bhartiya post april 2007

1 BHARTIYA POST APRIL, 2007 Editorial THREAT TO POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK? It is a matter of great concern that the total deposits in POSB schemes during April to August 2006 has gone down with reference to the corresponding period of 2005-06 and 2004-05 which has been admitted by the Postal Directorate vide its D.O. No. 25-9/2006-SB dated 16-11-2006 addressed to all Circle Heads and thus needs detail analysis. It is true that the collection in PO Savings Bank has gone down sizeably in comparison of the past. As per the recent reporting in 'The Hindu', the Small Savings Schemes targets and collections of Tamilnadu is detailed hereunder:- rate of interest in POSB scheme varies from 6.25% to 7.5% for term deposits and 8% for fixed deposits without any extra benefit to the Senior Citizens except in SCSS. Despite apparent healthy growth, the Indian banking has only touched the creamy layer of Indian population and the banking policies are yet to reach the left out part of the population comprising the uneducated, unorganised poor in rural, tribal and hilly areas who are being served by the POSB, the oldest banking institution in the country and the largest in Asia through the network of 1,55,516 post offices of which 1,39,120 are in rural areas. The POSB operates about 140 million Savings Accounts with annual deposits exceeding 10,00,000 million. The outstanding balance under all Nationalised Savings Schemes in post offices is over 3,750,000 million which is almost equivalent to the deposit of a leading Nationalised Bank in India. But unfortunately, this largest banking system has been badly overlooked by the Government since 01-03-2003 when the rates of interest on different saving instruments were last reduced. This apart, without considering any revision of rates of interest, the Government rather withdrew the 10% bonus facility from MIS Account with effect from 13-02-2006 imposing penalty for premature closure even after 3 years. Investments by institutions were ordered to be stopped since 31-12-2005 in any POSB scheme resulting diversion of crores of rupees to banks and other financial institutions. Avoidance to POSB is tantamount to avoid the rural public constituting nearly 85% of the total population and thus frittering away inclusive growth. For rapid economic development, the availability of infrastructural services, both economic and social, is a precondition. As economic infrastructure, Banking including POSB and Communication, especially, the Postal System directly contribute to economic growth. But the current budget coinciding with the 11th Five Year Plan is a deplorable exercise since it has no measures for the Department of Posts and POSB. Everything has been done for the rich and elite. Removal of imperfections in financial markets and channelising higher rate of savings into productive investment were the two measure items, out of 8-point economic agenda for the 10th Five Year Plan (2002- 2007) unveiled on July 13,2002 by the then Prime Minister of India at a meeting on his Economic Advisory Year Target Net Collection (in crores of Rs.) (in crores of Rs.) 2002-03 2400 2902 2003-04 3500 3970 2004-05 4500 6430 2005-06 5000 5594 2006-07 5700 2405 The above table picturises clearly about the alarming decline trend in POSB investment. The pattern is not specific to Tamilnadu but similar throughout the nation. The inherent cause for the said declination is purely attributable to the policy changes introduced by the Ministry of Finance pertaining to small savings schemes and also the failure to resist such anti-investment policies viz. reduction in the rate of interest, withdrawal of Bonus for MIS, forceful closure of Institutional Accounts etc. While the POSB, an agency function performed by the Department of Posts on behalf of Ministry of Finance, Government of India, has no flexibility for all its savings instruments, the banks in India enjoys several policy changes which give them a free hand to fix prices of their products and services and also help boosting their liquidity. As a result, the rates of interest on different saving schemes offered by the banks in India presently differ highly diverting the customers from POSB. Under different fixed / term deposit schemes for 1 year onwards, apart from offering higher rates of interests ranging from 8% to 10% with additional interests for Senior Citizens varying from 0.25% to 1%, the banks in India are offering a host benefits like Periodic or Cumulative Interest Option, Auto-renewal Facility and loan against deposits, multiple withdrawal option without premature withdrawal penalty and many other facilities to mobilise the customers. But the (Contd. on page 20)

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It is a matter of great concern that the total

deposits in POSB schemes during April to August

2006 has gone down with reference to the corresponding

period of 2005-06 and 2004-05 which has been

admitted by the Postal Directorate vide its D.O. No.

25-9/2006-SB dated 16-11-2006 addressed to all Circle

Heads and thus needs detail analysis.

It is true that the collection in PO Savings Bank

has gone down sizeably in comparison of the past.

As per the recent reporting in 'The Hindu', the Small

Savings Schemes targets and collections of Tamilnadu

is detailed hereunder:-

rate of interest in POSB scheme varies from 6.25% to

7.5% for term deposits and 8% for fixed deposits

without any extra benefit to the Senior Citizens except

in SCSS.

Despite apparent healthy growth, the Indian

banking has only touched the creamy layer of Indian

population and the banking policies are yet to reach

the left out part of the population comprising the

uneducated, unorganised poor in rural, tribal and hilly

areas who are being served by the POSB, the oldest

banking institution in the country and the largest in

Asia through the network of 1,55,516 post offices of

which 1,39,120 are in rural areas. The POSB operates

about 140 million Savings Accounts with annual

deposits exceeding 10,00,000 million. The outstanding

balance under all Nationalised Savings Schemes in

post offices is over 3,750,000 million which is almost

equivalent to the deposit of a leading Nationalised Bank

in India. But unfortunately, this largest banking system

has been badly overlooked by the Government since

01-03-2003 when the rates of interest on different saving

instruments were last reduced. This apart, without

considering any revision of rates of interest, the

Government rather withdrew the 10% bonus facility

from MIS Account with effect from 13-02-2006 imposing

penalty for premature closure even after 3 years.

Investments by institutions were ordered to be stopped

since 31-12-2005 in any POSB scheme resulting

diversion of crores of rupees to banks and other

financial institutions. Avoidance to POSB is

tantamount to avoid the rural public constituting nearly

85% of the total population and thus frittering away

inclusive growth.

For rapid economic development, the availability

of infrastructural services, both economic and social,

is a precondition. As economic infrastructure, Banking

including POSB and Communication, especially, the

Postal System directly contribute to economic growth.

But the current budget coinciding with the 11th Five

Year Plan is a deplorable exercise since it has no

measures for the Department of Posts and POSB.

Everything has been done for the rich and elite.

Removal of imperfections in financial markets and

channelising higher rate of savings into productive

investment were the two measure items, out of 8-point

economic agenda for the 10th Five Year Plan (2002-

2007) unveiled on July 13,2002 by the then Prime

Minister of India at a meeting on his Economic Advisory

Year Target Net Collection(in crores of Rs.) (in crores of Rs.)

2002-03 2400 2902

2003-04 3500 3970

2004-05 4500 6430

2005-06 5000 5594

2006-07 5700 2405

The above table picturises clearly about the

alarming decline trend in POSB investment. The

pattern is not specific to Tamilnadu but similar

throughout the nation. The inherent cause for the said

declination is purely attributable to the policy changes

introduced by the Ministry of Finance pertaining to

small savings schemes and also the failure to resist

such anti-investment policies viz. reduction in the rate

of interest, withdrawal of Bonus for MIS, forceful closure

of Institutional Accounts etc.

While the POSB, an agency function performed

by the Department of Posts on behalf of Ministry of

Finance, Government of India, has no flexibility for all

its savings instruments, the banks in India enjoys

several policy changes which give them a free hand to

fix prices of their products and services and also help

boosting their liquidity. As a result, the rates of interest

on different saving schemes offered by the banks in

India presently differ highly diverting the customers

from POSB.

Under different fixed / term deposit schemes for 1

year onwards, apart from offering higher rates of

interests ranging from 8% to 10% with additional

interests for Senior Citizens varying from 0.25% to

1%, the banks in India are offering a host benefits like

Periodic or Cumulative Interest Option, Auto-renewal

Facility and loan against deposits, multiple withdrawal

option without premature withdrawal penalty and many

other facilities to mobilise the customers. But the (Contd. on page 20)


LETTERS TO DEPARTMENTLetter No. P/2-16/Cuttack, Dated: 28 February 2007

addressed to Shri I.M.G. Khan, Secretary, Deptt. of Posts.l Unbearable workload leading to suicide - case of

Sri Narayan Majni, SPM, Gopalpur in Orissa Circle -reg.It is shocking to hear the sad news that the above

said official who was working single handedly in the 'B'class office over months and his request to provideadditional hand was not considered had committedsuicide in the office on 25-02-2007.

The official attended office on 25-02-2007 Sunday to

clear his pending work and after completing his work, hehas written in a paper that "I am going on suicide due toheavy pressure of work" in Oriya language. Thereafter hewas hanging in the office itself.

The official left with his wife and two small children.We fear that it should not spread further as if the Farmer's

suicide since the department did not care the sufferings ofthe Group 'C' staff and particularly in B class offices whichare now being managed single handedly and imposingunbearable work brunt on them in the aegis of business.

There is a total resentment and panic prevailing inthe state and if any concrete action has not been taken to

resolve the shortage of staff at the earliest, the industrialaction become inevitable which will adversely affect theservice and we feel that it should be the last resort.

Hope this will clarify our position.A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-16/Bhub, Dated: 28 February 2007

addressed to Shri I.M.G. Khan, Secretary, Deptt. of Posts.l Irregular order for recovery from the pay of the

officials due to non correction of revised maturityvalue on the body of NSC (VIII issue) - case ofBhubaneswar Division, Orissa Circle - reg.The Directorate, vide its letter No. 8-10/06-PG dated

20-12-2006 directed the Chief Postmaster General,Orissa Circle for effecting recovery from the pay of theofficial only for non correction of the revised maturity valueon the body of NSC (VIII issue) issued at Utkal UniversityMDG on 08-01-2000. The decision is arbitrary andagainst to the interest of the department and staff.

In para 3 of the purchase application of NSC (NC-71) the investor clearly undertakes, "I/we herebyundertake to abide by National Savings Certificate (VIIIissue) Rules 1989" and as it is aware, since these rulesare being amended from time to time through Gazettenotifications, the investor is supposed to know the

changes brought in this regard from time to time.Non impression of a rubber stamp or non correction

of the revised maturity value on the body of the NSC at thetime of sale, inadvertently done if any, is just only a clericalmistake which may be rectified according to Rule 27 ofNSC (VIII issue) Rule 1989.

In the instant case, the plea of the investor to receivethe maturity value at the pre-revised rate is highly

unjustified and irregular and this could have been deniedby the department. Since the maturity value has alreadybeen revised, there should be no claim to the investor butfor this small petty mistake. Unfortunately, the investorhas been favoured with an arbitrary decision by issuing a

recovery order from the official. This causes a concern.It is most interesting to note that in the same letter

regarding its observation of insufficiently paid articles, itcaused orders to refund the unpaid amount collected forthe violation of 'do not write or print below this line'. It isnot understand as to why there will be a refund of the

amount already realised. Otherwise this condition canbe deleted in the volumes for taxation of such items.

It is requested to review the cases once again andcause orders not to set bad precedents to the customersto claim unjustified amounts for the minor clerical errorswhich would occur under the pressure of work and the

existence of shortage of staff often.A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-18/Chittorgarh, Dated: 12 March 2007

addressed to Sri P.T.S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.l Posting of Central Line officials as HSG.II APM

Accounts - case of Rajasthan Circle - reg.It is brought to our notice that as like UP and

Uttarakhand, the General line officials have been postedas APM Accounts HSG.II in Rajasthan Circle also.

The posts of HSG.II APM Accounts at Chittorgarh,Kota and Bhilwara have been filled up with General LineHSG.II officials. This causes a concern.

It is, therefore, requested to cause necessaryinstructions to the Chief Postmaster General, RajasthanCircle to fill up the APM Accounts posts only with the POand RMS Accounts qualified officials.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-13/Mah Cle, Date: 12 March 2007

addressed to Sri P.T. S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.l Filling up of the LSG NB posts - Arbitrary application

of Bench Mark System - case of Maharashtra Circle- reg.It is brought to our notice that the Chief Postmaster

General, Maharashtra Circle had informed the Circle

Union that the promotion to LSG (NB) & HSG.II will beselection cum seniority and not seniority cum fitness asper the orders on the subject.

Resultantly, the LSG promotion has been subjectedby the Bench Mark system in almost all the divisions inMaharashtra Circle and due LSG / HSG.II promotions have

not been accorded on the basis of seniority cum fitness.It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary

instructions to the circle heads to observe promotion uptoHSG.I based on the seniority cum fitness as per theprovisions contained in the volumes.

Soliciting immediate response,

Letter No. P/2-4/Delhi Central, Dated: 12 March 2007addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.


l Disbursement of Pay & Allowances through Bank /POSB - case of Delhi Circle - reg.It is brought to our notice that the SSPOs, New Delhi

Central Division by referring the Chief Postmaster Generalletter No. Poly-Misc/II/RBI/06 dated 27-06-2006, directedthe officials to intimate Bank or POSB Account number of

all staff for depositing salary and others. He furtherintimated that it is compulsory / mandatory that all officialsshould open Bank / SB Account and intimate prior to 12-03-2007.

Under the existing shortage of staff, this will causeunbearable workload on SB counter. Moreover, huge rush

already existed on the last day and 1st and 2nd day ofevery month result practical problems to draw the payand allowances on these days by the postal staff. If allthe officials, will draw their salaries across the counterduring these days, public will suffer while the counter PAattending our staff.

The present system of salary through post officetreasury is practicable and viable. Payment through SBwill cause more workload to accounts branch.

It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to theChief Postmaster General, Delhi Circle to drop theproposal forthwith.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly appreciated.Letter No. P/4-11/TUF, Dated: 12 March 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Unjust and unwarranted acceptance of

amendments made by the All India Association ofPostal Supervisors (GL) - regarding.

Ref.: Your letter No. 15-1/2007-SR dated 19-01-2007.It is rather shocked to see the amendments placed

by the All India Association of Postal Supervisors (GL)have been accepted in toto and circulated which resultsserious repercussion in the postal unions. This will haveadverse impact on the P3 membership.

As per the RSA Rules 1993, the applicant unionswere classified into various groups and at that time, theAIAPS (GL) participated the verification process only asthe LSG / HSG.II/HSG.I. Supervisors became eligible forthe verification process as members of that union.

Now they amended their constitution in December

2006 which has been inadvertently or mistakenlyapproved that all the TBOP / BCR Postal Assistants alsobecome members of their union in all wings includingAdministrative offices.

It is most pertinent that the TBOP & BCR are nowdefined as Financial Upgradation of Postal Assistants

and they cannot be called as Supervisors. They remainas part of Group 'C' category only. As such, the provisionalapproval given to the amendments may please bewithdrawn as it is illegal and against to the spirit of RSARules 1993.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.

Letter No. P/2-19/Coimbatore, Dated: 12 March 2007addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Grant of HSG.I promotion with consequential

benefits on par with juniors - case of Sri R.Mahalingam, Sub Postmaster, HSG.II, Tatabad inCoimbatore Division, Tamil Nadu Circle - reg.The above said official was due for his HSG.I

promotion in the first list of 2005 and he had not beenpromoted to HSG.I cadre stating that he has not been

considered due to some complaint regarding hiscommunity certificate.

Aggrieved by the decision the official approachedCAT Chennai requesting to grant HSG.I promotion on parwith his juniors. The CAT Chennai in its OA No. 959 of2005 held that as there is no vigilance case pending

against the official and the community certificate has notbeen cancelled besides the writ petition in the High Courthas also been disposed of, the name of the applicant forpromotion to HSG.I on par with his juniors may beconsidered with the grant of consequential benefits. Thecopy of the judgement is enclosed.

Even though the above direction has been made on14-12-2006, the Circle Administration has not accordedHSG.I promotion to the official so far. A great injustice hasbeen caused to the official for no valid reasons or grounds.

It is, therefore, requested to cause necessaryinstructions to the Chief Postmaster General, Tamil Nadu

Circle to consider his case and accord promotion withoutany further delay.

Soliciting immediate response,Letter No. P/2-20/Moradabad, Dated: 28 February

2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Acute shortage of staff - case of Moradabad

Division in Uttar Pradesh Circle - reg.It is brought to our notice that due to mass Rule 38

transfers ordered due to the verification of testimonialsetc., from the Moradabad Division, the shortage of staffhas exceeded more than 50%. Out of 450 PostalAssistants, only 220 Postal Assistants are working.

Moreover, more axe has been put to this division due tomass Rule 38 transfers ordered from this division.

It is, therefore, requested to cause orders to fill up allthe vacant posts by only exempting the existing vacanciesfrom the purview of Screening Committee to this divisionas a special drive at the earliest.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-16/Bbr, Dated: 28 February 2007

addressed to Shri I.M.G. Khan, Secretary, Deptt. of Posts.l Grant of Medical Advance - case of Sri Pradeep

Kumar Mishra, O.A, O/o the SSPOs, BhubaneswarDivision - reg.It is brought to our notice that the above said official has

to undergo kidney transplantation immediately as both thekidneys become failure. The official has already incurredexpenditure around Rs. 3,30,000/- for which a sum of Rs.2,00,000 has been sanctioned by the Chief PostmasterGeneral, Orissa Circle within her financial power.

The total estimate for the same has been estimatedaround Rs. 5, 75,000/- and the Chief Postmaster General,Orissa Circle has referred the case for additional sanction


from the Directorate vide her letter No. AP/Misc-2/2005dated 31-01-2007.

The condition of the official is too serious and he isspending Rs. 8000/- per week for dialysis and otherancillary expenditures. He is fighting with deathcontinuously and if any delay in sanctioning the additional

advance will endanger to the life of the official.It is, therefore, requested to expedite and approve

the sanction through FAX and save the official.Soliciting immediate action, Sir.Letter No. P/2-19/Kanchipuram, Dated: 28 February

2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.

l Withholding of retirement benefits - case of SriN.B.S. Manian, Retd. APM Accounts, Tiruvallur HOin Tamil Nadu Circle - reg.It is rather constrained to note that instead of forfeiting

the properties and belongings of the main offender, thePMG, Chennai City region has resorted withholding of

retirement benefits of the said official over six months.One SPM, Uthukottai had directly misappropriated

the Government money to the tune of Rs. 12, 70,000/- bydrawing cash from the bank and not brought into account.After it come into light, the department has pleaded beforethe Magistrate that the misappropriation of money was

only to the tune of Rs. 2,70,000/-. Hence the magistratehas granted bail after directing the delinquent to remitRs. 2,00,000/- in the court.

