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  • 8/8/2019 Bill Newland Fidelity Lender Processing Services



    877-373-3660 BIRMINGHAM , ALABAMA 35209 205-397-2397



    CIVIL ACTION NO.: 08-183










    Taken on behalf of the Plaintiffs

    DATE TAKEN: Tuesday, June 16, 2009

    TIME: 9:10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

    PLACE: Fidelity National

    601 Riverside Avenue

    Jacksonville, FloridaREPORTED BY: Cindy D. McClary, RPR, CRR

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    Post Office Box 33894 Auburn, AL 368315



    WILLIAM P. LAWLER, JR., ESQUIRE8 Adams and Reese, LLP

    2100 Third Avenue North9 Suite 1100

    Birmingham, AL 35203-336710



    Gardere Wynne Sewell, LLP14 1000 Louisiana

    Suite 340015 Houston, TX 77002-501116










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    1 INDEX

    2 Videotaped Deposition of Bill Newland

    3 PAGE

    4 Direct Examination by Mr. Wooten . . . . . . . .6

    5 Cross Examination by Mr. Cash. . . . . . . . .256

    6 Redirect Examination by Mr. Wooten . . . . . .273

    7 Certificate of Oath. . . . . . . . . . . . . .281

    8 Certificate of Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . .282


    - - -10 EXHIBITS INDEX

    11 PAGE

    12 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 1. . . . . . . . . . . 30

    13 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 2. . . . . . . . . . .139

    14 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 3. . . . . . . . . . .140

    15 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 4. . . . . . . . . . .246

    16 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 5. . . . . . . . . . .249

    17 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 6. . . . . . . . . . .198

    18 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 7. . . . . . . . . . .202

    19 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 8. . . . . . . . . . .203

    20 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 9. . . . . . . . . . . 32

    21 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 10 . . . . . . . . . .205

    22 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 11 . . . . . . . . . .218

    23 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 12 . . . . . . . . . .219

    24 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 13 . . . . . . . . . .220

    25 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 14 . . . . . . . . . .224

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    1 EXHIBITS INDEX (Continued)

    2 PAGE

    3 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 15 . . . . . . . . . .229

    4 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 16 . . . . . . . . . .232

    5 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 17 . . . . . . . . . .236

    6 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 18 . . . . . . . . . .237

    7 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 19 . . . . . . . . . .240

    8 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 20 . . . . . . . . . .243


    Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 21 . . . . . . . . . .24210 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 22 . . . . . . . . . .242

    11 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 23 . . . . . . . . . .245

    12 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 24 . . . . . . . . . . 69

    13 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 25 . . . . . . . . . .190

    14 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 26 . . . . . . . . . .253

    15 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 27 . . . . . . . . . .253

    16 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 28 . . . . . . . . . .254

    17 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 29 . . . . . . . . . .255


    (Reporter's note: Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 1519 was withdrawn and retained by Plaintiffs' counsel.)







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    1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This begins Videotape

    2 No. 1 in the deposition of Bill Newland in the

    3 matter of Larry David Wood, Jr., and Karen

    4 Wilborn Wood versus Option One Mortgage

    5 Corporation, et al., Case No. 08-183 in the Court

    6 of DeKalb County, Alabama.

    7 We are on the record at 9:10 a.m. on

    8 Tuesday, June 16th, 2009. This deposition is


    taking place at Fidelity National in10 Jacksonville, Florida.

    11 My name is Ashley Holt, representing Freedom

    12 Court Reporting. Will counsel please identify

    13 themselves and state whom you represent, and the

    14 court reporter please swear in the witness.

    15 MR. WOOTEN: My name is Nick Wooten, and I

    16 represent the plaintiffs in this action.

    17 MR. CASH: My name is Mike Cash, and I

    18 represent Fidelity National Foreclosure &

    19 Bankruptcy Solutions, a defendant in this action

    20 currently.

    21 MR. LAWLER: My name is Will Lawler, and I

    22 represent Option One Mortgage Corporation, a

    23 defendant in this action.



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    2 having been produced and first duly sworn as a

    3 witness, testified as follows:

    4 THE WITNESS: Yes.


    6 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    7 Q Mr. Wooten, my -- Mr. Newland, my name is

    8 Nick Wooten, I think you heard me introduce myself. I


    hadn't had the opportunity to meet you prior to today.10 Have you ever given a deposition before today?

    11 A Yes, I have.

    12 Q Tell me about that. How many times have you

    13 been deposed, sir?

    14 A I've been deposed once.

    15 Q What was that in reference to?

    16 A Reference to a case here at Fidelity.

    17 Q Okay. And was that where Fidelity was a

    18 defendant in an action?

    19 A Yes, it was.

    20 Q Okay. Did you serve as a 30(b)(6) witness

    21 for Fidelity at that time?

    22 A I don't understand the question.

    23 Q Did you testify individually or as a

    24 corporate representative of Fidelity?

    25 A Individually.

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    1 Q Okay. So you were a fact witness to that

    2 specific case?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q I understand that you've played some role in

    5 this case up to this point with respect to answering

    6 interrogatories and propounding affidavits; is that

    7 correct?

    8 A Yes, it is.


    Q So I take it from that that you have10 personally made yourself familiar with this litigation

    11 and the allegations that have been made; is that

    12 correct?

    13 A Yes, it is.

    14 Q If you will, sir, please tell me how long

    15 you've been an employee of Fidelity National

    16 Foreclosure Services.

    17 A Approximately five years.

    18 Q Okay. How long have you been employed as a

    19 vice president?

    20 A Approximately four years.

    21 Q The position that you currently hold,

    22 exactly what is your title?

    23 A I'm first vice president of operations.

    24 Q What are your responsibilities with that

    25 title, please, sir?

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    1 A I have primary oversight for the

    2 Jacksonville facility and also manage our attorney

    3 management area and special assets for our foreclosure

    4 department.

    5 Q What is a special asset in the foreclosure

    6 department?

    7 A Basically, we handle title resolution,

    8 assist in correspondence with title resolution,


    probates, things of that nature.10 Q Have you held any other titles as an

    11 employee of Fidelity?

    12 A I held a title primarily when I was hired on

    13 here as assistant vice president.

    14 Q Okay.

    15 MR. CASH: Just for the record to be clear,

    16 can we make an agreement that when we use the

    17 term Fidelity, we're talking about the defendant

    18 Fidelity National Foreclosure & Bankruptcy

    19 Solutions? Then we just don't have to repeat it

    20 every time.

    21 MR. WOOTEN: It'll probably save my tongue,

    22 so, frankly, that'll be fine with me.

    23 MR. CASH: Okay.

    24 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    25 Q I think that's what the industry more or

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    1 less refers to you guys as anyway, right, Fidelity?

    2 A Not any longer, no.

    3 Q Actually, you're now LPS, right?

    4 A That is correct.

    5 Q And what does that stand for?

    6 A Lender Processing Solutions.

    7 Q And that is an entity which spun off of your

    8 parent corporation; is that correct?


    A Yes.10 Q Okay. And when did that spinoff take place?

    11 A July of '08.

    12 Q And do you have any understanding as to what

    13 the motivation was to take LPS out from under the

    14 broader umbrella as a separate company?

    15 A No, I do not.

    16 Q Were you involved in that decision at all?

    17 A No, I was not.

    18 Q Prior to coming -- well, let me just make

    19 sure I'm clear about this. You've only held two

    20 positions with Fidelity, one is a vice president and

    21 the other is first vice president of operations?

    22 A I've held three. I was assistant vice

    23 president, I was promoted to vice president then

    24 promoted to first vice president.

    25 Q So your entry point was as assistant vice

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    1 president?

    2 A Yes, it was.

    3 Q And what year was that?

    4 A September of 2004.

    5 Q And when were you promoted to vice

    6 president?

    7 A I want to say it was approximately March of

    8 '05.


    Q Did you have a specific area of10 responsibility with that description?

    11 A Which description?

    12 Q Vice president.

    13 A Primary responsibility stayed the same.

    14 Q Okay. And that was what you set out

    15 earlier?

    16 A Yes.

    17 Q And when were you promoted to first vice

    18 president of operations?

    19 A I don't recall off the top of my head.

    20 Q Prior to working for Fidelity, where were

    21 you previously employed?

