bfl 12-week-kit

Live it. 1 2005 Body-for-LIFE Challenge Win US$1,000,000 ASIA PACIFIC Official Competitor Guide Take the Challenge. Make the Change. Before After 8 Years Later Anthony Ellis Before After 7 Years Later Kelly Adair Before After 3 Years Later Cheryl Rasmussen Before After 3 Years Later Thomas Phillips PLUS! Both Australian & New Zealand Grand Champions each win a BMW Z4 for a year! * *Conditions apply, visit

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Page 1: BFL 12-week-kit

Live it. 1



Win US$1,000,000 ASIAPACIFIC

Official Competitor Guide

Take the Challenge. Make the Change.

Before After 8 Years Later

Anthony Ellis

Before After 7 Years Later

Kelly Adair

Before After 3 Years Later

Cheryl Rasmussen

Before After 3 Years Later

Thomas Phillips

PLUS! Both Australian & New Zealand Grand Champions each win a BMW Z4 for a year!*

*Conditions apply, visit

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Over 2 million people have transformed

their bodies. Now it’s your turn.

Before After 2 Years Later

Becky Southard

Before After 7 Years Later

Dr. Jeffry Life

Before After

Lynn Oglesby

Before After 6 Years Later

Lezlee Jones

Before After 8 Years Later

Anthony Ellis

Before After

Tracy Jeffries

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6 steps to success in your Body-for-LIFE Challenge

1) Take your “Before” photos—Place “Before” prints on pages 11 and 13 of this booklet.

2) Start your transformation—Follow our exercise and nutrition recommendations for best results. Questions? Call us toll-free on 0800 666 44 4 (NZ), 1800 263 937 (AUS) or visit

3) Take your “After” photos—Place “After” prints on pages 12 and 14 of this booklet.

4) Record your inner transformation—Put your transformation into words on page 16.

5) Return this booklet to us—We must receive your completed Official Competitor Guide within 15 days of the end date of your 12-week Challenge.

6) Keep up the good work—Look what you’ve done in 12 weeks! Enjoy your progress but continue on with your new healthy lifestyle.

After 3 Years Later

Lynn Oglesby

Before After 6 Years Later

Thomas Archipley

Before After 5 Years Later

Pam Hickerson

After 3 Years Later

Tracy Jeffries

Before After 8 Years Later

Brad Wadlow

Before After 3 Years Later

Cindy Homan

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INFORMATIONBy signing below, you acknowledge you have read the Rules and Regulations governing the 2005 US$1,000,000 Body-for-LIFE Challenge, and you agree tobe bound by these Rules and Regulations.

Date Name (first) (last)Daytime phone Evening phoneOccupationBirth Date E-mailAddress City StatePostal Code Country

Date you began your 12-week Program

Date you finished your 12-week Program

Starting weight (mandatory)

Optional starting stats (blood pressure, cholesterol, body fat %, etc.)

12-week weight (mandatory)

Optional 12-week stats (blood pressure, cholesterol, body fat %, etc.)

Competitor’s signature

Witness signature and phone number

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❑ Body-for-LIFE™ Nutrition Bars❑ Body-for-LIFE™ Ready-to-Drink Shakes

❑ Myoplex® Original❑ Myoplex® Lite❑ Myoplex® Deluxe❑ Myoplex® Sport❑ Myoplex® Carb Sense❑ Myoplex® Storm

❑ AdvantEdge® Quick Stir❑ AdvantEdge® Ready-to-Drink❑ AdvantEdge® Nutrition Bars❑ AdvantEdge® Carb Control Drinks❑ AdvantEdge® Carb Control Bars

❑ Thermo DynamX❑ CLA❑ Precision Protein❑ HMB❑ Phosphagen HP❑ Phosphagen Elite❑ BetaGen❑ Cytovol❑ Other:

Body-for-LIFE Prizes

• Fifteen finalists will each receive the Body-for-LIFE Champion jacket + US$5,000 in product vouchers.

• Five finalists will be selected from the 15 by an online vote to attend the Championship Gala.

• One Grand Champion will win US$1,000,000!

• Bonus Prize! Both Australian and New Zealand Grand Champions each win a BMW Z4 for a year. (Conditions apply, visit

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All you need to do to secure your chance at US$1,000,000…

Looking at your “Before” photos offers a vivid reminder of where you’ve been and is a powerful motivator to keep you going; that’s why taking your photos is your first step in the US$1,000,000 Body-for-LIFE Challenge. What better way to take a good look at the shape you’re in and get motivated to change the shape of things to come? It’s also smart to record your weight, body fat percentage, waist or dress size—any personal statistic that’s meaningful to you. As you proceed, you can use these benchmarks to track your progress and stay motivated.