The Circle Union, after hearing the news brought to thenotice of the Chief Postmaster General, Tamil Nadu Circleand pleaded to appeal afresh as the delinquent has

defrauded the Government money to the tune of Rs.12,70,000/- and not as Rs. 2,70,000/- as informed in thecourt. So far no action has been taken to file fresh affidavitbefore the court or to evince action to recover the amountfrom the delinquent. The inspecting officer the ASPOs whowas also mainly responsible in this episode has been

allowed to retire on voluntary retirement without any problem.When the APM Accounts (said official) was due for

retirement on 31-05-20006, the department has directedhim to credit Rs. 3,50,000/- as his share as he did notintimate about the non-receipt of scrolls from the Bank. Ashe is not at guilty and also having correspondences with

the higher up, he declined to credit the amount. Now thePMG, Chennai City region has withheld the entire amountof the leave salary for 300 days and also the gratuity.

The main offender who admitted his guilty iswandering and whereas the Circle Administration isunleashing action to fix responsibilities to the Postmaster

& APM Accounts and other staffs. The officer who isresponsible for not having brought the full quantum offraud (i.e.) Rs. 12,70,000/- has not been proceeded. Morethan 10 lakhs was suppressed before the Hon'ble Court.

The Directorate has also recently circulated vide itsletter No. E-32016/07/2006-VP dated 14-11-2006 that the

penalty of recovery can be imposed when it is establishedthat the Government servant is directly responsible forthe act of negligence or breach of orders causing the

financial loss.In this episode, the innocent has been made as

scope goat by letting the delinquent scat free.It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary

instructions to release the retirement benefits to theabove-said official without any further delay besides taking

appropriate action to recover the loss sustained to thedepartment from the main offender.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/4-2/FRSR, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Treatment of period of December 2000 strike - reg.Ref.:(i) This union letter of even no. dated 01-02-2007

(ii) Your No. 8-3/2007-SR dated 15-02-2007Apropos reference, I wish to state that the Supreme

Court in its judgement (CA 443 of 2004 decided on 13-02-2004) in the case of UP State Bridge Corporation Ltd. vrs.V.P. Rajya Sethu Nigam S. Karmachari Sangh has held

that a person on illegal strike and a person on legal strikeare both ' Absent', but the absence of the first isunauthorised and the second is not. Thus, the period maybe concerned either as authorised leave or entitled forretirement benefits duly condoning the period of absence.

Since the 14 days strike has not been declared illegal

and was called off in goodwill and gesture on the basis ofthe assurance given, the period may please be taken intoaccount for pensionary / retirement benefits alone. It ismost apt to bring to your kind notice that the strike conductedby the Unions demanding Bonus in 1998 was earliertreated as eligible leave. On the similar analogy, a proposal

with the recommendation of the department may pleasebe forwarded to nodal ministry as good gesture andgoodwill all along prevailing in the Department of Posts.

It is requested to reconsider the issue and takeappropriate action so that the officials will not loose thebenefits due to this fourteen days.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/4-1/Posts, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to Sri P.T.S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.l Filling up the posts of APM Accounts in LSG, HSG.II

posts - reg.Ref.: This union letter of even number dated 20-02-2007

A kind reference is invited to the reference wherein itis requested to cause instructions to fill up all the APMAccounts posts in LSG & HSG.II as per the LSG AccountantRecruitment Rules 1976 based on the date of qualifyingthe PO and RMS Accountant examination with effect from1986 onwards.

Meanwhile, it is brought to our notice that the SSPOs,Vijayawada Division in Andhra Pradesh Circle has issuedshow cause to the regularly promoted APM Accounts SriT.V.Krishnarao that his selection as APM Accounts wasreviewed in the light of Directorate clarification issuedvide letter No. 93-13/99-SPB.II dated 23-12-99 and letter

No. 137-110/96-SPB.II dated 28-01-2003 (Clarificationagainst serial 15) and decided to cancel the promotion.This causes a concern.


When the LSG Accountant Recruitment Rules 1976are in force and the promotion was granted to the officialbased on the same, the cancellation of his due promotionbased on the clarifications issued for FTP as if theAccounts line has lost its identity is arbitrary, unjust andagainst to the Recruitment Rules.

It is, therefore, requested to cause necessaryclarifications in this regard at the earliest so as to end theconfusions prevailing from divisions to divisions in thecase of filling up of APM Accounts posts.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-4/Chh Cle, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Formation of DPA office at Raipur for Chhatisgarh

Circle - reg.After the formation of Chhatisgarh Circle, the DPA

office has not been formed for this circle and for each andevery items of work, they are depending on the Postal

Accounts Office functioning at Bhopal. The officials' claimsare badly delayed and the officials are forced to spendmore money for conveyances to enquire / settle theirretirement benefits etc.

It is, therefore, requested to consider and form DPAoffice at Raipur for this circle at the earliest.

Soliciting response,Letter No. P/2-4/Che., Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Non supply of forms, passbooks, stationeries etc.

- case of Chhatisgarh Circle - reg.It is rather constrained to note that the file pertaining for

the approval of local printing of forms, passbooks, etc. isbeing kept indisposed in the chamber of the ChiefPostmaster General, Chhatisgarh Circle over three months.

The repeated requests of the circle union did notyield any result and the post offices in the entire circle arein dearth of essential forms. The lethargic disposal is

causing a concern and the staff are put into greatinconvenience in the absence of required forms andpassbooks across the counters.

It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to theChief Postmaster General, Chhatisgarh Circle to ensureadequate supply of forms to all the post offices in his circle.

A line in reply about the action taken is highlyappreciated.

Letter No. P/2-20/Ghaziabad, Dated: 27 February2007 addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.l Arbitrary recovery of Transport Allowance based

on ICIR objection - case of Faridabad, Ghaziabadetc. - reg.The Internal Audit of UP Circle has raised objection

and directed to draw the Transport Allowance at the rateof C class city to the officials working in Ghaziabad,Faridabad etc. and also ordered to recover the excessdrawn from 1997 onwards.

It is crystal clear that the officials working inGhaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon etc. are entitled fortransport allowance at Delhi rates as per the provisions

contained in the Ministry of Finance Memo NO. 21 (1)/97/E.II (B) dated 03-10-97. As such the objection is arbitraryand unwarranted.

It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions torescind the objection and ensure continuous drawal ofTransport Allowance to the officials working at these

stations as per the rate entitled for Delhi.Soliciting response,Letter No. P/2-4/Che, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Inadequate supply of cheque books to the post

offices - case of Chhatisgarh Circle - reg.In accordance with the Directorate letter No. 2-2/199-

PA (Tech)/988-1067 dated 29-09-2006, the LSG SubPostmaster and all the HSG.II Postmasters have to issueAccount Payee Cheques for making payments to thepublic / investors for above Rs. 20,000/- in accordancewith the provisions contained in Rule 143 of FHB Vol. I.

This was implemented in almost all the circles.In respect of Chhatisgarh Circle, even though the

revised procedure has been implemented, adequatecheque books have not been supplied to the SubPostmasters. Resultantly, they are facing numerousdifficulties in handling the situation, as they neither switch

over the old practice of demanding cheque from HO noreffect payment.

It is, therefore, requested to cause suitableinstructions to the Chief Postmaster General to ensureadequate supply of cheque books to the Sub Post officesfor smooth functioning.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-21/UK cle, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Non payment of Remote Locality Allowance - case

of Uttarakhand Circle - reg.Ref.: This union letter No. P/37-17/Uttr dated 12-06-2006

It is brought to our notice that despite all the otherdepartments including railways have paid RemoteLocality Allowance to its employees working in Tanakpur,Chodwar and Banvas in Champavat district based onthe Ministry of Finance order No. F.No. 3(1)/98-E.II (B)dated 24-07-2002 the employees of our department

working in these stations have not been paid theallowance so far.

This discrimination is deplorable.It is, therefore, requested to take appropriate action

to sanction the allowance retrospectively and ensureimmediate payment.

Soliciting immediate action.Letter No. P/2-21/Cle, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Construction of departmental buildings - case of

Uttarakhand Circle - reg.It is brought to our notice that though the department

has acquired sites for construction of PO buildings during1960s at Thapalic (Almora), Narayangarh (Chamoli)Kothar, Paur, (Chamba) (Tehri) & Haldwani (Nainital), no


action has been taken to construct departmental buildingso far.

Even though some proposals were approved, dueto budgetary provisions funds have not been allotted.

It is, therefore, requested to expedite funds allotmentand ensure immediate construction of departmental

buildings in the stations mentioned above.A line in reply about the action taken is highly

appreciated.Letter No. P/2-21/Dehradun, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Opening of separate Postal Accounts office for

Uttarakhand Circle at Dehradun - reg.Ref.: This union letter No. P/2-19/Cle dated 12-01-2005

& 12-06-2006Apropos reference, it is dismayed to note that this union

neither has received reply nor the issue settled so far.The Chief Postmaster General, Uttarakhand Circle

has also submitted a proposal to open the DPA Office inBeerbhadra Post Office Building at Dehradun where morespace is available.

The post offices in Uttarakhand Circle are almost allin hilly areas and far away from its present PAO at Lucknowwhich results delay in submission of accounts returns

besides settlement of personal claims of the officials.It is, therefore, requested to cause immediate action

to open a separate DPA office at Dehradun forUttarakhand Circle.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-16/LSG HSG, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to Sri P.T.S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.l Filling up of norm based LSG / HSG.II/HSG.I posts -

case of Orissa Circle - reg.Ref.: This union letter of even No. dated 14-02-2007

Apropos reference, I wish to add that no notionalpromotion was granted from 1984 to 1986 by circle office.

Similarly the same was not accorded by the divisionsfrom 1986 to 1992. Only from 1992, the LSG promotionswere accorded on notional basis that too for the retiredpersons. Immediate filling up of such vacancies with theexisting employees has not been carried out.

Resultantly more than 50 posts of HSG.I, 25 posts of

HSG.II & 125 posts of LSG are lying vacant in OrissaCircle. If the notional promotions were accorded as perthe check list annexed with letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB.IIdated 20-11-2006, many seniors would have by this timebeen promoted to HSG.II.

The most unfortunate happened in Orissa Circle is

that all the senior officials have been terminated from theofficiating HSG.I arrangements and junior FTP LSGofficials have been ordered to officiate as HSG.Ivacancies. This has developed serious resentment andfrustration amidst the seniors.

The repeated efforts by the circle unions to settle the

issue once for all at circle level become futile. Our efforts, wefelt, has not yielded desired results in mitigating the issue.

It is requested to extend top priority to this issue and

see the interest of entitled persons be protected. A line inreply about the action taken is highly solicited.

Letter No. P/2-17 LDH Mfl, Dated: 27 February 2007addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Irregular deputation of Postal Assistants from

Ludhiana Mofussil Division to Circle Office, PunjabCircle - reg.It is brought to our notice that the most of the Postal

Assistants recruited in Ludhiana Mfl. Division are beingbrought on deputation to circle office, Ludhiana Division,Patiala or Staff College, Ghaziabad and subsequentlytransferred there permanently. There is no norms

prescribed for these deputations and most of them are infavours. Resultantly, the Ludhiana Mfl. Division is facingacute shortage of staff. The issue was discussed in theRJCM and it was assured to avoid such transfers.

The Chief Postmaster General has now causedorders for transfer of more Postal Assistants from

Ludhiana Mfl. Division to PLI Section violating thediscussions. After the decentralisation of RPLI work, itwill be fair to repatriate all the deputationsists from circleoffice. Instead, the officials are further being deputed tocircle office. This causes a concern.

It is, therefore, requested to keep the recent

deputations under abeyance and the staff already deputedto the circle office may be repatriated immediately to theirrespective divisions.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-10/Singhbhum, Dated: 27-02-2007

addressed to Shri I.M.G. Khan, Secretary, Deptt. of Posts.

l Arbitrary issue of Rule 14 memo for participationof 14-12-2006 strike - case of Singhbhum Divisionin Jharkhand Circle - reg.A kind attention is invited to the discussions we had

on the subject on 12-02-2007.The SSPOs, Singhbhum Division has issued Rule

14 memos to the Divisional Secretaries of P3 & P4 namelySri J. Bhattacharya, Postal Assistant, Jamshedpur andSri Sanjoy Kumar, Postman, Jamshedpur merely for theparticipation of one day strike held on 14-12-2006.

The charges framed against these officials as theystaged Dharna / Demonstration in front of the gates on

14-12-2006 resulting in a substantial retardation in workin Jamshedpur HO. This is nothing but a ruse to proceedagainst the office bearers of this union to settle scoresfor their trade union activities. In fact, the strike was totalin Jharkhand Circle and no other Divisional Heads hasinitiated such kind of action like the SSPOs, Singhbhum.

This causes a concern.It is, therefore, requested to cause suitable

instructions to drop the charge sheets to ensure amityand good working condition in the division.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly appreciated.Letter No. P/2-4/Cle, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Maladministraion of SSPOs, Durg Division in

Chhatisgarh Circle - reg.


Ref.: This union letter of even number dated10-11-2006.Anent reference, I wish to inform you that there is no

improvement in the Division and the irregularities purportedby the Divisional Head has not been put into halt.

Since May, 2006, he has issued more than 25 transferorders (after rotation) and obviously, it is alleged of

personal gains by misusing his position. The followingfew are the examples.i. Smt. P. Ekka, PA Motilal Nehru Nagar - tfd. as PA Bhilai

Sector -I POii. Smt. Neeha Pareek, PA Bhilai Sector I - tfd. as PA

Motilal N. Nagar

iii. Sri J. R. Sangadikar SPM Rajnendgaon Kutchery - tfdas PA Rajnandgaon HO

iv. Smt. M.G. Angole, PA, Rajnandgaon HO - tfd. as SPMRajnandgaon Kutchery

v. Sri R.B. Kori SPM Nawagaon Bhillai (within one year)-tfd. as SPM Khursipar Bhilai

vi. Sri S.R. Thakur, SPM Sarja (within one year) - tfd.Treasurer Bemetara

vii. Sri B.L. Navrang, SPM Gurnur (within one year) - tfd.Treasurer Durg HO

viii. Sri H.C. Khobragade, SPM Ambagarh Chowki (withinone year) - tfd. as SPM Chickola

ix. Sri Janghel, SPM Chickola (within one year) - tfd. asSPM Ambagarh ChowkiThere are many more transfers and almost all the

postings and transfers are in violation of Directorateorders with the obvious considerations.

When this union is pointing out these mistakes and

staged agitation in October 2006, the SSPOs has issuedcharge sheets and punished the Divisional Secretary andother active bearers of this union.i. Sri V.K. Aggarwal, Divisional Secretary has been

awarded the postponement of next increment for sixmonths.

ii. Sri P.L. Devgan, Activist - the same punishment asstated above

iii. Sri. K.P. Tiwari, Asstt. Secretary - Charge sheetedunder Rule 16.The SSPOs, Durg is due for his superannuation on

31-03-2007 and before his retirement, he desires to

release the Rotational Transfers orders. It is brought toour notice that huge sum is collected from the aspirantsof transfer and corruption is unleashed scientifically.

The Directorate instructions are crystal clear vide itsletter No. 7-48/88-vig. (pt.) dated 12-06-96, that nodivisional head who is due for superannuation should

issue any transfer order to any officials within six mothsfrom the date of his superannuation. As such, the SSPOs,Durg has violated the guidelines and he should beproceeded with.

It is, therefore, requested to set aside the irregularitiesand proceed against the SSPOs, Durg as deem fit.

A line in reply about the action taken is highlyappreciated.

Letter No. P/2-7/Har Cle, Dated: 27 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Disbursement of Pay & Allowances through

Savings Bank - case of Haryana Circle - reg.It is brought to our notice that based on the circle

office instructions, the SSPOs, Ambala directed all thestaff to furnish the SB Account number in order to deposit

their Pay & Allowances in their account.Under the existing shortage of staff, this will cause

unbearable workload on SB counter. Moreover, huge rushalready in existence due to disbursement of pensionthrough SB account on the last day and 1st and 2nd ofevery month results practical problems to draw the Pay &

Allowances on these days by the postal staff. If all theofficials will draw their salaries across the counter duringthese days, public will suffer while the counter PAattending our staff.

The present system of disbursement of salarythrough post office treasury is practicable and payment

through SB will cause more work in the accounts branchand also as and when the officials transferred / deputedto other offices, this will lead to transfer of SB accountsetc. The staff have already conveyed their resentment.

It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to theChief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle to drop the

proposal forthwith.Soliciting response,Letter No. P/4-5/SB, Dated: 22 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Decreasing trend in Savings Bank Collection - reg.

It is brought to our notice that the Directorate vide its

D.O. No. 25-09-2006-SB dated 16-11-2006 addressedto al the Circle Heads has expressed concern over thedecreasing trend in Post Office Savings Bank Collection.

Admittedly, the deposits while comparing the last yearhas gone down during April 2006. This perhaps due tothe changes introduced by the Ministry of Finance

pertaining to small savings and also the failure of thedepartment to stall the moves of the reduction of rate ofinterest / withdrawal of Bonus for MIS/ changes whichaffected adversely in the operations of the Savings Bank.

If the situation is analysed keeping an eye to theneed and financial mentality of the customers for earning

more within a shorter period, policies and schemesadopted by the banks and other financial institutions toattract the customers, we should think about our traditionalschemes and also lower interest rates still we are offeringand take some urgent decisions to retain our customersinstead of simply throwing the concern on the staff.

On a minimum deposit of Rs. 10000/- for a period of590 days, the ICICI Bank is offering an interest rate ashigh as 8.5% per annum (9% for Senior Citizens) alongwith a host benefits like Periodic or Cumulative InterestOption, Auto-renewal Facility and loan against deposits.On term deposits for 5 years and above, the Allahabad

Bank is giving 8.50% per annum with tax benefit andAnnulized Yield of 10.45%. On 60 month Tax BenefitDeposit Scheme, it is offering Annualized Yield of 16.45%.


