birmingham dreamer


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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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magazine based on the dreams in birmingham


ARE YOU A DREAMER?This magazine is based on the dreams and

aspirations of the city Birmingham. The team that created this magazine for you,

liked the idea of comparing people to puppets. This is because we felt that some of the people in birmingham, were doing what they were told like puppets on strings. Like Metallica famously said in their lyrics of ‘Puppet Master’ - ‘Master of puppets I’m pulling your strings/ Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams’. There are a range of interviews, to challange this concept.Hope you enjoy!

Mia Rae, 9years old, took a interview with one of our

team members to see the differencebetween people that are living there dream already, or on their way to achievingwant they want too. She is a lively, confident little girl who is hoping to make it big in Hollywood!!Although she is hoping to start her carreer in Birmingham, by taking acting as well as simging classes.

What do you see yourself doing in 5 to 10 years?

Retired like my grandad, so then I can spend more time with him (laughs) ... well my mummy wants me to go to the schools my older sister went too.

In an ideal world what would you want to be doing in 5 to 10 years?

On the TV, I want to be famous, and rich. I would like to be like Cher Lloyd - I love her, she is my idol! Hollywood would be a good place to be.

Would you rather be rich or happy?

I already am happy so tryingbeing rich would be a change. if i was rich i would be able to get what any time, like steak!

What motivates you to get up into the morning?

Mummy or daddy wakes for school, or at the weekend. i play with my sister or brother and practice my singing in the

computer room.

Whats the worst thing you have to do on a day to day basis?

Clean my room. If i was famous i would have people to do that for me and I could spend all day sing ing and playing with my friends

Would you class yourself as a puppet?

I’m nine, I’m told what to do at school, but thats learning so thats

ok. At home I can play and sing most of the

This little star has already been in a few plays!

timebut then there’s always homework, swimming, netballand squash lessons. Athough if I dont want to do it, then I don’t have to go to the classes.

What song represents how you feel at the moment?

With your love - Cher Lloyd. I do love abit of Cher Lloyd!! (laugh)

Are you a leader or are you lead by other people?

I do what my parents and teachers tell me to do, but I think that I would be a good leader because I am very organised.

Who are your role models to be like when you are older?

My daddy, he has a very big heart and i want to be just like him when i am older. Nice and kindWhat do you do that makes

you happy?

If someone likes what i do then it makes me happy,

like my singing, or in school.

What would you like to try, that you haven’t already?

I would like to audition go on to the X-Factor or a show like it and show the judges my singing. hopefullythey like my voice like

my mummy and daddy do. If I won then it would have been the best thing in

the world!

What actress do you think you are most like?

You know the girl that plays Annie? I love the film and she is my favouritecharacter!

And finally what shows have you been in?

I have done 2 school plays, and I have done 3 dance shows. They have been in different publicplaces like.

Music is the soul of beauty and passion. People can truly express themselves when creating a hypnotic beat or listening to the charts. My dream is for everyone to find the tune of their hearts and follow them till death do them part. If someone connects to a song then it makes their journey in life worthwhile for that little bit longer. I am lucky enough to have two songs that move me emotionally and guide me forwards, closer to my dream, ambitions and creations. They are ‘Together’ by Neyo and ‘Crazy Thing’ by Mack diamond ft Flava. Find your songs and let it guide you...



Are you from Birmingham? If not, where are you from? Why did you come to Birmingham?

I’m from Wuxi in China. I came to Birmingham for studying.

Do you have things you really to do? What's your dream job?

I love drawing. Dream job…. I like comic, I want to a cartoonist, a freelance illustration or a super hero

Realistically what do you see yourself doing in 5/10years? In an ideal world what would you like to be doing in 5/10 years?

In 5/10 years time, I think after finishing my study I will find a well-paid job maybe in the uk maybe in China.

In an ideal world I would be a freelance illustrator

and travel around the world.

How long have you been in

Birmingham? How long how

long do you plan to stay?

If you want to leave, where would you like?

I have been in Birmingham for 8 weeks. I plan to leave after my undergraduate, maybe I’ll return to China, but I hope to get a MA degree in England.

Would you rather be rich or happy, and why?

Realistically, be rich.

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

Ambitions, if not I won’t come to this country.

What is the worst thing you have to do, that you don't want to on a daily basis?

There is nothing that I do on a daily basis that I don’t enjoy.

If you could change anything about your lifestyle, what would it be?

Sleep earlier, don’t waste too much time on internet.

Would you class yourself as a puppet in the sense you do what others want, and how they want instead of you choosing what and how you do things?

Actually, I don’t think I’m a puppet, Because my parents always support things I decide to do, e.g. studying abroad. But sometime, I must to do something don’t like at that moment, like talking to others in English, go to socialize, etc. Because that’s good for me integrate into society.

Would you class yourself as the leader or the lead?

I think I can be a good leader, but I usually follow the crowd.

What song best explains how you feel at this moment?

Girl is singing in the wreckage, Black Box RecorderImagine, John Lennon

or dreaming. I am satisfied with my situation. I don't know what is suitable for me, but what I call 'not suitable' is just an excuse for my retreatism and fear, so it's up to what I'll encounter in the future. I have been restrict by many things, but actually, no one can do everything as they wish, some things change and we change with it. I adopt everything life gives me, I don't think it is a negative attitude, I just believe every destiny has a reason.

