bilingual literature appreciation student series (bliss) · 2019-02-28 · • training of paul...

儿童文学欣赏 Bilingual Literature apprecIation Student Series (BLISS) GWP- ALP

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Page 1: Bilingual Literature apprecIation Student Series (BLISS) · 2019-02-28 · • Training of Paul wheel of reasoning by Gifted Education officer • Presentation of ALP in EL CPDD 2017

儿童文学欣赏Bilingual Literature apprecIation

Student Series(BLISS)


Page 2: Bilingual Literature apprecIation Student Series (BLISS) · 2019-02-28 · • Training of Paul wheel of reasoning by Gifted Education officer • Presentation of ALP in EL CPDD 2017

Overview of ALP-BLISS

• To prepare our pupils to thrive in the fast changing, complex global world,

Greenwood Primary School (GWPS) strives to equip our pupils with the 21st

century skills to enable them to think critically, examine problems, gather

information, and make informed decisions.

• The ALP focuses on creativity, critical thinking, communication and

collaboration skills in our school based curriculum.

• Aligned to the GWPS vision of nurturing pupils to be Motivated Learners,

Critical Thinkers and Leaders of Character, and mission of nurturing

individuals to be lifelong learners.

Page 3: Bilingual Literature apprecIation Student Series (BLISS) · 2019-02-28 · • Training of Paul wheel of reasoning by Gifted Education officer • Presentation of ALP in EL CPDD 2017

1。培养语言能力• 能具体明确地说出自己的见闻、体验和想法。• 能独立阅读适合程度的阅读材料,获得知识与信息。

• 能根据需要,运用常见的写作方式,表达情感和看法。

• 能与他人进行口语和书面互动,交流情感、传达信息、表达看法。

• 能综合运用聆听、说话、阅读、写作的语言技能与人沟通。


• 培养品德修养,培养积极正面的价值观,促进全人发展。

• 重视、热爱、欣赏与传承优秀的华族文化。

• 具有生活常识和科普知识,并认识新加坡本土的事物、习俗等。

• 关爱家人、关心社会、热爱国家、关怀世界。

• 培养环球意识,理解并尊重不同文化,以进行跨文化沟通。


• 培养想象力、创造力和批判性思维能力,能分析问题和解决问题。

• 培养自主学习的能力,能主动进行探究式的学习,为终身学习打下基础。

• 培养社交技能与情绪管理的能力,能够处理人际关系,与他人协作,并在团队中做出贡献。

• 能以资讯科技作为交流的手段,与他人进行有效的口头和书面交流。

• 能以资讯科技作为学习的工具,搜索和处理信息,获取知识,提高学习效益。

CL curriculum

School Vision/ Goals

愿景:• 具有批判性的思维的智者;


• 办学方针1 : 智能的发展• 办学方针3 :品德的培养

• 公民意识、环球意识与跨文化沟通技能

• 批评性与创意思维• 沟通、协作与资讯科技技能

2. Alignment to CL syllabus, 21st CC & School Goals

Page 4: Bilingual Literature apprecIation Student Series (BLISS) · 2019-02-28 · • Training of Paul wheel of reasoning by Gifted Education officer • Presentation of ALP in EL CPDD 2017

BLISS Strategies

Socratic Questioning P4C Thinking Routine

What it is A questioning technique to:• probe student thinking,• help students analyse a

concept or line of reasoning.

An approach to learning and teaching, through philosophical inquiry & dialogue

Approach to stimulatepupils’ thinking in finding the root cause

Belief about LEARNING

Learning occurs through:• Asking questions

• Engaging in open dialogue• Inquiry - There is no one right answer

Belief aboutCHILD

• Child’s voice is valued• Child can think for himself

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Mapping of BLISS Learning outcomes

• A sample of the mapping of the learning outcomes with each BLISS lesson is shown above (Annex A)

• Choice of Texts was based on our analysis of our pupils’ profile and their interests.

