bjana vaishali

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: “UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL” Dear Friends, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen; Happy Holi and Bihar Divas to you and to your family. We are starting a new chapter for Bjana in 2011. I am happy to be the President of Bjana. My goal is to bring this Organization together and to a different level. With your support and cooperation, we have to get the younger generation involved and to form a youth forum. I want to invite the younger generation to come forward and join our Executive Committee. Our goal is to make this Organization open, vibrant, and transparent. Do not look at the past. Please help to build Present and Future of Bjana. This is a volunteer Organization and we need you to come forward to help us achieve our goals. No organization can progress without support of its members. Here are some of our purposes and goals for Bjana. BJANA’S GOALS Support philanthropic work for Bihar and Jharkand Fund raising events for Charitable work in Bihar and Jharkand Cultural Events like HOLI, DIWALI, NEW YEAR, SUMMER PICNIC Form youth Forum Expand Membership-Everyone is Invited Increase number of Executive Committee members Help to set up Bjana Chapter in U.S.A. and other countries Start a New Website-with current technology News letter twice a year Journal during HOLI, DIWALI Develop Data base for U.S.A. and International Bjana Members I hope we will achieve our goals with your support. Please come forward and work for Bjana. I want to thank all past presidents and patrons who have supported Bjana since 1974. We are all together for Bjana’s Progress. Thank you, Binod Kumar Sinha, M.D.,F.A.C.S

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Bjana Vaishali celebrating holi and Bihar Diwas.


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Dear Friends, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen;

Happy Holi and Bihar Divas to you and to your family. We are starting a new

chapter for Bjana in 2011. I am happy to be the President of Bjana. My goal is to

bring this Organization together and to a different level. With your support and

cooperation, we have to get the younger generation involved and to form a youth

forum. I want to invite the younger generation to come forward and join our

Executive Committee. Our goal is to make this Organization open, vibrant, and

transparent. Do not look at the past. Please help to build Present and Future of

Bjana. This is a volunteer Organization and we need you to come forward to help us

achieve our goals. No organization can progress without support of its members.

Here are some of our purposes and goals for Bjana.


Support philanthropic work for Bihar and Jharkand

Fund raising events for Charitable work in Bihar and Jharkand


Form youth Forum

Expand Membership-Everyone is Invited

Increase number of Executive Committee members

Help to set up Bjana Chapter in U.S.A. and other countries

Start a New Website-with current technology

News letter twice a year

Journal during HOLI, DIWALI

Develop Data base for U.S.A. and International Bjana Members

I hope we will achieve our goals with your support. Please come forward and work for Bjana. I want to thank all past presidents and patrons who have supported Bjana since 1974. We are all together for Bjana’s Progress.

Thank you,

Binod Kumar Sinha,


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Happy Holi


Dr. Binod & Renu Sinha

Dr. Binod Sinha is Board Certified in Urology by the American Board of Urology and fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He has published in journals of Urology,

invited to give talks nationally and internationally and first Urologist from NJ to be invited as a director to run a course to teach other Urologist about office based Laser

Surgery by American Urological Association annual meeting in May 2011.

Urology Care of Central New Jersey

4 Progress Street Suite A-9 Edison,

NJ 08820 Tel: 908-754-9280

2333 Morris Avenue Suite A-7 Union,

NJ 07083 Tel: 908-686-2020

81 Veronica Avenue Suite 204-A Somerset,

NJ 08873 Tel: 732-227-9110

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Mr. Birendra Kumar, Chair, BJANA Philanthropy & Immediate Past President

Mr. Kumar, MBA, CPA served as BJANA President from 2006 thru 2011 and

initiated Philanthropy projects to help improve under privileged children health

and education in a true service spirit and intense desire to “Give Back “to home

states –Bihar and Jharkhand. Single handed raised funds for BJANA to contribute

to Vikalng Hospital-$15,000: Adivashi School-$2,000; and Aid India-$2,500.

He is a Tax & Financial advisor to corporations, professionals, and many religious

and private Foundations. Maya and Birendra are long time resident of Ridgewood,

northern NJ, proud parent of Dr. Brijendra Kumar, a practicing internist, and Ruby

Kumar-Thompson, Esq., a civil litigator in Bergen County. He is a certified Amrit

Yoga Teacher, an avid student and frequent lecturer of Yoga and Vedic scriptures,

has been teaching yoga weekly for last ten years at several Hindu temples.