    22 A Option One Mortgage.

    23 Q And did you leave Option One and come

    24 directly to Fidelity?

    25 A After 30 days of being nonemployed, yes.

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    1 Q How long were you employed by Option One,

    2 sir?

    3 A Approximately 18 months.

    4 Q 18 months?

    5 A Uh-huh.

    6 Q And how were you employed by Option One?

    7 A I held the title of assistant vice

    8 president.


    Q Did you have a specific area that you were10 assistant vice president to?

    11 A Loss mitigation, foreclosure, and

    12 bankruptcy.

    13 Q Was Option One a Fidelity partner at that

    14 time?

    15 A We had just become a partner approximately

    16 two months prior to me leaving.

    17 Q And what was the term of your employment

    18 with Option One?

    19 A 18 months.

    20 Q So from February of 2005, previous 18

    21 months?

    22 A No, I started here in September of 2004.

    23 Q I'm sorry. I was looking at your -- wrong

    24 date. I apologize. Looking at your vice president,

    25 date you were promoted.

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    1 So you would've worked for Option One in

    2 2003 and part of 2004?

    3 A That's correct.

    4 Q And your testimony is, is during that time,

    5 you were not a Fidelity partner until approximately 60

    6 days prior to your leaving?

    7 A For the -- that's correct.

    8 Q Prior to Option One, where did you work?


    A I worked for Ocwen Federal Bank.10 Q How long were you employed by Ocwen?

    11 A Five and a half years.

    12 Q What period of time was that, if you recall,

    13 please, sir?

    14 A I want to say it was August of '97 through

    15 February of 2003.

    16 Q Do you remember the position you were hired

    17 on at at Ocwen?

    18 A That I was hired on at? I was a team leader

    19 over loss mitigation department.

    20 Q Because everybody who may eventually hear or

    21 see this testimony doesn't understand what we mean

    22 when we say loss mitigation, would you, please,

    23 explain that for me.

    24 A We provided assistance to the borrowers in

    25 attempting to resolve their delinquency through some

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    1 type of means of mitigation.

    2 Q So that was where you might work out a

    3 forbearance or payment plan or modification, if the

    4 circumstance were appropriate, that sort of thing?

    5 A That would be correct.

    6 Q And the goal of loss mitigation generally is

    7 to prevent a foreclosure or loss of a home, is that

    8 the general goal?


    A That's correct.10 Q Other than loss mitigation, at the time you

    11 were hired, did you do any other -- or perform any

    12 other function at Ocwen?

    13 A I also managed front-end collections, which

    14 would be your zero to 90-day collections.

    15 Q Would it be fair to say that the front-end

    16 collections are those borrowers who are not current

    17 but have not been declared to be in default?

    18 A That would be correct.

    19 Q And so, in that regard, sort of more or less

    20 a proactive loss mitigation approach to try to keep

    21 those people from trying to go into default, right?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q How long were you in that position with

    24 Ocwen?

    25 A Approximately three years.

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    1 Q So sometime in 1999 or early 2000 you

    2 changed positions with respect to that?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q Where did you go to from loss mitigation?

    5 A I went back to the -- well, I went from loss

    6 mitigation to collections and then went back to loss

    7 mitigation as the director.

    8 Q So when -- did you maintain the title of


    team leader up until the time that you went to10 collections?

    11 A No.

    12 Q Okay. So what other titles did you hold in

    13 loss mitigation?

    14 A I held the title of director of operations.

    15 Q So did you advance directly from team leader

    16 to director of operations, or were there intermediate

    17 advancements?

    18 A There was -- there were intermediate

    19 promotions between that.

    20 Q I'm assuming that you would've gone from

    21 team leader to either manager or vice president?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q Okay. Both or --

    24 A No.

    25 Q -- one?

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    1 A No, I went from team lead, then I went to --

    2 as a manager for the collections department, and then

    3 to the senior manager of that department. And then I

    4 moved to director of operations for loss mitigation.

    5 Q The collections department is a different

    6 department than loss mitigation, right?

    7 A Yes, it is.

    8 Q And the collection department at Ocwen, how


    would that have been defined? What was its function?10 A As I stated previously, it was basically to

    11 collect on moneys owed that were delinquencies that

    12 were zero to 90 days.

    13 Q So it is what you referenced earlier as

    14 front-end collections?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q Okay. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you

    17 were not distinguishing between the two.

    18 So at what point did you move from senior

    19 manager of collections to director of operations of

    20 loss mitigation?

    21 A It would've been -- I don't recall off the

    22 top of my head, but it was about -- it was about a

    23 year and a half prior to me leaving --

    24 Q Okay.

    25 A -- Ocwen, so, whatever that date is.

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    1 Q So you would've been in collections from

    2 sometime in '99 or 2000 until about 2000 -- late 2001,

    3 early 2002?

    4 A Collections was -- when I started in

    5 front-end collections, it was early 1998.

    6 Q All right.

    7 A And spent two years in early collections.

    8 So, approximately, probably, late to mid -- mid 2000


    is when I went into loss mitigation.10 Q And that's when you became the director of

    11 operations --

    12 A Yes.

    13 Q -- there? And you held that title until you

    14 left that position?

    15 A That's correct.

    16 Q As part of your work as director of

    17 operations in loss mitigation, were you ever deposed

    18 as an employee of Ocwen Federal Bank?

    19 A No, I was not.

    20 Q Where was Ocwen Federal Bank? Where was

    21 your employment located with them during this period

    22 of time?

    23 A Orlando, Florida.

    24 Q Are there any other titles or positions that

    25 you held with Ocwen Federal Bank --

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    1 A No.

    2 Q -- during this time?

    3 A No.

    4 Q During this period of time, was Ocwen

    5 Federal Bank subject to any state or federal

    6 investigation with respect to their lending or

    7 mortgage service and practices?

    8 A I don't recall.


    Q Did you ever give any testimony with respect10 to any state or federal investigation?

    11 A No, I did not.

    12 Q Is it your testimony today that you never

    13 testified as an employee of Ocwen Federal Bank or as a

    14 corporate representative in any litigation?

    15 A Not that I'm aware of.

    16 Q As part of your work, did you provide for

    17 Ocwen Federal Bank any affidavits or any other type of

    18 documents which would've been filed in any federal --

    19 or any lawsuit or litigation involving Ocwen Federal

    20 Bank?

    21 A I don't recall.

    22 Q Prior to Ocwen Federal Bank, where were you

    23 employed, sir?

    24 A I was employed with a company called -- I'm

    25 trying to think of the -- it was Premiere Credit was

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    1 the name of the company, but it's now, I believe,

    2 Outsourcing Solutions, Incorporated.

    3 Q Is Outsourcing Solutions also commonly known

    4 by the acronym OSI?

    5 A I believe so.

    6 Q Is it fair to say that OSI is a debt

    7 collection agency?

    8 A Yes, it is.


    Q And they purchase delinquent account10 receivables; is that correct?

    11 A I don't recall what they're purchasing.

    12 Q But you understand their business to be that

    13 of debt collection?

    14 A Yes.

    15 Q And how were you employed by OSI?

    16 A I was a manager of a group there.

    17 Q Manager of a collection group?

    18 A Yes.

    19 Q When did your employment with OSI begin and

    20 when did it end?

    21 A I don't recall off the top of my head. I

    22 know it ended in August of 1997.

    23 Q Why did your employment end with OSI?

    24 A I took an opportunity to go to Ocwen Federal

    25 Bank.

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    1 Q During your time at OSI, were you ever a

    2 witness where you gave either deposition or live

    3 testimony in any litigation?

    4 A No, I did not.

    5 Q Did you ever serve as a corporate

    6 representative of OSI in any litigation?

    7 A No, I did not.

    8 Q At the time that you were employed with OSI


    in managing its collections group, did OSI file10 lawsuits to collect on their accounts receivable?

    11 A I don't recall.

    12 Q So your work there was limited to managing a

    13 group of collectors which would call consumers to

    14 collect on these account receivables, or write

    15 consumers; is that correct?

    16 A That's correct.

    17 Q And is it your testimony that you don't

    18 remember even approximately when your employment began

    19 at OSI?

    20 A I -- I don't recall the exact date when I

    21 started there.

