biomed bellwork. 1-26-15 bellwork should be done in the last ten pages of your biomed spiral...

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BIOMED Bellwork

BIOMED Bellwork1-26-15BELLWORK SHOULD BE DONE IN THE LAST TEN PAGES OF YOUR BIOMED SPIRAL NOTEBOOK. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES OR COPY THE QUESTIONS DOWN.What are the five steps to process a crime scene?Make a list of three people you would like to interview to help with the Anna Garcia investigation.List three pieces of evidence from the crime scene that you want to do some further research on.

1-27-15List three things you learned about fingerprint or hair analysis, yesterday?Given what you now know about Anna Garcia, what are your top three theories on how Anna Garcia died?

1-28-15What are the three main types of fingerprints?What are the 4 blood types?What are the three main components of hair?What is an antigen?What is an antibody?

1-29-15What are the 8 main types of blood?What is the purpose of antibodies within the human body?What type of antibodies are produced by someone with type A blood?What antibodies are produced by someone with type O blood.What antigens are found on a type AB blood.

2-2-15Considering ALL of the evidence you have collected so far, what is your BEST theory on how Anna Garcia died.

9-2-14What are the three parts of a DNA nucleotide?What are the four different bases?Why is DNA important?

2-5-14Copy the key on the right side of the board.Sit down, be quite, and get ready for confusion.

9-3-14`What specific sugar is found in DNA?What part of a nucleotide varies?What are the two classifications of nucleotide bases? How do these classifications differ from one another?Label the nucleotide below:

2-6-15What would the other side of this strand of DNA look like? TTAACGATGCTAGCIf a DNA strand contained 35 % Adenine, how much Thymine would that strand contain.What are three part of a DNA nucleotide.Draw the 3 core fingerprint characteristics.

2-3-15What are the three parts of a DNA nucleotide?

Label the parts below:Why is DNA important?

AEDCB2-4-15What would the other side of this strand of DNA look like? CTGCAAATCGGGCWhat are the only two elements found in a phosphate group?How do purines differ from pyrimidines?What two bases are classified as purines?What is the structure below? Label the 3 parts.

2-9-15Which System secretes hormones and includes the thyroid and pituitary gland?Which systems function is to protect and support the bodies organs?What system contains the key structure of skin?Which system contains the brain and spinal cord? Which system breaks down food into nutrients?Which system pumps blood?Which system is responsible for movement?Which system includes the spleen and thymus?Which system eliminates water waste?Which system assists with gas exchange?

2-10-15What are the five steps to process a crime scene?What would the other side of this strand of DNA look like? TTAACGATGCTAGCIf a DNA strand contained 25 % Adenine, how much Thymine would that strand contain.What type of antibodies are produced by someone with type A blood?What antibodies are produced by someone with type AB blood.How do purines differ from pyrimidines?Draw and label your version of a nucleotide.What system contains the key structure of skin?Which system reponds to external and internal changes? Which system breaks down food into nutrients?

2-13-15What is diabetes?What is nutrition so important to diabetics?What is the importance of carbohydrates?What is a calorie?What is a protein?

2-18-15What are the four main biomolecules?What is a monomer?Give me one example of a SPECEFIC monomer.What is a polymer?Give me one example of a specific polymerWhat elements make up carbohydrates?What is the main function of carbohydrates?

2-20-15What are the four main bio-molecules?What types of bonds do we find in these bio-molecules?What are the 6 bio-elementsWhat elements make up carbohydrates?What are the monomers for carbohydrates?What monomer, do animals use for energy?What elements make up lipids?How does the structure of carbohydrates and lipids differ?

2-18-15What hormone would be released if blood glucose levels were too high?What hormone would be released if blood glucose levels were too low?What organ releases these hormones?What is glycogen and how is it related to blood glucose levels?Why is it important for diabetics to watch their diet?

3-5-15What is diabetes?What is a glucose tolerance test? How is it run?What is an insulin level test?What can these tests be used to determine?How are insulin and glucose related?What is the difference between Type I and Type II diabetes?

3-6-15What hormone is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels within the human body?What specific sugar is monitored for BGL?How is BGL monitored?Which type of diabetic is always dependent upon insulin injections.What types of local foods would you recommend for a diabetic?What are some good local activities you would recommend for a diabetic?Write these words down: Glucose, glucagon, glycogen, insulin. I need to see them in the first page of your website.

3-9-15In one beautiful paragraph, describe how blood glucose levels are regulated within the body.Use the words: Glucose, insulin, insulin receptor, cell membrane, and transport protein.THINK ABOUT THE CARTOON YOU DREW.

3-10-15What is homeostasis?What is negative feedback?What hormone would be released if blood glucose levels were too high?What organ releases this hormone?What hormone would be released if blood glucose levels were too low?What organ releases this hormone?