Next, read through this packet thoroughly for tips for success in your transformation:

Get going … and keep going!

The real beginning of your Challenge is the start of your exercise and nutrition programs. There’s no getting around it—it’s tough to change a lifetime of bad habits and inconsistency. That’s why we are available to help you with every step of your Challenge, from answering your training questions to recommending solid nutrition advice and the best nutritional products to help you succeed. Please visit or call our Body-for-LIFE advisors on 0800 666 444 (NZ) or 1800 263 937 (AUS).

The camera doesn’t lie.

You may not fully realize how far you’ve come until you take your 12-week “After” photos. The fact is, your photos are one of the most important ways we—and you—will measure your success. As a successful Challenge finisher, these pictures will say it all!



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Share your story.

The changes you experience on the outside are merely a reflection of other, more profound changes that have occurred inside. That’s why we ask you to put your transformation experience into words to complete your Challenge entry. Take the time to review and reflect, then write from the heart.

Complete your 12-week Challenge.

By now you’re probably feeling more energetic, your clothes are starting to fit better (or you have new ones), and people are commenting on how good you’re looking! Now it’s time to finish strong. Send in this Official Competitor Guide, complete with your written portion and your 12-week “before” and “after” photos, and you’ll be eligible to win the US$1,000,000 Grand Prize!

Enjoy the new you … and your new life.

It’s true. Everyone who finishes the Challenge is a winner, enjoying better health, more energy, new found control and renewed confidence in every aspect of their life. Your 12-week Body-for-LIFE Challenge is just the beginning of a rewarding lifelong journey. Start strong … finish strong … keep going strong … for LIFE!




Theresa Hornick BFL 2000 Participant Continues to lead an active lifestyle.

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Questions and Answers about the Body-for-LIFE Challenge

What is the Challenge all about?

When EAS created the Challenge concept and held our first event 10 years ago, we hoped it would inspire people to make exercise and proper nutrition a top priority in their lives. Many people know what to do, but we’ve discovered that they need an incentive to help them focus. The idea worked, and now the Body-for-LIFE Challenge has become internationally known as the world’s most prestigious fitness championship. But to many, it signifies much more than building a better body… the Challenge is a celebration of what is best about the human spirit. It’s about the growth and goodness we can all experience when we harness our untapped potential to change—to move forward and improve all aspects of our lives.

I would like to accept the Challenge, but I don’t know much about nutrition and training. Where can I learn more?

We recommend these sources of information: Body-for-LIFE Book by Bill Phillips,, or call our Body-for-LIFE Advisors on (NZ) 0800 666 444, (AUS) 1800 263 937. The Body-for-LIFE book is extremely comprehensive and easy to read. It will teach you how to build muscle and burn fat fast through an integrated approach to training and nutrition. Body-for-LIFE also contains vitally important information on how to set goals and achieve them, as well as providing you with the opportunity to learn from others who have successfully completed the 12-week Program. Body-for-LIFE is available at booksellers everywhere.

I have accepted your Challenge in the past, but didn’t make it all 12 weeks. Can I enter again?


I’m not sure if I will be able to reach my goal in 12 weeks.






Kelly Adair 1998 BFL Champion

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Can I enter more than once?

Yes, you can. We admire those who have the strength of character to keep going. You may enter as many times as you like this year, as long as the dates do not overlap.

Do I have to keep track of my weight or body fat percentage to officially compete in the Challenge?

Please share the information about your progress that is meaningful to you. For some it will be body composition percentages, for others it will be cholesterol levels or blood pressure. Many women find that dress size is a meaningful indicator; whereas many men find that keeping track of their waist size and the size of their arm or leg to be a good measure of success. It is completely up to you. Get creative!

Do I have to use nutritional supplements to officially compete in the EAS Body-for-LIFE Challenge?

No. You are not required to use EAS nutritional supplements to compete in the Challenge, but we do encourage Competitors to use EAS supplements. If you are determined to make a remarkable transformation in only 12 weeks, you are going to need to nourish your body daily, with quality protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and with the other important micronutrients your body needs to recover from your intense exercise sessions. Achieving your transformation goal without supplements is difficult, particularly in a short period of time.