Mr. Kumar hails from Khagaria, a Gold Medalist graduate of Bhagalpur University,

Gold Medalist of Eastern India Chartered Accountant Region, Scored in Top 64 (1st

in NJ) in USA CPA examination. He is the Founder Chairman of American

Association of Indian Accountants; served as President of Westchester chapter

and then Regional Vice President of the Tax Executive Institute, Washington, D.C.,

a premier international organization of corporate tax executives; served as

President of Arya Samaj of New Jersey; currently Chairman of Business Committee

of Federation of Indian Associations.

In 2006, Birendra ji took over BJANA, an almost moribund and bankrupt

organization. Not that he served our community in US selflessly, contributed to

Bihar and Jharkhand children welfare, and to top all, left BJANA with a surplus

over $5,000 and a strong, dedicated successor Executive Committee.

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History of Bihar

Ancient Times

The land mass currently known as Bihar is very ancient. The name is derived from “Vihara” – a

land of monasteries. Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Muslim, and Sikh shrines abound in this ancient

land. Earliest myths and legends of Hinduism are associated with Bihar. Sita, the Consort of

Lord Rama, daughter of King Janak was born in Sitamarhi. The ancient kingdom of Janak

called Vidaha consisted of present day districts of Muzaffarpur, Sitamarhi, Samastipur,

Madhubany, and Darbhanga. The original author of the Hindu epic – The Ramayana –

Maharishi Valmiki lived in Valmikinager, a small town in West Champaran.

It was here in Bodhgaya, under a banyan tree, the Bodh tree, that Prince Gautama attained

supreme knowledge to become Buddha, the enlightened one. Most of the major events of his

life, like enlightenment, last sermon, and nirvana (death) happened in Bihar. The great religion

of Buddhism was born here, and Bodhgaya is one of the most important and sacred Buddhist

pilgrimage centers in the world.

The Lord Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, was born at Vaishali and attained nirvana (death) at

Pawapuri, near Rajgir. The tenth and the last guru of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh was born

in 1666 in Patna Sahib. A lovely and majestic Gurudwara – the Harmandir, built to

commemorate his memory, is one of the holiest places of worship for Sikhs. The ancient

kingdom of Magadh and of Licchavis, around 7-8 Century B.C. produced rulers who devised a

system of administration that truly is progenitor of the modern art of state-craft and of the

linkage of state-craft with economics. Magadh rose to glory during Guptas (4th and 5th centuries

A.D.) and produced Kaultilya, the author of Arthashastra, the first treaties of the modern

science of Economics and Chanakya, the advisor to the Magadh king, Chandragupta Maurya.

Chanakya produced the first Indian treaties on state-craft and politics. Patliputra (ancient name

of Patna, the Mauryan capital) was established by King Ajatshatru around 5th century B.C. at the

confluence of the rivers Sone and Ganga.

The Maurya Emperor Ashok (234-198 B.C) was the first to formulate firm tenets for the

government of a people. These edicts inscribed on stone pillars were planted across his

kingdom extending to almost all of the undivided India. Ashok was responsible also for the

widespread proselytization of people in Buddhism.

Nalanda, the world’s first seat of higher learning, a Monastic University was established during

the Gupta period and flourished from the 5th to the 11th century. The University had 9 million

books and 2000 teachers to impart knowledge to 10,000 students from all over the Buddhist

world. Lord Buddha himself taught here and Hieun Tsang, the 7th century Chinese traveler, was

a student. Ongoing excavations have uncovered temples, monasteries, lecture halls and

charred library burned by Mughal invaders.

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The Khuda Baksh oriental library has rare muslim manuscripts including some from the

University of Cordoba, Spain.

Medieval Times

The glorious history of Bihar lasted until around the 8th century Gupta Period. It was followed

up by the Palas of Bengal, who ruled until 1197, when the Mughal period began. In Medieval

Times, Bihar lost its prestige as the political and cultural center of India. The Mughal period,

which lasted from the 12th to the 17th century, was a period of unremarkable provincial

administration from Delhi. The only remarkable person of these times in Bihar was Sher Shah,

an Afghan whose rule in the 16th century extended all the way to the Punjab. His mausoleum is

located in Sasaram.

