black ipfc^^^im wido^^^ - e. stokoe varra t. stokoe state of california )...

i > F t t 3 r i f) 1 1 1 1 > « tHUftSOAV, NOVEMBER 9. Moving Storage Packing Shipping SERVICE 0 ANYWHERE ANYTIME TORRANCE VAN & STORAGE Phone. Lomita 1058-M ; .*"....... 1944 Helen DeFrieze Is Promoted to Sergeant Grade Helen Mac DcFrleze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. DeFrieze 2310 Pacific Coast highway, Lo- mita, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant at, the. Army Service Forces trairilhg Center, Camp Plauohe, New »prtwuis. Sgt. DeFrieze entered the Women's Army Qorps on Dec, 6, V>43. She received her basic training at Ft.' Des Molnes, Iowa, She la now assigned to the Officers' Personnel Section at Camp Plauche. Prior to entering the service, Sgt. DeFrieze was employed In the office of Edna Vllm, Holly wood dress designer, In Holly- wood, Calif. She is a graduate of Roundup High school. Hound- up, Mont. READ OUR WANT ADO ' .v . S-Sgt. Dunlop Is Given Second Oak Leaf Cluster ' Staff Sgt. John P. Dunlop of Route 1, Torrancc, top turret gunner on a B-17 Flying Fort- ress, has been decorated with a second Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal for "meritorious achievement" on bombing at- tacks on enemy Europe. The citation accompanying the award read In part: "The cour- age, coolness and skill displayed by this enlisted fnan upon these occasions reflect great credit upon himself and the armed forces of the United States." Sgt. Dunlop, 28 years old, is a veteran of 18 combat mis- sions. He worked for the Call- brnla Shipyard at Terminal Is-' and before entcrlrtg the Army April 6, 1942. / - ' : ' ', ' ./ .. "Public Notices" CERTIFICATE OF BUSINES Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED dohei by certify that we are condu Ing a variety btlslness at 12 El Prado Ave., City of To ranee, County of Los Angclc State of California, under t fictitious firm name of Torran Hobby Shop and that said fir is composed of thq followin persons, whose names and a dresses are as follows, to wl Merrltt E. Stokoe, 705E Sa tori Avo., Torrance, Calif. Varra T. Stokoe, 705E Sarto Avo., Torrance, Calif. WITNESS our hands this 2 day of October, 1944. MERRITT E. STOKOE VARRA T. STOKOE State of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss. ON THIS 25th day of Octt >er, A.D., 1944, before me Chas Mltschrlch, a Notary Public i and for said County and State esidlng therein duly commit ioncd 'and sworn, pcrsonall . . . ' ' . ' ' . i * FORA WlCMK^BKf/^p Help build the deadly ^^ BLACK WIDOW . . IPfc^^^Im WWifc^^^" '/: The Northrop BLACK WIDOW P-61 Night Fighter has spearheaded or most spectacular of the Third; Army's drives against the German West Wal buzzbombs out of the sky . . . sent JU-88s, FW-llOs and the vaunted Messei £ down in flames. And scourged the Jap from the night skies of the Pacific. N the Army is calling for more? f the hard-hitting BLACK WIDOWS! GET A JOB AT NORTHROP ... Help in the production of these planes. Help keep our Army supplied wit Black Widows they need to bring a quicker victory! Experience in buildin is not necessary- Northrop will train you and pay you as you learn. WHY NORTHROP IS A GOOD PLACE TO WORI Northrop Aircraft employees work on a 5 day-50 hour week . . . have Saturd Sundays free. Workers' wage status is reviewed every sixteen weeks. And as ^ range production program is planned by Northrop, every worker can look a yearly vacations with a full 96 hours pay. J^0T'S EASY TO GET A JOB AT NORTH $3 /fEor your WMC Referral Card you can apply a * ___, _T i ra the main employment office, 451 NortH Haw WHERE TO APPLY < Blvd., in Hawthorne, or to the downtown inte 1 1 office, 541 West Eleventh Street, at Flower, \ your local United States employment service 2k NORTHRO Designer* and Builders of the BLACK WIDOW P-61 N r <& ie of the 1 . . . shot schmitts o wonder i all the g planes C ays and > a long- head to ROP: irectly home rview or to ^ office. . P ight Fighter ' ' "Public Notices" S appeared Merrltt E. Stokoe a Varra T. Stokoe, known to n f. to be the persons whose ham .