    22 Q Do you have a recollection of how many years

    23 you spent there?

    24 A I spent about three years.

    25 Q Did you have any other titles or positions

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    1 with OSI?

    2 A No, I did not.

    3 Q Prior to OSI, what was your employment,

    4 please, sir?

    5 A Commercial Credit.

    6 Q Let me go back to OSI for just a second.

    7 Where was your place of employment with OSI?

    8 A Atlanta, Georgia.


    Q Atlanta's a big city. Were you in one of10 the suburbs or were you in Atlanta proper?

    11 A I was in the Marietta location.

    12 Q Out near the Air Force base?

    13 A No, it was off of Windy Hill Road.

    14 Q Almost to the Air Force base?

    15 A Almost, not quite.

    16 Q You mentioned Commercial Credit. Where was

    17 your employment with Commercial Credit located?

    18 A Tucker, Georgia.

    19 Q And do you recall your period of employment

    20 with them?

    21 A Approximately four years.

    22 Q Based upon my guesstimation, it appears that

    23 you would've been employed there from approximately

    24 1990 or '91 until approximately 1994. Does that sound

    25 about right?

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    1 A Approximately.

    2 Q And what is the business of Commercial

    3 Credit at that time, please, sir, as best you recall?

    4 A Consumer finance.

    5 Q Would this be one of those storefront

    6 operations where people walk in off the street and get

    7 small loans for consumer goods, that sort of thing?

    8 A Yes.


    Q And were you actually in that portion of the10 business at that time? Were you doing consumer

    11 finance or were you in collections also there?

    12 A You basically do consumer finance and

    13 collections.

    14 Q So that's, I guess, one of the early models

    15 where you had people coming and making their weekly

    16 payments of 28 bucks or whatever, and you're making

    17 loans to them as they need and qualify for them, and

    18 then if they're delinquent, you're picking up the

    19 phone and calling people you've made loans to and say,

    20 hey, why don't you come make a payment to me, that

    21 sort of thing?

    22 A Yes, that's right.

    23 Q And is it safe to say that most of your

    24 loans would've been for smaller amounts, under $5,000,

    25 that type of thing?

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    1 A Primarily.

    2 Q Sure. Did you make mortgage loans from that

    3 location at that time?

    4 A Yes, we did.

    5 Q Were those first or second loans?

    6 A Second mortgages.

    7 Q Did not engage in the business of making

    8 first mortgages at all?


    A No.10 Q And how long -- well, you've already told me

    11 that, so strike that. You worked there for about four

    12 years?

    13 A About four years.

    14 Q Prior to Commercial Credit -- well, let me

    15 back up and ask a couple more questions.

    16 I'm assuming -- well, don't let me assume.

    17 What position did you enter that business as?

    18 A A manager.

    19 Q Were you the manager in charge of that

    20 branch or --

    21 A Yes. Yes, I was.

    22 Q Okay. Is that the first professional job

    23 you had out of college?

    24 A No, it was not.

    25 Q Prior to Commercial Credit, where were you

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    1 employed?

    2 A A company called Bomar Credit.

    3 Q I'm sorry?

    4 A Bomar, B-O-M-A-R.

    5 Q One I haven't heard of. Were they also in

    6 consumer finance?

    7 A No, they were actually a third-party

    8 collection company.


    Q And where was your principal place of10 employment with Bomar?

    11 A Atlanta, Georgia. And it is Atlanta,

    12 Georgia.

    13 Q Okay. And what was your position with

    14 Bomar?

    15 A I was a collector.

    16 Q And what were you primarily collecting at

    17 Bomar?

    18 A Small balances.

    19 Q What type of accounts?

    20 A Charged off credit cards.

    21 Q Was Bomar bought out by someone?

    22 A I don't -- I don't recall. I didn't spend

    23 much time there.

    24 Q How long were you with them?

    25 A Six months.

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    1 Q I'm assuming that you held no position other

    2 than collector?

    3 A That's correct.

    4 Q And with Commercial Credit, you held no

    5 position other than manager?

    6 A That's correct.

    7 Q Did you have a job prior to Bomar Credit?

    8 A Yes, I did.


    Q Where was that?10 A Household Finance Corporation.

    11 Q Do you remember the term of your employment?

    12 A Approximately six years.

    13 Q So that would've been mid to late '80s; is

    14 that fair?

    15 A Yeah, it was -- I remember, because I

    16 started out of college there, it was September of 1984

    17 is when I started there.

    18 Q And worked there till sometime in '89?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q And that was your first position out of

    21 college?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q And what position were you hired into,

    24 please, sir?

    25 A As a branch representative.

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    1 Q Can you tell me what that job involved?

    2 A Learning.

    3 Q Trying to find your way to work in the

    4 morning?

    5 A Yeah, basically learning how to

    6 lend/collect, primarily.

    7 Q So somewhat of an apprenticeship-type

    8 position?


    A That would be correct.10 Q And how long did you serve in that capacity?

    11 A Oh, to be honest with you, I don't recall

    12 how long I served in that capacity.

    13 Q Was that, for lack of a better term, a

    14 program where they brought you in, you served in that

    15 capacity for a period of time, and then they advanced

    16 you or said you will never cut it here and let you go?

    17 A They would advance you, or if you weren't

    18 doing the job, they would let you go, yes.

    19 Q And so, obviously, you advanced since you

    20 were there five years?

    21 A Yeah, to an assistant manager.

    22 Q Okay. At that time, was Household also more

    23 or less a storefront type operation?

    24 A Yes, they were.

    25 Q So you would've went to work in an existing

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    1 facility with, I'm assuming, an experienced manager?

    2 A Yes.

    3 Q Okay. And where would that employment have

    4 been located?

    5 A That was in south DeKalb County, I believe

    6 at the -- it was Decatur, Georgia.

    7 Q And how long did you serve as assistant

    8 manager, if you recall?


    A Between the branch manager and -- or the10 branch representative and assistant manager,

    11 approximately two years.

    12 Q All right. And after your assistant manager

    13 position there, I'm assuming you received some other

    14 sort of promotion?

    15 A Yes, I was promoted, branch manager.

    16 Q Were you sent to another store, or did you

    17 stay in the Decatur, Georgia, area?

    18 A No, I was sent to the Tucker, Georgia,

    19 location.

    20 Q Is it fair to say during this period of time

    21 this type of business was expanding pretty rapidly,

    22 opening new stores, that sort of thing?

    23 A I don't recall.

    24 Q Do you know if the Tucker store was a new

    25 store that you took over?

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    1 A No, it was not.

    2 Q All right. And how long were you branch

    3 manager at Tucker?

    4 A Approximately three and a half years, almost

    5 four.

    6 Q So is it fair to say you were there until

    7 you left?

    8 A Yes.


    Q Okay. And you did mention that that was10 your first job out of college. Where did you go to

    11 college at?

    12 A Valdosta State College.

    13 Q Folks that go to Valdosta State usually only

    14 go because they play some sport or they live nearby;

    15 what was it for you?

    16 A I went down there to play baseball.

    17 Q All right. Did you grow up in Georgia?

    18 A I grew up all over.

    19 Q Okay. So you were there all four years, I

    20 assume?

    21 A Yes.

    22 Q And you have a bachelor's degree?

    23 A No, I do not.

    24 Q Did you complete a degree from Valdosta

    25 State?

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    1 A Associate's.

    2 Q And what is that degree in?

    3 A Finance.

    4 Q Do you have any other college degrees?

    5 A No, I do not.

    6 Q Where did you graduate from high school

    7 from?

    8 A Milton High School, Alpharetta, Georgia.


    Q With respect to Option One, where was your10 employment principally located?

    11 A Jacksonville, Florida.

    12 Q And where in Jacksonville was Option One's

    13 building located?

    14 A I -- I don't recall the exact address. I

    15 believe it was Touchton Road.

    16 Q You indicated with respect to Option One

    17 that you were an assistant vice president for loss

    18 mitigation, foreclosure and bankruptcy, correct?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q Was all that work handled in-house at that

    21 time?

    22 A Loss mitigation, foreclosure and bankruptcy,

    23 we utilized Fidelity for two states, about half the

    24 work, for the last two months that I was there.

