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  • Bibliography

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  • Index

    Aachener and Miinchener, 15 Accident insurance policies, earliest, II Accident reinsurance, 17, 391-425 Accounting procedures, 531-95

    facultative, 532 inter-company, 531-67 internal, 571-95 management, 559-67, 572 shareholders, 571 standardized, 537 supervisory, 572

    Accounts year, Ill, 200 Accumulations of losses, 350-51, 436-7 Acts of Parliament, etc

    Act touching policies of assurance used among merchants (1601), II

    Act to regulate insurance on ships belonging to the subjects of Great Britain and on merchandises of effects laden thereon (1746), 14

    Arbitration Acts: (1950), 147; (1979), 147; US, 148

    Bankruptcy Acts (1869; 1914), 145 Companies Acts: (1948),145; (1967),

    345; (1948-81), 571 Employers' Liability Act (1969), 407 Insurance Companies Act (1982),

    572 Life Assurance Act (1774), 120 Marine Insurance Act (1906), 80,

    120121, 123, 151, 154 New York Insurance Law, 153 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

    (1974),125 Stamp Act (1891), 80 Statutory solvency regulations, 62 Third Parties (Rights against

    Insurers) Act (1930), 140 Actuaries, 195, 481 Adjustable premiums, 195-6 Administration of reinsurance treaties,

    52-3 Aggregating losses, 183-5, 331-2 Allianz, 40

    American captive insurance companies, 33-4 fire insurance company, first, 12 law, 138, 139-40, 148, 153 reinsurance company, first, 18 reinsurance market, 39, 49, 52-3, 54

    Annual loss expectancy formula, 173 Annuities, 186-7, 505-8

    indexed, 213-8 Anyone risk limits, 166, 355-6 Arab Federation Pools, 20 Argentina, 19 Asian Reinsurance Corpn, 47 Atomic insurance pools, 20 Australia, 48 Aviation insurance, 232-3 Aviation reinsurance, 96, 458-63

    Babylonian marine loans, (3000 BC), 1O-1l

    Bankruptcy see Insolvency Beard, R.E., 318-20. 333 Benktander, Gunnar, 208-10 BIA see British Insurance Assn. Bimeh Markazi of Iran, 36 Blackburn, Low and Company, 152 Bonds, 400-402 Bonds, respondentia, II Borch, Karl, 176 Bordereaux, 235-6, 237-9, 398, 440-41

    465, 498-9 specimen, 237

    Bottomry, 11 Brazil, 19, 36 Breaches of duty, 128 Bretton Woods system of fixed

    exchange rates, 100 Britain, reinsurance market in, 39, 54;

    see also London British Columbia, 35 British fire tariff companies, claim

    report, 238-9 British Insurance Assn (BIA), 537, 587 Brokerage, 53, 89



    Brokers, 10, II, 20-21, 47-53 advantages of, 55-6 legal position, 149-54

    Bruges Chamber of Assurance, 11 Burning costs, 33, 191,200-204,226;

    see also Pure burning costs Business expansion, financing of, 68-9 Business interruption policies, 349 Buyers of reinsurance, 28-37

    Caja Reaseguradora de Chile, 19 Canada/North America, 35, 39, 86,

    541 Cancellation see Termination Cantonal insurance companies,

    Switzerland, 35 Capacity, surplus treaties, 168-9 Captive insurance companies, 32-4 CAR see Contractors All Risks Cargo risks, 232 Cargo treaties, 434-5, 450-53 Cases of litigation and arbitration,

    115-54 Case studies, fire reinsurance, 377-87 Catastrophe

    cover, 180, 184, 185,291,360-67 potential, 192

    Cazenove, Mr, 20 CEA see Comite Europecn Chamber of Assurance, Bruges, 11 Changes, underwriting policy, 238,

    256-7, 260, 297 Chemicals, 349 Chile, 19, 605 Chinese insurance, primitive, 10 Claims

    notification, 261-2, 299-301, 462, 499,548-53

    payment, 265-6 Claims-commutation clause, 213 Claims costs, 61-5

    stabilizing, 66-8 variability, 61-4, 66

    Claims forms, 238-9" Claims negotiations, 263-4 Clean-cut termination, 280-81 Coded excess, 198, 358, 360 Coinsurance, 1215, 17,46,65 Cologne Reinsurance Company, 18 Combined classes of insurance, 251-4,