Under Star Vaibhav, the Bank of India is offering 9% perannum (9.5% to Senior Citizens) for 3 years having 1 yearlock-in period, multiple withdrawal option withoutpremature withdrawal penalty having Annulized Returnsof 1020%. Having lock-in period of 1 year, the PunjabNational Bank offers interests @ 8.5%, 8.7% and 9% for 1

year, 2 year and 3 year Accounts respectively with 0.25%extra to Senior Citizens. The State Bank of India offers awide range schemes under Domestic Term Deposits withattractive interest rates, viz,; 15 to 45 days 5% p.a., 46 to179 days 5.50% p.a., 180 days to less than 1 year 6.50%p.a., 1 year to less than 3 years 7.50% p.a., (Senior Citizens

8%), 3 years to less than 5 years 7.75% p.a. (Senior Citizens8.25%) and 5 years to 10 years 8% p.a. (Senior Citizens8.50%). Similarly under SBI Platinum Account interestsare offered @ 8.25%, 8.50% and 9% per annum for 1,2and 3 year respectively with 0.25% extra to the seniorcitizens having 1 year lock-in period and loan / overdraft

facilities. These are few examples only.Secondly the marketing and publicising of POSB

schemes by the department are very poor. Thedepartment, as usual had issued instructions threateningthe officials at grass root level for arresting fall in POSBcollections without minding the reality and the hardships.

But the basic loopholes like lower rates of interestsand administrative lapses for effective advertising andmarketing are not being taken note of.

In the days of acute competition, unless thedepartment offers higher rates of interests, introducesnew schemes catering to the needs of the customers,

advertises and publicities the schemes in a wide manner,engages the field staff for canvassing offering themJustified Conveyance and incentives, drop marketing ofsimilar products of our rival agencies, achievements oftargets in POSB collection will just end with futile.

I fervently trust that this will be given due credence and

it is requested to ensure not to blame or harass the postalofficials for the shortfall in the SB transactions without setrighting the loopholes. Please forward a copy of the letterto this union since we did not receive the copy of the same.

A line in reply about the decision taken in this regardis appreciated.

Letter No. P/2-15/Dharmanagar, Dated: 23 February2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Non payment of MIS incentive bills at Dharmnagar,

North East Circle - reg.Ref.: This union letter of even number dated 15-01-2007

Apropos reference, it is constrained to note that the

Chief Postmaster General, North East Circle in his letterNo. WLF/1/AIPEU/03 dated 23-01-2007 informed the circleunion that the MIS incentive could not be paid to the officialsafter the computerisation of work and incentive required tocomplete a transaction in computer cannot be equalisedwith the rate of incentive prescribed for manual work.

This is quite arbitrary or unjust. Whatever be theworkload, the Postal Assistant deployed at the countercould get the maximum of Rs. 500/- per counter per month

as MIS incentive which in fact earns within two or threedays in each month. In fact the incentive is nothing but asolace and not full compensation for the appreciation ofgood service amidst unbearable work brunt. When theincentive is in existence as per the Directorate orders,the denial of the same by citing computerisation is unjust

and against the rules on the subject.It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary

instructions to the Circle Administration to effect paymentof incentive immediately.

Soliciting response,Letter No. P/2-11/Bangalore West, Dated: 22 February

2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Classification of Bangalore City as A1 for drawal of

HRA & CCA - reg.Consequent upon the notification of Karnataka State

Government vide its its No. UDD 92 MNY 2006 dated 16-01-2007 declaring for a greater Bangalore amalgamating

the outskirts and brought them under greater Bangalorethere is every justification to declare the Bangalore Cityas A1 Class City. So that the officials working in Bangalorewill be properly compensated for their housing and living.

It is, therefore, requested to take up the proposalwith the appropriate level and do the needful at the earliest.

The copy of the Gazette notification is enclosed herewithfor your immediate action.

Soliciting response,DA: As aboveLetter No. P/2-20/Shahjahanpur, Dated: 15 February

2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.

l Misappropriation of Government money - case ofMumukh Ashram PO in Shahjahanpur Division inUttar Pradesh Circle - reg.It is brought to our notice that the Sub Postmaster,

Mumukh Ashram post office Shri Siyaram Sankhvar hadbeen placed under suspension from 07-04-2005 for the

prima facie charges of misappropriation of Governmentmoney from 500 passbooks to the tune of Rs. 3, 00,000/- and Rs. 80,000/- in NSC.

After his reinstatement, there is no enquiry conductedto recover the defrauded amount so far and it is in theminds of others whether any others will be proceeded

under contributory factors at later date fixed as scapegoats by leaving the delinquent scat free.

It is most pertinent to note that the official as alleged,has deposited more than three lakh rupees in his relativenames in the post office itself under Time Deposits.

It is, therefore, requested to ensure that in future no

innocent should be proceeded on contributory factor byleaving the main offender scat free in this case.

Soliciting response,Letter No. P/2-19/Vridhachalam, Dated: 14 February

2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Unwarranted proposal of shifting the Headquarters

of Vridhachalam to Kallakurichi HO in Tamil NaduCircle - reg.It is brought to our notice that the PMG, Central


Region in his visiting report of Kallakurichi HO inVridhachalam Division is ordering to shift the divisionaloffice to Kallakurichi HO premises. The reason for suchmove is to avoid the monthly rent for the divisional officenow being paid at Vridhachalam.

In fact Kallakurichi HO premises is not having

justified accommodation for the shifting of the DivisionalOffice. Moreover there is a vacant first floor available inthe Vridhachalam itself in the RMS departmental buildingsituated very nearer to the existing Head Post Office andRailway junction. If the reason behind the move is tocurtail the expenses now being spent towards rent for

divisional office, it could be easily shelved by shifting theDivisional office in the RMS building.

Vridhachalam is a very old Division and the Divisionaloffice is centrally located in the railway route. If the D.O. isshifted to Kallakurichi, it will cause more inconvenienceto the staff working therein.

It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to theCircle Administration to drop the move forthwith.

Soliciting response,Letter No. P/2-16/LSG HSG, Dated: 14 February 2007

addressed to Shri P.T.S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.l Filling up of norm based LSG / HSG.II / HSG.I posts -

case of Orissa Circle - reg.Anent discussions on the subject on 12-02-2007, I

wish to bring the anomalies prevailing in Orissa Circlefor your immediate intervention.i. The notional promotions to LSG have not beencarried out from 1984 and similarly HSG.II promotions

from 1992. Notional promotion to LSG had been accordedfrom 01-01-92 among the senior most BCR officials. Evensuch notional promotions were not granted in Berhampur,Sambalpur regions. The notional LSG promotion shouldbe accorded as per the checklist prescribed by theDirectorate letter dated 20-11-2006.

ii. It is disheartening to note that these notional LSGpromotions were granted to those officials who havealready retired from service. Resultantly, the due notionalLSG promotion has not been accorded to the existingsenior officials. The senior officials are kept below theFast Track Promotees instead of preparing a revised

Circle Gradation list of LSG by consolidating all the namesof the LSG promoted officials from the divisions withrelevance to date of notional LSG promotion and interseseniority. The present action is unjust, arbitrary andagainst to the spirit of Directorate orders.iii. The norm based HSG.II & HSG.I posts have not been

filled up. This should be done duly by drawing a fresh LSGGradation list as stated in para supra. Meanwhile, theSPOs, Cuttack North Division has terminated all thearrangements in HSG.I existed with the senior officialsduly replacing them with by five FTP LSG passed officials.This has created a total panic and tension amidst of all the

senior officials who are all deprived of their dues and rights.Even though the problems prevailing in Orissa Circle

have been brought before, the situation has further been

deteriorated and this should come to an end by setasiding the irregularities and also with proper instructionsat the shortest time possible.

May I request your response Sir,Letter No. P/2-19/LSG HSG, Dated: 14 February 2007

addressed to Shri P.T.S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.

l Filling up of norm based LSG / HSG.II & HSG.I posts- case of Tamil Nadu Circle - reg.A kind attention is invited to the discussions we had

on the subject on 12-02-2007 and I wish to state that inTamil Nadu Circle, due to application of benchmark systemfor granting HSG.I promotion, more than ten senior

eligible officials have been denied their due promotion.It is requested to cause instructions to the Circle

Administration to review their promotion immediately andaccord orders without applying the procedure ofbenchmark for such HSG.I promotion.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.

Letter No. P/2-11/LSG HSG, Dated: 14 February 2007addressed to Shri P.T.S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.l Filling up of norm based LSG / HSG.II & HSG.I posts

- case Karnataka Circle - reg.Apropos discussions on the subject on 12-02-2007,

I wish to inform that in the entire Bangalore region, the

procedure of benchmark for LSG promotion has beenapplied arbitrarily and many officials were denied dueLSG promotions in Bangalore GPO, Bangalore EastDivision and also like divisions like Bellary, Karwar etc.

The most pathetic is that the officials working in HSG.Iposts were denied notional LSG promotion by applying

benchmarks.Similarly for the promotions to HSG.II & HSG.I, the

Circle Administration is applying benchmark methodwhich is against to the provisions contained in our rules.

It is, therefore, requested to cause necessaryinstructions and set aside the anomalies and render

justice to the aggrieved officials.A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-17/Bathinda, Dated: 14 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Non drawal of due HRA to the officiating Postmaster,

Bathinda HO in Punjab Circle - reg.It is brought to our notice that one Smt. Balwinder

Kaur, BCR PA has been ordered to officiate asPostmaster HSG.I, Bathinda HO against regular vacancysince June 2006 with the condition that the arrangementis only temporary basis without any extra remunerationfor the HSG.I officiation.

When the official requested for the payment of HRAas she did not occupy the quarters attached to the postsince the arrangement is purely temporary, the SSPOs,Bathinda replied that the quarters is attached to the postof Postmaster, HRA is not admissible to the official.

The decision is arbitrary, unjust and against to the

canon of natural justice. When the administration did notpost her on regular basis and also with the condition ofno higher pay in the HSG.I and purely on officiating nature,


it should have caused orders suspending the quartersportion and draw the due to the incumbent. Moreover forofficiation in higher post without any extra remunerationshould not freeze the pay / HRA drawn by the official andthus the denial of HRA is bad and arbitrary.

It is therefore requested to cause necessary

instructions to the Circle Administration to draw the dueHRA to the incumbent immediately by duly suspendingthe quarters portion.

Soliciting immediate action.Letter No. P/2-13/Parbhani, Dated: 14 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.

l Non declaration of result of LSG Exam 2003-caseof Shri S.N. Shastri, PA, Mau Parbhani Division(Maharashtra Circle) - reg.

Ref.: This union letter NO. P/20-1/IPO dated 27-09-2005Apropos reference, I wish to inform that the case is

not yet settled. The Chief Postmaster General,

Maharashtra Circle has referred this case to theDirectorate for decision vide his letter No. Rectt./2-33/1dated 12-05-2006.

According to Rule 157 of P&T Manual Vol. III, thecompetent authority will take into account thecircumstances leading to the imposition of the penalty

and decide whether, in the light of the general servicerecord of the officer and the fact of imposition of the penalty,he should be considered as suitable for promotion.

Similarly, the DG P&T has also clarified vide his letterNo. 7-31/63-SPB.II B dated 26-06-65 that the appointingauthority should consider each case on its merits to see

whether the person should be promoted inspite of thepenalty imposed, on the basis of the results of theexamination which he has passed.

The official was allowed to write the FTP exam andhe was the successful candidate of the FTP exam.

It is, therefore, requested to consider his case and

accord required clarifications to the Chief PostmasterGeneral, Maharashtra Circle and render justice to theaggrieved official.

Soliciting response,Letter No. P/2-20/LSG/HSG, Dated: 14 February 2007

addressed to Shri P.T.S. Kumar, DDG (P), Deptt. of Posts.

l Filling up of vacant posts of LSG / HSG.II/ HSG.I -case of Uttar Pradesh Circle - reg.Apropos discussions on 12-02-2007 on the subject,

it is brought to our notice that in Uttar Pradesh Circle theLSG promotions were denied in many divisions byapplying benchmark which is irregular.

Secondly, the HSG.II APM Accounts posts have beenfilled up with the unqualified officials. This is irregularand the general line officials should not be posted in theaccounting responsibility work.

The notional promotion to LSG has not beenaccorded in many divisions and resultantly the LSG

gradation list has not been prepared.The HSG.II & HSG.I posts are still unfilled up and not

observing the check list as prescribed in the Directorate

orders.It is requested to cause instructions to fill up all norm

based posts with suitable clarifications and also by fixinga time frame to complete the process.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-18/Ajmer, Dated: 14 February 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Reign of terror in Southern Region, Ajmer in

Rajasthan Circle - reg.It is rather dismayed to note that despite repeated

requests to rein in the Divisional Heads of Bilwara andKota Division to the Circle Administration by the Circle

Union, the harassment of staff is still continuing in boththe divisions.

The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, KotaDivision has ordered several transfer orders to the staffignoring the guidelines and policy matters on the subject.We have already brought to your kind notice about the

withdrawal of toilet facilities to the women employees ofKota HO since October 2006 and no action has so farbeen taken to reopen the toilet which was arbitrarily lockedby the SSPOs, Kota. The local newspapers have alsobrought many malpractices and corruption of the saidofficer which have not been enquired under vigilance angle.

The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, UdaipurDivision has placed under suspension of one PostalAssistant Smt. Asha Kataria working in Shastri Circle PostOffice, Udaipur with effect from 30-11-2006 merely on thecharge of loss of one registered letter. The procedure fordepartmental enquiry to fix responsibility in case of loss

of articles has not been observed and merely the officialwas placed under suspension.

It is brought to our notice that the suspension of thesaid official merely for the loss of one registered article isnothing but to harass her as per the direction of theRegional Head to place her under suspension, as

alleged. The PMG, Ajmer did not consider the advice ofthe Head of the Circle to reinstate the official immediately.

This union has already brought to your kind noticeabout the excessiveness and arbitrary misuse ofdisciplinary powers by Sri Arya, Superintendent of PostOffices, Bhilwara Division vide our letter No. P/2-18/

Bhilwara dated 21-01-2007.In nutshell, the entire staff working under the

Southern Region of Rajasthan are put into untoldsufferings. Resultantly the staff unions are agitating forthe justice and fair play and also demanding to arrest theatrocities of the Divisional Administrations.

It is, therefore, requested to intervene and set rightmatters at once as if fire on the house.

A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.Letter No. P/2-20/Ghazipur, Dated: 13 February 2007

addressed to Shri Harinder Singh, Member (Personnel),Postal Services Board.

l Whimsical and negligent exercise of disciplinaryfunctions which are quasi-judicial exercises by SriH.N. Tiwary, SPOs, Ghazipur of Uttar Pradesh Circle


rendering him liable for disciplinary action - reg.We have been called upon to take up this case with

you at our level because, as you will kindly agree, properdisciplinary action for irregularities and neglect of rulesagainst the said Sri H.N. Tiwary, Superintendent of PostOffices can be taken by you. We may point out that the

rules operate equally for everybody and as the Hon'bleSupreme Court have observed: -- howsoever great aperson might be, the rules are above him. You will kindlyagree that if an officer proceeds against employees forminor errors or bit of delay taking refuge under Rule 3 (i)(ii) (iii) of CCS Conduct Rules, 1964, the same officer can

also be and must be proceeded against for violation ofrules and violation of Conduct Rules, 1964.2. At the outset, before we go on to explain the violationof rules and Conduct Rules, 1965 by the said Sri H.N.Tiwary, Superintendent of Post Offices, Ghazipur Division,Uttar Pradesh Circle we would like to invite your kind

attention to the instructions issued vide DO P&T OM No.11013/10/93-Estt. (A) dated 06-10-1993 which has alsobeen published as Government of India's instruction No.(3) below Rule 11 in the Swamys Compilation of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965. The said OM reads as follows:-

"In M.H.A. OM No. 41/2/55 (II) -Estt. (A) dated the 23rd

April 1955, instructions were issued emphasizing theneed for Government servants, especially those holdingpositions of trust and responsibility, remaining not onlyhonest and impartial in the discharge of their duties butalso having the reputation of being so. Despite theseinstructions it is not uncommon that complaints of

favouritism or ill-will shown by officers in supervisorypositions towards their subordinates or other membersof public are received every now and then.3. While reiterating the instructions issued in the MHA,OM referred to above, it is again stressed that aGovernment servant must be impartial and must not

show undue favour or ill-will in his official dealings. If aGovernment servant is found to misuse his official positionor abet and connive at improper and illegal acts, he wouldrender himself liable for disciplinary action for violation ofRule 3 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964."4. We may invite a reference to the judgement of the

Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 2168 of 2006Union of India and others vs. Dulichand {(2006) 5 SupremeCourt cases 680)} wherein the Hon'ble Supreme Courtupheld that disciplinary action can be taken against anemployee on the ground that the employee had been foundgrossly negligent while discharging his quasi-judicial

functions. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has referred tojudgement of the same court in Union of India v. K.K.Dhawan {(1993) 2 SCC 56; 1993 SCC (LLS) 325; (1993)24 ATC I)} and said, " the court used six instances whensuch action could be taken: (SCC P 67, Para 28)

"28. (i) where the officer had acted in a manner as

would reflect on his reputation for integrity or good faithdevotion to duty.(ii) if there is prima facie material to show recklessness

or misconduct in the discharge of his duties.(iii) if he has acted in a manner which is unbecoming of aGovernment servant.(iv) if he had acted negligently or that he omitted theprescribed conditions which are essential for exercise ofthe statutory powers.

(v) if he had acted in order to unduly favour a party.(vi) if he had activated by corrupt motive, however smallthe bribe may be because Lord Coke said long ago,'though the bribe may be small, yet the fault is great."5. Now, we would enumerate some instances ofnegligent exercise of quasi-judicial statutory powers by

the said Sri H.N. Tiwary, Superintendent of Post Offices,Ghazipur which prima facie show that he has not onlyacted negligently but has seriously violated the provisionsof rules, has been nursing undue ill will against someofficials and has acted in a manner unbecoming of aGovernment servant. You will kindly agree that deliberate

violation of rules to cause undue harm to anybody is notonly unethical but also a criminal act. The instances areillustrative and not exhaustive and a thorough enquirywould reveal more bones in the cupboard. These are:-(a) Award of punishment of reduction of pay by threestages from 5875 to 5500 for one year to Sri G.S. Rajbhar,

Postal Assistant, Ghazipur HO under Rule 16 of the CCS(CCA) Rules 1965 vide memo no. B/GS Rajbhar/Disc/2006 dated 23-08-2006 for alleged absence from dutyand violation of rule 62 of P&T Manual Vol. III:-

Apart from there being a very whimsical action andgross misuse of rule 62 of P&T manual Vol. III, the

punishments is clear violation of Rule 11 (iii) (a) of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 as amended vide notification F.No.1112/5/2003-Estt (A) dated 23-08-2004 from the DO P&T.