I love reading comics, because I learn something different from each one i read. As a student who is studying visual communication, I came with different skills to prepare myself like designing logos, typography and drawing skills from my years of reading. Many comics are great art work, so I read them, I study them and use what I have learnt in my own work. Another thing is I can learn something from the storyline and the characters, like iron man said 'I never dream about future, I create it. ', I like this line, as a practitioner who is starting his career to really do something with my experience. I am just a person living in the real world, I can't do very astonishing things like a superman, but I can make myself a better man, to be a super being for myself.

This is my first time live in another country, and Birmingham is the first city I have been to outside of my own. I believe the experiences in this city will influence me a lot in the future. I came to Birmingham with my dream, I hope when I leave here I can achieve something more than a degree.

I want to be an illustrator or a super hero.I am a Birmingham dreamer.

I am a huge fan of comics, I have been reading them since I was 11. Now I am at Birmingham City University, BIAD, studying Visual Communication. I moved

from China to study and have been in Birmingham for 8 weeks. I like here because there are some amazing comic book shops, which I enjoy going to in my spare time.

When I talk about my dreams, my first thought is a super hero. I am always dreaming about this since I

was a child, but

now I want to be

an illustrator. To me illustrators and super heroes are the same thing, because they do the same thing,

save the world in their own unique

way! Super heroes fight criminals and

catch falling pretty ladies. Illustrators create a wonderful world and realize people's dream in

this world by their imagination. They both bring hope and make the world a better place. These two are both my dream job, but there are not just dreams, I am hoping it becomes reality swell.

I don't believe I am a so-called dreamer, I like doing more than just thinking

This interview is from a girl named Lillian. She is 26 years old and has lived in Birmingham all of her life. Lillian's interests change and are very versatile. Many believe it is because she is a Gemini. It is to be said that Gemini's experience to the weather and ever changing seasons especially between spring and summer is very strong, since that is when the dates of a Gemini lies. She has graduated from Birmingham City University with a degree in Illustration and dreams of a large house for herself, family and her dog called Tom.

1. How would you describe yourself by some adjectives?

I would have to say that I am, sentimental because the little things in live mean more to me than material things, independent because I rely on myself a lot for the things I need, and imaginative since I always believed I am quite creative with everything I do.

2. What is your dream for the future or do you feel that you are living your dream already?

I would like to create a brand which would express a particular lifestyle. I'm not sure on what particular lifestyle it is yet but I am being influenced by the environment at the moment with diverse organic products.

3. Do you have a fancy, interesting or lovely dream and if so, what is it?

When I was little, I was a massive fan of the cartoon "Doraemon". I had always dream about owning a magical pocket of Doraemon so that I can fly up through the air. This was because then I didn't need to go to boring school and didn't need to study maths especially.

4. If God granted you any wish you could think of, what would it be?

I would love to own a time traveling machine so then I could solve the unsolved mysteries of today. I would also to the ancient times and see how the lives of people are completely different to how people live and survive in this age and time.

5. Will you work and work until you have accomplished your dreams and aspirations in life?

I will, work till I feel that I have achieved something worthwhile and I am happy. I don't think people can live without a dream, it may change when people grow older, I know mine have but I know I wont stop until I have achieved what I want too in life.

6. What are your thoughts on the gap between reality and dreams?

Reality and dreams exists in everyone's life. We should be able to balance it and try and change reality to benefit our dream world. On the other hand, reality is always changing, and one little thing can change your path whether you want it too. However, your dreams will stay the same.

7. Is there anything stopping you at the moment from achieving your dream?

Yes, there is but that isn't going to change any time soon, I can only adapt to it for the time being. For

This interview is from a girl named Lillian. She is 26 years old and

has lived in Birmingham all of her life. Lillian's interests change and are very versatile. Many believe it is because she is a Gemini. It is to be said that Gemini's experience to the weather and ever changing seasons especially between spring and summer is very strong, since that is when the dates of a Gemini lies. She has graduated from Birmingham City University with a degree in Illustration and dreams of a large house for herself, family and her dog called Tom.

1. How would you describe yourself by some adjectives?

I would have to say that I am, sentimental because the little things in live mean more to me than material things, independent because I rely on myself a lot for the things I need, and imaginative since I always believed I am quite creative with everything I do.

2. What is your dream for the future or do you feel that you are living your dream already?

I would like to create a brand which would express a particular lifestyle. I'm not sure on what particular lifestyle it is yet but I am being influenced by the environment at the moment with diverse organic products.

3. Do you have a fancy, interesting or lovely dream and if so, what is it?

When I was little, I was a massive fan of the cartoon "Doraemon". I had always dream about owning a magical pocket of Doraemon so that I can fly up through the air. This was because then I didn't need to go to boring school and didn't need to study maths especially.

4. If God granted you any wish you could think of, what would it be?

I would love to own a time traveling machine so then I could solve the unsolved mysteries of today. I would also to the ancient times and see how the lives of people are completely different to how people live and survive in this age and time.

5. Will you work and work until you have accomplished your dreams and aspirations in life?

I will, work till I feel that I have achieved something worthwhile and I am happy. I don't think people can live without a dream, it may change when people grow older, I know mine have but I know I wont stop until I have achieved what I want too in life.

6. What are your thoughts on the gap between reality and dreams?

Reality and dreams exists in everyone's life. We should be able to balance it and try and change reality to benefit our dream world. On the other hand, reality is always changing, and one little thing can change your path whether you want it too. However, your dreams will stay the same.

7. Is there anything stopping you at the moment from achieving your dream?

Yes, there is but that isn't going to change any time soon, I can only adapt to it for the time being. For example, I can't change that some people wont like my work that I create but I will adapt and hold out till I find someone finds it incredibly moving. I can't fetter my unfettered heart.