between: autrans corporation, ingersoll, … · 1 collective agreement between: autrans...


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Page 1: BETWEEN: AUTRANS CORPORATION, INGERSOLL, … · 1 collective agreement between: autrans corporation, ingersoll, ontario-and-and its local 2163 october 6, 2017 – october 5, 2021






and its LOCAL 2163

October 6, 2017 – October 5, 2021

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APPENDIX A- WAGES........................... 34

APPENDIX B – SKILLED TRADES ...... 35 ARBITRATION ....................................... 13 BENEFITS ................................................ 27

BEREAVEMENT ..................................... 16

BULLETIN BOARDS .............................. 16

CAW TRAINING FUND ......................... 30


COPY OF AGREEMENT ........................ 17




GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE................... 11

HEALTH AND SAFETY......................... 22

HOLIDAY PAY PLAN ............................ 26

HOURS OF WORK.................................. 17


JOB POSTING PROCEDURE................. 29

JURY DUTY ............................................ 15

LAYOFFS AND RECALLS .................... 10

LEAVE OF ABSENCE ............................ 14


FIRST AID............................................ 16

MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ........................ 7


MISCELLANEOUS ................................. 31


NO DISCRIMINATION ............................ 1

OVERTIME EQUALIZATION ............... 19

OVERTIME PAY ..................................... 20

PAID REST PERIOD ............................... 19

PURPOSE CLAUSE ................................. 1


............................................................... 32 RECOGNITION ......................................... 1 REPORTING-IN PAY.............................. 15

SENIORITY ............................................... 9

STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS .................. 17


TEMPORARY TRANSFERS .................. 28 TERMINATION ....................................... 33


PAY....................................................... 28

TRANSFERS ............................................ 22

UNIFOR TRAINING FUND ................... 32


UNION REPRESENTATION.................. 21

UNION SECURITY ................................... 7

VACATIONS WITH PAY ....................... 25

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The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions of employment for

employees of Autrans that are represented by the Union.

Autrans and the Union agree that a co-operative environment within which all employees, the

Union and Autrans can work productively, avoiding confrontation, is in the best interests of all

employees, the Union and the Company.

The parties will seek to attain high operational efficiency and productivity, constant improvement,

high quality and low production costs, which are essential ingredients to a profitable operation.

Through its profitability, the Company and the Union seek to provide stable employment and a

safe workplace.

ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION 1.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all

employees of the Company in the Town of Ingersoll, save and except supervisors, persons

above the rank of supervisor, office, clerical, engineering and sales staff (collectively the

excluded employees are referred to as “Excluded Employees”). 1.02 The Company agrees that Excluded Employees shall not perform bargaining unit work

except in the following circumstances:

(i) for purposes of training or instructing bargaining unit employees;

(ii) for purposes of experimentation;

(iii) in cases when all of the bargaining unit employees who are capable of doing the work

are asked to perform overtime work and they choose not to do so; and

(iv) in cases of emergencies such as daily employee absences.

The Company shall advise a bargaining committee member if an Excluded Employee

performs bargaining unit work pursuant to one of the circumstances noted above. In the

case of (iv), such notification shall be provided prior to the performance of any work.


2.01 The Company and the Union agree that there shall be no discrimination, harassment,

interference, restriction, restraint or coercion exercised or practiced by either of them or by

any of their representatives with respect to any employee by reason of race, ancestry, place

of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of

offences, marital status, family status or disability, nor by reason of Union membership.

The above terms will have the meaning provided by the Human Rights Code, Ontario.

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The terms “spouse” or “partner” as used in this Agreement shall mean a person to whom an

employee is married, or with whom the employee is living in a conjugal relationship of at

least one year in duration, including a person of the same or opposite sex. 2.02 In particular, Company and the Union confirm their commitment to dealing with any

sexual harassment complaint in an expeditious and professional manner, all in accordance

with the Human Rights Code, Ontario. Grievances and complaints dealing with sexual

harassment will be handled with sensitivity and appropriate confidentiality. 2.03 Joint Commitment in Respect of Harassment

The Employer and Unifor are committed to maintain a workplace environment that is free

from discrimination and harassment and that ensures all individuals are treated with respect

and dignity.

Where a bargaining unit member complains of harassment by a person other than another

bargaining unit member, he/she shall bring such complaint to the attention of the Employer

and of UNIFOR. The Employer will then initiate and complete an investigation of the

complaint and report the findings back to the complainant who shall be accompanied by the

Union Chairperson. Should the complainant not be satisfied with the Employer’s

response he/she is entitled to file a grievance under the terms of this Collective Agreement.

Properly discharged supervisor responsibilities that do not interfere with a climate of

understanding and respect for the dignity and the work of Autrans employees are not

considered harassment. 2.04 Harassment with Respect of UNIFOR Members

a) Policy

Harassment is a form of discrimination that is prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights

Code and is a contravention of the Code. Harassment, including sexual harassment, is

offensive, degrading and threatening. The Employer and Unifor do not tolerate any

form of harassment. This applies to circumstances in which one bargaining unit

member alleges harassment by another bargaining unit member.

b) What is Harassment?

For the purpose of this joint policy, harassment is restricted to any grounds prohibited

by the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Harassment is defined as a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or

ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Every person who is an employee has

the right to freedom from harassment in the workplace, as listed in Article 2.01.

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c) Responsibilities

In order to provide for and maintain an environment free of harassment, the Employer

and Unifor will ensure that:

- All employees are informed that harassment, including sexual harassment in the

workplace is an offence under the law.

- The Employer and Unifor will jointly investigate all complaints

- The Employer is available to discuss questions, concerns, or complaints related

to harassment with the complainant and Unifor.

- All Employees have the right to proceed under this policy where applicable

without reprisal or threat for having made a complaint in good faith. Harassment

may occur as a result of one incident or a series of incidents. The unwelcome

comment or conduct does not have to be directed at a specific person for

harassment to occur.

The following examples could be considered as harassment but are not meant to cover

all potential incidents:

- name calling

- racial slurs or jokes

- mimicking a person’s accent or mannerisms

- offensive posters or pictures on paper

- repeated sexual remarks

- physical contact that could be perceived as degrading

- sexual flirtation, advances, propositions

- leering

- comments about a person’s sex life

- innuendo, gestures or taunting about a person’s body, disability, attire or gender.

d) Procedure

1) Any employee who considers that he or she has been subjected to discrimination

or harassment by a person who works at Autrans is encouraged to indicate

firmly to the alleged harasser that his or her behaviour is unwelcome.

2) Where the employee does not wish to bring the matter directly to the attention

of the alleged harasser or where such an approach has been attempted with no

satisfactory resolution, the employee should report the situation as soon as

possible to the company and the union.

3) All complaints not resolved informally at the plant level must be submitted in

writing and the company and the union will assist the employee to draft a formal

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written complaint. The written complaint should be as detailed as possible, and

will include: - a description of the incident(s) – names, titles and location of all

parties, - specific dates and times of the alleged harassment/discrimination and –

employee’s signature for future correspondence.

4) An investigation will be conducted with the company and union to determine

what steps are necessary. Statements will be requested from all employees

involved with or having knowledge of the harassment or discrimination

complaint. The privacy and confidentiality of all employees will be protected

and only those who have a “need to know” will be involved. All records of

complaints, including records or notes of meeting, interviews, results or

investigations and other relevant materials will be kept confidential by Autrans

and the Union, except where disclosure is required by law.

5) In order to be eligible for consideration and review, formal complaints of sexual

harassment must be filed by the complainant within ninety (90) calendar days of

the last alleged incident of harassment or discrimination.

e) Resolution

1) Autrans and the Union strictly prohibit any form of sexual harassment in the


2) Managers, supervisors and employees are subject to disciplinary action, up to

and including dismissal of employment, if the investigation proves that

discrimination or harassment has occurred. Disciplinary actions therefore will

range from reprimand to dismissal, depending upon the seriousness of the

violation. Action will be taken promptly against any employee found to be

engaging in sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind.

3) If the Company and Union’s investigation reveals that an employee has

intentionally made a false claim of harassment or discrimination or that an

employee has knowingly provided false statements in connection with the

investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination, he/she will be subject to

disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

The Company and the Union are committed to providing a working environment where all

employees are treated with dignity and respect. Each employee of Autrans has the right to

work in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. 2.05 Violence Against Women

The parties hereby recognize and share the concern that women uniquely face situations of

violence or abuse in their personal lives that may affect their attendance or performance at

work. A woman who is in an abusive or violent personal or domestic situation will not be

subjected to discipline without giving full consideration to the facts in the case of each

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individual and the circumstances surrounding the incident otherwise supportive of

discipline. This statement of intent is subject to a standard of good faith on the part of the

Employer, the Union and the affected employees and will not be utilized by the Union or the

employees to subvert the application of otherwise appropriate disciplinary measures.


3.01 All current employees who have not done so and all new employees will be required to

complete and sign an Application for Membership and Authorization for Check-off of dues

and Initiation Fee on Form A230-86, supplied by the Union to the Company.

3.02 The Local Union copy of this form will be forwarded to the Local Union Financial

Secretary upon completion. 3.03 All dues and initiation fees deducted will be remitted to the Local Union Financial

Secretary by the fifteenth (15th) of the month following the month in which the dues or

fees are deducted. 3.04 The Company will also supply a list of those members who did not have Union dues,

deducted and the reason why no deduction took place. 3.05 The Financial Secretary of the Local Union will notify the Company of any change in the

amount of Union Dues and/or Initiation Fee to be deducted in line with constitutional

requirements of the National Union. 3.06 Union dues will be shown on the employee’s T-4 form.

Union dues: when to deduct and amount to be deducted

3.07 Union dues are payable from the first full pay received by the employee following the date of

hire, and thereafter, will be deducted on a weekly basis from the employee’s pay.