Modern Times

The British acquired Bihar in 1764 in the Battle of Buxar and ruled until India’s independence in

1947. During most of British India, Bihar was a part of the Presidency of Bengal and was

governed from Calcutta, dominated by people from Bengal. When separated by the Bengal

Presidency in 1912, Bihar and Orissa comprised a single province. Later in 1935, the division of

Orissa became a separate province. In 1956 the southeast district of Puralia was incorporated

into West Bengal. The state was further bifurcated in 2001, and a new state “Jharkhand” came

into existence.

It was from Bihar that Mahatma Gandhi launched in 1917, his civil disobedience movement,

which ultimately led to India’s independence in 1947. Many people from Bihar became leading

participants in India’s struggle for independence. Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first

President of the Republic of India. Jay Prakesh Narayan affectionately called JP, made

substantial contributions to modern Indian history until his death in 1979. It was he, who

steadfastly and staunchly opposed the autocratic rule of Indira Gandhi. The movement started

by JP, however brought the emergency to an end; led to the massive defeat of Indira Gandhi at

the poll and restored liberal democracy.

In the immediate post-independence period, Bihar saw an economic growth through

establishment of new industry and power projects. However, the state has experienced an

extreme and progressively escalating decline in the last decade or two, making it the worst

administered and the poorest state at the dawn of the new millennium. A new progressive

government came into power in November 2005 and has succeeded in reversing the economic

and law and order decline of decades, and is poised to make significant economic gain. Bihar’s

GDP grew at the rate of 11% during last 4 years, outpacing the India’s average growth.

This landlocked state of Bihar is surrounded by Nepal, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and comprises

three cultural regions – Bhojpur, Mithila, and Magadh. Rivers Kosi and Gandak from the north

and Sone from the south join the Ganga. In the fertile plains, rice, sugar cane, oilseeds, maize,

jute, barley and wheat are cultivated. The present Bihar is predominantly rural and agricultural.

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Jharkhand, which was carved out in 2000, comprises of Chotanagpur in south surrounded by

Bihar, Chattisgarh and Orissa. Damodar river flows through the picturesque plateau and its

valley is the Rohr of India. Under its soil, minerals abound.


Jerusalem is a place of religions pilgrimage for believers of three different religions- Christianity,

Islam, and Judaism. Bihar is the destination of religious tourism for believers of five distinct

religions- Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism and Hinduism.

Recent Events

The wall Street Journal reported on May 29, 2010 that India’s GDP grew 7.1% in FYE

3/31/2010, projected to grow 8.5% in FYE 3/31/2011, and is expected to grow at 11% in the

future. As against this, Bihar’s growth has been at 11% in last 4 years.

Bill Gates visited village Gulria in Khagaria in May 2010 to launch “kala jar” eradication program.

In September 2010, Dalai Lama inaugurated “Karuna” stupa in newly created Buddha Park in

Patna, near Patna railway station on the site of old Jail.


The Time Magazine named Super 30 in the list of “The Best of Asia 2010”. Super 30 is Bihar’s

free coaching center which helps economically backward students crack the Indian Institute of

Technology-Joint Entrance Examination. This project was started by Anand Kumar and

Abhyanand in 2003 and since then 182 out of total 210 students have made it to ITT.

Every year, about 230,000 students take the exam for a seat in the ITTs but only 5000 grab it.

Last Year, 30 of them came from one coaching center in Patna, capital of Bihar, a 100%

success rate.

NY Times Glowing Report- April 10, 2010

Bihar’s turnaround illustrates how a handful of seemingly small changes can yield big results in

India’s most impoverished and badly governed regions. Bihar is a textbook case of how

leadership determines development.

When Mr. Nitish Kumar took over, he found government offices filled with dusty files and

Remington typewriters. It was as if most of the 20th century had passed Bihar by. He tackled

crime first. Next came schools and hospitals. He loosened bureaucratic rules to move

infrastructure projects along more rapidly. However, despite all these spectacular results,

almost no private investment has come into Bihar. Now that Nitish Govt was reelected with

thumping majority, this may change.

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PATNA: Bihar Diwas, to mark the 99th anniversary of separate statehood status to Bihar, will be

observed from Monday for the first time at official level.

