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Star Wars Episode 18: The Rise of Democracy By: Taylor Richards

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Post on 25-Mar-2016




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Star Wars Episode 18: The Rise of Democracy

By: Taylor Richards

Now after the Sith have been in rule for a millennium the Jedi have finally rebelled and decided to make their own government.

The Orders that made up their rules was made by the Jedi Council. The first one was the freedom of speech, religion, and press. Which meant that the clone army will not come after the people that speak out against the republic.

The people also convinced the council to create a law to have the right to bear arms just in case of another Sith uprising. So the Jedi Council agreed and made the Order.

After the rebellion clone troopers were still trying to go and live in peoples houses so the Jedi so it wise to create Order 3. Order 3 that during peace time no solider can live quarter in a another persons house.

One ewok complained about a storm trooper coming into his house and searching in for no reason so he proposed an idea of the search and seize order. Then the Jedi approved and made the fourth Order.

And they also thought that every person should get a right to a fair trial so the came up with a catchy phrase “I plead the fifth.” That saying turned into a new Order.

The Jedi’s soon found out that they didn’t want to be sitting in a court room all day so they came up with a new order permitting a speedy but fair trial. Also they created another Order which a trial had to have a jury. These orders were number six and seven.


The Jedi thought it wise as to not have cruel punishment. If they did people might have another uprising. Also the Jedi cannot reduced the bail set on a persons life.

The Jedi’s also made an Order that any rights not listed in the Constitution then it would be the rights of the person. And also Order 10 limits the power of the Jedi council to not make another Sithdatorship.

They also had a problem with some of the people not getting to vote for the Jedi Master because of their race. So after the next election the Put in a new Order that allows everyone to vote.

But the Council didn’t want children able to vote because of their maturity. So they created Order 26 to prohibit the age to vote to age 18.

Also people started to ask the council about the Jedi Master, “ What if we don’t like him anymore, can you do something about it.” So the Jedi council agreed to limit the term of the president to two terms or a max of 10 years.

Then as time went on the slaves in the south galaxy were starting to rebel so the Jedi completely got rid of slavery. Even though the slave owners were mad the Jedi knew what was wise.

As war veterans came back, they wanted alcohol to get rid of their pains but it had been illegal to drink or have it. So the Jedi thought it wise to repeal that Order to make their former soldiers happy and not cause another war. So from then on the Jedi era of democracy stayed strong and still is in a galaxy far, far away.

THE END!!!!!!!
