biharmonic maps between riemannian manifolds2012/11/05  · biharmonic maps between riemannian...

Biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds R. Caddeo 1 , E. Loubeau 2 , S. Montaldo 1 , C. Oniciuc 3 , P. Piu 1 1 Department of Mathematics, Cagliari, Italy - 2 Department of Mathematics, Brest, France - 3 Faculty of Mathematics, Iasi, Romania [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 58E20 Poster N. 57 - Scientific Section N. 5 The definition Let ϕ :(M,g ) (N,h) be a smooth map between Rieman- nian manifolds Harmonic maps are critical points of the energy functional E (ϕ)= 1 2 Z M || 2 v g The corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation is ([8]) τ (ϕ) = trace g =0 Biharmonic maps are the critical points of the bienergy func- tional E 2 (ϕ)= 1 2 Z M |τ (ϕ)| 2 v g , and are solutions of the following Euler-Lagrange equation associated to E 2 ([10]) τ 2 (ϕ)= -Δτ (ϕ) - trace g R N (dϕ, τ (ϕ))=0 Δ= - trace g ( ϕ ϕ -∇ ϕ ) is the rough Laplacian R N (X, Y )=[X , Y ] -∇ [X,Y ] is the curvature on N General properties A harmonic map is obviously a biharmonic map and an absolute minimum of the bienergy. A non-harmonic bi- harmonic map is called proper biharmonic. E 2 does not satisfy Palais-Smale condition (C ) if dim(M ) 3. A proper biharmonic map does not exist if: M is compact and Riem N 0 ([10]) ϕ : M N is an isometric immersion with |τ (ϕ)| = constant and Riem N 0 ([14]) ϕ : M 2 N 3 is an isometric immersion and N 3 has con- stant non positive curvature ([7, 4]) ϕ is a Riemannian submersion with basic tension field and one of the following holds ([14]): a) M is compact, orientable and Ricci N 0 b) Ricci N < 0 and |τ (ϕ)| is constant c) N is compact and Ricci N < 0 Generalized Chen’s Conjecture: Biharmonic submani- folds of a manifold N with Riem N 0 are minimal Main Examples and Constructions The following maps are proper biharmonic: Any polynomial map of degree 3 between Euclidean spaces The generalized Kelvin transformation ([1]) ϕ : R m \{0}→ R m \{0}, ϕ(p)= p |p| m-2 ,m 4 The standard immersion of the generalized Clifford torus into the sphere [10] i : S p ( 1 2 ) × S q ( 1 2 ) S n+1 (1), p 6= q, p + q = n The standard immersion of the parallel hyper- sphere ([4]) S n ( 1 2 ) S n+1 (1) Property: The composition M ϕ -→ S n ( 1 2 ) i -→ S n+1 (1) (1) is proper biharmonic if and only if ϕ is harmonic with con- stant energy density e(ϕ)= 1 2 || 2 ([12, 4]). Application: There exist closed orientable embedded proper biharmonic surfaces of arbitrary genus in S 4 ([4]). Classification results Proper biharmonic curves on a surface of revolution are classified, for example we have ([2]): Biharmonic curves on a ondu- loid Biharmonic curves on a nodoid Biharmonic curves on a torus A biharmonic curve on a sphere (in red) tangent to a harmonic curve (in green) Proper biharmonic curves on the eight 3-dimensional Thurston geometries are classified by means of Cartan-Vranceanu metrics ds 2 ‘,m = dx 2 +dy 2 [1+m(x 2 +y 2 )] 2 + dz + 2 ydx-xdy [1+m(x 2 +y 2 )] 2 , ‘,m R. They are: helices (curves with con- stant geodesic curvature and geodesic torsion) for any value of m and and their parametrization is described explicitly in ([6]). In particular: If 2 =4m, then (M, ds 2 ‘,m ) is the standard 3-sphere and the bihar- monic helices are ([3]): - circles of radius 1 2 - geodesics of the Clifford torus S 1 ( 1 2 ) × S 1 ( 1 2 ) S 3 If m =0, then (M,ds 2 ‘,m ) is the Heisenberg space and the biharmonic he- lices are the intersec- tion of a cylinder with a ”helicoid” and they are geodesics of the cylinder ([5]). Surfaces A proper biharmonic surface of S 3 is locally a piece of S 2 ( 1 2 ) S 3 . If compact, it is S 2 ( 1 2 ) ([3]). A Hopf cylinder S γ N 3 (c), c> 1, in a Sasakian space form is proper biharmonic if γ is a Riemannian circle ([9]). The stress-energy tensor As described by Hilbert, the stress-energy tensor associated to a variational problem is a sym- metric 2-covariant tensor field S conservative at critical points, i.e. div S =0 at these points. In the context of harmonic maps, the stress-energy tensor is S = 1 2 || 2 g - ϕ * h, with div S = -hτ (ϕ), dϕi For biharmonic maps the stress-energy tensor is ([11, 13]) S 2 (X, Y )= 1 2 |τ (ϕ)| 2 hX, Y i + hdϕ, τ (ϕ)ihX, Y i -h(X ), Y τ (ϕ)i-h(Y ), X τ (ϕ)i, with div S 2 = -hτ 2 (ϕ), dϕi Property: The tensor S (S 2 ) vanishes precisely at critical points of the energy (bienergy) for variations of the domain metric, rather than for variations of the map ([16, 13]). A map