3-11-15In one beautiful paragraph describe how your body maintains its blood glucose level. Use and underline the words insulin, glucose, glucagon, glycogen, pancreas, liver, alpha, beta, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, intestines, stomach, king size snickers bar.3-12-15Pick up paper from the right of the projectorRead the intro:Highlight, underline, bold, whatever you prefer all important information Read the three scenarios from Anna Garcias past and For each scenario:List one thing Anna did well to manage her diabetes.List one thing Anna could have done better to manage her diabetes.Label Annas BGL as either hypoglycemic, hyperglycemic, or isoglycemic

2-17-15What is a calorie?What is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fat?What is cholesterolWhy are carbohydrates important?Why are proteins important?

3-5-14What elements are carbohydrates made of?What ratio are these elements found in?What is a polymer?What are the monomers of carbohydrates?How are lipids different from carbohydrates?How are lipids and carbohydrates similar?9-22-14What does the Biuret indicator test for?What does a positive benedicts test look like?What does the brown paper test for?What are the two classifications of carbohydrates?How does this lab relate to Anna Garcia?

9-23-14After running the Benedicts test on a food sample, the sample was blue. What does this tell you about the food?What are the three major classifications of biomolecules?What hormone is released when blood glucose levels are high?What is the difference between an atom and a molecule?What 6 atoms make up the majority of our body?Draw the covalent bonds between H2O

9-24-14What does the color lavender indicate with the biuret test?What are the three biomolecules we are focusing on in this unit?What elements make up carbohydrates?Look at your drawings from yesterday and describe glucoses basic structure.What is the relationship between glucose and glycogen?

2-26-15What are the building blocks/monomers for carbohydrates?What elements make up carbohydrates?What are the building blocks/monomers for proteins?What are the monomers for Nucleic Acids?What is the function of nucleic acids?What is dehydration synthesis?What is hydrolysis?

10-1-13What elements make up proteins?What is the difference between starch and glycogen?What process is shown below?

3-16-15In your own words, what do you think Sickle Cell Anemia is?What is the function of Red Blood Cells?Using your answers from 1 and 2, come up with some symptoms of sickle cell anemia.3-17-15What are the four main components of blood?What is the function of each of those 4 components?What is a hematocrit?If a male had a hematocrit reading of 45% Red blood cell by volume, what would your diagnosis of this person be?3-18-15How does a person get sickle cell anemia?What is the difference between sickle cell trait and sickle cell anemia?What are some symptoms of sickle cell anemia?What happens to the RBCs of patients with sickle cell?What are some current treatments for sickle cell anemia?What lifestyle changes would you need to make if you had sickle cell anemia?4-7-15What is a karyotype?How many chromosomes does a typical human cell have?How are chromosomes passed from one generation to the next?Draw a cross between two parents who are heterozygous for sickle cell anemia?What are the two main steps of protein synthesis? Where do they occur and what do they make?What are the functions of tRNA, mRNA, and rRNA during protein synthesis.What is a DNA mutation.10-8-13What does the term hyperglycemia mean?What does the term hypoglycemia mean?What happens to cells during these two conditions?Look at your data from yesterday and provide an explanation for the data you collected.10-21-13What does DNA code for?What are the three types of RNA?What are proteins made of?Why did everyone lose in football this weekend?What is the best song ever?4-6-15What is protein synthesis?What role does tRNA play during protein synthesis?Provide the complimentary strand of RNA for the DNA strand below:ATTCGCATCGCAHow many codons are in the strand of mRNA you just made?How many amino acids are coded for by the strand above?How does protein synthesis relate to Sickle Cell Anemia?10-16-14What is transcription?Where does it occur?What is translation?Where does it occurWhat is a point mutation?4-8-15Draw a pedigree of the following: A man with sickle cell anemia marries a woman with sickle cell trait. They have two girls with sickle cell and a boy with sickle cell trait. The son marries a woman with no signs or symptoms of sickle cell, what is that childs genetic chances?What does the term hydrophobic mean?What does hydrophilic mean?How did amino acids that were hydrophobic react when put in water?What four parts make up one hemoglobin molecule?What did sickle cell hemoglobin molecules do with one another.10-20-14Where is the sickle cell mutation found?What specific amino acid mutation results in sickle cell anemia?What happens to hemoglobin molecules with this mutation?Why do the mutant hemoglobin molecules act like this (HINT: hydrophobic vs hydrophilic)?

10-21-14Describe transcription in 4 quick steps.Describe translation in 5-6 quick steps.If I have CAG as the mRNA codon, what is the corresponding strand of:DNAtRNAAnti-CodonHow does Protein Synthesis (THE STUFF ABOVE) relate to Sickle Cell Anemia?What happened to the specific amino acid that caused sickle cell? What was the original AA, what is the mutated AA?