If Sri Rajbhar can be punished illegally for allegedviolation of Rule 62 of P&T Manual Vol. III, why the said SriH.N. Tiwary, Superintendent of Post Offices, Ghazipur

cannot be punished for violation of Rule 11 (iii) (a) of theCCS (CCA) Rules, 1965? He is also guilty of violation ofRule 3 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 for nursing undueill-will of against the official.(b) Award of punishment of reduction of pay by threestages from Rs. 8100 to Rs. 7500 for two months to Sri

S.N. Rai, Postmaster, Ghazipur HO vide Memo No. SP/Con-6/7/Strike/S.N. Rai/06 dated 24-07-2006 for allegedfailure to prevent a strike.

The facts enumerated against item (a) above holdgood here also.

Further, if the Postmaster can be punished for failure

to prevent a strike, how come the Superintendent of PostOffices can escape similar punishment?(c) The said Sri H.N. Tiwary, Superintendent of PostOffices, Ghazipur Division has inflicted three punishmenton Sri Sharda Prasad Mishra, System Manager on tinyand whimsical grounds. These cases clearly demonstrate

open exhibition of ill-will of the said Sri H.N. Tiwary againstthe said Sri Sharda Prasad Mishra. These are:-(i) Award of punishment of stoppage of next increment


for one year without cumulative effect for submission ofsome statements late by a few days vide Memo No. B/Sharda Prasad Mishra/Disc/06 dated 12-04-2006. Whilethe ground on which the punishment has been too weakand trifle, the order itself in Hindi which literally means, : I,H.N. Tiwary, Superintendent of Post Offices, Ghazipur

punish the said Sri Mishra with stoppage of the nextincrement for one year without cumulative effect." is in clearviolation of the instructions contained in DG P&T letter No.20/4/66-Disc dted 14-04-67 (published in SwamysCompilation of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 as Government ofIndia's instruction No. (17) below Rule 11 ibid. The said

Sri H.N. Tiwary has acted negligently and deserves to bedealt with sternly for such violation of instructions.

If he can punish other for slight violation of rules, whyhe cannot be similarly punished for such naked violationof rules and instructions?(ii) Award punishment of withholding of promotion for

one year from whenever it becomes due vide memo No.E-2/29/T.A. Advance /Disc-164/06-07 dated 25-07-2006for alleged use of intemperate language.(iii) Award of punishment of withholding of promotion fortwo years from whenever date it becomes due vide memoNo. B/Sharda Prasad Mishra /Disc/06 dated 31-01-2007

for endorsing copies of letter addressed to theSuperintendent of Post Offices to PMG, Allahabad andDG (P), New Delhi.

While the grounds of punishment are too fragile weakand unconvincing, the punishment orders are indefiniteand vague i.e. stoppage or increment from whenever it

becomes due. The rules do not prescribe imposition ofsuch infinite, indefinite or vague orders and this is quite inviolation of rules, which demonstrate caprice and whimsof Sri H.N. Tiwary, Superintendent of Post Offices, GhazipurDivision rendering him liable to be sternly punished.(d) The said Sri H.N. Tiwary has issued several other

charge-sheets and punishments as to satisfy hisfascination, whims and inclination to create terror.

These instances provide sufficient ground forsuitable disciplinary action against Sri H.N. Tiwary underRule 14 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, for hiscontemptuous violation of rules and instructions in

keeping with the instructions in CCS (Conduct) Rules1965 and judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court.

We, therefore, request you kindly to consider theentire things seriously and initiate immediate stern actionso that it can be a deterrent for such others who functionin such a negligent and whimsical manner.

Letter No. P/2-19/Anna Road, Dated: 12 March 2007addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.l Transfer liability for the staff working in Chennai

GPO and Anna Road in Tamil Nadu Circle-reg.It is brought to our notice that the Chief Postmaster

General, Tamil Nadu Circle vide his memo No. STC/102-

1/2006 (Pt) dated 29-12-2006 intimated that the staff ofGroup 'C' and Group 'D' cadre working in Chennai GPOand Anna Road HPO units are liable for transfer to

Chennai City North Division/Chennai City Central/SouthDivisions respectively.

This is incorrect and arbitrary. As per the provisionscontained in Volume IV, the staff working under First ClassHead Offices which are the recruiting and independentunits are to be transferred within the posts of the same

office only.The similar provision has again been reiterated vide

Directorate letter No. 141-236/94-SPB.II dated 01-02-94wherein it is confirmed that in the case of First Class HeadOffices which are the recruiting units, the clerical and GroupD staff should be rotated within those offices only.

The Chief Potmaster General has intimated the circleunion that she had carried out the same after gettingapproval from the Directorate. This union is confident thatthe Directorate will not take any isolated decisionexclusively for Tamil Nadu alone.

It is most apt to note that if these offices are attached

with divisions, it will adversely affect the seniority of thestaff of the units and many seniors will be affected.

It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary ordersto withdraw the instructions and maintain status quo ante.

Soliciting immediate action.Letter No. P/2-1/Medak, Dated: 12 March 2007

addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts.l Non drawal of SB Allowance to the Postal

Assistants working in SB branch -case of MedakDivision, Andhra Pradesh Circle-reg.It is brought to our notice that the SPOs, Medak has

stopped the drawal of SB allowance to the SB Aptitude

qualified officials if they have been posted second time(i.e.) after the first tenure.

When it is discussed, the SPOs has been repliedthat he sought clarifications from the higher ups on thisissue. It is needless to mention that when the SB AptitudeTest qualified officials are working in SB branch, the SB

allowance should be drawn as per the existing orders.The action of the divisional deminstartion is nothing butto deny the payment due to the officals.

Necessary clarifications may please be issued toAndhra Pradesh Circle and a line in reply about the actiontaken is appreciated.

In order to streamline its operations and

achieve a higher degree of competitiveness, the

department of post is planning to invest Rs. 6,000

crore for technology upgradation across its postal

network. "India Post strongly needs to enhance its

technology to compete with the private players," DoP

secretary IMG Khan said, adding, "we have put

forward our proposal to the Planning Commission

for consideration in the 11th Plan."

(Economic Times, Dt. 12-2-2007)




# Strike Commences from 24-04-2007The Postal JCA met on 09-02-2007 and decided

to launch indefinite strike for settlement of the ten-point charter of demands. The strike will commenceon 24th April 2007. JCA will further meet to review theagitational programme and chart out the campaignprogramme by the JCA leaders.# Memorandum to Members of Parliament

The memorandum drafted by JCA for thepresentation to Hon'ble Members of Parliamentrequesting their intervention for settlement of demandsis enclosed herewith. All Branch / DivisionalSecretaries are requested to meet the Members ofParliament in person and appraise our genuinedemands, seek their intervention for the settlement ofproblems and also to avert further direct action.# Oral Evidence before 6th CPC

The Sixth Pay Commission has invited the unionsto tender oral evidence on 06-03-2007 at the office ofthe Chief Postmaster General, Tamil Nadu Circle,Chennai. On behalf of our CHQ, General Secretarywill attend along with Com. M. Krishnan, All IndiaPresident and other office bearers. Details will bepublished thereafter.# Uttar Pradesh Circle Working Committee

The CWC meeting of UP Circle was held at Aligarhon 10-02-2007 to 11-02-2007 under the presidentshipof Com. Ram Sajivan Shukla, Circle President. Apartfrom CWC members, more Divisional Secretariesparticipated the debates. Our General Secretary, Com.K.V. Sridharan & Com. Balwinder Singh Asst. Treasurerattended the meeting. Shri Bansal MLA and otherprominent leaders of trade unions of Aligarh addressed.The three prominent leaders of UP Circle, Coms.Munnalal Shukla, T.P. Mishra & Chandrakant Guptagreeted the meeting. Com. R.N. Parasar, Secretary,NFPE and Com. Subhash Mishra, Asstt. GeneralSecretary addressed in the CWC meeting and also inthe open session. The interaction with GeneralSecretary arranged by the circle union among CWCmembers and Divisional Secretaries from 17:00 hrs. to21:30 hrs. on 10-02-2007 was really purposeful and manyitems were clarified. The effective functioning of the UPcircle could be seen from the deliberations of the CWC.# Circle Council & CWC Meeting, Kerala Circle18-02-2007 to 19-02-2007

The Circle Working Committee & Circle Councilof Kerala Circle have been held at Munnar on18-02-2007 & 19-02-2007 under the presidentship ofCom. Viswanathan, Circle President - Prior to that on18-02-2007 morning after flag hoisting at Munnar PO,a massive rally to the venue was organised, GeneralSecretary, Com. K.V. Sridharan and Com. M.

Dear Comrades,A great pleasure in discussing with you

through this News Letter! Rather a uniqueprivilege to CHQ! How are you?# Federal SecretariatThe Federal Secretariat meeting of the NFPE was heldon 13th & 14th February, 2007 and discussed variousissues. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary,GDS Union drew the attention of the Federal Secretariatabout the letter received by him from the Directoratevide D.O. No. F6-1/2006-PE.II (Pt.) dated 12-02-2007in which it was mentioned that the Department hasalready appointed a GDS Committee headed by aChairman and Sri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Estt.) asMember Secretary. The letter did not reveal the nameof the Chairman.

The Secretariat took a decision to observe protestdemonstration at all work places immediatelydemanding setting up of Judicial Committee forconsideration of GDS demands early and also to sendtelegrams to the Hon'ble Minister Communications andDG (Posts). Similarly savingram campaign shouldalso be organised by involving all staff membersimmediately. The decision of the Federal Secretariathas been conveyed to Secretary General, FNPO whoimmediately consented to convert this as JCAprogramme. The JCA Circular was already sent toCircle Unions for circulations to branches and theimplementation of the programme.

Text of the Telegram & Savingram"Judicial Committee for Gramin Dak Sevak may

be appointed early (.) officers either retired by servingas Chairman may be avoided so as to avert greatresentment among the staff and industrial action (.)

Name ………….…………………………………Designation …………..…………………………Union ……………….……………………………

To1. Sri Dayanidhi Maran, Hon'ble Minister (C) & IT,

Electro Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,New Delhi - 110003

2. Sri I.M.G. Khan, Director General, Department ofPosts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001All Branch / Divisional Secretaries are requested

to carry out the programme successfully and sendcompliance report to CHQ.# Campaign & Dharna Programme on 23-02-07

The reports received from the circles about thesuccessful conduct of Dharna programme isencouraging. In Delhi, before Dak Bhawan around 1500comrades gathered and staged the Dharna. A splendidshow! Never before! Postal comrades determined tofight against the continuous onslaughts and injustice.


Krishnan, President, CHQ delivered their oration in theDivisional Conference of AIPEDE Union of AdimaliBranch which was held under the Presidentship ofCom. N.S. Joseph, Branch President. Com. K.K.Nandhini, CWC member, one of the activist and pillarof the Women Postal Employees wing of Kerala Circlehas been facilitated in the said meeting on the eve ofher superannuation.

In the Circle Working Committee, an interactionwas organised by Com. Krishnan, our CHQ President& Circle Secretary and Com. K.V. Sridharan, GeneralSecretary dealt all the issues in details. Similarly, onthe next day (i.e.) 19-02-2007, more time was sparedto General Secretary to reply to the doubts raised bythe Divisional / Branch Secretaries. Com. N.C. Pillai,Ex. Working President CHQ and Com. Thomas Pothen,Ex. President greeted the Circle Council. A disciplinedstyle of functioning with full dedication and devotion couldbe seen from the Branch / Divisional Secretaries. An

intellectual interaction cherished the attendants. Thefunctioning of the Kerala Circle, no doubt, be a modelfor the effective functioning to other circles.# National Pension Protection Day

The Confederation of Central GovernmentEmployees and Workers, All India State GovernmentEmployees Federations & All India DefenceEmployees Federation have jointly decided to organiseNationwide Joint Procession and submit memorandumto Governors and Massive Dharna on 07-03-2007,demanding withdrawal of PFRDA Bill. At Delhi, theDharna will be conducted at Jantar-Mantar between11:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.# Confederation Programme

The National Executive of the Confederation meton 06-02-2007 at New Delhi has decided to launchthe following programmes demanding immediatesettlement of 8 charter of demands besides sectionalproblems.

23-02-2007 Solidarity Programme of action for setting up of Judicial Commission for GDS.

07-03-2007 Dharna to oppose the PFRDA Bill.

14-03-2007 All India Demands Day - Sectional & Common Charter - Submission to all Head ofOffices / Department and the Cabinet Secretary

20-03-2007 Notice submission to the Cabinet Secretary seeking immediate negotiatedsettlement and indicating of prolonged struggles if no settlement is brought about.

Charter of Demands:-1. Grant interim relief of Rs. 1000/- immediately.2. Mandate the 6th CPC to make its

recommendations effective from 01-01-2006.3. Set up an independent judicial committee to

go into the wages and service conditions ofthe Gramin Dak Sevaks.

4. Remove the ceiling arbitrarily imposed in thematter of compassionate appointment.

5. Lift the Ban on recruitment. Stop downsizing,privatisation, contractorisation etc.

6. Withdrawal of the new pension scheme.7. Regularise contingent/casual/daily rated workers.8. No replacement of CGHS by Medical

insurance scheme and no privatisation ofhealth care system.

# Com. N.J. Iyer, Remembrance DayThe seventh death anniversary of Com. N.J. Iyer

was observed on 13-02-2007 at NFPE office at 15:30hrs. Com. S.P. Mukherjee, G/S Admn. presided themeeting. Com. C.C. Pillai, Secretary General,

National Federation of Postal Employees; Com.Des Raj Sharma, Dy. Secretary General; Com. K.V.Sridharan, General Secretary, P-3; Com. GirirajSingh, General Secretary, R-3; Com. K.K. Sharma,Treasurer, R-4; Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, GeneralSecretary, GDS; Com. Rajanayagam, GeneralSecretary, Postal Accounts recol lected thesacrifice and the uncompromised role of Com. N.J.Iyer for the betterment of P&T workers. Thecontribution rendered by Com. N.J. Iyer for the P&Tworkers movement was recol lected andremembered after offering floral tribute to the leader.Long Live Com. Iyer!# Franchise Outlet - Breach of Trust

Despite the protests of the service unions, thedepartment has launched the Franchising Scheme inurban areas. The details about the scheme,agreement, due commissions and all formats werereleased by the department vide its letter No. 40-36/EPC/04-Plg. dated 08-02-2007. The rate ofcommission will be as follows:-

Service Commission for Transaction

Booking of Registered Articles Rs. 2.00

Booking of Speed Post Articles Rs. 2.00

Booking of Money Orders Rs. 3.50

Sale of Postage Stamps & Postal Stationery and M.O. forms 5% of Sale amount

Retails Services 40% of commission earned by DoP


i. While circulating the minutes of 03-11-2006

meeting with Staff Side on this issue the department

in its letter No. 40-36/EFC/04-Plg. dated 16-11-2006

clarified that it provides an opportunity for re-

employment of retired employees of the department.

Even though they are mentioned as preferential

categories, applications are being called for from all.

ii. It was stated that the payment of commission

would be only a small percentage of the actual revenue

earned by the franchise. Now for retail services, it

has been fixed as 40%.

iii. For single money order, the commission amount to

franchise is Rs. 3.50. Even suppose, a MO for Rs. 20/-

is remitted, the department will fetch commission of only

Rs. 1.00. As such, the department will incur Rs. 2.50

loss per money order. There is every chance of misusing

this by the private operators to earn more commission.

iv. It was told in the meeting that there is no provision

for bulk booking of Regd. letters / Speed Posts by the

franchises. But it did not appear in the orders.

In Tamilnadu, one retired PMG who has been

granted with licence for FM has swallowed more than

50,000 mails every month in Chennai alone from the

Business Mail Centre and he is earning more after his

retirement. Imagine! whether this Franchise will improve

the service or deteriorate further with more loss. Let

us oppose this franchisee system! Let us oppose

privatisation of postal services! Let us fight to save our

department and to restore its past glory!

# All India Conference of R-IV

The All India Conference of AIRMS & MMS

Employees Union Mailguards and Group 'D' is

scheduled to be held at Salt Lake Stadium, Kolkata

from 13th to 15th March 2007. General Secretary will

attend the conference.

# Central Working Committee of P-IV & CWC

Meeting, Maharashtra Circle

The Central Working Committee meeting of AIPEU

Postmen & Group 'D' is also scheduled to be held at

Thane, Maharashtra from 24-03-2007 to 26-03-2007.

General Secretary is attending the meeting. He will

also attend the CWC of Maharashtra Circle which is

proposed to be conducted from 24-03-2007 to 25-03-

2007 at Thane itself.

# Attention to Divisional / Branch Secretaries

i. Some of the Divisional are directly addressing

the CHQ for the problems which could be sorted

out only at circle level. In some cases, the Circle

Secretaries are complaining while taking up such

cases directly as they feel, this is resulting problems

in the circle. All are requested to send the

problems which require action at Directorate level

only to the CHQ and the rest be routed through

the Circle Secretaries. I seek your cooperation to

avoid any misunderstanding between any divisions

and circle unions.

ii. There is a huge arrears pending under Bhartiya

Post dues. The CHQ is sending reminders to all

branches. All are requested to clear the dues

immediately. Also please clear quota up-to-date

for CHQ and Federation.

iii. All Branch / Divisions should send the list of

office bearers along with the Biennial Report and

Audit Accounts to CHQ after the conduct of

Conference. Please ensure proper despatch.

With fraternal greetings,

Let us meet in the next.

Dated: 23-2-2007 K.V. Sridharan

General Secretary

A GOOD RECORD - INDEED!Sri Dayanand Pandey, while working as SPM, Baskhari post office (Faizabad Division) was brutally

murdered by the unsocial elements while on duty. Due to his bravery acts, the cash and valuables of the

post office were saved.

After three days agitation at Divisional level and exerted pressure, the State Government has sanctioned

one lakh rupees to the family to the deceased comrade.

The UP Circle Postal Administration has collected Rs. 25/- from the Group 'C' & 'D' and Rs. 50/- from the

officers which have been accrued to the sum of Rs. 3 lakh. This Financial Assistance was given to the family.

Due to the continuous efforts, Pensionary Award granting full pay with other allowances to the widow of

the said comrade till the date of retirement of the deceased official and thereafter family pension has been

accorded. The daughter of the deceased comrade has been offered Postal Assistant post in the CRC

meeting held on 15-01-2007.