    25 Q Is your testimony that Fidelity only had the

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    1 foreclosure and bankruptcy business of Option One for

    2 the last two months that you were there?

    3 A Yes, it is.

    4 Q Did Option One use the MSP software platform

    5 at that time?

    6 A Yes, they did.

    7 Q Did Ocwen use MSP?

    8 A No, they did not.


    Q What did they use?10 A It was an in-house product.

    11 Q Did you ever work in foreclosure and

    12 bankruptcy at Ocwen?

    13 A No, I did not.

    14 Q Do you know anyone or have any relatives by

    15 blood or marriage who live in DeKalb County, Alabama?

    16 A No, sir.

    17 Q Do you have any friends or acquaintances in

    18 DeKalb County, Alabama?

    19 A No, sir.

    20 Q Have you ever been to DeKalb County,

    21 Alabama?

    22 A No, sir.

    23 Q So then we can agree that your entire

    24 professional life has been involved in finance or

    25 collections?

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    1 A That is correct.

    2 (Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 1 marked for

    3 identification.)

    4 Q Let me show you what I've previously marked

    5 as Plaintiffs' Exhibit 1. I will represent to you

    6 that that is a copy of a Plaintiffs' 30(b)(6) notice

    7 for today which was filed with the court system in the

    8 State of Alabama for DeKalb County. Ask you to take a


    look at that document. Excuse me.10 Have you reviewed that document prior to

    11 coming to this deposition today?

    12 A Yes, I have.

    13 Q Are there any documents that you have

    14 available today that are included in that deposition

    15 notice that you have not previously produced?

    16 MR. CASH: Yeah, this is Mike Cash, I'm the

    17 attorney for Fidelity. There are a number of

    18 categories that requested documents which are

    19 either documents that don't exist or the

    20 definition is inaccurate. What we've done is

    21 gone back and pulled all documents associated --

    22 that Fidelity has that are associated with this

    23 file, and I'm producing those now to plaintiffs'

    24 counsel.

    25 MR. WOOTEN: Now, have these documents been

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    1 previously Bates stamped or marked in any way?

    2 MR. CASH: They have not. And what we

    3 probably want to do is go ahead and produce them

    4 and have the reporter make Bates stamp copies

    5 and -- and then we'll get them with copies of the

    6 deposition, if that's acceptable.

    7 MR. WOOTEN: Going to be lots of copies with

    8 this deposition.


    BY MR. WOOTEN:10 Q Is it your testimony that these are all of

    11 Fidelity's documents with respect to this loan?

    12 MR. CASH: Again, my statement is those are

    13 all the documents which would've been responsive

    14 to the request with respect to this loan.

    15 MR. WOOTEN: Okay.

    16 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    17 Q Let me see that document, if you will,

    18 please, sir. Because I didn't make copies of it. I'm

    19 working off of this.

    20 What is a MSP P309 form, Mr. Newland?

    21 A I don't know.

    22 Q Is it fair to say that an MSP P309 form is

    23 actually a data archive which shows each time that

    24 Fidelity or a user of MSP changes any data with

    25 respect to any loan?

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    1 A I -- I don't recall.

    2 Q And it's your testimony that you previously

    3 reviewed my deposition notice, correct?

    4 A Uh-huh.

    5 Q You are the first vice president of

    6 operations of Fidelity, correct?

    7 A That is correct.

    8 Q LPS, I'm sorry. Is it your testimony that


    you don't know what a P309 form is?10 A No, I do not.

    11 Q Do you know what a P309 screen is?

    12 A I've seen the screen, but I don't know what

    13 it entails.

    14 (Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 9 marked for

    15 identification.)

    16 Q Okay. Let me show you a document I

    17 previously marked as Plaintiffs' Exhibit 9, and I'll

    18 represent to you that that is a copy of a web page

    19 from LPS's training software with respect to MSP.

    20 Does that appear to be a web-based training document

    21 from your MSP software, Mr. Newland?

    22 A From LPS software?

    23 Q Uh-huh.

    24 A Looks to be, yes.

    25 Q Okay. And does that indicate a P309 screen?

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    1 A Yes, it indicates as far as approximately

    2 what a P309 screen is, yes.

    3 Q Okay. Does it explain what a P309 is, what

    4 information's available from a P309 --

    5 A Yes, it does.

    6 Q -- screen?

    7 Okay. What information is available

    8 according to that document from a P309 screen?


    A Are you asking for me to read the -- what's10 over here on the right side?

    11 Q Well, we can start with that.

    12 A Sure. P309 provides loan activity detail;

    13 past activity which equals history; files storing

    14 history and equals history of files; history initiated

    15 at the loan boarding, new loan setup or acquisition

    16 and merger; transactions generate details.

    17 Q I'm going to ask you again, Mr. Newland,

    18 does that document indicate that a P309 form will give

    19 you the history of all the data transactions and the

    20 changes that have been made with respect to your MSP

    21 software for any given loan?

    22 MR. CASH: Object to the form of the

    23 question and the term "your". We're here for

    24 Fidelity, for the defendant in this case, which

    25 is Fidelity Foreclosure & Bankruptcy Solutions.

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    1 MR. WOOTEN: Okay.

    2 MR. CASH: To the extent it's a different

    3 entity, I'm going to -- we're going to have to be

    4 a little more specific on the term "your"

    5 software.

    6 MR. WOOTEN: Well, Mr. Cash, your defendant

    7 runs MSP software.

    8 MR. CASH: Actually, Mr. Wooten --


    MR. WOOTEN: It's owned by the parent10 company.

    11 MR. CASH: -- you're misinformed. You're

    12 misinformed. So you -- I'm going to ask that you

    13 not testify. If you want to ask him questions,

    14 that's fine, but if that's the basis you're

    15 asking these questions on, you are misinformed.

    16 MR. WOOTEN: Okay. Well, we're going to ask

    17 him these questions, Mr. Cash.

    18 MR. CASH: Feel free. But we're going to

    19 have to make it specific.

    20 MR. WOOTEN: Well, that'll be fine --

    21 MR. CASH: So when you say your --

    22 MR. WOOTEN: -- we'll do that.

    23 MR. CASH: We're here as a 30(b)(6)

    24 representative of this defendant, not affiliates

    25 of this company.

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    1 MR. WOOTEN: And I'm going to ask you not to

    2 make speaking objections and not to direct him

    3 how to testify by your objections.

    4 MR. CASH: I'm not going to do that, but I'm

    5 going to -- my objection -- my only objection

    6 was: Objection, "your" is not specific. You

    7 went into the speaking, and I responded so you

    8 can understand what my objection is.


    MR. WOOTEN: Sure. And that's fine.10 MR. CASH: So, I object to the use of the

    11 term "your." That was my objection and it's not

    12 a speaking objection.

    13 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    14 Q Well, let me ask you this, Mr. Newland,

    15 isn't it a fact, sir, that the client that you are

    16 here -- the defendant that you're here as a corporate

    17 rep of, Fidelity National Foreclosure Services, or

    18 LPS, uses MSP, the software platform, for its work?

    19 A Our client uses this and we do have the

    20 ability to access their system, yes.

    21 Q That is correct, you do have the ability to

    22 access their system, right?

    23 A That's correct.

    24 Q And, in fact, you had the ability to enter

    25 the data fields in their system and make changes,

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    1 don't you?

    2 A I don't know the answer to that question.

    3 Q You are the person in charge of LPS; is that

    4 fair to say?

    5 A No, it's not.

    6 Q Okay. Are you in charge of the day-to-day

    7 operations?

    8 A I run a portion of the day-to-day


    operations.10 Q Okay. Is it your testimony today,

    11 Mr. Newland, that you are unfamiliar with whether or

    12 not employees who work for you can enter client data

    13 fields and alter that data and make changes to that

    14 data through their access through MSP?

    15 A They can make changes to certain portions of

    16 the client's system, but specifically, I don't know

    17 what portions those are.

    18 Q And isn't it true, Mr. Newland, that a P309

    19 form will indicate all the data changes that have been

    20 made on any given loan?

    21 A That's what it states in this screen shot,

    22 yes.

    23 Q And isn't it true, Mr. Newland, that you can

    24 walk out to any computer that is currently locked out

    25 of MSP and use your log-in and access the P309 field

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    1 and print all the forms associated with that field

    2 with a simple push of a button?