4-9-15In one BEAUTIFUL paragraph describe Sickle Cell Anemia. Use the following words: Genetic, DNA, Mutation, Transcription, Translation, mRNA, tRNA, Protein, Amino Acids, Hemoglobin, Beta globin, Alpha globin, Oxygen, fatigue, hydrophobic, and hydrophilic.

10-22-14How many chromosomes does a typical human cell contain?Write the genotype for someone who is heterozygous for the sickle cell gene.Draw a pedigree tracking sickle cell in the following family:A man with sickle cell marries a carrier with sickle cell. They have two boys both carriers and a girl with sickle cell. That girl marries a man w/o SC and they have a boy. Include all genotypes for each person in this pedigree.

11-5Write the genotype for someone who is homozygous for the sickle cell gene.What specific amino acid mutation results in sickle cell anemia?What does hydrophilic mean?Provide the complimentary strand of RNA for the DNA strand below:AGGCGCTTCACACGAHow many codons are in the strand of DNA above?How many amino acids are coded for by the strand above?

3-23-15`What is a karyotype?List two things you can determine from this karyotype:What is a genotype?What is a phenotypeDraw a punnet squareCrossing two carriers ofSickle cell.

6. Using the pedigree, describe individualII-3s genotype. How isthis possible?

3-24-15What is a chromosome?How are chromosomes and genes related?Draw a pedigree of the following:A man with sickle cell marries a carrier with sickle cell. They have two boys both carriers and a girl with sickle cell. That girl marries a man w/o SC and they have a boy. Include all genotypes for each person in this pedigree.How many chromosomes does a typical human cell contain?Write the genotype for someone who is heterozygous for the sickle cell gene.What is meiosis?

3-25-15What types of cells does meiosis produce?What is crossing over?What are homologous pairs?How does meiosis relate to Sickle Cell Anemia?Construct a punnet square of a cross between a parent with a sickle cell trait and a parent with sickle cell anmeia.3-26-15What is protein synthesis?What are the two main steps involved in protein synthesis?What are the two main areas of the cell where protein synthesis occurs?List three vocabulary words (not from above) that will be involved in protein synthesis.10-27-14What types of cells does mitosis produce?What types of cells does meiosis produce?What is crossing over?What are homologous pairs?Construct a punnet square of a cross between two heterozyous parents for Sickle Cell trait.What are the two steps of protein synthesis?How does hydrophobicity relate to Sickle Cell Anemia?What are the exact components of a Hemoglobin protein?11-29Make a list of as many facts about the heart as you possibly can.

Test ReflectionAre you happy with your grade?What did you do to EARN this grade?What can you do to improve your grade?What is your goal for the next test?4-16-15What is the main function of the heart?Does the right atrium contain oxygenated or de-oxygenated blood?Where does blood go from the right ventricle?Where does blood go from the left ventricle?What are the four major vessels going into or exiting the heart?What are the two valves found IN the heart?


19876 5 4 3 211-18What is LDL?What is HDL?What is cholesterol?What can LDL and HDL levels tell you about heart health?What are some ways to improve the levels mentioned above?

4-22-15Trace the electrical path through the heart (LOOK AT YOUR NOTES FROM YESTERDAY!!!)What physically happens in the heart at each stage in the pathway above?Trace a red blood cell from the superior vena cava all the way back to the superior vena cava. Include all valves, chambers, and vessels this blood cell will pass.

STUDY4- 23-15What is blood pressure?What does systolic pressure represent?What does diastolic pressure represent?Where does the electrical impulse within the heart begin?What does the AV node do?Draw and label a typical EKG.

11-12-14Explain what is happening electrically at each point of an EKG.Explain what is happening physically at each point of an EKG.How are LDL and HDL related?What is FH?What is an average reading for blood pressure?

4-24-15What are 3 noninvasive ways to measure the hearts health?What units are used to measure all three of the above?What are the normal/expected results of each test?Starting in the right atrium, trace the flow of a red blood cell to the aorta.Label the EKG below:What looks abnormal about the EKG below?What might this tell you about a patient?

EKG A4-27-15What vessel returns blood from the lungs back to the heart?What are three differences between arteries and veins?What is an angiogram?What is an angioplasty?What is an artery bypass?What is abnormal about the EKG below?

11-17-14Compare and contrast an angioplasty vs. a stent.What is LDLs function within the body?What is HDLs function within the body?What is abnormal about the EKG below?Identify pictures A and B as an artery or vein. Justify each answer with two reasons.