The UP Circle Union has taken all out efforts to provide relief to the victim of the family. We record our

appreciations to our Circle Secretary Com. Subhash Mishra and also the UP Circle Administration.


The news appeared in the SwamynewS Feb, 2007

issue about the Sixth Pay Commission is reproduced

hereunder for your notice.


Study for Examining the Feasibility of

Performance Related Pay (PRP) in Government

Pay and allowances in the Government are linked

to service - incremental salary scales and promotions

under different service rules. Promotions have been

used as a tool to provide incentive especially at senior

management levels. Pay increases are based on

annual increments and the salaries depend more on

length of service and grades rather than the

performance of an individual employee.

The aim of the study is to examine the feasibility

of working out a model whereby a base salary is

attached to each post based on the conventional

criterion of skills and responsibility; simultaneously,

a second component is introduced that is payable

as a percentage of the salary on the basis of

productivity and the performance of the employees,

either individually or as a group.

Terms of reference: The study should examine

the correct basis of pay increases and their relation, if

any, to performance and productivity of the employees;

and examine possibilities of evolving a direct correlation

between PRP and delivery of salaries to citizens/

organisation/other departments, as the case may be.

# The study should evolve measurable, quantifiable

criteria for judging performance and productivity of

different grades of employees in various Government

organisations* depending on the nature of their work

and the relationship with their users / clients.

# The study should, inter alia, examine international

best practices in this regard.

# The study should develop a model situated to

Indian conditions which is transparent, measurable,

fosters accountability and is linked to deliverables.

# The study should devise means by which PRP

can be introduced in the Government. Specifically it

should consider the following:--

1. Should PRP be applied to all jobs and all sectors,

or higher managerial positions / percentage of jobs

or sectors to begin with.

2. Should PRP be individual based or group based.

3. Should specific percentages be prescribed for

restricting number of posts to which PRP is given.

SIXTH PAY COMMISSION - AN APPROACHThe study would be conducted by Indian

Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. The

conceptual framework includes the following:-

# Identification of metrics for five measures of

performance viz.

(i) Competency / skill

(ii) Effort / activity

(iii) Result / output / value added measures

(iv) Efficiency / productivity, and

(v) Quality / customer satisfaction

# Suggesting Modified Pay structure having flexibility

to implement PRP viz., pay structure having fixed and

variable components with variable component linked

to performance measures.

# Suggest enabling conditions for PRP.

The Ministries/cluster of Ministries selected are:

Cluster I

= Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (D/o Health

and Family Welfare)

= Ministry of Urban Development (D/o UD & A)

Cluster II

= Ministry of Company Affairs

= Ministry of Finance (D/o Revenue, Central Board

of Direct Taxes and Central Board of Excise and


Cluster III

= Ministry of Science and Technology (D/o Science

and Technology)

= Ministry of Communication and Information

Technology (D/o Telecommunications - Posts)

# Ministry of Defence (D/o Defence and

Ordnance Factories)

# Ministry of Home Affairs (D/o Home Affairs)

# Ministry of Railways "

From the above, it could be evident that there

is a proposal to fix the pay based on the

performance. Our CHQ has rightly put forth the

extraordinary performance being carried out by

the Postal Assistants and Supervisors and other

cadres. We also insisted various perks and

special pay for the extraordinary work, we are

performing at the post offices in the existence of

shortage of staff.

Note : The NFPE has been invited by the study

group of IIM for discussions on 13-4-2007 at New




POST OFFICE STAFFS ARE SUFFERING........i. Due to overburden of work - for want of manpower.ii. Newer addition of work and the uncertain situationthat may follow tomorrow. It is not certain which new workwill be added tomorrow. This uncertainness is causingconfusion in adopting a strategic approach and planningof work to be completed.iii. The Department has entered a sort of un-defined statefrom a well-defined state of affairs and procedures. In theolden days - though there was heavy work, a sort ofsystematic stage was there. Rules and procedures wereavailable well defined and were lasting for years together.Present crisis has disturbed this stability and the operativestaffs are left with no parental care. This has enhancedthe agony of the staff.iv. The Division of labour plays key roll in effective output. Operative offices confront rarest combination ofdifferent tasks - which simultaneously need managerialjudgment, clerical work, handling of money and valuablesand further amalgamating with a peon's nature of work.This non-scientific way of work assignment is causing abig onslaught to the staff and even a little increase in thework levels becomes unsustainable. Kindly just imaginea single handed SPM who has to work more than tenhours a day - who has to handle all the work, cash,valuables, office management, customer treatment. Hehas to count money. He has to impress hundredstogether date stamp impressions on pass books andreceipts. He has to calculate interest on various smallsavings schemes correctly - no body else will be there tomake a glance confirming accuracy. In between -customer will peep for a MO form twenty-five paise, if nota stamp of rupees 1.50 without caring a cash bundlebeing counted by him. He himself will have to take out thefiles and records and to put back them. He needs to bewell versed with hundreds together schemes andprocedures. He is fully accountable. Slightest additionsin work level of so many services in front of him will causea state of misery to him. In the recent past such additionshave occurred to him multi folded. Then how he will haveto survive? How a quality performance can be expectedfrom him? What will be the fate of the Department withcontinued situation like this for years together? This hasnot become the question of single-handed SOs - but sucha situation is prevailing in one or the other way in all thepost offices - irrespective of its status. This is the opensecret that most of the post offices cannot work satisfyingthe rules cent percent. In fact only skeleton work is beingdone - inevitably dispensing with all the muscularprocedures prescribed. Records should speak all aboutthe transactions held and related matters. I fear,transactions held only may be apparent - without the relatedmatters in a state of skeleton work. This is undesirableeither on the part of the employee or on the part of theDepartment. Situation needs a parental care rather thanconveyance of instructions. There is no channel to write &

notify upward in the Department and the intermediaryadministrative levels have shunned doors to hear from thedown side. Core issue remains un-attended & unsolved.v. Situation as such is enabling some of the miscreantsto commit fraud. A great deal of manpower, energy andmoney is wasting in enquiry procedures - certainly whenthe manpower cannot be spared for the Casting imperfect instructions / procedures and theclarification are another arena of involving wastage ofmanpower. So many queries. A great deal of manpowerbadly needed for actual services is being engaged inrendering compliance. Operative front is every day confrontingso many confusions / deficiencies / imperfections in respectof many rules and procedures - especially those originatedin the recent past. Instructions / rules / procedures beingprescribed without deep knowledge, thorough study andwithout accountability for deficiencies contained therein - isreally wasting the manpower in a non productive way. This isresulting in utilizing manpower to un-knot a knot which couldother wise be avoided.vii. Without following a systematic way, not providingcomprehensive instructions / rules and procedures atthe time of introduction, but asking for the informationand prescribing the statements at the will and wish of thehour at some later date - is the one more arena ofuncertainty - causing havoc and wasting the manpowerto a great extent. Causing and pushing duplication ofwork on to the HOs is also noteworthy.viii. The transition stage - both internal & external factors -is to be met with jointly from the administrative and theoperative wing. But the post offices bearing theresponsibility for all the services but without a power evento get a rubber stamp manufactured needs the parentalcare at this stage. But the administrative wing - beginningwith the Divisional level have shunned doors for interactionand some times even move to consider the back referenceas disobedience. Service providers (post offices - theoperative front) at this stage need the full backing of theadministrators - administrators coming forward andencouraging them saying - baba don't worry, I am here isthe need of the hour.ix. Sanctioned strength is not inclusive of many newservices or the increase in the workload. No leave reservestaff is available. Many branches were left vacant andabsolutely no body is there to look after the day-to-daywork. All the officials are working much more than theirnormal work hours. The Divisional Superintendent is wellaware of the staff position. But today morning, I amannoyed to see the Postmaster receiving a DO letter fromhim directing to identity two officials to clear arrear workof CC returns by 17/02/2007. In one more DO letterdirected to complete the work of deducting service chargeson silent accounts before 31/01/07. This has becomethe administrative care! When there is no manpower tohandle day-to-day work, how the hands could be spared


for the huge pendency of work? SPOs may know it well.What the poor person Postmaster can do? Course ofaction from SPOs - as I feel - is without keeping alooffrom the accomplishment of the work and casting downthe instructions - to arrange for the work from everyfeasible angle. One of such feasibility is that, he couldspare two hands from his office - or alternatively deputinghis office staff on Saturdays to HOs. Or even somepending items could have been taken to his office forentering of data in computers. It is not to argue for the HOstaff. Only a general feeling. Of course SPOs office staffare also having workload - but when compared with HOs,which are working with about 50% shortage of hands -and on the other hand when full hands are available atSPOs office, this feeling gets justified. This is not to argueon behalf of work evaders. Shortage of manpower shouldbe disturbed equally between the Divisional Offices andother post offices. Newer services are being added topost offices - but power to post hands is with SPOs. Healways keeps his office full. Providing services is moreimportant and the trend should have been on the reverseside - as a matter of business care. Service providersare to be cared more.x. Much more is spoken of the deficiency confronted by theDepartment. My genuine feeling is that, our Department isborn to provide Postal Services to the public.xiv. Kindly establish a milestone in the History of DOP.

The Elizabethan old master servant system of theDepartment to the changed to that of a system of publicservant. All are to work for the Department - then only theDepartment will survive & cherish more. (Full letter couldnot be published)

Com. A.J. Jannu, Karwar (Karnataka)2. I am glad to see the face lift given to the "BHARATHIYAPOST". Your editorial in December-06 issue is differentas to ignite the grass root workers.

May I suggest the following for your consideration forwhat they are worth with regard to improvement of thejournal.1. The Name "Bharathiya Post" is good but if need be it

can be renamed "POST OUTLOOK".2. It can be made qualitatively better in terms of paper

and print to make its reading more demanding.3. It can have a pictorial cover in colour highlighting a

cover story for the month.4. The annual subscription caN be raised from Rs. 30/

- to Rs. 50/-.5. The "Readers" forum" is a welcome feature and can

continue to encourage more participants.6. A page can be allotted to publish in series the history

of P&T. Trade union movement, Lives and profiles ofthe ploneers of the movement, and their strugglesand contribution to the cause of the working class.

(K.Y. Khan, President, Tirupattur, TN)


Since more enquires are in spate about the contentsrelating to pension etc. of the Staff Side Memorandum,the gist of the same is reproduced hereunder.# Withdraw New Pension Scheme.# Emoluments for Pension:-(a) Basic Pay; (b) Any Special Pay or Personal Pay,

Deputation Duty Allowance (c)Dearness Allowance# Average Emoluments:-

Last Pay Drawn for full month or 10 month averageemoluments if that happens to be higher

# Qualifying ServiceBe reduced to 30 years from 33 years

# Rate of Pension(a) 60% of the emoluments of the last month, or the 10

month average whichever is higher. (Full Pension -30 years) (b) After 65 years - Revised to the extent of65% (c) After 75 years - Revised to the extent of 75%

# Pension EntitlementTo be reduced to 5 years from 10 years

# Minimum PensionIt should be Rs. 10000/- p.m.

# Dearness CompensationAs in the rate of serving employees

# Family Pension(a) No reduction to 30%. It should be equal to 50% (60%

as proposed) of last pay drawn. (b) 7 years to beraised to 10 years. (c) Equal pension upto 10

years. (d)Thereafter -75% (e) Minimum- Rs.10000 -(f) Eligibility - Son - 28 years : Unmarried daughters - no

age limit; Mentally retorted - Upto death. (g)Government Servant retired on Medical invalidationafter rendering 5 years service be given full notionalpension. On his death, the family should get fullpension upto 10 years & 75% thereafter.

# Gratuity(a) May be calculated on the basis of 25 effective days

against 30 days in a month. (b) Ceiling of 16.5 monthbe removed.

# Commutation of Pension(a) May be raised from 40% to 50%. (b) Full Pension

after 12 years or on reaching 70 years of agewhichever is earlier.

# Medicare(a) If there is no CGHS, pensioners may avail in-patient

facilities in hospitals by amending CS (MA) Rules-44.(b) The present Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.100/- p.m. be

increased to Rs. 500/- p.m. and should count for DA purpose.# Miscellaneous(a) HRA may be paid to the pensioners. (b) LTC once in4 years to any place in India. (c) Exempt the pension fromthe purview of taxation. (d) Resignation may be treated asvoluntary retirements. (e) Additional pension for additionalservice. (f) 30% of pay in respect of pre 1986 retirees. (g)Grant of interim relief. (h) Date of effect - 01-01-96.


ANDHRA CIRCLE UNIONS ON AGITATIONAndhra:- The Circle Administration unilaterally

abolished Guntakal Postal Division on 12-01-2007 and it

was proposed to merge the RMS Z Division with Hyd.

Stg. Division. Proposals are under consideration to merge

some more postal divisions and down gradation of HOs

into MDGs. 4 Franchise post offices are being opened in

Vijayawada region out of 7 proposed. The damage is

started. In Hyderbad region all the Sorting offices proposed

for closure by creating HUB at Hyderabad. Attacks on

SPMs/GDS employees are being multiplied in the name

unrealistic BD targets. More than 30,00,000 POSB are

opened exclusively for national rural employment guarantee

scheme without creating / granting a single new post to

man these accounts. No safety measures have taken to

observe the line limits. Neither a single new post nor efforts

made to fill the vacant posts so far.

To counter these attacks the JCA has conducted

the following agitational programmes.

# 19/20-01-2007 gate meetings and issue of

telegrams to DG (P) / All CPMG / PMG of Andhra

Circle and to all SG /GSs.

# Massive Dharna was conducted in front of Kurnool

Regional Office on 25-01-2007 with 500 officials.

As there was no response from the administration

the Circle JCA met on 30-01-2007 took the following

action program.

Program:-1. Relay hunger fast in front of Circle office Dak

Sadan, Abids Hyderabad from 12-02-2007 to 15-02-

2007 synchronizing the All India Program.

The details of the observance of the program/ relay hunger fast furnished here under.

Date Region Participated Solidarity Expressed12-02-2007 Visakhapatnam - 80 members Inaugurated by Com. V. Nageswara RaoGS, CCGE

& W AP State Addressed by Sri Aziz Pasha MP (RS)

Com. Ramesh GS, SCZ AIICA

13-02-2007 Vijayawada Region - 140 members Inaugurated by Com. Y. SiddaiahState Secretary,

CITU AP Addressed by Sri P. Madhu MP (RS)Com.

K.P. Nair, Vice President CCGE & W AP State

14-02-2007 Kurnool / Hyderabad - 170 members Inaugurated by Com. Venugopal GS AIICA

Addressed by Sri Asduddin Owasi MP (LS), Hyderabad

Dr. Mallu Ravi AP State Rep to CG Sri. Obedullah

Kothawal, Chairman, Municipality, Mahabubnagar

1502-2007 Hyderabd City Region - 100 members Inaugurated by Com. T. Ramesh, President, Al.

AIPAOEU Addressed by Sri Suravaram Sudhakar

Reddy MP (LS), NalgondaProf. K. Nagesawar, Osmania

University, Hyd.

A joint memorandum has submitted to the members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on labour

camed at Hyderabad on 12-02-2007.

During all these days lunch hour meetings have been conducted and members from Circle Office and

DAO office attended overwhelmingly. It is not out place to mention that the NUPE P-IV, NU R-III & R-IV not

joined the program.

------- DASV Prasad, Circle Secretary, AP Circle

Department with full autonomy to offer higher rates of

interests withdrawing the existing premature withdrawal

penalty and to introduce new schemes catering to the

needs of the customers.

The Postal Unions are strongly protesting such

discrimination and this time the issue has been

categorically raised in the ensuing indefinite strike

organised from 24-04-2007. Will the public,

intellectuals, MPs / MLAs, Local Bodies and the

beloved customers raise their voice in extending their

moral support and cooperation to us to save not only

POSB but this glorious trustworthy Department serving

the Nation since more than 150 years?

(Contd. from page 2)

Council to achieve an annual 8% growth targeting the

investment rate in the economy at 32.6% (Domestic

Saving rate 29.8% and foreign resources 2.8%). But

how can one imagine domestic savings without POSB?

Thus, during the current Plan Period, the annual growth

rate may be clubbed with 7.6%.

For high growth mode, creation of lasting economic

and social infrastructure should be taken care of which

can not be imagined without POSB. Budget is not

merely affairs of arithmetic, but in thousands way goes

to the prosperity of the individuals. Thus it is high time

for complete take over of POSB by the Postal


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1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110001


No. PF-12 (C)/JCA/2007 Dated: 20-03-2007

CIRCULAR(1) All General Secretaries NFPE & FNPO

(2) All Office Bearers of NFPE & FNPO Unions

(3) All Circle Secretaries of NFPE & FNPO

(4) All Branch/Divisional Secretaries through Circle


Indefinite Strike from 24th April, 2007Dear Comrades and Friends,

The National Postal Joint Council of Action

comprising National Federation of Postal Employees

(NFPE) and Federation of National Postal

Organizations (FNPO) and its affiliated Unions met

on 20th March 2007, 5 P.M. at NFPE Office and

reviewed the developments on the Charter of Demands

submitted to the Secretary Department of Posts on

29th January, 2007. Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary

General, FNPO presided over the meeting.

The Department of Posts vide their letter No. 8-1/

2007-SR (Pt) dated 22nd February, 2007

communicated to the Federations item wise position

of our Charter of Demands. The reply has been

reviewed by the JCA. The JCA has expressed

dissatisfaction on the negative approach of the

Department towards the problems faced by the Postal

Workers. The Dept. has not taken serious efforts to

resolve the problems.

The JCA has therefore, decided :-# to launch indefinite strike from 24th April 2007.

# The strike notice would be issued to the Secretary

Department of Posts on 09th April 2007.

# Lunch hour demonstration has to be organized all

over the country at all work places by the JCA on

09th April, 2007.

# Effective campaign and propaganda has to be

continued by the JCA at all levels till the

commencement of strike.

National JCA has decided an All India Campaign

Tour programme. The tour programme of JCA leaders

are enclosed herewith. All Circle Unions under the JCA

has to organize massive meetings at places where

leaders attended the meeting. Federations and CHQ

Leaders of affiliated unions of NFPE and FNPO who

are not listed for tour programmes are requested to

participate in all campaign meetings in their respective


JCA at all levels are requested to ensure effective

and vigorous campaign among the employees for

successful conduct of indefinite strike for settlement

of our justified demands.