ϕ :(M,g ) (N,h) with S 2 =0 is harmonic if ([11, 13]): dim(M )=2 M is compact and orientable with dim(M ) 6=4 ϕ is an isometric immersion and dim(M ) 6=4 M is complete and ϕ has finite energy and bienergy M is compact, dim(M ) = dim(N )=4 and rank ϕ =4 Two characterizations ([11, 13]): An isometric immersion ϕ :(M 4 ,g ) (N,h) has S 2 =0 if and only if it is pseudo-umbilical A hypersurface i : M m N m+1 , m 6=4, has S 2 =0 if and only if it is parallel Feature: S 2 is useful in finding new biharmonic maps. Application: A submersion ϕ :(M,g ) (N,h) with basic tension field τ (ϕ)= ζ ϕ is biharmonic if ζ is Killing and of constant norm ([13]). Stability Let ϕ :(M,g ) S n be a biharmonic map. Then the Hessian of the bienergy at ϕ is given by ([10, 15]) H 2 (V,W )= Z M hI (V ),W iv g , where I (V ) is the Jacobi operator of the bienergy. Although I has a rather complicated form ([15]), in the case of the identity map Id of S n it becomes I Id (V ) = Δ(ΔV ) - 2(n - 1)ΔV +(n - 1) 2 V, and we deduce a) if n =2, then nullity(Id)=6 b) if n> 2, then nullity(Id)= n(n+1) 2 All the biharmonic maps constructed using (1), of Exam- ples and Constructions, are unstable. The biharmonic index of the canonical inclusion i : S n-1 ( 1 2 ) S n is exactly 1, and its nullity is n(n-1) 2 + n ([12]). Conjecture: The biharmonic index of S m (1/2) × S m (1/2) S 2m+1 (1/ 2) S 2m+2 is exactly 1 Further Studies The hyperspheres S m ( 1 2 ) and the generalized Clifford torus are the only known examples of proper biharmonic hyper- surfaces of S m+1 . Open problem: Prove that proper biharmonic hypersur- faces of S m+1 have constant mean curvature Open problem: Classify all proper biharmonic hypersur- faces of S m+1 Open problem: Compute the biharmonic index of the gen- eralized Clifford torus in S m+1 Harmonic maps do not always exists, for instance, J. Eells and J.C. Wood showed that there exists no harmonic map from T 2 to S 2 (whatever the metrics chosen) in the homotopy class of Brouwer degree ±1. Open problem: Find a biharmonic map from T 2 to S 2 The Ruh-Vilms theorem asserts that an isometric immer- sion ϕ : M R n has parallel mean curvature vector field if and only if the Gauss map γ : M G m (R n ) is harmonic Open problem: Characterize isometric immersions ϕ : M R n with biharmonic Gauss map References [1] A. Balmus ¸, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic maps between warped product manifolds. J. Geom. Phys, to appear. [2] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, P. Piu. Biharmonic curves on a surface. Rend. Mat. Appl., 21 (2001), 143–157. [3] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic submanifolds of S 3 . Int. J. Math., 12 (2001), 867– 876. [4] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic submanifolds in spheres. Israel J. Math., 130 (2002), 109–123. [5] R. Caddeo, C. Oniciuc, P. Piu. Explicit formulas for non-geodesic biharmonic curves of the Heisen- berg group. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino, 62 (2004), 265–278. [6] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc, P. Piu. The classification of biharmonic curves of Cartan- Vranceanu 3-dimensional spaces. arXiv:math.DG/0510435. [7] B.-Y. Chen. Some open problems and conjectures on submanifolds of finite type. Soochow J. Math., 17 (1991), 169–188. [8] J. Eells, J.H. Sampson. Harmonic mappings of Riemannian manifolds. Amer. J. Math., 86 (1964), 109–160. [9] J. Inoguchi. Submanifolds with harmonic mean curvature in contact 3-manifolds. Colloq. Math., 100 (2004), 163–179 . [10] G.Y. Jiang. 2-harmonic maps and their first and second variational formulas. Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A, 7 (1986), 389–402. [11] G.Y. Jiang. The conservation law for 2-harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds. Acta Math. Sinica, 30 (1987), 220–225. [12] E. Loubeau, C. Oniciuc. The index of biharmonic maps in spheres. Compos. Math. 141 (2005), 729–745. [13] E. Loubeau, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. On the stress-energy tensor for biharmonic maps. arXiv:math.DG/0602021. [14] C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds. An. Stiint. Univ. Al.I. Cuza Iasi Mat. (N.S.), 48 (2002), 237–248. [15] C. Oniciuc. On the second variation formula for biharmonic maps to a sphere. Publ. Math. Debrecen, 61 (2002), 613–622. [16] A. Sanini. Applicazioni tra variet ` a riemanniane con energia critica rispetto a deformazioni di metri- che. Rend. Mat., 3 (1983), 53–63. The bibliography of biharmonic maps