(. 'arc subscribed to the with [9 Instrument, and acknowledg r. to me that they executed t Sj same, ie IN WITNESS WHEREOF, :c have hereunto set my hand ar m affixed my official seal the dfl g and year in this certificate fir d- above written. t= (Seal) CHAS. MITSCHRICH r- Notary Public In and for sa County and State. rl My commission expires Oc 9, 1948. S Oct. 28-Nov. 2-9-16 . CERTIFICATE FOB TRANSAC TION OF BUSINESS UNDE1 FICTITIOUS NAME THE UNDERSIGNED doe . hereby certify that he is cor . ducting a building material bus n ness at 1828 213th St., Torrancc , California, under the fictitiou - firm name of Construction Ma f terials Co., and that said firm i sons, whose names in full anc places of residence are as fo lows, to wit: C. P. Olson, 1924 Beverly Way Long Beach 4, California. WITNESS my hand this 27th day of October, 1944. c: p. OLSON State of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss. ON THIS 27th day of October A.D. 1944, before me, J. F. Mo roney, County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, per- sonally appeared C. P. Olson, known to me to be the person w,hose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he executed :he same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Superior Court the day and year In this Certificate first above written. J. F. MORONEY . County Clerk (Seal) By A. L. WALTON, Deputy. Nov. 2-9-16-23 (66665) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES In the Matter of the Estate of Bertha W. Wllcox, Deceased. No. 233,450 Notice of Hearing of Petition for Order Authorising; Convey- ance of Real Property In Pur- suance of Contract. Notice Is hereby given that Chas. T. Rlppy, Warner R. Wil- cox and Eva May Wilcox, the duly , appointed, qualified and acting executors of the Estate of Bertha W. Wllcox, deceased, have filed herein a verified pe- described real property In Los Angeles County, California, to Ezra M. Ickes and Opal E. Ickcs, husband and wife, as joint tenants, in pursuance of a contract dated September 17, 1942, entered Into by the above named decedent with Paul Del- bert Weirlch and. Grace L. Wei- rich, husband and wife, who lave heretofore assigned their interest In said contract to said Ezra M. Ickcs and Opal E. [ekes, said real property, being n the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and more particularly described as the East 86 feet of Lot 17, and the West 5 feet of Lot 18, in Tract 440, as per Map recorded in 3ook 18, page 147 of Maps, In he Office of the Recorder of said County. Reference is here- by made to said petition on file n the Office of the County Clerk of said County, and fur- her particulars concerning said :ontract and property. Notice is also given that he 28th day of November, 1044, It 9:30 A. M., In the Superior Totirt of the State of California, Department 24 thereof, has been fixed as the time and place for he hearing of said petition, and my person interested in said estate may appear and show *, if any they havo, -why the jrdcr should not be made. Dated November 2, 1944. I. F. MORONEY, County Clerk By H. L. Doyle, Deputy Vov. 9-16 IN BULK Notice IB hereby given pursu- nit to the provisions of Section 5440 of the Civil Code of the State of California, that E. C. Ireen, a married woman, In- ends to sell to Chester L. King til that certain personal prop- rly consisting generally of 800 Jallona Fire Chief Gasoline, 3 lallons hulk Texaco Motor Oil, 'BK Gallons 1 qt. can TBXUL-O Motor Oil, 1S% Gallons 1 qt. lan Havollnu Motor Oil, 80 Gal- ons Crystallite (Kerosene), 200 bs. 100 # Cart Transmission 3roase, and Miscellaneous tools Small), Supplies, etc., of a Service Station business, known is Texaco Service Station, bo- ongintj to said E. C. Green, a narricd woman, and located at 20,50 Carson Street,' City of Tor- ance, County of Los Angeles, CLASSIFIED ADS RATES INFORMATION 'srsLsisss sfrs^L. oil. H.rold om) l«nllo N.W. for Hi. ONE COST, thui raocfclng EVIRY RCSI. OINT In TOTOMI, UmlM, ttarkw Clly aid crflonnt ««n. niPAio CAW raicii Udd lot 1. ,rl»i Mr, for * ~l paid to at time *f ploclnf <«pyl On* Tw* ThfM Four Tim. Tlm.1 Tim.. Ilmn 19 Word....