bitten vo1: indecision

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  • 8/14/2019 Bitten Vo1: Indecision


    -Chapter one-

    -Swansea High-

    It was the Scarlett families first day at Swansea LeisureSchool. It was exceptionally hard for them for several reasons.

    Maybe because it was all five of them together, so no need to make

    friends, they would all be together at lunch, so they wouldnt worry

    about being alone and awkward. Maybe it was because they had

    just came over from Ireland, so there accent didnt help them blend

    in. Maybe it was because they were all so amazingly beautiful, pale

    and graceful, which seemed to alienate them from everyone else.

    Maybe it was because (especially in Candices case) they wore

    slightly eccentricclothes, which made them stand out in such a small

    town. Maybe it was because people had already started making

    judgements about Stephanie and Olivers relationship. Maybe

    because after seeing Candice and Jasper together people thought

    that they were together like Stephanie and Oliver. Maybe it was

    because all five of them were thirsting after all the other pupils and

    teachers blood alike. Maybe it was because they were vampires.

    Maybe it was because they had with amazing speed, strength andhearing. Maybe it was because Candice could hear the thoughts of

    everyone in the entire school, or because Jasper could feel and

    control electricity around him, maybe because Evelyn could tell

    when someone is lying, or because Stephanie could control the

    weather or because Oliver could fly. Or maybe all those things

    contributed together, which always made it harder for them.


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    Five of them got out of the shiny black Porsche convertible , all

    eyes were transfixed on all of them immediately. Candice, the

    youngest, stepped out of the car first. When she stepped out,

    everyone froze and looked at her; she stood there and looked at all

    the people looking at her.

    She smiled to herself and brushed her short black hair out of the

    path of her eyes, revealing the electric blue eye make-up elaborately

    showing how bright turquoise her eyes were. Candice scoured the

    crowd again, smiling even brooder and waited for the others to

    come out of the car. When the other four exited the car, many eyesbegan to wander and a nervous chatter started up. As people

    carried on doing what they were doing before the five of them

    exited the car.

    Candice stood at the front, as if leading them to the main office,

    Jasper the tall brunet, had his hand in Candices and walking just

    behind her, as if hes trying to her protect her from peoplesenquiring eyes, the only problem was he couldnt protect her from

    their thoughts or emotions.

    Candice smiled as she took a deep breath in, allowing the

    peoples emotions around her to scorch her throat with their tastes.

    There was a lot of Vanilla everywhere, it was as if the air was thick

    with the scent, she was surprised as well that not even the humans

    could taste it. But where ever they went a trail of Vanilla stalked

    them, and after a while to begin to get sick of the sweetly sick taste.

    Thats why Candice was going to try and blend in more, to try and

    dampen down the sweet taste of jealousy. Because thats all Vanilla

    is jealously so obviously Stephanies favourite taste, as long as its

    about her that is. But she makes everything about her anyway . . .

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    Evelyn was walking just next to Candice and she was talking to

    her about their new home and about what they were doing to her

    room later and Stephanie was inserting her comments here and

    there while fiddling with her long, blond, curly hair - while Oliver

    cheerfully walked next to her with his hands around Stephanies

    waist and all of them laughing at regular intervals, when Candice

    told them snippets about what the others around them were

    thinking, some of it was the funniest things that Oliver had clearly

    ever heard because at one point he couldnt stop laughing, if he

    could tears would of been leaking out of his eyes, only he couldnt,but that was completely irrelevant. When they got near to the main

    office, they saw, people talking to their other friends yelling to each

    other on the other sides of the corridor while trying to manoeuvre

    around the tiny corridor to get to their lessons. However, when

    Candice, Jasper, Evelyn, Stephanie and Oliver, tried walking to the

    main office a path appeared as if the five of them had their own

    privet bubble around them that normal people couldnt step into.

    Many of the eyes that walked past of them looked wary, as if any

    one of them were about to pounce and attack them.

    When they were at the office Candice stood at the desk, whiles

    the woman at the desk sat there and blatantly ignoring her and

    continued to shuffle pointless bits of paper.

    Excuse me, we need our timetables please. Candice said verypolitely.

    The woman looked up insolently and said sounding incredibly

    fed up, Names?

    Candice, Evelyn, Jasper, Stephanie, and Oliver Scarlet. She

    smiled cordially, trying desperately to make a good first

    impression, however she was under the notion that a troublemakerin this school was exactly what it needed, it was as if everything

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    was grey even the light that managed to work its way through the

    dirty windows had a slight grey tint, she knew exactly what the

    school needed, a splash of colour, and she also knew that now she

    was here they was going to get it.

    The woman at the desk stood up very slowly and went to an old

    filing (grey) cabinet in the corner of the room. Candice smiled

    slightly at the corners of her mouth and giggled under her breath

    and Jasper thought, intrigued about what had made her jovial on

    such a boring, repetitive day such as today -

    What? What is she thinking that is so funny?Candice spoke so quietly and her lips moved so quickly, that not

    even the queue of people beside her could hear her say, Shes

    chanting, hes too young in her head. Over and over again. Evelyn

    and Oliver looked questionably at Candice, but otherwise ignored

    her unusual sentence, knowing that it was in response to someones

    enquiring thoughts, when Jasper replied silently - Thats a bit

    backwards isnt it? I am old enough to be her grandfather - her great

    grandfather even, Candice chuckled slightly, wrapping her arms

    around his waist, good point Jasper, but you can tell her that.

    Stephanie wasnt paying any attention to the quick exchange that

    was going on between Candy and Jasper; she was too busy mauling

    over the fact boys were walking into posts because they were

    staring at her. At the best of times her mind wasnt a very nice placeto be in, full of pictures of her own reflection and the reaction of

    boys when they saw her, even though she really did love Oliver, she

    still lapped it up, when boys flirted with her. It was awfully safe to

    say that Olivers mind was a simpler place to be in. Full of jokes,

    pranks and never ending forgiveness.

    Oliver was smarter than most people gave him credit for. It wassimpler because there wasnt much that Oliver wouldnt think that

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    he wouldnt say. He wasnt the most tactile person, however when

    he thought really violently, Candy often helped him out to get his

    point across.

    Evelyns mind was funny however completely exceptional. Yet it

    was always marred with a blue-ish tint and when she once asked

    Evelyn about it she said the blue is all the lies she hears, like

    Candices mind reading, never really leaves her mind in peace,

    neither does her ability to tell when someone is lying, but apart

    from that it was full of daydreams and doors that opened to

    another imaginary world.Jaspers mind was different to say the least; full of a thousand

    different ideas, thoughts, lies, and concerns (mainly about Candice,

    because he was that slight bit overprotective) all at the same time. It

    amused Candice for hours just to sit in silence with Jasper while he

    read a book, or relaxed, just so she could listen to everything that

    crosses his mind.

    Candice was abruptly jerked out of her revere by Evelyn taking

    the wad slightly yellow paper from the secretary and elbowing

    Candice in the ribs swiftly during the exchange and by Oliver

    thinking very loudly, wakey, wakey Candice, dont go all zombie on

    me! reminding her that apparently when she was browsing

    through peoples minds her face went blank and zombie-like.

    Thank you, Evelyn pointedly said loudly and walked away,through the old, stained (grey) door and onto the dying grassy

    patch then she separated the bits of paper and handed some sheets

    to everyone and they stood outside in the wind, allowing it to

    brutally bash their bodies, yet not one of them moving an inch in

    silence each thinking their own thoughts until Evelyn said,

    Oh, great I have double biology.Jasper grinned and said, Yeah I do too, didnt we get a G.C.S.E in

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    that before Eve?

    I dont know, she replied blas, waving her hand as if it was no

    big deal, it just happened in the passing, she said, in a tone that

    shockingly reminded Candice of Stephanie when she was being an

    air head, maybe somewhere along the line, I don't count them


    What do you have Steph? Ollie? Candy?

    Ollie answered first, Me and Steph have History now. He pulled

    a face, and gestured to the main building, We should get going or

    we will be really really late.Jasper nodded in agreement, I know, come on then. Wait what

    do you have Candy?

    She grimaced, Maths, double maths.All the time its always

    maths first and Im alone. . .

    Youll be okay; if youre not then you can at least show of by

    knowing all the answers. Steph said encouragingly for once, trying

    not to be self centred, that only lasted for about half a second,

    before her thoughts rushed back to how perfect she was, but

    instead of voicing that out loud she said in a strangely comforted


    Your lesson is in class D21 mine is D24 Ill walk with you.

    Steph took Candices arm and all but dragged her in the direction of

    their classes that were shown on the crumpled, yellowing map theyhad been given.