I’ve noticed that some Challenge participants held newspapers in their photos and some of the guys shaved body hair and tanned. Do I need to do these things?

Holding a newspaper is a great way to date your photos for sharing them with family and friends, but holding a newspaper in your photos is not required. You do not need to shave or tan. Some competitors do this simply to show their muscle definition more clearly.









Abb Ansley 1997 BFL Champion

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Before and After Photos

On pages 11 and 14 of the Official Competitor Guide, you’ll find space to affix your “before” and “after” photos. Please include the four required photos (two “before” and two “after”—each showing both front and back views), plus an optional photo of your choice. Your “before” photos must be taken within three days of beginning the Challenge. Your “after” photos must be taken within three days of finishing the Challenge. For example, if your start date is January 5th, you could take your photos as soon as January 2nd, or as late as January 8th. We recommend attaching your photos to the packet using double-sided tape.

Before After 7 Years Later

Dr. Jeffry Life

Before After 3 Years Later

Cheryl Rasmussen

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Helpful tips for winning photosClothing• Please wear the same type of clothing in the “before” and “after” photos

• Swimsuits or shorts are preferred.

• Please remember that if you are covering up parts of your body it will be difficult to show your progress.

• Do not cover your legs with long shorts or “cut” them out of the photo.

Photos• Professional photographs are not necessary, but remember, this is the only way we can see your

transformation, so good, clear photos are essential.

• Try taking them outside in either the morning or the late evening (when the sun is low) as the light is generally better for photos at that time.

• Take your photos against a plain background.

• Please submit 3x5 or 4x6 photos.

• Please stand with your arms at your sides in the “before” and “after” photos. No posing, please!

• Please include your whole body, from head to toe.

• Try to fill the photograph with yourself. If you stand too far away it may be hard to see your great results.

• Copyrighted photos will not be accepted unless a signed release of use to EAS from the photographer is attached to the packet. All photos become the property of EAS and will not be returned. Please have duplicates made and keep a copy of these photos. Do not send in negatives—Please hang on to them and do not lose them. Your photos may be used by EAS to promote its business even if you are not selected as Champion.


Thomas Phillips 2002 BFL Grand Master Champion

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Date of my FRONT “BEFORE” photo: / /

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Date of my FRONT “AFTER” photo: / /

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Date of my BACK “BEFORE” photo: / /

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Date of my BACK “AFTER” photo: / /

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Inner Transformation Essay

Helpful tips for a winning essay

• Journal your thoughts and feelings throughout your transformation.

• Use your journal to help you express the change you experienced.

• Practice writing your essay on another piece of paper before transferring it into the official entry guide.

• Write clearly and concisely, using only the space provided.

• Judges are looking for clarity, originality, sincerity, and leadership potential.

• Speak from the heart, as though you were sharing your story with a friend.


Kelly Adair’s inner transformation was just as meaningful as her outer transformation.

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One-Page Essay: / /

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The US$1,000,000 Body-for-LIFE Challenge 2005™ is an international self-improvement Challenge combining a body transformation and written questions. The US$1,000,000 Body-for-LIFE Challenge 2005 will be conducted in the United States and internationally in those countries where EAS supplements are sold by an EAS-Authorized International Distributor. A complete list of EAS International Distributors is located at or at Many EAS-Authorized Distributors conduct their own Challenges. Winners of the Challenges conducted by EAS-Authorized Distributors will automatically become entrants in the US$1,000,000 Body-for-LIFE Challenge 2005. Only EAS-Authorized Distributors (listed at may conduct authorized Challenges. All International Challenge participants need to contact their EAS-Authorized Distributors for all Body-for-LIFE Challenge details.

Timelines and Deadlines

Challenge participants may enter the US$1,000,000 Body-for-LIFE Challenge 2005 more than once. However, each Challenge participant must complete a full 12-week program in order to be eligible to win and before entering into the next Challenge round. If submitting more than one Official Competitor Guide, the dates of 12-week competitions must NOT overlap. Upon completing the 12-week Program (and to be eligible to win a prize package), challenge participants in the Asia Pacific region must send in their 12-Week Official Competitor Guide within 14 days of completing their 12-week program by mail or courier to 2/17 Arrenway Drive, Albany, Auckland 1331, New Zealand by courier (highly commended) or by post to “EAS Body-for-Life 2005” PO Box 300-757, Albany 1331, Auckland, New Zealand. The kits are then forwarded together to the USA for judging.