* .4f 1 .71 »l .0» $I.JJ JO W.rdl... .60 1.0J 1,50 t.H JJ Wot*... .7J I.JS I.ef 1.55 30 Wordi. .eo 1.o5 1.40 1.13 13 Word.... 1.05 -|.?1 1.15 1.75 «S Word.... 1.35 1.33 1.75 4.93 , 30 Wordi... 1.50 l.«S 4.10 3.33 For tech Additional 5 Word!. .15 ,30 ,45 .40 Adi nay b. canc.ltee* at any llm. up la 11 noon Wtdn.iday and r.lund gl.n lor inuomid Ini.rtloni. Not roiaonilblo lor m.,. Ihon on. lncorr.,1 Inwrtl.n. Errori will a. by r.pufcllcallon only. Cath-ln-odvonc. Ad* may b. placed at otlle.i ol Torranc. H.rald. 1336 El Jrado, forranr., or lomllo N.w,, 34703 Narbonn., Lomlla. «dl tolophonod la .llh.r .Hit. and paid lor prior to 5 im'b.°ilJ.n 'b.n.ff'.l'S rU.""*"' Ckxlna llmo"loroeT«pl»«o"o( Ijod Ad. It 11 noon. W« 4or Ihunday publication. Adi r«.ly.d off., 11 noon W.dn.iday will bo h.ld ov.r .jmllMka followlnf; wo«k. "Public Notices" State of California, and that the purchase price thereof will be day of November, 1944, at Tor- rance National Bank, City of Torrance, County of Los Ange- les, State of California, at 10 o'clock A- M. That the address ' said vendor is 2056 Carson Street, City of Torrance, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, and the address of said vendee is 1602 204 Street, City of Torrance, County of Los An- geles, State of California. Dated November 8th, 1944. E. C. GREEN, Vendor Nov. 9 PUBLIC NOTICE State of California - ) County of Los Angeles 1 ss. JAMES J. O'TOOLE, being first duly sworn deposes and says: t That within the time re- quired by law for the filing of a referendum petition in the of- fice of the City Clerk, all peti- tions and signatures obtained in connection with referendum of Ordinance No. 360 of the City of Torrancc, constitute all of the signatures obtained in connec- tion with the said petition. Affiant further says that he Is the proponent of the refer- endum measure. He further avers that the referendum meas- ure was circulated within the time prescribed by law in the City of Torrance, and that 601 signatures were obtained to the 1944, and that said petition was filed with the Clerk of the City of Torrance; that 479 signatures thereon were valid signatures. That on October 30, 1944, the said City Clerk certified 479 signatures as valid signatures. That since since the filing of the other petitions affiant has caused to be circulated a supple- mental petition within the time prescribed by law, in form a du- plicate of the original petition, Hearing "additional signatures, and is filing the same, together with this affidavit. JAMES J. O'TOOLE . Subscribed and sworn to be- fore me this 3rd day of No- vember, 1944. (Seal) CHAS. MITSCHRICH Notary Public in and for said County and State Torrance, California November 1, 1944 A. H. Bartlett, City Clerk, City of Torrance, California. Dear Sir: On October 30, 1944, you cer- ificd that you had 479 valid signatures protesting against he adoption of Torrance City Drdinance No. 360. An opinion given to you by John E. McCall, City Attorney, says that the petitions are insuf- Icient. I am therefore submit- Ing to you this day, and with- n the ten-day period prescribed ay law for the correction of any nsufficiency of a petition, addi- onal names gathered since the Illng of the petition, to wit, on i form similar to the forms lied heretofore, together with ny affidavit that these arc all }f the names gathered and all jf the petitions circulated in :onnectlon with tho said refer- Section 11653 of the Election 2odc, and that the petitions on ndr face now purport to con- all) 566 signatures, voters of he; City of