    Meet you later Candy, Jasper said, waving half-heartedly,

    looking at the sad look on her face. While Candice only managed to

    muster up tight grin, as Steph basically towed her in the direction

    of their class, with Oliver walking slowly behind her, humming

    greendays American idiot under his breath, thinking of hiscuriously similar friend Jason Tyler, who was the Scareltts extended

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    family in America itself.


    In class D21, the teacher was Mr. Thomas an old greying man,who had a grouchy temper and hed taught maths for 24 years and

    wholeheartedly detested the modern day use that maths may have

    had. So you couldnt use calculators or anything like that. He was

    also very strict and when he was mid-flow through a lecture you

    didnt interrupt him, unless you wanted your maths classes to

    become a living hell.

    Mr. Thomas was in the middle of a long and winding lecture

    about algebraic equations and how they made up 89.5% of your

    final grade, when there was a gentle knock at the door, and a girl

    with short black hair, wearing a black and blue stripy cardigan and

    a short black skirt and black and blue stripy socks and black high

    heels, all of it standing out on her pale white skin, and this beautiful

    movie type of girl, was in the doorway of that maths class.Uumm, are you Mr. Thomas? she asked politely, holding her

    head up high as she took a fleeting look at him and not waiting for

    his answer she carried on, Im Candice Scarlet. She handed him a

    note and stood at the front of the class confidently and while he was

    reading it, she stood patiently at the front and noticed that basically

    everyone was staring at her, apart from the odd person - and she

    stared back at them inquisitively, and then an elfin grin crept up

    onto her face, blinding the entire class with her smile, her luscious

    ruby lips outlining her perfect white teeth, the smile reaching her

    turquoise coloured eyes making them scrunch up at the end,

    everyone on the class noticed that she had a dimple on her left

    check, most boys were so enticed with her that their visual

    obsession was short of taking notes.

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    Her attention snapped back to Mr. Thomas a second before his

    eyes lifted up from the note, to stare her, standing there patiently.

    He said rudely, trying to make her even a smidgen embarrassed, it

    says here you have four siblings.

    Yes sir, I do, she still held a little smile around her lips - as if on

    a privet joke all about him, yet still answered to him politely,

    ignoring his rudeness, calmly returning his gaze which any other

    student would cower under.

    He looked a little taken back but her politeness and calmness,

    Are they going to be late as well?No sir, they are all older than me.

    He looked more taken back but her politeness still and willingness

    to talk in front of everyone openly gaping at her.

    Very well, take a seat next to- he looked around the class and

    only saw one available seat, near the back next to a bad influence

    type boy called Owen, yet he couldnt move anyone around, so

    against his better judgement he said, Owen. Move your bag boy,

    make room for her.

    Owen looked startled at his name being mentioned, and then his

    eyes widened when he saw Candice. She gave him a short smile,

    and moved towards his desk, and looking back at the eyes still

    gaping and her as she sauntered to her seat.

    Wow! She is gorgeous! Better looking than Hayley at any rate; and tothink I once thought I had the prettiest girlfriend in the school - maybe its

    time for an upgrade? a boy thought somewhere near the front as she

    brushed past him. Candice felt a sudden pang of sadness for this


    OMG, if that bitch tries to get my man off of me I will kill her- but its

    not like she is that pretty anyway. I am so much more naturally beautiful,someone thought across the class. Candice realised that it was

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    Hayley and the pang of sadness disappeared as quickly as it came.

    All the way walking to the back she heard what people thought of

    her. For the thousandth time she wished that she had a stop button,

    or at least a mute.

    When she finally got to the back of the long class room and sat

    down next to Owen, she pulled her legs under the grey maths table

    with remarkable poise. Although she was sitting near the back the

    entire class still found a way to stare at her. Owen sensing her

    discomfort from the thirty odd pairs of eyes watching at her every

    move, he looked around and snapped, What are you lot lookin at?Is there a problem? Owen clearly lived up to the fierce persona

    which Mr. Thomas thoughts had painted him out to be. She smiled

    and whispered at him, her Irish accent shining through, thanks for

    that, I hate people staring at me.

    Not a problem. Hey Im Owen and I take it from all this youre

    the new girl Candice.

    Candy. Just Candy thanks.

    Wanna see if Mr. Prick-head at the front will call you that? he

    grinned mischievously.

    Shes different. Not like all the other girls in this school. Maybe she will

    have a personality, he thought, however he quickly amended his

    thoughts; no Mia and Lexie had a personality. Enough personality to get

    them kicked out anyway. Maybe she will stir things up and I wont be theonly one in trouble- Candice left him to his own thoughts to say-

    You know what I might pass on that one, funnily enough, she

    said, returning his impish grin.

    He carried on staring at her and when their eyes met, just for a

    split second, Candice felt like a thousand bolts of electricity were

    flowing into the pit of her stomach, and she noticed his gorgeousgreen eyes and his slightly tanned skin, and how his long-ish black

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    hair outlined his cheekbones impeccably, and that his slightly long

    fringe (covering one of his eyes) made him look five times as cute.

    After about five seconds, Candy broke away against her better

    will, to face the front, looking as if she was trying to concentrate on

    Mr. Thomas lecture.

    They both faced the front, slightly embarrassed at themselves, until

    right at the end of the lesson with about three minutes until the end

    of lesson bell, Owen looked at her, hed noticed her completely

    absorbed in a drawing she had in front of her. Hed noticed herperfect, long, slender, white fingers, smudged with black from the

    charcoal. Her striking turquoise coloured eyes glittered with

    concentration while her hands suddenly froze, intent critically on

    her work, her mouth opened slightly in the trace of her apt

    concentration. He noticed how dazzling her lips were, the exact

    colour of blood, and that all of her elaborate make-up suited her

    flawlessly. He sighed, mentally, she was words couldnt

    describe how magnificent she was to him, if only she could ever like

    me, he signed again, mentally, I could ask her to the basketball court

    around the back of the school, but she wont come, shed wanna stay with

    her family and their friends...

    He thought on and, while Candy drew, she listened to Owens

    thoughts, she liked them, he thought she was magnificent shesighed out loud and put the sketch pad into her bag and thought,

    but he doesnt know what I am, if he did he would hate me. She thought,

    but then she reasoned with herself, surly one day couldnt kill him, at

    least. And that way I could truly repay him for stopping everyone staring

    at me...

    She straightened up and said to Owen, Owen I know younormally chill by yourself at lunch in the basketball court near the

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    back but I was wondering if you, know, wouldnt mind it if me and

    my siblings came to chill with you. Its just, she rushed looking at

    his shocked face misinterpreting it, I cant stand having to sit in a

    stuffy hall with everyone staring at us.

    The bell rung as Owen was about to reply to her, but while

    everyone rushed around to see who could escape the class first,

    Owen saw Candy slowly zipping up her bag, and Owen stood there

    next to her and said, Yeah cool, you can if you want.

    Really? Right. Okay, I will be there in about five minutes coz I

    need to go and get Evelyn and the rest of em, is that okay?Fine, yeah, sure. Do you know where it is? The basketball


    You okay? It doesnt look like you hate maths so much!Jaspers

    thoughts called out. Candice waved at Jasper over Owens shoulder

    and said to Owen, Speak of the devils. Meet you there in about

    five minutes. See you later, she flashed another spectacular smile

    at him.

    Jasper was feeling uneasy, it wasnt that he hadnt noticed Candy, he

    was always uneasy when she wasnt where she was meant to be.

    Which was often, she enjoyed parties more than the rest of them

    put together. It was that he didnt like the look of the boy she was

    talking too; however she was grinning and looked happy more than

    usual, so that meant Jasper had to like him, for her.

    Candice ran outside to meet Jasper and when they were walking

    down the corridor, gave him a quick hug and took her hand into

    his, and before he could open his mouth she said, you okay

    jasper? not waiting for an answer, she carried on, Maths wasnt

    SO bad I sit next to a cute boy called Owen and I said I would sit

    with him at lunch, and youd come with. Is that okay? and without

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    any form of confirmation she danced off in the direction of her

    siblings, and she called out behind her, Keep your opinions to

    yourself, we dont all want too nor need to know what you think

    about certain things. He laughed appreciatively at her comments

    about his thoughts.

    Evelyn met up with Stephanie and Oliver after her second lesson,

    they were the first in the canteen apart from the odd one, or two

    people. Evelyn grinned when she saw them, and let out a long sigh

    and said to Oliver, Fancy any lunch? she gestured at

    the other people on the entire other side of the canteen. Oliver

    grinned back but Stephanie scowled and said something like, so

    not funny, The three of them sat down just as people began filling

    into the canteen and Candice defiantly wasnt wrong that people in

    the hall would be staring at them, when the hall was very nearly

    full up, Jasper and Candice appeared out of nowhere. Candice

    looked very excited about something and Jasper looked as if he wastrying to be exited, or at least happy, but he was failing miserably.

