from such a film, but it’s elevated – slightly – from the usual stand-ards of such films by the interesting crew behind the camera, leading to some arresting sights, and some admittedly stylish cinematography.

Given the subject mat-ter, it’s certainly a Dredd-ful film, but, thankfully, not quite a dreadful one. There are certainly worse films to spend your money one. Hmmm. That indirectly reminds me of a joke about an old cin-ema nemesis of mine.

“What’s the only thing worse than a new Clive Owen film? Two new Clive Owen films!” That’s all, folks!

FILM OF THE WEEK: Dredd 3D���� (18) 96 mins

OUR VERDICT:WITH some decent names behind the camera, from scripting to cinematography, the director hasn’t made a Travis-ty of bringing Dredd back to the big screen. True, the ultimate law enforcer still doesn’t need to do much more than scowl underneath a big helmet – and then shoot stuff – but, as far as big, dumb action B-movies go, this decent enough film lays down the law in some style.

Director: Pete TravisStarring: Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Lena Headey, Jason Cope, Domhnall Gleeson, thousands of thugs, Mega City One

THE PAVILION THEATRE 01 231 2929The 39 Steps

THE dangerous world of spying in the 1930s is brought to life in a great performance of the classic comic play, still best-known to many audiences for the Alfred Hitchcock film of the same name. In 1935, Richard Hannay is thrown into the mysterious world of spying, in a bid to keep his country safe – but nothing is what it seems, as his life is turned upside down by danger – and comedy! With many light-hearted touches, this is a show that’s sure to entertain. Step lively to catch the show at 8pm on Friday, September 28 or Saturday, September 29, with tickets priced at €15.

MILL THEATRE 01 296 9340 Karl Spain and Bernard O’Shea

ALTERNATIVELY this weekend, in a break from espionage antics, why not spy on two of Ireland’s funniest men? TV funnyman Karl Spain has abandoned his well-known search for a woman to return to his stand-up roots. Bernard O’Shea is a freewheeling comic, familiar to many as the roving reporter on The Republic of Telly, not to mention his prestigious representation of Ireland in the Montreal Just For Laughs festival. Already individually impressive, the two comics have an evening not to be missed this weekend. Catch the show at 8.15pm on Friday, September 28 or Saturday, September 29, with tickets priced at €12/€14.

CIVIC THEATRE 01 462 7477Misery

THE popular tale of a fan’s obsessive love, Misery is set to chill with an upcoming production at the Civic Theatre. Joe Meagher and Denise Camp will thrill audiences with their roles, ready to show how novelist Paul Sheldon’s rescuer from a car crash, Annie Wilkes is anything but his saviour. Recuperating in her house, cut off from the world, and facing her increasingly erratic attention, Sheldon faces devising the greatest plot of his life – how to escape ... Misery will be staged nightly at 8pm from Tuesday, October 9 to Saturday, October 13, with tickets priced at €16/€20.

DRAIOCHT 01 885 2622The Music Makers

THIS fascinating celebration of the interaction between instruments and musicians will delight any music fan. Live music by outstanding traditional musicians will be accompanied by film showing the workings of instrument makers’ workshops, presenting an insightful evening of delightful music. Catch the performance at 8.15pm on Friday, September 28, with tickets priced at €14/€16.

from The Gazettsome time ago”-b

So, it’s my greure to say hi to aold fans – yes, yes,you both, too – anhi to all the resand, more imporgive you a reviewfor your consider

Whil ’

gazette group




All of your latest local news, sport, features and pictures are now just a click away

Page 25: Blanchardstown Gazette


I’M SO old, I can remem-ber when Sega was pri-marily known for its con-soles, rather than being “just” a developer.

This being so, many an aging gamer will join me in wiping away tears of nostalgia over Sega’s missed Dreamcast con-sole – the cube-shaped bundle of joy that passed away before its time, given its underwhelming sup-port by developers and publishers.