The functions will be held at over 25,000 centers, including schools, across the state and also at

other places in the country and abroad.

Earlier, Bihar was tagged with Bengal and Orissa. First it was separated from Bengal and finally

from Orissa on March 22, 1912. However, the state never observed its foundation day in the past.

At all the functions, the glorious history of the state, its cultural and historical heritage, traditions

and achievements will be highlighted, besides the achievements of the state in recent times. The

main function will be held at Gandhi Maidan where a three-day extravaganza includes colorful

and academic events.

At Gandhi Maidan, replicas of the secretariat, Golghar, Mahabodhi temple and Jal Mandir of

Pawapuri have been made, besides a 12-feet high statue of Lord Buddha. At the entrance, the

replicas of Yakshi and Ashokan Pillar have been installed. Also, replicas of all places of worship,

temple, mosque, gurdwara and church have been installed to attract the visitors.

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Executive Committee: A Brief Profile Dr. Binod Sinha, President Dr. Binod Sinha is Board Certified in Urology. He is in private

practice in central NJ since 1995 and affiliated with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital as an active attending and clinical assistant professor in the Department of Urology at UMDNJ. He

is involved in teaching Urology residents. He was the first urologist in central NJ to start CRYO treatment for prostate

cancer. He is one of the first urologists to start laser surgery for prostate problems in the office setup. He has been invited to deliver talks nationally and internationally on prostate diseases.

He is invited by American Urological Association to become director and to offer

course on office base surgery. He is married with Renu Sinha and they have two children Tara and Ravi Sinha. Dr. Sinha and his family live in Colts Neck NJ

Dr. Sudhanshu Prasad, Vice President Dr. Sudhanshu Prasad is board Certified in internal medicine and practice in Rahway Edison area. He was chairman of Medicine Dept at JFK Hospital and elected Council man in Edison

Area since 2009.

Mr. Subodh Kumar, General Secretary

Mr. Subodh a native of Patna graduated from BIT, Sindri in

Electronics and Communication and worked in TCIL, India for five years. Migrated to USA in 1988. He is currently working as a Senior IT consultant and manages ERP projects and IT. He

currently lives in Suffern, NY and has two sons.

Mr. Kamlesh Tiwary, Joint Secretary Mr. Kamlesh Tiwary is an engineering graduate from Karnataka,

working for Cognizant Technology Solutions. He is a resident of Hillsborough, New Jersey. His Native Place is Ara Bihar. He is Married to Bina and they have 3 years old Son Harsheil.

Mr. Upendra Sinha, Treasurer Mr. Upendra Sinha is a resident of Edison, NJ. He works for MTA

in New York City. He has been serving BJANA for many years as a Treasurer. His wife, Sugiti is are proud grandparents of Anika.

Mr. Birendra Kumar, Exec Member Chairman Philanthropy Mr. Kumar, 2006 -2011 BJANA President, is a C.P.A. specializing

in taxation and financial planning. Until recently, he was chief tax officer of a multi-national, multi-billion Corporation. Mr.

Kumar and his wife, Maya are residents of Ridgewood, NJ since 1986. Their son, Dr. Brijendra Kumar, M.D. is a practicing

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internist in Wilmington, DE, and daughter, Ruby Kumar -Thompson, Esq. an attorney is a civil litigator in Bergen County, NJ. They are proud grandparent of

Alex, Kieran and Bianca.

Ms. Ruchika Tandon, Exec Member Ms. Ruchika Tandon is a resident of Hackettstown, NJ. A native of Ranchi, she is a friend and volunteer with the Hackettstown Regional Medical Center.

Mr. Sunil Anand, Exec Member Mr. Sunil K. Anand is a CPA and associated with many associations such as American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, New York State Society of Certified Public

Accountants, New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants, Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India, American Board

Of Forensic Accountants. He is resident of NY and has been in practice for over 25 years. Involved with foundations including the one in Patna Bihar for the past 8/9 years where a modern state of art hospital has been built to perform Polio surgeries

and artificial Limbs.

Mr. Alok Kumar, Exec Member Mr. Alok Kumar is a native of Darbhanga, He is a resident of Edison-NJ. He is very much associated with various social organizations of Indian-American community in New Jersey.

Presently working for IT consulting company Apex Technology Group Inc.