AB5-1-15Height54Weight (lbs)179Waist Circumference (in.)37Blood Pressure138/83Cholesterol

Total (mg/dL)

LDL (mg/dL)

HDL (mg/dL)25015449Triglycerides (mg/dL)152Fasting Blood Sugar (mg/dL)120Below is a 26 year old FEMALES information from a cardiac checkup. List comments on each of the following stats. Good or badProvide three SPECIFIC lifestyle recommendations.

11-19-14Does the right atrium contain oxygenated or de-oxygenated blood?Where does blood go from the right ventricle?What are the 3 noninvasive ways to measure a hearts health? What Units are used in each?What does systolic pressure represent?How does FH effect LDL and HDL levels?List three differences between arteries and veins?What specific foods will raise HDL levels?What three processes can help a clogged artery?What process can help see blood flow through arteries?Trace the electrical impulse through the heart?

11-26 LOOK AT YOUR OLD NOTES!!What is gel electrophoresis?Where do you find smaller strands of DNA within a gel?What can you learn from the gel below?

12-1-14How was your Thanksgiving Break?What was your favorite food you ate?What was the best thing you did?List TWO things you did/saw/heard that had to do with our BIOMED class.12-6-13What are the 3 noninvasive ways to measure a hearts health? What Units are used in each?Trace blood flow through the heart.What purpose do valves play in the heart?Draw and label a typical EKG.12-6-13What are the 3 noninvasive ways to measure a hearts health? What Units are used in each?Trace blood flow through the heart.What purpose do valves play in the heart?Draw and label a typical EKG.5-8-15What are the 6 types of infectious agents?Which agents are considered NONLIVING?Which of the agents can be fought off with antibiotics?Which of the agents is the largest?Which of the agents is the smallest?Under which category would a tape worm fall?THROWBACK QUESTIONSWhat are the two steps of Protein Synthesis?What are the three main types of fingerprint patterns?Describe how TYPE I diabetes affects the body.5-12-15Which of the infectious agents are MULTICELLELUR?Which agents are considered NONLIVING?Provide one example of a protozoan.What type of infectious agent causes ring worm?Which type does a tape worm fall under?What do antibiotics treat?The body has just been invaded by a pathogen!!! Complete the flow chart below that describes your immune systems response____________ Cells begin to engulf and kill thebacteria, and communicate with

____________ which help kill but die in 5 days ________________ cells, which determine the type of pathogen and activate ______________ T cells ______________ T cells which help and activate Go kill stuff ________________ cells, which become _______________ cells, which produce _________________ that help mark the pathogen for easier targeting5-7-15Figure out who patient zero isPersonRound 1Round 2Round 3Infected?1843YES25673751YES4918YES52310YES61029739281104YES947610685YES1-6-2014What was the best thing you did over break?What was the worst thing you did over break?What was the best gift you gave or received?What was the worst gift you gave or received?5-15-15What is the purpose of a gram stain?What are the two possible results of a gram stain?What part of the cell causes the difference in the results?Which white blood cells are first to arrive to fight off an infection?Which white blood cells produce antibodies?Which white blood cells sample the pathogen?12-11-2014What are the four steps of a gram stain? EXPLAIN the purpose of each step.What happens if a scientist applies too much alcohol to their gram stain?What would happen if a scientist did not add safranin.12-15-14Without looking at your notes, try and list 11 systems of the body.Describe how two of these systems connect.Write three facts that you already know about the system you are researching for your project.

*** CHANGES to your project***Research timeExtra credit5-18-15What does HIPAA stand for and what is it?What are the three parts of a nucleotide?What elements make up carbohydrates?What are the building blocks/monomers for proteins?What does the term hypoglycemia mean?What specific amino acid mutation results in sickle cell anemia?What happens to hemoglobin molecules with this mutation?What can LDL and HDL levels tell you about heart health?What are three noninvasive ways to measure heart health?Trace the electrical pathway through the heart.

1-5-15The end is near Your PLTW EOC is on FRIDAY and your final exam is on TUESDAY!!!! We have covered so much in this class including diabetes, sickle cell, the heart, DNA/forensics, and infectious diseases. This is impossible to cram into one night of studying. I want you to write out a well developed study plan for yourself. Begin with tonight and finish on next Monday night. Include how much time you will spend studying, what you will study, and HOW you will study each night.5-19-15What is dehydration synthesis?What is the relationship between glucose and glycogen?What are the 6 types of infectious agents?What are the four major categories of biomolecules?What specific foods will raise HDL levels?List two differences between arteries and veins.What is a karyotype?Draw and label a typical EKGWhat tests/tools could be used to diagnose the following diseases/disorders: sickle cell, diabetes, down syndrome, and plaque formation in the arteries

If you made through all of these slides, I am so proud of you. You are prepared for the test tomorrow and I know you will do well.