One of the DC’s most notable and lauded titles was Jet Set Radio; a fun and funky cel-shaded title that (local councillors and Tidy Towns groups

may wish to look away now) saw players racing around a busy cityscape, tagging areas with their graffiti to mark their turf over rival gangs’, while avoiding the police who’d eventually show up.

Having travelled the world and seen such things everywhere, I’ve seen how there’s an enor-mous difference between graffiti (the blight of a thousand estates around Dublin, and the world) and street art (mocking society, making political jokes, and so on) – but, here, it’s pretty much just graffiti played for laughs, as an attempt to inject some fun and colour back into an increasingly dull

cityscape.As another in the cool

trend of digital remakes, Jet Set Radio HD sees the old title picked up, dusted off, and available for digital download for both XBox 360 and Play-Station 3 (prices vary) , giv-ing modern gamers the chance to play a stylish gaming classic.

Players choose from a number of characters, with many more avail-able throughout the game, to skate around a n u m b e r of colourful


27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 25

Second Life dev looks at PatternsREMEMBER Second Life? Anyone? Surely you all remember the seemingly endless hype from about seven years ago about Linden Labs’ vast, online world where anyone could be anything, and where banks and high-street retailers would build “clicks-and-morter” virtual outlets for people to do all their online shopping at?

(I remember Second Life very well – as being the world’s biggest ghost town; a virtual, sprawling ver-sion of I Am Legend, but with extra Nike stores and a few brave, if dejected, souls wandering around.)

Now, Linden Labs have released information and a trailer for Patterns; its next world title, which follows the current vogue for user-created world-building and reshaping titles. (Think: “Minecraft with triangles”, and you’re pretty much there.) Let’s hope that Linden Labs gets a second wind for its next potentially major venture ...

Saying Halo to a special previewLASTLY, look out for a special report on Halo 4 in the near future, as I’m off to Madrid (yes, that Madrid) to take a closer, hands-on preview look at what’s sure to be a smash-hit crowdpleaser later this year. So, stay tuned for that upcoming Halo 4 report – and, possibly, a special giveaway, too ...

Taking place in a cel-shaded version of some of Tokyo’s most iconic districts, Jet Set Radio doesn’t have quite the visual “wow” factor today

that it did upon its release on the Dreamcast in 2000, but, thankfully, its fun gameplay is just as capable of drawing you in

Can easily draw you in

THE Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter, revealed an amusing way with words last week as he, too, joined in the fuss over Apple’s new Maps app, bundled as part of the latest update to its gadgets’ operating sys-tem, IOS 6.

This saw Apple ditch its previous use of Goog-le Maps for its own ver-sion instead, which is a

fair enough move ...Unfortunately, how-

ever, the internet imme-diately saw a flood of complaints from irate people, from individuals to companies, all com-plaining about Apple’s version of Maps, versus Google’s.

Missing cities, incom-plete entries, incorrectly branded places – the list of user complaints

goes on. Having looked through this new Maps a bit, myself, I can see why.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised to see “Here Be Dragons” and pictures of mermaids on some of the particularly blank areas that I looked at, such is its relative paucity of content compared to the more detailed Google version.

As for Minister Shatter,

while he’s unlikely to be starring at the Laughter Lounge any time soon, he had a tongue-in-cheek response to the revala-tion that Airfield House, in Dundrum, has now been branded as, well, an air field (complete with airport symbol), courtesy of Apple.

He said: “In the con-text of Airfield there are a variety of possible alter-

native images that could be utilised, such as a cow, a goat, a sheep, a flower or indeed any other type of plant, as Airfield oper-ates a nursery.

“An aircraft is an entirely inappropriate flight of imagination.”

While he was prob-ably winging it a bit with his comments, there’s no doubt that it’s an interest-ing stumble by Apple.

Minister Shatter wings it with a tongue-in-cheek response to Apple’s map mistake

Tokyo districts, with each character having their own strengths and weak-nesses.

In each open area, the player has to tag their mark over rival gangs’, collecting spray cans and avoiding the interests of the police, while trying

to add to their score by grinding and per-

forming tricks on the many convenient-

ly-placed railings, steps, bars and other such grind-friendly surfaces.