Torrancc, which is nore than the number required jy law. Very truly yours, JAMES J. O'TOOLE Subscribed and sworn to be- ore me this 3rd day of Novem- t>er, 1044. Seal) CHA8. MITSCHRICH Notary Public In und for the County of Los Angeles, State of California ay Commission Expires Oct. 9, 1948. Mov. 2 Cemeteries "A LOCAL INSTITUTION BKRVINd LOCAL NEEDS- PACIFIC CREST I82ND ST. & INGIJ2WOOD AV BEDONDO 2838 |.ost and Found REWARD dlot itol«n from 2108 C.bril o av«., T« PHONE TORRANCE 668 RENABELLE KIRKLANO I,OST Brown lilliriihl. Oi-t. 3 Driver's llcensi', S.K. rani. NHV Induction pnpor«. Nn mnn<>> Return to Hartford Raynor. L'JB Ton-ante blvil. Reward. IXWT fireen and white plHSII inns*' In telephone boot)]. Kcr money, return purse and rat n book to 22H-A C'lihrlllo live LOST Monday of week, new red fox fur collar near El Priu ( mill Sartor). Torrance. Reward 1221 El I'rado, Apt. 5, or Mun acer. Torrancc 7.17. Personals 10 NOTICE in the Fiva Point Electric Shop, and c^n now be addreiced, care General Delivery, Torrance post ' F. J. VAN CISE ON AND AFTER IhiM ilate [ wl 1 not be reHponnlble for ilrh » contracted by others than niy- SlKniul: Oliver A. Brynn 25410 lOslielman uve.. l.omlUi, I'alir. FREE! If excess arid causes you pains of IndiKcstlon, Heart- burn. BeliUilnar. llloatlntr, Nau- nca, Gas Pains. Ret free sam- ple, UdR-a, at Discount Citt Professional 12 smvicis When Thinking of Insurance Consider W. E. BO WEN J337 POST TORRANCE 215 GRUBB & TWEEDY ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Federal and State Tax Consultants H. M. CALVERT RESIDENT PARTNER 1119 SARTORI TORRANCE PHONE 920-W DR. K. K. GOLSON CHIROPRACTOR SPOT REDUCING 8 ta 12 - - 1 to 6 EvenlnKB by Appotntnient 1337 El Prado ' Second Kloor Phono Torranqo 377 DR. ROLLIN R. SMITH VETERINARIAN LIVESTOCK PRACTICE 1915 Carson St. Torrance 510 Dr. K. F. Siekmann CHIROPRACTOR 30 Years In Practice Houn 9 to S and by appointment. Offioe, 1343 E-L PRADO PHONE 1090 Torrance, Calif. IP YOU DRIVE AT ALL YOU NEED AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE HOWARD G. LOCKE AUTO INSURANCE FIRE 1407 MARCELINA AVE. INSURANCE. General SPECIALIZING IN . AUTOMOBILE - - - KIRK KURS - - - 1'IJk.TK ULAKS TT A A/f I"'TT T3l41 13T' ILiA IV1. \jlLiDCjl\L 1631 COTA AVK. TOR. 420 COPY ] FOR CLASSIFIED ADS CLOSE AT WEDNESDAY 4 Professional 12 itnvcci! Dr. Marie M. Lord 11 OSTEOPATH Hour« 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. ' ) :. 1323 SARTORI AVE., TORRANCE Phone Tor. 482 or Monlo 4-2840 5 fhere to Eat 28 CARTA BLANCA . SERVES THE VERY BEST f IN SPANISH FOODS ALSO FOODS TO TAKE OUT OPEN 12 to 9 P. M. I. CLOSED MONDAYS Anaheim at Figueroa PHONE WILMINSTON I284 ' CHINA LILT CAFE A Large Variety of FINE CHINESE FOODS Our Specialty BARBECUED SPARERIBS ' FRIED SHRIMP FAMILY STYLE DINNERS Beer - Soft Drinks 4 P.M. to I A.M. Closed Every Tuesday 1 5469 SO. WESTERN GARDENA 9 STEAK HOUSE Specializing In Grade A Steak Dinners . $1.00 Try Our Home-Made CHILI AND BEANS 1913 Carson Street Torrance geauty Services 30 j NYLA'S BEAUTY SALON COMPETENT OPEKATOItS Helene Curtis Cbid Wave Beauty Service I'HONK TOr.HANCK Kills Exquisite A.von Cosmetics . . . Gifts That £-x press the Spirit and Beauty of Christmas Order Now Thru Your Exclusive Avon Representative ILA MAE AMBACH 1813 Border ' Tor. I0i2 jj£aith~Aid8 3^ HILTON REST HOME AGED AND CONVALESCENTS Good Food Nurse's Care Kind Treatment 1311 W. Anaheim Wilmington 449 1-W Are You Over-Tired Ask Your Doctor About a SPENCER SUPPORT as an aid in relievinn fatique arid improving, your posture. MRS. HENRY E. HILLMAN 4509 3rd Ave. AX. 13258 Los Anoeles 43, Calif. Call or Write {epair Services 34 Forrance Radio & Refrigerator Shop HADIU ANIJ HKHUIIKKATOK KKPAIHINO TO VOUIt HATIHPA.CTION C. ALEXANDER (In Charge) 1114 SAHTOIU. I'HONU HS1 BENNIE'S ECONOMY SHOE REPAIR DON'T WAIT! IIAVK VOIIH SIKIKH KKPA1UKD NOW! -,-,%£' ""'"' '" ' """'» TM..«fr« ON PACK UB"*"^""