3.08 Dues are not payable when a member receives:

(a) sick and accident benefits;

(b) workers’ compensation benefits.


4.01 The Union recognizes and acknowledges that the management of the operation and the

direction of the working forces are fixed exclusively by the Company, and that the rights of

the Company as they existed prior to the Union obtaining bargaining rights for the

employees continue to exist except as limited by this Agreement, and, without limiting the

said rights of the Company, the Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the

Company to:

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(a) maintain order, discipline and efficiency and in connection therewith to make, alter and

enforce from time to time reasonable rules and regulations, policies and practices to be

observed by the employees; discipline or discharge employees for just cause, provided

that an employee who has yet to complete his or her Probationary Period may be

disciplined or discharged in the discretion of the Company provided that such action

is not taken in bad faith or in violation of Article 2.01, and further provided that a

claim for unjust discipline or discharge of an employee who has completed his or her

Probationary Period may be the subject matter of a grievance;

(b) select, hire, transfer, schedule vacations, promote, demote, classify, lay-off, recall or

retire employees and select employees for positions excluded from the bargaining unit;

(c) determine the location of operations, and their expansion or their curtailment; the

direction of working forces, the subcontracting of work, schedules of operations, the

number of shifts, job content, quality and quantity standards, programs and initiatives,

the establishment of work or job assignments, including cross training or temporary

assignments, the qualifications of an employee to perform any, particular job, the

nature of the tools, equipment, and machinery used and to use new or improved

methods, machinery, methods or processes, decide on the number of employees

needed by the Company at any time, number of hours worked, starting times of

lunches and breaks, and starting and quitting times; and

(d) have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction over all operations, buildings, machinery,

equipment and employees, except as limited by this Agreement. 4.02 The provisions of Article 4.01 are subject to the expressed provisions of this agreement and

management shall not exercise its rights in a manner inconsistent with the terms of this

agreement. 4.03 The Union will not engage in activities during working hours or hold meetings at any time

on the premises of the Company without the permission of the General Manager or his/her

designate, provided such activities or meetings are not related to a grievance.


5.01 The Company will supply to the Union committee the following information quarterly or as

defined below and send a copy to the Local Union office:

(a) employees who acquire seniority (within a reasonable amount of time);

(b) employees by rate and classification;

(c) employees transferred into or out of the bargaining unit; (immediate notification)

(d) employees on all types of leave of absence (upon request);

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(e) employees on Sickness and Accident and Compensation and the date of

occurrence; (3 days from company notification)

(f) lay-offs and recalls;

(g) employees who have lost seniority;

(h) employees who are discharged;

(i) names, addresses, and postal codes of all active employees;

(j) list of salaried employees, supervisors, names and shifts;

(k) All job postings, applicants and job awards; and

(l) The Company will provide a copy of all health and safety incidents and/or

accidents to the Health and Safety Co-Chair and Union Chairperson.


6.01 Seniority will be established and maintained for all employees in the bargaining unit on a

bargaining unit-wide basis.

6.02 All employees’ names will appear on a seniority list as of their date of hire, and will be

revised monthly and posted on plant notice boards. A copy of such list will be given to the

Union Chairperson.

6.03 Employees will be regarded as probationary employees for the first sixty (60) working

days of their employment. Seniority will start from the first date of hire and their name will

appear on the seniority list in order of the respective date of hire.

6.04 In the event more than one employee is hired on the same date, the Company will randomly

assign each employee with a seniority code number. This number will be used in

determining each employee’s seniority standing, i.e. lowest seniority code number will be

highest seniority standing on such date.


7.01 Seniority rights and the employee’s employment shall cease for any of the following


(a) If an employee voluntarily quits the employ of the Company.

(b) If an employee is discharged for just cause and such employee is not reinstated

pursuant to the provisions of the grievance procedure.

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(c) If an employee overstays a leave of absence or remains away from work without

permission for a period of more than three (3) consecutive working days, unless a

reason satisfactory to the Company is given.

(d) If an employee fails to report to work in accordance with a notice of recall, or within

five (5) working days after registered mailing date of such notice, whichever is later,

unless a reason satisfactory to the Company is given.

(e) If laid off, a non-probationary employee will be retained on the seniority list for

period of thirty-six (36) months or for a period of time equal to his/her accumulated

seniority at date of layoff, whichever is greater.

ARTICLE 8 - LAY-OFFS AND RECALLS 8.01 (a) Subject to Article 8.01(b) below, where employees are being laid-off who have completed

their probationary period, the Company will give at least five (5) working days notice to such

employees and the Union of the temporary lay-off and, in the case of permanent lay-off, ten

(10) working days notice or the notice required by the Employment Standards Act, 2000,

whichever is greater. Temporary lay-off shall have the meaning provided in the Employment

Standards Act, Ontario and permanent lay-off shall mean those lay-offs greater than temporary

lay-off. The freeze period mentioned in Article 38.03 will not be applied to employees

changing jobs due to lay-off.

(b) In the event that a lay-off occurs as a result of an unscheduled halt in a customer’s

production, it is understood that the Company is not required to provide the notice referred

to in Article 8.01(a). 8.02 Whenever it becomes necessary to decrease the workforce, probationary employees will be

the first laid-off. If further lay-offs are necessary, employees with the least amount of

seniority shall be laid-off, provided those remaining employees with more seniority are able

to do the work available, with appropriate familiarization.

8.03 (a) Employees who have been laid-off in accordance with the above provisions will be

returned to work in line of seniority in which they were laid-off, provided they are able to

do the work available, with appropriate familiarization.

(b) Employees laid-off from their department will be given the option to return to that

department before any job bulletins are posted.

8.04 The Company will provide the Chairperson of the Unit with a list of employees to be laid-

off or recalled by written notice, also any cancellation of such notices.

8.05 Notwithstanding the seniority provisions of this Agreement, super lay-off seniority shall

apply to the following union representatives on their regular shift in the order listed below

with the Unit Chairperson having the greatest shift protection.

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(1) Unit Chairperson or designate - last person to be laid-off;

(2) Bargaining Committee Members - last two (2) employees prior to Unit Chairperson

to be laid-off; (vis a vis these employees seniority shall apply between them);

The super seniority provision shall only apply to a union representative if the union

representative is able to perform the work available, with appropriate familiarization. 8.06 If a position becomes redundant but then becomes available within a three (3) month

period of an employee being displaced, such employee formerly in that position will return

to the position. After a three (3) month period, the position will be posted as per the Job

Posting procedure.


9.01 An employee who has been incapacitated as a result of injury or disease may be employed in

other available work in the plant without regard to the seniority provisions of this agreement,

subject to their seniority being applicable to layoff. Employees seeking accommodation

must present appropriate medical certification of their restrictions which will be reviewed at

least annually. The employee will pay for these medical certifications, however, where the

medical certifications are properly completed, any additional medical certifications will be

paid for by the Company.

The Company and the Union agree that where practical, reassignment for the purposes of

accommodating medical restrictions and facilitating rehabilitation should be identified

within the employee’s currently assigned team, shift and department prior to any other

transfer to another team, department or shift. In those instances where reassignment/transfer

is required, it shall be undertaken with the intent of returning the rehabilitated employee to

their assigned team.

The parties recognize their respective rights and obligations flowing from the legal

requirement to reasonably accommodate disabled employees.

The Company and the Union agree that in those instances in which an employee is

permanently reassigned within the Department or to another Team or shift, the junior

employee on the Team or in the Department, as the case may be, will be displaced unless the

parties agree otherwise in accordance with the principles of accommodation. A change in

shift under this article will only occur if required to facilitate an accommodation.


10.01 It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints of employees shall be adjusted as

quickly as possible, and it is generally understood that an employee has no grievance until

he/she has first given his/her immediate supervisor an opportunity to adjust the complaint.

Such discussion shall be held within five (5) days of the date of the alleged occurrence said

to have caused the complaint, or when the employee should have been aware of the

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occurrence said to have caused the complaint, and the employee may have a Union

Committee person present for such discussion. 10.02 If an employee has any complaint or question which he/she wishes to discuss with the

Company, the employee may, either alone or with the Union committeeperson, discuss the

matter with the employee’s immediate supervisor. The employee’s supervisor will give

his/her decision within two (2) working days and, if the answer is unsatisfactory, the matter

may be raised with the department manager within one working day. The department

manager will then give his/her decision within an additional three working days. 10.03 If such complaint or question is still not settled to the satisfaction of the employee

concerned, the following steps of the grievance procedure may be invoked. Time constraints

in the grievance procedure shall only be extended by mutual agreement.

Step 1 - The employee may present, together with a Union committeeperson, any grievance to

the immediate Supervisor or designated representative and such grievance shall be in

writing. Such grievance shall be presented within five (5) days from the date of the

supervisor’s response. The immediate Supervisor or his/her designated representative shall

give his reply in writing within five (5) days.

Step 2 – If such reply is not satisfactory, the grievance may be forwarded to the General Manager of the Company within five (5) days of the receipt of such reply. The General Manager, or his/her designate, the Unit Chairperson and the Committeeperson(s) from one or both shifts shall meet to discuss the grievance within ten (10) days. The Company will only pay for the meeting time of the off-shift committeeperson if the grievance concerns the off-shift and shall only pay committeepersons for that portion of the meeting dedicated to grievances for which they are the responsible committeeperson. Additional time spent in Step 2 meetings by committeepersons shall be charged to and paid by the Union. The Company will respond in writing within five (5) days of the meeting. If the grievance is not resolved at this meeting, either party may refer the matter to arbitration. The National Unifor representatives and/or the President of the Local Union may be in attendance at this meeting if they so choose and shall be in attendance if requested by the Company.

