biomedical signal processing jan 2014

w' USN f 06E,C834 Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.20L3 lJan.2014 Biomedical Signal Processing -,...,.,a, Time: 3 hrs. Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part o o o L a c6 o Cd I E9 -y. *t oo ll coa .=N d+ 9il otr -0 o> Ee 6= o() (6O 60q (!d E: .G .<,!s a6 oj5 =(! o5. tro. oFi. 9E t (.) 6lE !o 5.v >, != boe troo o= o. ;; tr> Xo o- ud, J{N 6) o z o o. PART _ A i' s..- 1 ;l-{try,ith the help of a block diagram, explain the objectives of biomedical signal"ful sis. i'a 1u,* .l ''"'..,;;utL.. .--= ' - (06 Marks) b. effihr ttre following biomedical signals. Draw the waveforms and giv€ the frequency rangeGifu.,l€.,]rant to these signals: i) ECG, ii) EEG. o (08 Marks) c. Explain ih1e-=difficulties encountered in biomedical signal analysie*+ill acquisition. (06 Marks) to 2 a. Starting frodmg$ equations of potential difference betweff*he limbs RA, LA and LL, derive the exprt:$$ns for ova, oVp and avr. Also reprgserit relationships between these standard and augrrEqi*d.t ua vohages using vector diagud'm (08 Marks) b. Draw a diagram to illffigle the electrode placemffi foi the frankVCG lead system. Also write the resistor netwo&1fur combining the body'i"dlrface potentials to produce three time varying scalar leads of the ft'd* yCC lead sys;t.ern (06 Marks) varying scalar leads of the fr'aft VCG lead sys;t.e4. (06 Marks) c. Draw and explain ECG signal Char..$cteritt_U#.'- (06 Marks) lrr'n'rrji:'::: \.i a. What is a digital filter? What dre, 'tiifferent elements of a digital filter? Mention advantages of digital filters over andO$filters. (10 Marks) b. If the output sequence of a digitaffiei is 1l?,3:2\ in response to a unit impulse, what is the transfer function of this filter?fiaW the pol&.*fod zeros of this transfer function mentioning a. What are the advanta@of an adaptive filter? treSlgn an adaptive filter using LMS algorithm. (10 Marks) b. Discuss briefly any"" l applications of adaptive filter. 4= (04 Marks) c. Explain fro* qsjgE*ar" -od.t is used for OO Hz adaptive & ation. (06 Marks) :!::: 1:"" *ART - B """"-$ij'--- ;,,iff PART - B qr "',r,! ,l to ,roir. ratio by Jfu"tot of 16.(10 Marks) b. Me.nfu the characteristics of rroir. and signal in signal averaging tecffiues. Explain with ,Unik-Airgram tlpical signal averager. Draw the flow chart oi a ptograffforpveraging an *.-;.'ECcsignal. ''-,rr.{10Marks) O*1aJ Givenasequence of2Sdatapoints {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, I,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3;';4,"'4'r.4,4, jo"."'. 5,5,5,6,6,7|,illustrateHuffmancoding. (06IYIi 0 ",N .l:## ' U. What is a data reduction algorithm? nxpUin lossy and lossless data compression. Chsiify., ,t."{J the four data reduction algorithms into these categories. (06 Marks'),,r{1' . c. With an example, illustrate and explain turning point algorith-. 4 choosing the samples. K*g tt *r-'O (08 Marks) 7 a. Explain QRS detection algorithm. ll{ - - \?(10 Marks) b. Write a note on different template matching techniques used in{p^€fGEElNygIS" l}j(fi0 Marts; 8 a. With a block diagram, explain the portable arrhythmia monitor.\I\ /;rli} Marks) b. Describe the differences between a general purpose microprocess\foffipp$"S/(06 Marks) c. Write a note on ST segment analysis. -\Sgl (06 Marks) ffi% ffiemyngr }g ,<d<*{<{< For More Question Papers Visit - For More Question Papers Visit -

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Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.20L3 lJan.2014

Biomedical Signal Processing-,...,.,a, Time: 3 hrs.

Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selectingat least TWO questions from each part






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PART _ Ai' s..-

1 ;l-{try,ith the help of a block diagram, explain the objectives of biomedical signal"ful sis.i'a

1u,* .l

''"'..,;;utL.. .--= ' - (06 Marks)

b. effihr ttre following biomedical signals. Draw the waveforms and giv€ the frequency

rangeGifu.,l€.,]rant to these signals: i) ECG, ii) EEG. o (08 Marks)

c. Explain ih1e-=difficulties encountered in biomedical signal analysie*+ill acquisition. (06 Marks)


2 a. Starting frodmg$ equations of potential difference betweff*he limbs RA, LA and LL,derive the exprt:$$ns for ova, oVp and avr. Also reprgserit relationships between these

standard and augrrEqi*d.t ua vohages using vector diagud'm (08 Marks)

b. Draw a diagram to illffigle the electrode placemffi foi the frankVCG lead system. Also

write the resistor netwo&1fur combining the body'i"dlrface potentials to produce three time

varying scalar leads of the ft'd* yCC lead sys;t.ern (06 Marks)varying scalar leads of the fr'aft VCG lead sys;t.e4. (06 Marks)

c. Draw and explain ECG signal Char..$cteritt_U#.'- (06 Marks)lrr'n'rrji:'::: \.i

a. What is a digital filter? What dre, 'tiifferent elements of a digital filter? Mention

advantages of digital filters over andO$filters. (10 Marks)

b. If the output sequence of a digitaffiei is 1l?,3:2\ in response to a unit impulse, what is the

transfer function of this filter?fiaW the pol&.*fod zeros of this transfer function mentioning

a. What are the advanta@of an adaptive filter? treSlgn an adaptive filter using LMSalgorithm. (10 Marks)

b. Discuss briefly any"" l applications of adaptive filter. 4= (04 Marks)

c. Explain fro* qsjgE*ar" -od.t is used for OO Hz adaptive & ation. (06 Marks):!::: 1:""

*ART - B """"-$ij'---

;,,iff PART - B qr "',r,!

,l to ,roir. ratio by Jfu"tot of 16.(10 Marks)b. Me.nfu the characteristics of rroir. and signal in signal averaging tecffiues. Explain with

,Unik-Airgram tlpical signal averager. Draw the flow chart oi a ptograffforpveraging an

*.-;.'ECcsignal. ''-,rr.{10Marks)

O*1aJ Givenasequence of2Sdatapoints {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, I,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3;';4,"'4'r.4,4,jo"."'. 5,5,5,6,6,7|,illustrateHuffmancoding. (06IYIi 0",N

.l:## ' U. What is a data reduction algorithm? nxpUin lossy and lossless data compression. Chsiify.,

,t."{J the four data reduction algorithms into these categories. (06 Marks'),,r{1' .

c. With an example, illustrate and explain turning point algorith-. 4choosing the samples. K*g tt *r-'O (08 Marks)

7 a. Explain QRS detection algorithm. ll{ - - \?(10 Marks)

b. Write a note on different template matching techniques used in{p^€fGEElNygIS" l}j(fi0 Marts;

8 a. With a block diagram, explain the portable arrhythmia monitor.\I\ /;rli} Marks)

b. Describe the differences between a general purpose microprocess\foffipp$"S/(06 Marks)

c. Write a note on ST segment analysis. -\Sgl (06 Marks)

ffi%ffiemyngr }g


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