And tha t ’s pretty much it – there’s noth-

ing about avenging family wrongs, saving the world or murky cover-ups, here – just fun gameplay, rac-ing around, spraying tags, completing challenges and collecting charac-ters.

Of course, I hate seeing graffiti in real life – mean-ingless scrawls are ugly to see, in any city of the world – but, here, there’s a lot of fun in adding some slapdash colour to Tokyo, with the slightly anarchic gameplay just as engaging as ever.

Here’s hoping that the remake of Dreamcast classics continues (Skies of Arcadia next, please).

Beat, Jet Set Radio’s iconic lead character

Page 26: Blanchardstown Gazette





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26 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012



Planning Permission is sought by Shah and Elizabeth Byram for retention of garage con-version to cloak room and toilet and reloca-tion of hall door at No. 64 Woodpark, Castle-knock, Dublin 15. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public open-ing hours and a submis-sion or observation may be made to the author-ity in writing on pay-ment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the author-ity of this application.


















Page 27: Blanchardstown Gazette

[email protected]

ALL good things must come to an end, and that is what will hap-pen to Dublin Commu-nity Games in 2013 as a number of long-standing members retire at this year’s annual general meeting.

Some of the existing committee are stepping down after many years of dedicated involvement with the role of secretary and games director open-ing up.

As such, Dublin Com-munity Games are seek-ing new volunteers to join the county committee to help run the extensive programme of competi-tions.

Speaking about the 2012 Games programme, Brian MacManus, chair-person, said: “2012 has been a successful, yet challenging year for us, as we struggled to stage our full programme of events.

“It is always sad to see volunteers, colleagues

and, more importantly friends retire, but none of us is around forever, and we need new volun-teers now more than ever before.

“With the retirement of many of our long-standing volunteers, we will not be able to stage the full, new 2013 pro-gramme without the help of new volunteers.”

Catering for young people aged six to 16 years-old in a pro-gramme with a strong emphasis firmly placed


Marley Grange participants enjoy the 2012 Community Games relays at Santry Stadium

McManus hails role of Community Games volunteers

on fun, participation and creating community spirit, Dublin Communi-ty Games provides over 55 sporting and cultural activities.

These range from athletics to art, choir to chess, soccer to swim-ming, judo to gymnastics, and volleyball to variety,

with debating, duathlon, hybrid rugby and spike ball all being added to the programme next year.

All these activities are run in local communi-ties around Dublin, and provide opportunities for young people to develop in a healthy and safe environment while expe-

riencing a wide range of activities.

There is also a youth programme on offer where you can help at local and county events, mentor teams, develop new skills while encour-aging youth participation in the community.

The annual meeting

takes place on Tuesday, October 2 at 7.30pm in Carmichael House, Dub-lin 7. All are welcome.

For more information on how to get involved, contact Dublin Secre-tary, Maureen Quinlan on 01 872 8203 or check out

GazetteSPORTLIFFEY DESCENT:LIFFEY DESCENT:Czech team in Czech team in town for annual town for annual canoe marathon: canoe marathon: Page 28Page 28

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Ireland Warriors win

Euro Cup in fine styleTHE IRELAND Warriors Aussie Rules team won their second Euro Cup in Edinburgh last weekend with a stunning come-from-behind one-point win over Denmark Vikings in Edinburgh last Saturday.

It was described as the “best game of Aus-sie Rules I’ve seen played in Europe” by tournament organiser AFL Europe general manager Ben MacCormack as the Irish side, featuring a number of players from the South Dublin Swans, came from 11 points behind in the final minute.

They blast home two quick goals just sec-onds from the final siren and win 5.0 (30) to 4.5 (29) with Ireland’s Muiris Bartley kicking the vital goal.

The competition saw 16 teams compete at Peffermill over a series of 24-minute games played in a nine-a-side format.

Speaking about the ever-growing size of the competition, McCormack added: “It just shows just how much the game is developing in Europe across both genders.”