    Candice went to open her mouth, when a group of seven or more

    older girls, stood at the corner of the table eying all of them up

    particularly Jasper for a reason which made Candice want to throw

    up and go into hysterics at the same time. The one at the front,

    clearly the leader of the group, stood there and grinned smugly and

    said in a clear voice, emphasizing on her welsh accent,

    I think you weird freaks should move this is our table.

    Both Oliver and Jasper went to leave, (but them being men they

    didnt quite understand about girls bitching and that we have our

    own egos, but we dont parade them like they do) however Evelyn,

    Stephanie and Candice sat there, Candice stood up square in front

    of the leader and said, Sophie, I would watch who youd be calling

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    Sophies face was a pure picture, a mixture or shock and anger. She

    was obviously not used to having people stand up to her, but she

    composed herself quickly and turned to her friends and said, Did

    you understand anything that Irish twat just said?

    That Irish twat has a name and that Irish twat could kick the shit

    out of you if she wanted to.

    Clearly Sophie was thinking something not very nice about them,

    because, Candices face clouded and she took a small step forward,

    Jasper stepped closer to her and put his hand calmingly on her backand she stopped and went rigged, Candices voice was low and

    quiet, yet she knew Sophie could hear her, You say one more word

    Sophie and I swear to god I will not be held responsible to my


    Ooh threatening, you think Im afraid of you?

    You damn well should be, and I will give you a word of warning

    you take the piss out of our accent again and I will fix it so you cant


    Shut up. Youre just so jealous.

    Really, now why the hell would I be jealous of you?

    All the Scarlets family felt on edge then, mainly because if it wasnt

    for Jasper and Evelyn yelling at her mentally, DONT KILL HER.

    DONT KILL HER-they all knew that Candice would be in herattack mode, and that Sophies head and other pieces of her body

    would be strewn across the canteen.

    She seemed stumped for a second then said, At least when you

    look up minger in the dictionary there wont be a picture of me

    there, there will be a picture of you.

    Candice smiled slightly, yeah, but Im not the one who had to lookup minger in the dictionary. And, she said as a bitchy afterthought,

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    My dictionary doesnt have pictures!

    Before Sophie could have even understand what Candice had just

    said, her and the rest of the family were across the canteen, gliding

    to the exit doors with everyones eyes onto them, Candice at the

    front again, only this time she was storming away full of fury as

    soon as they were outside, into a deselect part of the school,

    Candice burst into a rant too fast for humans to understand. Oh

    my god! She is such a vile evil piece of scum! She thinks shes so

    much better than us because we are Irish, no one else had bothered.

    But she is just pure evil-Candy, Evelyn said gripping her by the shoulders, relax, she is

    evil but we can get our revenge, but I believe that you have invited

    us to see your boyfriend.

    He is not my boyfriend-but youre right we have to meet him, oh

    and Jasper, Oliver be nice.

    They both grimaced but nodded in unison, and they followed

    Candice to the far end of the school past the main buildings.

    When the Scarlets finally got to the basket ball court they saw

    Owen shooting some hoops by himself, it was undeniable that he

    was good and in a game where they would be playing fair, as

    humans, with no cheating, that anyone on Owens team would win.

    However if they did challenge him to a game, Oliver wouldnt fight

    fair. He enjoyed the fact that he could whip a humans arse atanything and everything. She nudged him and when Owen noticed

    her he lobbed the ball into the corner and allowed it to bounce


    Hiya Owen, sorry we took so long, there was a problem with

    Sophie Row in the canteen.

    Well youre gunna have fun in dance... he thought as he walked overto great them.

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    Candice ignored this and allowed Owen to think she hadnt heard,

    even though if hed thought it two miles away, Candice still could

    have heard him, she said, You okay Owen? This is Stephanie, she

    pointed at the one standing nearest the back, looking very angry;

    however she was amazingly gorgeous, she had long blond hair and

    large pale pink lips, and a black beauty spot above her lips;

    however she didnt have the same type of quirky beauty that

    Candice beheld. After her small pause she carried on, with a smirk

    on her face, this is Oliver, she nodded at a bloke standing next to

    Stephanie, he was tall and blond hair, he obviously had amazingmuscles, they were basically popping through his tight vest top he

    didnt look very intimidating, mainly because he had a smile

    around his face that seemed nice enough, Evelyn, she nodded at

    the girl standing just behind Jasper, she smiled nice enough and

    said, Hiya, he noticed that she was beautiful as well, she had

    shocking red hair, not really like ginger, but proper red, her face

    was kind enough she looked like one of those people who could

    make you feel happy just by looking at her even if your entire

    family had just died a long and painful death and while they tried

    to call you for help, you was at a football game in the freezing cold

    that you didnt really want to be at. And this is Jasper, she said,

    and Owen noticed that when she said his name, his hand tightened

    around her waist and when she made a slight swaying movementto the left, he moved to and Owen couldnt rationalise the jealousy

    in his head when he noticed how close they were.

    There was an awkward pause until Oliver said nodding towards

    the discarded basketball in the corner of the court, You wanna


    Sure. What about you, Candice, you playin?Yeah why not. Girls vs. Boys. You in Eve? Steph? Jasper?

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    Jasper and Evelyn nodded but Stephanie shook her head and said

    in a haughty voice, No chance, why would I play anything like


    Eeww, human! No thanks, unless hes offering himself for lunch which

    I doubt I am out of this. We are only here because Candy is drooling over

    him. I mean he didnt even backtrack like most other boys do. Thats so

    unfair- I wonder if its because my lippy has smudged? The teacher in

    music after history was funny- he didnt give me any homework when

    everyone else got tonnes. . . Candice didnt say anything to Steph she

    just turned her back on her trying to block out her thoughts andturned her attention to Oliver instead, he caught her looking while

    Evelyn, Jasper and Owen talked about the newest addition to a

    basketball team someplace (sport wasnt really Candys forte) and

    Oliver changed the track of his mind suddenly,

    You think Jasper will have a fight tonight? Play one. Then you and me.

    But no cheating, okay?

    Candice was now sitting on one of the benches, the corners of her

    mouth pulled up a bit, but gave no other sign that she heard him

    until she caught his eye and gave him the, you-know-I cant-help-

    it, look.

    Yeah well even using your gift I still managed to beat you last time

    Candy and you now it! No, wait I have a better idea, lets play chess, or

    draughts.Candy stifled a laugh and remembered last time she played chess

    with Jasper. After four minutes exactly, with only Candys black

    pieces moving across the board, occasionally with her throwing one

    of her pieces off, the white pieces remained untouched, because she

    read his moves before he made them and she only moved her so he

    could see, after Candy sticking out her tongue and throwing herqueen of the board, Jasper sighed and knocked white king chess

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    piece over with Candys knight.

    Candice was jerked into her senses, by Jasper touching her on the

    arm informing her that Stephanie was being her usual snobby self

    and refusing to play so the teams would be odd, thanks to her.

    What happened in the end it was Evelyn and Candice vs. Oliver,

    Jasper and Owen and even though on the girls team there was one

    less player (Stephanie was painting her nails) they managed to win

    5-7. After the match ended, Jasper said in a low voice, so low that

    Owen couldnt hear thing, but all the vampires heard that he said,

    Yeah sure like thats a fair game, one can tell when we are bluffingwith our fancy moves and passes, then there is another can read

    minds, about what we are going to do, like we had a chance in hell

    of winning, but he only said it for a laugh, it wasnt as if it was

    Stephanie lost because when she lost, she went into a huge strop

    about how unfair life was and demand a rematch. But that was

    Stephanie, none of them expected any different from her.

    When the match ended, the five of them sat on the benches and

    messed around (Stephanie had finished her nails and had moved

    onto reapplying her make-up still ignoring them and refusing to

    join in a conversation apart from when she threw them the odd

    dirty look), playing truth or dare and things like that and when

    Owen was half way through making them all wet themselves from

    laughing so much about the time Sophie Row asked him out, Stephcalled over Owen as if no one had been talking, You all do know

    that you are half an hour late for lessons Candices mouth fell open

    and Evelyn called out, You could of said about half an hour ago,

    oh well I guess that we will have to skip this afternoon, she sighed

    and pulled a face of mock sadness.

    Evelyn its best not to skip on our first day. Not the brightest thingyou have ever thought of. Oliver called out and then everything

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    went in fast forward motion and before the minuet was up Oliver

    and Stephanie were in the Black BMW with promises to pick them

    up after school (Oliver and Stephanies year had a study afternoon)

    and the other four were running along the empty corridors and

    across the class gardens to get to their dance class.

    The dance, P.E and drama classes two years were held together.

