big sky

Jim was having trouble focusing with this wonderful view in the back ground

Upload: maxmyoung

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Jim was having trouble focusing with this wonderful view in the back ground

Ralph on the first tee.

Rod hitting another great drive

6th hole

Glen on the tee box.

Gregg with another perfect chip

Rod his this drive right down the middle on the 13 hole.

The 18th green at Big Sky.

Ryan ready to place his ball to hit his birdie putt on 18.

JP, Ray, Jim and Lou trying to save par on the 18th hole.

Getting ready for dinner after the round.

Ray, Randy, JP and Terry enjoying ribs after a tough round of golf.

Terry waving to his fans.

Tim excited after winning another skin.

Dave found a new friend.

Jim reaches for a dessert as Joel drools.

We had to take one more picture of this great view.