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Structure of BLISS

10% to 15% of curriculum is for BLISS ( integrated into comprehension lessons)

Primary 1 to 6 pupils are exposed to P4C and

Socratic Questioning

Runs from Term 1 to Term 3

Storybooks, e-books, textbooks, comprehension


Carried out during EL and MT Bliss Lessons

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3. Development of BLISS ( Teachers)

• Staff Training : Project team members attended Philosophy for Children Symposium by STU on 6 -7 June

• Training of SQ by Master Teacher from SCCL

• In house raining on Thinking Routine

• Crafting of lesson plans BLISS lessons


• Training of teachers in Socratic Questioning in Jan

• Review and refinement of lesson packages

• Recording of lessons for teacher development

• Training of Paul wheel of reasoning by Gifted Education officer

• Presentation of ALP in EL CPDD


Tier 1Integration of BLISS concepts in the teaching of comprehension

Tier 2Refinement of Tier 2 English BLISS lessonsSharing of BLISS curriculum during MT symposium ( National)P4C level 2 Training for 2 selected teachers in Melbourne

2018• Prototyping of

BLISS programme with 2 Primary 5 classes to gather feedback and suitability of lessons


Page 8: Bilingual Literature apprecIation Student Series (BLISS) · 2019-02-28 · • Training of Paul wheel of reasoning by Gifted Education officer • Presentation of ALP in EL CPDD 2017

3. Development of BLISS ( Pupils)

Tier 1• Implementation

of BLISS lessons for all levels

Tier 2• BLISS camp


Tier 1Integration of BLISS concepts in the teaching of comprehension

Tier 2Refinement of Tier 2 English BLISS lessonsJournalism workshop for P4 & P5 pupils ( SPH)Publication of BLISSful WHIZZ in the Woods (2) written and edited by the pupils


ierTier 1

Integration of BLISS concepts in the teaching of comprehension

Tier 2Refinement of Tier 2 English BLISS lessonsJournalism workshop for P4 & P5 pupils(SPH)Publication of BLISSful WHIZZ in the Woods (2) written and edited by the pupils

2018• Prototyping of

BLISS programme with 2 Primary 5 classes


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BLISS Lessons in Class

Teacher conducting BLISS

lessonPupils doing BLISS activity. Pupils discussion to come up with

the BIG question

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Self exploration of AR app in BLISS room(For video, visit our school website)

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P4C – Sharing of Questions with Peers (For video, visit our school website)

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P4C – Crafting of Questions (For video, visit our school website)

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P4C – Sharing ideas with peers(For video, visit our school website)

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Tier 2 Activities- Speech and Drama workshop

Pupils listened attentively to the


Pupils discussed about the


Pupils preparing the prop

Pupils in action End of the performanceReady for action

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SPH visit

Sharing by SPH reporter Photography lesson Writing newpaper report

Junior Reporter workshop



Publication Team

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Monitoring of Programme

Reflections by pupils

Feedback from teachers

Tracking of Oral & Comprehension Results (Item Analysis on questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy)

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ReflectionsBLISS lessons are very interesting as I learnt that not everyone has the same point of view. I enjoy brainstorming using think, puzzle explore to come up with our group’s big question and finally vote for the class question.

~Xin Yi, 5 Positive

I like watching the story on the Giving Tree. I learnt how to use ‘because’ to explain my reason.

~Javen Loo, 2 Empathy

I learnt how to be a STAR team player. I also learnt how to support my reason.

~Chew Kai En, 1 Joy

I have learnt to work well with my group members.I will think deeper for different solutions when I face a

problem.~ Tae Eun, 2 Joy

I have learnt to look at things from a different perspective and also project my voice in class discussions. I like listening to the reasons my friends give when they share a point.

~Ngan Yu Hang, 4 Care

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Thank you!

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• 2015 Syllabus Chinese Language Primary

• 21st CC competencies