    412-14 Combined treaties, 170-71


    Comite Europeen des Assurances (CEA),537

    Commencement of liabilities non-proportional treaties, 289-92 proportional treaties, 249

    Commercial Union, 11 Commissions, 9-10, 63, 87-97

    increase by reinsurer's results, 104-5 losses to extinction, 95 profit commission, 93-5, III sample clauses, 106-10 sliding scale/stepped scale, 90-93,

    96-7 super profit commission, 96 three year average, 95

    Common account, 183 Common law, 120, 121

    rights waiver, 127-8 Communist bloc, nationalization, 18,

    2g,35 Compagnie des Proprietaires Reunis

    (Brussels), 15 Compagnie Nationale d' Assurances

    (Paris), 15 Compagnie Royale, 15 Computer simulation models, 337-41 Conflict of laws, 148-9 Consumer prices index, 218 Contingency insurances, 399-400 Continuity, 193 Contracts

    conditions, 241-3 disputes, 80 form of expression,

    120-21, 133-8 legal principles, 115-55 reinsurance, as insurance, 116-17

    Contractors' All Risks (CAR), 412 Control of liabilities, 166-7 Control systems, management, 54 Corporate planning, 593-5 Credit insurance, 402-3 Crop hail insurance, 181 Currencies

    devaluation, 273 fluctuation clause, 218-19, 223, 224-5 foreign, 100-103, 539-42, 590-93

    Darwin (Australia) flood disaster, 358

  • Delays in settlement of accounts, 52, 98,236

    Department of Trade (DOT), 33, 44, 572, 582

    Deposits, premium reserve, 302-3 Developing countries, 19, 35, 36, 65,

    600 Development statistics, 191 Direct insurers

    ceding of reinsurance, 42-3 need for reinsurance, 59-69 purchase of reinsurance, 28-32

    Disclosure duty, 128 Disputes, 80, 146-8 DOT see Department of Trade Double insurance, 13 Downside risk, 62

    Eagle Fire Insurance Company of New York, 15

    EAR (Engineering All Risks), 411 Earthquakes, 64, 361 EEC see European Economic

    Community EML (Estimated Maximum Loss), 323,

    355, 356-7, 398 Employers' liability, 407-8 Engels, G.O., 340 Engineering, 411-12 English law, 116, 119, 120, 138, 153

    difference from American, 139-40 Error clauses, 137, 260 Estimated Maximum Loss see Loss European Economic Community

    (EEC), 128,334,571,605 Ex gratia settlements, 131, 239 Excess-of -average-loss cover, 181 Excess of loss treaties, 17, 64, 72, 99,

    172-219 advantages, 172-6 disadvantages, 176-8 introduction, 16 specimen fire agreement, 305-9

    Exchange control regulations, 546, 603-4

    Exchange rates, 19, 100-103, 539-42 Exclusions, 346-7, 368-9, 395, 417-18,

    434,475-6 Expected losses, 30


    Expenses, 192-3 loading, 206

    Exposure rating, 358-60 Exposure units, interdependence,

    336-40 'Extra-contractual obligations', 264

    Facultative obligatory agreements, 76-7,240-3

    Facultative reinsurance, 14, 16, 17, 73-5, 229-43 disadvantages, 231 legal requirements, 126

    Failure see Insolvency Federal Arbitration Act (USCA), 148 FGU (From the Ground Up), 190 Fidelity Guarantee business, 249 Finance, reinsurance, 531-95 Financing business expansion, 68-9 Fire insurance

    development, 11, 14-16 Fire Offices Committee (FOC), 15, 239 Fire of London (1666), 11 Fire reinsurance, 181, 345-87

    types, 351-2 Fire surplus treaties, specimen clauses,

    346-7 Fixed premium rates, 196-9 Flanders, Duke of (charter of 1310), 11 Flat premium, 194-5 Flixborough chemical plant disaster,

    349 Foreign exchange rates/currency see

    Exchange rates/currency Forms of reinsurance see Types FPA (Free of Particular Average), 232,

    432,440 France, 35, 216

    reinsurance legislation (1681), 13 Franklin, Benjamin, 12 'Free of Particular Average' (FPA),