Mr. Sanjay Gupta, Exec Member Sanjay has done MBA in Marketing from Bihar University and Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics from Bangalore University. He is one of the principals of Kaizen Technologies,

Inc, Stamford based Multinational company with interest in Revenue Cycle Management, Medical Billing, Technology

Consulting and billing center in Mumbai India. He has been associated very closely with ISSYOGA, a global spiritual organization out of Patna, with a mission to bringing peace and love to entire community. Sanjay lives in Nutley, NJ with his

wife Renu Gupta, son Ashish and daughter Sanjana.

Mr. Gyaneeshwar Prasad, Exec Member Mr. Milan Saha, Exec Member Milan Saha is the son of Dr. Deonarayan Saha of Bhagalpur and Dr. Usha Saha of Khagharia. He received his B.A. degree from

The Johns Hopkins University and his J.D. degree from New York Law School. He is currently the senior associate at a

boutique tax law firm in New York, New York and resides in

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Jersey City, Jersey. He is also on the Board of Trustees of the North American South Asian Bar Association Foundation. He has one older brother who is a

physician practicing family medicine in Albany, New York. ___________________________________________________________________


Birendra Kumar, Chairman, BJANA Philanthropy

BJANA has selected three philanthropic projects in Bihar and Jharkhand for our common support. We look forward to expand this with your continuing support.


Located in Pahari, Guljarbagh, Patna, is engaged in providing free of charge artificial limbs

to handicap children throughout Bihar and Jharkhand, since 1999. It holds camps in various places and serves approximately 1100 children every year. It has recently constructed a three story building on Gaya- Patna road and construction is ongoing. It also started polio surgery operation since December, 2008. It needs fund for an elevator, a mobile van, completion of third floor to set up rehabilitation

center, and annual operating cost. 2. VILLAGE HOPE FOUNDATION SUPPORTS ADIVASHI UTHAN SANGH, SIMDEGA, which is engaged since 1999, in running a primary school in a tribal village in Jharkhand. The education is focused on agriculture, horticulture, and organic farming skill that can provide self employment in village. Currently, it is constructing a brick 2 story building and need fund.

3. Aid India-Eureka Child, which is currently working in 3 Bihar districts: Gaya, Jahanabad, and Arwal, focused on education (improving reading and science skills) and solar lamp distribution. The distribution of the Tata-BP solar lamps enable village children to lengthen the study time in the evenings. Visit

Reading program for 150 children (budget: Rs 40,000), to improve the reading skills, and solar electrification of one tola (50 families) (budget: Rs 1000, 000).

We added a new dimension to BJANA, and embarked upon philanthropy for the first time in the history of BJANA to help and uplift Bihar and Jharkhand needy children. Our search for worthy projects began in 2007, heeding the call of Bihar Chief Minister given in the 2007 Bihar NRI conference in Patna. We set the selection criteria: (1) support existing and running projects, (2) projects managed by dedicated local donors and volunteers, (3) supervised and financed by other fellow NRIs, (40 serving state wide tribal or rural underprivileged area.

BJANA has supported these philanthropic efforts to help children back home in Bihar and Jharkhand for last three years (2008 to 2010). BJANA with generous supporters like you has contributed $15,000 to Bharat Vikash Parishad Viklang Hospital in Patna. BJANA also contributed $2,000 to Village Hope Foundation, which has been, since 1999, running a primary school in a tribal village near Simdega, Jharkhand, and $2,500 to Aid India, which provides after school coaching and solar

lamp to needy backward village children in Gaya, Jahanabad and Arwal districts in Bihar.

Time has come to set up a "Bihar Foundation" or “Giving Circle”, to which we all can make contribution and make grant to deserving institutions in Bihar and Jharkhand. A BJANA patron can also direct his/her contribution to a worthy cause and/or deserving case through BJANA. BJANA thanks all the Patrons and contributors, whose support has made this a success.