10.04 Policy or group grievances or discharge grievances shall commence with the second step of

the grievance procedure. 10.05 A group grievance is a grievance that affects more than one (1) employee. Employees

affected by a group grievance will be represented by one (1) affected employee in addition to

the Chairperson of the Unit and National UNIFOR representative and/or President of the

Local at any meetings with management held to discuss the group grievance. 10.06 The term “working days” when used in this A greement for grievance procedure shall

exclude Saturday, Sunday, holidays and vacations where there is a plant-wide shutdown as

defined herein. 10.07 A Committeeperson may leave his/her work without loss of pay to perform Union business

subject to the conditions below:

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(a) Such business must be between the Union and the Company.

(b) The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of necessary Union business.

(c) A Committeeperson shall obtain permission of the Supervisor concerned, which shall

not be unreasonably denied, before leaving his/her work.

(d) The time away from productive work shall be reported in accordance with the

timekeeping methods of the Company.

(e) The Company reserves the right to limit the time if it deems the time so taken to be

excessive; however, such time shall not be unreasonably limited. When a

committeeperson is so requested by an employee, the Company will allow the

committeeperson to speak with the employee within two (2) hours from request. When

an employee requests to speak with a committeeperson during the last hour of the shift,

the committeeperson will be allowed to speak with the employee during the first two

(2) hours of the next work day’s shift.


11.01 If arbitration is to be invoked, the request for arbitration must be made in writing within ten

(10) days after the grievance has been answered in Step 2. 11.02 When either party requests that a grievance be submitted to arbitration, they shall make

such request in writing addressed to the other party to this agreement and at the same time

nominate an arbitrator. The parties shall then mutually agree upon an arbitrator within

fifteen (15) days. If they are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within the period, they may

then request the Ontario Labour Management Arbitration Commission to select an arbitrator. 11.03 The sole arbitrator will set a date for the hearing, within reasonable time, to permit both

parties to present their case and will render a decision as soon as possible after the

completion of hearing all evidence. 11.04 The proceedings of the arbitrator will be expedited by the parties hereto and the decision of

the arbitrator will be final and binding upon the parties hereto.

11.05 No matter may be submitted to arbitration that has not been properly carried through all

previous stages of the grievance procedure.

11.06 The parties will equally bear the fees and expenses of the sole arbitrator. Any witnesses

called by the parties will be at their individual expense.

11.07 The arbitrator shall not be authorized to make any decision inconsistent with the provisions

of the Agreement, nor to alter, modify, or amend any part of the Agreement.

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12.01 Leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority will be granted at the discretion of

the Company upon written request made at least two (2) weeks in advance. The Company will

respond to the employee with the outcome of a properly submitted leave request within five (5)

working days of the leave request being properly submitted. In considering such a request, the

Company will not act in an arbitrary, bad faith or discriminatory manner.

12.02 The Company will grant a leave of absence without pay for employees to attend Union

business outside of the plant provided that the aggregate number of days of absence per year

do not exceed seventy (70) days, provided that no more than three (3) employees take leave

at the same time, one (1) per shift (unless otherwise agreed to by the parties) and such

requests are in writing at least one (1) week in advance. During such leaves of absence, the

Company will continue the employees’ wage payments and the Union will reimburse the

Company for such payments.

It is further understood that if the Company returns to a one (1) or two (2) shift per day

operation, the number of employees eligible for such leave will be reduced from six (6) to

four (4) and the aggregate number of days of absence per year will be reduced from

seventy (70) to forty-five (45) days.

Notwithstanding paragraph 1, it is understood that the total Committee will be allowed to

take a leave of absence at the same time, once per year, should it be requested. 12.03 An employee convicted of an offence will be granted a leave of absence up to ten (10) days

for purposes of his/her detention.

12.04 (a) A bargaining unit employee elected or appointed to a full-time National Representative

position with Unifor will be granted an unpaid leave of absence for a period of up to three

(3) years, without loss of seniority and will be without wages, benefits or any other form of

compensation. Such leave will be automatically renewed upon request.

(b) A bargaining unit employee elected or appointed to the position of President, Vice

President, will be granted an unpaid full time leave of absence for a period of up to three (3)

years, without loss of seniority or benefits or pension. The Company will be reimbursed by

the Local Union for benefits premiums, or pension contributions relating to the time period

in which they are on leave. It is understood that while the employee is working for the Local

Union, the Local Union will assume all WSIB liabilities.

It is understood that only one (1) bargaining unit employee may be granted a leave of

absence under Article 12.04(b).

(c) In the event that a bargaining unit employee is elected or appointed to the position of

Financial Secretary or Recording Secretary the bargaining unit employee will be granted a

paid leave of up to 1-day per week without loss of seniority benefits or pension for the

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purpose of performing their elected roles for the Local Union. It is understood that while the

employee is working for the Local Union, the Local Union will assume all WSIB liabilities

in the event that the employee is injured while being paid by the Company but not engaged

in work activities for the Company. It is understood that the costs incurred by the Company

will be charged back to the Local Union at the rate of 1.45 times the regular rate of pay.

12.05 All other leave requests (excluding TPT and Vacations) in respect of which proper

paperwork has been submitted will be responded to within 5 working days of receipt of the

properly completed and submitted paperwork.


13.01 The Company shall comply with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, Ontario,

with respect to maternity/parental leaves.


14.01 In the event that an employee reports for work on his/her regular scheduled shift and the

Company has not made a good faith attempt to advise the employee not to report, he/she

will be given at least four (4) hours employment at the applicable hourly rate or, at the

election of the Company, he/she will receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the

applicable hourly rate. If the Company decides not to provide work as a result of some

occurrence beyond the control of the Company, the Company shall not be liable to pay an

employee under this Article. 14.02 Employees who have commenced the second half of their shift shall be paid for the balance of

the shift.


15.01 Any employee called back to work after completion of his/her regular shift shall receive in

such instances a minimum of four (4) hours pay based on the applicable rate.


16.01 Seniority employees who are called to and report for Jury Duty, or are summonsed as a

Crown Witness in a criminal or civil proceeding, shall be paid their hourly rate for each day

lost, less any Jury Duty or Witness Fees received, if the employee would otherwise have

been scheduled to work for the Company on such day. For purposes of this Article, the

employee shall be deemed to be on the day shift.

The employee will present to the Company proof of Jury Duty or for acting as a Crown

Witness and proof of the amount of pay received for such services.

If a dependent child of an employee is summonsed to court, the employee will be excused

from work without pay upon provision of proof of the summons.

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17.01 In each instance where there is a death of a non-probationary employee’s spouse, child

or step-child, parent, step-parent or siblings, while the employee is actively working for the

Company, the employee shall be granted an excused absence of five (5) working days at

his/her base rate of pay for the purpose of attending the funeral and conducting other

associated activities. Such leave shall be taken immediately unless otherwise agreed to by

the parties.

An employee may defer one (1) bereavement leave day to the date of memorial and/or funeral

service, if it’s a working day.

17.02 In each instance where there is a death of a non-probationary employee’s grandparents,

parent or grandparent of current spouse, grandchildren, sister-in-law or brother-in-law, while

the employee is actively working for the Company, the employee shall be granted an

excused absence of three (3) working days at his/her base rate of pay for the purpose of

attending the funeral and conducting other associated activities. Such leave shall be taken

immediately unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.

In the case of aunts and uncles, one (1) day shall apply.

An employee may defer one (1) bereavement leave day to the date of memorial and/or funeral

service, if it’s a working day. 17.03 If bereavement leave is required during a scheduled vacation, statutory holiday, Summer

shutdown or Christmas shutdown the bereavement days shall run consecutively.

17.04 The employee shall advise the Company if he/she wishes time off due to a death of a family

member listed above. The employee shall provide to the Company satisfactory evidence

under this clause. 17.05 Additional unpaid leave may be requested for special circumstances. For example, to attend

a funeral which requires extended travelling. ARTICLE 18 - LUNCHROOM, WASHROOM AND FIRST-AID

18.01 The Company shall provide lunchroom and clean washroom facilities, as well as first-aid

supplies. The Union representatives on the Health and Safety Committee from each shift

will be trained in CPR.


19.01 The Company agrees to provide two (2) locked bulletin boards in the plant for the purpose of

posting Union notices. Notices will be signed and posted only by a Committeeperson and

will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this Agreement. Union to be supplied with

the keys.

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19.02 The General Manager, or their designate, must be notified of all postings and retains the

right of prior approval, such approval will not be unreasonably denied. Prior to posting, all

notices shall be initialed by the General Manager, or their designate.


20.01 The Company shall provide a copy of the new Collective Agreement for proofreading to

the Union within fifteen (15) days of ratification. The Company shall provide an electronic a

copy of the Collective Agreement to all employees within sixty (60) days of receiving

approved proof back from the Union. The Company shall provide an electronic copy of the

Collective Agreement to the Union. The Company will provide one hard copy of the

collective agreement to each employee. Replacement copies will not be provided. 20.02 The Company will supply an outlined brochure of all the Company paid benefits such as

insurance, vision care and dental plan and the Employee Assistance Program within sixty

(60) days of ratification.

20.03 The full text of insurance plans will be provided to the Union upon request.


21.01 The Company and the Union agree to abide by the Labour Relations Act, Ontario with

respect to strikes and lockouts.


22.01 There will be five (5) departments established by the Company, they being Production,

Materials, Inspection, Maintenance and Rework.

22.02 The Company will pay employees according to the wage and classification structure

attached as Appendix A.

22.03 The employees will be paid each Thursday by direct deposit, or by cheque if the provider is

unable to do so. Pay statements will be available electronically through the Kiosk or

similar method on the plant floor.