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Page 1: BLACK IPfc^^^Im WIDO^^^ - TorranceCA.Gov...MERRITT E. STOKOE VARRA T. STOKOE State of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss. ON THIS 25th day of Octt >er, A.D., 1944, before me Chas













Moving Storage Packing Shipping



Phone. Lomita 1058-M ;



Helen DeFrieze Is Promoted to Sergeant Grade

Helen Mac DcFrleze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. DeFrieze 2310 Pacific Coast highway, Lo- mita, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant at, the. Army Service Forces trairilhg Center, Camp Plauohe, New »prtwuis.

Sgt. DeFrieze entered the Women's Army Qorps on Dec, 6, V>43. She received her basic training at Ft.' Des Molnes, Iowa, She la now assigned to the Officers' Personnel Section at Camp Plauche.

Prior to entering the service, Sgt. DeFrieze was employed In the office of Edna Vllm, Holly wood dress designer, In Holly­ wood, Calif. She is a graduate of Roundup High school. Hound- up, Mont.


.v .

S-Sgt. Dunlop Is Given Second Oak Leaf Cluster '

Staff Sgt. John P. Dunlop of Route 1, Torrancc, top turret gunner on a B-17 Flying Fort­ ress, has been decorated with a second Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal for "meritorious achievement" on bombing at­ tacks on enemy Europe.

The citation accompanying the award read In part: "The cour­ age, coolness and skill displayed by this enlisted fnan upon these occasions reflect great credit upon himself and the armed forces of the United States."

Sgt. Dunlop, 28 years old, is a veteran of 18 combat mis­ sions. He worked for the Call- brnla Shipyard at Terminal Is-' and before entcrlrtg the Army

April 6, 1942.

/ - ' : ' ',

' ./ ..

"Public Notices"


THE UNDERSIGNED dohei by certify that we are condu Ing a variety btlslness at 12 El Prado Ave., City of To ranee, County of Los Angclc State of California, under t fictitious firm name of Torran Hobby Shop and that said fir is composed of thq followin persons, whose names and a dresses are as follows, to wl

Merrltt E. Stokoe, 705E Sa tori Avo., Torrance, Calif.

Varra T. Stokoe, 705E Sarto Avo., Torrance, Calif.

WITNESS our hands this 2 day of October, 1944.


State of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss.

ON THIS 25th day of Octt >er, A.D., 1944, before me Chas

Mltschrlch, a Notary Public i and for said County and State esidlng therein duly commit ioncd 'and sworn, pcrsonall

. . . ' ' . ' ' . i


Help build the deadly ^^

BLACK WIDOW. . IPfc^^^Im WWifc^^^"'/:The Northrop BLACK WIDOW P-61 Night Fighter has spearheaded or most spectacular of the Third; Army's drives against the German West Wal buzzbombs out of the sky . . . sent JU-88s, FW-llOs and the vaunted Messei

£ down in flames. And scourged the Jap from the night skies of the Pacific. N the Army is calling for more? f the hard-hitting BLACK WIDOWS!

GET A JOB AT NORTHROP ...Help in the production of these planes. Help keep our Army supplied wit Black Widows they need to bring a quicker victory! Experience in buildin is not necessary- Northrop will train you and pay you as you learn.

WHY NORTHROP IS A GOOD PLACE TO WORINorthrop Aircraft employees work on a 5 day-50 hour week . . . have Saturd Sundays free. Workers' wage status is reviewed every sixteen weeks. And as

^ range production program is planned by Northrop, every worker can look a yearly vacations with a full 96 hours pay.

J^0T'S EASY TO GET A JOB AT NORTH$3 /fEor your WMC Referral Card you can apply a

* ___, _T i ra the main employment office, 451 NortH Haw WHERE TO APPLY < Blvd., in Hawthorne, or to the downtown inte

1 1 office, 541 West Eleventh Street, at Flower, \ your local United States employment service

2k NORTHRODesigner* and Builders of the BLACK WIDOW P-61 N

r <&

ie of the 1 . . . shot schmitts o wonder

i all the g planes


ays and > a long­ head to

ROP:irectly home rview or to ^ office.