    232, 432, 440 Friedman,D.G., 336-40 'From the Ground Up' (FGU), 190

    GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 605

    General average, II General Reinsurance Group, 40



    Geographical scope, 252-4 Geratewohl, R., 331 Germany, 48

    West, 35, 37-8 Globe Compagnie d'Assurances contre

    l'lncendie, 16 Good Record Returns (GRR), 89 Great Fire of London (1666), II Greek bottomry and respondentia

    bonds, II Groups of insurance companies, 29-32 Group underwriting schemes, 31-2,

    504-5 GRR (Good Record Returns), 89 Guarantee business, 15, 400-402 Guardian Royal Exchange, 15 Guaschi, F.E., 324-5, 333

    Hand-in-Hand Fire Office, II Heath, Cuthbert, 16 Heckscher, Martin, 20 Heckscher and Gottlieb, 20 History of insurance and reinsurance,

    10-21 Holland,48 Hours clauses, 361, 373 Hull risks

    aviation, 468-71 marine, 232, 434-5, 447-50

    IBNR (Incurred But Not Reported) claims, 191,547,550-51,578

    ILU see Institute of London Underwriters

    IMF see International Monetary Fund Imperial Fire, 15 INA Reinsurance Company, 39 Indemnity, principle of, 4, 129-33 Indexation clauses, 207-18

    illustrated, 221-2 Indexed annuities, 213-17 Indian reinsurance market, 28 Inflation, 97-100, 207-18 Information supply, broker to

    reinsurer, 50-52, 54 Information systems, 54 Ingosstrakh, 36 Insolvency, insurance companies,

    protection against, 7-8, 59-65, 66,


    140-44 technical vs. normal, 66

    Inspection of records, 259-60 Institute of London Underwriters

    (ILU), 53, 148, 538 Insurance

    conduct of business, 5-7 direct, difference from reinsurance,

    3-5 Insurance Companies Regulations

    (1980),572 Insurance Company of North America

    (lNA),39 Insurance Exchanges, 40 Insurance in practice, diagrammatic

    representation, 60-61 Figs. 3.1-4 Insurance Institute of London, 187; see

    also London Insurance Institute Insurance portfolios, 60 International conflict of laws, 148-9 International Monetary Fund (lMF),

    97, 100 International reinsurance, 8, 100,

    253-4, 599-611 markets 26-7, 40

    Investment policy, 328-9, 550-51 Iran, 20, 36 Italy, early insurance practice, II

    Japan, 48

    Kolnische Riickversicherungs Gesellschaft, 18

    Lander, West Germany, insurance corporations, 35

    Language, reinsurance contracts, 133-8 Large numbers, law of, 162 Law see Legal principles Law Reform Committee, 128 Layers, 364-5 Leading companies, world's, 38

    Table 2.2 Legal and General insurance group, 39 Legal principles, 115-55 Letters of credit, 544-6

  • Liability definition, 183-7 effect of indemnity principle, 141 marine, 435-6 nature and extent in proportional

    reinsurance, 254-6 non-proportional, 292-7

    Liberalization, 606-10 Life cover, early, II Life reinsurance/reassurance, 479-528

    origins, 16-17 regulation of, 16-17 specimen treaties, 518-27 types, 483-94

    Life Offices Assn., 587 Limitations

    indemnity rights, 128-31 liability, 131-2, 166-7, 295-6, 361,

    395 recovery rights, 132-3

    Lines, 254-5 Liquidators, 143-4 Litigation precedents, lI5-55 Livestock, 403-5 Lloyd, Edward, 41 Lloyd's of London, lI, 26, 27, 29,

    40-42 accident, 392 accounting, 538, 586 brokers, 20, 26, 48, 53, 55 Corporation of, 40 excess of loss, 16, 72, 392 marine, 232 premiums, 298

    Lloyd's Insurance Brokers Assn, 148 Loading factor, 203-4, 205-6 Loans, marine, Babylonian, 10-11 London Assurance, 12 London Insurance Institute Advanced

    Study Group, 187 claims development, 416, 550 marine, 443, 445-6 'one event' clauses, 362 war risks, 453

    London reinsurance market, 25-7, 28 accident, 392 accounting, 53, 537-8 annuities, 215 aviation, 460, 461 brokers, 48, 53 marine, 433 underwriting agents, 44


    losses in non-proportional reinsurance, 290-92

    Loss event, 294-5 Loss expectancy, 60, 67 Loss probability, 322 Loss settlement, 53 Loss variability, calculation equation,

    30-31 Louis XIV (ordonnance of 1861), 13 McGuinness, l.S., 336-40 Management

    accounting, 559-67, 572 objectives, 66 services, 10, 54-5

    Marine insurance, lI, 12 Marine loans, Babylonian, 10-11 Marine reinsurance, 12-14, 96, 232-3,