23.01 The regular work week will consist of forty (40) hours and shall be either five (5) eight (8)

hour days or four (4) ten (10) hour days, subject to customer needs and schedules. Nothing

in this Agreement (including Article 23.01 and Article 23.03) shall be construed as a guarantee

of hours of work per day or per week, or days of work per week, or as a guarantee of

working schedules, starting or quitting times, but shall serve to assist the parties in the

computation of regular pay and overtime pay. Employees who commence work between

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5:00 a.m. and 1:59 p.m. shall be considered day-shift employees, all other employees who

commence work outside these hours shall be considered off-shift employees.

23.02 (a) The Union agrees that as a condition of employment, daily overtime beyond eight (8)

hours in a day is voluntary for employees on a five (5) day, eight (8) hours per day shift

schedule, subject to Article 23.02(d).

(b) The Union also agrees that as a condition of employment, employees shall be required

to work such Saturday overtime as the Company may require provided that the total

mandatory hours to be worked in a week shall not exceed forty-eight (48) except as

provided in Article 23.02(d).

(c) Every effort will be made to consult with the Union Committee regarding the most

acceptable schedule and to provide maximum notice to the employees who may or shall be

required to work.

(d) The Company will have the right to require every employee to work overtime hours

over and above their normal daily hours of work, on one occasion every calendar year

provided that the total mandatory hours to be worked by an employee during the week

he/she is required to work such overtime hours shall not exceed fifty-two (52) hours for that

week. Where the Company requires an employee to work their overtime hours on a given

day, it will first assign these hours to the most junior employee in the same classification,

department and shift affected. Once this employee works his/her overtime hours under this

clause, he/she will have fulfilled his/her obligation and when a requirement for more

overtime hours arises again, the next junior employee in the same classification, department

and shift affected will be the person required to work those overtime hours. This process

will continue, going up the seniority list (i.e. junior to senior).

The Company will provide a minimum of 30 (thirty) minutes notice to the first employee

mandated to work. In the event that the first employee refuses to work, subsequent requests

may be made less than 30 (thirty) minutes prior to the time overtime begins. In cases where

an employee calls in past the time agreed upon by the parties in 23.02 (e), the Company will

notify the union and such timeline will be waived.

The Company has the right to require the last shift in the work week to stay on overtime if

the buffer is below 55 to a maximum of 15 minutes of working time. This shall not count

toward employee mandates. Employees will be paid for 30 minutes (which is inclusive of

breaks), at the applicable overtime premium.

(e) When an employee is absent, the employee shall call one (1) hour prior to shift start

unless a reason satisfactory to the Company is given. If the Company is required to have a

gap between shifts, there will be discussions with the Union regarding the amount of time

for call-in prior to shift start.

23.03 Subject to Article 23.01 and subject to customer needs and schedules, in the case of a three (3)

shift operation the regular hours shall be as follows:

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DAY SHIFT: 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

AFTERNOON SHIFT: 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

MIDNIGHT SHIFT: 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Sunday to Thursday

In lieu of the paid rest periods provided in Article 24.01, the Company agrees to provide

two (2) ten (10) minute breaks and one (1) twenty (20) minute paid lunch period per shift.

Shift Changes

23.04 When the Company requires an individual to permanently change shifts, a minimum of one

(1) weeks’ notice will be given.

23.05 An employee may request a voluntary shift change. A voluntary shift change is only

allowed once per calendar year for each employee. If such change is acceptable to the Union

and the Company, voluntary shift change requests will be put on the bulletin board and will

be restricted to employees working within the same classification and department. The

employee with the highest seniority who has expressed interest and who is able to perform

the work available, with appropriate familiarization, will be assigned the voluntary shift

change. Voluntary requests will be for a minimum of three (3) months, up to a maximum of

six (6) months.

If one of the employees involved in the voluntary shift change becomes unavailable for

work, or is unable to perform the duties required, the voluntary shift change will be



24.01 The Company will schedule two (2) rest periods of ten (10) minutes, one in each half shift,

and a ten (10) minute rest period prior to the commencement of any overtime of two (2)

hours or more.


25.01 Overtime opportunities will be distributed first by team on a rotational basis by seniority

within the team. Team overtime shall be tracked based on overtime opportunities and be

posted weekly. A copy will be provided to the Union Chairperson weekly. If the overtime

requirements cannot be met within the team, overtime will then be offered to floaters on

shift on the basis of seniority provided that they are able perform the work required. Where

overtime is not satisfied by floaters, it will be distributed based on seniority to the

department working on the same shift provided that they are able to perform the work

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required. Overtime outside of Teams will be offered by department by shift on a rotating

seniority basis provided that they are able to perform the work required. A list shall be

posted and updated daily showing the date each employee was offered overtime.

Full shift overtime opportunities on Saturdays will be worked by employees on the shift on

which the overtime is scheduled and will not be offered on a plant-wide seniority basis.

Full shift overtime opportunities scheduled during shutdowns, Sundays and paid holidays

will be offered to employees on the shift on which the overtime is scheduled, and then by

Teams (where applicable) on the alternate shifts, and, if insufficient employees have

volunteered, then plant-wide by seniority and, if additional employees are still needed,

junior employees from that shift may be directed to work overtime in reverse seniority order.

Non-production work creating overtime opportunities that are assigned to bargaining unit

employees during shutdowns, paid holidays or Sundays will be offered plant-wide by

seniority to employees able to perform the work.

25.02 An employee who believes that his/her overtime opportunity rights have been bypassed

shall within five (5) days notify the Company of the lost overtime opportunity. If the

employee is correct that he/she lost an overtime opportunity, the Company shall within five

(5) working days after being notified by the employee offer the employee an overtime

opportunity in priority to other employees. The Company shall give the employee one

shifts’ notice of the overtime opportunity. If the employee does not accept the overtime

opportunity, the employee forfeits the overtime opportunity.

If the Company fails to provide the overtime opportunity as described above, then the

employee will be compensated an amount equivalent to the overtime pay such overtime

opportunity would have provided.

When the Company during business hours is required to call people at home to work

overtime, a designated phone line will be used to track calls for a six (6) month trial period.

If the parties are not agreeable to continue using the dedicated phone line at the end of the

six (6) month trial period, the Company will revert to having a member of the bargaining

committee or alternate present when the calls are made.

An employee’s normal overtime opportunity will not be utilized to make up a lost overtime



26.01 Any work performed by an employee in excess of eight (8) hours in a day or forty (40)

hours in a week will be paid for at the rate of time and one-half.

26.02 All work performed on Saturday will be paid for at the rate of time and one-half.

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26.03 All work performed on Sunday will be paid for at the rate of double time, except Sunday

night start-up. For all purposes under current shift schedules, Sunday shall be recognized as

beginning at 11 p.m. Saturday night, ending 11 p.m. Sunday night. If the shifts

referenced in Article 23.03 are adjusted, then the definition of “Sunday” shall be deemed

amended such that the Company is not required to pay double time for any hours falling

within an eight (8) hour shift that is, in essence, a Saturday shift or a Monday shift.

26.04 All work performed on a paid holiday will be at the rate of double time.

26.05 Overtime will be paid weekly on the normal pay cheque.

26.06 If an employee is called in to work before their regular shift, then is sent home by the

Company during their regular shift without being provided with eight (8) hours regular

work, work performed prior to the regular shift shall be paid at overtime rates.

Employees leaving work voluntarily, prior to completion of their regular shift, will not be

paid overtime rates for pre-shift work. Nothing in this Article precludes a good faith change

in shift start times and nothing in this Article requires overtime pay for hours falling within

the amended shift.


27.01 The Union shall be entitled to appoint one (1) Committeeperson on each shift as well as the


27.02 The Company agrees that the Chairperson shall be assigned to the day shift and will be

allowed eight (8) hours each day to perform their duties, until such time as the number of

actively working employees falls below two hundred and seventy-five (275). In the event

that the number of actively working employees falls below two hundred and seventy-five

(275), the Chairperson will be allowed four (4) hours each day to perform their duties.

27.03 The Company shall recognize the chairperson and committee persons as the bargaining

committee for purposes of negotiating the renewal of this Agreement. The Company shall

pay these, employees for their attendance at negotiations for up to eight (8) days each lost

pay. It is further understood that where the Company returns to an operation with less than

three (3) shifts, the number of employees on the Bargaining Committee shall return to three

(3). The above will not be deducted from yearly aggregate days.

27.04 The Union shall furnish the Company with an update in writing on the current Union

representatives and alternates whenever there is a change.

The alternates shall be on the same shift as the Union representatives with the exception of

the Union Chairperson. The appointment of alternates shall be at no cost to the Company

(for example make up shifts, etc).

27.05 The Company will recognize alternates to replace the regular representatives.

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27.06 The Company agrees to provide a Union Office, with a desk, chairs, a phone line, computer,

printer, office supplies and two (2) filing cabinets for the exclusive use by the Union



28.01 Employees transferred to a position outside of the bargaining unit will not accumulate

seniority and after sixty (60) working days, they will lose all seniority rights to return to the

bargaining unit.

28.02 Employees returned to the bargaining unit prior to the sixty (60) working days will be

credited only with such seniority acquired while in the bargaining unit. Such employee

shall not have a right of return to their former position and shift.

28.03 Employees who return to the bargaining unit under the above clauses will go to the

opening on the off shifts or bump the junior person in the plant.


29.01 The Company agrees to introduce a new employee to his/her Union representative and to

provide them with a fifteen (15) minute period for the Union representative to discuss with

the new employee the provisions of the Collective Agreement within the first week of

employment. All new employees will be introduced to their Shift Committeeperson at the

beginning of their first shift.