JCA may be formed at all levels if it is not already



ANDHRA1. Com. S.K. Humayun, Dy. GS, P-IV, NFPE

2. Com. D. Kishan Rao, G.S., P-III, FNPO

Vijayawada - 11-04-07

Vishakhapatnam- 12-04-07

Kurnool- 17-04-07

Hyderabad 10-04-07

Com. C.C. Pillai, S.G. NFPE


2. Com. Deepak Mukherjee, Dy. G.S. NUR 'C, FNPO

Guwahati 10-04-07

Shillong 12-04-07

JHARKHAND & BIHAR1. Com. Milan Bhattacharya, President, P-IV, NFPE

2. Com. S.K. Misra, AGS, NUPE 'C' FNPO

Jamshedpur 10-04-07

Ranchi 11-04-07

Patna 12-04-07

Muzaffarpur 13-04-07

GUJARAT1. Com. Balkrishna Chalke AGS P-IV, NFPE

2. Com. C.P. Nayi, Vice President, NUPM & 'D', FNPO

Vadodara 17-04-07

Ahmedabad 18-04-07

Rajkot 19-04-07

HARYANA1. Com.K.K. Sharma, Treasurer, R-IV (CHQ), NFPE

2. Com. N. Mohinder Singh, Circle Secy., NUPE, 'C' FNPO

Faridabad 10-04-07

Gurgaon 11-04-07


All CHQ Office Bearers of NFPE & FNPO and its affiliates who are not deputed for AllIndia Campaign tour programme are requested to join the campaign meetings in theirrespective Circles.

Sd/- Sd/-(C.C. Pillai) (D. Theagarajan)

Secretary General Secretary GeneralNational Federation of Postal Employees Federation of National Postal Organisations

Sambalpur 12-04-07

Rourkela 13-04-07

PUNJAB1. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, G.S. EDU, NFPE

2. Com. Dharam Singh , AGS, NUR 'C', FNPO

Chandigarh 10-04-07

Ludhiana 11-04-07

Amritsar 12-04-07

RAJASTHAN1. Com. H.P. Diwakar, Org. Secy.,P-III, NFPE

2. Com. Mansoor Ahmed, Vice President, NUPE, FNPO

Jodhpur 10-04-07

Ajmer 11-04-07

Jaipur 12-04-07


1. Com. Des Raj Sharma Dy. S.G. NFPE

2. Com. K.V. Sridharan, G.S., P-III, NFPE

3. Com. P. Suresh, G.S. R-IV, NFPE

4. Com. Y. Nagbhushanam, Vice President -R-III, NFPE

5. Com.S. Noor Ahmed, G.S. NUR-IV, FNPO

5. Com. G.P.Muthukrishan, AGS, NUPE'C', FNPO.

Coimbatore 09-04-07

Madurai 10-04-07

Tiruchy 11-04-07

Pondechery 16-04-07

Thanjavur 17-04-07

Chennai 18-04-07

Com. C.C. Pillai, S.G., NFPE. &

Com. D. Theagarajan, SG, FNPO


1. Com. Giri Raj Singh, G.S. R-III, NFPE

2. Com. Shekel Ahmed Burney, President, FNPO.

Lucknow 09-04-07

Gorakhpur 11-04-07

Allahabad 12-04-07

Kanpur 17-04-07

Agra 19-04-07

Bareillay 20-04-07


1. Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, Treasurer, NFPE

2. Com. S.A. Ansari,Vice President NUPE 'C', FNPO

Dehradun 16-04-07

Panipat 12-04-07

Ambala 13-04-07


2. Com. G.M. Wani, Vice President NUPE'C', FNPO

Shimla 10-04-07

Surender Nagar 11-04-07

Jammu 12-04-07

KARNATAKA1. Com. K. Ragavendran, W. President-P-III (CHQ), NFPE

2. Com. B. Shivkumar, AGS,NUPE 'C' ,FNPO

Mysore 10-04-07

Dharwar 11-04-07

Bangalore 11-04-07

Com. C.C. Pillai, S.G., NFPE

MADHYA PRADESH1. Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary, NFPE

2. Com. Prahlad Jaiswal, Circle Secy. NUPE'C', FNPO.

Gwalior 10-04-07

Bhopal 11-4-07

Indore 12-04-07

Jabalpur 13-04-07


2. Com. T.N. Rahate, GS, NUPE, FNPO

Goa 10-04-07

Pune 11-04-07Aurangabad 12-04-07

Nagpur 17-04-07

Mumbai 16-04-07 & Com. C.C. Pillai,

17-04-07 S.G. , NFPE

Com. D.Theagarajan, S.G., FNPO

CHATTISGARH1. Com. Narayan Chowdhary, AGS, ED & Working

President, NFPE

2. Com. K.C. Srivastva, Circle Secy., NUPE, FNPO

Durg 10-04-07

Raipur 11-04-07

Bilaspur 12-04-07

ORISSA1. Com. Somnath Mukherjee Dy. G.S.P-III (CHQ) NFPE

2. Com. B.C. Parida-Vice President, NUPE 'C', FNPO

Behrampur (Gn.) 10-04-07

Bhubaneshwar 11-04-07


LETTERS FROM DIRECTORATED.G.(P) No. 4-16/2007-PAP, Dated: 5-03-2007

addressed to The CPMG, Punjab and Copy to GeneralSecretary, Group 'C', CHQ.u Non drawal of due HRA to the officiating postmaster,

Bhatinda H.O. in Punjab Circle- C/O Smt. BalwinderKaur BCR, PA.I am directed to enclose herewith copy of a letter No.

P/2-17/Bhatinda dated 14-2-2007 received from GeneralSecretary, AIPEU, Group -C New Delhi, on the subjectnoted above.

You are requested to furnish full facts and details ofthe case to examine the same at this end.

D.G.(P) No. 16-33/2007-SR, Dated: 2-3-2007addressed to CPMG, Chhatisgarh and copy to GeneralSecretary, Group 'C', CHQ.u Alleged maladministration of SSPO's Durg Division

in Chhatisgarh Circle-reg.I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-4/

Cle dated 27-2-07 received from the General Secretary,All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' on the abovementioned subject.2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish adetailed report to this office at the earliest.Encl. As above.

D.G.(P) No. 16-29/2007-SR, Dated: 28-2-2007addressed to CPMG, Rajasthan and copy to GeneralSecretary, Group 'C', CHQ.u Alleged reign of terror in Southern Region, Ajmer

in Rajasthan Circle-reg.I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-18/

Ajmer dated 14-2-07 received from the General Secretary,All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' on the abovementioned subject.2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish adetailed report to this office at the earliest.Encl: As above.

D.G.(P) letter No. 137-23/2006-SPB.II, Dated: 21-2-2007 addressed to General Secretary, Group 'C', CHQu Transfers of officials from operative offices to

administrative offices-Case of Dibrugarh HO-reg.I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-2/Dibrugarh

dated 22nd June, 2006 on the subject mentioned above.2. The matter was accordingly taken up with the ChiefPMG, Assam Circle, Guwahati. Circle has reported thatthere were several PAs who continued to be on adhoctemporary basis from Postal Divisions to DibrugarhRegional Office beyond three years which is against thetenure of deputation. Also there were several assignmentof personnel from PA SBCO cadre serving in Non-SBCOposts.3. It may be appreciated that the entire transfer processhas been carried out on administrative grounds only tosustain the working of the office of Post Master General,Upper Assam Region, Dibrugarh.

D.G.(P) No. 51-9/2006-SPB-II, Dated: 23-02-2007addressed to General Secretary, Group 'C', CHQu Grant of special quarantine leave for those

attached with Chikungunia.I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-10/Akola

dated 12-10-2006 on the above subject, and to state thatthe matter has since been examined. In this regard, youmay please appreciate that the leave can be granted topostal employees to the extent prescribed in CCS (Leave)Rules, 1972 only for all Central Government Employees.

D.G.(P) No. 16-7/2007-SR, Dated: February, 2007addressed to CPMG MP and copy to General Secretary,Group 'C', CHQu Alarming and tense situation prevailling in Madhya

Pradesh Circle-request for effective intervention.I am directed to enclose a copy each of letter No. P/

2-14/M.P. Circle dated 1-2-07, 8-2-07 and No. PF-02(A)/2007 dated 9-2-2007 received from the General Secretary,All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' and all CircleUnions respectively on the above mentioned subject. Acopy of letter No. PF-02(A)/2007 dated 9-2-2007 jointlyrepresented by all circle unions on this issue, is alsoenclosed.2. It is requested to look into the matter personally andfurnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest.

D.G.(P) No. 8-3/2007-SR, Dated: 15-2-2007addressed to General Secretary, Group 'C', CHQ.u Treatment of period of December 2000 strike.

I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/4-2/FRSRdated the 1st February, 2007 on the above mentionedsubject.2. As per Government of India's policy, the period ofstrike is regulated by the principle of 'no work, no pay'which is in the form of directions of the Cabinet. Furtheras per CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, this period cannotqualify for pension and there is no provision to relax.

D.G.(P) No. 16-2/2007-SR, Dated: February, 2007addressed to the CPMG, Uttaranchal and copy to GeneralSecretary, Group 'C', CHQ.u Memorandum presented against Sri M.C. Pandey,

SPO's, Chamoli division in Uttaranchal Circle-request enquiry and action.I am directed to refer to the Department's letter of

even No. dated 5-1-2007 on the above mentioned subjectand to say that the report in the matter is still awaited. Inthe meantime one more reference from the union (letterNo. P/2-21/Chamoli dated 2-2-2007) has been receiveda copy of which is enclosed.2. It is requested to furnish a detailed report to thisoffice urgently.Encl. As above.

D.G.(P) No. 16-75/2006-SR, Dated: February, 2007addressed to CPMG TN and copy to General Secretary,Group 'C', CHQ.u Alleged alarming atmosphere in Tamil Nadu Circle

due to closure of Post Offices, abolition of posts,reducing number of deliveries by the circleAdministration-reg.I am directed to refer to Department's D.O. letter of

even No. dated 13-10-06 on the above mentioned subject


and to say that the report in the matter is still awaited. Inthe meantime one more reference from the union letterNo. P/2-19/Cle. dated 1-2-2007 has been received, a copyof which is enclosed.2. It is requested to furnish a detailed report to thisoffice urgently, covering all the issues raised in union'sletters dated 13-10-06 and 01-02-2007 ibid.Encl: As above.

D.G.(P) No. 4-24/97-PAP(Pt.), Dated: 7-02-2007addressed to PMG, Western Region (TN) and copy toGeneral Secretary, Group 'C', CHQ.u Continued grant of HRA to the postal staff working

at Kannankurichi sub post office at Salem rate inTamil Nadu Circle with effect from 1-8-2005 to 31-07-2008.4-01-2007 on the subject noted above and to state

that your office letter dated 31-7-2006 does not seems tohave been received in this office. You are, therefore,requested to send the proposal of continued grant of HRAto the postal staff working at above post office alongwithfresh Dependency Certificate in original, to process thecase at this end.

D.G.(P) No. 110-16/2004-SB, Dated: .....1-2007addressed to CPMG, NE Circle and copy to GeneralSecretary Group 'C', CHQ.u Non-payment of MIS incentive bill at Dharmanagar

HO - Case taken up by AIPEU-Group-C withSecretary Posts.The undersigned is directed to enclose copy of

representation from G.S. of AIPEU Group-C addressedto Secretary Posts on the captioned subject. Kindly sendyou detailed report on the matter please.

D.G.(P) No. 16-24/2007-SR, Dated: 16-2-2007addressed to the CPMG, Uttranchal and copy to GeneralSecretary, Group 'C', CHQ.u Alleged atrocities perpetrated on postal employees

by Sri Abhishek Singh SSPO's, Nanital andUdhamnagar-reg.I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-21/

Nanital dated 8-2-07 received from General Secretary, AllIndia Postal Employees Union Group 'C' on the abovementioned subject.2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish adetailed report to this office at the earliest.

Com. P. Suresh. On 14-03-2007; com. SubhashChakraborty, Hon'ble Minister of Sports, West BengalCircle; Com. C.C. Pillia, SG, NFPE; Com. K.V. Sridharan,General Secretary, P-3; Com. Giriraj Singh, GeneralSecretary, R-3; Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, GeneralSecretary, GDS; Com. Sukomal Sen, SG, AISGEFaddressed the session. Com. J.A. Ghodke, Com. P.Suresh and Com. K.K. Sharma were elected as President,General Secretary and Treasurer respectively. On behalfof P-3 CHQ we congratulate them and also other officebearers.n Punjab Circle Working Committee : The CWCmeeting of Punjab Circle was held on 18-03-2007 atPatiala under the presidentship of Com. Hajara Ram,Circle President. Com. Karnail Singh, DivisionalSecretary, Patiala welcomed all. All Divisional Secretaries/ Circle Office Bearers spoke on the occasion. In theevening an interaction was organised with the GeneralSecretary who dealt all the problems about two hours.Com. Balwinder Singh, Astt. Treasurer (CHQ) alsoattended and delivered his speech in the evening. Nicearrangements were made by the Patiala comrades andthey deserve all appreciations.n Meeting at Kolkata GPO : A meeting was wellorganised at Kolkata GPO on 15-03-2007 at 14:30 hrs.The meeting was presided by Com. Somen Banjerjee,Divisional President. Com. Sunitra Goswami, VicePresident, CHQ; Com. Somenath Mukherjee, Dy. GeneralSecretary and Com. K.V. Sridharan, General Secretaryaddressed the meeting. The meeting ended at 18:00hrs. Com. Sachidananda Biswas, Divisional Secretarymade elaborate arrangements for the meeting. Oursincere appreciations to the Divisional Secretary and othercomrades of Kolkata GPO.

n Meeting with DDG (P) : A special meeting with DDG(P) has been held in the Directorate on 20-03-2007. Thefollowing are the important outcome of the meeting.(i) The unfilled up IPO vacancies of each circle can befilled up with the merited candidates of others circles asper the merit list prepared on All India basis. The willingmerited candidates will be accorded IPO promotion forthe unfilled up posts with the condition that they shouldbe thorough in the regional language within two years. Ifthey desire to go back to their home circle, the transferwill be considered only under Rule 38. However for GroupB promotions this will not affect seniority and thepromotion will be accorded based on the IPO seniorityon All India basis.(ii) The question papers for the LGO exam shall berevised based on the requirement of work. The GeneralSecretary has been requested to discuss about this withthe PTC either at Madurai or Mysore. The date and timewill be intimated later.(iii) The question of not filling up the residual vacanciescame up for discussion. If the process of recruitmentinitiated, the circle heads will be advised to fill up all thevacant posts earmarked for Postmen and Group 'D's.We suggest to fill up the posts among plus II qualifiedGDS officials without any age limit. That is underconsideration.(iv) Non filling up of LSG / HSG.II/ HSG.I posts - The DDG(P) agreed to cause instructions to all circles that theremark of "Average" in C.R. shall be taken as eligible forpromotions. He assured to cause instructions based onour letters to each circles about delay in filling up of normbased posts.(v) With regard to filling up of APM Accounts posts, theLSG Accountant Rules 1976 will be reinforced andinstructions will be caused soon.

(Contd. from page 35)


up with the nodal Department but the proposal did notfind favour. The issue also came up for considerationin the meeting of the National Council (JCM) and asdeliberated, the matter is again being taken up withthe nodal Ministry. Regarding filling up of vacant posts,suitable instructions have been issued to all Heads ofCircles for filling up of vacant posts in various cadresin the Department.(3) Franchising of postal outlets is being introducedas a pilot scheme only in those urban areas wherethe Department of Posts has not been able to reachand extend postal facilities. In a way it would providerequired relief to the otherwise overloaded staff in thepost offices. As regards closure and relocation of postoffices/RMS offices/transit sections and combinationof beats of postmen and curtailment of postal deliveries,these issues are under discussions with both theFederations and it is in the final stage of consultations.Our cost of operations is very high and the process isfragmented resulting in poor quality while ourcompetitors provide better services at much reducedprice. Department has to find out ways and meansnot only to remain relevant but also to grow. This isbeing attempted through establishment of MailBusiness Centres. The whole concept of Mail BusinessCentre is to enhance revenues of the Departmentwhich is possible only if our quality improves and thecost reduction is passed on to the customers to makeour services more competitive in the market.(4) The matter is to be debated in the Parliamentand is beyond the scope of the Department.(5) It is a matter dealing with the policy of theGovernment of India falling within the purview of Ministryof Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions.(6) Department is making all possible efforts withinthe framework of the rules to fill up all norm basedposts in LSG/HSG-II and HSG-I.(7) Suitable instructions for payment of pending bills inregard to OTA/TA/medical/RPLI commission etc. arebeing issued to all concerned. Incidentally, it may bestated that the issue regarding payment of RPLIcommission was examined and it was found that incertain circles payment of commission was delayed forwant of funds and those circles have taken up the matterfor allocation of additional funds to clear the pending bills.(8) This deals with policy of the Government of Indiaconcerning various Ministries/Departments.(9) As regards according full autonomy to PostalBoard and complete taking over of POSB and PLI bythe Department of Posts on the analogy of RailwayBoard, the proposal has been received for the first timewhich may be examined in due course.(10) The proposal regarding recognition of federations

D.G.(P) No. 8-1/2007-SR, Dated: 22-2-2007addressed to (1) Secretary General, NFPE (2)Secretary General FNPO.u Holding of dharna before Dak Bhawan on 23rd

February, 2007 for settlement of 10 PointCharter of Demands.I am directed to refer to your letter No. Postal

JCA/02/07 dated the 20th February, 2007 on the abovementioned subject.2. The issues raised in the charter of demands havebeen examined. A copy of the reply sent to you in thisregard explaining item-wise position is enclosed foryour kind perusal. You may agree that whereverpossible, the Department has taken the initiative onissues raised by the unions keeping in view the overallinterest of the Department and its employees. In viewof the above as also the overall interest of theorganization, it would be in the fitness of things todesist from adopting an agitational approach andresolve the issues by discussions across the table. Afavourable response from your side will be appreciated.Encl : As above.