    3 A I don't recall.

    4 Q I would assume with your seniority that you

    5 have certain rights to access documents and data

    6 commensurate with your seniority; is that correct?

    7 A No, it's not.

    8 Q Oh. So who at LPS would have that


    information as to who could enter MSP and print off a10 P309 form?

    11 A I don't recall.

    12 Q So before we get too deep into this, I want

    13 to back up just a little bit. Please tell the Court

    14 and whoever else might view this testimony exactly

    15 what MSP is.

    16 A MSP is a mortgage service platform.

    17 Q It's a software system, isn't it?

    18 A I don't know whether it's a software system

    19 or not.

    20 Q With respect to a mortgage transaction, sir,

    21 is it true that MSP basically handles a loan file from

    22 origination to the termination of the loan either by

    23 payoff or foreclosure once it's in the MSP system,

    24 assuming that it remains on the system with Fidelity

    25 partners?

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    1 A I don't know.

    2 Q Okay. With respect to the MSP software,

    3 isn't it true, sir, that there are different modules

    4 with respect to that software?

    5 A That I don't know either.

    6 Q Tell me what particular portions of the MSP

    7 system the employees who work for you at LPS have

    8 access to, please, sir.


    A I do not know off the top of my head.10 Q Who is the person who you either work for or

    11 who works for you who would know that information,

    12 please, sir?

    13 A That would probably be our securities

    14 department.

    15 Q Okay. Your securities department?

    16 A Uh-huh, security department.

    17 Q So that would be your information technology

    18 security department?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q So you're telling me that there are no other

    21 employees in your direct supervision line, either

    22 above or below you, who can tell me what the various

    23 modules of MSP are?

    24 A Not -- well, not in my direct supervision,

    25 no.

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    1 Q And you cannot tell me what modules of that

    2 software your employees who work for you at LPS can

    3 access, can you?

    4 A No.

    5 Q So you don't know whether somebody who's an

    6 entry level employee who's just received their

    7 clearance can go into the MSP software and print off

    8 all the P309 forms or not, do you?


    A I do not know specifically what screens10 they're available to go to.

    11 Q Okay. Now, you've had this deposition

    12 notice for a period of time, haven't you, sir?

    13 A Yes.

    14 Q It's dated the 4th day of June of 2009,

    15 isn't it?

    16 A Yes, it is.

    17 Q And I'm assuming, as you said, you had

    18 reviewed this prior to coming here this morning,

    19 right?

    20 A Yes.

    21 Q And being that it was the first topic on

    22 which examination was requested, I'm assuming that you

    23 asked someone what a P309 form was if you didn't know?

    24 A Well, you said P309 forms. I do not know

    25 what an MSP P309 form is.

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    1 Q Okay. MSP is your software, is it not?

    2 A It's not my software.

    3 Q It's Fidelity's software, is it not?

    4 MR. CASH: Again, objection. Unless we're

    5 defining Fidelity as Fidelity National

    6 Foreclosure & Bankruptcy Solutions. Given that

    7 definition, you can answer.

    8 BY MR. WOOTEN:


    Q Let me be clear. I'm going to refer to your10 entity as LPS from now on, so we can be real distinct

    11 about what we're saying. Is it your testimony that

    12 LPS does not use MSP in its operations?

    13 A No, LPS does utilize some of MSP, yes.

    14 Q Okay.

    15 A For different clients.

    16 Q And MSP is a loan product of -- or a

    17 servicing platform which is owned by LPS's parent

    18 company; is it not?

    19 A That would be correct.

    20 Q And we're in the parent company building

    21 this morning, right?

    22 A That is correct.

    23 Q And I've shown you Exhibit 9 and you've read

    24 what this form says, correct?

    25 A Uh-huh.

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    1 Q And is it your testimony that you did not

    2 inquire as to what a P309 -- you didn't do any inquiry

    3 at all into that?

    4 A That's correct.

    5 Q Okay. So it's your testimony that because

    6 it said MSP P309 form, that you did no inquiry

    7 whatsoever into that area of examination?

    8 A That's correct.


    Q And the next sentence of that line of10 inquiry said: This should include all history files

    11 archived on your system, whether they are delineated

    12 as history, past activity or file storing history. Is

    13 that correct?

    14 A Yes.

    15 Q And is it your testimony that you cannot go

    16 onto any loan on which LPS is active and find the

    17 history, the past activity, or the file storing

    18 history?

    19 A I don't know. Based off of this information

    20 that you provided me, yes, it stipulates in this that

    21 we can do that.

    22 Q Okay. And I'm asking you, did you make any

    23 inquiry, beyond the first sentence of that area of

    24 examination, into whether or not you could provide me

    25 the history files on your system with respect to my

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    1 client's loan, whether they were delineated as

    2 history, past activity, or file storing history?

    3 A No.

    4 Q So you made no inquiry whatsoever?

    5 A No, I did not.

    6 Q Okay. And isn't it a fact, sir, that you or

    7 someone under your control could log into their work

    8 station and print you off whatever documents are there


    as history, past activity, or file storing history10 with a simple push of a button?

    11 A That is correct.

    12 Q And it would take less than ten minutes to

    13 do so, wouldn't it?

    14 A I don't know.

    15 Q It would simply be a matter of entering my

    16 client's loan information and going to that field and

    17 pressing print, wouldn't it?

    18 A I don't know.

    19 Q Would you be surprised if other people

    20 testifying about your software system -- or not your

    21 software system, but Fidelity's software system, said

    22 that any information in any field could be printed

    23 with the press of a button?

    24 A I'm sure they may say that.

    25 Q Is your employment principally located in

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    1 Jacksonville, Florida?

    2 A Yes, it is.

    3 Q Do you have employees in this very building

    4 where we sit who would have access to that

    5 information?

    6 A I do not have employees in this building.

    7 Q Do you have employees in this compound?

    8 A Yes, I do.


    Q Okay. Because there are about, what -- how10 many buildings are in the compound?

    11 A Five.

    12 Q Okay. So you have employees who work

    13 directly for you who could easily gather this

    14 information in a matter of moments, right?

    15 A I don't know whether it's a matter of

    16 moments or not.

    17 Q Well, it's 10:00 local time, and I can go

    18 ahead and represent to you we're going to be here for

    19 a while. Do you want to take a break now and find an

    20 employee and ask them if they can access that

    21 information?

    22 A No, that's okay.

    23 MR. CASH: No, we're here ready to testify.

    24 We'll testify to what we're here with.

    25 BY MR. WOOTEN:

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    1 Q The next thing that I asked you for with

    2 respect to this deposition are: All correspondence,

    3 images, documents, notes or communications, in

    4 whatever form and by whatever medium contained in the

    5 client services notes of the Fidelity software for the

    6 subject loan. As well as, if not previously provided,

    7 a definitional code sheet for any codes used to

    8 explain or describe this data.


    MR. CASH: If we're going to go through10 these one at a time, we would lodge an objection

    11 to this request, that it's overly broad, it's

    12 unclear, it's vague. There is no definition as

    13 to, quote, Fidelity software. There is no

    14 definition as to the term, quote, Fidelity.

    15 There is no definition of what client services

    16 notes are. Based upon those objections, there

    17 are no documents that are responsive to this

    18 specific request. However, and in trying to

    19 interpret the vague request, we have provided all

    20 notes regarding this loan, which are one of the

    21 first exhibits.

    22 MR. WOOTEN: Mr. Cash, I just want to

    23 clarify something. You have not appeared of

    24 counsel in this lawsuit in DeKalb County,

    25 Alabama, have you?

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    1 MR. CASH: Yes, I have. And I have -- my

    2 pro hac vice has been granted.

    3 MR. WOOTEN: And you have local counsel

    4 who's also involved in this lawsuit, correct?

    5 MR. CASH: That is correct.

    6 MR. WOOTEN: And that's the firm of Huie

    7 Fernambucq in Birmingham, Alabama?

    8 MR. CASH: I believe that's correct.


    MR. WOOTEN: Did anyone acting on behalf of10 your client file any objections to this 30(b)(6)

    11 deposition notice?