    Years seven and eight are together and years nine and ten, so that

    meant that Evelyn and Jasper were in the same class for dance as

    Candice, which made them very happy, because Candice loved

    dancing and performing. Evelyn was good at dance too, so wasJasper. Vampires are graceful anyway, the way they walk could be a

    dance move if they wanted, however none of them had a patch on

    Candice. Added to the fact that Candice properly had a natural

    talent it only intensified in the hundred or so years shes been alive.

    When they walked in the first thing that Jasper noticed that there

    was a girl on the floor having a fit surrounded by a circle of people,

    then he noticed that Candice and Evelyn were hiding behind them

    because they were laughing so hard. When Jasper turned his eyes

    away from their faces, he realised that the girl having a fit on the

    floor was Sophie and she wasnt having a fit, she was in actual fact

    dancing. Or a better phrase would be trying to dance.

    She walked over, her cronies following her in suite, her blond hair

    reflecting a washed out shade of grey as she waltzed under thebright lights.

    Seeing as Im head of dance here- when Sophie said that a loud

    sputter of suppressed laughter erupted from one of the girls behind

    Jasper, Sophie frowned and continued, its my duty to inform you

    that youre half an hour late- again she was cut of this time by

    Candice saying, yeah funnily enough we noticed that. Her andEvelyn squealed again, and bet over clutching their sides, Jasper

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    knew that they didnt have to of course they didnt have to breath

    but it was dramatically effect and Carlisle encouraged that, it

    apparently made them seem more human.

    And, Sophie continued, I want to know why.

    Bet the weird emo orphan wont say. I would love a reason to send her to

    the head on her first day. That would be so good. I might ask her to dance

    in a minuet all on her own. Bet she will refuse - but she wont be as good

    as me-after that Candice left Sophie to her own thoughts when she

    realised (if it was possible) that Sophie was vainer than Stephanie.

    Candice straightened up, her face full of hatred and anger, itstartled Evelyn, extra specially Jasper (who knew he well enough,

    to know that when she was laughing like that it could take her

    hours to get her calm) a few seconds ago she was very happy and

    now she could of murdered her with her bare hands and laughed

    about it when Sophies remains were at her feet.

    Yeah well we dont always get what we want do we Sophie,

    snarled Candice.

    Well I do. And I want to see you dance. Now. Sophie thought ha

    ha she wont by herself, or if she does people will laugh at her because she

    will be rubbish! but she didnt know that instead of sleeping (as

    vampires dont need to sleep, even though her and family could, it

    was more like an acquired skill) she could spend all night

    choreographing a new dance, so when she pulled her purple iPodand speakers out of her bag and said, Youre on. Sophie was

    sorely disappointed.

    A few minutes later Candice was standing on the large stage, her

    high heels discarded on the floor and then a hush came over the

    crowd as they all stood in anticipation, waiting to see if she was any

    good. Candice looked over and saw Owen and Evelyn standingnear the back, she winked at them then looked at Jasper next to the

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    stage, she winked at him as well and he pressed the play button.

    The familiar tune to Candice started (Man eater by Nelly Furtado)

    up as she stood perfectly still as the drumming wind up began and

    as soon as they lyrics started-,

    Everybody look at me, me

    I walk in the door you start screaming

    Come on everybody whatcha here for?

    Move your body around like a nymphs

    Everybody get your necks to crack around

    All you crazy people come on jump around

    I want to see you all on your knees, knees

    You either want to be with me, or be me-

    She was off. It was unquestionable to say that she could dance;

    she was all over the stage, moving to the beat of the music. Street

    dancing was her favourite, but clearly none of the others watching

    her had ever seen anyone so good, but then Sophie was the head, sothat meant she was supposedly the best, yet her dancing could

    easily be mistaken for someone having a fit. When the song ended

    everyone clapped and Sophies face was a picture, when Candice

    stepped off the stage grinning from ear to ear, Sophie stormed over

    to her and demanded to know where she learnt that,

    No where special, the school I was in over in Ireland, were big on

    chorography. She looked at Evelyn and they both seemed in

    danger of exploding in a fit of laughter again.

    Sophie turned around and said, I may want to learn how to

    dance, but Id never go over to a scuzy place like that to learn it.

    Anyway I dont know how you could call that dancing; it just

    looked like she was having a fit to me.

    Sorry what did you say? Candice voice cut through the air like a

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    sharp knife and when Sophie ignored her, she said again, I said

    what did you just say about me bitch?

    Sophie turned around and looked mildly afraid by Candices evils.

    A circle had formed around them people sensing the tension

    between the two of them and no one else wanted to be involved.

    Just that you looked like you was having a fit up there, are you

    sure youre okay?

    Better than you. If you have something to say just say it. Or are

    you afraid none of your cronies will back you up?

    Theyd back me up more than your parents will. Your realparents that is.

    Candices knuckles went whiter than her already white skin (if

    that is possible) as her hands went into tight fists, her body was

    rigged, I dont know what youre talking about, I have my parents

    Carlisle and Jada. And they would back me up completely if I were

    to rip your head clear off your shoulders.

    No wonder your real parents didnt want you. You are a horrid,

    stupid, vile excuse for a human and they were so ashamed and

    horrified by you they couldnt bear to look at you, when you were

    born, so they gave you to the most crummy parents they could find

    because- ARGH.

    Before anyone could do anything, or even blink, Candice was on

    top of Sophie slapping her and yanking her hair out in handfuls.In a sense it was a mixture of good and bad luck that a teacher had

    come to check on the lesson at that particular second in time. It was

    good luck in the fact that the teacher managed to pull her away

    from Sophie without Candice actually seriously hurting her (even

    though the teacher didnt pull her away Jasper did, when Candice

    was in a mood like that no human could pull he away, and Jasperwas even more surprised that Sophie was still breathing, Candice

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    wasnt the strongest out of them but she was strong enough to turn

    a massive stone bolder to dust, by pressing down on it) but bad in

    the sense that she and Jasper where sitting in the heads office, while

    Evelyn was on the phone to Carlisle and Helena asking them to

    come in.

    Jasper and Evelyn didnt have to be there, but Jasper refused to

    leave her side and Evelyn was sitting in the chairs outside of the

    office waiting for them.

    Five minutes later and a slightly disgruntled Carlisle and Jada

    turned up. The head of the school was a porky man. He had a potbelly and a balding patch up his head and looked very much like a

    pig in every way. He looked as if he lived at his desk, the grey suit

    he was wearing looked as if it hadnt ever been ironed, let alone

    washed. The pile of crisp white paper in his, in, tray looked

    shocking considering her had no life outside of the school


    When Jada and Carlisle stepped into the office, his eyes just

    glanced over him, as if it was a boring film he had watched many

    times before, but his gaze ended up retracing themselves to their

    faces, Carlisle, his short blond, tight curled hair, as pale as the rest

    of the Scarlets and the same turquoise eyes. He then looked at Jada,

    his eyes nearly popping out of his socket, she had the same pale

    face and turquoise eyes as the rest of them, she had wild browncurly hair pulled into tight bunches and looked younger than

    twenty five (which she claimed).

    I can now see what the other teachers meant, they all look alike

    particularly Candice and her step-mother. I wonder if they are related.

    They could be, even though clearly not their own, too young to have a

    sixteen year old child! You can see were Jasper and Candice are brotherand sister- Candice smiled slightly. The public story was that

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    Stephanie and Jasper were blood related, Carlisle and Jada were

    their adoptive parents and that Candice, Oliver and Evelyn were

    Carlisle and Jadas other adopted children.

    When they came in, he motioned at them to take a seat and he

    turned to Jasper and said, You can go now, but Jasper remained

    rooted as ever right by Candices side, when Carlisle and Jada sat

    down on the other hard wooden brown chairs and said to Jasper,

    Jasper please its fine, you go and wait outside with Eve please,

    however Jasper didnt budge, instead he thought, Candy do you like

    me to wait outside or stay here?She murmured back in such a quiet voice, that only Jasper could

    hear her Yeah dont worry, the worst hes thinking is Exclusion,

    and I can keep my temper I think, and thank you. I really do mean


    Dont mention it,Jasper nodded silently and stood up and in one

    flowing movement he left the room.

    Right so, Mr. and Mrs Scarlet Im sorry I had to call you in,

    especially on your first day here in Swansea and on such bad news.

    As Im sure your other daughter on the phone....

    Evelyn, said Jada, looking at Mr. James then Candice and

    allowing a tight smile to play on her lips, even though she was

    meant to be the mother figure and to all of them she was mum, she

    didnt act like it all the time. If she told someone to do something,theyd do it, and shed tell them off, but in other ways she was more

    like a best friend in others.

    Um, yes, Miss. Evelyn when she rang you Im sure she told you

    that there had been an incident in her dance class this afternoon.