30.01 When an employee is called in by a member of Supervision to be issued discipline less than a

termination, the Shift Committee Person, or their designate, will be informed in advance, and

the employee will be advised that they will have their Committee Person present. Such

meetings will be conducted in a private area. The Plant Chairperson, or their designate, will

be notified of all suspensions and terminations in advance of such discipline, including the

suspension of an employee pending an investigation. The Plant Chairperson or their

designate will generally be provided with one (1) hour notice of such meetings, provided that

in circumstances where immediate action is appropriate or confidentiality considerations are

paramount, shorter notice shall be provided. The Shift Committeeperson, or their designate,

shall be present at any meeting where a suspension will be issued. The Plant Chairperson,

or their designate, shall be present for all instances when a termination will be issued. The

Plant Chairperson shall receive copies of all disciplinary action taken against employees. 30.02 Prior verbal and written discipline shall not be relied upon by the Company for purposes of

further disciplinary action where the Employee has a discipline free record for a period of

twelve (12) months; or, in the case of suspension, eighteen (18) months.


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31.01 The Company and the Union recognizes its obligations to provide a safe and healthy work

environment for its employees. The Company and the Union will co-operate in maintaining

a safe plant

31.02 The Company, the Union and employees agree to comply with the Occupational Health

and Safety Act and Regulations for Industrial Establishments; which includes a jointly

administered Health & Safety Committee.

31.03 The Company will provide, where required, at no cost to the employees, eye protection,

hearing protection and gloves. The Company will contribute $150 to the cost of safety

footwear once every twelve (12) months and maintenance $190 every twelve (12) months.

This amount will be issued to all employees in Oct of 2013 and then every twelve (12)

months thereafter. The Company will also provide other protective equipment, where

deemed necessary. Anyone who abuses the personal protective equipment program will be

dealt with following Autrans’ discipline procedure.

31.04 The Health & Safety Committee will be comprised of one (1) member per shift to discuss

any matters pertaining to health and safety, to inspect all areas of the plant and to report

their recommendations to the Company. The Committee members will be paid at their

applicable hourly rate for their time spent. Meetings will be set by mutual agreement, but

shall not be held less than once (1) per month. Committee meetings comprised of all active

Health and Safety representatives at their discretion.

31.05 There will be one (1) Health and Safety Representative per shift that will be certified as per

the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The Company will bear the cost of certification for

these representatives, elected or selected by the Union, during the length of this contract.

31.06 Off-shift Health and Safety Representatives will be allotted two (2) hours a month during

their shift for the purpose of administrative duties. The Co-Chair will receive time, as

reasonably needed. 31.07 There shall be two (2) C o-Chairpersons on the committee. One (1) of which shall be

selected or appointed by the Union and such Co-Chairperson will be assigned to the day

shift. The other Co-Chairperson shall be a Company member. 31.08 During the absences of the Union Co-Chairperson, the Company shall recognize an

alternative Co-Chairperson designated by the Union.

31.09 Employees will have the right to refuse unsafe work in accordance with the provisions of

the Occupational Health & Safety Act that is in effect. In the event that the Government of

Ontario enacts any legislative change to Part V (Right to Refuse or to Stop Work Where

Health or Safety in Danger) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Ontario and where

such change results in employees’ rights to refuse work or do particular work being

diminished, a joint committee shall be constituted and the joint committee shall make every

reasonable effort to establish a procedure which provides employees with substantially the

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same rights to refuse work or do particular work to those rights they enjoyed as at June 5,

1995. The Committee’s efforts shall be guided by and subject to the following principles:

(a) employees shall be provided with substantially the same rights to refuse work or do

particular work which they enjoyed under the Act as at June 5, 1995;

(b) there shall be no potential duplication of investigations, inspections, orders,

complaints or grievances; and,

(c) none of the Company, the Union or employees shall be put in a position where the

procedure would potentially require any of them to violate or not be in compliance with

any of the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Ontario as amended

from time to time.

The parties agree that a violation of the obligation to make every reasonable effort to

establish a procedure in accordance with the above principles, may be the subject of the

grievance procedure under this Collective Agreement. 31.10 The National Health & Safety Representative shall be permitted to visit the workplace

upon prior notification provided that he is accompanied by the National Representative. Substance Abuse Assistance

31.11 During negotiations, the Company and the Union discussed substance abuse as it affects

our employees. In addition to the serious consequences to the individuals, both parties

recognize that substance abuse contributes to absenteeism and turnover, and other

disruptions of the workforce. Further, it can adversely affect safety, job performance, and

employee morale. The Company will continue to provide a comprehensive approach

toward dealing with substance abuse and its related problems. Such assistance may include

referral of employees to appropriate counselling services, or to treatment and rehabilitation


Where the parties believe an employee is experiencing a substance abuse problem, this

matter will be reviewed and discussed by the Human Resources Manager and the Plant


Where an employee attends a treatment centre away from the workplace, the Company will

continue to provide the normal group insurance benefits as provided under this Collective


Referral to an Independent Doctor

31.12 In the event that a Company selected doctor disagrees with an employee’s doctor about the

employee’s ability to return to work or their fitness to perform their job, the matter shall be

referred to an independent doctor whose decision shall be binding on the employee, the

Union and the Company. The independent doctor shall be selected by the Company selected

doctor and the employee’s doctor. Where no mutual agreement is reached, the independent

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doctor shall be selected by an arbitrator appointed pursuant to the provisions of this



32.01 Employees will be entitled to vacation with pay. The vacation year is based on a

calendar year (January to December).

The length of vacation, as well as vacation pay, is based on an employee’s years of service

with the Company. Vacation pay will be calculated on gross earnings for hours worked on

the following criteria:

(a) Employees with less than six (6) months of service will not be entitled to any paid


(b) Employees with six (6) months but less than one (1) year of service will receive

five (5) days vacation at the rate of four (4) percent of their gross earnings.

(c) Employees with one (1) year but less than three (3) years of service will receive ten

(10) days vacation at the rate of four (4) percent of their gross earnings.

(d) Employees with three (3) years but less than five (5) years of service will receive

twelve (12) days vacation at the rate of five (5) percent of their gross earnings.

(e) Employees with five (5) but less than ten (10) years of service will receive fifteen

(15) days vacation at the rate of six (6) percent of their gross earnings.

(f) Employees with ten (10) but less than twenty (20) years of service will receive twenty

(20) days vacation at the rate of eight (8) percent of their gross earnings.

(f) Employees with twenty (20) or more years of service will receive twenty-five (25)

days vacation at the rate of ten (10) percent of their gross earnings.

32.02 It is generally agreed that in determining vacation allotment the Company will take into

consideration the needs of the business. Unless the plant is generally closed down by the

Company for the purpose of a common vacation period, employees will be given their

vacation each year in time periods designated by the Company. Vacations within such

designated time periods shall be based upon seniority. Where an employee does not indicate

a preference prior to February 1st of the vacation year, vacation shall be assigned by the


Employees shall indicate their preference on a designated vacation form by numbering their

preferred weeks from 1-52. Single days shall be identified on a separate form and shall be

numbered in order of preference.

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The Union and the Company will work together with the vacation assignment process

during the 2018 process and will meet to discuss the vacation experience in the Spring of


All vacation days must be scheduled before a leave of absence will be considered.

32.03 Effective January 1, 2011, no employee will be required to work overtime during a full

week of approved vacation or on the weekend that follows.

32.04 One (1) day vacation requests will be granted after week long requests have been approved.


33.01 The following shall be considered paid holidays under the terms of this Collective


In addition to the designated paid holidays, employees may take their birthday off, with pay. If a

birthday falls on a Saturday, it will be deemed to occur on the preceding Friday. If the birthday

falls on a Sunday, it will be deemed to occur on the following Monday. If the actual or deemed

birthday occurs on a designated paid holiday referenced in the chart above, it will be deemed to

occur on the preceding work day. An employee may designate a date, other than their actual or

deemed birthday, in their birth month, as their “designated birthday” for that particular year but such

date must be selected at least one (1) week in advance and is subject to approval by management. As

of January 1, 2014, an employee may also designate a date other than their actual or deemed

birthday that is a day on which they would be laid-off as a result of a customer holiday that

Autrans does not recognize. Any employee who agrees or is required to work on their birthday,

deemed, designated or actual, shall be paid their regular straight time rate for hours worked but

shall not receive any additional premium as a result of the date being designated a “holiday”. If an

employee’s actual or deemed birthday falls within the plant’s summer shutdown or Christmas

shutdown period, and the employee does not request an alternate day within that month, they will

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be paid a day’s pay for such date, in addition to any holiday pay or vacation pay otherwise payable

for that date. Paid birthdays are available to active employees and are otherwise subject to the

qualifying conditions applicable to all designated holidays.

33.01 (a) Seniority employees are eligible to be paid for the above holidays, provided that

they work their last normally scheduled working hours on the last regular working day

immediately before and immediately after the holiday(s), unless they provide satisfactory

reason for the absence. The Company may request proof for such absence.

(b) Employees not working the qualifying day immediately preceding or following the

December 24 to January 02 shutdown, will lose a maximum of two (2) days’ pay.


34.01 The Company shall continue to pay the full premium cost of the current health and welfare

policy. Benefits cease the end of the month of lay-off except for LTD and STD which end

the day of lay-off. Coverage and eligibility shall be as provided by the insurance policy

currently in place which shall be inclusive of, but not limited to:

(i) drug expenses shall be provided by a two dollar ($2.00) per prescription drug card with

coverage at 100%. Generics may be substituted unless the Doctor states no

substitutions, dispensing fee cap of nine dollars ($9.00);

(ii) vision care shall increase to three hundred dollars ($300.00) every two (2) years,

seventy-five dollars ($75.00) towards the cost of an eye examination every two (2)


(iii) dental coverage shall be at 100%, with the dental coverage cap at $1,750;

(iv) the Company will maintain a waiver clause so that eligible employees may receive

S&A benefits while waiting for WSIB benefits. Employee on WSIB shall continue to

receive health and dental benefits for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date

of their incident claim;

(v) orthodontics will be provided for dependent children only with a 50% co-pay

insurance and a $1500.00 lifetime cap;

(vi) massage therapy maximum of $500 per year under paramedical services with the

same requirements; and

(vii) provide seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) for hearing aids every thirty-six

(36) months.

