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Post on 10-Feb-2016




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Keselamatan manusia dan Keselamatan manusia dan lingkungan yang berhubungan lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan seluruh pengaruhefek yg dengan seluruh pengaruhefek yg disebabkan oleh suatu penelitian disebabkan oleh suatu penelitian biologisbiologis

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan saat menggunakan hewan


1048672 Allergens1048672 Zoonotic diseases1048672 Physical and chemical hazards1048672 Protocol related hazards

Personnel at riskPersonnel at risk

1048672 Animal Care Technicians1048672 Veterinarians1048672 Animal Researchers

Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan

digunakan1048672 biological chemical physical toxical

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn spesies hewan lab yg akan digunakan1048672 zoonotic agents

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn pemeliharaan hewan1048672 ergonomic factors bites scratches allergens

Penilaian2 tsb dilakukan oleh kepala lab dekan kepala ACUC (Animal Care amp Use Committee)

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672Chemical agentscarcinogens mutagens

1048672toxic chemicalsanesthetics

1048672Physical agentsradiationheatsound

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672 Bahanagen biologis yg sangat membahayakanPenggunaan agen infeksius pada hewan lab

(infeksi buatan dgn agen infeksius)Pemeliharaan hewan yg diinfeksi selama

periode penelitianPada saat pemusnahan hewan nekropsi dan

pemanenan agenjaringan terinfeksi

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Keselamatan manusia dan Keselamatan manusia dan lingkungan yang berhubungan lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan seluruh pengaruhefek yg dengan seluruh pengaruhefek yg disebabkan oleh suatu penelitian disebabkan oleh suatu penelitian biologisbiologis

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan saat menggunakan hewan


1048672 Allergens1048672 Zoonotic diseases1048672 Physical and chemical hazards1048672 Protocol related hazards

Personnel at riskPersonnel at risk

1048672 Animal Care Technicians1048672 Veterinarians1048672 Animal Researchers

Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan

digunakan1048672 biological chemical physical toxical

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn spesies hewan lab yg akan digunakan1048672 zoonotic agents

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn pemeliharaan hewan1048672 ergonomic factors bites scratches allergens

Penilaian2 tsb dilakukan oleh kepala lab dekan kepala ACUC (Animal Care amp Use Committee)

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672Chemical agentscarcinogens mutagens

1048672toxic chemicalsanesthetics

1048672Physical agentsradiationheatsound

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672 Bahanagen biologis yg sangat membahayakanPenggunaan agen infeksius pada hewan lab

(infeksi buatan dgn agen infeksius)Pemeliharaan hewan yg diinfeksi selama

periode penelitianPada saat pemusnahan hewan nekropsi dan

pemanenan agenjaringan terinfeksi

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan saat menggunakan hewan


1048672 Allergens1048672 Zoonotic diseases1048672 Physical and chemical hazards1048672 Protocol related hazards

Personnel at riskPersonnel at risk

1048672 Animal Care Technicians1048672 Veterinarians1048672 Animal Researchers

Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan

digunakan1048672 biological chemical physical toxical

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn spesies hewan lab yg akan digunakan1048672 zoonotic agents

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn pemeliharaan hewan1048672 ergonomic factors bites scratches allergens

Penilaian2 tsb dilakukan oleh kepala lab dekan kepala ACUC (Animal Care amp Use Committee)

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672Chemical agentscarcinogens mutagens

1048672toxic chemicalsanesthetics

1048672Physical agentsradiationheatsound

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672 Bahanagen biologis yg sangat membahayakanPenggunaan agen infeksius pada hewan lab

(infeksi buatan dgn agen infeksius)Pemeliharaan hewan yg diinfeksi selama

periode penelitianPada saat pemusnahan hewan nekropsi dan

pemanenan agenjaringan terinfeksi

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Personnel at riskPersonnel at risk

1048672 Animal Care Technicians1048672 Veterinarians1048672 Animal Researchers

Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan

digunakan1048672 biological chemical physical toxical

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn spesies hewan lab yg akan digunakan1048672 zoonotic agents

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn pemeliharaan hewan1048672 ergonomic factors bites scratches allergens

Penilaian2 tsb dilakukan oleh kepala lab dekan kepala ACUC (Animal Care amp Use Committee)

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672Chemical agentscarcinogens mutagens

1048672toxic chemicalsanesthetics

1048672Physical agentsradiationheatsound

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672 Bahanagen biologis yg sangat membahayakanPenggunaan agen infeksius pada hewan lab