    429-56 Markets, 25-56

    brokers, 47-53 buyers, 28-37 international, 26-7 Lloyd's, 40-42 national, 27-8 selIers, 37-47

    Mercantile and General Reinsurance Company, 17, 18,39,314,315 Fig. 9.1

    Mercantile risks, 353-4 Mergers between insurance companies,

    29-32 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

    of New York, 491 Minimum and maximum premium

    rates, 203-4 Minimum solvency margins, 9 Mixing classes of insurance, 252 Motor insurance, 405-7, 415-16 MPL (Maximum Possible Loss), 323,

    355, 398 Munich Reinsurance Company, 38, 40

    Nationalization, 18, 601 National pools, see pools National reinsurance markets, 27-8 NCB see No claims bonus Negotiations for reinsurance treaties,

    52-3 Newcastle Fire Office, 15 New York Insurance Law, 153 Nigeria, 35



    No claims bonus (NCB), 89, 199 Non-proportional reinsurance, 31,

    72-3, 177,289-309 North America see Canada; American Norwich Winterthur Reinsurance

    Company, 40

    Objectionable phrases, 147-8 Objectives, management, 66 OECD (Organization for Economic

    Co-operation and Development, 546, 605

    Oil-rigs, 456 Omissions clauses, 137-8, 260 'One event', 294-5, 404 'One risk', 166, 355-6 OPEC (Organization of Petroleum

    Exporting Countries), 429 Open covers, 76-7, 240-43 Operating results as percentage of

    earned premiums, 61 Fig. 3.4, 64 Fig. 3.5

    Operative clauses, 250-54, 292 Origins

    insurance, 10-12 reinsurance, 12-21

    Outstanding claims, 266, 279-81

    Pakistan, 20 Paramount War Clause, sample, 474 Park, A System of the Law of Marine

    Insurance, 13 'Payback' rating system, 364-5 Personal accident, 405 PHI (Permanent Health Insurance),

    511-15 Philadelphia Contributionship, 12 Philippines motor pool, 20 Placing methods, 73-9

    summary, 74 Fig. 3.7 Pleine propriete, 544 PML (Probable Maximum Loss), 323 Policy construction, 133-8 Policyholders' rights, 138-40

    insolvency cases, 140-41 Policy Proof of Interest (PPI), 122 Policy Signing and Accounting Centre

    (London), 53 Pools, insurance/reinsurance, 20, 37,

    46-7, 77-9, 456, 500 see also Underwriting pools


    Portfolio, insurance, 60 movement example, 281 original, 163 Fig. 5.1 retained, 163 Fig. 5.2 risk profile, 324-6, 336 size and composition, 62-3, 321-2 variability, 63-4

    PPI (Policy Proof of Interest), 122 Practice, reinsurance, 59-112 Premium income, Lloyd's, 41-2

    Table 2.3 Premium loading, 31, 66-7, 326-7 Premium rating, 189-206

    calculations, 60, 260-61 equations, 6 fire reinsurance, 357-60 life reinsurance, 490-92, 494 methods, 194-206

    Pricing of surplus treaties, 169-70 Principles of reinsurance, 59-112 Probability

    of loss, 173, 175, 323 of ruin, 319, 327-8

    Procedures in facultative treaties, 233-6 Product liability, 185, 408-9 Professional indemnity, 185 Profit commission, 199,442, 473 Proportional reinsurance, 31, 71,

    247-86 commencement, 249-50 form, 247-8

    Protection against insolvency see Insolvency

    Prudential insurance group, 39 Pure burning costs, 200-204; see also

    Burning costs

    Questionnaires, sample, 374-6,419-25 Quota-share treaties, 71, 89, 98,


    Railway Passengers Assurance Company, 17

    'Rate on line', 364-5 Reassurance Agreement (1900), 17,

    482-3,495,516-17 Reassurance Company of America, 18 Rebate systems, 205

  • Reciprocity, 16, 80-87 advantages, 81-2, 86 disadvantages, 83-7 marine, 432

    Regional Co-operation for Development Pools, 20

    Regional underwriting pools, 20, 46, 79 Regulations, 62, 68; see also Insolvency Reinarz, Robert, 332 Reinstatement, 369-71 Reinsurance

    definition, 4 development, 10-21 difference from direct insurance, 3-5 functions summarized, 10 legal definition, 115-19 principles and practice, 59-112 purpose, 5-10, 59-69 technical role, 7-9 types, 159-226

