biggs’ constructive alignment: evaluation of a pedagogical model applied to a web course...

Biggs’ Constructive Alignment: Evaluation of a Pedagogical Model Applied to a Web Course [email protected]

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Biggs’ Constructive Alignment: Evaluation of a Pedagogical Model Applied to a Web Course

Biggs’Constructive Alignment:

Evaluation of a PedagogicalModel Applied to a

Web Course

[email protected]

Page 2: Biggs’ Constructive Alignment: Evaluation of a Pedagogical Model Applied to a Web Course

Evidence Based Practice

“Deep Learning” occurs when:• Faculty/Student contact encouraged• Student cooperation encouraged• Active learning is encouraged• Students get prompt feedback• Time on task encouraged• High expectations communicated• Diverse ways of learning respected

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The Challenge

If I’m your student, what do Ihave to do to convince youthat I’m where you want me tobe at the end of this lesson(module, degree program)?

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Constructivist Pedagogy

Learner Characteristics

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Bloom's Taxonomy

Cognitive Domain:• Knowledge• Comprehension• Application• Analysis• Synthesis• Evaluation

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SOLO Taxonomy:Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes

• Prestructural• Unistructural• Multistructural• Relational• Extended Abstract

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Constructive Alignment

• Constructivism as a frameworkwith the learner's activities ascentral in creating meaning.• The instructional designer’semphasis on the relationshipbetween the learning objectivesand the targets for assessingstudent performance.

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• The "performances ofunderstanding" nominated inthe objectives are used tosystematically align theteaching methods and theassessment.

Constructive Alignment

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Botany 431: A Case Study

1. Instructional Experiences Assigned ReadingsPeer Group DiscussionPersonal Reflection

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Botany 431: A Case Study

2. Assessment PortfoliosLearning JournalsTake Home Exams

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Botany 431: A Case Study

3. Constraints & Resources Distance DeliveryTeaching Assistant

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Course Evaluation

Background and Generic Skills • Class of eight students• No prior distance ed experience• Format helped learning• Helped independent learning• Time management skills• Good use of technology

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Pedagogical Background • Material on course philosophyuseful, but in retrospect• SOLO Taxonomy a good modelfor written work but feedbackmore valuable• Learning journal materialvery helpful

Course Evaluation

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Course Evaluation

Desirable future changes: • Reduced workload• More frequent feedback• More texts on reserve• Include a lab• Provide class notes• TA with physiology background

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Desirable features to be retained: • Camaraderie & size of the group• Learning objectives• SOLO Taxonomy• Esme's (Chat Room)• Instructors understanding

Course Evaluation

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Instructor's Evaluation

• Reduce workload• More frequent feedback• Success of the SOLO Taxonomy• Success of Learning Journals• Expand use of on-line Seminar

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Home Pages

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Kinds of Knowledge



Declarative Procedural

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