better fat loss better body! -€¦ · better fat loss better body! the human...

Firstly, I would like to thank you for downloading my special report: Better Fat Loss Better Body! My 9 tips will put you ahead of most other people trying to rid unwanted body fat. The key to any success is moderate changes that you can maintain and fit slowly into your lifestyle…So read on and enjoy!!! Cheers Zazeh xx DISCLAIMER: Before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician. Particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, are elderly or have any chronic or recurring conditions. The information within is not meant to replace or be used instead of, advice from a qualified medical professional. The publishers and authors of this information are not liable or responsible for any injury or mishap caused directly or indirectly from using this information. You are solely responsible for how you perceive and use the information within, and do so at your own risk.

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Page 1: Better Fat Loss Better Body! -€¦ · Better Fat Loss Better Body! The human body is a wonderful working machine so if you feed it the correct number of nutrients

Firstly, I would like to thank you for downloading my special report:

Better Fat Loss Better Body!

My 9 tips will put you ahead of most other people trying to rid unwanted

body fat. The key to any success is moderate changes that you can maintain

and fit slowly into your lifestyle…So read on and enjoy!!!


Zazeh xx


Before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician. Particularly if you

are pregnant, nursing, are elderly or have any chronic or recurring conditions. The information

within is not meant to replace or be used instead of, advice from a qualified medical professional.

The publishers and authors of this information are not liable or responsible for any injury or

mishap caused directly or indirectly from using this information. You are solely responsible for

how you perceive and use the information within, and do so at your own risk.

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Table of Contents

Tip #1 Eat Enough, Not less: ................................................................... 3

Tip #2 Avoid the “Deadly Combination”............................................... 5

Tip #3 “Be Kind to Your Metabolism ...................................................... 7

Tip #4 “Slow-Go” Workout vs High-Intensity ...................................... 8

Tip #5 More Muscle - More Fat Loss .................................................... 9

Tip #6 To Crunch or Not to Crunch ...................................................... 11

Tip #7 Compound Exercises ................................................................... 12

Tip #8 Water – The essence of Life ....................................................... 13

Tip #9 Believe in yourself ........................................................................ 15

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Tip #1 Eat Enough, Not less:

I often wonder how so many people I come across that boast about not eating all day,

think that having ½ a chocolate block and avoid eating anything else nutritional or

starve for a few days with some crazy crash diet, think that in some way or for this is

doing them some justice!

I guess we have been programmed to believe that less is best:

We’re advertised to, we’re told by “supposed” professional” that the less you put into

your mouth, the more fat you will lose. We are even advised that cutting down to a

thousand calories or less will do the job.


Your body’s number one priority is to keep you alive and if you fail to give your body

enough food & nutrition each day, it won’t be long before your body shifts into

“starvation mode” as a defence mechanism which is a way of protecting it from lack of


I know that most of us have probably heard of starvation mode, but do you “really” fully

understand it?

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Once you begin to limit your food intake, especially if you are heavily restricting calories,

your body begins to send out hormonal signals to decrease your metabolism, preserve

body fat, and increase your appetite. Yep, starving your body does not decrease but

INCREASE! As you can imagine this is not the best scenario if you are trying to lose

body fat.

One of the major players in this whole chain of events is the hormone leptin which when

calories are heavily restricted the levels will nose-dive hence sending a signal to the

brain that you are not eating enough food. Once this happens, decreased metabolism,

stalled fat loss, increased appetite, and the rest, starts to occur as a chain reaction.

Now in saying all of that it does not mean you can eat everything in sight and keep on


The key to avoid this is to create a moderate caloric deficit through both diet and

exercise to have you losing fat at a consistent, steady rate and “not” at a quick severe


Never skip meals—ever—especially breakfast. However, be mindful of your choice of

food intake & that will take care of your calorie intake.

To reduce weight the recommended caloric deficit should be no more than 500 calories

below your current daily maintenance intake (current resting metabolic rate) and the

golden rule is to never go lower than the 1200 calorie/day mark.

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The human body is a wonderful working machine so if you feed it the correct number of

nutrients it will protect itself and while doing that be kind to itself.

Tip #2 Avoid the “Deadly Combination”

If you eat the right amount the less likely it is that your body will turn to its nasty

starvation defences however it is important to understand what combination you should


Generally, more calories = greater satiation and fullness which are the two things that

go a long way when it comes to sticking to a plan.

So how do you eat more without the fat gain?

You need to avoid one simple combination and that is …carbohydrates + fat.

When fat is ingested, a good amount of fat is released into the blood stream.

Carbohydrate digestion releases plenty of sugar into the blood, but it also causes the

pancreas to secrete large quantities of insulin. Insulin is also known as the storage

hormone whose function is to transport nutrients present in the blood, including fat, to

their respective storage sites.