    Yes she did, she also told us that there had been a slight

    argument, Carlisle said reasonably, but Candice read this thoughtsand he knew that Evelyn told him that a complete cow called

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    Sophie provoked me and I lost my temper big styley. End of. All

    Carlisle cared about was that I didnt murder anyone and for him

    that was good enough.

    Well, yes, there was. One of our model students-

    You mean she is a stuck up teachers pet, mumbled Candice.

    Was somewhat, violently, attacked by young Candice here.

    Sophie is now in Swansea Valley Hospital; theyre patching up her

    broken nose, Candice allowed herself a slight congratulation-

    And I am very ashamed of young Candice here.

    Candice felt her temper flair up again, how did he have the rightto tell her how ashamed he felt of her, when he wouldnt listen to

    their side of the story.

    Ashamed? ASHAMED!?! If you had someone taking the piss out

    of you and telling you how up were adopted because you are a

    stupid vile piece of scum! Maybe youd Maybe be that tad violet

    too! she had rose to her feet and was yelling at the top of her voice,

    balling her hands into tight fists out of pure frustration.

    Carlisle touched her hand and said softly, Come on Candy, you

    need to calm down that isnt helping anything, nor anyone.

    Candice slowly sat down, instead of breathing heavily like anyone

    else who had just been yelling, her breathing was normal. If not,

    slightly irregular.

    Well, Mr. James said, You should learn to ignore these things...Anyway there is never any need for violence. I have just been

    talking to Mr. Davey, and we have decided that you are to be

    suspended for a month, because we have to make an example. And

    I also have to ask you Mr and Mrs Scarlet to come to come to a

    meeting tomorrow morning.

    Carlisle spoke up, Im truly afraid that my wife and I will beunavailable tomorrow. May we be able to come another day?

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    Candice tried to figure out about what was going on, especially

    tomorrow, but Carlisle was thinking about translating everything

    Mr. James had said into French and Jada was adding up everything

    they had spent in the last fifty years (so far the price was up to

    70,89083, not bad, but she hasnt come to how much I have spent at

    Camden yet, thought Candice proudly).

    Mr. James looked as if he was unused to people not jumping at his

    whim, but recovered quickly and said, Very well, the school

    secretary shall call you when the diary is in front of her.

    He gestured at them to leave. They turned and left Candice at the

    front. He himself was surprised how graceful they moved as if they

    were floating, silently and deadly creatures.


    When Candice got outside to where Helena had parked the car, she

    noticed that all four of them were by the car. Jasper and Oliver were

    talking in animate expressions. Evelyn had her usual daydreaming

    expression and Steph was sitting in the car texting someone.

    Wow Candy, on your first day! I know you make enemies but

    come on. But hey, its not like the first time- when Oliver drew up

    close to Candice to give her a high five, he noticed that when

    Sophie Row fought back, Candice actually got a split lip and a

    slightly purple black eye. He runs this thumb over her lower lip

    quickly where the cut was, did she do that to you?

    Oliver dont Im okay, and I flew for her she was acting in self

    defence. And I can take care of myself. And, she added suddenly

    trying to distract them all from the fact she was suspended, what

    are we doing tomorrow?

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    In response Carlisle handed Candice a scroll of thick, yellow

    coloured paper.

    Dear Dr, and Mrs Scarlet,

    You have been

    invited to a ball occurring this morning at seven, in the

    underworld; the hostess Miss. Renee Elder has invited your

    family of eight to this occasional ceremony, in reason of

    their new image. Do not be late. The pass code is:


    And the dress code is; male- black, female white.

    Great, Great. Thats great. Meredith is going to be a barrel of

    laughs after last time. And people like Chris will be there. I cant go.

    I cant. And white and black come on can you say tacky? Candice

    muttered, re-reading the note. Tracing the words with her fingers

    trying to get some kind of read on them. Trying to see if she couldtell what the people writing were thinking. That only worked very

    occasionally, when people had very strong thoughts running

    through their mind at that exact moment. And she wasnt taking

    any chances. Not after last time.

    After a few seconds of her tracing the words she allowed the

    tension of her family staring at her, began eating at herconcentration, she quickly stuffed the letter into her bag before

    anyone could ask her anything, she dashed away into the trees and

    yelled out behind her, Come on last one home has to by me drinks

    tonight, and that alone could max out ya credit cards, let alone

    damage I could cause, with that she was gone.

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    Jasper looked at Oliver, than Evelyn and said, Well Im so not

    buying her drinks, I need some left on my card for later. He

    dashed off away from them followed by Evelyn than Oliver.

    -Chapter Two-

    Introducing . . .


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    weight from one foot to another while she searched through her

    blue Armani exchange bag to find her i-pod touch phone just to

    placate Candice she hated people watching her when she was


    Evelyn took in how nervous Candice was immediately, and knew

    why she was so nervous in the same second.

    Chill, it will be okay. Owen will come, you two will kiss, make

    such a gorgeous couple and I will be going to get Jasper, Ollie and

    all that and give you a text when we are nearly here. Oh so simple.

    With that Evelyn gracefully sauntered out of Candices room, herpillar box red hair flying out behind her as she flew with un-natural

    speed into her own, tidier bedroom to get changed, she felt an

    unnatural breeze which she assumed was the side effect of Candy

    running so fast from room to room. After about three or four

    minutes, Evelyn exited her bedroom, to hear a frantic Candice

    yelling up the stairs to Evelyn.

    OMG! Get your butt down here girl - Owens here - now!

    Then Evelyn now felt the cool and sweet smell of Candices breath

    in front of her, and almost as sudden as that, she felt herself being

    knocked down from under her feet, by a block of ice, then two

    blocks of ice caught her quick enough so she didnt hit the ground,

    then Evelyn had a weird sensation as if she was still, flying and

    falling at the same time, but before she could say anything evenprotest Candy was setting her on her feet, and mumbling quietly

    under her breath, while the noise of Owens car parking seemed to

    be echoed throughout the entire house.

    Candice, I can run faster than you remember, Evelyn said as she

    danced to the front door, nimbly jumping up to grab the keys from

    the glass chandelier (where Oliver hid them)Evelyn quickly re-thought the plan she was going to get Oliver,

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    Jasper, Jada and Carlisle from Wrexham (where they were hunting

    a few animals) while Candice and Owen had some time to

    themselves as she showed him around her and her families

    mammoth mansion, without a entire horde of Vampires below,

    listening to Owens every heartbeat.

    Before Owen even got to the door, Evelyn was collecting her stuff

    up from the coffee table in the living room in front of Candice -

    whilst Candice was lounging on the large black leather corner sofa,

    to someone who didnt look too closely, Candice looked like she

    was chilling watching the re-runs of Hollyoaks, while Evelynlooked as if she was checking that she had everything she would

    need for the hour and a half drive up to Wrexham to collect her

    family however if you did look closely, then you would see

    Candice sitting on the black leather sofa, perched on the edge, too

    tense to pass as chilling and her eyes glazing over the television

    soap which she held no interest for, whereas Evelyn was just

    juggling things around in her bag, making it look as if she was

    putting things in, but she was standing too still like Candice too

    still to be human, the only even breaths were coming from

    Evelynand the inconsequential babble from the plasma screen

    television perched on the white wall.

    Both Candice and Evelyn herd the engine of Owens car cut and

    the banging of his car door as he opened and closed it, thecrunching if the gravel underneath his black and green checked

    Vans, to huge glass patio doors. After one push of the quiet bell,

    Candice was at the door and smiling cheerfully.

    Hi Owen, she said once she opened the door and gestured for

    him to come inside.

    Hi Candy, he said, his voice sounded strangely amazed as hetook in the clear and open hallway.

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    Okay then, she is rich but we knew that already it doesnt matter

    though but I would like a look around, its really cool and massive!

    If you want I will show you around, Candy offered willingly.

    Owen gave a short laugh and followed Candice up the wide stairs

    and said sarcastically, it is as if you can read my mind.

    Candice joined in with his short laugh and said complacently,

    Yeah right, sure I can Owen. Im Physic me! Then she shared a

    near enough silent chuckle under her breath with Evelyn, who she

    could here giggling slightly under her breath downstairs.

    Just before Candice and Owen reached the top of the staircase,Evelyn came out of the front room (as planned) and called up the

    stairs, See ya later, Ill be about three hours? Remember Candy you

    need to make sure that the chicken for tonight isnt going to burn.

    Candice rolled her eyes, it was all part of the plan if Owens scent

    got a bit too much then she could make an emergency exit to the

    kitchen with the claim that she smelt something burning.

    Yeah, if you smell the house burning down, turn the chicken off,


    Evelyn smiled at Owen and Candice and gently closed the door

    behind her as she left the house.

    When they came to the first room on the landing, Candice

    gestured to the inside of the already open door.