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Page 1: Biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds2012/11/05  · Biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds R. Caddeo1, E. Loubeau2, S. Montaldo1, C. Oniciuc3, P. Piu1 1Department of

Biharmonic maps betweenRiemannian manifolds

R. Caddeo1, E. Loubeau2, S. Montaldo1, C. Oniciuc3, P. Piu1

1Department of Mathematics, Cagliari, Italy - 2Department of Mathematics, Brest, France - 3Faculty of Mathematics, Iasi, Romania

[email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected]

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 58E20

Poster N. 57 - Scientific Section N. 5

The definition

Let ϕ : (M, g) → (N, h) be a smooth map between Rieman-nian manifolds

Harmonic maps are critical points of the energy functional

E(ϕ) =1



The corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation is ([8])

τ (ϕ) = traceg∇dϕ = 0

Biharmonic maps are the critical points of the bienergy func-tional

E2(ϕ) =1


M|τ (ϕ)|2 vg,

and are solutions of the following Euler-Lagrange equationassociated to E2 ([10])

τ2(ϕ) = −∆τ (ϕ)− traceg RN (dϕ, τ (ϕ))dϕ = 0

∆ = − traceg(

∇ϕ∇ϕ −∇ϕ∇


is the rough LaplacianRN (X,Y ) = [∇X ,∇Y ]−∇[X,Y ] is the curvature on N

General properties

• A harmonic map is obviously a biharmonic map and anabsolute minimum of the bienergy. A non-harmonic bi-harmonic map is called proper biharmonic.

•E2 does not satisfy Palais-Smale condition (C) ifdim(M ) ≤ 3.

A proper biharmonic map does not exist if:

•M is compact and RiemN ≤ 0 ([10])

• ϕ : M → N is an isometric immersion with |τ (ϕ)| =constant and RiemN ≤ 0 ([14])

• ϕ : M2 → N3 is an isometric immersion and N 3 has con-stant non positive curvature ([7, 4])

• ϕ is a Riemannian submersion with basic tension fieldand one of the following holds ([14]):

a) M is compact, orientable and RicciN ≤ 0

b) RicciN < 0 and |τ (ϕ)| is constantc) N is compact and RicciN < 0

Generalized Chen’s Conjecture: Biharmonic submani-folds of a manifold N with RiemN ≤ 0 are minimal