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Simply put…

Carbohydrates + Fat = Insulin + Fat

Insulin + Fat = FAT STORAGE

Obviously, fat can be stored even without insulin, but excessive insulin resulting from

carbohydrate ingestion will make the fat storage easier. Start avoiding this combination

and you will see immediate results.

Some practical advice is to eat protein with every meal and choose to combine it with

either carbohydrates or fat, never both. Never, ever combine carbohydrates and fat in

the complete absence of protein (i.e. cookies, pastries, chips, bread & butter, pastas with

cream sauce, etc).

So, remember…Protein, protein, protein! (and proteins does not always mean animal


Now in saying all of that, if your diet consists of about 10% of carbohydrates + fat then

that is fine. It’s the people who do this 90% of the time that are at risk. As I always

preach…everything in moderation!!

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Tip #3 “Be Kind to Your Metabolism

Generally, most people I speak to skip breakfast, have a moderate size lunch and then

have most of their daily intake at dinner! The truth is that this should be exactly the


Why would you eat your largest meal when metabolism is at its lowest point at dinner

time and when it’s at its peak in the morning you eat like a sparrow or nothing at all?

The ideal eating plan is the opposite of that and breakfast should be your largest meal.

The “excuses” I hear come in many forms but the most common are; “I just can’t eat in

the morning” or “I feel sick if I have breakfast” or “I do not have time”! Could it be that

you have eaten way too much or too late the night before therefore you are still “full”

when you get up?

Why not start the day with a great breakfast or protein smoothie filled with lots of

nutritional goodies (which can be made the night before) and give your body that kick

start for the new day! If you are not a breakfast eater, then start off light and gradually

build on this until you have successfully reversed your eating habits. A large breakfast

WILL help kick start your metabolism and help burn even more calories throughout the

day. To successfully get this kick start, you should endeavour to have your breakfast at

least 30-60 minutes after waking.

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Research has shown that our bodies do work on a 24-hour clock system and our

metabolism is boosted by a good breakfast and then tapers off until it reaches its lowest

point in the evenings

So, my advice to you is to limit food and carbohydrate intake, at dinner time. An

example of a great dinner is: mixed greens, salad/vegies accompanying by a serve of


Tip #4 “Slow-Go” Workout vs High-Intensity

How many times have you seen someone at the gym on a treadmill or bike for 45

minutes at a super go-slow pace? The question here is; “what is the point of this”? Most

people think “it’s better than doing nothing”. I have seen those same people year after

year doing the same day after day and never getting any results!

The word “cardio” is very loosely used and generally when mentioned refers to

someone sitting on a machine or pumping it out in a fast-paced class! We were all lead

to believe that cardio was one of the fundamental keys to fat loss?” This is now proven

to be untrue. Slow-go, low-intensity, “fat-burning zone” cardio is unproductive,

inefficient and ineffective! Now, the right way to do cardio effectively is with short, high-

intensity intervals;

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Let me explain what this means;

If you are on a treadmill walking slow for an hour and your loss is about 200 calories

you could achieve the same loss and including more fat loss by high intensity interval

based training in about 1/3 of the time or even less depending on how hard you work!

Interval cardio triggers increase your heart rate and literally “melts” the fat and without

eating away your muscle tone. To keep burning more fat and calories you need lean

muscle and this is the way you do not affect that muscle loss.

Depending on how hard you work, you may burn a little bit less fat and calories

throughout the shorter high intensity workout however the work out will elevate your

metabolism and continue the fat burning process for up to 2 days! WOW…So how cool

is that!

Tip #5 More Muscle - More Fat Loss

The problem with most diets is that most people lose too much muscle.

As mentioned above, not eating enough will affect your metabolism and will cause

muscle loss. Your body will start feeding on your muscle tissue for energy and therefore

less muscle = less fat loss. Muscle increases your metabolic rate and burns 3 times as

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many calories than fat, so why would you risk losing your body's most efficient fat


To summarise, here are some of the reasons for muscle loss?

Inadequate calorie intake

Not eating enough food and calories is the equivalent of metabolic suicide!

Excessive slow-go cardio

Not only does regular “slow-go” cardio fail miserably at burning substantial body fat, it

also is a great way to eat away at calorie-burning muscle tissue as you try to lose fat.

No resistance training

To get “lean” muscle and more effective fat loss you will need to incorporate resistance


Not enough protein in your diet

If you want your fat loss made easier and that sexy lean body you will need to eat

protein with every meal!

Muscle tissue supports metabolism, makes fat loss easier, and ultimately leads to the

“lean” look you’re after.