(infeksi buatan dgn agen infeksius)Pemeliharaan hewan yg diinfeksi selama

periode penelitianPada saat pemusnahan hewan nekropsi dan

pemanenan agenjaringan terinfeksi

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan

digunakan1048672 biological chemical physical toxical

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn spesies hewan lab yg akan digunakan1048672 zoonotic agents

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn pemeliharaan hewan1048672 ergonomic factors bites scratches allergens

Penilaian2 tsb dilakukan oleh kepala lab dekan kepala ACUC (Animal Care amp Use Committee)

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672Chemical agentscarcinogens mutagens

1048672toxic chemicalsanesthetics

1048672Physical agentsradiationheatsound

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672 Bahanagen biologis yg sangat membahayakanPenggunaan agen infeksius pada hewan lab

(infeksi buatan dgn agen infeksius)Pemeliharaan hewan yg diinfeksi selama

periode penelitianPada saat pemusnahan hewan nekropsi dan

pemanenan agenjaringan terinfeksi

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672Chemical agentscarcinogens mutagens

1048672toxic chemicalsanesthetics

1048672Physical agentsradiationheatsound

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672 Bahanagen biologis yg sangat membahayakanPenggunaan agen infeksius pada hewan lab

(infeksi buatan dgn agen infeksius)Pemeliharaan hewan yg diinfeksi selama

periode penelitianPada saat pemusnahan hewan nekropsi dan

pemanenan agenjaringan terinfeksi

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Risiko yg berhubungan dgn bahanagen yg akan digunakan

1048672 Bahanagen biologis yg sangat membahayakanPenggunaan agen infeksius pada hewan lab

(infeksi buatan dgn agen infeksius)Pemeliharaan hewan yg diinfeksi selama

periode penelitianPada saat pemusnahan hewan nekropsi dan

pemanenan agenjaringan terinfeksi

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labAirborne (via udara)

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara dgn bahanagen infeksius akibat hewan bersin batuk

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara saat melakukan uji2 infeksi buatan via udara

ndash Terkontaminasinya udara oleh uap ekskreta urine amp feses hewan coba uap alas kandang

ndash Saat melakukan operasindash Saat membantu hewan partus

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labDirect Inoculation (Inokulasi langsung)

ndash Jarum suntik saat melakukan injeksiinokulasi hewan coba

ndash Gigitan amp cakaran hewan coba

Direct exposure of mucous membranes (by splash or splatter) (terpaparnya membran mukosa via percikan semburan)ndash Selama melakukan operasindash Saat menginfeksikaninjeksindash Saat melakukan nekropsi hewan coba

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan labIndirect transmission and ingestion

ndash From contaminated hands or gloves to mouthndash Facial contamination directly from animalndash Transfer of parasites by animal handling

Indirect transmission with eye or mucousmembrane exposure

ndash Dust from beddingndash Splash during cage washingndash ldquoDirtyrdquo environment

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebuttersebutContainment of Infectious AgentContainment must include Primary containment

Enclosed filtered caging systemBiosafety cabinetsSafety equipmentPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Secondary containmentThe containment facility

bull Negative pressurizationbull Nonrecirculated air supplybull Ventilation must consider wellbeing of animal

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Beberapa contoh kandangsistem Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)

No Containmentndash Open (standard) cage

Some Containmentndash Filter top cage (microisolator cage)

Full Containmentndash Fully enclosed inventilated rack

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Beberapa Allergen Utama Menurut Spesies Hewan Lab Sumbernya amp Risiko yg ditimbulkannya

Species Allergen Source Relatif risk

RatsRats Rat n 1A Rat n 1B

UrineUrine ++++++++++

MiceMice Mus m1 UrineUrine ++++++++Guinea Guinea

pigpig-- Urine dander fur Urine dander fur


gerbillsgerbills -- ++rabbitsrabbits glycoproteinglycoprotein Fur saliva urineFur saliva urine ++++++

catscats Fel d1 Sebaceus gland Sebaceus gland salivasaliva


dogsdogs Can f1 Saliva hair skinSaliva hair skin ++++sheepsheep -- LanolinLanolin ++pigspigs -- urineurine ++birdsbirds proteinprotein Faeces serumFaeces serum ++NHPNHP -- danderdander ++