    Reinsurance, 132, 136, 151 Reinsurance companies, professional,

    37-40 Reinsurance Company Ltd, 39 Reinsurance departments of direct

    companies, 42 Reinsurance Institute of Brazil, 36 Reinsurance Offices Assn, 148, 323

    International Seminar (1977), 188 Request notes, 234 Reserves, 31, 60, 68-9, 302-3, 542-6

    retention, 266-70, 318, 326 Respondentia bonds, II Restrictions, international, 600-606 Retentions, 16, 65

    fixing, 28-30, 313-41, 356-7, 508-10 summary, 335-6

    Retrocession, 3, 16 Rhodes, laws of, II Risk factors, 7, 60-64 Risk-spreading, international, 8 Riunione Adriatica, 16 Roman insurance contracts, II Royal Exchange, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20 Russia (USSR), 36

    Safety loading, 206 Sampling error, 60 Satellite insurance, 457 Scandinavia, 28 Schedule, 286


    Scope limitations, 166, 169, 181-3 Scottish life reinsurance, 16 Sellers of reinsurance, 37-47 Services, management and technical,

    54-5 Set-off, 144-6 Settlement losses, 53 Simulation models, 337-41 Slips, 233-4

    specimen, 235 Small insurance firms, 8-9, 65 Solvency margins, 9, 69, 334; see also

    Insolvency South American reinsurance, 19 Specialist reinsurance companies, 17-18 Specialist underwriters, 27 Special records clause, 198 Specification of policy, 235 Spread of insurance losses, 8 Stability clauses, 207-18, 296

    example, 220 Standard arbitration clause, 148, 155 Standardization of accounts, 537 Standards of practice, 16 State-owned or controlled corporations

    insurance, 18-20, 28, 35-6,45-6, 65, 81

    reinsurance, 18-20, 32, 35-7,45-6 Statistics, reinsurance, 546-59 Statutory solvency regulations, 62, 68 Sterling Offices Ltd, 21 Stop loss reinsurance, 64, 72-3, 176,

    178-81 life, 492-4

    Strickler formula, 490-91 Subsidiary companies, 42 Substandard lives, 65, 500-501 Success of reinsurance companies, 18,

    19 Table 1.1 Sun Fire Office, 11-12 Sun Insurance Office, 14, 15 Surplus treaties, 71, 161-71,329-30

    advantages, 161-4 disadvantages, 164-6 specimen agreement, 282-6

    Swiss Reinsurance Company, 17,38, 40

    Switzerland. 27, 35, 38 Syndicates, underwriting, 41

    Taxation, 545-6, 586-90



    Tax havens, 33 Technical services, 10, 54-5 Termination, 249-50, 271-81, 298,

    303-4 Terms of original policy, 135-7 Theft,65 Third parties' rights, 140-41, 446-7 Time horizons, 333-4 TLO (Total Loss Only), 232, 432-3 Tonners, 433-4 Total Loss Only see TLO Treaties, 75-6

    legal requirements, 126-7 Treaty documents, 52 Turkey, 20, 28 'Two risks' warranty, 357 Types of reinsurance, 69-79

    summary, 70 Fig. 3.6, 74 Fig. 3.7

    Uberrima fides/Uberrimae fidei see Utmost good faith

    Umbrella cover, 182 UNCT AD (United Nations Conference

    on Trade and Development), 19, 46, 79

    Underwriters, specialist, 27 Underwriting

    agencies, 43-5 capacity, increase of, 8, 64-5 covers, 184 excess of loss treaties, 187-9,414-16 fire reinsurance, 365-7 flexibility, 64 pools, 20, 37, 46-7 syndicates, 41

    Underwriting year, 96, 112 Unearned premium reserves, 68 Union Insurance Company, 15 Union of Paris, 15, 20 United Nations see UNCT AD United States see American Unit-linked contracts, 503-4 Unusual risks, 65 USSR (Russia), 36 Utmost good faith (Uberrima

    fides/Uberrimae fidei), 123-8, 188

    Variable premium rates, 199-203 Victory Insurance Company, 39


    War exclusions, 346-7, 453-4, 474-6 West Germany, 35 Winding-up, 144-6 Windstorms, 64, 361 Withdrawal of portfolio, 274-6 Wording of clauses, 137 Working covers, 184 Workmen's compensation, 409-10 World leading companies, 38 Table 2.2 World-wide treaties, 253