D.G.(P) No. 8-1/2007-SR, Dated: 22-2-2007addressed to (1) Secretary General, NFPE (2)Secretary General FNPO.u Programme of agitation given by Joint Council

of Action comprising National Federation ofPostal Employees (NFPE) and Federation ofNational Postal Organisations (FNPO).I am directed to refer to your letter No. PF/Postal

JCA/01/07 dated the 29th January, 2007 giving noticefor programme of agitation proposed to be observed byJoint Council of Action of National Federation of PostalEmployees (NFPE) and Federation of National PostalOrganisations (FNPO). The issues raised in the charterof demands, which form part of the notice, have beenexamined and the item-wise position is as follows :(1) Keeping in view the overall interest of Gramin DakSevaks, it has been decided at the level of Hon'bleMinister of Communications & IT to constitute acommittee for Gramin Dak Sevaks to be headed bysenior retired officer of the Department of Posts. It maybe appreciated that Gramin Dak Sevaks is an institutionpeculiar to the Department of Posts and, therefore, adepartmental officer would be most suited to theassignment. Further the question of status of GraminDak Sevaks has been considered number of times andit has also become subject matter of number of courtcases including that of the Apex Court of India andkeeping in view the nature of their employment, GDSscould not be conferred the status of civil servants.(2) The issue regarding exempting Department ofPosts from the purview of reduction of staff was taken



in the Department of Posts has been initiated and asper suggestion of the Department of Personnel &Training (DOPT), a sample proposal has been sent tothem for seeking their approval in the matter. However,on the initiative of the All India Postal Extra DepartmentalEmployees Union, Shri Gurudas Das Gupta, Memberof Parliament (Lok Sabha) wrote to DOPT for affiliationof unions representing Grmain Dak Sevaks with thefederation which is not in line with the policy of theGovernment. It is in the above background that therehas been some delay in finalization of the proposal.2. As would be seen from the above, whereverpossible the Department has taken the initiative onissues raised by the unions, keeping in view the overallinterest of the Department and its employees. It wouldalso not be out of place to mention that any suchnotice for agitational programme causes irreparable

damage to our business prospects in a highlycompetitive market. It would therefore be in the overallinterest of the organization for all who have its interestsat heart to desist from adopting an agitational approachand rather strive for enhancing efficiency andcompetitiveness in the organization.3. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).

scenario, the circle and divisional level problems,holding of trade union programs with more gravity andsincerity and increase of participation of generalmembers in the programs, how to motivate commonstaff to strengthen the programs and relate commonpeople to our issues with the view to generate more

social impact and drawsupport to the movements ofthe workers. Speakers anddelegates also analysed thesuccess and failures of theprograms held recently toidentify the weak-points ofour functioning so that theyare not repeated. Specialemphasis was given to makethe general postal workersrealize the necessity tocome and stand by themovements of all class and

sectors of the toiling class of India. A seriousdiscussion was held to ensure success of the ensuingprograms called by the JCA including the strike. Allthe three Circle unions were satisfied availing this timelyopportunity of their meetings amidst the properarrangement of the host division - South Presidency.

After 3 days of elaborate discussions and takingsome important decisions and programs the historic eventwas concluded in the afternoon of 4th February 2007.Com. Milan Bhattacharya, Circle Secretary P-IV andCom. Tapan Dasgupta, Circle Secretary, P-III summedup the issues on behalf of the Circle Unions at the end.

(Com. Tapan Das Gupta, C/S, West Bengal)

The Circle Council of AIPEU Group 'C' & WorkingCommittee Meeting of Postmen & Gr-D Union andExtended Working Committee Meeting of ED Union,West Bengal Circle convened at K.D. Mallick Garden,Sonarpur in South Presidency Division, W.B. have beencompleted as an remarkable event of the postal tradeunion programs in our circle.

The program wasinaugurated by prominenttrade union and massmovement leader Com.Sukomal Sen on 2ndFebruary 2007. Former Dy.Secretary General, NFPECom. R.L. Bhattacharya, AllIndia Dy. General SecretaryGr-C (CHQ) Com. SomnathMukherjee, All India VicePresident Gr-C (CHQ) Com.Sumitra Goswami, All IndiaPresident Postmen & Gr-D (CHQ) Com. MilanBhatacharya were also present in the gracious program.The main speaker was Com. K. Raghavendran, All IndiaWorking President Gr-C (CHQ), who enthused about 25delegate comrades arrived from all over West Bengal &Sikkim. The representatives from different tires of the newlyformed Postal Workers' Union (of the Part time Contingentpaid staffs) in West Bengal Circle were also present.

Delegates from all the branches and divisions ofthis circle spoke in the meetings on issues of varietyrelating to our department of late. The focal points ofthe speeches were mainly the problems and attackson our department with reference to the global


Com. Chittabrata Majumdar, the General

Secretary, CITU lost his breath on 20-02-2007 at

Kolkata. He was a member of the Polit Bureau of

CPI (M). Since 1950 he was serving for the toiling

mass and particularly for the working class. We pay

our homage to the departed leader.




(K.M. Ramesh, MAML, Advocate)

What is Globalisation? It is an offensive of capital.

It is an all-out, comprehensive offensive of capital. The

offensive is economic, political, cultural and ideological

and it is all-pervasive Globalisation is aimed at

maximization of profit Globalisation results in

maximum misery and suffering for the working people.

The future of India, the children of India, have a

sad story to tell the world. 28 lakhs of Indian children

die every year due to malnutrition. Out of every 4 such

children in the world, one is an Indian child. 50% of

the Indian children are under-weight. Even 10% of the

Indian children do not move over to higher eduction.

30 crores of Indians earn less than Rs. 50 per

day. After the first round of globalisation 1,10,000

farmers have committed suicide. It goes on unabated

even after Manmohan shed crocodile tears in

Vidharbha. After Manmohan's visit, the suicide count

has gone up by 1,100. But still, there is no loan waiver.

There is no viable minimum support price for cotton.

Sonia Gandhi and the Congress have launched a

war on poverty in a very ingenuous way.

Form 1997, the Planning Commission has devised

a new approach for defining poverty line. Go back by

30 years. What were the prices and living conditions

then? Take that into account and determine poverty

line accordingly. By this diabolical method one will

cross the poverty line if one starts earning more than

Rs. 327 per month. With one stroke of the pen, crores

are lifted above the poverty line and they become a

part of the shining India of the Mittals and Ambanis.

Garibi Hatao is indeed a war on the poor.

When the people's misery is growing by the day,

the Sensex is booming and the stock market bull is

roaring. The Sensex has now touched the 13,500 mark.

Finance capital and speculation are calling the shots.

The share value of 30 blue chip companies has gone

up by 1.5 lakh crores, from 15 lakh crores to 16.5 lakh

crores. This was just in a matter of 6½ months. Profits

without production of goods and services. Growth

without viable employment and improvement in the

living condition of the people. There you have finance

capital and speculation in full flow.

The latest development mantra is Special

Economic Zones (SEZ). Our rulers respectfully place

lakhs of acres of land at the feet of capital. If they

engage in manufacturing in 25% of the area, 75% of

the land can be used for anything they want. They

can build shopping malls, discotheques and golf

courses. The farmers, the adivasis who are deprived

of their land, the agricultural labourer deprived of his

job, can very well bask in the glory of SEZs. The

exchequer will loose around Rs 1 lakh crores through

the proposed tax concessions to the SEZs. These SEZs

will not be part of India, when it comes to labor laws. In

the Detroit of India, very near to Chennai City, none of

the new factories set up recently has a workers' union

When Hyundai supplies 100 cars to Tamil Nadu police,

one can very well guess the reasons.

The proposed Central Legislation on Unorganised

Labour contemplates collection of Rs. 1 per day from

every worker throughout the year. 35 crores multiplied

by 365 adds up to Rs. 12,675 crores The Govt. wants

to place it at the disposal of the stock market.

Some specific aspects of the attacks on TU


Every trade union bargains, fights, for a better

price for the commodity called labor power Incidentally

this is the only commodity which is made of blood

and flesh Marx says that if profits go up wages come

down and that if wages go up profits come down.

Human labor creates new value. Extraction of surplus

value and exploitation takes place in the production

process itself. Out of the new value created by labor,

one part of it goes to labor power as wages and the

other part surplus value is appropriated by capital. This

appropriation and accumulation is the economic

foundation of capitalism.

Globalisation extracts in two ways: absolute

surplus value and relative surplus value. Absolute

surplus value is extracted by making one work for more

hours for more time Relative surplus value is extracted

within the agreed working hours by intensification

through flexibility, mobility, multiple operations,

Japanese methods, productivity increase incentive

system and no-norms or touch-time.

Absolute surplus value is extracted by

employment of non-permanent work force,

casualisation, contractualisation, ancillarisation and

sub-contracting. Offshoring and the resultant

outsourcing at the international level is nothing but

extraction of absolute surplus value.

In this particular phase of capitalism, with more

productivity and more profits, there was less and less

of regular permanent employment. The social gulf


between the contending classes has also widened.

The 2005-2006 Economic Survey says that from

1997 to 2003, 17.29 lakhs have lost their employment

in the organised sector. The loss has taken place in

Central, State Govts, Central, State PSUs, private

sector and local bodies. De-industrialisation has played

havoc on engineering, jute, taxtile industries and tea

plantations. Several industrial estates have also

declined. Industries have been evicted by court orders.

According to the Economic Survey 2004-2005, the

small industries were employing 2.80 crore workers.

Now, 9 lakhs of such small units are closed. Big

corporate houses, when they find that the firing cost

is lesser than the hiring cost, they also cut down

employment by announcing separation/retirement

schemes, which are not that voluntary. The mad,

merciless drive for profits has led to a very big decline

in organised sector employment. That is the method

in the madness of capitalism.

In the ultimate analysis, restructuring has taken

place in organising production. By the methods

employed for extraction of absolute and relative surplus

value, workers and TUs have almost lost their control

over production. This has led to the curtailment of

collective bargaining to a great extent.

Judicial Terrorism

In a parliamentary democracy, even parties of the

ruling classes, have to seek the mandate of the people

at regular intervals. This is where the judiciary steps

in. What the politicians dare not do openly, the judiciary

does it for them. In fact, it is more loyal to capital then

the capitalist themselves.

The Kerala High Court and the Supreme Court

have held that 'bandhs' are unconstitutional. The

Mumbai HC has gone to the extent of fining political

parties for organising a bandh. The Supreme Court

has held that rallies and public meetings can not be

held in crowded places. When the French ship

Ciemenceau carrying toxic industrial waste entered

the Indian seas and wanted to dock itself in a Indian

Port, the SC passed a gag order prohibiting anybody

from speaking and writing about it. When the issue of

Jayalalitha's sacking a few lakh employees came up

before the Supreme Court, it ruled that the Govt,

employeed do not have a right to strike. It has also said

that policy decisions of the Govt. like disinvestment in

Balco or creation of SEZs can not be challenged.

Hard-won rights through decades of TU movement

are snatched away by the Supreme Court. It now says

that casual and contract labor, working for many years

and doing the jobs of permanent workers have no right

to either regularisation/permanency or equal pay for

equal work if there are no sanctioned posts and if they

have not come through employment exchanges. The

perpetrator of unfair labor practices are not only let off

but are also given a premium, whereas the victims are

condemned for making a back door entry.

It says, with a lot of profundity, that discipline is

not slavery and it wants indisclipine to be met with an

iron fist. The Supreme Court has held that employers

can abolish posts, transfer employees anywhere, as

they have an inherent right to do that. It has also held

that even if non-employment is held to be not justified,

reinstatement need not follow as a consequential relief.

It is withholding back wages by going for a presumption

(which is unwarranted) that the worker would have been

gainfully employed. Even in cases where contract labor

system is abolished, the Supreme Court says that,

the erstwhile contract labourers need not be absorbed

by the principal employer. Recently, in a Kerala case

relating to workers' welfare board, the Supreme Court

has held that those who do not have a direct employer-

employee relationship need not pay cess.

To be Continued...........

Com. R. Lakshmaiah, Ex. Circle Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Circle has breathed his last on 11-03-

2007. He was the founder leader of P-4 at Trimulghery HO. He was elected as Circle Secretary, `AIPEU

Group 'C' in 1987 and till 2000 he served in the post. He has been relinquished from the post due to NRR at

Tirupati Circle Conference held in 2000.

A condolence meeting was organised in the burial ground and the prominent leaders who paid tributes

to the departed leader are Com. DASV Prasad, Circle Secretary, P-III, AP; Com. R. Sivannarayana, Astt.

General Secretary, P-III; Com. S.K. Humayun, Dy. General Secretary, P-IV; Com. R. Sudha Baskar, State

President, CITU; Com. D.G. Narasimharao, Dist. Secretary CPI (M); com. P. Satyanarayana, State Sect.

Member CPI (M); com. R. Laxmaiah, General Secretary, APR STC staff & Workers Federation; Com.

Ashok Babu, BSNL Employees Union. We pay our homage and tributes to the departed leader. Long live

Com. R. Lakshmaiah!!



GOVERNMENT ORDERSu Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek

transfer to a lower post under FR 15 (a)In partial modification of this Department's O.M.

of even number dated 14-02-2006 on the subject above,it has been decided that Para.5 of the said OM whichinter alia says lays down that "These orders take effectfrom the date this O.M. is issued. Past cases alreadydecided need not be re-opened" shall stand deleted.

(G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No. F.16/6/2001-Estt. Pay-I, dated 04-01-2007)u Reimbursement of charges for train ticket

booking through "Internet" for railwayjourneys undertaken for official purpose / LTCThe Indian Railways have introduced booking of

railway tickets through "Internet", and a number ofrepresentations from different Ministries have beenreceived in this Ministry to extend this facility toGovernment employees while undertaking officialjourney / LTC.2. The matter has been considered in this Ministryand it has been decided that reimbursement of chargesfor booking of rail tickets through Internet / e-ticketing,booked through the website of Indian Railways, maybe allowed only for railway journeys undertaken forofficial tours and LTC.3. In their application to the staff serving in the IndianAudit and Accounts Department, these orders issueafter consultation with the Comptroller and AuditorGeneral of India.

(OM No. 19023/1/2006-E-IV, dated 25-10-2006from Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure)u Deduction of membership subscription under

the CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993-clarificationregarding.I am directed to draw your kind attention to the

Department's letter No. 13-14/96-SR (Vol. III) dated18-12-97 inter alia stating that deduction ofmembership subscription in respect of associationswhich prima-facie fulfil all other conditions but werenot recognized in the initial round of verification maycontinue to be deducted till further orders based onthe written declaration unless the option is withdrawnby the individual employee. The instructions issuedvide letter dated 18-12-1997 ibid still remainunchanged.2. However, complaints are being received fromnumber of unrecognized unions alleging stoppage ofrecovery of subscriptions by circles from salary ofmembers of unrecognized unions/associations. Someof the recognized unions have also written for stoppageof such subscriptions based on which certain circle

offices have sought clarification in this regard. It is,therefore, clarified that the instructions as referred toin para 1 of the letter may be followed scrupulously soas to avoid unnecessary correspondence in this regard.3. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

D.G.(P) letter No. 13-4/2006-SR, Dated:14-2-2007.u Continued redeployment of the post office of

Pr. Chief PMG West Bengal Circle as Pr. CGM,PLI Dte. New Delhi.In continuation of this office order of even number

dated 29-08-2006, the undersigned is directed toconvey the approval of the competent authority forcontinued redeployment of the post of Pr. Chief PMGWest Bengal Circle, in the pay scale of Rs. 22400-26000, as Pr. CGM, PLI Dte., New Delhi for a furtherperiod of one month beyond 31-01-2007 i.e. from 01-02-2007 to 28-02-2007. Simultaneously, the post ofCGM, PLI Dte. in the pay scale of Rs. 22400-24500,is redeployed as Chief PMG West Bengal Circle, inthe same scale of pay, for the said period.

D.G.(P) No. 31-2/2002 PE.II, Dated: 14-02-2007.u Review of standards of work hours of Head

Offices/Sub Offices after decentralization ofRD and MIS Schemes.On account of decentralization of RD and MIS work,

there is increase in the workload in departmental SubOffices and corresponding decrease in Head PostOffices.2. The matter has been examined in view of theposition stated above and it has been decided on purelyon an adhoc basis to assess the workload of HeadOffices and Sub Offices in the following manner, till aformal study is undertaken by the IWSU of theDirectorate:a) No time factors will be allocated to Head PostOffices for the work relating to the transactions i.e.opening of new accounts, deposits, withdrawals,payments on maturity and nominations in respect ofRD Scheme in Departmental Sub Offices in Accountwith an HO.b) Time factor of six minutes per nomination in respectof RD accounts shall be provided for Departmental SubOffice at par with norms for Head Post Offices. Notime factor will be available for HO for nominations inrespect of accounts opened in Departmental SubOffices in account with an HO.c) Time factor of 7 minutes per payment on maturitytransactions in respect of RD accounts at DepartmentalSub Offices, which are at par with Head Post Office,shall be provided for SOs.


d) For discontinued scheme of CTD, if any transactiontakes place like closure of account etc. the existingtime factor will continue to be applicable.Savings Bank/PPF/MIS Senior Citizen Schemea) No time factor will be provided to Head Post Officesfor the work relating to transactions of Monthly IncomeScheme and Senior Citizen Savings Scheme in SubPost Offices in account with HO.b) Time factor of six minutes per nomination in respectof MIS and Senior Citizen Savings Schemes shall beprovided for Sub Office at par with the norms for HeadPost Office.3. In view of the above, revised time factor for HOs/

SOs/EDSOs in respect of RD/MIS/SB/PPF and SeniorCitizen Savings Schemes in Post Offices as indicatedin Annexure 'A' and 'B' are prescribed purely on an adhoc basis till a formal work study is carried out by theIWSU of the Directorate. Before issuing any additionalhand in a single-handed Post Offices, efforts may bemade to manage the additional SB/RD work bycomputerization of the office or by its amalgamationwith the neighbouring single handed Post Office locatedwithin one km. range.4. Further, clarifications, if any, may please beobtained from Financial Services Division.5. This issues with approval of Secretary (P).