You must start your Challenge no later than July 4, 2005. You must finish the Challenge by September 25, 2005 and send us your completed entry (before and after photos and essay) no later than October 10, 2005 to be considered for the competition. The Champions will be announced beginning November, 2005, and the US$1,000,000 Grand Champion will be announced in January, 2006.

How You Will Be Judged

The US$1,000,000 Body-for-LIFE Challenge 2005 (“Challenge 2005™”) staff will select Champions in the Challenge 2005 from all completed entries received by EAS and from winners of the competitions conducted by EAS’ Authorized Distributors, located outside the United States. Stay tuned to for more details.

All winners are responsible for all applicable taxes; prizes are not transferable; and there will be no substitutions for the prizes. Cash prize for Grand Champion will be paid out in an annuity over four years. Grand Champion will be asked to become an exclusive endorser for EAS/Body-for-LIFE and related products and services and enter into a two-year exclusive endorsement agreement with EAS/Body-for-LIFE.

Who’s Eligible to Enter this Challenge?

Challenge participants must be at least 18 years of age before starting their 12-week Challenge Competition. The Challenge 2005 is subject to applicable federal and state laws and is void in all states and countries where skill contests requiring proof of purchase are prohibited.

Employees of EAS, its International and U.S. Distributors in other countries, and any of their affiliated companies, advertising agencies, or consultants and contractors providing services for The Challenge 2005, along with their immediate family members, may participate but are not eligible to win. Employees working in stores that sell EAS products (grocery stores, health-food stores, etc.) are eligible to compete.

Official Rules And Regulations

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Challenge participants in previous EAS Physique Transformation Challenges may compete, but past Champions of any EAS Transformation Challenge are not eligible to win the Challenge 2005.

Challenge participants may not use anabolic steroids or any strength-enhancing prescription drugs or medications unless prescribed by a physician to treat an existing medical condition (medication and medical condition must be noted in the written portion of your packet). All Champions will be required to sign an affidavit of eligibility, and may be drug and polygraph tested.

Regulations and Requirements

EAS reserves the right to interpret these rules and, if necessary, to amend the rules at its sole discretion and without notice to individual Challenge participants. Any amendments to the rules or changes in prizes will be published online at or Rule interpretations and all judging decisions are final. All information and materials submitted along with your Official Competitor Guide become the sole and exclusive property of EAS. Challenge participant scores are confidential and will not be disclosed.

Each Challenge participant assumes all risk of injury, harm or loss of any kind arising from participation in the Challenge 2005. Consult with your physician or health care provider before starting any new exercise, nutrition or supplementation program, particularly if you suffer from any medical condition or regularly use prescription or over-the-counter medications. If you are not experienced with strength training, or if you are changing your exercise program, consult with a qualified trainer or coach. Challenge participants in the Challenge 2005 expressly release EAS, its Distributors and affiliated companies, and the directors, officers and employees of any of them from all risk, loss, injury, damage or harm that may arise from participating in the Challenge 2005.

Challenge participants must notify EAS in writing of any change of address or phone number. International Challenge participants must notify the Distributor in their country. Champions who cannot be reached within ten (10) days at the address or phone number in their completed Official Competitor Guide will be disqualified.

The individuals featured in this kit were competing for cash and prizes in an EAS-sponsored shape-up Challenge and have received consideration from EAS. They achieved extraordinary results; there are no “typical” results. Their photos represent extraordinary examples of what can be accomplished through an integrated system of exercise, nutrition, supplementation and goal setting. As individuals differ, their results will differ, even when using the same program.

Submission of your completed Official Competitor Guide in the Challenge 2005 constitutes your express consent and permission for EAS, and any of its affiliated companies, to use your name, photographs and written responses (in whole or in part) for promotional and advertising purposes to promote EAS, its business, and Body-for-LIFE worldwide, in any media and in any manner whatsoever, without limitation or restriction, and such consent is deemed given by your entry and participation in the Challenge 2005. Submission of your completed Official Competitor’s Guide shall be deemed your acceptance of these Rules and Regulations (as may be amended) and your voluntary transfer to EAS of all right, title, and interest, including copyright, of your photographs and written responses.

Official Rules And Regulations

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Send your official competitor guide to:EAS Asia Pacific, PO Box 300-757, Albany 1331, Auckland, New Zealand

(New Zealand) Tel 09 477 2111 (Australia) Tel 02 4861 3914email: [email protected] •