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Our firm, with its team has successfully rendered and is currently providing services to two major methadone clinics and other non-profit corporations. These services include:

Setting up books of accounts by various funds and on consolidated basis including preparation and monitoring of general ledger, trial balance, cash receipts and disbursement journals, statement of financial position, statement of budgeted revenues, expenditure and variance reports by grant, statement of revenue and expenditures, monthly bank reconciliation, printing books of accounts on a monthly basis, set up payroll, set up g/a - according to OMB circular 122 & others - by funds

Based on the past and current experience, of our firm, working as CFO, we believe that the skills and capabilities of our team of professionals can best serve the needs of your corporation through the application of specialized industry expertise and a commitment to providing services at the highest possible level instead of having a single person


Monitoring and submission of monthly / quarterly reports to various grantors, setting up g/a in CIMS report - various funds

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Reconciling g/a per CIMS report with statement of revenue & expenditures


Set up various internal controls, which include accounts payable (purchase requisition, purchase order, receiving report, invoices, etc.), payroll, cash and cash equivalents, (set up segregation of various cash systems through various internal controls), to ensure their compliance with GAAP and any other requirements by the funding sources.




Some Clients Immediate References

Spectrum Health Care Systems, Inc. Mr. Ned Cox, CEO 201-451-2544 x226 The Lennard Clinic, Inc. Mr. Lewis Ware, CEO 973-596-2850 x276

Mr. Samuel Roberson, HR Director 973-596-2850 x272

Aspira Inc of New Jersey Mr. Carlos Valentin, CEO 973-573-8931 cell 973-484-7554 Aspira of New York, Inc. Mr. Hector Gesualdo, CEO 212-564-6880 x 8102 Puerto Rican Family Institute Ivan Quervalu, Ph.D., LMSW 646-695-6602 Funding Sources References State of New Jersey, DAS Department of Human Services Ms. Terri Pierson, Director 609-984-0886 State of New Jersey, Division of HIV Department of Health and Senior Services Mr. Gary Zito, Grant Officer 609-984-5888

12 Poe Court Member of: American Institute of CPAs Staten Island, NY 10307 New York State Society of CPAs Tel: (718) 605-3434 New Jersey State Society of CPAs Fax: (718) 701-4833; (212) 239-1559 American Board of Forensic Accountant Cell: (917) 856-3388

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Past Presidents

Indira Nand Jha Dr. Vinod K. Sinha Dr. B. Dhar Mr. Ranvir Sinha

Mr. Sadiq Imam Mrs. Saroj Kumar Dr. S. N. Sinha Dr. Kavita Sinha

Dr. C. N. Sinha Mr. Sanjay Prakash Dr. K. Kantu Mr. Pankaj Kumar

Mr. Dharmatma Saran Dr. G. N. Roy Dr. G. N. Roy Mr. Ajoy Sinha

Dr. Gopal K. Sinha Mr. Birendra Kumar


Dr. Binod K. Sinha has been invited by American Urological Association to be Director and run a course during Annual Meeting in May 2011 in Washington D.C. Dr. Sinha is also invited in PARIS(FRANCE) to give talks on Urinary Incontinence in French Annual Urological Meeting in September 2011.

Dr. Anshu Sinha, daughter of Dr. Lakshman Sinha and Mrs. Kiran Sinha, completed her Ph.D. in Bio-Medical Informatics from Columbia University in 2010. Her research is in the area of gene expression analysis to uncover biological processes and relationships.

Dr. Cynthia B. Sinha, daughter-in-law of Dr. Lakshman Sinha and Mrs. Kiran Sinha, completed her Ph.D. in Sociology from Georgia State University in 2010. Her research explored parenting strategies within the second-generation Indian American family. She is married to Mr. Nishith Sinha.

Vivake Prasad , a 2009 graduate from Carnegie Mellon University, spent a year with Indicorps, a NGO in Rajasthan, connecting rural youth with employers. Vivake is now working in New Delhi for PRS Legislative Research, analyzing proposed legislation, writing policy briefs and recommendations for Electoral Reforms.

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Abhay Sinha Abhay & Kavita Sinha Abhishek Kumar Abhishek & Rita Chandan Ajay Sao Ajay & Asha Jain Ajay P. Singh Ajoy & Geeta Roy Ajoy & Madhu Sinha Ajoy K. & Renu Sinha Alok & Archana Sharan Alok/Deepika Naval Kumar Amar & Anubha Sinha Amar N. & Kavita Mishra Amarjit and Channi Momi Amitabh & Reema Chandra Amod Choudhary Anand Wardhan Khandewal Anant V & Sunita Joshi Andrew Bose Anil Gupta Anil Sinha Anil & Saroj Kumar Anjani & Anita Shrivastava Anjani & Dr. Lata Sinha Anjani & Kuntala Sinha Anjani & Meera Sinha Anjani & Shalini