    12 MR. CASH: We're making our objections on

    13 the record as to the specific document requests,

    14 which we received within about the past ten days.

    15 MR. WOOTEN: Okay. Today is June the 16th,

    16 correct?

    17 MR. CASH: That is correct. This was filed

    18 on the 4th. And I received it on about the 6th

    19 or the 7th. So within less than ten days. And

    20 I'm making my objections on the record.

    21 MR. WOOTEN: I'm aware that you're making

    22 your objection on the record. My question is,

    23 did anybody make a filed written objection to the

    24 areas of inquiry in this 30(b)(6) notice?

    25 MR. CASH: Not as far as I know.

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    1 MR. WOOTEN: Did you direct anyone on your

    2 behalf or on your client's behalf to file an

    3 objection in court with respect to this

    4 deposition notice?

    5 MR. CASH: Nick, I'm not the one being

    6 deposed here, so I will make my objections on the

    7 record.

    8 MR. WOOTEN: Okay. I'm just --


    MR. CASH: And the record speaks for itself.10 MR. WOOTEN: -- making my record also, Mr.

    11 Cash, so I'm just asking you, did you direct

    12 anyone --

    13 MR. CASH: And I'm not answering your

    14 questions, Nick. I'm not being deposed here. I

    15 will state my objections on the record, as I'm

    16 entitled to do.

    17 MR. WOOTEN: And I just want to make sure I

    18 understand something, because I just want to be

    19 real clear about this. Your testimony is --

    20 MR. CASH: It's not my testimony, I'm going

    21 to tell you again.

    22 MR. WOOTEN: Your offering is --

    23 MR. CASH: I'm not under oath here and I'm

    24 not testifying. I've been clear on the record

    25 and I will make my record. So if you have more

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    1 questions of the witness, feel free to ask him,

    2 and I'll make my objections as we go.

    3 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    4 Q Here's my question. Mr. Newland, take all

    5 the time you need and look at those documents, and I

    6 want this answer from you. I want you to tell me

    7 under oath, sir, that that's all the documents on your

    8 client's system with respect to this loan.


    MR. CASH: I'm going to object to the form10 of the question. That's not what was indicated

    11 previously. What was indicated previously is

    12 it's all documents which were responsive to

    13 non-objectionable questions in the 30(b)(6). We

    14 will state our objections on the record one by

    15 one, if we need to go through them, but these are

    16 all of the notes back and forth and these are the

    17 documents which are on the Fidelity, as we

    18 defined that in the beginning of this, not on any

    19 affiliate or parent, on the Fidelity system,

    20 which was asked for.

    21 MR. WOOTEN: Okay. You're defining Fidelity

    22 as LPS.

    23 MR. CASH: No. I'm defining Fidelity as

    24 they are in the lawsuit. Fidelity is, and the

    25 30(b)(6) is too, defendant, Fidelity National

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    1 Foreclosure & Bankruptcy Solutions, period.

    2 There is no other Fidelity defendant in this

    3 case. That is Fidelity for the purposes of this

    4 case. And that is all that Fidelity is for the

    5 purpose of this case.

    6 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    7 Q Okay. Mr. Newland, Fidelity National

    8 Foreclosure & Bankruptcy Solutions is now known as


    what?10 A Lender Processing Solutions.

    11 Q Okay. And when did that name change take

    12 place?

    13 A LPS -- well, it's LPS Default Solutions.

    14 Q And when did that take place, sir? When was

    15 that name change?

    16 A I want to say it was March or February of

    17 this year.

    18 Q Okay. So as Fidelity National Foreclosure &

    19 Bankruptcy Solutions is known today, they would not be

    20 known as Fidelity, they would be known as LPS or

    21 Lender Processing Solutions, right?

    22 A LPS Default Solutions.

    23 Q Okay. So I'm going to ask you, Mr. Newland,

    24 this question. Is it your testimony that the

    25 documents which your counsel has handed to me today

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    1 are all of the documents with respect to my client's

    2 loans which are available or may easily be accessed

    3 through use of the software known as MSP, which is

    4 owned by your parent company, Fidelity, with respect

    5 to my client's loan?

    6 MR. CASH: Object to the form of the

    7 question. It's beyond the scope of the 30(b)(6).

    8 If you know the answer to that, you can answer


    it.10 THE WITNESS: I don't know.

    11 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    12 Q Who's the person who is in your employ who

    13 has the most knowledge about what documents, images,

    14 notes, and information are available through the MSP

    15 software which LPS employs?

    16 A I don't know off the top of my head, sir.

    17 Q Do you have a manager of technology or a

    18 vice president of technology?

    19 A Yes, we do.

    20 Q And that's with LPS?

    21 A Yes.

    22 Q And they are in this compound that we're

    23 here at today?

    24 A I don't know whether they're in this

    25 compound or up in our Minnesota location.

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    1 Q And --

    2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Excuse me. I'm sorry,

    3 can I take a moment to change tape?

    4 MR. WOOTEN: Certainly.

    5 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off record at 10:07.

    6 (Off the record discussion.)

    7 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going back on record at

    8 10:10, beginning of Videotape No. 2.


    BY MR. WOOTEN:10 Q The next area of inquiry that we delineated

    11 in our 30(b)(6), Mr. Newland, was: Testimony and

    12 documents regarding all correspondence, images,

    13 documents, notes or communications, in whatever form

    14 and by whatever medium contained in the foreclosure

    15 notes of the Fidelity software for the subject loan.

    16 As well as a definitional code sheet for any codes

    17 used to explain or describe this data.

    18 Now, we've established that Fidelity

    19 software means MSP. I'm assuming that LPS only uses

    20 MSP; is that correct?

    21 A No, that's not correct.

    22 Q What other software platforms does LPS use

    23 other than MSP, please, sir?

    24 A We have Fiserv that we utilize for -- I

    25 mean, all clients are different as far as different

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    1 mortgage services software.

    2 Q Let me stop you, because I hear what you're

    3 saying, you're talking about some other issues. I'm

    4 talking about with respect to the foreclosure work

    5 that LPS does, are there any other software platform

    6 that your employees at LPS utilize other than your

    7 parent company software, MSP?

    8 A Yes, there other -- there is other platforms


    that we utilize.10 Q Okay. Tell me the names of each of those

    11 other platforms, please, sir.

    12 A For different clients, we utilize our

    13 updated Fiserv MortgageServ.

    14 Q Let me just -- slow down just a second for

    15 me. Fiserv, F-I-S-E-R-V?

    16 A I believe.

    17 Q And what exactly does that software do,

    18 please, sir?

    19 A It's known as -- well, it's basically a

    20 mortgage servicing platform, if that's what you're

    21 asking, if we update other mortgaging servicing

    22 platforms, yes, we do.

    23 Q What do you do with Fiserv?

    24 A We just update different screens.

    25 Q You update different screens?

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    1 A Uh-huh.

    2 Q Is that a vehicle by which you provide data

    3 to your clients?

    4 A Yes.

    5 Q Tell me what screens you are aware of Fiserv

    6 updates.

    7 A I do not know.

    8 Q Who in your employ would be the person with


    the most knowledge about that?10 A Probably our securities area.

    11 Q Who is that person?

    12 A I don't know off the top of my head.

    13 Q Would Fiserv also be the vehicle by which

    14 your firm delivered bills to its customers?

    15 A No.

    16 Q Is Fiserv the vehicle by which your company

    17 would add fee charges to customer accounts?

    18 A We do not add --

    19 MR. CASH: Objection to the form.

    20 Q You can answer if you know.

    21 A We do not add fees.

    22 Q Okay. When LPS provides services to its

    23 clients, does it charge fees?

    24 A No.

    25 Q I'm sorry?

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    1 A To our clients, no.

    2 Q Okay. Let me ask it another way. When you

    3 provide services to the mortgage servicers which hire

    4 you to do foreclosure work, do you charge fees for

    5 that work?

    6 A No, we don't.

    7 Q Okay. Tell me what you charge, how you get

    8 paid for the work that you do, please, sir.


    MR. CASH: I'm going to object to that10 question. That's proprietary, and there's no

    11 reason to go into it based upon the allegations

    12 set forth in this lawsuit. There's no relevance

    13 based upon any claim being made in this lawsuit.

