between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes...

The Industrial Revolution Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in Britain and consisted in the making of new manufacturing processes. Eventually, it got out of control and there were terrible consequences. It was called… The two main changes were: •The decline of the domestic system •The invention of the factory system

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Page 1: Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in

The Industrial Revolution

Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in Britain and consisted in the making of new manufacturing processes. Eventually, it got

out of control and there were terrible consequences. It was called…

The two main changes were:•The decline of the domestic system•The invention of the factory system

Page 2: Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in


There’s not an actual pattern. Different people believe they happened in different orders.

New machines were invented due to people’s interest

in science and technology.

People were willing to spend their money in

the new factory business.

Britain was rich in coal which powered

steam engines.

Banks in Britain grew and people could borrow more

money (for factories).

Lots of colonies around the world belonged to

Britain and provided them with materials, goods, etc.

The government wanted everyone to do

whatever they wanted. (Laissez-faire)

Britain’s population grew

quickly. More people means a need for more

food AND more workers.

Farming in Britain got better and there was

enough food for everyone.

Transports improved and

roads, railways and canals were

built. These helped transport


Page 3: Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in

Working Conditions

This Industrial Revolution meant:

•Far too many working hours (day AND night)•Bad and too little factory food•Severe punishment in factories•Horrendous factory accidents•Poor health (and even physical deformities)•Factory pollution•Children (workers) abuse

And more…

“I worked from 5am til 9pm. We had no clock. I

only got a penny an hour”

-Elizabeth Bentley (worker)

“We slept three in one bed at the

apprentice house when work ended.

There were two rooms. Supper was

the same as breakfast.”-John Birley


“I have often seen the master pull up the

clothes of big girls and flog them. We wished he

might die. He beat me with a stick over the head til it was full of lumps and

bled”-Sarah Carpenter


“I saw a child working whool. The strap in the machine caught him and his whole

body went in, and was mangled”-John Allet(worker)

were not pleasant…

Page 4: Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in

Children in the Industrial RevolutionChildren at that time were expected to work ever since they were 4 years old. Some worked from 4am to 5pm and some 14 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week.

Children got payed 10% or 20% of what an adult did and, most times, they worked as much as an adult.

They were useful for jobs such as mule scavengers in cotton mills. These consisted in picking up the cotton from underneath the machines while these were on. Some lost body parts or even died “swallowed” by machines. Some developed lung deseases because of pollution. Some died of starvation. Most kept working even though they had deformities, illnesses, etc.

The government tried to stop this child abuse but factory owners were selfish and wouldn’t let them take their workers from them. It was beyond unfair.

Page 5: Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in

InventionsDuring this important period of time, transportation progressed, industrial processes became easier because of machinery , etc. It EVEN lead to industralization in America. It was the time of great inventions. Some were:

The Telegraph (1836) The Cotton Gin (1793, 1798) The Sewing Machine (1844) by Samuel F. B. Morse by Eli Whitney by Elias Howe

The Telephone (1876) The First Airplane (1903) The First reliable Steam Engine by Alexander Graham Bell by Orville and Wilbur Wright (1775) by James Watt

Page 6: Between the years 1760 and around 1820 and 1840, there was a chain of events or period of changes which affected the world’s history. These started in


Made by: Daniela Cebrecos (Wikipedia) ( (Google all the Industrial Revolution images used)(Papers done in class and information in them)(The school’s wiki)