Kishore Arindam & Arunima Kuila Arjun & Kusum Prasad Arun & Rita Verma Arvind & Chitra Kumar Arvind & Nita Das ASHISH KUMAR Ashok & Chhabi Sinha Ashok & Veena Singh Ashutosh Aman Ashutosh and Anita Bajpay Ashwini Kumar Atul Kumar Avinash & Geeta Gupta Avinash & Reshma Varma Awadhesh & Mita Roy Awadhesh and Sikha Sinha Awadhesh K. and Sikha Sinha B. K. Gupta B. N. Chaudhary B. N. Choudhary Badri & Vibha Prasad Bala S. Prasad Baleshwar & Shanti Prasad Balkrishna & Kalpana Sinha Bharat Shah Bharat and Geeta Sinha Bhawesh & Rashmi Choudhary

Bijay K. & Mridula Choudhary Bijoy K & Chinta Mehta Bimla R. P. & Prabha Sinha Binay and Lata Sinha Binmala & Ravinder Grover Binod & Madhu Sinha Binod & Meena Verma Binod & Renu Sinha Birendra & Geeta Sinha Birendra & Maya Kumar Braj Bihari & Sarita Mishra Brijendra Kumar C. N. & Neelam Sinha Chandra Nath Das Chandrika & Urmila Prasad D. Mukutyar D. K. & Lalita Singh Deepak Lal Deepak Verma Deo Narayan & Usha Saha Dharm N. & Sushila Yadav Dharmatma & Neelam Saran Dilip Mandavia Dilip & Gayatri Chowdhary Divendu & Pratima Narayan Divendu And Pratima Narayan

Dr. Amrendra P. Singh Dr. Lakshman & Kiran Sinha G K Ganesh Tambat Gaya P & Shanti Agrawal Gopal Sahu Gopal & Renu Sinha Gopaljee & Kamla Jaiswal Govind Prabhu Guru & Kumud Saran Gyaneshwar and Usha Prasad H. P. Sinha & Pushpa Sinha Hare Krishna & Poonam Sinha Harish Mohan Hemant and Madhu Kumar Hemant P. Singh Hemlata Bhatia Himangshu & Manju Katriar Himanshu & Pratibha Sinha I. Kapadia Indira Nand Jha Indradev & Neelu Prasad J. S. Yadav Jagadish & Rama Prasad Jawahar Singh Jogendra & Shakuntala Prasad Jugal & Rashmi Sood Kamal & Ranjana Kishore

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Kamal & Usha Mallick Kamal K. and Ruby Dutta Kamal/Ranjana Kishore Kameshwar & Moti Kairab Kamlesh Choudhry Kamlesh Tiwary Kamlesh & Rashmi Tewary Kanhaiyalal and Nirmala Kantu Kapildeo And Mamta Singh Keshav Shrivastava Keshav & Pratima Prasad Keshav M. Rajsakha Krishnadeo P. Sharma Kunal Ghosh M. N.& Tahira Akhtar Madan Gupta Madan & Malaya Srivastava Madan & Prabhavati Dubey Mahendu Ganju Manish Kumar Manish Kumar Manish & Chitra Varma Manju Sharma Mohan & Alaknanda Bhujle Mritunjay & Indira Sinha Mritunjay & Meera Singh Murari Bijpuria Nand K. Jha Nand K. & Kanak Narain Narendra Prasad Naresh Kumar

Navin & Mary Sinha Neil Chaudhary Nilendu Srivastava Nirmala Mandal Nirmalendu Choubey Nirmalendu and Dipawali Srivastava Om And Sarla Khemka onkar singh P. Ashoka Chakarvarti P. R. Shah Pallavi Verma Pankaj Sharan Pankaj & Chitra Sinha Pankaj & Kalpna Kumar Paritosh & Shubha Bajpay Parmatma & Roopam Saran Phulan & Savitri Sinha Prabhat & Shilpie Sinha Prakash & Jaya Kumar Pramod & Geeta Verma Pramod & Poonam Bhanti Pramod And Soni Kumar Pranay Sinha Pratima Jha Praveen & Jayshree Ballabh Pravin & Kamini Patel Prof. Baidya N. & Savitri Varma Pushpa L. Prasad Qazi Moid R. D. Gupta R. K Sonesh