A bagpipe player, dressed in a kilt, provid-ed background noise during the exhibition women’s match, in which the Irish Banshees – which features players from Lucan and Malahide – crushed the European Crusaders 13.14 (92) to 8.8 (56).

Aimee-Louise Hazley took a break from her club Gaelic football season with St Syl-vester’s – who are into the Leinster interme-diate championship quarter-final – to take part in the contest.

Not much separated the teams at the last change before the Irish experience got them across the line in the last term.


[email protected]

IN ITS first year since its inclusion in the World River Marathon Series, the Liffey Descent is back on Sunday Sep-tember 29, with over 800 canoeists ready to attack the white water rapids of the renowned river Liffey route.

The usual crew mak-ing up the Irish contin-gent will be ready to fly the flag – Thomastown Paddlers of Kilkenny, Wild Water Kayak Club of Chapelizod, Salmon Leap Canoe Club of Leixlip and Celbridge Paddlers – but this year they will be joined by the Czech National team who have been attract-ed to the event after it received its world mara-thon recognition

The Czechs, who are due to compete in the

C1 class, will be afforded the opportunity of gain-ing ranking points if they are successful around the course, as will those tak-ing part in the K1 class, something that Irish com-petitor Keith McGuirk believes can only bring more international inter-est to the tournament.

“It’s huge to have the Czech team coming over,” said the C1 athlete. “I think a lot of other teams might take an interest in the marathon because of its new classification.

“If the Czech team have a good experience, they’ll be spreading the word about the event and hopefully that will lead to more and more interna-tional teams coming over in the future.

“The fact that Antonin Hales is competing is very big as far as the mar-athon is concerned. He’s a huge name in world

white water rafting and he was part of the team that won bronze at the world championships,” said McGuirk.

The Liffey Descent is one of the biggest events of its kind in the world and is not for the faint-hearted. The 28km course combines long flat water sections, swift currents, 10 weirs and numerous rapids, a heav-ily wooded section and a long portage around Leixlip dam.

Competitors need to be of level three kayak standard and the reasons for such a big turnout, from the casual athletes to the championship level, is the fact that the ESB guarantee the white water element of the event.

The ESB will release 30 tonnes of water from the Poulaphouca Reservoir to coincide with the race.

This brings the river up to flood level and trans-forms small rapids and gentle weirs into foaming white water, which gives the marathon its unique drawing point, making it one of the most unique and challenging courses of its kind, according to McGuirk.

“The fact that the race is guaranteed white water because of the role of the ESB it makes it a very interesting course for a lot of reasons.

“It’s a long course at 18 miles, and the fact that the competitors are working

against white water while still trying to conserve energy to endure the full length of the marathon makes it a fantastic chal-lenge and a great test for all levels of competitor,” said McGuirk

The event began back in 1959 as an inter club event for the national scene, but has gone on to grow every year. McGuirk believes that Olympic competitors like Eoin Rheinisch and Hannah Craig have injected a lot of interest in the event on the back of their showings at the Olympic Games.

Descent hits heights


World bronze medallist Antonin Hales has been added to the field for the annual Liffey Descent as the event gains world recognition

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27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 29

�STARof the


AT THE fourth attempt, the

St Peregrine’s man finally

tastes All-Ireland minor

final success and could help

Dublin to a famous double


SWORDS woman Catherine

Walsh claimed medals on

both the track and the

road to mark an epic

Paralmypic Games


NAOMH Olaf’s full-back was

the beating heart of the

Dublin minor All-Ireland

success, leading the side

with some superb showings

�TEAMof the




JUST two years since

attaining inter status for

the first time, Syl’s hurlers

powered their way to the

senior ranks in jig-time


CASTLE GC ended a long

99-year wait but finally

won back amateur golf’s

biggest team prize, the

Irish Senior Cup


FIELDING 17 players who

discovered ladies football

through the Gaelic for

Mothers programme, they

rose to win a JFC title


LOCAL hockey clubs came away with a series of nominations on the shortlist for the Irish Hockey Association annual awards last Thurs-day following an extensive public vote that saw over 5,000 people offer their views.