    This is Jada and Carlisles room, nodding towards the massiveroom. It had pale blue walls and a few light glass ornaments on the

    alcove window ledge and a white king size canopy bed right in the

    middle. The room has certain tranquillity about it, as if it was made

    for the sole purpose to just leave all problems behind at the door.

    She smiled at Owen and took his hand in hers and smiled at him

    even brooder, her eyes meeting his for only a split second, but thatalone was enough to tear Candices mind to shreds. Part of her

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    thirsted after his blood, she had never been that close to a human

    before, held ones hand, yet somehow if felt right. Another part of

    her head wanted him to love her - as she loved him, but part of

    their relationship would always be based on lies, because theres no

    way that she could never ever tell him the truth about her, he

    would hate her for it. Yet the loudest voice in her head screamed at

    her to just go with it, do what he wanted, to find out if he wanted

    her, and if he didnt - mates would still be good.

    Being friends would be acceptable.

    Candice thought all that out in the shortest part of a second whileleading Owen up the pale cream staircase, Candice felt his gaze on

    her and the family portraits, of course, she thought to herself, he

    wants to see a baby picture of me, not likely. I don't even think cameras

    were around when I was born.

    Without talking, they came to a long hallway, which had several

    doors, each side. The stopped at the first door, she gently nudged it

    open and Owen saw a sight which made him gasp. The entire room

    was made up of books. Bookshelves across the entire wall, from

    floor to ceiling, even a few books on the odd table, yet the room still

    managed to look as if it could fit more books in it somehow.

    Candice stood at his side and looked at the pure shock on Owens

    face, when he looked down at her she just shrugged and said.

    Jaspers own private library. Jada gave it to him for one of hisbirthdays.

    He got an entire library for his birthday? Owen asked in


    Candice just shrugged again shrugging was good you didnt tell

    too many lies shrugging. So her answer was a simple one.

    Jasper likes reading. Everyone here does so its not for himreally. She tried to make her voice sound nonchalant but she

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    couldnt make herself look up to look at his face when she lied,

    because it felt like if she did her heart might over ride her brain and

    spill the secrets that she didnt want him to know. All of a sudden

    her unbeating heart felt heavier in her chest. Like it had been

    replaced with the worlds heaviest weight. Candice quickly spun

    round in his arms and without looking at his face she led him to the

    room opposite Jaspers, the door was painted a very pale and

    delicate pink, and when she opened the pink door, the pleasant and

    peaceful smell which filled the entire house, was replaced but the

    smell you would of found in a whores handbag. Candice gaggedquietly and opened the door to find a room made out of pink fluff

    and mirrors. In the centre of the room there was a stretch pink

    leather couch -which had a pile of magazines on it like vogue

    and look scattered across the pink leather. And when Owen

    looked around he saw parts of the wall, which wasnt covered in

    mirror, there were pale, fancily engraved wooden tables which

    were piled high in curling tongs, straighters, hairspray and buckets

    of expensive make-up. When Owen looked down he saw Candys

    disgusted expression, he smiled and before she could say anything

    he said.

    Wait let me guess Stephanies room!

    She rolled her eyes, What gave it away? The fact it smells like a

    whores handbag or that it looks like one?Owen grinned mischievously at her, That may of had something

    to do with it, he playfully dug her in the ribs with his elbow it

    felt like hed just given himself a bruise.

    As they turned to leave, Candice closed the door gently and

    answered in a quiet voice, still avoiding Owens eyes, Stephanie

    and Oliver, even though they love each other they have very verydifferent styles. So to stop them arguing all the time, Steph gets her

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    own room and so does Oliver. Their joint room with their bed in is

    through Stephanies room. We couldve looked, I have only been in

    there about once but I don't like walking through that room. You

    never know what you might pick up by even breathing in there.

    Owen laughed under his breath and followed Candice, she smiled

    at Owen, but the smile seemed off, it didnt touch her eyes, she still

    looked breathtakingly beautiful, yet it just seemed off.

    I think you will like this room Owen, seriously this is Olivers.

    Then she opened the door.

    Owen gasped when the door opened, it was almost his dreamroom give or take. The room was huge and on glass shelves across

    the walls, they were supporting big gold trophies each one had

    Olivers name engraved on it for some sport or another. And the

    plasma screen, which was mounted in the middle on all the

    trophies, was on a continuous loop of the sports channel, while the

    only thing on the floor was a big blue couch, which had a PS3 game

    controller which was linked to the PS3 sitting on the wall next to the


    Owen gasped when he entered the room and said to Candy,

    looking down at her, No kidding I like this room Candy but

    youre right cant see Steph being so happy with this in her room.

    You know her so well, should I be concerned? Candice asked,

    teasing him again, poking him softly on his arm.He grabbed her hand before she could lower it, and he spun her

    around, so she was facing him, their bodies touching. The sudden

    electric energy flowed around the entire room, engulfing the pair of

    them in invisible flames. Owen was about a head taller than

    Candice so when she wouldnt meet his gaze, he gently put his

    thumb under her chin, and tilted up her face, so there was no wayto escape his deep brown eyes. He slowly lowered head down

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    towards Candice so it was mere centimetres away from her. She

    looked down, her burning turquoise eyes nearly brimming over

    with tears, however just before they threatened to spill over,

    without her blinking the old tears disappeared replaced by fresh


    Owen, she whispered, their faces so close that their lips were

    almost touching her sweet and inviting breath scorched down his

    throat as she spoke.

    Please, she whispered her eyes now flashed to his face, as if she

    was searching for something.Im scared, she admitted, her eyes fell down again, as if was

    afraid of his reaction to her confession.

    Owen was momentarily stunned, than he moved his lips, brushing

    across her hair, to her ear where he whispered in an equally quiet

    voice, Don't be scared, he whispered, I will never everhurt you

    I promise.

    The fight somehow seemed to leave Candice, she moved her head

    backwards, so she was facing him again, their lips were closer than

    before and her eyes were back to searching his face hungrily.

    I know, she breathed, her lips inched closer to Owen, her

    thoughts flashed back to the meeting with Drew he was with Belle

    and she was still alive so she could at least try with Owen,

    couldnt she?I am scared, she continued, in case I hurtyou.

    Im not, Owen said, before he gently lowered his lips onto hers,

    moving his lips slowly as if he was afraid that she would reject


    For one second the first second that Owens lips met hers she

    was rigid with fear she was so afraid that her vampiric tendencieswould bubble up to the surface and she would end up killing him,

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    yet she was mistaken. After that one second, she became ecstatic.

    Her vampire-ness was yours truly hidden. She felt not one

    slightest impulse to kill him she was eternally grateful that, that

    part of her was dormant.

    It all seemed so right so perfect like the puzzle pieces of the last

    three hundred years were all finally fitting together with pieces that

    she didnt even know were missing.

    Owens hand slipped down from Candices face to her waist,

    while Candices hands moved hesitantly up, to Owens shoulder and

    neck, her hands hooking onto him and pulling him closer into her,their bodies crushing into each other.

    After about to them what seemed like a perfect eternity was

    really a minute or so, Candice was the first to pull away, her face

    breaking into a true smile, her cheeks a slight pink-ish colour which

    stood out from her pale exterior, her eyes basically shining with

    happiness. She took Owens hand, and pulled his arm across her

    shoulders and pressing her ice cold lips against his hand.

    She led him out of Olivers room and down the hallway, past one

    open door, to which Candice muttered Evelyn amusedly. The

    quick glimpse of Evelyns room was a weird one. The walls were all

    different colours in patches, and all over the wall there were photos

    of different places in the world the Eiffel Tower, The statue of

    liberty, Taj Mahal and to Owen it looked like a few were takeninside the Amazon rainforest but he didnt get a proper look.

    Candice was slowly but steadily leading him up the rustic metal

    spiral staircase, she led him up the spiral staircase, then they came

    to an attic doorway which someone and he had a pretty good idea

    who had spray painted a picture of the Nirvana logo in yellow

    and black onto the square door in the ceiling.Your room? asked Owen, while Candice shifted the square

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    wooden slab.

    My room, confirmed Candice as she pulled herself up, Owen

    looked up at her as she gave out her hand to help him up.

    After Owen pulled himself up onto Candices black wooden floor,

    he looked around the colossal room which made him gasp. He

    looked around the room and then he felt Candice standing them

    next him, but he couldnt tear his eyes away from her room.

    The walls were all a deep purple colour, all except one wall, which

    was by her bed, was covered in graffiti, not chavvy graffiti like

    Candy woz here it was proper graffiti, like big anamie peopleblown up on her wall, and chunky writing with all her families

    names, and he even saw his own name next to Alexei and Jaynis.

    She took his hand again and led him to the purple settee in the

    middle of her pile of DVDs, shoes and CDs, and they both sat down

    next to each other.

