birth of modern america chapter 3


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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*Most felt the Plains

could not be farmed.

*It was suited for




*Long Horns well

adapted to dry plains.

*Why the cattle drives?

*Had to get cattle from

Texas to rail roads

further north.

*Many RXR’s built in the

1860’s & 70’s.



*1850’s and RXR’s given 28 million acres of

public land.

*This helped them finance the RXR’s.

*By the 1860’s and 1870’s this public Land Grant

Program had given away 120 million acres.

*This equals the size of all the New England

states, New York and Pennsylvania!


*Homestead Act-160 acres.

*RXR’s provided new inroads to the Plains.

*New “Dry” farming methods.

*These farms will make America a huge exporter

of grains.

*New farming methods will lead to Dust Bowl.

*Native peoples were killed

and put on Federal


* Armed conflicts with N.A.

occurred as Americans

pushed westward.

*N.A’s resented reservations

and would leave.

*Many Americans wanted to absorb and ASSIMALATE the N.A.

*Many N.A. children sent east to boarding schools to become “Americans.”

* They were forbidden to speak their native language or practice their customs.


*Industrial Revolution takes off after Civil War.

*South not able to stop northern polices to industrialize.



*Natural resources.

*Large semi skilled work force.

*Free enterprise/Laissez-Faire.

*English capital/money.


*Rail Roads.


*Telephones. Alexander Graham Bell.

*Light bulb. Edison.

*Phonograph. Edison.

*Electric generator. Edison.

*Battery. Edison.

*Motion Picture. Edison.

* Ice Machine.




*Wealthy RXR tycoons had a bad reputation as

being looters of the system and swindlers of

the government and taxpayers.

*Corporations grew to gigantic sizes.

*Many corporations had monoplies OR



* Conditions for workers:

*Twelve hour day.

*Seven hour workday.

*Unsafe work places.

*Child labor.


*Anti American. “Pull yourself by your own


*Yellow Dog Contracts.

*Lock outs.

*Black lists.

*Government anti union.

*The use of violent strike breakers O.K.


*Founder: Samual Gompers. “More!”

*Pushed for CLOSED SHOP. Now illegal.

*Goals for unions:

*Eight hour day.

*40 hour week.

*Safer working conditions.

*End child labor.


*Push - Pull Theory.

*U.S. Open Door policy.

*Industrial Revolution needed unlimited low

paying jobs.

*Resurgence of Nativism.

*American cities explode in population.

*“Americanization.” Melting pot v. tossed salad.


*Why did social critics call it the “Gilded Age?”

*“Rugged “Individualism.” No matter how

humble your start. you can become wealthy.

*Herbert Spencer and “Social Darwinism.

*Darwin HATED this idea!

*S.D. and Spencer gave capitalism and its bad

social conditions legitimacy. Social Darwinism


*Plessy v. Freguson. 1896.

*“Separate but equal.”

*Legitimized Jim Crow laws for the next 50


*Poll tax or literacy test to vote.

*80% of all racial lynchings occurred in South.

*Feds REFUSED to pass laws against it.


*Ida B. Wells. Organized crusade against


*Booker T. Washington. Promoted education and

vocational traning.

*W.E.B. Du Bois. Fought for full civil rights.