TIME FACTOR FOR RD TRANSACTIONS IN POST OFFICEIn Head Offices Time factor for work under Time factor for

Pay roll Savings transactions otherSchemes/MPKY than pay Roll Schemes

Description of business Time factor (in minutes) Time factor (in minutes)A Transactions at Counters

(i) Opening of new accounts 5.00 8.00

(ii) Deposit 2.00 3.00

(iii) Withdrawal 5.30 5.30

(iv) Payment on maturity 7.00 7.00

B Transfer of Accounts(i) Accounts opened on transfer 8.00 8.00

(ii) Accounts closed on transfer 10.50 10.30

(iii) Local transfer 10.50 10.30

C Work relating to EDSOstransactions in Head Offices(i) Opening of new accounts of EDSO 5.00 6.30

(ii) Deposits 1.00 1.00

(iii) Withdrawals 3.00 3.00

(iv) Pyaments on maturity 5.30 5.30

D Nominations 6.00 6.00

Only those registered at Head Offices

Circle Offices 1 1.60

Co-effecient for HO 1.6

II. In Head Offices Time factor for work under Time factor forPay roll Savings transactions otherSchemes/MPKY than pay Roll Schemes

Description of business Time factor (in minutes) Time factor (in minutes)(i)

(a) Opening of new account of EDSO 4.00 5.00

(b) Opening of new-account of

Departmental Sub office 5.00 8.00

(ii) Deposits 1.00 3.00

(iii) Withdrawals 5.50 5.30

(iv) Payment on maturity (for Depttl. SO) 7.00 7.00

(v) Nominations (for Depttl. SOs only) 6.00 6.00

Co-effecient for HO 1.3




Description of business Time factor(in minutes)

A New Accounts Opened(i) At Counter 9.00

(ii) in EDSOs in account with HO 6.00

(iii) in departmental SO (excluding MIS and Sr. Citizen Saving Scheme Transactions) 3.00

(iv) In branch Offies in direct account 7.00

B. Deposits(i) Deposits in Head Offices 3.75

(ii) Deposits in Sub Offices in account with (excluding the transactions

relating to MIS and Sr. Citizen Scheme) 2.30

C Withdrawals(i) In Head Post Offices 5.50

(ii) In Sub Offices in account with HO excluding the withdrawals of MIS, Sr. Citizen 3.00


D Accounts Transferred(i) Accounts opened on transfer 9.00

(ii) Accounts closed on transfer 9.00

(iii) Local transfer 9.00

(Items I, II, and III above include the works relating to accounts of all Schemes

standing at Sub Offices in account with)

E Nominations (Registered at HO only) 6.00

Co-efficient for HO 1.85


Description of business Time factor(in minutes)

(i) New accounts opened at EDSO 6.00

(ii) New accounts opened at DSO 9.00

(iii) New accounts opened at 'C' Class SO 9.25

(iv) Subsequent deposits in 'C' Class S.O. 3.25

(v) Subsequent deposits 3.00

(vi) Withdrawals 5.30

(vii) Work at Sub Offices relating to deposits at Branch offices in account 2.00

(viii) Nominations (only in case of Decentralized schemes) 6.00

Co-efficient for Sub Offices 1.45Note: Time factor for deposits and withdrawals by cheques will be the same as for

each deposits and withdrawals.

the newspaper may be made to the above officers onproduction of Bills/Cash Memos by the concerned officers.The above officers will have the option to either return theold Newspaper or to make a deduction from thereimbursement bill @ 15% for retaining such Newspapers.No reimbursement in respect of Magazines/periodicalsmay, however, be allowed to the abvoe officers.3. This issues with the concurrence of FA(P) vide theirDy. No. 50/FA/07/CS dated 06-02-2007.

u Rembursement of cost of Newspaper purchasedby the ASPO's at their residence.I am directed to refer to point No. 7 of this Directorate's

letter of even number dated 21-03-2006 and to conveythe sanction of the competent authority for reimbursementof cost of one newspaper purchased by the ASPOs attheir residence in the Department of Posts. The aboveofficers would have the option to purchase the Indiannewspaper of their choice. Reimbursement in respect of




4. These orders take effect from the date of issue.(D.G.(P) letter No. 25-18/2000-PE-I, Dated: 06-02-2007)u Initial lunch of the franchising scheme in specified

urban areas.In consonance with the 10th Plan policy imperatives,

an innovative method has been conceived by theDepartment for providing better access to postal counterservices by opening franchised outlets in areas where apost office cannot be opened as per departmental norms.The scheme has been approved by the Hon 'ble MoC & ITfor launch. This scheme also figures in the PrimeMinister's Thrust Areas. The scheme has been launchedthrough DDG (E&PN) D.O. letter of even number from1.2.07 in 100 identified locations of specified Circles. Thefollowing orders are hereby issued for immediateimplementation of the scheme.2. Details of the Scheme(I) Introduction

The Department of Posts is entrusted with theUniversal Service Obligation of increasing access to basicpostal facilities throughout the country. Even though Indiahas the largest postal network in the world. With over1.55 lakh post offices. including 89% in the rural area.There continues to be a demand for post offices. Postoffices in the rural area are incurring more than thepermissible level of loss. In the urban area. Where aminimum of 5 % profit is required as per norms. over50% of the single and double handed offices are incurringlosses. There is a clear need to reduce the deficit whileincreasing access to post office facilities.

Under the 10th Plan the Department is required torationalize the network and explore new viable avenues forexpansion of its network. The objective is to optimize theresources with a view to achieving self sufficiency whilecontinuing to fulfill the Universal Service Obligation. Thereis a constant demand from customers to open more postoffices especially in newly developing urban agglomerations.(2) Basic features of the urban franchise model2.1. Only counter services are to be franchised, whiledelivery and transmission will be continued through theDepartment Linking arrangements for the franchisedoutlets will be provided by the franchisee.2.2. The franchisee will provide service across the counterfor a minimum defined time schedule with flexibility towork round the clock.2.3. Products and services offered:l. Sale of stamps and stationery.2. Booking registered articles, speed post articles,

money orders (on EDBO model). e-post, etc. (no bulkbooking to be taken up in franchised outlets).

3. Functioning as an agent for PLI and provide relatedafter sales service including collection of premia.(subject to fulfillment of criteria for PLI agents)

4. Marketing products for which the Department has acorporate agency or tie-up and provide related followup services. (Subject to agreement with the otherorganizations involved)

5. Providing retail and bill/tax /fine collection/paymentservices of the Department. (Subject to agreementwith the other organizations involved)

6. Facilitating the provision of e-governance and citizen

centric services (subject to agreement with the otherorganizations involved)

7. Any other service introduced by the Department infuture through its outlets which is consideredamenable to the franchisee model. (Subject toagreement with the other organizations involved)The model has adequate flexibility built in to allow a

range of services to be extended through the outletsaccording to the need/ demand, and to increase the rangewhen found necessary. Thus, the range of counter servicesthat can be offered through different outlets can vary, keepingin view the location and its capacity to generate revenues.2. 4 Implementation Strategy:

In the initial phase and for the present, the urbanfranchise model will be implemented only in fastdeveloping areas of urban growth like metros and theirsatellite towns. as also such urban areas where there is ajustification for post offices on the distance and populationnorms but there is difficulty in providing the same throughredeployment. The further extension of the scheme can betaken up after the results available from experience of theinitial phase - say after six months of initial launch.2.5 Viability:

The viability of each franchise only requires to beassessed by the concerned field unit so as to ensureadequate returns to the franchisee. The expected minimumrevenue would depend on the range of services, particularlocation, potential revenue, the investments that thefranchisee is willing to make, the cost likely to be incurred bythe Department in providing support facilities, etc.2.6 Criteria for Selection:

Applicants for franchises would need to submit anapplication in a prescribed proforma (Annex-I). Theselected franchisee will sign a Memorandum ofAgreement with the Department (Annex II). Criteria forselection have been fixed considering the need to selectpersons with the capacity to manage and market a rangeof products, along with' a sense of the community needsand public aspects of the job, and willingness to accepttechnological options. The criteria are as below:(i) Only individuals are eligible for appointment and not

any organization which he/ she may be serving/representing.

(ii) Age: Above 18 years. No upper age limit.(iii) Educational qualifications: 10+ 2 standard or 12th

class pass of a recognized University or Board ofSchool Education or Board of Secondary Education.

(iv) Preference:a. Postal pensionersb. Those able to provide computer facilities.

(v) Premises: Proper appropriately located andaccessible premises. properly maintained withsuitable display of approved signages.

(vi) Applicant should be willing to make the necessaryinvestments for the conduct of the business and beable to provide a simple business plan comprisingdetails of how. the premises win be run, what theopening hours would be, investments conditions, proposals for marketing products,awareness of customer base. Role in localcommunity, budget, finances, etc. Two references


from respectable persons of the locality where thefranchise is proposed to be located would also berequired to establish the character and antecedentsof the applicant.

(vii) A business plan would be prepared taking intoaccount the anticipated minimum level of business/revenue worked out by the Divisional Head for thespecific franchise.

(viii) Security Deposit: The security deposit to be providedby the franchisee would be based on the maximumpossible level of financial transactions likely beundertaken by the franchisee in a day. The minimumsecurity deposit would be Rs. l 0.000 the shape of aperformance bank guarantee.

(ix) Selection: Would be made by a committee comprisingthe Heads of the concerned Division and a neighboringDivision based on a report from the ASP/SDI.

2.7 Remuneration to franchisee:-The franchisee will earn remuneration commission

on services provided. as set out in the Schedule ofMemorandum of Agreement.(3) Monitoring

The monitoring mechanism for the scheme will bestrengthened vis-a.-vis regular outlets. with monthlymonitoring by inspectors. An element of electronicmonitoring will be introduced in due course.(4) Training

Introduction to the objectives, products/ services,basic procedures, upkeep of the premises and customercare would be part of induction training of the franchisee.The briefing will be done by the sub-divisional inspector

of the area.(5) Branding of franchisee outlet

Standard signages for India Post franchisee wouldbe provided to give a uniform look to all franchised outlets.Signage design is at Annex - III.3. The operating manual for franchised outlets in urbanareas is at Annex-IV. Accounting procedure forremuneration is at Annex- V.4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.The scheme is required to be implemented in 100identified urban locations by 31/3/2Q07.

(D.G.(P) No. 40-36/EFC/04-Plg., Dated: 8-02-2007)u Supply of copies of important orders and

instructions relating to policy matters to all therecognized service Associations/Federations andUnions-reg.This has reference to the SR Branch's

communications of even No. dated the 19th Oct. 2005 &25-8-2006 on the above mentioned subject.2. All divisional branch heads were requested to ensuresupply of general, unclassified circulars etc affecting theinterest of member employees to the office bearers ofrecognized unions/federations. Still number of complaintsare being received from various unions pointing out nonsupply of such circulars etc. which is against the spirit ofthe prevailing instructions on the subject.3. All division/branch heads are once again requestedto ensure supply the copies of important orders andinstructions to the federations and recognized unions/associations without fail.

(D.G.(P) No. 10-12/2005-SR, Dated: 7-2-2007)

INDIA POST OFFICE BILL REWORK LIKELYThe private courier operators in the country can

breathe a little easier. The department of post (DoP) is

re-working the controversial India Post Office

(Amendment) Bill, 2006.

While the details of the changes made are still under

wraps, sources say that two proposals which would

have helped boost the standing of India Post are being

watered down. The first proposal was to give DoP the

sole right to carry parcels under 300 gm and the second

was regarding the reduction of foreign direct investment

(FDI) in the express industry to 49%. The DoP has

decided to take a fresh look after it received suggestions

from various quarters including customers, experts and

the express industry. The department is incorporating

some of the changes in the revised version of the bill,

which is expected to be tabled before the Parliament in

the forthcoming budget session.

Speaking to ET, IMG Khan, Secretary to the

Government of India, DoP, Ministry of Communications

& IT, said: "We have tailored the bill slightly, brought it up

to date and have also sufficiently tried to respond to the

criticism. "Mr. Khan also said that while the DoP has

made the requisite changes, the final version will be

decided only by the Parliament. "It depends entirely on

the political leadership." he said.

A welcome addition, however, to the revised version

of the bill might be the compulsory registration of all

express operators with the Mail Regulatory &

Development Authority.

"The objective of the bill is to create some service

standard for the express industry. A clause, whereby all

operators have to compulsorily register with a regulatory

authority and disclose their accounts, assets and

networks will enable us in achieving that." said John

Samuel, General Manager, Business Development &

Marketing Directorate, DoP.

The express industry is quite happy with this

development. This is a welcome move as many private

courier operators avoid service tax payments and a step

in this direction will help in reducing or preventing that,"

said Vineet Agarwal, executive director, Transport

Corporation of India (TCI). The TCI group has an express

arm named XPS Express.

Although the bill has been substantially delayed,

the postal department is confident that it will be

implemented as it is just and duly warranted.

(Economic Times, Dt. 31-1-07)

Alas ! monopoly of PostalServices may go?



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7. Post Office Act 2006 30/-

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4. POSSS Part-III 2006-07 August ed. 100/-

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6. POSSS Part-V 2007-08 January 70/-

7. HB for Post Office SSA/MPKBY Agents

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1. Guide to PS Group 'B' Exam. Paper-IV

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2. Guide to PS Group 'B' Exam. Paper-I&II 275/-

3. Guide to Exam. (Paper I&II) 275/-

4. A hand Book of references for Inspectorial

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5. Guide to Exam for LGO/Sorting Asst. 2006 250/-

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Printed and Published by R.N. Chaudhary, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 1 Patel Road, New Delhi-8

at Deep Printers, Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043

APRIL 2007 BHARTIYA POST RNI No. 25592/73Regd. No. DL (C)-12/1075/06-08

NEWS OF THE MONTHTreasurers and RMS Cashiers; Higher pay scales toSystem Administrators with a system of 40:40:20 promotionto that cadre to the Postal Assistants; Higher Pay toPO&RMS Accountants; treating the period of RTP servicefor pension and other purposes; and ensuring at leastthree promotions [TBOP/BCR/HSG-I] on completion of 10,20 and 25 years of service were comprehensively placedbefore the Pay Commission. The questions raised by theHonourable Chairman of the Pay Commission and otherMembers of the Commission were also replied in aneffective and convincing manner. We have the satisfactionthat we have played our part effectively before the PayCommission to bring justice to the Postal Group C staff.n National Pension Protection Day : Mass Dharna wasobserved on 07-03-2007 before Parliament House, NewDelhi against Contributory Pension Scheme and PFRDABill 2005. Around two thousand State Government andCentral Government employees participated. Amemorandum was submitted to the Hon'ble PrimeMinister requesting to drop the new pension scheme anddemanding the continuance of old defined pensionscheme. Comrades, S.K. Vyas, C.C. Pillai, K.K.N. Kutty,Desraj Sharma, K.V. Sridharan, Giriraj Singh addressedthe Dharna. Com. Tapan Sen, MP and Com. G.L. Dhar,AITUC also addressed the dharna.n Uttarakhand Circle Conference : The CircleConference of Uttarakhand Circle was held at Roorkeefrom 08th to 09th March 2007 under the presidentship ofCom. G.B. Kharkwal, Circle President. The NFPE flagwas hoisted by the General Secretary and also theconference was inaugurated by him. On 08-03-2007evening, an interaction seminar was arranged withGeneral Secretary and discussed various issued overfour hours. At the end of the conference Com. G.B.Kharkwal, Com. K.S. Panwar and Com. B.S. Dhapolawere unanimously elected as Circle President, CircleSecretary and Circle Treasurer respectively. We recordour appreciations to the newly elected office bearers. Theoffice bearers list will be published in the next issue.n R-IV All India Conference : The 30th All IndiaConference of R-IV was held at Salt Lake Stadium inKolkata from 13th to 16th March 2007 under thepresidentship of Com. J.A. Chodke, President. The opensession was inaugurated on 13-03-2007 by Com. Md.Amin, Vice President, CITU. The other prominentspeakers were Com. Biswajibah Majumadar, ChairmanReception Committee; T.Narasimhan, Vice President,Confederation; Com. R.L. Bhattacharjee, Ex. Dy. SecretaryGeneral, NFPE; Com. Milan Bhattacharjee, President, P-IV CHQ; Com. P. Rajanayagam, General Secretary, PostalAccounts; Com. S.P. Mukherjee, General Secretary,Admn.; com. Sumitra Goswami, Vice President, P-3 CHQ;

(Contd. on page 24)

n Nationwide Dharna on 23-02-2007 : On the call ofPostal Joint Council of Action, comprising NationalFederation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and Federationof National Postal Organisations (FNPO), NationwideDharna Programme was observed on 23rd February2007 by the Postal employees all over the country beforeCircle / Regional administration offices and PostalDirectorate at New Delhi.

The main Dharna / Demonstration was held at DakBhawan, New Delhi in which more than 1500 postal workersparticipated. Coms. Des Raj Sharma, Dy. SG, NFPE; D.Theagarajan SG, FNPO, K.V. Sridharan, GS, P-III; S.P.Mukherjee, GS Admn.; S.S. Mahadevaiah, GS GDS; P.Rajanayagam, GS Postal Accounts; Giri Raj Singh, GS R-III;R.N. Parasar, Secretary NFPE; D. Kishan Rao, GS NU P-III;T.N. Rahate, NU P-IV, Shakil Ahmed, President FNPO; GurdevSingh, Ex. President FNPO addressed the gathering. Allleaders of Central JCA while addressing the gatheringwarned the Government if 10 point charger of demandswhich was submitted to the Secretary (Posts) on 29thJanuary 2007 not timely settled then entirety of postalemployees would be constrained to launch sustainednationwide struggle culminating into indefinite strike.n Meeting at Ambattur: A special meeting was organisedon 04-03-2007 at Ambattur HPO and General Secretaryattended the meeting and elaborated the demands andother matters. The meeting was well organised by AmbatturBranch comrades. My appreciations to Com. C. Mohan,Branch Secretary, Ambattur.n Postal Unions tender Oral Evidence before 6th CPCon 06-03-2007 : The 6th CPC had invited all the recognizedPostal Employees Unions and Associations to tenderoral evidence before the Commission on 6.3.2007 atChennai. Five representatives from each P3 and P4; fiverepresentatives representing both R3 and R4 as well asAdmn and Postal Accounts Unions together belonging toNFPE Unions tendered oral evidence on their alreadysubmitted memorandum. The FNPO Unions and otherrecognized Associations also tendered Oral evidencealong with NFPE Unions.

On behalf of Postal Group C Union ComradeK.V.Sridharan the General Secretary, Com.M.Krishnan[CHQ President]; Com.K.Ragavendran [WorkingPresident]; and Com.K. Panneerselvam [Asst.GeneralSecretary] attended along with the Secretary General NFPEComrade C.C.Pillai.

The time allotted to us was judiciously used toeffectively focus many important issues of Postal GroupC workers. Among other issues the issue of Higher PayScales to Postal Assistant; the injustice done to the TBOPand BCR officials as well as the scale of HSG-I; thejustification of reintroduction of Charge Allowance to allSupervisors; the discrimination between the Post Office