34.02 CWIPP

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The Company will contribute forty-five (45) cents per regular hour worked to the CWIPP

defined contribution plan for the duration of the Agreement.


35.01 The Company shall comply with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, Ontario,

as of the date of ratification, with respect to termination pay and severance pay.


36.01 The following shall be provided by the Company:

A total of seven (7) garments comprised of shirts and sweatshirts, of which no more than

two (2) will be sweatshirts and no more than two (2) will be summer weight T-shirts.

These garments will initially be issued upon successful completion of probationary period,

then every two (2) years thereafter in the month that is the employee’s month of hire. It is

understood that delays in returning uniform order forms will be the responsibility of the

employees. If, however, Company supplied clothing is torn or damaged prior to twenty-

four (24) months, through regular wear and tear at work, replacements will be provided. 36.02 The employees agree to wear the uniforms provided and all required safety items at all

times while at work.


37.01 An employee who believes that he/she is being discriminated against or punished through

temporary transfers may raise this with a joint committee of the Company and the Union. If

the matter remains in dispute, it shall be subject to the grievance procedure. 37.02 (i) In the event an employee’s department needs to be reduced for any reason, the

Company shall transfer the junior employee in the department by shift to the work,

which is available, unless the senior employee in the department wishes to avail

themselves of such temporary transfer.

(ii) Employees may be temporarily assigned to a Team other than their own to assist with

operational needs in cases of short term contingencies lasting up to 15 working days at

the discretion of the Company. In circumstances in which temporary vacancies are

created by extended leaves, the Company has the discretion to temporarily transfer

employees for periods of six (6) months or less. Where an employee is off or will be

off from work for a period greater than six (6) months (with the exception of jury duty,

maternity leave, parental leave and adoption leave) and the job needs to be filled, the

Company will post a permanent posting. Employees returning after six months shall

be returned to a Team selected by the Company. Vacancies as a result of jury duty,

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maternity leave, parental leave and adoption leave will be filled in accordance with

Article 37.02(iii).

(iii) If an employee is off or will be off from work for a period greater than forty (40)

working days due to jury leave, maternity, adoption or parental leave, the employee’s

job shall be posted as a temporary posting. When the temporary posting lasts longer

than 52 weeks, it will be re-posted as another temporary posting. When the employee

returns to work, the employee shall return to the job they occupied prior to the leave

and any other employee affected thereby will also be returned to their former position.

(iv) The temporarily transferred employee will be paid their regular rate, or the regular rate

for the job they are being transferred to, whichever is higher.


38.01 Until May 6, 2018 the Company has the discretion to assign employees to Teams in an

effort to determine the most effective and efficient Team structure. The Team positions

occupied by employees as determined by the employer as at May 6, 2018 shall become the

employees’ permanent positions (with the exception of employee’s temporarily filling

positions, and Team Leaders). 38.02 When a permanent job vacancy occurs and needs to be filled (this does not apply to filling

Team Leader positions) a notice of job vacancy including Team (where applicable),

department, shift and effective date will be posted and made available to candidates on the

same shift for three (3) regular working days. The successful applicant will be posted within

five (5) regular working days of the posting being taken down, and the applicant will be

placed in the job within fifteen (15) regular working days, except for situations outside the

control of the Company (i.e. lack of material or job posting cancellation). Once the posting

is taken down, employees cannot remove their name more than once every 12 months.

If the placement takes longer than fifteen (15) working days to complete, the Company will

provide written notice to advise the Plant Chairperson the reason of the anticipated time


The following scenarios will result depending on the vacancy created by the successful

applicant for the primary posting.

If the vacancy created by the successful applicant to the primary posting creates a

vacancy in day shift production, then it will be posted by Team (if applicable),

department and shift and made available to all departments on the alternate shifts.

Unless the resulting alternate shift vacancy is in materials, it will be then filled at the

discretion of the Company. If, on the other hand, the resulting alternate shift

vacancy is in materials, it will be posted and made available only to non-materials

employees on the same shift. The resulting vacancy will be filled at the discretion of

the Company.

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If the vacancy created by the successful applicant to the primary posting creates a

vacancy in materials, then it will be posted by Team (if applicable), department and

shift and made available to all other departments on the same shift. Unless the then

resulting vacancy is on day shift production, it will be filled at the discretion of the

Company. If, on the other hand, the resulting vacancy is on day shift production, it

will be offered to the alternate shifts only. The resulting vacancy will be filled at the

discretion of the Company unless it is a materials vacancy, in which case it will be

posted and made available only to non-materials employees on the same shift. The

final vacancy will be filled at the discretion of the Company.

If the vacancy created by the successful applicant to the primary posting is a vacancy

in any position other than in day shift production or materials, it will be posted by

Team (where applicable) shift and department and made available plant wide. The

resulting vacancy will be filled at the discretion of the Company, except in situations

where the resulting vacancy is in materials (in which case it will be offered to all

remaining departments on that shift) or on day shift in production (in which case it

will be offered to the alternate shifts only). The resulting vacancy will be filled at

the discretion of the Company unless it is a materials vacancy, in which case it will

be posted and made available only to non-materials employees on the same shift.

The final vacancy will be filled at the discretion of the Company

After December 31, 2018, in the event that a materials vacancy for a dock worker role is

declared, the opportunity will be posted. Up to 5 of the most senior employees who apply

for the position will be assessed to determine whether they have the skill and ability to

perform the Autrans dock worker job. The most senior applicant who demonstrates the

skills and abilities to perform the job will be awarded the position and will progress to the

trial period in paragraph 38.03 below.

38.03 The successful applicant will be the applicant with the greatest seniority who is able to

perform the work; up to a ten (10) day trial period will be provided if there is a dispute

about the employee’s ability to perform the work. If during the trial period the applicant is

found unsatisfactory, the employee will be returned to his/her previous job. (If an employee

asks to return to their former position during the trial period, such request shall be granted,

subject to the following exception regarding the materials positions). If an employee posts

into a materials position and requests a return to their former position during the trial period

and before their practical certification test, such request shall be granted. In the event that

any employee returns to their former position during the trial period, they shall not be

permitted to post to another position for a period of 6 months from the date that they are

returned to their former position.

38.04 Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, employees with 12 months or less seniority may

not apply for temporary or permanent vacancies. A successful applicant will be required to

hold the position for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the date they start work in the

new position before being eligible to apply for another job vacancy.

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38.05 Employees occupying Team Leader positions as at May 6, 2018 will be grandfathered as

Team Leaders. The Company will post Team Leader opportunities thereafter by shift and

department, however, the successful candidate will be chosen based entirely upon the

Company’s assessment of a variety of factors such as skill and ability, quality record,

leadership capabilities, ability to train and interact effectively with other employees,

attendance, and over all employee job performance.

Only where the above factors are equal between two candidates, will seniority be applied.

In such cases, the employee with the most seniority will be awarded the position. Team

Leaders may not be appointed in a manner that is discriminatory, arbitrary or in bad faith.

The Company will provide the union with a list of employees in Team Leader positions as

of May 6, 2018.

38.06 Employees occupying Back Up Team Leader positions as at May 6, 2018 will be

grandfathered as Back Up Team Leaders. The Company will post Back Up Team Leader

opportunities thereafter by team, shift and department. The successful candidate will be

chosen taking into consideration seniority together with the Company’s assessment of a

variety of factors such as skill and ability, quality record, leadership capabilities, ability to

train and interact effectively with other employees, attendance, and over all employee job

performance. The Company will take into consideration the Back Up Team Leader’s

performance for up to 15 working days in the role of Team Leader and at its reasonable

discretion may remove the Back Up Team Leader’s designation should the employee not

sufficiently satisfy the requirements of the Back Up Team Leader appointment. The

Company will provide the union with a list of employees in Back Up Team Leader

positions as of May 6, 2018.

38.07 Employees occupying Floater positions as at May 6, 2018 will be grandfathered as Floaters.

Vacancies in Floater positions will thereafter be posted and filled based on seniority.

Floaters will be assessed for a minimum of 10 days and up to 30 days. The employee will

be assessed during the trial period based upon skill and ability to perform the job including

the applicant’s aptitude for effectively and efficiently performing a wide a variety of jobs in

the facility. Floaters will be assessed for a minimum of 10 days and up to 30 days. If at

any time during this period the Company in its discretion determines that the employee is

not performing to an acceptable level, the employee will be returned to their former

department and shift. Employees with restrictions may not apply for Floater positions. The

Company will provide the union with a list of employees in Floater positions as of May 6,



39.01 On request of either party, the parties shall meet at least once every month until this

Agreement is terminated for the purpose of discussing issues relating to the workplace that

affect the parties or any employee bound by this Agreement.

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39.02 Whenever possible, when an employee has a pay shortage of twenty dollars ($20.00) or

more, the discrepancy will be made up on the day following the regular pay provided the

Company is notified in a timely manner. The onus is on the employee to use the automated or

manual system, otherwise all discrepancies will be provided on the next pay period cheque.

39.03 Once in a four (4) month period, the employee shall be, permitted to review the disciplinary

record on file.

39.04 If an absence is recorded as an Emergency Leave, the employee will be notified. The

employee may then advise the Company, within one working day of their return to work, if

they do not wish to have the absence recorded as an Emergency Leave.


Where an employee is going to be given a verbal or written warning for “red lights”, the

Company will show the Union Chairperson time study summaries regarding the station(s) in


Where an employee is going to be given a suspension for “red lights”, the Company will

show the Union Chairperson the time study summaries and if requested, will have the time

study Company person explain the time study summaries and its processes. The Company

will allow the Union Chairperson an opportunity to observe the station in question, in the

presence of the Company’s time study person, and will provide comparative performances

for the station(s) in question.