Rabindra P. & Kumud Sinha Raghunath Prasad Raj Kashyap Raj & Suman Gupta Rajat & Ambalika Verma Rajeev Parjiar Rajeev & Manju Gupta Rajendra Prasad Rajendra & Vidyotma Prasad Rajesh and Madhulika Sahu Rajesh K. & Kavita Sinha Rajinder & Bina Kapila Rajiv & Nishi Sahay Rajiv & Swarna Varma Rajiv And Madhuri Agarwal Rakesh Kumar Rakesh & Ritu Sinha Rakesh Kumar & Sushma Himashu Kumar Ram Dwivedi Ram & Jyotsna Sinha Ram and Mona Kishore Ram Keshwar & Binda Prasad Raman & Mira Kumar Raman & Shashi Daga Ramesh & Prabha Tandon Ranbin Kumar Ranbir & Sangita Kumar Randhir Sinha Randhir & Shalu Mishra

Ranjan & Neelam Kumar Ranjit & Dr. Meena Sinha Ranvir Sinha Ravi & Nina Sharma Ravi P. & Vimla Vidyarthi Rishi Sharma Robby Prasad Rohini Pati & Vimla Sinha Ronald Sextus Ruchika Tandon S. Shariff S. K. & Manju Sinha Sabahul & Rehana Haque Sahil And Gajala Saif Sajjan Nemani Sandeep And Sangeeta Kumar Sandeep Shalini & Vedika Dayal Sanjay Kumar Sanjay Sinha Sanjay & Jyoti Prakash Sanjay & Shila Srivastava Sanjay & Simmi Raj Sanjay And Roopa Kumar Sanjay And Sarika Barnwal Sanjay K. Gupta Sanjeev & Divya Dayal Sanjeev & Madhu Aneja Sanjiv & Shauna Sahay Sant & Nirmala Singh Sarita Mishra Saroj Alcawadi Satya & Nita

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Kastuar Satya P. & Champa Vidyarthi Satyajit Chadda Seema Dhar Shambhu & Gayatri Modi Shambhu Nath & Geeta Dey Shanti Roy Shashi Shekhar & Nita Sinha Shashikar K. Dayal Sheo And Vijaya Prasad Sheo Narayan & Pramila Sinha Shiv Verma Shivaji & Mala Pathak Shyam Nandan & Pushpa Prasad Shyam S. Biswas

Sneha Verma Subodh Kumar Sudha Karna Sudhanshu & Sunita Srivastava Sudhanshu & Suravi Prasad Sudhanshu and Sarita Singh Sugriv And Shalini Barnwal Sujeet Singh Sukanta and Shyamashree Sengupta Sunil Anand Sunil Choudhary Suraj K. & Gayatri Singh Surendra and Nirmal Rametra Surendra Nath & Kamini Tiwari

Suresh Choudhary Suresh Gupta Suresh & Kusum Patel Suresh & Meena Patel Suresh & Minu Mishra Sureshwar P. Singh Sushant Srivastava Sushil And Anjani Kumar Swachhand LastNameUnknown Syed Mohad. Bokhari Sylvester Fernandez T. N. & Urmila Bajpay Uday & Sangeeta Varma Uma Sengupta Upendra & Sugiti

Sinha Usha Sinha Ved & Manju Sharma Veena Gandhi Vibhuti Jha Vijay Varma Vijay & Jayshree Sinha Vijay and Poonam Verma Vikash & Priya Varma Vinod Parrek Vinod & Ranjana Sinha Vishwa Mohan & Ragini Prasad Yogendra P. & Usha Yadav

Brinen & Associates

Brinen & Associates is a planning and transaction-oriented boutique tax law firm that offers legal and

tax advice to clients for estate planning, estate administration, corporate endeavors, securities and


The Firm works domestically and internationally with both individuals and business enterprises in

Canada, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and Asia.

Contact Milan Saha, Esq. for your free Estate Planning consultation.

Knowledge of United States tax laws; Understanding of Indian values

7 Dey Street, Suite 1503, New York, New York 10007

Telephone: (212) 330-8151 Facsimile: (212) 227-0201

[email protected]

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

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