Beaufort club Loreto are up for two major gongs as they were included in the lists for Club of the Year and Youth Club of the Year following a sterling 2011/12 season.

In the former category, Loreto earned their stripes by reaching the final of the Irish Hockey League while also making it through to the finals weekend of the Irish Senior Cup, the two top competitions for women’s hockey in Ireland.

On top of that, they picked up a number of Leinster league titles with their junior teams while they started to build their first clubhouse, too. They are up against south Dublin rivals Railway Union and Blackrock side Avoca.

The latter club is another to have set in motion plans to improve their facilities in New-park with a new Portakabin built and in opera-tion for the new season.

Their men’s first team returned to division one for the first time in seven seasons as their development plan came into full effect.

Elsewhere, Monkstown’s David Cole is up for the U-18 player of the year having made his debut for the Irish senior national team during his Leaving Certificate year, lining out in green against world number five side Spain earlier in 2012. He also captained his school side St Andrew’s to the Leinster senior cup.

There were plenty of nominations for Alex-andra College following their run to the All-Ireland girl’s Kate Russell Cup glory. They are up for the hockey school of the year while their coach Miles Warren is in the final four for the U-18 coach of the year having also been at the helm for the Irish U-16 boys as they finished fifth in the European championships in the summer.

Loreto and Rathdown head coach Graham Shaw is one of four in the running for the coach of the year title while Olympic umpire Carol Metchette is one of the favourites for the top whistle-blower gong.

South Dublin clubs in running for awards

Camogie make-a-wish:

National association

links up with charityMAKE-A-WISH Ireland are set to partner with the Camogie Association for the next three years. The Camogie Association will help promote, support and fundraise for the char-ity which is celebrating 20 years in Ireland this year.The partnership was announced at the All-

Ireland camogie championship final last week in Croke Park. Susan O’Dwyer, Make-A-Wish Ireland said: “We look forward to working with the association and developing exciting fund-raising events and activities which will help us to continue to grant wishes for children living with life-threatening medical conditions.”For more information log onto www. and


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30 BLANCH GAZETTE 27 September 2012


Harts Hunting glory: New team runs up trio of victoriesHARTSTOWN Huntstown FC’s NDSL U-17 B side have started off in fine fashion since managers Danny McCann and Bob Ward formed the new team.They won their first game against Balscad-

den Boys 2-0 and followed up with a 4-2 success against Dunshaughlin Youths.An 8-1 win against Dunboyne means they

have run up three wins from three and are looking good despite the short amount of time spent playing together, showing a real flair for teamwork.


Coolmine 22

[email protected]

COOLMINE’S first 15 slipped to a second suc-cessive loss as they were closed out Newbridge 30-22 in Rosetown in perfect conditions last weekend.

The visitors had start-ed well, controlling pos-session and recycling the ball after every contact and it wasn’t long before Coolmine took the opportunity to strike.

The ball was taken into contact by the pack and recycled well before being spread down the

backline to Rory Farrell who showed a great turn of pace to touch the ball down.

That early try, though, appeared to wake the hosts from their slumber and they duly countered with a grubber kick that was scooped up by an on-rushing attacker who gathered to score under the posts. The resulting conversion was success-ful as the home side took the lead 7-5.

They added a penalty when Coolmine did not release the tackler just outside their own 22.

And Newbridge con-tinued to carry the bat-tle forward, retaining

possession in waves of attacks. They had their tails up and crossed the line for their second try just before half-time. The conversion was success-ful leaving the score at 17-5 at half time.

Coolmine upped the tempo in the second half and, after a number of great chances from a scrum, the snipping Cool-mine scrum-half Liam Power found a gap and brought Coolmine back into the game. Donal Crotty was unlucky with the conversion attempt but it offered hope for the second half.

