bio study 2

Adenine-Nitrogenous base of ATP Alcohol-Yeast makes this as waste in the fermentation step Alochol fermentation-The breakdown of pyruvate into an alcohol, carbon dioxide and A TP is known as? Aldose-Glucose is an example of? Lysosomes-Plant vacuoles contain Intron-Non-coding regions of the DNA ATP-The form of energy used by the body is called Exon-Coding regions of the DNA Cytokinesis-The last second of Telophase where the cell membranes touch and the daughter cells separate Cell Wall-Cellulose makes up G0-Mucles and nerve cells are stuck in the phase of life Chitin-The shells of roches are made of? Chlorophyll-Pigment cell that absorbs all colors but rejects green Chloroplast-The organelle that is the site of photosynthesis Cytoplasm-Where does anaerobic respiration take place Denatures-What happens to a protein under extreme pH changes Chirality-Refers to the handedness of complex biomacrocompounds Denatures-What happens to a protein under extreme t emperature changes Ketose-Fructose is an example of? Fructose-This 6 carbon sugar forms a 5 member right Glycine-Amino acid that kills pain Empty-Animal vacuoles contain Glycoloysis-The breakdown of glubose to pyruvate is called Golgi apparatus-This organelle make vesicles Endoplasmic reticulumIncreases the cell membrane surface area in multicellular organisms

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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Page 1: Bio Study 2

8/7/2019 Bio Study 2 1/6

Adenine-Nitrogenous base of ATP

Alcohol-Yeast makes this as waste in the fermentation step

Alochol fermentation-The breakdown of pyruvate into an alcohol, carbon dioxide and ATP is known as?

Aldose-Glucose is an example of?

Lysosomes-Plant vacuoles contain

Intron-Non-coding regions of the DNA

ATP-The form of energy used by the body is called

Exon-Coding regions of the DNA

Cytokinesis-The last second of Telophase where the cell membranes touch and the daughter cells


Cell Wall-Cellulose makes up

G0-Mucles and nerve cells are stuck in the phase of life

Chitin-The shells of roches are made of?

Chlorophyll-Pigment cell that absorbs all colors but rejects green

Chloroplast-The organelle that is the site of photosynthesis

Cytoplasm-Where does anaerobic respiration take place

Denatures-What happens to a protein under extreme pH changes

Chirality-Refers to the handedness of complex biomacrocompounds

Denatures-What happens to a protein under extreme temperature changes

Ketose-Fructose is an example of?

Fructose-This 6 carbon sugar forms a 5 member right

Glycine-Amino acid that kills pain

Empty-Animal vacuoles contain

Glycoloysis-The breakdown of glubose to pyruvate is called

Golgi apparatus-This organelle make vesicles

Endoplasmic reticulumIncreases the cell membrane surface area in multicellular organisms

Page 2: Bio Study 2

8/7/2019 Bio Study 2 2/6

HSP-Proteins that are activated when u have high fevers

Keratin-The protein makes up our nails and hair

Cytoplasm-The break down of pyruvate into an alcohol, carbon dioxide and ATP takes place here

Lactic-Lactobacillus makes this acid

Lysosomes-Vesicles that contain digestive enzymes are known as

Mitochondrion-THe organelle that is the sit of aerobic repiration

Chitin-Crab shells are made up of?

Rough-The endoplasmic reticulum that has embedded ribosomes

Mitochondria-The break down of pyruvate into carbon dioxide, water and lots of ATP takes place here

Chromatin-A loosely packaged DNA found during interphase

Chromatid-A p arm and a q arm of a chromosome

HSP-Proteins that refold denatured proteins

Synapsis-The side by side lining up of chromosomes

Phospholipids-Cell membranes are made of this lipid

Disacaride-Sucrose is an example of 

Ribose-Sugar of RNA

Ribosome-The organelle that is the site of protein synthesis

S-The phase of interphase where DNA is copied

Superoxides-Antioxidants defend the body against which compounds?

Triglyceride-This biomacrocompound class is required to synthesize sex hormones

Triose-A three carbon sugar are known as

Tryptophan-Amino acid that is converted into serotonin

Tyrosine-Amino acid that is converted into dopamine


Cyclins-These are proteins regulate the time points in the cell cycle

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8/7/2019 Bio Study 2 3/6


Name the five kingdoms of life and show how they are separated






Page 4: Bio Study 2

8/7/2019 Bio Study 2 4/6

Fully describe how life cycle of a virus life led to the creation of introns.

A virus will inject its genetic material into a host organism. The viral DNA will be inserted in with the

host's DNA. The viral DNA is coded so that hte host's cell will reproduce more viri. The cell will produce

viru until the cell lysis (exploding of the cell). Introns protect us from that material by rendering that

DNA irrelevant. So we donot keep making viri. Prokaryotes have no introns.

Fully describe the cell cycle for both somatic and sex cells. Include the names of the gametes and organs

that produce them, but full description of the M-phase are not necessary.

M phase-Sex only

Gametes- ovam, spermatazoa

Gonades (organs)- Testis, ovaries

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8/7/2019 Bio Study 2 6/6



F4. Fully describe how transcription works for both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Prokaryote-Takes gene sequence and turns it into RNA


1. Unpack DNA

2. Use Hilicase to unzip DNA

3. Use 3 prime and 5 prime end

4. Use snrp's, splysomes to get rid of introns

5. Put on a G cap and poly A tail to protect genetic material to prevent reaction to turn to mRNA.