    14 Unless, Nick, you can point me to one of the

    15 allegations in here that supports that question.

    16 MR. WOOTEN: Well, let's do this, Mr. Cash.

    17 We'll come back to that question in a few

    18 minutes. I don't want to get too far out of

    19 order.

    20 MR. CASH: Okay. The objection will be the

    21 same later, but --

    22 MR. WOOTEN: That'll be fine. You'll be

    23 welcome to make it.

    24 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    25 Q Make sure I understand this, Mr. Newland.

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    1 LPS have contracts with the attorneys who provide

    2 services with respect to foreclosures and bankruptcies

    3 who are partners of LPS?

    4 A Yes.

    5 Q And do those contracts set forth the fees

    6 which those attorneys will charge for standard

    7 services?

    8 A No.


    Q Do those contracts provide for the payment10 of a referral fee from those attorneys to LPS?

    11 A No.

    12 Q Does LPS have contracts with those mortgage

    13 servicers for which it provides default services?

    14 A Yes.

    15 Q How many mortgage servicers does LPS provide

    16 default services for, please, sir?

    17 A Approximately 34.

    18 Q And 34 servicers, what percentage of the

    19 mortgage servicers existing in America today is

    20 represented by that 34?

    21 MR. CASH: Objection. That's not relevant.

    22 You don't have to answer it. Unless you can show

    23 me how that's supported in any way by your

    24 complaint in this case, Nick.

    25 MR. WOOTEN: Mr. Cash --

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    1 MR. CASH: Yes, sir.

    2 MR. WOOTEN: -- are the rules with respect

    3 to deposition question objections different in

    4 Texas than they are in Alabama?

    5 MR. CASH: Not materially. So, for

    6 something to be discoverable, it must be relevant

    7 or it must be reasonably likely to lead -- and it

    8 must be reasonably likely to lead to discovery of


    admissible evidence. So the first threshold is10 relevance. If something is irrelevant --

    11 MR. WOOTEN: So I just want to make sure,

    12 you're making a legal ruling --

    13 MR. CASH: I just want to make sure that I

    14 get it on the record.

    15 MR. WOOTEN: -- with respect to whether or

    16 not your client can answer a deposition question.

    17 MR. CASH: No, sir, I'm not making a legal

    18 ruling. What I'm saying is that the question

    19 you're asking is not relevant, and I'm not going

    20 to let you go on a fishing expedition, because

    21 it's harassing and it's not relevant to any issue

    22 in this case.

    23 If you will point out to me any way in which

    24 it is relevant based upon the complaint on file,

    25 I may withdraw or reconsider the objection.

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    1 That's what I'm saying.

    2 MR. WOOTEN: So what I want to make clear

    3 is, is that we've all traveled to Jacksonville,

    4 Florida, to take this deposition.

    5 MR. CASH: Yes, sir, we have.

    6 MR. WOOTEN: And you're making an objection

    7 and specifically instructing your witness not to

    8 answer the question rather than making your


    objection and allowing him to answer the question10 and preserving the issue for the Court.

    11 MR. CASH: What I am saying is, that we are

    12 not going to go far afield and do a fishing

    13 expedition here. I am more than happy to call

    14 the Court, if you want to do that. If you want

    15 to call the Court and get guidance ahead of

    16 time --

    17 MR. WOOTEN: Sure, why don't you run out

    18 there and call the Court, that'll be fine. We'll

    19 keep taking the deposition.

    20 MR. CASH: They're your questions. If you

    21 would like the Court to get involved, I'm happy

    22 to do so.

    23 MR. WOOTEN: No, I just want to make sure we

    24 have a record, that you are here and you're

    25 telling your client not to answer. That's all I

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    1 want to make a record of.

    2 MR. CASH: What I am telling my client to

    3 do, and the record is very clear and you don't

    4 have to repeat it, I'm telling my client not to

    5 answer irrelevant fishing expedition questions.

    6 And I'm also at the same time giving you every

    7 opportunity to show me anywhere in your complaint

    8 that makes that question relevant and I will


    reconsider that instruction. You have declined10 to do so.

    11 MR. WOOTEN: I don't have to show you where

    12 it's relevant. You have a right to object --

    13 MR. CASH: Then --

    14 MR. WOOTEN: -- he can answer and the Court

    15 can rule whether the question is relevant or not

    16 when we can go back in front of the Court.

    17 MR. CASH: I also have the right to object.

    18 And if I feel that it is harassment and it is far

    19 afield, then I have the right to instruct him not

    20 to answer under the Alabama rules and the federal

    21 rules.

    22 MR. WOOTEN: Well, that'll be fine, but the

    23 next time we take this deposition it'll be in

    24 DeKalb County, Alabama, it won't be in

    25 Jacksonville. Okay?

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    1 MR. CASH: I didn't know you had that kind

    2 of power.

    3 MR. WOOTEN: Well, you just keep doing this

    4 and you'll see.

    5 MR. CASH: Well, I'm trying to -- Nick, if

    6 you will ask questions that are supported by this

    7 complaint --

    8 MR. WOOTEN: I'm going to ask the


    questions --10 MR. CASH: -- I will absolutely sit here and

    11 be quiet.

    12 MR. WOOTEN: -- I want to ask, and you can

    13 object to them.

    14 MR. CASH: Well, see, therein lies the

    15 problem --

    16 MR. WOOTEN: And if you don't like them --

    17 MR. CASH: -- you don't get to ask anything

    18 and everything.

    19 MR. WOOTEN: If you don't like the

    20 questions, object to them and the Court can rule.

    21 MR. CASH: I have. And I will tell my --

    22 MR. WOOTEN: But to sit here and tell your

    23 client not to answer questions --

    24 MR. CASH: Here's what you don't get to do,

    25 Nick, what you don't get to do is to go into this

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    1 entire fishing expedition that has nothing to do

    2 with this lawsuit and gather all this information

    3 and then later have the Court rule, well, all of

    4 it was irrelevant, but it really doesn't matter

    5 to you, because you've gone ahead and gathered it

    6 for your purposes. We're not going to do that

    7 here today.

    8 MR. WOOTEN: You know what --


    MR. CASH: And you know what, if we have to10 come to DeKalb County and take the deposition

    11 again, so be it, that is an expense that I will

    12 incur.

    13 MR. WOOTEN: Well, that'll be fine.

    14 MR. CASH: All right, then. Why don't you

    15 quit fussing at me and just ask your questions.

    16 MR. WOOTEN: Well, why don't you quit

    17 interfering with my deposition.

    18 MR. CASH: I'm not interfering, I'm just

    19 making my objections and making my instructions.

    20 I haven't engaged you at all, Nick. I've just

    21 made my objections for the record.

    22 MR. WOOTEN: No, but you're instructing your

    23 witness not to answer.

    24 MR. CASH: I know what I'm doing, I'm not

    25 engaging you, so why don't you --

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    1 MR. WOOTEN: That's fine.

    2 MR. CASH: -- just pay attention to your

    3 deposition and take it, and I'll do my job, you

    4 do yours.

    5 MR. WOOTEN: Okay. If you won't interfere

    6 with my deposition, I'll --

    7 MR. CASH: I'm not interfering with it,

    8 brother, I'm just making objections to


    objectionable questions. Stop asking10 objectionable questions and we will sail along.

    11 I didn't say a word for the first hour of this

    12 deposition.

    13 MR. WOOTEN: Yeah, well, we were talking

    14 about where your client worked --

    15 MR. CASH: Nothing objectionable.

    16 MR. WOOTEN: -- before he got here.

    17 MR. CASH: Nothing objectionable.

    18 MR. WOOTEN: That's right.

    19 MR. CASH: I don't object if it's not

    20 objectionable, Nick.

    21 MR. WOOTEN: You know what, I hope you enjoy

    22 this veil of secrecy as long as you can, because

    23 it ain't going to last.

    24 MR. CASH: It's not a veil of secrecy, I'm

    25 happy to tell you things that are relevant to

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    1 this lawsuit. But if you want to go fishing, you

    2 ought to be in the Gulf, not in this conference

    3 room.

    4 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    5 Q Mr. Newland, have you testified or been

    6 requested to testify in front of a grand jury with

    7 respect to the practices of LPS with regards to its

    8 foreclosure and bankruptcy practices?