Again, Newbridge moved through the gears

and, from the base of a scrum just inside the Coolmine 22, they struck after the ball was spread from the number eight to their back line, touch-ing down just left of the posts, reasserting their lead at 24-10.

Tireless hooker Jonny Lee responded with his side’s third try, going over in the left corner as Coolmine began to see more possession and looked the more likely to cross the line in the closing phases.

But discipline was a problem and Newbridge picked off two penalties to keep the Ashbrook side out of reach.

A fantast ic move involving the forwards and backs running at speed found the ball being popped to speedy winger James Ring, who stepped on the gas to beat his marker and score a bonus point-earning fourth try.

The conversion was successful from Crotty, leaving the score at 30-22 as the referee blew the final whistle.

W h i l e Coo lm ine haven’t had the best of starts, losing both games, the spirit and determina-tion that they are show-ing on the pitch will surely be rewarded with victories before long.

’Bridge too far for CoolmineCoolmine found Newbridge too hot to handle last weekend as they slipped to a second successive defeat in the Leinster league


Phoenix trio aid LSL run

to interprovincial titleTHE Leinster Senior League Intermediate panel took home the Michael Ward trophy last week-end, gaining revenge over the Munster Senior League 2-1 in Turner’s Cross, Cork.

Phoenix had a strong showing amongst the panel, with three players being called upon for inter-provincial duty – Dave Philips, John Bro-phy and Victor Ekanem, pictured above.

Their weekend started off to a furious pace with a 5-5 draw with the Ulster Senior League bagging an early goal to set the trend for the match. Wayside’s David O’Sullivan levelled the scoring when the sides went in at half time at 2-2.

Ulster took the advantage again through Davitt Walsh early in the second stanza, but a quick fire four goals were then netted to turn the game into goal frenzy. Darren Lacey equalised for Leinster in the 68th minute before Keith Hegarty restored Ulster’s lead.

It was then Phoenix’s Ekanem who brought the scores level and it was a sign of things to come as the Blanch man cracked home another to give Leinster the lead for the first time in the game with one minute to go.

However, after a hard fought performance Ulster weren’t going to be bested as Seamus Friel ensured equal spoils in injury time.

The Leinster men followed up with a 3-0 win over Connacht. Phoenix man John Brophy got on the end of a beautifully weighted ball to open the scoring in the first half and Austin McCann doubled the lead with a 25-yard scorcher. Again, Lacey netted to finish up Leinster’s scoring with 20 minutes to go in a dominant performance.

Wayside’s David O’Sullivan ignited the decid-er against Munster when he headed home after a move that involved Phoenix’s John Brophy, setting the pace for the side that went on to win their 14th inter provincial title.

Munster managed an equaliser when Leinster lost possession as they advanced out of the backline and the ball broke to Luke Connolly in space inside the area and he calmly put the ball past Jason Lowney in the Leinster goal.

But, the first half wasn’t over before John Brophy got on the end of a Ray Whelehan cross to head home the last goal of the fixture that saw the Leinster side win 2-1 after some serious defending in the second half.

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27 September 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 31


ST BRIGID’S club nursery for four to

seven year-olds runs every Saturday

from 9.30am to 11am. New members

and families welcome.

GAA accredited coaching courses

hosted in the club are open to all

members. The cost is only €10 and €5

for U-18s. Contact Paul on 087 9154748

or see the website for more info.

Good win for our U-14 hurlers, U-15

footballers and junior and senior

camogie teams who are both through

to their championship finals which are

fixed for this Saturday.

Hard luck to our senior hurlers who

were beaten 2-13 to 2-8 in their SHC


Several important fundraising

events coming up – keep your diary

free. October 12: girl’s Feile 2013 Disco;

October 19: race night; November 9:

wine quiz night.

St Brigid’s Spleodar Irish club for

teenagers has resumed on Thursdays

from 7-9pm in the club hall. The cost is

€3 per week and everyone is welcome.

A new GAA show featuring a weekly

Brigid’s roundup is on every Monday

evening on Phoenix FM at 7pm. If you

have any item you want mentioned,

email [email protected].