Where an employee is going to be terminated for “red lights”, the Company will allow

Union Chairperson to review the time study for the station(s) in question, with the

Company’s time study person. In addition, the Union Chairperson will have permission to

perform a work standard assessment at the particular station(s) in question provided the

Union Chairperson is using the same time study methodology as the Company.

The Union Chairperson will maintain strict confidentiality with respect to all information

regarding work standards including processes and time studies.

39.06 It is the responsibility of the employee to keep Autrans advised of their current name, address

including postal code and phone number(s). The information so provided will be regarded as

the employee’s official address for all purposes under this agreement.


40.01 The employees and the Union agree to cooperate with the Company in its efforts to reach its

quality and productivity goals during the life of this Collective Agreement.


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41.01 The Company will pay three ($0.03) cents for each hour worked by bargaining unit

employees to the UNIFOR training fund. This amount will be paid annually.

41.02 The Company will contribute one cent ($0.01) per hour worked by bargaining unit

employees to the UNIFOR Social Justice Fund.



43.01 This Agreement will remain in effect for four (4) years from October 6, 2017, expiring

October 5, 2021, and unless either party gives to the other party written notice of termination

or of a desire to amend the Agreement, it shall continue in full force and effect on a year to

year basis thereafter.

43.02 Notice that amendments are required or that either party intends to terminate the

Agreement will only be given during the period of not more than ninety (90) days prior to

the expiration date of said Agreement.

It is understood that, during any negotiations following upon notice of termination or notice or

amendment, either party may bring forward counter proposals arising out of or related to the

original proposals.


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The wage rate for employees in the Production, Materials, Inspection and Rework Departments

shall be:

Date of Ratification: $750 lump sum (less deductions) for all bargaining unit employees on the

seniority list at the date of ratification.

June 1, 2018: $1000 lump sum (less deductions) for employees active as at that date and who

worked at least 500 hours in the 6 month period prior to that date (“Eligible Employees”)

October 6, 2018: 2.0% plus $1,000 lump sum (less deductions) for Eligible Employees

October 6, 2019: $1,000 lump sum (less deductions) for Eligible Employees

October 6, 2020: 2.0% plus $1250 lump sum (less deductions) for Eligible Employees

October 6, 2017 $21.08

October 6, 2018 $21.50

October 6, 2019 $21.50

October 6, 2020 $21.93



The wage rates for Maintenance Employees shall be:

October 6, 2017 October 6, 2018 October 6, 2019 October 6, 2020

Start $30.89 $31.58 $31.58 $32.29

6 months $31.20 $31.90 $31.90 $32.62

12 months $31.50 $32.21 $32.21 $32.93

Team Leaders shall be paid a Team Leaders’ premium of $1.60 per hour in addition to the wage

rate provided above. The duties of a Team Leader do not include the authority to discipline


No employee shall suffer a wage reduction as a result of the implementation of the wage rates

provided above. A shift differential shall be paid to employees whose regular shift commences after 11:00 am for

hours worked on those shifts as follows:

Afternoons: .70 Cents/hr Midnights: .70 Cents/hr

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The hiring-in rate will be 75% of the regular wage rate with increases in accordance with the following progression:

Year 1 – 75% Year 2 – 80% Year 3 – 85% Year 4 – 90% Year 5 – 100%

If Team Leader opts to stay for assembly operator overtime, they will be paid at the lower rate.



1. Skilled Trades for the purpose of this Agreement shall be those trades and classifications

working in the Maintenance Department.

2. The term “Journeyperson” as used in this Agreement shall mean any person who presently

holds a Journeyperson classification or equivalent within the Maintenance Department.

3. When an opening occurs within the Maintenance Department, Journeyperson classification

entrance will be limited to those individuals who:

(a) Presently hold a certification in a skilled trade occupation; and/or

(b) Have worked a minimum of eight (8) years at the trade with a UNIFOR

Journeyperson card.

4. Seniority in the skilled trades shall be department-wide.

5. Lay-off and recall within skilled trades will be by seniority in the maintenance department.

6. (a) The Company agrees to deduct Canadian Skilled Trades Council Dues as adopted by the

Canadian Skilled Trades Council equal to one half (1/2) hour of wages per year at the

employee base rate.

(b) The first such dues deduction will be made from the employee’s first pay following

completion of their probationary period.

(c) Thereafter, dues deduction will be made in January of each succeeding year upon

completion of one (1) months work in a calendar year. These deductions along with the

employees’ names shall be remitted to the Financial Secretary of the Local Union.

7. All skilled trade employees are responsible to supply their own tools necessary to properly

perform their jobs.

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The employees must provide an inventory of all tools and toolboxes kept on the Company

premises, including brand names, condition and approximate value in order to participate in

the tool replacement policy. This inventory will be verified by the Company and kept on file

for cross-reference should a loss occur.

All employee-owned tools damaged or worn out while performing work for the Company

will be replaced with a new tool of equal value provided that the damaged or worn tool is

turned in to the Company.

Tools to be replaced by the Company will be done within fifteen (15) working days when


Tool allowance of $350.00 in each year of the Collective Agreement, to be paid by January


each year.

8. Skilled Trades Overtime

When overtime is required, overtime will be offered according to the Overtime

Equalization Article 25.

In the case of Skilled Trades overtime, equalization shall not apply whenever the particular

work being performed is a continuation of the particular project assigned for that day.

The Unifor skilled trades will be given the first opportunity to work overtime, prior to the

Company using contractors to do any maintenance work required.

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The Union agrees to cooperate in obtaining and maintaining international quality standards



When new work is brought into the plant, the Company will meet with the Union Committee to

discuss whether the work is rework, warehouse or assembly work. Any dispute as to the nature of

the work shall be subject to the grievance procedure.


During negotiations, the Company and the Union discussed at length the Company policy of

contracting out work normally performed in the plant. Before any such work is contracted out, the

Company will afford the Union the opportunity of discussing possible ways of keeping such work

in the plant.


This letter is written to confirm that employees will be allowed to have drinking water at their

workstations on the production line. The water will be contained in clear and leak-safe canisters.


The parties have discussed the use of personal radio equipped headsets, (i.e. i-Pods) in the

workplace. The Company has expressed concern regarding the use of radio headsets in the

workplace, specifically interference with communications, distraction from audible warning

devices, and foremost, the overall health and safety of employees.

After a trial period, it has been agreed that the use of radio headsets is allowed in the workplace

under the following conditions:

1. Forklift drivers, team leaders and maintenance employees may not use such headsets.

2. Only one earpiece will be permitted for others.

3. Headsets will not be used while walking through the plant.

4. If communication, performance or health and safety concerns arising from the use of

radio headsets increases, the status of this Letter may be reviewed.

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An employee who wishes to enrol in a course under the Company’s Employee Development

Program must complete the tuition refund application, and submit it to the Human Resources

Manager for prior approval. When the course is completed, the employee must remit evidence of

successful completion, including course fees and textbook(s) paid, to the Human Resources

Manager, and the latter will make arrangements with the payroll office for reimbursement.


The Company will make every effort to give six (6) months notice of plant closure and, in any

event, will advise the Union within ten (10) days of being provided with written notice of

termination of the Company’s contract with a customer. The Company agrees to meet with the

Union Plant Committee at that time to negotiate a severance package for members of the

Bargaining Unit.


The issue of an Apprenticeship Program has been discussed at length and the parties have agreed

that if the Company commences such a program during the term of this agreement, they will meet

with the Union and negotiate the provisions related to a Skilled Trades Apprenticeship.


It is agreed that the fourteen (14) and/or, fifteen (15) paid holidays referenced in Article 33.01

(excluding birthdays) may be subject to change, if a customer changes its production and holiday



The Company shall continue to provide employees with access to an Employee Assistance Plan.


When requested by an employee, an employee’s wages will be direct deposited into two (2)

separate accounts within the same bank institution, subject to the employee providing the Company

with the appropriate banking information. Such request will be made in writing.




In the event that the Company is engaging outside Skilled Trades Subcontractors to perform work

regularly performed by employees in the bargaining unit, the Company will notify the Union and,

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upon request, will explain why the Company has determined that bargaining unit employees are not

available and/or do not have the skills to efficiently perform the work. Should there be skilled

trades employees with the necessary demonstrated skills who are ready and willing to perform the

work, they will be assigned available work.


Prior to finalizing a change of benefit carrier, the Company will advise the Union.


The Company provides an Employee Assistance Program to support employees with issues that

may arise outside of the workplace. The parties recognize that female employees may sometimes

need to discuss, with another woman, situations of violence or abuse in their personal lives that

may affect their attendance or performance at work. They may also need to find out about

specialized resources in the community, such as counselors or women’s shelters, to assist them in

dealing with these and other issues.

The Woman’s Advocate will be selected by the Union from amongst the females bargaining unit

employees. She will participate in an initial five (5)-day training program sponsored by the Union

at no cost to the Company.

Once during the life of the agreement the five (5) day initial Advocate training will not count

towards aggregate union days. In subsequent years, the Woman’s Advocate will also be eligible to

attend update training which will also be at no cost to the Company. The update training will be

included in the total aggregate union days. Such leave request shall be submitted in writing a

minimum of two weeks before the leave is to begin. The Union will reimburse the Company for

the employee’s regular wages during this training period.

The Union will provide a cell phone to the Woman’s advocate. The Company will contribute $25

monthly towards the costs associated with the Advocate cell phone. The cell phone shall not be

used for personal use and shall only be used in respect of matters directly related to the duties of

the Advocate.

