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Description on some biomes such as the tundra and the desert


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Tundra:Location & Landforms

Tundra covers a fifth of the Earth’s surface.

Located in Alaska, Northern Canada, edges of Greenland, Northern Scandinavia, northern Siberia, and Russia.

The tundra is located between 55 degrees and 75 degrees north

Some tundra is found at the top of mountains and also in flat regions.

Underneath the thin layer of top soil, there is frozen soil.

During the short summer when the snow melts, lakes and rivers appear since the frozen soil is not able to absorb the water.

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It is relatively cold all of the year but there is a short summer period where the sun shines all day

In winter he average temperature is between 20° and 30° F ( -7° and -1°C)

In the short summer which lasts only six to ten weeks, temperatures, it will not get any warmer than 45° to 50° F (7° to 10° C)

The average precipitation is 25cm (9.8 in.) per year. It is mainly snow.

During the long winter, there are long nights and during the short summer, there are long days.

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Some animals in the tundra include the lemming, arctic fox, arctic hare, snow owl, caribou, polar bear, musk ox, and migratory birds.

Tundra: Fauna

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The majority of plants are mosses, grasses, lichens, sedges, and shrubs, also cotton grass is very common in the region. Flowers can be found in the arctic tundra but not to many.

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Humans have been part of the ecosystem and biome of the tundra. Indigenous people of Alaska are all separated in small groups such as the Aleut, Alutiiq, Inupiat, central Yupik and the Siberian Yupik.

Today the natives try to success by combining the modern system and the old fashion way they learned.

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Tundra:The Inupiat

The Inupiat people are an Alaska native people who's territory starts from Norton Sound on the Bering Sea up to the Canadian border.

Inupiat people are hunting-gatherers like most artic people and they try to survive by hunting and fishing. There local harvest would be the walrus, seal, whale, polar bears, caribou and fish.

The Inupiat are separated into two groups. The ones on the sea and the ones in the land.

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Deserts:Locations & landforms

The desert is located between 30 degrees latitude north and 30 degrees latitude south.

It can be found in most of Australia, in north (Saharan Desert) and South Africa, West and South West America, Arabian countries, and central Europe and central Asia.

Landforms in the desert include alluvial fan, butte, mesas, dunes, oasis, plateau, and canyons.

Most deserts are found between 20 degrees and 35 degrees north and south of the equator.

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Deserts are hot during the day and cold at night. During the day the temperatures can reach 50°C and at night it can fall below 0°C.

Deserts have less than 250 mm of rainfall per year.

Deserts are very dry because of the little rainfall and extreme heat.

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Plants in the desert include many varieties of cacti such as, saguaro cactus, barrel cactus, and prickly bear cactus. Trees do not grow very often but the Joshua Tree grows in the Mojave desert.

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Animals in the desert include lizards, meerkats, different types of spiders, camels, ostriches, roadrunners, fennec fox, kangaroo rat, and different types reptiles.

A lot of animals spend most of the day underground but come out at night when it is cool to eat and hunt.

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Human life in the deserts can be found all over he world such as in the US, South America, Africa, and in Asia

US: In the US Native Americans such as the Paiute live in deserts. These Native Americans live now in habited areas such as Las Vegas

South America: Native Americans who live in the Atacama and are living with the help of irrigation and some of them herd llamas and alpacas

Africa: In Africa you can find a lot of tribes such as the bushmen and the tuaregs who are considered nomadic.

Asia: In Asia there are also two kinds of groups called the Bedouin (Middle East) and the Gobi nomads who live in the Gobi desert.

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Desert:The Tuaregs

The Tuaregs are the most nomadic desert groups. They move depending where there is rainfall.

The Tuaregs mostly depend on the camels that they get off trading, grazing, meat, and milk.

Many Tuaregs are often owners of cattle ranches at the Sahara's margins. With that they often live in little hut with wooden frame.

Clothing: They often wear black on their head and white on their bodies. They would wrap themselves up to block the sand from coming in, to keep out the sun and to be warm during the nights.

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Tropical Rainforest:Location & Landforms

Rainforests are located near the equator.

50% of all tropical rainforests are in Latin America and a third of all rainforests are inn Brazil.

Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands have 25% of the world’s tropical rainforests and West Africa has 18%.

The rainforest has mountains, valleys and flood plains. There can also be streams and rivers running through them and wetlands.

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Tropical Rainforest:Climate

Tropical rainforests have constant a temperature and a high rainfall. The level of humidity and density will eventually release a unique nutrient cycle

The average precipitation is at last 250cm per year. Often temperatures vary, but it will vary less than rainfall.

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Tropical Rainforest:Fauna & Flora

The tropical rainforest has different layers and each layer does not get as much sun. The first one starting from the top is the emergent layer which is the top of the trees, then there is the canopy which is the normal layers of the trees, then the under canopy this is where saplings grow, finally the shrub layer is where almost no sunlight passes through and little vegetation is there

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Tropical Rain Forest:Fauna

Small animals that live in the rainforest include monkeys, birds, snakes, rodents, frogs, bats, spiders, and lizards. Some specific animals are the red-eyed tree frog, scarlet macaw, capuchin monkey, leafcutter ant, jaguar, and tapir.

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Tropical Rain forest:People

Before deforestation and civilization came more than 50,000,000 tribal people people habited this forest only depending on food and shelter. Now many native tribes have been exterminated. Only few of them are still there.

The sorts of tribal people that is often talked about are the Pygmies, the Huli, and the Yanomami.

The pygmies are often found in central Africa, the Huli mostly in Papua New Guniea, and the Yanomami lived in South Agrica

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Tropical Rain Forest:The Pygmies

There are lots of different pygmies in the world that you can find but the one here is the Baka pygmies who are situated in Cameroon, Gabon, and Congo.

The Pygmies are shorter than all of the native tribes but are experts in forest life. They are famous throughout the world because of their hunting, musical, and dancing skills.

Music is one of the most important things in there daily life.

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Taiga:Location & Landforms

The taiga is one of the most largest Biome in the world. It is mostly situated in the the Northern Hemisphere and passes through North America, Asia, and in Europe.

The taiga is located between 50° Latitude and the arctic circle.

Only High plains and some mountains are dotted throughout the biome and are full of snow. Lakes, rivers, and streams are also there.

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Taiga climate can be extremely cold during the winter temperatures go as low as -53° C (-65° F) and as high as -1° C ( 30° F)

Taiga climate does not really go up during the summer. The temperature can be -1° C (30° F) up to 21° C (70° F).

The amount of rainfall per year can be about from 30 to 90 cm

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There are various kinds of animals that live in the taiga. 32,000 species of insects live in the Taiga and 300 species of birds live their as well.

Lynx, bobcats, wolverines, elk, deer, mouse, rabbits, squirrels, and the American black bears.

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Although it is really cold in the Taiga some trees have survived the cold and have grown.

Broadleaf trees, willow, birch, aspen, and rowan gasses and mosses are also known to grow. The most famous tree that everybody knows is the pine tree.

Also coniferous trees, spruce and fir also mainly pine.

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In the Taiga it is mostly unpopulated but there are some cities like Moscow or Toronto that still overcome the weather. We also all know that now few natives will also be living in such conditions but there are some.

Like I said most of the living people in the Taiga are people who live in the cities.

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Moscow is one of the best cities in the world. It has the most billionaires and the lifestyle is expensive.

Each year during the seasons there are specific events happening such as the Easter festival and the Museum Night. Moscow also contains open-air concerts.

The often climate of Moscow would be very hot in the summer and very long, cold winters.

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