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Tip #6 To Crunch or Not to Crunch

I’m going to be brutally frank about ab crunches as they are probably the biggest waste

of time. According to many specialists, crunches can be quite damaging to your neck

and lower back. So not only are you doing useless exercises for your abs when you do

crunches, but you’re also running the risk of neck and back damage!

The problem lies that if you try and tell people this they think you are MAD and think if

they are not doing crunches they are not doing any ab work.

I believe that functional exercises that involve the primary fitness movements can help

you achieve strength in your core so you can get toned abs. These are push, pull, squat,

dead lift, rotation and one legged movements.

Breathing correctly and engage your abs why sitting, standing and to support an

exercise is also the key to strong abs, however, the biggest factor in getting abs is fat


Lose the flab and you’ll see the abs.

Your abs are there! Hidden under all that fat your abs are there. The key to exposing

those abs is to burn off that stubborn layer of belly fat that's hiding them. Eat properly,

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workout the “right” way with a mix of circuit training, strength training, and interval

training to increase your metabolism and “burn baby burn” … the fat away!

Tip #7 Compound Exercises

To change the shape of your muscles, you need to stimulate as much muscle fibre as

possible. To get maximum results, lift more weight while performing compound

exercises instead of isolated exercises.

What are compound exercises?

Compound exercised are multi joint exercises that incorporate multi muscles. The more

muscle fibre you stimulate, the more energy is required and the more calories are

burned! The more muscles you involve during the exercise, the better.

If you want your muscles to change shape and lose more fat, then lift heavier while

performing compound exercises.

This means choosing a weight that is challenging for you and not choosing a weight

you cannot safely lift……. and then slowly progress and increasing this at your own pace.

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Tip #8 Water – The essence of Life

Although most of us take it for granted, water may be the only true “magic potion” for

good health and weight loss.

Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.

Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase,

while an increase in water intake can reduce fat deposits.

Here’s why……

The kidneys can’t function properly without enough water. When they don’t work to

capacity, some of their load is dumped on to the liver.

One of the liver’s primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the

body. But, if the liver must do some of the kidney’s work, it can’t operate at its full

capacity therefore metabolizing less fat and allowing more fat storage in the body

causing weight loss to stop.

There are so many more reasons why water is the essence of life!

Drinking enough water is the best treatment for fluid retention. The best way to

overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs – and

that’s plenty of water. Only then will stored water be released from your system.

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Larger people have larger metabolic loads. Since we know that water is the key to fat

metabolism, it a given that the overweight person needs more water

Water helps to maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles their natural ability to

contract and by preventing dehydration. It also helps to prevent the sagging of skin that

usually follows weight loss – shrinking cells are boosted by water, which plumps the skin

and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient.

Adequate water helps flush out body waste so the body will not function properly

without enough water and can’t metabolize stored fat efficiently.

How much water is enough? On the average, a person should drink eight large glasses

every day which is close to 2 litres, however, the bigger person needs one additional

glass for every 9 kilos of excess weight. You should also increase if you exercise or if the

weather is hot, humid or the climate is dry.

Water should be preferably cold – it’s absorbed into the system more quickly than warm

water. Some evidence suggests that drinking cold water can help stimulate the

metabolism and burn calories. In saying that if you eat and drink water at the same time

it’s better to have it warm as it helps with digestion.

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When the body gets the water needed to function optimally, its fluids are perfectly

balanced. When this happens you have reached the “breakthrough point” which


Endocrine gland function improvement

Fluid retention is alleviated

More fat is used as fuel

The kidneys do their job and the liver is free to metabolize stored fat

Natural thirst returns

Loss of hunger

If you stop drinking enough water your body fluids will be thrown out of balance again,

and you may experience fluid retention, unexplained weight gain and loss of thirst.

To remedy the situation, you must go back and force another “breakthrough” by

drinking more water!

Tip #9 Believe in yourself

Sometimes we are surrounded by negativity with the people around us placing limits on

what we can accomplish, achieve, or be.

You may be someone who has always struggled with your body, and maybe even your

family has a long history of obesity. Whatever it is……

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You don’t have to buy into that!

I have often heard comments like….” I know I am going the get high blood pressure

because my mother has it” …..etc etc.

So many people believe that what their parents/relatives have will have an effect on

them to the point that they bring onto themselves their families lifestyle related diseases.

Admittedly your genetics do place a role on you but I urge you to “break the mould”!

And you can do this! Remove limitations! Those limitations others have tried to place

on you and most importantly, those that you’ve placed on yourself.

Know you can change things and work harder to get the best possible


One of the keys to any success is moderate changes that you can maintain and fit into

your lifestyle until they become habit.

To learn more and get the full benefits of a program that will help you make a

difference to your health & lifestyle, call or email me.

Work one on one with me or join our personalised 9 Week Fat Buster Challenge

Success to you

Zazeh xx