A dedicated email address for the sole use of the Woman’s Advocate will be issued by the Union.

The Woman’s Advocate will not use the phone on the plant floor, but in the event that it is

absolutely necessary to use the phone while working on the plant floor, the Advocate will seek

permission of her supervisor to leave the area to address the issue first. The Woman’s Advocate

has responsibility to the Company for her regular duties. She will request permission from her

Supervisor before leaving her work to attend or address any issue that arises pursuant to this letter

of understanding. Such leave will not be unreasonably denied where it can be done reasonably and

without interfering with the operations of the Company. The Woman’s Advocate must report back

to her Supervisor once the issue has been addressed. It is understood and agreed by the parties that

the advocate will handle the issues as expeditiously as possible when they arise during regular

working hours.

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The Company and the Union will develop appropriate communications to inform employees about

the advocacy role of the Woman’s Advocate.

This letter of understanding is experimental in nature and will expire at the end of this collective

agreement unless explicitly renewed.


The Company will meet with the Union within 60 days of ratification to discuss the use of Bump

Caps in the facility.


During the current negotiations, the Company and the Union discussed at length how the

administration of the existing Grievance Procedure could be improved. The parties reaffirmed

their mutual determination that the purpose of the orderly collective bargaining procedures

between the Company and the Union is to secure prompt and equitable disposition of grievances

and to prevent interruptions of work.

As a result of these discussions the parties recognize that it would be in the best interests of

effective and efficient labour relations to closely follow the grievance process set out in the

collective agreement, including discussion between the employee and the supervisor at first

instance. Such discussion shall be held within five (5) days of the date of the alleged occurrence

said to have caused the complaint, or when the employee should have been aware of the

occurrence said to have caused the complaint, and the employee may have a Union Committee

person present for such discussion. The parties recognize that this discussion will not involve the

Union Chairperson without Human Resources also in the attendance. Such discussion can

contribute to an informed decision regarding potential resolutions to the employee’s complaint

prior to the formal filing of a grievance.

A commitment by both parties to avoid delay at any step of the Grievance Procedure serves the

interest of the employee, Union and Company in ensuring that grievances are handled in an

expeditious manner.

The parties agreed to review the contents of this letter with their respective representatives

responsible for the administration of the Grievance Procedure.


Within 60 days of the ratification of this Agreement, upon the request of the Union, the Parties

agree to meet to discuss break areas.


Shift swaps will be granted at the discretion of the Company upon written request at least one (1)

week in advance or as otherwise agreed to by the parties. In considering such a request, the

Company will not act in an arbitrary, bad faith or discriminatory manner.

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Shift swaps will be limited to scheduled Saturday overtime shifts only.

The employee will be responsible for finding replacements to cover their shifts. Replacements

shall be from the same team.

The Company reserves the right to restrict employees from participating in shift swaps if they fail

to fulfill their hours of work obligations in the swap and in their prior or subsequent shifts. Shift

Swaps must be in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.


In collective bargaining the parties discussed situations in which employees may, for one reason or

another, find themselves entitled to vacation time without significant corresponding vacation pay.

In an effort to address this concern, the parties have agreed to the following arrangement for the

life of the collective agreement.

The parties agree that an employee’s annual vacation pay entitlement is spread evenly over the

employee’s entitlement to vacation time. When an employee has earned vacation time but is not

earned to corresponding vacation pay in the amount of 50% or less of their regular (40 hour)

weekly pay they may apply to waive their vacation time in one week increments.

Requests to waive vacation weeks and to work instead must be made in writing with as much

advance notice as reasonably possible. Such requests will not be unreasonably denied, however, it

is understood that requests made in respect of periods of general shut down will not be considered.

The unpaid vacation pay will be banked and paid out in December of the year in which the

vacation was to be taken.

In accordance with the Employment Standards Act employees must take at least two weeks’

vacation (whether paid or not) during the vacation year.


At collective bargaining the Company and the Union discussed Team Leader partial rotation under

the new Team structure. It is the Company’s current intention to provide Team Leaders with

partial rotation. In the event that partial rotation is not available to Team Leaders, the Company

agrees to discuss the situation with the Union and to seek to address any concerns of Team

Leaders regarding lack of available movement to other Teams.


The Company and the Union discussed at length the issue of Banking Overtime during 2017

negotiations. Upon request, the Company agrees to meet with the Union and discuss the issue of

banking Overtime in June 2018 once workforce adjustments have been completed and established.

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LETTER #24 – CWIPP and Group RRSP

The parties agree that, subject to regulatory and legal impediments or delays, the employer and

bargaining unit employees will be exiting CWIPP and ceasing contributions by October 5, 2018.

This will be done only in the event that there are no penalties, increased contributions or special

payments required of the Company in exiting CWIPP. On the later of October 6, 2018 or the day

after the exit from CWIPP, if delayed, bargaining unit employees with at least three months of

active employment will be permitted to participate in a new Group RRSP for service on and after

the date of the exit from CWIPP which will be established by the Company with the following


1. The Plan will provide a mandatory Employer contribution of 3% based on 40 hours per

week of regular wages for active bargaining unit employees. Contributions will be made


2. The Plan will also provide for a voluntary Employee contribution component of 1%, 2% or

3% of earnings.

3. If the Plan participants (employees) wish to make additional voluntary contributions to

their Group RRSP these amounts can be deducted from their pay. It is the sole

responsibility of the employee to ensure that these amounts when combined with the

Company's mandatory employer contribution, are within the legal RRSP contribution

limits and any tax consequences or penalties will be solely the employee’s.

4. Group RRSP withdrawals are not permitted until termination of employment or retirement.

5. All employer and employee contributions are immediately vested.

6. The Company will endeavour to negotiate preferred investment management fees with the

record keeper.

7. The Company will provide the “information and education” for the employees.

8. The Plan will comply with the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

9. The default strategy will be “target date fund”.

10. The Employer will bear the costs of setting up the plan.

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Memorandum of Understanding


The parties agree herein to enter into a Temporary Part-Time (TPT) program at Autrans

Corporation. The intent of this program is to provide time away from the job, throughout the year,

for our associates through use of their vacation or unpaid time. The parties also agree that, aside

from the normal application of TPTs, periodic full-time use of TPTs may be agreed upon by the


1. The application to and staffing of the TPT program will be with the children of

current Autrans employees for first consideration over students who are not the children of

employees. All TPT workers must be in enrolled in post-secondary full-time school in

order to be considered for this program.

TPTs will normally be scheduled to work on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, to replace

seniority team members who have requested a prescheduled absence. During the period May

1st to Labour Day, TPTs may be scheduled to work Monday through Saturday. The parties

may agree to other days in addition to or in substitution for these days.

The Company and Union will meet to discuss TPT relief related to other significant events

which are to be mutually agreed to by the parties.

2. With a minimum of one (1) weeks’ notice, Autrans' associates may request TPT

coverage for their Monday, Friday or Saturday shift. TPTs may be scheduled for any part

(minimum of 4 hours) or all of the hours of a shift.

3. The intended use of TPTs is for production related activity. TPTs will not be used in other

departments or as team leaders, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. At the discretion

of the Company, TPTs may be used to replace team members absent for unique

circumstances, as agreed to by the parties.

4. The use of TPTs, as described herein, shall not be subject matter for the Grievance

procedure as it relates to potential overtime violations as per Article 25 of the

Collective Agreement.

5. TPTs shall have union dues deducted as per Article 3 of the Collective


6. TPTs will not receive overtime premiums for hours worked unless they work greater than

forty (40) hours during a week.

7. TPTs are entitled to public holiday pay under existing law at the time such public

holiday pay is payable.

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8. TPTs shall not accumulate time toward the fulfillment of the sixty (60) day

probationary period nor acquire seniority as per Article 6.03 of the Collective Agreement

and will have no recall rights. In the event a TPT subsequently becomes a regular full-time

associate, such associate shall be considered a new associate and shall receive no credit for

any purpose for the time the associate was employed as a TPT.

9. TPTs shall be hired at and maintain the starting wage as per Appendix A.

10. The Company may discharge or terminate the employment of a TPT at any time,

without recourse to the Grievance procedure.

11. TPTs are entitled to vacation pay under existing law. Such vacation pay is payable on a

weekly basis.

12. There is no obligation to equalize working opportunities or overtime for TPTs


13. The Company reserves the right to determine shift, quantity and departmental

assignments for TPTs.

14. The intake of TPTs will occur on an annual basis of when determined by the

Company to address significant TPT attrition or other adjustments when required to support

the program. Autrans Corporation has the right to assess applicants to the TPT program.

15. TPTs receive no additional benefit coverage beyond those for which they qualify for

under the parent's Autrans benefit coverages. Students who are not the children of

employees are not entitled to any Company benefits or pension plan.

16. TPTs are not entitled to receive any allowances, including, without limitation, safety boots

and clothing allowances. Autrans will provide non-prescription safety glasses and

disposable hearing protection.

17. Any unforeseen problems arising from this Agreement shall be subject for prompt

resolution between the Union and the Company. The program is subject to cancellation by

either party with a thirty (30) calendar day notice.

18. Laid-off employees may enroll in the TPT program and will have first opportunity to work

the hours available by seniority prior to TPTs being offered work opportunities. If there are

seniority employees on lay-off, then TPTs will not be utilized except in circumstances

where agreed to by the parties. Seniority employees who are enrolled in the TPT program

will receive their regular rate of pay, but no benefits or pension. Paragraph #10 will not

apply to seniority employees.

19. If a laid-off seniority employee who is enrolled in the TPT program refuses work

opportunities on three (3) consecutive occasions or the Company is unable to contact such

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employee on five (5) separate occasions, the Company will have the right to remove them

from the TPT program.

20. TPTs will be advised that they are being hired as a TPT/summer student and will sign

an agreement to this effect.