    A No, I have not.10 Q Are you aware of a pending federal

    11 investigation by the United States Department of

    12 Justice or the United States bankruptcy trustee office

    13 regarding your business's foreclosure and bankruptcy

    14 practices?

    15 A No, I'm not.

    16 Q So your testimony's that you have not

    17 received any notification that there is an active

    18 federal investigation of your company's practices?

    19 A No.

    20 MR. CASH: Objection to form. Go ahead.

    21 THE WITNESS: No, I have not.

    22 BY MR. WOOTEN:

    23 Q Are you aware that there is an active

    24 investigation by the State of Connecticut with regard

    25 to similar issues?

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    1 A No, I'm not.

    2 Q Have you been asked to testify or produce

    3 any documents from your client with respect to these

    4 issues?

    5 A No, I have not.

    6 Q And your testimony here today is, is that

    7 you cannot tell me the person in your employ who can

    8 tell me what exactly the data is that is provided to


    your clients through the Fiserv software?10 A No, I cannot.

    11 Q Tell me each person who is directly

    12 answerable to you on a day-to-day basis with respect

    13 to management. Do you have vice presidents who work

    14 for you?

    15 A Yes, I do.

    16 Q Okay. How many of them?

    17 A I have two vice presidents that work for me.

    18 Q Okay. And who are they, please, sir?

    19 A Charles -- or, I'm sorry, Tara Engle.

    20 Q Can you spell that for me, please, sir?

    21 A T-A-R-A, last name Engle, E-N-G-L-E.

    22 Q What is her title, please, sir?

    23 A Vice president of special assets.

    24 Q And does LPS have a definition of special

    25 assets, please, sir?

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    1 A I believe I told you that earlier.

    2 Q Okay. This -- what you mentioned earlier,

    3 that was not with respect to a different client?

    4 A No.

    5 Q Or different employment?

    6 A No.

    7 Q Who is the other vice president who works

    8 for you, please, sir?


    A James Richards. Would you like me to spell10 that?

    11 Q I think I can handle that one, Mr. Newland.

    12 A All right. Okay.

    13 Q And what is his title, please, sir?

    14 A He is vice president of special assets also.

    15 Q And are both of those individuals who are in

    16 your employ located here in Jacksonville?

    17 A One is located here in Jacksonville and the

    18 other one is located in West Palm Beach, work at home.

    19 Q Okay. Are there any vice presidents who are

    20 not directly answerable to you who also work in LPS,

    21 either in this facility or in the Mendota Heights

    22 facility?

    23 A Are there any other vice presidents in

    24 Lender Processing Services?

    25 Q Who answer directly to you --

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    1 A No.

    2 Q -- either here or in Mendota Heights,

    3 Minnesota?

    4 A No, not vice presidents.

    5 Q Okay. What other persons answer directly to

    6 you with respect to day-to-day activities of LPS?

    7 A Can you clarify the question one more time,

    8 please.


    Q I'm assuming that you have a management team10 of some sort that answers to you?

    11 A Yes, I do.

    12 Q Okay. On more or less a daily, weekly type

    13 basis?

    14 A Yes.

    15 Q Okay. And I'm assuming that Tara Engle and

    16 James Richards are not the only members of that

    17 management team?

    18 A No, there's two other members.

    19 Q Who else is there?

    20 A Charles Martisek.

    21 Q I can handle, Charles, but will you try

    22 Martisek --

    23 A Sure.

    24 Q -- for me?

    25 A M-A-R-T-I-S-E-K.

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    1 Q And what is his title, please?

    2 A Assistant vice president, attorney

    3 management.

    4 Q And what does his job involve?

    5 A He basically manages our attorney network.

    6 Q Okay.

    7 A Or part of our attorney network.

    8 Q What part does he manage?


    A Basically the Court foreclosure steps, which10 basically means provides a conduit for our clients'

    11 communications with the attorneys.

    12 Q Is that accomplished through a particular

    13 portion of the software employed by LPS known as MSP?

    14 A No.

    15 Q Is it accomplished through some other

    16 software portal which is employed by LPS?

    17 A Yes.

    18 Q And what is the name of that portal, please,

    19 sir?

    20 A Process Management.

    21 Q And please tell me everything which Process

    22 Management provides to your attorney network.

    23 A Basically it's the communication work flow

    24 process, in which we help manage the attorneys as far

    25 as it goes, as far as the foreclosure or bankruptcy

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    1 action.

    2 Q Is the Process Management system -- is

    3 compliance with the Process Management system by your

    4 attorney network the measure by which your attorney

    5 network receives their APR rating with your company?

    6 A Can you clarify that question again?

    7 Q Sure. I understand that your Process

    8 Management system sets forth guidelines or time lines


    within which your attorneys must complete certain10 actions; is that correct?

    11 A That is correct.

    12 Q Okay. And those guidelines are set forth by

    13 Fidelity to your attorney members; is that correct?

    14 A No, it's not correct.

    15 Q Okay. Tell me how those guidelines are

    16 determined please, sir.

    17 A They are guidelines that are determined by

    18 the clients.

    19 Q And in this respect, who are the clients,

    20 please, sir?

    21 A Servicers.

    22 Q Is it your testimony here today that

    23 Fidelity does not set the guidelines within which

    24 certain tasks must be accomplished by your attorney

    25 network?

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    1 A No, we do not.

    2 Q And you have 34 servicers who use your

    3 network, correct?

    4 A That is correct.

    5 Q You have 34 --

    6 A Approximately.

    7 Q You have 34 different sets of guidelines?

    8 A Yes, we do.


    Q And 34 different sets of time lines, I10 assume then?

    11 A Not necessarily.

    12 Q The time line aspect of this issue, is it

    13 your testimony that Fidelity does not control that?

    14 A That is correct.

    15 Q Excuse me. Let me rephrase that. Is it

    16 your testimony that LPS does not control the time line

    17 process?

    18 A That is correct.

    19 Q Besides work flow management, what other

    20 information is provided to your attorneys through the

    21 Process Management?

    22 A In what respect?

    23 Q Work flow management, please explain to me

    24 everything you understand the work flow management

    25 portion of Process Management to entail.

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    1 A Basically what we do is, we provide the

    2 mechanism as far as steps that need to be completed by

    3 the attorneys in reference to the actions that they're

    4 taking. If they need some type of information, we

    5 have the ability for the attorneys to open up what is

    6 called issues or processes to request those items, and

    7 then we will go out and look for those items and/or

    8 work with the clients in reference to obtaining that


    information.10 MR. CASH: Nick, for the record, all the

    11 Process Management notes are this top group of

    12 back and forth that have been produced.

    13 MR. WOOTEN: These were previously produced.

    14 MR. CASH: And those are on this loan on the

    15 Process Management.

    16 MR. WOOTEN: This is -- these are the

    17 process notes, which is Page 1 of 25.

    18 MR. CASH: Correct.

    19 MR. WOOTEN: And I have those marked in

    20 another exhibit.

    21 MR. CASH: Okay.

    22 MR. WOOTEN: I'm going to mark this

    23 cumulatively, give me just a second, I'm going

    24 to -- I'm not going to try to go back through and

    25 pull that apart for us to look at it.

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    1 case, Birmingham, if they were told by my client's

    2 lawyer or other lawyer that they paid the loan off

    3 with insurance proceeds, he would come back and he

    4 would create an issue and say, oh, by the way, this

    5 loan is supposed to be paid off, tell me what I'm

    6 supposed to do, right?

    7 A That is correct.

    8 Q And then who would respond to that issue?


    A Somebody based off of the issue would10 respond accordingly, whatever the issue would be. In

    11 this case, probably be an insurance claim issue that

    12 would be raised, and which at that time, we would

    13 provide that information over to the client.

    14 Q All right. And so, your testimony is, is

    15 that LPS would then receive the issue from the

    16 attorney and then relay the issue to, in this case,

    17 Option One?

    18 A That would be correct.

    19 Q And LPS would not take any initiative to

    20 make any decision, they would simply wait on Option

    21 One to tell them what to tell the attorney?

    22 A That is correct.

    23 Q Other than Process Management, are there any

    24 other software or software modules or devices which

    25 are used to communicate with your attorney network?

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