binary structures

MEDIA STUDIES THE BINARY STRUCTURE Binary structure is the structure in which opposites are paired and one group has more power than the other, the group lower in the binary structure is portrayed as weak, outcast in society.

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Page 1: Binary Structures


Binary structure is the structure in which opposites are paired and one group has more power than the other, the group lower in the binary structure is portrayed as weak, outcast in society.

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In the binary structure, Age is a part of the structure and the first part of Age I am looking at is YOUTH. For example, today, the youth are seen as trouble makers, violent, in experienced and pointless members of society. This is seen anywhere we go.On the bus, a group of school students swearing and shouting out loud, showing that they do not care about other citizens on the bus, leading them to also be over generalized.


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In media, the elderly are the ones with less power, like the youth, they have ultra-conversations in movies, and are not like the professionals.In the media, sometimes the elderly are portrayed as to being grumpy and rude, sometimes this could lead to stereotyping them as grumpy,old people, but in reality most of the elderly are the complete opposite of that.

The professionals that are seen everywhere and in movies, and these professionals are aged between 25 to 40 year olds, these "professionals" are the ones that mainly hold power in movies.They are seen as smart, educated, well mannered adults compared to the youth who are the opposite of these things.


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In media, women and men are both sexual objectified.women are made to look innocent, child-like, small, vulnerable, can't look the audience in the eye and weak. In movies some women are also made to do house cleaning and obey the instruction of men.BUT men are made to look strong, powerful, adult like and is not vulnerable and can look at the audience in the eye. Men are usually the ‘Hard man’, who are there to save the women from harm as they are portrayed as weak.


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In the Binary structure of race white British or Americans have the most power and ethnic minorities such as Black Africans don't have.

Characteristics played by white ethnicities:- Cooperate business owners- Well educated- Stick with their own- Rich- PoliteCharacteristics played by ethnic minorities:- Anti-social behavior (drugs, violence)- have lowly ranked jobs- Unable to keep a job- Complain about inabilities to climb the social ladder


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In the binary structure of class the upper rich class have the most power whereas the lower and middle class are controlled by the upper class.

Characteristics of upper class:- Stick with their own (maintain employee, employer relationship)- Seen as educated but aren't necessarily- Children are spoilt

Characteristics of lower classes:- Anti-social- Uneducated- Bad parents- Hustling


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Sexuality is represented in different ways in Media.The Media tries to represent heterosexuals in a positive light and homosexuals in a negative light.How heterosexuals are presented:- Respected - In committed relationships- Stable jobsHow homosexuals are presented:- Promiscuous- Hospitality jobs- Hedonistic


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In Media, people who live in the city are more powerful in the binary structure of region whereas, people living in the country are considered inferior. People living in urban areas:-Rich - Intelligent - Smartly dressed - Important jobs (CEOs) People living in rural areas:- Naïve- Poor- Uneducated- Menial jobs