Pight Fighter

' '

"Public Notices"

S appeared Merrltt E. Stokoe a Varra T. Stokoe, known to n

f. to be the persons whose ham .(. 'arc subscribed to the with [9 Instrument, and acknowledg r. to me that they executed t Sj same, ie IN WITNESS WHEREOF, :c have hereunto set my hand ar m affixed my official seal the dfl g and year in this certificate fir d- above written. t= (Seal) CHAS. MITSCHRICH r- Notary Public In and for sa

County and State. rl My commission expires Oc

9, 1948. S Oct. 28-Nov. 2-9-16 .



. hereby certify that he is cor

. ducting a building material bus n ness at 1828 213th St., Torrancc , California, under the fictitiou - firm name of Construction Ma f terials Co., and that said firm i

sons, whose names in full anc places of residence are as fo lows, to wit:

C. P. Olson, 1924 Beverly Way Long Beach 4, California.

WITNESS my hand this 27th day of October, 1944.

c: p. OLSONState of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss.

ON THIS 27th day of October A.D. 1944, before me, J. F. Mo roney, County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, per­ sonally appeared C. P. Olson, known to me to be the person w,hose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowl­ edged to me that he executed :he same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Superior Court the day and year In this Certificate first above written.

J. F. MORONEY . County Clerk

(Seal) By A. L. WALTON, Deputy.

Nov. 2-9-16-23


OF LOS ANGELES In the Matter of the Estate of

Bertha W. Wllcox, Deceased. No. 233,450

Notice of Hearing of Petition for Order Authorising; Convey­ ance of Real Property In Pur­ suance of Contract. Notice Is hereby given that

Chas. T. Rlppy, Warner R. Wil- cox and Eva May Wilcox, the duly , appointed, qualified and acting executors of the Estateof Bertha W. Wllcox, deceased, have filed herein a verified pe-

described real property In Los Angeles County, California, to Ezra M. Ickes and Opal E. Ickcs, husband and wife, as joint tenants, in pursuance of a contract dated September 17, 1942, entered Into by the above named decedent with Paul Del- bert Weirlch and. Grace L. Wei- rich, husband and wife, who lave heretofore assigned their interest In said contract to said Ezra M. Ickcs and Opal E. [ekes, said real property, being n the County of Los Angeles,

State of California, and more particularly described as the East 86 feet of Lot 17, and the West 5 feet of Lot 18, in Tract 440, as per Map recorded in 3ook 18, page 147 of Maps, In he Office of the Recorder of

said County. Reference is here­ by made to said petition on file n the Office of the County Clerk of said County, and fur- her particulars concerning said :ontract and property.

Notice is also given that he 28th day of November, 1044, It 9:30 A. M., In the Superior Totirt of the State of California, Department 24 thereof, has been fixed as the time and place for he hearing of said petition, and my person interested in said estate may appear and show *, if any they havo, -why the jrdcr should not be made.

Dated November 2, 1944. I. F. MORONEY, County Clerk By H. L. Doyle, Deputy Vov. 9-16

IN BULKNotice IB hereby given pursu-

nit to the provisions of Section 5440 of the Civil Code of the State of California, that E. C. Ireen, a married woman, In- ends to sell to Chester L. King til that certain personal prop- rly consisting generally of 800 Jallona Fire Chief Gasoline, 3 lallons hulk Texaco Motor Oil, 'BK Gallons 1 qt. can TBXUL-O Motor Oil, 1S% Gallons 1 qt. lan Havollnu Motor Oil, 80 Gal- ons Crystallite (Kerosene), 200 bs. 100 # Cart Transmission 3roase, and Miscellaneous tools Small), Supplies, etc., of a

Service Station business, known is Texaco Service Station, bo- ongintj to said E. C. Green, a narricd woman, and located at 20,50 Carson Street,' City of Tor- ance, County of Los Angeles,



oil. H.rold om) l«nllo N.W. for Hi. ONE COST, thui raocfclng EVIRY RCSI. OINT In TOTOMI, UmlM, ttarkw Clly aid crflonnt ««n.