The club lotto is €11,400 this week and

takes place in Russell Park on Thurs-

day evening. Congrats to all involved

with the Dublin minors on their great

win and best wishes to Paul Winters

and the Dublin minor hurlers this Sun-


ST PEREGRINE’SWELL done to Eric and the Dublin minors

on their All-Ireland win; great perform-

ance and best of luck to Eric in the hurl-

ing final replay on Sunday.

The senior footballers play Ballinteer

in the AIB cup semi-final this Saturday

in Marlay Park at 5.15pm, all support


The club lotto was not won; the num-

bers drawn were 12, 15, 21 and 28. Next

week’s jackpot is €4,400.

Sincere condolences to the O’Sullivan

family on their recent bereavement.

Our safety day is on this Sunday;

please come along, the Garda Helicop-

ter will be in attendance.

The Penguin Ball is on December 8 in

the Carlton Hotel; tickets are €50 and

deposits must be paid by the end of

September to Lorraine or Ciaran.

Our club shop vouchers are now

available; details and contacts on the

club website

Follow us on Twitter @peregrinesgaa.

Entertainment in the club this Satur-

day is from Nighshift. Bingo continues

this Wednesday at 8.30pm; the jackpot

is €700.


WESTMANSTOWN/GARDAIT WAS a sad week for the club with

the passing of Sean O’Mahony. Sean

gave a lifetime of service to An Garda

Siochana and to the GAA.

He was a member of the Garda GAA

club from its reorganisation in the

1960s up to his death, serving the

club in many capacities.

He also served for many years at

county board level and it was fitting

that he was remembered in Croke

Park on football final day. The club

extends its condolences to his wife

Caroline and his family on their sad

loss. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.

There was no action on the playing

fields last week as the playing season

winds down.

Our next fixture is on Saturday,

October 6 when the intermediates

take on Garristown at Westmans-


The juvenile club was busy with the

U-7s playing their first ever match

against St Brigid’s away. The U-8s

beat Naomh Olaf’s, the U-9s lost to


The U-10s and U-12s both won away

against Cuala. The U-12 girls lost out

in an entertaining encounter against

Beann Eadair. Good luck to the Howth

team in the divisional final.

For more information, contact club

GPO, Declan Jennings at 085 8006101

or visit

The nursery section is looking for

new members (join for free until

October 31). It runs every Saturday

from 10-11.30am at the GAA grounds

in the Westmanstown Sports Cen-


Congratulations to the Dublin minor

footballers on their All-Ireland win

last Sunday in Croke Park. Con-

gratulations also to all our Donegal

members on the tremendous victory

on Sunday in Croke Park, taking Sam

for the second time. Commiserations

to our long suffering Mayo members.

Beidh lá eile.


Kilmacud Crokes 2-13

[email protected]

IT PROVED a dramatic week for the St Brigid’s hurlers who qualified for the quarter-finals of the Dublin senior hurling championship midweek when they beat St Jude’s, but the last-eight Sunday game against Kilmacud Crokes proved a bridge too far with a late goal from Aodhan McEner-ney not quite enough to get the Russell Park men the result.

There were still 15 minutes left in the last 16 clash when McEnerney sailed the slitoar into the back of the net against St Jude’s after a long deliv-ery found its way past the opposition keeper.

The two sides were evenly matched in the first half with the Tem-pleogue side taking a minuscule one point lead going into the break, 0-7 to 0-6, with Stephen Lar-

kin taking two from side-lines while the Blanch side’s full forward, John O’Loughlin, took three of his own.

After McEnerney’s fortunate punt, Jude’s did manage to equalise but a sending off for Jude’s and a converted free coming from that stoppage along with another O’Loughlin effort was enough to put them through 1-10 to 0-11.

A cold morning made up the backdrop for the quarter final with Kil-macud Crokes on Sun-day morning in O’Toole Park, with the Stillorgan side coming out with the bit between their teeth to take a big lead into the second half, 2-6 to 0-3, with the goals coming from Sean McGrath and Ryan O’Dwyer.

