biology olympiad bingo (a.k.a bob)

Biology Olympiad Bingo (a.k.a BOB) Ecology Chapters

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Ecology Chapters . Biology Olympiad Bingo (a.k.a BOB) ‏. A type of interspecific interaction that benefits one species out of the two . Shallow, well-lit waters close to shore in a lake . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Biology Olympiad Bingo (a.k.a BOB)

Ecology Chapters

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A type of interspecific interaction that benefits one species out of the two

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Shallow, well-lit waters close to shore in a lake

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Affected by when reproduction begins, how often the organism reproduces, and how many offspring are reproduced each time

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A demographic transition does not affect the fact that a population is at

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The ________period is a limited phase in an individual animal’s development when learning of particular behaviors can take place.

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When insects lay eggs in the body of a living host, and the larvae kill the host. –

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A type of coloration that occurs mostly in species that are poisonous

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Uniform dispersion usually results from?

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Mosquitoes, aphids, and ticks are this type of parasite.

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This group of organisms lives in the same area

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This is a type of mimicry that harmless animals display in order to appear dangerous or poisonous.

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An example of this kind of dispersion is wolves living in packs

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A lake that is deep, low in nutrients, oxygen-rich, and clear

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Windblown seeds may result in this kind of dispersion

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When specialized predators live on or in a host, seldom killing the host

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The process in which bacteria in root nodules convert nitrogen gas to ammonia-

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This means birthrate

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In an experiment, the number of eggs in a bird’s clutch is increased by manually adding eggs. When this happens, next year’s clutch size ________

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Show the number of living individuals at each age

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Members of these are followed throughout life to construct life tables

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________ happens to goslings when they first come out of their egg. The first thing they see is what they bond with, whether or not it is their mother.

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The human population currently shows this type of population growth

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Primary succession differs from secondary succession because there is no ____ in the beginning

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Well-lit waters far from shore in a lake-

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Humans generally represent this kind of survivorship curve

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ATP, bones and teeth, phospholipids, and nucleic acids have this in common-

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Two species with similar needs for the same limiting resources cannot coexist in the same place-

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This describes a mode of reproduction in which an organism produces a lot of offspring, then dies

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In this survivorship curve, many organisms are born, but many die quickly

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In stable areas where offspring usually survive, this kind of reproduction is favored

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Relationships that involve a single male and many females-

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Learning to associate an arbitrary stimulus with a reward or punishment-

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This type of population growth accounts for limiting factors

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Zero population growth (ZPG) occurs when birth rate equals

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 Learning to associate one of its own behaviors with a reward or stimulus-

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The maximum number of individuals an environment can support is called its

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Ecological _________ is a transition in species composition over time. This is most noticeable when a flood or fire occurs –

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Change in activity rate in response to a stimulus-

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Populations at or near carrying capacity exhibit this kind of selection

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An area covered with water that supports aquatic plants

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An exponential curve is indicative of this kind of selection

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A lake that is shallow, high in nutrients, oxygen-poor, and murky-

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Chemical signals that animals emit to communicate-

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In this kind of population, birth and death rates are relatively constant with respect to the number of individuals

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The process of substantial but reversible changes that shift and organism’s tolerance curve in the direction of the environmental change-

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In density-dependent populations, as the population density rises, the death rate

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Time and resources an individual must expend to produce offspring-

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Bacteria living on an agar plate are representative of this kind of population regulation

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In an experiment, the birthrate of female seed beetles is manipulated by denying them access to males. When this happens, the birthrate decreases and the longevity of the female beetles _________

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The mutual influence on the evolution of two different species interacting with each other and reciprocally influencing each other’s adaptations-

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Groups of linked populations are called

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The population of a hare rises as the lynx population in the area decreases. This is an example of a

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Clumped, uniform, and random are all different types of ________

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Tapeworms, pinworms, and malaria are this type of parasite.

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How much land and water a nation needs to produce its resources and get rid of its wastes

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Net primary production equals gross primary production minus this-

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An area where a freshwater stream or river merges with the ocean

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How much land and water is available to a nation to produce its resources and get rid of its wastes

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Automatic, oriented movement towards or away from a stimulus-

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Mosquitoes, aphids, and ticks are this type of parasite.

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Carbon dioxide levels are highest when?-

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Reflects expected standard of living

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Each organism has a limited amount of energy that can be allocated for obtaining nutrients, escaping from predators, maintaining homeostasis, growth, and reproduction-

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The independent development of similarity between species as a result of their having similar ecological roles and selection pressures

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Standing crop biomass (mg/m2) / Productivity (mg/m2/day) equals this-

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This is the maximum theoretical possible rate of increase in population

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Automatic, oriented movement towards or away from a stimulus

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Logistic growth can be represented by what kind of curve?

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The process in which bacteria convert nitrate into nitrogen gas

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A type of coloration in species that don’t want to be noticed by predators.

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High density populations encourage the spread of

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Relationships that involves a single female and many males (this is rare)-

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In the ocean, water and carbon dioxide react with this in a complicated underwater carbon cycle-

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Squirrels represent this kind of survivorship curve

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The age at first reproduction is selected evolutionarily to balance personal _____ and number of offspring-

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Increased concentrations of toxins in successive trophic levels of a food web caused by eating toxins concentrated in the tissues of lower level organisms-

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Follows the reproductive output of a group of individuals of the same age

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This is the type of mimicry that is exhibited by two poisonous or dangerous species. This way, predators learn to avoid them more quickly.

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This method helps scientists determine the number of individuals in a population

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The process in which ammonium is converted to nitrate

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The process involving fertilizer causing an overgrowth of algae which subsequently dies and gets digested by decomposing bacteria that use up all the oxygen in the lake-

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 This type of ecological niche accommodates for intraspecific competition.

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This is a type of predation which almost always involves green things.

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This method helps scientists determine the number of individuals in a population

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Another name for primary consumers-

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This is when a species produces less offspring at a time and instead invests energy into surviving until the next time they reproduce. The opposite of this is demonstrated by some species of salmon that only reproduce once and then die –

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In symbiosis, one species is a host and the other is a ___________