    Your room looks amazing Candy, but compared to you it isnt

    that quirky, Owen said partly deep and meaningful and part

    teasing her, putting his arms around Candice, while she snuggled

    into his side.

    Thanks, I think, she murmured as she switched the huge black

    plasma screen television.

    When the Twilight DVD started up, she borrowed into his side

    and he pulled his arms around her pressing her closer.After about half of the Twilight DVD, Candice suddenly sat up

    looking slightly disgruntled. Owen took a few seconds to react, but

    the he sat up with her.

    Candy whats the matter? Owen asked, stroking her back

    soothingly because she looked like she was about to cry.

    Her expression faded slightly when she heard him talk. Sheslowly faded back into his arms, and turned to look up at Owen

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    and pulled up onto Owens chest and looked up at him, and slowly

    began to kiss him. It began gently and sweet enough, however as

    soon as it began it get a bit heated Candices door flew open and

    Oliver stood there with Evelyn behind him, it look like Evelyn was

    trying to drag him backwards away from the door.

    Candice let her head drop onto Owen chest, and he heard Owen

    smile and shift nervously.

    Candice slowly sat up and spun around; she looked at Oliver and

    gave him, her you-are-going-to-pay-so-bad-for-this-as-soon-as-he-

    leaves-because-if-i-have-my-way-you-will-never-be-able-to-walk-again look.

    Sorry Candy, I tried to drag him back. But you know what Olivers like,

    Evelyn thought, using the element of surprise, grabbing Oliver

    back, with one short wave and apologetic smile at Owen, she

    yanked Oliver back down the stairs and with a deafening bang

    closed the door shut.

    Owen tried to loosen the vice like grip Candice had on his arms,

    to no avail, Candy hung onto his arms, laughing at his frail

    attempts to unleash her grip.

    Whats the matter Owen? she teased, in-between little kisses,

    she was planting on his lips, sick of me already?

    Don't be stupid, Owen whispered, finally disentangling himself

    so he could sit up straight. He ran a shaky hand through his hair,and she heard his heart accelerate slightly as he looked at her, it

    confused her slightly even though she could hear what he was

    thinking it was ludicrous. He was regarding her as if she was the

    prize to some big game that he didnt know he was entering, but

    was so glad he had won.

    That was completely, she mentally stuttered, until she found theword she was looking for, backwards. Its the other way round, how

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    could I possibly deserve him?

    Owen continued, oblivious to Candices completely different train

    of thought, but I do really have to go. My parents want to talk to

    me, gloom settled in on the end of the sentence.

    Candice saw he was telling the truth in his thoughts, and he was

    really not looking forward to the chat (wink wink) his mum wanted

    to have with him.

    Candice almost immediately felt bad for him, and because he was

    sad, and she hated anything that made him sad. She suddenly

    thought of Drew and Belle, so that was how Drew felt, and sherealised that Drew was right. As long as you love someone enough

    and they love you anything can happen you can even ignore

    your own nature for them.

    She stood next to him and wrapped his arms around Owens waist

    and he corresponded and wrapped his arms around her waist as

    well and kissed her head, keeping his lips there.

    She lifted her head up and pulled herself up so her lips met his.

    Dont worry honey, Candice said taking his hand, once again,

    and spinning him around and leading him out the door, before they

    came to the end of her spiral staircase, she kissed his hand and said

    in a last bid attempt to cheer him up.

    Owen don't worry I am sure I can find a way to cheer you up

    later, she smiled at the effect that sentence seemed to have on hisheartbeat.

    I will hold you to that Candy, Owen said, poking her in the


    They walked the rest of the way to the kitchen in silence when

    Candice went to say goodbye to Owen, he looked over her shoulder

    and saw all of her family including Fiona sitting on the highbreakfast bench styled table. Jada and Carlisle were in deep

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    conversation it was clear that they were made for each other, just

    the way they stood with their head pressed together, and it was

    obvious they were the perfect couple.

    Evelyn chatting to Jasper, while he was cooking another, what

    Owen thought, was another Spanish omelette, he called out over his

    shoulder, see ya, to Owen, yet Evelyn seemed so deep in

    conversation with Jasper that Stephanie could have stood up on the

    table and begun swallowing fire, as long as Jasper was willing to

    listen, and converse back, she was happy in her own little world

    and Owen was not about to pop her bubble.Stephanie ignored him and carried on filing her already perfect

    nails, and Owen wondered if she ever left her nails alone. Or her

    hair. Or her make-up. He wondered if she ever thought about

    anyone apart from herself. Owen quickly glanced at her again. She

    had now moved on from her nails and was holding a spoon to her

    face to see her reflection, and was pushing up her hair.

    Oliver caught Owens eye and Owen expected to see his usual grin

    on place and a quick wave before he began to waffle down the

    omelettes, instead Oliver was giving him evils. The unexpected

    emotion on his face looked really scary, he looked scary anyway

    because of the way he was built, however that was usually

    contradicted by the huge puppy dog grin splayed out across his

    face yet now he did look truly menacing, his eyes didnt leaveOwen, and that made him feel strangely uncomfortable, he looked

    away from Olivers gaze, so then he looked down to Candice.

    The pair of them were standing at the clear glass doorframe, and

    he waved goodbye to everyone in the kitchen, and Candice got up

    on tip-toe and gave him one fleeting kiss on his lips and whispered,

    See you later.With one more slightly longer kiss, Owen waved goodbye and left

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    the house in a matter of seconds.

    As soon as Candice was sure that Owen couldnt see her, her face

    hardened and she slammed the door, with such force that the glass

    panelling on the door shook.

    Oliver! she called out, spinning around on her heels and

    marching toward the kitchen furiously.

    When she stood at the doorway, she put her hands on her hips and

    stood in the doorway blocking his only way out. Oliver visibly

    cringed in his seat, and even Carlisle and Jada pulled themselves

    out of their privet conversation to listen to what Candice was goingto say to Oliver.

    What the hell! she said, angrily tapping her foot on the tiled

    flooring, her eyes narrowed dangerously.

    Candy, you are my little sister- Oliver began in his defence, but

    Candice cut him off short.

    Oliver I am three hundred and twenty six, and thats only, she

    paused for half a second as she done the quick mental maths in her

    head, thirty five years younger than you.

    Oliver said, But technically youre sixteen not old enough to be

    kissing boys-

    Candice cut him up again, holding her hand up, not in protest,

    but she was ticking off her fingers in a sort of check list, One, she

    began, isnt Carlisle meant to be having this lecture with me, aboutkissing boys, she quickly spun to Carlisle and said to him, Do

    you have a issue about me kissing Owen?

    Carlisle didnt even have to say anything she heard from his

    thoughts that if Owen was what Candice wanted, then that was fine

    by him. It was okay in moderation.

    So Candice carried on, So Carlisle is okay with it, she amendedher sentence as a small afterthought, Well okay with it as any

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    father would ever be. Two, she continued relentlessly, Yes I am

    technically sixteen, in a abstract kind of way, but it is not world war

    one, nowadays sixteen year olds are getting pregnant and stabbing

    each other, would you rather I was like them? she asked him.

    Oliver stuttered onto the question that Candice asked him, aware

    that there was no real right answer to the rhetorical question and he

    stuttered, Well yes wait . . . er no . . . of course - erm no.

    Exactly, Candice said cutting Oliver off short, So how can you

    say that! And I am about one hundred and fifty years older than

    Steph - and you and her are together. So you cannot criticise meabout that!

    Oliver didnt say anything he just look down and said nothing.

    Candices anger evaporated as she let her earlier good mood bubble

    back up to the surface, she spun and let the room and begun

    humming to herself as she bung Paramore on the CD player.

    Oh no, I just keep on falling,

    back to the same old,

    and wheres hope when misery come callin-

    Candice was singing to Paramore when Jasper came in and sat on

    her bed. Candice noticed him straight away and almost in the same

    breath she knew what he wanted to talk to her about. Before he said

    anything, she sat down next to him and put her hand in his. She

    didnt care what people outside her family and new friends thought that she and Jasper were together together. She felt comfortable

    with Jasper all the time no matter what, she held his hand, he

    wrapped her arms around her and she felt comfortable and safe.

    Their love and bond was beyond brothersister relationship yet it

    just so wasnt like Jada and Carlisles. It was as if their love belonged

    in a completely different category all together.I wont kill him, Candice said, answering the unspoken

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    question in Jaspers head.

    He shook his head slightly and pulled her into his chest,

    wrapping his arms around her, he rested his chin on her head, his

    lips gently brushing the few loose strands sticking up all over.

    You might not mean to, said Jasper.

    Candice giggled, ignoring (as usual) the seriousness of the

    convosation, instead of answering properly, she said to Jasper,

    struggling to turn her head up so she could look at him, are you

    talking about my other personality? The vampire one? the teasing-

    ness in her voice was obvious as she asked the innocent enoughquestion.