Main Examples and Constructions

The following maps are proper biharmonic:

• Any polynomial map of degree 3 between Euclideanspaces

• The generalized Kelvin transformation ([1])

ϕ : Rm \ {0} → R

m \ {0}, ϕ(p) = p|p|m−2 , m ≥ 4

• The standard immersion of the generalized Clifford torusinto the sphere [10]

i : Sp( 1√

2)× S

q( 1√2) → S

n+1(1), p 6= q, p + q = n

The standard immersion of the parallel hyper-sphere ([4]) S

n( 1√2) → S


Property: The composition

Mϕ−→ S

n( 1√2)

i−→ Sn+1(1) (1)

is proper biharmonic if and only if ϕ is harmonic with con-stant energy density e(ϕ) = 1

2|dϕ|2 ([12, 4]).

Application: There exist closed orientable embeddedproper biharmonic surfaces of arbitrary genus in S

4 ([4]).

Classification results

Proper biharmonic curves on a surface of revolution are classified, for example we have ([2]):

Biharmonic curves on a ondu-


Biharmonic curves on a


Biharmonic curves on a torus

A biharmonic curve on a

sphere (in red) tangent to a

harmonic curve (in green)

Proper biharmonic curves on the eight 3-dimensional Thurston geometries are classified bymeans of Cartan-Vranceanu metrics ds2

`,m = dx2+dy2



dz + `2



, `,m ∈ R. They are:

helices (curves with con-stant geodesic curvatureand geodesic torsion) forany value of m and ` andtheir parametrization isdescribed explicitly in ([6]).In particular:

If `2 = 4m, then (M, ds2`,m) is the

standard 3-sphere and the bihar-

monic helices are ([3]):

- circles of radius 1√2

- geodesics of the Clifford torus

S1( 1√

2)× S

1( 1√2) ⊂ S


If m = 0, then (M,ds2`,m)

is the Heisenberg space

and the biharmonic he-

lices are the intersec-

tion of a cylinder with a

”helicoid” and they are

geodesics of the cylinder


Surfaces• A proper biharmonic surface of S

3 is locally a piece of S2( 1√

2) ⊂ S

3. If compact, it is S2( 1√



• A Hopf cylinder Sγ ⊂ N3(c), c > 1, in a Sasakian space form is proper biharmonic if γ is aRiemannian circle ([9]).

The stress-energy tensor

As described by Hilbert, the stress-energy tensor associated to a variational problem is a sym-metric 2-covariant tensor field S conservative at critical points, i.e. div S = 0 at these points.

In the context of harmonic maps, the stress-energy tensor is

S =1

2|dϕ|2g − ϕ∗h, with div S = −〈τ (ϕ), dϕ〉

For biharmonic maps the stress-energy tensor is ([11, 13])

S2(X,Y ) =1

2|τ (ϕ)|2〈X,Y 〉 + 〈dϕ,∇τ (ϕ)〉〈X,Y 〉−〈dϕ(X),∇Y τ (ϕ)〉 − 〈dϕ(Y ),∇Xτ (ϕ)〉, with div S2 = −〈τ2(ϕ), dϕ〉

Property: The tensor S (S2) vanishes precisely at critical points of the energy (bienergy) forvariations of the domain metric, rather than for variations of the map ([16, 13]).

A map ϕ : (M, g) → (N, h) with S2 = 0 is harmonic if([11, 13]):

• dim(M ) = 2

•M is compact and orientable with dim(M ) 6= 4

• ϕ is an isometric immersion and dim(M ) 6= 4

•M is complete and ϕ has finite energy and bienergy

•M is compact, dim(M ) = dim(N ) = 4 and rank ϕ = 4

Two characterizations ([11, 13]):

• An isometric immersionϕ : (M4, g) → (N, h) has S2 = 0 ifand only if it is pseudo-umbilical

• A hypersurface i : Mm → Nm+1,m 6= 4, has ∇S2 = 0 if and only if itis parallel

Feature: S2 is useful in finding new biharmonic maps.

Application: A submersion ϕ : (M, g) → (N, h) with basic tension field τ (ϕ) = ζ ◦ϕ is biharmonicif ζ is Killing and of constant norm ([13]).


