bladesoc promotional video source footage location recce

Bladesoc promotional video source footage location recce Location Potential risks The Greenway and Well Way: These roads will be suitable because they are very close to home and easy to access. It also portrays the bladesoc society in a positive way as it shows that they skate on the streets and are a free spirited organisation. There is a potential of traffic and so I may not be able to film all the time that I want. The section of road I want to use is a T-junction and so cars may intercept my path. I will be cycling and may fall of if the road is slippery underfoot. Solutions I will indicate to Heather (the skater) when I see an oncoming vehicle and I will use the pavements as a run off to get out of their way. I will look both ways to make sure that the junction is clear and will indicate to end filming if it is not. I will wear a helmet to prevent head injury. Leatherhead skate park: This would show the society as being a fun exiting social organisation as it looks more purposeful than riding on the streets. I will have Heather performing tricks with medium close ups to depict the trick in more detail. Other people may be using the space. It may rain and the ramps may be unsafe to use. The portrayal of the society may be too much like

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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Bladesoc promotional video source footage location recce

Bladesoc promotional video source footage location recce

Location Potential risksThe Greenway and Well Way: These roads will be suitable because they are very close to home and easy to access. It also portrays the bladesoc society in a positive way as it shows that they skate on the streets and are a free spirited organisation.

There is a potential of traffic and so I may not be able to film all the time that I want.

The section of road I want to use is a T-junction and so cars may intercept my path.

I will be cycling and may fall of if the road is slippery underfoot.

Solutions I will indicate to Heather (the

skater) when I see an oncoming vehicle and I will use the pavements as a run off to get out of their way.

I will look both ways to make sure that the junction is clear and will indicate to end filming if it is not.

I will wear a helmet to prevent head injury.

Leatherhead skate park: This would show the society as being a fun exiting social organisation as it looks more purposeful than riding on the streets. I will have Heather performing tricks with medium close ups to depict the trick in more detail.

Other people may be using the space.

It may rain and the ramps may be unsafe to use.

The portrayal of the society may be too much like ‘Aggressive skating’ and so would misrepresent Bladesoc.

Solutions I will only film the scenes in

the areas that are not being used and will ask the other people if they do not want to part of the video.

I will not film in the rain due to the added danger to the people involved and also the camera.

I will not have scene of ‘hard core’ tricks involving ramps as this is not what Bladesoc are about.