    Jasper laughed along with her. There was no point pressing the,

    oh-so-serious convosation until she was ready to talk.

    -Chapter Three-

    Peace with the living

    What do we have next? asked Owen, pulling himself

    onto the graffitied bench.

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    filled every corner of the tiny, damp French room.

    Bonjour, je suis trs heureux de voir que vous avez dcid de

    revenir et de nous enseigner. Je suis trs egar pour en savoir plus

    sur la France, la langue, les gens - mme de l'histoire.

    (Hello I am very pleased that you decided to come back and teach us. I

    am very eager to learn more about France, the language, the people- even

    the history.)

    Madame Thomasset looked too shocked to say anything, yet she

    managed to choke out in strangely accented English, You have an

    amazing accent young lady.Merci, Candy said using the smile specifically made to scare

    humans, showing her perfect white teeth. She spun around and

    walked to the back of the class next to Owen, got her French books

    out of her bag and put them neatly on her desk, then with

    everyones eyes still on her (even the teachers) she said gleefully,

    Carry on Madame.

    She placed her hands on the top of her books and nodded toward

    the front.

    All eyes averted to the flustered Madame, as she begun shuffling

    around bits of paper on her desk, muttering about French verbs,

    while she hurriedly tried to find what tedious task sheet she had set

    the class.

    After an extremely uneventful lesson, in which everyone managedto copy Candys answers, they were dismissed for their next lesson.

    The next lesson was music, it was one of Candys favourite

    lessons. She didn't love it because she was the best (even though it

    was common knowledge that she could play some killer rifts on the

    guitar) it wasnt because the teacher was fit, or nice in fact he was

    the opposite Mr. Lewis was a fat balding man, he had a shorttemper and was full of empty threats . But that was why Candy

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    loved the lessons. Mr. Lewis temper made her laugh because he

    was so easy to wind up.

    As she walked in she said, What up sir? and before he could

    answer her mocking question with a detention, another twenty

    seven pupils entered into the small cramped the Music block.

    As usual, it took Mr. Lewis a good twenty minutes of shouting his

    constant empty threats before anyone took even the slightest notice.

    When he had the semi-attention of the class he said, When the

    registers comes around you must sign it or a detention. So who here

    can tell me the difference between an acoustic guitar and an electricguitar?

    The entire class sniggered at his obvious question, however the

    lesson looked promising to them, Mr. Lewis had three battered

    acoustic guitars laid out across the front.

    When he saw no one would answer, he chose the one pupil that

    looked like they were paying the least attention, and also the one

    who he happened to dislike the most...

    Candice?he asked smugly.

    Her eyes still didnt tear away from the window, yet she still replied

    to the teacher.

    Yes Sir? she asked politely, her eyes unwillingly tearing away

    from something that no one could see.

    Whats that answer to the question I just asked the class? heasked, smugly, putting the scruffy register down on his already

    overcrowded desk, he was sure he had caught her out that was

    something he had never done in his lessons, even if she was the

    worst behaved pupil, she was the brightest.

    Her eyes snapped back to the front quickly, a grin creeping

    across her face, her eyes wide and cheerful as she swung her chairback onto two legs.

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    Sir, if you don't know the difference between an electric and an

    acoustic guitar by now should you really be teaching me music?

    A snigger spread across the class, while Mr. Lewis eyes just

    narrowed, it looked as if he was trying to outstare Candice, if he

    was trying to - hed lost badly, after about a minute and a half, he

    gave up and began blinking ferociously in the opposite direction

    that Candy was in.

    When he finally found his voice again he said in a voice slightly in

    awe of the students in front of him, Listen me, young lady, just

    because you dress differently, doesnt mean. . . he trailed off intosilence under Candice glare.

    What do you mean sir? About my dress sense? she asked,

    cocking her head to the side, her eyes narrowing into dangerous


    Mr. Thomas stuttered, but didnt say anything apart from an

    incoherent babble, Candice smiled under her breath and shook her

    head, she stood up and made her way to the front of the class, next

    to one of the really old guitars and pointed at it, Are you going to

    let me play? Or are you going to try and teach me Twinkle Twinkle

    Little Star like the rest of the class? she didnt even wait for him to

    answer, unaware (as usual) of the entire class, including Mr.

    Thomas staring at her, she effortlessly picked up the guitar that

    looked the most in tune and she pulled herself up onto the teachersdesk and began to play a soft, mellifluous tune which enchanted

    the entire class. Her face was relaxed but at the same time deeply

    concentrated in her movements as she stared at her hands which

    were plucking the different strings.

    The tune she was playing was beautiful and melodious; a small

    smile began to play around her lips as she played, her eyes dartedup and looked for Owens eyes, when they met, even though it was

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    Jada was an A&E doctor and worked three nights a week and four

    days a week.

    What if they are home? he asked her, wrapping his arm around

    her waist.

    Candice murmured something distractedly, while she was texting

    someone, er well we fabricate a paper, like I dunno we have a

    SOC paper due and theyve given us the after-noon off.

    Candice phone vibrated and she slid it up almost as soon as shed

    finished talking to Owen, he read the text over her shoulder;

    Meet u at the b-ball court?B der in 5min? Think M&D r

    home wiv S&O, c ya there

    J X

    Sorted, she said shaking her phone, sliding it down cheerfully.

    Three and a half hours later, Candice and Owen were sitting in her

    mammoth garden, they both had their feet dangling in the streamthat wove through their garden and in and out of the surrounding


    So you were adopted? Owen asked her apprehensively as he felt

    her stiffen around him, but she spoke in a friendly enough voice,

    her eyes not meeting his though.

    Yeah I was adopted, she said shrugging, when I was about

    twelve? Im not that sure but Carlisle and Jada were already

    taking care of Evelyn, Oliver and Jasper. Steph met up with Oliver

    when she was adopted about three years back.

    Do you remember your real family at all? Owen asked her


    Candice only shook her head sadly, her eyes filled with what

    suspiciously looked like tears.

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    Owen instantly felt bad that hed make her cry, you don't have to

    tell me Candy honestly, sorry I will shut up now.

    No, its okay, she thought back, thinking of ways to word her

    answer so they she wouldnt be lying to him just not telling him

    the complete truth.

    My dad either died of left when I was young I cant remember

    him that much, but my mother always said he was an alcoholic, like

    her, she scratched at the ground bitterly with a stick.

    My mum died when I was about ten, just after giving birth to my

    youngest sister, she smiled slightly, at least I don't have to lie toOwen about that, she though sourly.

    My older sister - Darcy - died just before I was adopted when she

    was about nineteen twenty. She was taking care of us until then.

    She sounded amazing, Owen said sympathetically, he wrapped

    his arms around her.

    Yeah she was, she carried on relentlessly, she was taking care

    of me, my only little brother Fagan and my two little sisters Lydia

    and. . . she trailed off and if Owen didnt know any better he

    thought she had forgotten her other sisters name but Candice

    wouldnt do that would she?

    Candice shifted uncomfortably, shifting her eyes away from

    Owens chest back to the shallow little stream. Owen feeling like

    he should do something to comfort her, but what? Candice neverreally looked sad, she always looked happy. So they sat in silence,

    until the sadness passed, just as everything does.

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    Will do Mum. Promise, Evelyn added when she saw Jadas

    disbelieving expression.

    Sure, sure. Remember do NOT take those shades off in the sun,

    chided Jada just before they left, dancing in the sunlight.

    They made their way over to the garage and Evelina went to pull

    the families less noticeable car (Volvo) keys down from the hook,

    but Candy already had Jaspers jaguar car keys in her hand.

    Jada didnt say anything about what car we had to take did she?

    Evelyn tried to stifle a grin and to be the adult, however when

    Jasper appeared behind his car and laughed at Candy and said,You could of at least asked though!

    Candice smiled to and went to give Jasper a quick squeeze, Ta, I

    so owe you one Jasper I shall be your slave forever.

    Didnt we make that agreement a hundred years ago? he teased


    Oh yeah thats true - well I shall be nice to you, hows that?

    Perfect, he murmured as he held her close, as long as you are

    very happy, thats all I want.

    Candice gave him a quick hug and said, Please try and come

    earlier - I want you there.

    Jasper just patted her shoulder and said, If you say so babes. I

    think Evelyn is going to die of boredom if we leave her in that car

    any longer.Yeah thats true, later then. You will come wont you? Candice

    asked her hands tightening around Jasper.

    He sighed, You know I cant bear to stay away from you too long,

    it makes me too anxious.

    It makes me anxious too, she gave him one final hug then

    turned and stepped into Jaspers sleek and shiny black Jaguar thensped away and left Jasper thinking hard and lo