Let ϕ : (M, g) → Sn be a biharmonic map. Then the Hessian

of the bienergy at ϕ is given by ([10, 15])

H2(V,W ) =

M〈I(V ),W 〉vg,

where I(V ) is the Jacobi operator of the bienergy.

Although I has a rather complicated form ([15]), in the caseof the identity map Id of S

n it becomes

IId(V ) = ∆(∆V )− 2(n− 1)∆V + (n− 1)2V,and we deduce

a) if n = 2, then nullity(Id) = 6

b) if n > 2, then nullity(Id) =n(n+1)


• All the biharmonic maps constructed using (1), of Exam-ples and Constructions, are unstable.

• The biharmonic index of the canonical inclusion i :Sn−1( 1√

2) → S

n is exactly 1, and its nullity is n(n−1)2 + n


Conjecture: The biharmonic index of Sm(1/2)×Sm(1/2) →S2m+1(1/

√2) → S2m+2 is exactly 1

Further Studies

The hyperspheres Sm( 1√

2) and the generalized Clifford torus

are the only known examples of proper biharmonic hyper-surfaces of S


Open problem: Prove that proper biharmonic hypersur-faces of S

m+1 have constant mean curvature

Open problem: Classify all proper biharmonic hypersur-faces of S


Open problem: Compute the biharmonic index of the gen-eralized Clifford torus in S


Harmonic maps do not always exists, for instance, J. Eellsand J.C. Wood showed that there exists no harmonic mapfrom T

2 to S2 (whatever the metrics chosen) in the homotopy

class of Brouwer degree ±1.

Open problem: Find a biharmonic map from T2 to S


The Ruh-Vilms theorem asserts that an isometric immer-sion ϕ : M → R

n has parallel mean curvature vector field ifand only if the Gauss map γ : M → Gm(Rn) is harmonic

Open problem: Characterize isometric immersions ϕ :M → R

n with biharmonic Gauss map


[1] A. Balmus, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic maps between warped product manifolds. J. Geom.Phys, to appear.

[2] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, P. Piu. Biharmonic curves on a surface. Rend. Mat. Appl., 21 (2001),143–157.

[3] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic submanifolds of S3. Int. J. Math., 12 (2001), 867–


[4] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic submanifolds in spheres. Israel J. Math., 130(2002), 109–123.

[5] R. Caddeo, C. Oniciuc, P. Piu. Explicit formulas for non-geodesic biharmonic curves of the Heisen-berg group. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino, 62 (2004), 265–278.

[6] R. Caddeo, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc, P. Piu. The classification of biharmonic curves of Cartan-Vranceanu 3-dimensional spaces. arXiv:math.DG/0510435.

[7] B.-Y. Chen. Some open problems and conjectures on submanifolds of finite type. Soochow J. Math.,17 (1991), 169–188.

[8] J. Eells, J.H. Sampson. Harmonic mappings of Riemannian manifolds. Amer. J. Math., 86 (1964),109–160.

[9] J. Inoguchi. Submanifolds with harmonic mean curvature in contact 3−manifolds. Colloq. Math.,100 (2004), 163–179 .

[10] G.Y. Jiang. 2-harmonic maps and their first and second variational formulas. Chinese Ann. Math.Ser. A, 7 (1986), 389–402.

[11] G.Y. Jiang. The conservation law for 2-harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds. Acta Math.Sinica, 30 (1987), 220–225.

[12] E. Loubeau, C. Oniciuc. The index of biharmonic maps in spheres. Compos. Math. 141 (2005),729–745.

[13] E. Loubeau, S. Montaldo, C. Oniciuc. On the stress-energy tensor for biharmonic maps.arXiv:math.DG/0602021.

[14] C. Oniciuc. Biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds. An. Stiint. Univ. Al.I. Cuza Iasi Mat.(N.S.), 48 (2002), 237–248.

[15] C. Oniciuc. On the second variation formula for biharmonic maps to a sphere. Publ. Math. Debrecen,61 (2002), 613–622.

[16] A. Sanini. Applicazioni tra varieta riemanniane con energia critica rispetto a deformazioni di metri-che. Rend. Mat., 3 (1983), 53–63.

The bibliography of biharmonic maps