O’Dwyer’s goal came in the opening 10 min-utes of the contest after Conor Clinton found him in space after a fan-tastic bit of individual play, with McGrath’s fol-

lowing on the 20-minute mark after Dillon Mul-ligan showed some fan-tastic control over the sliotar.

McEnerney and John O’Loughlin were the driving force behind the Brigid’s fightback in the second half, with free taker Paddy McAvinue proving accurate from the spot throughout the second half, banging three over in the open-ing five minutes.

Brigid’s hopes really seemed on the rise after O’Loughlin plucked the ball out of the sky from a puck out before finding

Ciaran Kellet who net-ted after he was found in space.

Reinvigorated by the goal, Brigid’s pressed the Kilmacud backline in furious fashion, with the defenders putting in a huge effort to stay on top of the Russell Park party’s attacks.

When McEnerney net-ted late on, it seemed like Brigid’s had a chance of pulling out an unprece-dented result, but points from McGrath and Ross O’Carroll shored up the semi-final tie for Kilma-cud with Sarsfields for the Glenalbyn side.


Ryan O Dwyer tangles with Aidan O’Leary as Daire Plunkett looks on while, below, Rory O’Carroll takes a tumble

Brigid’s bow out of championship

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END OF THE ROAD: St Brigid’s fine

Dublin SHC run halted by Kilmacud P31 Ga



[email protected]

ST OLIVER Plunkett’s/Eoghan Ruadh’s Niall Walsh hailed the Dublin minors All-Ireland football victory last Sunday in Croke Park as “unbelievable”.

He was one of a number of local faces in the team as Eric Lowndes, of St Peregrine’s, finally got to taste glory in his fourth national final while Castleknock’s Tom Quinn was also part of the panel that won the county’s first Tom Markham Cup since 1984, seeing off their fierc-est of rivals, Meath, 0-14 to 1-5.

Speaking after the game, Walsh shared his delight with the amazing achievement.

“It’s unbelievable, we’ve worked hard all year. I just can’t believe it’s all over. We have done what we’ve set out to do.

“I’d say we could’ve gone farther ahead but

Meath came out in the second half and really came at us, but we were prepared for it. We knew that if we could drive on we would be alright in the second half if we just stuck to the game plan.

“It was a nervous moment after they scored the penalty, but we drove on and we put a few more points on the board. It was an easier game after that because Meath lost a bit of spirit after we grabbed a few more scores.

“We were well aware that it was going to be a different game than the Leinster final. Meath had two great games in the lead-up to the final.”

Lowndes was in fantastic form in the game and linked up with his Navan Road neighbour Walsh to supply him with the first point that Dublin notched on the day.

The Peregrine’s halfback was unlucky not to be named man of the match on the day with

a fantastic display that saw him flying up the pitch from the backlines to distribute the ball to the forward line. In the first half, Lowndes took a fantastic score when he broke up the left hand side of the pitch before hitting the ball cleanly with his left peg, sending it flying over the Roy-al’s bar, and he kept battling in the second half to the point where the Meath team start putting hard tackles in on the Blakestown talent.

The dual star will be in action this weekend again when he takes on Tipperary in the All-Ireland minor hurling final replay, where the Dublin side will go in as the underdogs, but will be full of confidence after a fantastic initial final in which St Brigid’s Paul Winters put over a free that restored parity between the teams.

Walsh had a terrific game in the half forward line, playing a calm and collected match that saw him take two fine points to help the Dublin side to the prestigious All-Ireland title.

Dublin 15 Dublin 15 minors minors land All- land All- Ireland Ireland trophytrophyWalsh hails ‘unbelievable’ feeling as Dubs end 28-year wait for minor All-Ireland football success in Croke Park

St Oliver Plunkett’s/Eoghan Ruadh man Niall Walsh lifts the Tom

Markham Cup in Croke Park last Sunday Picture: Fergus McNally

LIFFEY DESCENT:Famous race earns world recognition P28