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals

Risk groupRisk group riskrisk historyhistory commentcommentnormalnormal No evidence of No evidence of

allergic allergic diseasesdiseases

~ ~ 1010 Minimal risk even upon Minimal risk even upon repeated exposurerepeated exposure

atopicatopic Pre-existing Pre-existing allergic diseaseallergic disease

Up to 73Up to 73 Risk increases with Risk increases with repeated exposurerepeated exposure


IgE antibodies IgE antibodies to allergenic to allergenic proteinsproteins

Up to 100Up to 100 Risk of developing Risk of developing symptoms increases symptoms increases with repeated exposurewith repeated exposure


Clinical Clinical symptoms on symptoms on exposure to exposure to allergenic allergenic proteinsproteins

100100 33 with chest symptoms10 may developoccupational asthmaminimal exposure may leadto permanent impairment

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari KeterpaparanBeberapa prosedur utk menghindari

keterpaparan Gunakan pakaian khusus saat memasuki fasilitas

kandang hewan lab (bedakan pakaian kerja dgn pakaian sehari-hari

Gunakan personal protective equipment (PPE) yg benar

Selalu mencuci tangan dgn lar desinfektan setiap selesai bekerja dgn hewan lab

Kurangi transportasipemindahan hewan dari satu kandangbangunan ke kandangbangunan lain

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Minimizing Risk = Minimizing ExposureMenekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan

Beberapa saran dari aspek konstruksi fasilitas kandangndash Animal facilities have a relatively high air flow

which dilutes the concentration of allergens in the room air

ndash Animal facilities do not recirculate air unless the air is treated by HEPA filtration to remove allergens

ndash Animal facilities control relative humidity to 40-70 which reduces the bedding particle aerosolization

ndash Specialized caging is often used which minimizes potential allergen contamination of the environment

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Zoonotic Disease

Diseases transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktorndash Spesies hewanndash Sumber hewanndash Keganasan

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Transmission of Zoonoses

Enteric route (fecaloral)ndash Salmonella Shigella Campylobacterndash Giardia Toxoplasma Cryptosporidiumndash Entamoeba Hepatitis A

Respiratory routendash Q fever Chlamydia Measles

Skin contactndash Ringworm (Tinea) Measles Monkeypox

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg DitimbulkannyaZoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya

Spesies hewanSpesies hewan PenyakitPenyakitMacacaMacaca B virus (Herpes B B virus (Herpes B

virus)virus)DombaDomba Q feverQ feverTikus putihTikus putih HantavirusHantavirusAnjing kucing skunks Anjing kucing skunks raccoons kelelawarraccoons kelelawar


Sapi non-human primatesSapi non-human primates TuberculosisTuberculosisKucingKucing ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosisBurung beonuri (Parrots Burung beonuri (Parrots macaws)macaws)


AyamunggasAyamunggas Avian InfluenzaAvian Influenza

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Rodents Rat Bite Fever

- Acute febrile disease following rodent bite- May exhibit rash on extremities- May be treated with penicillintetracycline

Leptospirosis- Contamination by urine or aerosols during cage

cleaning- May exhibit fever muscle pain headache- Could be fatal treatment with


Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)(Beberapa saranhellip) Get information on species and agent Quarantine animals prior to use Use Engineering controls

ndash facility construction and secondary barriers Consider the need for containment caging Use Administrative controls

ndash written SOPs and manuals Use PPE

ndash additional protection for worker Practice good facility and personal hygiene Provide staff training

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices

Safe Work Practices

Best defense against zoonotic disease is personal hygiene

Personnel working with animals must maintain a high standard of cleanliness

  • Slide 2
  • Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunakan hewan laboratorium
  • Personnel at risk
  • Beberapa penilaian risiko2 yg harus dipertimbangkan bila menggunakanbekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Rute penularan agen biologis berbahaya selama bekerja dgn hewan lab
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Bagaimana cara mengurangi risiko2 tersebut
  • Beberapa contoh kandangsistem perkandangan yg membatasi pergerakan bahanagen infeksius (Containment Caging Systems)
  • Slide 13
  • Risk of Developing Allergy to Laboratory Animals
  • Minimizing Risk = Minimizing Exposure Menekan Risiko = Menghindari Keterpaparan
  • Slide 16
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Transmission of Zoonoses
  • Beberapa Spesies Hewan Lab amp Penyakit Zoonosis yg Ditimbulkannya
  • Slide 20
  • Bagaimana mengontrol penyakit zoonosis (Beberapa saranhellip)
  • Safe Work Practices