bioinformatics alchemy 101 transmuting dark script matter into reusable tools - ross lazarus

1 Bioinformatic Alchemy 101 Transmuting dark script matter into reusable tools Ross Lazarus BakerIDI

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Reproducibility is a fundamental goal of good experimental science. Despite the increasing availability and deployment of analytic frameworks such as Galaxy, readily reproducible bioinformatic analysis remains difficult to achieve. Mature complex workflows often require small tweaks to accommodate the idiosyncracies of new datasets, but integrating the required new capabilities into the framework is prohibitively complex and expensive. As a result, when problems are encountered in an existing pipeline, data may be temporarily diverted for manual processing outside the framework. These manual steps typically involve relatively trivial, transient, undocumented and poorly curated programs or scripts - "dark script matter" that rarely reaches appropriate local version control or archiving systems where production code is maintained, threatening the goal of reproducible analysis. The Galaxy Toolfactory is a Galaxy tool that allows scripts (R, perl, python, Bash...) to be run directly and repeatably through the normal Galaxy interface. The Toolfactory optionally generates all the biolerplate code needed for a new Galaxy tool that permanently wraps the script for reuse. Newly generated tools can be uploaded to a local or remote Galaxy Toolshed. Tools can be installed in a running Galaxy server from any Toolshed through the administrative interface for subsequent use in worflows and analyses. The conversion of a trivial script into a working, shareable Galaxy tool will be demonstrated during the presentation.


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Bioinformatic Alchemy 101

Transmuting dark script

matter into reusable tools

Ross Lazarus


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Context: bioinformatic analyses

Big data; complex analyses

Repeatable, automated pipelines

Reproducibility real goal

Reproducibility is hard

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Local SOPs for biologists

Tools, canned workflows

Minimise opportunities for error

Maximise reproducibilty

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In real life

90/10 rule

Need to tweak SOPs

Trivial 'disposable' scripts

Not documented or curated

Not reliably available to re-run

“Dark script matter”

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Dark Script Matter

Outside usual VCS/pipelines

Manual =/= reproducible

Necessary evil?

Platform extensions complex

Eg Galaxy – hours of work

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Context: Reproducible analyses

Frameworks vs Dark Scripts

Alchemy: script to Galaxy

tool Demonstration



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Galaxy Tool Factory

An installable Galaxy tool

Runs scripts: Python,R,Perl,sh

Generates new Galaxy tools

Tool code wraps the script

Minutes – not hours

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Galaxy Tool Shed

Separate server

Stores/serves Galaxy tools

Admin can install to Galaxy

Mercurial VCS archives

Explicit tool versioning

Sharing and reproducibility

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Demo 1: Install the Tool Factory

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Demo 2: Create a new tool

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Prepare script

Python; R; Perl; Sh

Parse CL params – 1=in, 2=out

Typically workflow transformations

Arbitrary complexity

Simple example

Write transpose of a tabular file

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Prepare/upload test data

SMALL sample input

Becomes functional test case

h1 h2 h3 h4

r11 r12 r13 r14

r21 r22 r23 r24

r31 r32 r33 r34

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# R transpose a tabular input file and write as

# a tabular output file

ourargs = commandArgs(TRUE)

inf = ourargs[1]

outf = ourargs[2]

inp = read.table(inf,head=F,row.names=NULL,sep='\t')

outp = t(inp)

write.table(outp,outf,quote=FALSE, sep="\t",row.names=F,col.names=FALSE)

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Demo part 1

As an admin, test run the code

Can't make a new tool until it works!

Admin only real time scripting in Galaxy.

Overrides ALL other security.

Generated tools run with normal security.

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Use Redo button; Generate

When working right

Use Redo to save retyping

Select Generate option

Provide tool ID, help text


Expect a toolfactory.gz in history

Copy link (floppy disk icon)

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What's in the toolshed.gz ?

A gzip'd mercurial tool repository (!)

Auto generated tool XML file

Auto generated tool python wrapper

Functional test case - the sample data

Familiar Galaxy tool for all users

Executes your script over their data

Interoperably inside Galaxy

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Upload TS gzip to new repository

Upload to any tool shed

Create new repo; sensible name!

Choose Upload files to new repo

Paste URL (floppydisk save icon)

New tool ready to install

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Install and Test New Tool

Back to Galaxy admin interface

Browse local tool shed

Choose new tool

Install to local Galaxy

Try it out

Run functional test

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GTF = script to tool in minutes

Integrated with Galaxy and TS

Simple workflow components

If needed, generate simple tool

Then add parameters manually

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Tool Factory Operation Guide



perl, sh)

Galaxy Tool Factory

Tool Form;

Paste script;

Generate TS gzip;

Copy download link for



Sample Input for

functional test Test run;

Check outputs;


Tool Shed

Create new repository.

Upload files – paste TS gzip

link and upload

Install new tool from toolshed

from Galaxy admin page;

Test; Functional test;

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Generate a new Galaxy tool

Galaxy Tool Factory

From a python, R, Perl or bash script

# transpose a tabular input file and write as a tabular output file

ourargs = commandArgs(T)

inf = ourargs[1]

outf = ourargs[2]

inp = read.table(inf,head=F,row.names=NULL,sep='\t')

outp = t(inp)

write.table(outp,outf,quote=F, sep="\t",row.names=F,col.names=F)

Using a Galaxy tool

Via a Tool Shed

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Tool Factory Operation Guide

Script – R,

perl, python

Galaxy Tool Factory

Tool Form;

Paste script;

Generate TS gzip;

Copy download link for



Sample Input for

functional test Test run;

Check outputs;


Tool Shed

Create new repository.

Upload files – paste TS gzip

link and upload

Install new tool from toolshed

from Galaxy admin page;

Test; Functional test;