niPAio CAW raiciiUdd lot 1. ,rl»i Mr, for * ~l

paid to at time *f ploclnf <«pyl On* Tw* ThfM Four Tim. Tlm.1 Tim.. Ilmn

19 Word....* .4f 1 .71 »l .0» $I.JJ JO W.rdl... .60 1.0J 1,50 t.H JJ Wot*... .7J I.JS I.ef 1.55 30 Wordi. .eo 1.o5 1.40 1.13 13 Word.... 1.05 -|.?1 1.15 1.75

«S Word.... 1.35 1.33 1.75 4.93 , 30 Wordi... 1.50 l.«S 4.10 3.33

For tech Additional 5 Word!. .15 ,30 ,45 .40

Adi nay b. canc.ltee* at any llm. up la 11 noon Wtdn.iday and r.lund gl.n lor inuomid Ini.rtloni. Not roiaonilblo lor m.,. Ihon on. lncorr.,1 Inwrtl.n. Errori will a. by r.pufcllcallon only.

Cath-ln-odvonc. Ad* may b. placed at otlle.i ol Torranc. H.rald. 1336 El Jrado, forranr., or lomllo N.w,, 34703 Narbonn., Lomlla. «dl tolophonod la .llh.r .Hit. and paid lor prior to 5im'b.°ilJ.n 'b.n.ff'.l'S rU.""*"'

Ckxlna llmo"loroeT«pl»«o"o( Ijod Ad. It 11 noon. W« 4or Ihunday publication. Adi r«.ly.d off., 11 noon W.dn.iday will bo h.ld ov.r

.jmllMka followlnf; wo«k.

"Public Notices"

State of California, and that the purchase price thereof will be

day of November, 1944, at Tor­ rance National Bank, City of Torrance, County of Los Ange­ les, State of California, at 10 o'clock A- M. That the address

' said vendor is 2056 Carson Street, City of Torrance, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali­ fornia, and the address of said vendee is 1602 204 Street, City of Torrance, County of Los An­ geles, State of California.

Dated November 8th, 1944. E. C. GREEN, Vendor

Nov. 9

PUBLIC NOTICEState of California - ) County of Los Angeles 1 ss.

JAMES J. O'TOOLE, being first duly sworn deposes and says: t That within the time re­ quired by law for the filing of a referendum petition in the of­ fice of the City Clerk, all peti­ tions and signatures obtained in connection with referendum of Ordinance No. 360 of the City of Torrancc, constitute all of the signatures obtained in connec­ tion with the said petition.

Affiant further says that he Is the proponent of the refer­ endum measure. He further avers that the referendum meas­ ure was circulated within the time prescribed by law in the City of Torrance, and that 601 signatures were obtained to the

1944, and that said petition was filed with the Clerk of the Cityof Torrance; that 479 signatures thereon were valid signatures. That on October 30, 1944, the said City Clerk certified 479 signatures as valid signatures.

That since since the filing of the other petitions affiant has caused to be circulated a supple­ mental petition within the time prescribed by law, in form a du­ plicate of the original petition, Hearing "additional signatures, and is filing the same, together with this affidavit.

JAMES J. O'TOOLE . Subscribed and sworn to be­

fore me this 3rd day of No­ vember, 1944. (Seal) CHAS. MITSCHRICH Notary Public in and for said

County and State

Torrance, California November 1, 1944

A. H. Bartlett, City Clerk, City of Torrance, California. Dear Sir:

On October 30, 1944, you cer- ificd that you had 479 valid signatures protesting against he adoption of Torrance City

Drdinance No. 360. An opinion given to you by

John E. McCall, City Attorney, says that the petitions are insuf- Icient. I am therefore submit- Ing to you this day, and with- n the ten-day period prescribed ay law for the correction of any nsufficiency of a petition, addi- onal names gathered since the Illng of the petition, to wit, on i form similar to the forms lied heretofore, together with ny affidavit that these arc all }f the names gathered and all jf the petitions circulated in :onnectlon with tho said refer-

Section 11653 of the Election 2odc, and that the petitions on ndr face now purport to con- all) 566 signatures, voters of he; City of Torrancc, which is nore than the number required jy law.

Very truly yours, JAMES J. O'TOOLE

Subscribed and sworn to be- ore me this 3rd day of Novem-

t>er, 1044. Seal) CHA8. MITSCHRICH

Notary Public In und for the County of Los Angeles, State of California

ay Commission Expires Oct. 9, 1948.

Mov. 2





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